Gay Erotic Stories

Petty Officer Skip

by Willie
16 Jun 2000

Arm Pits Bathroom Tales Foreskin Fun--Uncut Military True Stories

I recently completed 20 years of service in the United States Navy, and while I am happy that part of my life is behind me, I wouldn’t trade my experiences for anything.

As a young man who grew up in the Midwest, knowing he was attracted to men, the opportunity to experience the world as a sailor, particularly one stationed on the West Coast was a chance to be reborn. I’m not saying my twenty years in the Navy were some wild orgy of unbridled sex as many view life at sea. In fact, most of my sexual encounters involved civilians, or at least other sailors who were off-duty, out of uniform, and off government property, as I was. Please don’t get the idea that I was not turned on by other members of the Department of the Navy. I can still vividly recall some of the terrific cocks, asses, and bodies in general that I secretly lusted after, but dared not risk my career over. You don’t survive twenty years in the military without learning to be discreet and denying your urges much of the time.

I recall one exception to the rule. It was 1980, and I was in the Philippines. The Navy flew me over there following boot camp and A School with orders to my first ship, deployed somewhere in the Indian Ocean. The receiving station barracks was fenced in compound and those of us awaiting transportation to our ships were assigned to the same open barracks as sailors on Legal Hold and those awaiting discharges.

Several times a day, we mustered so sailors and civilians could pick from among us for working parties. I felt a half-step above slave or member of a chain gang. Not all of the details were the same, but most of them pretty well sucked. I remember one day when a man in cammies chose me and another sailor to go with him to do some odd jobs back at his work center. I thought he was a Marine, but it turned out he was a member of the UDT SEAL Team stationed there at Subic. This Petty Officer explained to both of us that he could get one of us temporarily assigned to his work center, and this would be determined by how well we did our job. As luck would have it, I was the one selected.

Working for the SEALs was a great opportunity for me. It let me spend the day away from the dreadful receiving station, and avoid those formations I hated. The biggest opportunity of all turned out to be the scenery! At that time in my life, I didn’t know what a UDT SEAL was. With apologies to the Marines, whom I have always lusted over, they are the best of the best among America’s elite fighting corps. I was amazed by the daily routine of the SEALs.

When I arrived in the morning, they were already doing their morning run. Upon arrival back at the work center, they would form up for calisthenics before beginning their days work servicing their equipment, scuba gear, mini subs, etc. They would break in the afternoon for a grueling swim to Grande Island and back. The best part of all this was their Uniform of the Day: khaki shorts, reversible T-shirts, white socks, boots and a starched cammie cap. That was all most of them ever wore: The shorts were extremely short and tight fitting, and most of the time, they didn’t bother wearing T-shirts. Even more incredible was the condition of these scantily clad bodies. Each and every member of the team was a remarkable specimen of tanned, toned, bulging muscle. I later discovered why every last one of them was like some god out of mythology. SEAL training is extremely tough, and their daily routine kept them at the peak of perfection.

Being in close proximity to so many incredible hunks for 8 hours a day, coupled with the fact that I had to return to that damned open bay barracks each night which afforded no privacy for jacking off was a strange mixture of agony and ecstasy.

One of the projects I remember completing for the SEALs, involved painting lines on the small parking lot in front of their shop. I remember this distinctly, because I was working outdoors in the Philippines where the heat and humidity was almost unbearable as the sun beat down on me while I painted my lines on the asphalt. What really keeps this assignment so fresh in my memory is that the SEALs were gathering for their morning calisthenics, and “one of them” casually mentioned that I might be more comfortable if I took my shirt off. He assured me that it would be okay as long as I was working inside the compound.

This particular SEAL wasn’t just one of them; he was The One! He had the face of an angel. Madison Avenue would have jumped at the opportunity to name him poster boy for their drink milk campaign. He had that wholesome look about him. I suspect he was one of those Southern California surfer boys before he joined the Navy. He had the golden blonde hair and crystal clear blue eyes so many of them were famous for.

Then there was the matter of what all that SEAL training had done to sculpt that perfect body that was no doubt a work of art to begin with. His shoulders and chest were massive, and his pecs had that chiseled look. His torso tapered to that sexy V shape that drew attention to his relatively tiny waist and perfect bubble butt that threatened to split the seam of those tight khaki shorts he always wore.

