Gay Erotic Stories

Keanu, Part 1

by Willie
06 Jul 1999

Celebrity Fantasy

DISCLAIMER: Unfortunately, there is not an ounce of truth to this fictional account, but a man can dream, can't he? What is it they say: Fairy tales can come true - they can happen to YOU - if you're young at heart! I found myself sitting in a coffee shop at one of the Las Vegas casinos late one night. This, in itself, was not all that unusual. You can get some really good food at a great price, as anyone who has ever been to Vegas knows. One of the many great things about living here is that on a night like this when you just can't sleep; places like this are always open. Since I moved here a couple months ago, I had averaged coming here at least once a week, but always with my best friend and roommate, who had gone to bed early tonight. Shortly after I had settled into the booth and given the server my order I noticed a young man sitting at a table across and about three tables down the aisle. He was a little scruffy looking, but not at all in an unattractive way. He looked like the type of man who couldn't be unattractive if he really tried. He had dark hair that was probably very nicely cut if it was combed out, but right now it was terribly mussed up, and it looked like he hadn't shaved for a day or two. He reminded me of one of those sweet faced young men who never grow a beard but always like to avoid being clean shaven to make themselves look older or maybe even a little of the "bad boy" look. He was wearing glasses that were not what I would call dark, but definitely tinted enough to hide his eyes, but I liked the look of his bushy dark brows, which arched above the top of his glasses. There was no doubt he was one very hot man, the kind of man I often fantasized about. As I sat there waiting for my food to arrive, I kept stealing glances at him as he finished his meal. I am what many people would call painfully shy, and I would quickly look away every time he would turn my way, afraid of making eye contact. I probably would have never had the nerve to openly cruise a gorgeous young hunk like him, even in an openly gay establishment, but in a place like this, with a man who gave no indication that he might be gay, definitely not in my character. Still, I kept being drawn back to his handsome face and could get over the feeling that I had seen him somewhere before, other than in my dreams I mean. I wanted to get a look at the eyes that were hidden beneath those tinted lenses. For me, a man's eyes are very important. They can be a window to his should as well as simple a source of physical attraction. I was looking his way again when he removed the glasses as he turned in my direction, and I was caught red-handed. Not only was I unable to avoid making eye contact, I think my chin must have bounced off the table as I recognized him and my jaw dropped. My order arrived, and I tried to concentrate on the food in front of me, in an effort to not keep staring. I saw him leave a tip and rise from the table where he had been sitting. He would have to walk down the aisle and pass right by me in order to exit the coffee shop. I was excited about the opportunity to get a quick look at the rest of him as he sauntered past my table, but I was determined to be as discreet as possible about it and glance out the side of my eye as he walked past. I was startled beyond belief when just as he drew even with my booth, he dropped his sexy frame onto the bench directly across the table from me, and with a smile, helped himself to one of my fries. "Hi there", he said. "Hello . . . umm . . . Mr. R . . .". "Call me Keanu", he urged, "I saw you looking and kept wondering when you were going to come over and say something, ask for my autograph, anything". "I'm sorry Keanu", I blushed, "I didn't mean to be rude, by the way, my name is Willie". "Not at all", he assured me, "you left me to eat my little snack in peace, which is more than I can say for most people who recognize me in public". "Actually, the reason I came out here to this casino so far from the strip and the reason for my appearance, was an attempt to go unrecognized. It's not bad being recognized so long as people were more like you and didn't force themselves on me when I may need a little space." "Well . . . umm . . . actually Mr. . . . Keanu . . . I didn't really recognize you until just a moment ago when you removed your glasses", I stammered. "Oh? I thought I noticed you checking me out long before that", he said as he looked straight into my eyes. I didn't know what to say, so I decided to try the truth. "Well, you see Keanu . . . I am so sorry . . . I never meant to be rude, and I hope you are not offended . . . but . . .". "Yes? Keanu asked, as he raised his eyebrow at me. "Well you see . . . I am gay", I whispered. "Are you telling me that you were watching me because you were attracted to me, before you recognized who I was?" "Yes, I'm afraid so". "But even after you realized who I was, you made no move to approach me?" "I am kind of shy, and I'd have never had the nerve to make a pass at you before I realized you were a celebrity, and if anything, I felt even more obliged to respect your privacy once I realized who you were", I explained. "That is so unlike most people", he exclaimed, "and I find that very attractive", he said, as he helped himself to another French fry and rubbed his foot up the inside of my leg. "Attractive?" I nearly blurted out too loudly, and in complete shock. "You have heard that I am gay, haven't you?" he asked, "I thought everyone had heard that rumor!" "Well, Keanu, I believe that maybe 25% of what you hear about celebrities may be true", I assured him. Well, Willie, in this case it is half-true, I am bi-sexual, actually." he replied rather matter-of-factly. Keanu started looking around the coffee shop. "I'd like to talk with you more, Willie, maybe buy you a drink, but this place is started to get a bit more crowded, and I am really not in the mood to attract a lot of attention tonight" he explained as he donned his glasses again. "That's alright, Keanu, I understand", I assured him. "No Willie, I don't think you do", he smiled, "you never know when a reporter or even worse, a photographer is going to show up, but I have a fully stocked bar in my suite if you'd like to continue this discussion." "I'd like that", I said. "Good! You'll need this," he said as he passed me one of those magnetized electronic key cards and gave me the number of his Suite and the name of the Casino he was staying at. The key card would be necessary for me to get passed security to reach the elevators that accessed the guestrooms in most of the casino/hotels in Vegas. "Enjoy the rest of your meal, and meet me at my suite when you are finished" Keanu urged. I barely touched