Gay Erotic Stories

Model 3

by Donnie Bellew
03 Mar 2001

Art Form

“Donnie? I don’t how in hell you talked me into this!” “I didn’t talk you into shit! I offered you fifty bucks and you jumped!” “Right now I’d rather jump off a cliff!” “Hey, Brad! It’s okay! Just relax, it ain’t gonna hurt or nothing.” I told him, “Sit down, stop pacing!” “I’m nervous as a cat. I don’t know if I can do this, man. Shit! You sure nobody is gonna see the pictures?” “The only place they’re gonna be published is on a gay web site with about a thousand other pictures of naked men. Do you know anybody in this town who’d admit they look at naked men? They wouldn’t recognize you; anyway, they’ll think the guy just looks like you. Who would believe you posed naked, huh?” “Shit! I still don’t believe it ... still nervous about it. Okay, just give me something to drink! You got a beer?” “We’ll start slow, get you used to the idea. Lean back and unbutton your shirt, leave it tucked in, just relax.” “Like this? You want it spread open?” “Yeah, a little bit. Damn! You got a hairy chest, don’t you?” “Looks like a fucking bear, right? I don’t take off my shirt much, ain’t got hardly no tan.” He leaned back on the couch and crossed his arms, made a big phony smile at the camera. “That’s good, but don’t smile. Give me a scowl, like you don’t really like me looking at you.” “That’s easy! Hell, I don’t like you looking at me!” He laughed. “Well, show it! Give me a dangerous look, like you might kick my ass...yeah, that’s it!” I snapped off a couple of exposures on the Poloroid. The first flash made him grimace so I snapped another one quick, to catch the expression. “Here, hold these while they develop and I’ll get another round of beer.” “Are they comming up?” I handed him a fresh beer. “Thanks. Yeah, this one looks pretty cool, huh?” “It does!” He liked the one with his eyes pulled tight, almost shut, the second one. It looked menacing. “Makes you look mean as hell! The light is kind of dim, I’ll open up some and move in closer.” He took a big pull from his can and set it aside, “How you want me?” He was relaxing a little. “Okay, shirt open wide, show off some of that furry chest.” He grinned but pulled his shirt open beyond his brown nipples. “Like this?” “Yeah, now one arm raised overhead, hand in your hair, face tilted down but eyes up at the camera ... looking good, look mean... chin lower ...hold it.” I snapped. “Come forward, lean your elbows on your knees, arms crossed ... let me...”, I tilted his face at three quarters away, he didn’t pull back from my hand on his face. “Good. Now eyes back to me, sharp look, pull your brows down.. Hold it.” I backed off, pulled the exposures out of the camera while he grinned. “I never had nobody take a real picture of me, you know, without being part of a crowd on Christmas or something. Not since school pictures, anyway.” His vanity was stirring. Good. I needed that. “You’re gonna like these, I think. I’ll give you copies of some of the better ones, the ones with clothes on, okay? Your girlfriend might like one to keep on her bedside table.” “Shit. I ain’t got no girlfriend right now. You know I got divorced last month?” “No. I didn’t know that. Okay, take off the shirt, now. My divorce got pretty ugly, I hope you guys are staying friendly.” He peeled off the plaid flannel as he talked. “Not too damn friendly! She’s living with this guy she works with. She moved out one weekend and I got the papers in the mail the next week, so I know she was planning it a long time. I didn’t have a clue, man!” “Gee! You must have known something was wrong, right?” “Well, not really. We never got along too good but I thought it would get better after a while, I figured it was gonna work out. Shit, I never even knew she was looking around.” “Women are like that, they don’t always let you know what they’re thinking. They keep a lot to themselves.” He tossed his shirt to the floor, “Damn right! I never knew what the hell she was thinking! Women seem like a puzzle I never figured out. Fuck it. Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em, you know?” “Well, That’s why God invented jerking off”, I told him, “to get you through the dry spells!” He laughed. “Stand up, now ... back towards the window. Keep the cigarette in your mouth, one hand at your belt ... yeah. The other hand at your chest...”, I reached out and spread his fingers, “Just stroking the hair on your belly. You got great arms, man! Tense up and flex your muscles, right! Pump ‘em up. Good.” I looked through the camera. “Turn towards the light a little.” I pushed his shoulder gently. “Damn, your shoulder feels like a rock! You work out with weights?” “Nawh, get enough exercise on the job. You lift a few squares of roofing you don’t feel like playing with no dumb bells.” “I heard that! Don’t need to with your