I hate to repeat my adjectives, but his legs were again best described as massive. His thighs were like tree trunks. All that running, swimming, and exercising shirtless had tanned his flawless body to a golden brown. Other than the short-cropped blonde locks on top of his head, the only hair visible was a narrow trail from his navel, which disappeared into the waistband of his shorts. I loved the way sweat glistened off his hard body as he stretched and flexed effortlessly through his daily workouts.

The other feature I’ll never forget, can’t be attributed to his SEAL training, but was surely a gift from God. The package that this man displayed in those sexy little shorts threatened to out me at this early stage of my career, as I struggled not to stare openly and drool at the magnificent sight. One might get a similar result my packing a couple small grapefruits inside the front of his shorts. Needless to say, after taking quick notice of this Norse God and the band of sexy studs that sweated alongside him, I humbly declined his offer to work shirtless in their presence.

I had been sufficiently humbled by the experience earlier in the day, to make my first trip ever to a gym for the purpose of pumping iron. To my surprise, shortly after I began wrestling with some free weights, my SEAL team showed up at the gym to do a little serious iron pumping. You would think after all the strenuous workouts endured throughout the day, they would have other ways to spend their free time, but no! I guess it explains why each and every one of them looked like a Michelangelo sculpture. They lived to perfect their stunningly beautiful and powerful physiques. There they were, all together, sweating as they grunted, and groaned and barked out words of encouragement to each other. As if seeing them exercising throughout the day wasn’t enough, the sight of them getting pumped to the max now confronted me. Their muscles swelled and veins bulged, as they showed no mercy to the weights. Their muscles weren’t the only things bulging and I had to be careful to keep myself somewhat concealed as my cock threatened to burst.

Their workout turned out to be intense but surprisingly brief. Chalk it up to efficiency I suppose. Anyway, I was still sitting on a bench with a dumbbell in my hand when they finished their workout and made their way toward the lockers. I figured they hadn’t even been aware of the sailor who labored for them at many odd jobs during the day, as he struggled to lift these small weights without seriously injuring himself in the process. These hunks were filing right past the bench where I was lifting as they headed for the shower.

I was beginning to wonder if these sexy studs did everything together when suddenly my breath was taken away. My sexy young Adonis was the next to last SEAL in the procession headed for the locker room, and he stopped to ask me how it was going. He asked how long I’d been lifting, and I told him that this was my first pathetic attempt at pumping iron. His smile almost melted me in place, and he asked if I’d like a few pointers. I laughed and told him that I sure could use some.

He told the last SEAL in his entourage that he would see him in the morning; he wanted to help Seaman Pike work on his technique. I honestly don’t remember any of the advice I was given that evening, but I do remember Skip suggesting that I try using the barbell to work my chest rather than the dumbbells now that I had a spotter. I’ll never forget lying on that bench, trying to lift that weight while Skip straddled my head as he positioned himself to spot me. He was wearing those khaki shorts, and despite being quite tight in places, the leg hole of his shorts was sufficiently stretched for me to be looking straight up at one of his big balls.

Skip finished his instruction and headed for the locker room before I completed my session. I saw the rest of the team leaving the locker room, in civilian clothes for the first time, as I was entering. Skip was just finishing up his preparations to get underway when I entered the room. “I hope you don’t mind a cold shower,” he chuckled as he gathered up the last of his belongings. “What? Don’t they have hot water anywhere on this base?” I blurted out. “I haven’t had a warm shower since I got here, and I was hoping that I might get one here tonight as a reward for having made myself spend an evening at the gym.”

I explained that I’d never learned to enjoy cold showers, despite the appalling heat and humidity of the Philippines and that we never had hot water over at the receiving station barracks. Skip laughed and told me that he sympathized. “I understand that they do not have hot water at the receiving station, but normally you can get a hot shower here at the gym,” he assured me. “Unfortunately, they are preparing to do some repair work on the boilers that supply the gym with hot water in the morning, and they’ve already secured the steam.”

“Well, I might as well head on back to the barracks and have my cold shower there,” I muttered, as I opened my locker.

There was a brief pause in the conversation before Skip asked, “You really haven’t had a hot shower since you got here?”

“You got that right,” I shot back. There was another lengthy pause, as Skip looked me right in the eyes as if he were trying to make some kind of decision. “Why don’t you come back to the barracks with me, Pike? That’s the least I can do after all the great work you’ve been doing for us around the compound. You can grab a hot shower there before heading back into the bowels of hell,” he laughed, referring to the receiving station.