the rest of my food, but I allowed a little time to pass so that I could be very discreet in following Keanu to his hotel. Despite having a key to the room, I knocked lightly on the door when I arrived at his place. He opened the door and led me into a really nice suite of rooms. We sat and talked for quite a while, Keanu on the sofa, and me in a chair. He seemed to really enjoy the opportunity to talk to someone outside show business, what he referred to as "real people". We touched on many topics as we talked into the wee hours of the morning, and as the subject turned to sex, specifically the difficulties involved with celebrity sometimes getting in the way of sexuality, and the rumors about him being gay which he felt were a threat to his career. I noticed that Keanu's cock was filling out and stretching further down the left leg of his jeans. Once or twice I noticed him touching it lightly as he talked. "Willie, I trust you", he suddenly said, as he got off the couch, "I trust you and I like you - and it appears you like me too" he smiled, as he walked over and stretched himself out on his king size bed. "Come here, Willie?" he almost pleaded. I went to him, and I stretched out next to him on that big bed. I lay beside him with my head resting on his chest as I lightly stroked his cock through the rough denim covering his long legs. I could feel his cock throbbing beneath my touch, growing hard as steel as his breathing grew more shallow and he turned my face to his and kissed me long and hard. "Willie, It's been so long since I have taken the time to be with anyone like this, and your tender touch is driving me mad with desire. Make love to me?" I kissed him again and then moved to place my head lower on his body. I located where the head of his cock lay throbbing beneath his tight jeans and took it in my mouth. Keanu moaned and arched his back off the bed as I took his cock between my teeth and gently chewed on his bone. When I pulled Keanu's polo shirt up over his head to reveal his magnificent, hairless torso, I was pleasantly surprised. Always a hot fantasy man of mine, Keanu was obviously one of those who were growing even better with age. His shoulders were broader, with lats that gave him a sexy "v-shaped" body and a well defined six pack that I had never seen in any of the pictures I had seen of him, shirtless before. Besides a little hair in Keanu's arm pits the only hair on his lean, muscular frame, were a couple individual strands between his squared pecs and a delightfully thin treasure trail that started just below his navel and disappeared beneath the waistband of his jeans. I proceeded to undo the buttons of his 501's, and Keanu raised his narrow hips off the bed to allow me to remove his jeans entirely. There he lay, with his cock tenting the front of his light blue boxers. I prefer briefs on a man myself, but figured, what the hell, he wasn't going to be wearing them long anyway. Spreading his legs wide, I dove between them and took his blue cotton covered balls into my hot mouth. I slowly exhaled long and slow onto Keanu's balls, which were still encased in his boxer shorts, and as the warm, moist sensation radiated outward to encompass his entire crotch, his cock started to throb madly again. I started working the shaft from the base of his balls to the tip of his cock and this had Keanu writhing from side to side and murmuring softly. When I reached the tip of his cock I kissed it through the confining cotton material and then, grabbing the waistband of his shorts pulled them down his long legs. Keanu's cock sprang free and slapped fiercely against his hard abs. Keanu's cock was as beautiful as the rest of him, much better than any you might have seen in those phony Celebrity nude pics circulating on the Internet. It was long and not too thick. I was mesmerized by the sexy way it curved sharply upward. His cock must have measured a full 8 inches, maybe 8 ¼, and his cock head came to a point like the tip of a Centurion's spear, and the glans flared outward a great deal. Keanu's cock had one of those piss/cum slits that was fairly long and was surrounded by a bright red color as a steady stream of precum oozed from his delicious looking cock. Once again, Keanu arched his back off the bed and sharply took in a deep breath as my tongue scooped up the sweet lube that had begun to flow from his highly charged dick. It was obvious that this young man really needed to unload, and I was bound and determined to be his Good Samaritan. I took the top part of his cock in my hands and rubbed the underside of his cock head with my thumb, rubbing his precum all around his cock head as I took his hairless balls into my mouth and began to suck them gently. Keanu moaned softly, letting me know that he was enjoying my special attentions to his sexy body. When he spread his legs even wider and placed his legs over my shoulders to raise his ass higher of the bed, I took the hint. I dove into his ass with my hot tongue, probing as deeply as I could. He was very tight, but obviously enjoying the rim job, as he wiggled his cute little ass trying to get more of my invading tongue up his ass. I was really getting into Keanu's tight ass when I noticed the intensity of his moaning grow more urgent and detected a tightening in his balls. Keanu grabbed his long cock and started to stroke it fervently, and I knew he was going to blow his load any minute. His asshole seemed to slam shut as I withdrew my tongue and quickly seized his cock with my mouth. I was only able to take two or three full strokes up and down the length of his wildly throbbing cock when he arched his back so forcefully that he almost threw me off his cock. Maybe it was the way I hooked my tongue on the underside of his widely flared glans that sent him over the edge. I held on for all I was worth and Keanu became quite vocal and very loud as his balls started to unload and he fed me one of the biggest loads I have ever seen a man produce. He thrust his cock in and out of my sucking mouth as he shot six or seven big jets of cum for me before collapsing back onto the bed. I kept Keanu's cock in my mouth as it slowly softened. His cock head was apparently extremely sensitive following his mighty eruption, as each pass of my tongue over his sensitive head and swipe of his cum slit made him shiver with a mixture of agony and ecstasy, and the little whimpering sounds he made were the cutest thing you ever heard. Reluctantly, I released his spent cock and kissed him deeply as he took me in his arms and held me tightly. That was not the end of my evening with Keanu. If you would like to hear what we did to welcome the sunrise that morning, let me know how you liked part one of this story at


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