body!” That made him grin, pleased. “I’ve seen gym rats that don’t have your definition.” “Well, I lost some weight lately, the divorce and all. I was building up a pretty good beer belly but it’s all gone, now. Bet I lost fifteen pounds in the last few weeks.” “Maybe she did you a favor! The way you look, now, women will be all over you!” He laughed. “Fat chance! Girls look at me and run! I guess I’m too rough or something. You think they like the big muscles but they always go after some skinny little guy with a fat bank account.” “Aw, you’re talking about girls! I’m talking about women. Big difference. Girls are looking for proper husbands, but women are just out looking for a good time. You need to forget about the little girls and look around for women about forty or so. They aren’t too old for you!” “No shit! I always like older women. Up around forty is fine by me! I have better luck with older women, you’re right.” “Turn your face to the window, squint at the light, chin down ... hold it.” “Let’s get a little sexy, now. Open your belt, and your top button. Let the fly hang open about half way. Hey! Red bikinis? You surprise me! I figured you for the white jockey type.” He looked a little embarrassed, “Right. I usually am. I wore these just for today, thought you might want some pictures in ‘em. I don’t hardly ever wear them.” “They’re great! Very sexy. Open your fly some more, let the red show. Put a hand down here ...”, he let me pose his hand cupping his balls, “Lift up and make the bulge look big. Very good! Other hand at your hip, higher. Hold there, look at the camera. Good.” Snap. Snap. “Eyes down, look at your crotch”, snap. “Open the fly wider, drop the zipper more. Hand inside the pants, move it to the side, let me see that bulge.” “Not much of a bulge! You want me to put a sock down there or something?” “You kidding? Hell, no! Looks plenty big to me!”, snap. “I ain’t never been big down there. You gonna be disappointed. All the gay pictures I ever seen the guys got huge tools! That’s one reason I didn’t want to do this, I was afraid you’d laugh at me.” “Shit, man! Not everybody’s into size! Besides, other guys always look bigger, it’s like the grass is always greener, you know? Don’t sweat it. I can tell you right now I’ve shot guys with smaller tools than you. Being sexy is about passion and about exposing your vulnerability. Some of the guys with big dicks are total losers, can’t even get it up! Ever seen an old movie of John Holmes? He was famous for his huge dick, but it never got half hard, wasn’t worth the price of the film! That stuff is more like a circus side show, not really sexy.” “Well, I always wished I had a big one, anyway. Ever since I was a kid. My big brother? He had a monster! He was always walking around naked, showing off. I wouldn’t never let him see me naked because I was ashamed of my little dick!” “Hell, he probably just grew up before you did. I bet you’re the same size as him, now. You just still making that comparison between you as a kid and him as a teenager.” “Well, I growed up some since then, true. But he was like a foot long hard, I ain’t kidding!” “You saw him hard?” “Yeah. We had bunk beds and when I heard him jerking off I’d peep down over the end of the bunk and watch him.” He laughed. “Jesus! Don’t tell an old queer things like that! You gonna give me a heart attack!” He laughed, again. “He’d use both hands, like this”, he put one fist on top of the other and mimed beating off, “Son of a bitch was sticking out the end, too!” “Well, give me the full picture! Don’t tease me! Was he cut or uncut? Did he shoot off high? Did he know you were watching?” He was laughing out loud, “Really gets you going, don’t it? I don’t think he knew I was watching, maybe. And he always rolled over and shot off in the sheets. I guess so’s he didn’t shoot all over the place. I always did it in the shower so I wouldn’t have to clean it up, you know? I hated it on my bed, shit! The worst was to wake up from a wet dream and have it all in my shorts, or wake up next day with my shorts stuck to my belly!” I laughed with him, surprised at his easy way with the subject. “Thanks. Most guys deny they ever did it, nice to hear some honest jokes about it. You aren’t as shy as I thought you were.” “Shit! Everybody’s done it. Ain’t no use lying about it... and it’s hard to be shy when I’m standing here with my fly wide open!” “True, even the most uptight guys get looser when they take off their clothes. I think getting naked is like relaxation therapy, just let it all hang out, huh?” “Shit, I guess so!” he suddenly dropped his pants down around his knees and thrust his pelvis forward, “I’m starting to like this shit!” We laughed but I snapped away while he grinned then put on his scowl like a daring hustler. “Man, that’s no small bulge in there! That’s