I didn’t know what to say or do. This great looking guy that I had been drooling over for the last week was inviting back to his room to take a shower. Even though I reminded myself, that this was just a kind gesture based on sympathy for my plight, and nothing more, my heart raced over the thought of using his shower.

On the short walk over to Skip’s barracks he explained that he lived in a barracks for Petty Officers only, and he didn’t want to explain to the quarterdeck watch why he was bringing this seaman into the barracks. He told me that his room was located at the far corner of the building and asked if I would mind climbing in through the window, to make things easier on both of us. Who was I to raise a fuss?

It wasn’t terribly difficult sneaking into the barracks. A short time after Skip entered the building through the quarterdeck, a light came on inside the room I had been waiting by. Skip opened the window and I came out of the crouch behind the bush I’d been using for cover. Even though the room was on the first floor, the window ledge was a little high, and my poor arms were feeling a bit like rubber after my first weight training experience. My attempt to jump and pull myself through the window would have surely failed if Skip hadn’t grabbed me by the back of my pants and pulled me through the open window.

It was like a bolt of electricity struck me when I felt Skip’s hand on my ass, and I immediately threw the biggest rod I ever had. Once inside, I kept trying to hide my crotch and rearrange my pants to keep Skip from recognizing the embarrassing condition I was in. He noticed me fidgeting with my clothes a lot, but I passed it off as having gotten a wedgie when he pulled me through the window by the seat of my pants. I quickly grabbed a towel out of my gym bag, and made my way into the bathroom for my nice hot shower.

The warm water felt great as I stood beneath the spray letting some of the soreness wash down the drain with the sweat and the grime from my workout. I had really missed the nice warm showers that civilians always seem to take for granted, and I was relaxed and lost in thought when I heard the bathroom door open.

The shower stall was a small concrete block box with a cheap plastic shower curtain hanging from a single rod. It was the kind of material that you really couldn't see through as far as any detail but you could detect the motion of a shadowy figure on the other side. I heard Skip ask, “You don’t mind if I brush my teeth while you are in the shower, do you, Pike?” Actually, I was a bit nervous about being naked in his shower with him standing a few feet away on the other side of that flimsy sheet of plastic, but I replied, “Absolutely not. It’s your room, make yourself at home.”

Despite my aversion for cold showers, I decreased the temperature of the water flowing over my body in an emergency attempt to lose the major hard-on I was sporting. I was beginning to worry that Skip would notice the lack of steam now coming from my “hot” shower when we were both distracted by a voice calling his name right outside the bathroom door.

It was Mark, one of the other SEAL team members. Mark didn’t make me melt like butter in the tropical Philippine heat like Skip did, but he was another one of my favorites from the team. He had short wavy black hair and a deeply tanned olive complexion. Unlike Skip, Mark was short but his compact body was full of power. While his muscles were not as massive and bulging, he was extremely cut and had the most well defined six-pack of any of the exceptional members of SEAL Team 5. Of course, at that particular moment, I was scared out of my mind and too concerned about trying to explain what I was doing in Skip’s shower to take a mental inventory of the finer points of Mark’s super sexy body. I almost fainted out of fear when the bathroom door flew open and I could hear Mark standing at the open door. I flattened myself against a corner of the shower stall and hoped that my shadowy form could not be seen through the curtain.

“Who’ve you got in the shower you big slut?” I heard Mark inquire. Skip was much more cool and composed than I would have been in that situation. “I’m just letting the water run while I brush my teeth to get it good and hot. I think I may have tweaked something in my shoulder at the gym tonight, and I’m hoping a long hot shower will take care of it.”

“Well, why don’t I join you, and Dr. Mark can not only soap up your back, but give you a little massage action as well?”

I wasn’t sure exactly what I was hearing. Surely this was just some good-natured ribbing that takes place between two good buddies in the military. I was sure that was all it was when I heard Mark say, “You know what they say: conserve water, shower with a friend!”

I was still trying to convince myself that this was nothing more than some good-natured joshing between buddies when I heard Skip’s reply. “Not tonight; I have a headache.” This seemed so trite and comical, that I had convinced myself that both Mark and Skip were role playing as part of a little joke between them, and Mark’s laughter indicated that he took it to be as much of a joke as I did, rather than an excuse. “No, seriously Mark, I have this really bad throbbing headache, and I just want to take a quick shower and get to bed so I can sleep it off.”

I was just about to relax when I heard Mark’s tone of voice shift to one of concern, as he told Skip, “Okay buddy, take you some Tylenol and get some rest. I’ll stop by in the morning and see if you feel like going to breakfast at the mess hall before we run.”

Then came the shock of my life when I heard Mark tell Skip, “Don’t worry, babe, I’m not even going to jerk off a load before I go to bed tonight. I’ll save it for my best buddy whom I hope is feeling more like his randy old self tomorrow night.”

I stood frozen in place as I listened to the bathroom door close, followed by the sound of the door to Skip’s room as Mark left to return to his own room upstairs. I’m not sure how long I stood there silently trying to figure out what to do. I did not hear a sound above the sound of the running water, and I had decided that Skip must have exited the head with Mark and was now doing something out in his barracks room.

Suddenly, the shower curtain was thrown open wide in one swift move and there stood Skip looking me square in the face. He observed my expression for a while before he said anything. Then he began to speak.

“I think I have something you want. I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I am not watching. Believe me, inviting you back to my room so you could take a nice warm shower was nothing more than an innocent gesture of kindness. Well, almost entirely innocent. I thought I might be able to give you a glimpse of my naked body, and see if I turn you on as much as it appears I do. Even the obvious hard-on you were trying so hard to hide from me after I pulled you through the window could not have encouraged me to risk taking a chance that you might reject my sexual advances. My career means too much for me to risk something that irresponsible. But now it is obvious from the look on your face that you overheard my entire conversation with Mark, exposing the truth about me, so what the hell!” With that he dropped the towel from his waist and quickly stepped into the shower, drawing the curtain behind him.

I was like a deer caught in the headlights. I could not believe my eyes. Here was this gorgeous body that I’d been dreaming of all week, totally nude and only inches from me. This was my first opportunity to view what always made that impossibly huge mound in the front of Skip’s sexy little shorts. It wasn’t just the size of Skip’s cock or those gargantuan low-hangers that held me spellbound and slack jawed, but the sight of my first uncut cock that put me in that proverbial position where I didn’t know whether to shit or go blind. Fortunately, Skip had decided to throw caution to the wind and took charge of the situation.

“I know what you want,” he almost whispered. “It’s what you’ve been wanting since that first day you started working in the compound.” With that, he grasped my wrist and turned it so that my palm was turned outward. Then he stepped closer and drew my hand to his crotch, placing his heavy balls in my palm. I couldn’t believe this was really happening.

“I’ve never seen one of these before,” I stammered as my eyes fell to take in the sight of his ample genitalia filling my hand.

“What’s that? You’ve never seen a cock before?” Skip asked in mock surprise. My face flushed bright red as I confessed, “No, I’ve seen cocks before. Well, never up close like this, mostly in gym class and in boot camp. What I meant was I have never seen a man with an uncircumcised cock before; not in real life anyway.”

“Really?” Skip asked, somewhat amazed. “What do you think of my covered cock?” To be honest, at that moment I wasn’t sure exactly what I did think of it, at least not mentally or intellectually. Emotionally, however, on some deeper level, I think I was already hooked. “Go ahead, look at it, play with it, experiment,” Skip encouraged.

I did look at it. I reluctantly released those pendulous balls from my control and placed my fingers lightly under the shaft of Skip’s hooded cock. His was not one of those uncut cocks that had a great deal of skin hanging from it, but in the semi-hard state that he was in, the cock head was completely covered. I took the tip of the little finger on my other hand and slowly, carefully probed inside until I lightly contacted the head of Skip’s mighty cock. This caused him to make a hissing sound as he forcefully exhaled through clenched teeth. I immediately paused thinking I may have done something that hurt him, but then I realized that my touch had brought him pleasure, so I eagerly continued my exploration.

Slowly I began to slide the foreskin back until I had revealed the shiny pink head of this mighty warrior’s bulbous cock. Right away, I noticed a clear drop of pre-cum oozing from the large piss slit. I placed my index finger directly over this hole and started to rub this man’s sexy lube over the very tip of his cock. This brought forth soft moans, telling me that for all my inexperience, I was doing something right.

I let my finger expand outward, making ever-larger circles around Skip’s cockhead, which by now was completely exposed and bright red. His cock had grown to incredible proportions due to my curious play, and the skin on his cockhead was pulled taught and almost translucent. As I started circling the flared ridge just behind the head of his cock, Skip gave a couple of quick forward thrusts of his hips and let go a deep guttural growl. I’m not sure what startled me the most at that moment, the sudden loud sound or the realization that to my complete astonishment, Skip had let loose a strong jet of acrid, yellow piss that was now splattering me, and soaking me from my belly button to my balls.