a fully respectable tool. Put your hands on either side, make it stand out. Turn a little to the light, hold it.” He took the sensuous pose naturally, like a professional tease. He thrust his hips out and pulled the thin nylon tight over the narrow ridge pointing straight up. He was still soft, but thickened, warming up. Snap, snap. “I have to put in more film. Go ahead and get your jeans off, you can sit down again, lay back on the couch.” He finished off his beer as he lay back and stretched, his legs splayed wide. “I’m going to shoot a close-up between your legs, move this knee out wider.” I pushed his legs further apart and knelt between them. “Reach inside and put your dick over sideways. Let’s get the wrinkles out of the way.” I tugged at the leg of his shorts and smoothed away the wrinkles of red nylon... shifted his elastic waistband a little and then lightly stroked the prominent shaft. “Nice.” “If you keep touching me, it’s gonna get hard. I can feel it already. You want it hard?” He stroked it as I had, gently along the shaft. “Yeah, let’s get it real hard and sexy!” I stroked it a bit rougher and felt it throb under my hand. The nylon swelled with moist heat. His balls were pressed tight into the crevasse of his ass. “Damn! Hard to keep my mind on the camera when I see something like that. Wow!” “It’s not too little? You think it looks okay?” He still had doubts. “Man, grab some reality, would you?”, I ran my fingers along the shaft, firmly, “Must be what? About seven or eight inches? It’s way bigger than average and you damn well know it!” “I don’t know, it still looks little to me. Like, would you want it? If you seen a picture or something, would you ... Hell, I don’t even know what you like to do. You like to fuck guys or what?” At least he was curious, thinking about what we might do. “I’ll fuck a guy if he wants it, or just fool around. Don’t matter as long as we both get off, you know? Just try to have some fun with it. Sure, I’d want it. It’s a great looking dick. I’d suck it in a heartbeat!” He laughed, sort of nervous, “You’d really do that? Suck me off? I never, you know, never knew if you wanted to or what.” I leaned over and kissed the hot nylon covered dick, he put his hand on my head and tried to hold me down there. “Woah, tiger! Hold on. I meant I would if we was having sex together. Let’s just get some more pictures, okay?” “Oh, now you teasing me, huh?” He grinned and rubbed at his dick, “You don’t really want to suck it?” He pulled down his shorts and let it poke out, almost red as the briefs, swollen and ridged with thick veins. “Come on, now kiss it naked.” “Mmm, that’s a hard offer to turn down! I want a picture of that monster. Hold it up, yeah, like that ...” Snap, snap. I pulled back from between his knees. “Now pull off the shorts.” I used one hand to help him. He lifted his ass and I tugged them down over his knees, let them fall to his ankles. God, he was hairy! Like a nest around his dick, thick and dark brown. “It smells wonderful. The best perfume in the world!” “You like the smell? I think it smells like a locker room, musty as hell!” “So? I kind of like locker rooms!”, I laughed. “I think they’re sexy!” “Yeah”, he laughed, too. “You would!” He stroked his big dick and pushed his hips up to his fist. “At least touch me some more, put your hand on it. Here, grab it!” I wrapped my fist around him, where his hand had been, pumped the hot cock. He closed his eyes and moaned. “That feels good, man! Harder. Make me cum!” “Slow down, dude. We here to make pictures, right? Just like a man! You get a hard-on and you want to get a nut quick as possible!” He laughed, “What’s wrong with that? That’s what sex is about, right? Getting a nut?” I snapped a couple more pictures with my close-up lens, and then took it off. “Sometimes sex is about feeling pleasure and making it last a long time, not about rushing to the finish. Put your legs up on the couch, lay back and close your eyes. Let your hands slide over your chest, slow.. Just enjoy the mood, ride it.” “You sound like my wife. She always complained I went too fast. I can’t help it. I get hot and I wanna shoot off. That’s natural, right? Ain’t nothing wrong with that.” “Well, yeah! There is something wrong with that! Guys like that are not really comfortable with sex, they feel out of control when they get turned on so they want it over with as fast as possible. Lift your right knee, roll over towards me some. Hands inside your thighs, rub the skin, nice. You got it.” Snap. “Do you like the feeling of being turned on? Do you like the way you feel right now?” “Yeah, I feel pretty good! But I need to get some satisfaction, you know? What if I lose it? What if I go soft? I think I want to hurry up before it goes away, right?” “It ain’t gonna go away! This feeling can go on an hour if you