I think that what amazed me most was the fact that I felt no revulsion about having this man pissing all over me. Far from it, this totally unexpected act had turned me on with an incredible force I had never experienced before. My own cock instantly grew so hard that it was nearly painful. I had never seen it this hard or this large. It was inflamed, redder than I’d ever seen it grow in my life and the veins were standing out in vivid detail like never before. My dick was dancing and convulsing as if it had a mind of its own.

At the exact instant that I was incapable of any rational thought, where raw animal instinct began to take over, and I was sure I was going to jizz all over that shower stall, Skip shut off the flow of the hot water and the rush of ice cold water prevented me from climaxing at the last possible nanosecond.

“You’re not getting off that easy,” Skip chided me with a sexy grin. “Or should I say not that soon?” I was disappointed and pretty damn close to pissed off. I was that close to having the orgasm of my life, and I had been denied. “There are many other things I want to teach you first, Pike.”

Those words put things into perspective for me. Although I had been in my mid-twenties when I enlisted, much older than the average recruit, and Skip was considerably younger than I was, I had become his sexual student. Despite the age advantage I held over him, this stud had superior rank and experience over me in addition to the obvious superiority in strength and beauty.

“Since you seem to be so captivated by your first sight of uncut meat, I want to introduce you to something that you can only experience with a truly natural man.” For the first time, Skip reached out and took my cock into his rough hand. My dick quickly hardened again in his strong grip. “This is something we call docking,” Skip announced in a manner not unlike a teacher addressing a student concerning a chemistry lab project.

Next he gently unsheathed his cock to expose the head and slowly inched forward. A shiver ran the length of my body as the head of his huge cock made direct contact with my own. “Ahhhhhhh!” Skip grunted, as he seemed to set himself, preparing for some unknown action to come. Then, as we stood there in the shower, our cocks looking eye to eye, Skip slowly started to push his foreskin forward over the head of his cock, and then to my amazement and delight it began to slide over my own cockhead.

This was absolutely incredible. There we stood, facing each other, looking for all the world as if we were Siamese twins joined together by an enormous, common cock! I felt a warm glow come over me. This would be the closest I would ever come to understanding what it would feel like to be uncircumcised.

Then it began. Skip started jacking both our cocks. His strong grip held our cocks together and slowly slid our foreskin back and forth over our joined cock heads. I loved the feel of his foreskin slipping back and forth along my cock, and things only got better when Skip again started to drool copious amounts of pre-cum from his cock, which provided a natural lubricant to coat the inside of his cock sock as well as both of our knobs.

Slowly, he began to pick up the pace. “Ungh, ungh, ungh, ungh,” began the rhythmic chant. I had always been pretty silent in sexual practices, which before now had consisted almost totally of self-masturbation, and the sound of Skip getting into the act we were sharing added to my enjoyment of this experience.

Soon we were both undulating our hips as if we were each trying to get inside the other man and fuck his penis with our own. I found myself gasping for breath, and standing on tiptoes as we continued our frenzied sex dance.

Then it happened. I was cumming like I had never cum before. It felt like a rubber band or something had snapped at the base of my balls, and I felt them emptying, as the sperm seemed to jet out of my exploding cock. Apparently, that was all Skip needed to put him over the top as he moaned even louder and I swear I could feel his cum rocket forth and splash off the tip of my cock as our cocks continued to thrust together. The sloshy sound of our mixed loads coating us as Skip continued jacking our cocks together was making me feel drunk, and I would have fallen on my ass or to my knees as they turned to rubber if he had not been holding me in his strong embrace.

Soon, I recovered enough to stand on my own two feet without support.

What happened next absolutely amazed me. Skip eased me back against the wall of the tiny shower stall and dropped to his knees. Before I could utter a word, he had taken my cock into his warm wet mouth. His tongue was at once everywhere, licking up the combined loads that we had spilled, which now generously glazed my still hard cock.

I had never felt anything like this in my life. I had tasted my own cum on several occasions after jacking off, and found the taste to be pleasant enough, but the way Skip was devouring my cock, the mixture of his load and mine must have been an extra special treat. That magnificent stud had been tongue lashing my cock for quite some time, and I was certain that he must have cleaned up every last drop that had coated my cock, but he still showed no sign of releasing my dick. On the contrary, he started sucking harder than ever and taking my cock deeper and deeper until I was sure that my cock was being stuffed as far down his throat as it could possibly go.