make it last. You remember making out with a girl? You remember kissing and feeling around in the back seat and staying hard so long it starts to ache?” “Hell yeah, I remember! One girl, we used to go to the drive-in and she kept me hard all through the movie, sometimes a double feature. I swear, she got her nut a dozen times and wouldn’t let me come once! It was torture! One time she got me so hot I came in my pants without even touching it!” “Now that’s SEX! That’s terrific, a two-hour session of short breath and sweaty palms! Man, it sounds wonderful! I bet you remember that as the hottest sex you ever had!” “I’ll have to admit, I still think about her when I jerk off. Funny, but when I jerk off I try to make it last a long time. Just when I’m with a woman I try to get that nut fast as I can, before she changes her mind, you know? Shit, look at this, I’m losing my boner right now!” “Don’t sweat it. Just cause you’re thinking about frustration, that’s all. You’re wet, do you always leak when you get hard? I do. I drip like a leaky faucet! Look at my pants!” “Damn, man! Looks like you done come in your pants! Guess you was getting hot, too, huh?” He grinned at me. “Sure! You laying there naked, squirming around waving that big dick? How I’m gonna stay cool, huh?” I rubbed at my aching dick, squeezed my pants around it so he could see the hard shape. “Shit! You want to beat off, go ahead, man. I don’t care. I’d watch you. Let me take a few pictures of you, huh?” He was suddenly hard again. He stroked the renewed shaft, slowly, unashamed. “You’d take a picture of me? I’d like that, yeah! Do it.” I handed him the camera. He stood up, took over the situation happily. He seemed more at ease directing the action. “Pull it out, man. Come on! Just drop your jeans. Your shorts, too. Sit on the couch and lean back. Where’s the button? This one?” He got down on his knees in front of me. “Stroke it, man. Whip it good!” Snap. Flash. “Get your knees up high, yeah, let’s see some ass hole!” Snap. “Yeah, that’s hot! Shit. It’s bigger than mine, dude. Use two hands, yeah. You big as my brother, man!” Snap. Flash. “Ease your hands back, just use your fingers so I can see your cock. It’s dripping wet! That looks hot the way it drips down, wet and shiny! Never seen anybody leak like that. Looks like you’re ready to pop!” “Hell, I am! Your dick is sticking straight up and pointing at me, like it wants to get sucked. Let me suck it while I jerk off. Fuck the pictures! Come here!” “Alright!! That’s what I’m talking about! That’s more like it!” He stepped up between my legs and I leaned forward. He grabbed my head and pushed his cock at my mouth. His knees were right up against my dick and I let it slide against his hairy legs. He didn’t back off. I sucked him in deep and wet and he pumped against me, running his hands down my neck and over my shoulders. He pulled at my tee shirt. “Wait, get this off, okay?” I paused long enough to lift my shirt; he pulled it over my head and pushed back to my face. I grabbed his ass and held him in my open palms, kneading the soft flesh, pushing my fingers deep into his hot, hairy cleft. He pitched forward, hard. “Jesus! That scares me, Donnie. Don’t even think about fucking me, okay?” “Okay, no sweat. It’s just my finger, not a dick, alright?” But he was shoving his dick back in my mouth, not wanting me to stop the suction! His hands went down over my back, swept around to my chest, found my nipples, slid down my ribs. He leaned down, his hands brushed the outsides of my thighs then slid across my belly and back up my chest. For a minute I thought he was going for my dick and I felt a thrill run up my spine. But he chickened out, went back to my shoulders. I pushed him back. “Hey, I can’t breath with that monster down my throat, okay? Slow down!” He flopped down beside me on the couch and took his dick in his own hands. “I’m just about to come, man. Don’t stop now!” I swiveled around and lay across his legs, facing him, pulled my legs up on the couch. I kissed the bottom of his dick and he sucked in a harsh breath, pushed it down to my lips. He scooted forward with his hips, lay back and shoved up, spread his legs. “Suck it, Donnie. Make me shoot!” I was in position where he could reach me if he wanted to, my dick was right there at his elbow. I took over his dick, wrapped my fist around it and pumped. He closed his eyes and squeezed his face up tight, clenched his teeth. His palm slid over my back, down to my waist and he squeezed at my ass, encouraging me on in heat. I slipped my mouth over his wide head and wet him with warm saliva, slow sucked the tender flesh. He moaned. His hand came over my hip to bump against my cock then moved up to my belly, a finger trailed over my navel, teased at my bush. I pushed down on his cock deep and he lifted against me, gasping. I grabbed his hand and shoved it down to my dick. He clutched it and pumped. I gave him the deep and long thrusts into my throat I knew would push him over the edge and he squeezed my dick and pumped harder. Then his hand stopped as he began a pulsing along the bottom of his cock and his warm juice spurted into my mouth. I locked my lips tight so no drop escaped and I sucked it all in, milking the last drops, nectar of the gods. “Woosh!” He grinned down at my face, then looked over at his hand full of my cock and renewed the pumping strokes. He intended to finish me off. Nice. I fumbled around and found my discarded tee shirt, shoved it down under his arm. He used both hands to spread it under my dick but didn’t wrap it over the end as I thought he might. He stroked my bare flesh... and he watched the phenomenon. I watched his face. “Oh yeah, getting it...”, I turned more on my back, pushing up to him. He stroked me with a fierce rhythm, demanding. He lifted my cock high, pumping faster, his face intent. When I shot off he laughed, satisfied to have accomplished the magic goal. I spilled over my belly, squirted a stream of white beads up to my chest. He squeezed and stroked upwards, pushing the last drops out to spill down onto his fist. He kept surprising me. I liked that. His eyes met mine with a slight embarrassment. A flush crept up his cheeks. “Guess I got into it, huh? Maybe I’m part gay?” “Shit! Don’t even start that. If I fuck a girl it don’t make me straight so why you think you get gay over one jerk off session?” He laughed. “Maybe I could go both ways, huh?” “So? Most people can. You know, if they’re not too uptight to give it a try. I figure bi is more natural than totally straight or totally gay. Sex is fun, don’t much matter who you do it with. Don’t think you gonna suddenly start chasing after dick and beg to get fucked. We just messed around, we didn’t make love or anything, you know? I hate it when straight men get a gay crisis!” He laughed, again. “No crisis, I promise. But it does change me, you know? I never thought I would do that stuff, thought it was weird and freaky. I gotta think about it, right?” “When I offered to pay you for posing naked, you didn’t think it might turn into sex?” I was curious. He pulled up my tee shirt and began drying off my belly, mopping up my jism. “I thought about it. I wasn’t sure if you wanted it, maybe you just liked pictures; maybe you didn’t really do anything else. What do I know about it, huh? To tell you the truth, I didn’t think I would really get hard with you watching, I thought I was too nervous about it. But... well, it’s not the first time I had a guy give me a blow job, okay?” “Aw. I thought I was in virgin territory!” I laughed. “Back when I was in high school, I let this guy suck me off for five bucks. He picked me up, bought me drinks, got me pretty drunk. An older guy, about your age, I guess. So, yeah, I guess I was thinking it might happen, I wasn’t afraid of it or nothing. Did you expect me to ... to have sex with you?” “Well, yeah. I had you pegged as available, I guess. I knew you were straight, but I hoped you were flexible about it. I knew you saw me looking at your dick and you didn’t mind. I can tell when a guy gets defensive about it. I don’t know, you sort of flirted with me, joked about it and stuff. I never thought you were a boy scout or anything. And you let me know right away you needed money, that’s always a clue!” “I do need the money, but I like you, too. I wouldn’t do it with just anybody for the money, right? I ain’t that desperate.” “No, you’re not a hustler, I could see that. I wasn’t sure you’d even show up, I knew you was a little nervous about it. Glad you did, though.” “Me, too. This is nice. Even this part, just sitting here talking. I ain’t got no real close friends, Donnie. I like being at ease with you, just being myself, not worrying about if you like me or not, you know? I guess I noticed that right off, like I’d been knowing you for a long time or something. You’re real laid back and easy going, not trying to get up on everybody, not pushing and shoving.” “Thanks, I feel good with you, too. It is like we been friends a long time. I know what you mean. Hey, are you getting hungry? I could use some food! Have you been out to that new steak house on 75?” “Hell, I just fed you, man! That wasn’t enough?” He laughed and hugged me. “An appetizer, that’s all! I had a hot dog and now I want more ... you gonna give me seconds?” “Maybe, if you let me hang around. Can we come back here after we eat? We could talk some more, huh? Maybe you could tell me the difference between sex and making love?” “You got a deal if you tell me more about the older guy and what you two did together? Huh?” “Okay. And maybe I got another surprise or two for you.” “Mmm, I like surprises.”