Then he started to move his head in such a way that his lips were rotating back and forth around the shaft of my cock as his tongue alternately tickled my sensitive head and lapped at the base of my balls. I couldn’t help it. My passion was rising rapidly, and I felt myself racing toward a second explosive orgasm. I thought it only fair to warn Skip of the impending eruption, but rather than withdrawing my cock from his ravenous mouth, he seemed to redouble his efforts as if his sole mission in life at that moment was to drain my balls completely dry. Instinct took over, and I started thrusting my hips forward to meet his sucking lips. I grabbed hold of Skip’s head and fucked that handsome face for all I was worth, and he responded by grabbing both cheeks of my ass and pulling me even deeper into himself.

One quick look down at the incredible sight of my crimson cock fucking the face of the masculine, yet incredibly beautiful stud, and I was once again over the top. I don’t know how long it lasted, or how many volleys of cum I shot down his gullet, but I was sure it was a record. I had never in my life shot this long, this hard or this much, and the fact that this was my second climax in a span of no more than 15 minutes made the feat even that much more unbelievable. Still, Skip did not stop sucking on my cock. I was totally spent, but still he kept licking and sucking.

Now I am the type whose cockhead gets extremely sensitive right after I cum, especially on those occasions where I cum back-to-back. Skip finally stopped ramming my cock down his throat, but as he held me firmly between his hot lips, his tongue continued dancing all around the head of my highly sensitized dick.

I was silent no longer. I moaned and I hissed. I heard words coming out of my mouth that I didn’t even know I knew. I begged and pleaded for him to stop. He continued to work my cock with his tortuous tongue. Soon my whole body began to feel like my cock. I tingled all over as if being pricked by thousands of tiny needles. I was one raw nerve. I think it was when my screams for mercy started growing too loud that Skip decided it was time to release me before I drew the attention of everyone in the barracks. He must have grown tired of supporting the dead weight of my limp body, and as I slowly slid down the wall and slumped onto the floor of the shower and Skip rose to his feet, I could see by the impish grin on his handsome face that he had really enjoyed his little bout of intimate torture.

Sitting on that cold, wet floor with my back against the wall looking up into that beaming face that smiled down on me, it suddenly occurred to me that there was one more thing I had to try. If the mixture of my own cum with that which Skip had shot, was good enough for him to have attacked my cock with such fervor, what must be waiting for me inside the sheath that covered Skip’s glorious cock? That magnificent cock was hanging just inches above and in front of my face.

It took some effort, considering the condition I was in, but I managed to rise upon my knees. I took a deep gulp as I considered what I was about to do for the first time, but there was no stopping me now. Tentatively, I reached out my tongue and touched the tip of it to the slightly hanging foreskin that covered this cock I just had to have.

At first, it wasn’t the cock itself that I wanted so much, but the tasty treasure that I knew awaited me inside. I grasped the edge of that skin between my thumb and forefinger on each side and gently pulled it outward, toward me. Then with a final deep breath of resignation, I drilled my tongue inside and searched for that nectar of the gods. I don’t even know how to describe the taste that greeted me when I reached my destination. It was like my own cum that I had sampled on more than one occasion, but it was nothing like that at all. It was salty, it was sweet, it was nutty. It was all of those things, yet in a strange way, it was none of those things. I wish I could find the words to describe it to you, but it just defies description. At that moment, I was totally unable to understand how I had survived twenty-six years without this staple of life, and fear shook me when I considered the fact that I might not be able to find this now much-needed life-giving substance. I was like a starving calf at a cow’s teat.

I reached around and placed a hand on each of Skip’s ass cheeks. They were smooth and hard, like rounded slabs of warm marble. Each of my thumbs rested in the dimpled cheek on either side of this man’s beautifully sculpted ass, and the tips of my fingers rested just at the crack in that fine bubble butt.

As I pulled Skip to me, I flattened my tongue and slid it beneath the underside of his cockhead. With the tip of my tongue trapped tightly between the burning hot tip of his cock and the engulfing foreskin, I swirled my tongue round and round his cockhead. Skip was starting to pant pretty well and his cock had started to swell to nearly biblical proportions.

I released his growing cock from my mouth just long enough to peel back the skin as much as I could so that my tongue could work on more of his shaft, searching for any remnant I could find of our joint deposit. As I took the head of Skip’s cock into my mouth and continued to work further down the shaft with my tongue, I noticed that this unbelievable cock was still growing harder, longer and fatter. My jaws were actually starting to ache, and I decided that it was time to release my prize.

However, Skip had other ideas. Apparently he was enjoying the amateurish efforts of this inexperienced cocksucker, and he wasn’t ready to let it end then and there. Skip grabbed me roughly by the back of the head and not only prevented my escape, but actually forced more of his cock inside my mouth. Now I not only felt like I had a case of lockjaw, but my gag reflex was going wild. Tears filled my eyes as I struggled to breathe through my nose. Just as the sensuous torture of my cock had seemed to turn Skip on earlier, he now seemed to me excited by the idea of me gagging as my mouth was impaled on the end of his great cock.

Skip had reached around and taken hold of one of my wrist. At first I could not understand what he was trying to do. I thought that perhaps he did not like where my fingers had been resting just inside his ass crack, but as I tried to remove my hand from his ass, he held it tightly in place. Suddenly it dawned on me that he was actually trying to coax my fingers further up the crack of his ass.

“Is this what you want?” I thought, as I let my fingers slide further along that hot, moist valley of solid flesh. At that point, Skip moaned and released my wrist, and I knew this was what he wanted. As my hand slid further into the crevice of his tight ass one of my fingertips brushed against his asshole, causing Skip to buck and moan aloud.

Taking that as my cue, I let my finger slide inside, probing the hot wetness of this stud’s muscular ass. That’s all it took! Skip bellowed and thrust his hips forward with so much force that I was afraid he would drive my head through the cement block wall. His cock was now buried deep in my throat, and I could feel it throbbing wildly inside me as I felt his asshole clamp so tightly around my probing digit that I feared he would squeeze it right off.

I don’t know how much cum he shot, but it had to have been absolutely incredible. I cannot say how many shots were fired off right down my tortured throat before he started to slowly withdraw, filling my mouth to overflowing in the process before exploding all over my face and neck at least three final volleys before he collapsed on top of me.

We lay there for a while recovering in a heap together. I was still savoring the taste of him from that portion of the load he had deposited inside my mouth where my taste buds could indulge themselves, and Skip was licking more of his load from my sticky face.

Finally we got off the floor and turned the water back on. We stood together under the warm spray and soaped each other up. Skip had me pay special attention to soaping up his ass, all the way up to his tightly puckered hole. At one point he grabbed the cheeks of my ass, pulling them apart and asked, “Are you ready to take this mighty spear up that little ass of yours, Pike?”

I was scared half to death at the thought of such a thing. I didn’t think there was any way I was going to be able to take that huge pole up my tight ass, but I knew I just had to try. Skip assured me that there were things we could do to loosen me up first, but considering that I had to be back at the receiving station barracks before curfew, time was running short and we needed to get started right away.

Just to give me a sample of some of the things he hand in mind, Skip bent me over and gave me a couple quick laps in the groove between my cheeks with his hot tongue. We stepped out of the shower and dried each other off as hurriedly as we could. I was already disappointed that Skip and I would not be able to take our time at breaking in my virgin ass and then sleeping the night away together, but neither one of us was willing to place me in a situation where I had to explain where I had been when I was UA from the receiving station.

We walked out of the head with me following closely behind Skip, my arm wrapped tightly around his waist. As we exited the head and entered the bedroom, Skip stopped dead in his tracks, and I plowed right into the back of him before I could stop. From my vantage point behind all that muscle, I could not see what it was that had caused Skip to stop short, but I felt ice forming up and down my spinal cord as I heard someone say, “Have fun, fellas?”

I squeezed through the doorway and stepped beside Skip to see Mark sprawled out naked as the day he was born on the bed. His cock was pointed at the ceiling and he had the biggest grin on his face. “I sure hope you two haven’t tired each other out too much, ‘cuz Markie wants to play,” he laughed as he reached down and stroked his erection.

Hey, what can I tell you? I have had a soft spot in my heart and a hard spot in my groin for Navy SEALs ever since that night.



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This is a true story concerning one of the most important periods in my life. While this account does involve sexual situations, it is not the cock pounding kind of story involving a lot of hard core sex that many of you are probably looking for. This story comes from my past and while I have chosen to reveal the actual location, I have carefully changed the names of the characters

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