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Blow Out the Candle

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Hey, tell me something. That cop that arrested you, did he get it up? You know, did he get a bone?” I thought Butch was asleep. He’d been lying on the upper bunk for an hour while I read. “Hell yeah”, I answered, “he was real turned on. Dripping wet and ready, the son of a bitch!” Butch laughed, a deep and slow rumble in his chest. Then I watched the bottom of his mattress shift

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“Go ahead, I don’t think it matters, long as you don’t touch it.” He spread his legs wide and I hefted his balls as they hung in the crotch. They were hot and damp, but heavy with a thick gnarled twist of backed up jism. “Mmm, squeeze ‘em easy”, he muttered. I cupped them and rolled them inside their thin sac, then closed my hand around their soft resistance and tugged gently.

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Model 3

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The long hot days of boredom spent inside thick masonry walls felt too much like a Texas state prison. Our three day delay turned into a week, then ten days. Some Mexican provincial judge was holding up our construction permit, the company wasn’t willing to meet his bribe demands, I guess. Anyway, we were four gringos stuck in this coastal town that never heard of air conditioning and

The Geometry of Night

You know how it is when you’re so fucking tired and your muscles are aching and you lay down but you been fighting sleep so long you can’t really let go. Late summer and they was working us till dark, trying to get caught up on the lagging schedule. I must have lifted a ton of cement blocks since daylight and I could feel the weight of every damn one of ‘em. Too hot to sleep and

Turning Pink, Part 1

I guess after mom died, my sister took over the role of chief family busy body. Don’t get me wrong, I love Angela. She just wants to take care of everybody and she don’t always realize it don’t help to do stuff for me, you know? I like taking care of myself. So when she kept telling me I needed somebody to stay with me while I was laid up with the leg cast, I kept saying no way. I

Turning Pink, Part 2

We talked a while. It wasn’t a radio. He had a little tape player, the kind you usually have headphones for, but his had a tiny speaker so the music sounded far away and soft. He liked music, knew all the country western singers. By ten he was yawning. We lived on different time zones. I was waking up and he was falling asleep. He finally gave it up, took a shower and came out in a

Unzipped Letters

Hey Mad Mitch! How’s it going, man? Sorry to hear about your wreck. I phoned my folks last night and they told me. Said the Camero is totaled! Shit, I know that’s hell. Just so glad to hear you’re alive and kicking! You lucky SOB. Be careful, will ya? Guess you’ll have to slow down with both legs broke!!! Brutal, man! Rest up, get well soon! Take it easy Bud, Joel (Lobo Joe)


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