Gay Erotic Stories

The Cop

by Dick E. Studmann
31 Jul 1997


The Cop I had only been in town a couple of weeks. Moving from the most remote and rural part of Alaska to the suburbs of Houston was not my first choice, but hey, when an oil conglomerate says to go, you either go or face financial ruin. So, I packed everything I had and headed for Texas. For the most part, my job was okay, and I found a good sized apartment at really reasonable rent. Of course, after the inflated prices of Alaska, everything seemed reasonable. In fact, I was beginning to think that life in the suburbs would be very reasonable. Until the day I came home and found the door ajar. I didn’t really even want to go in, but pushed it open slowly, to see if anyone was in there. The living room was torn apart, but no one seemed to be inside. I called out to alert any intruders that I was coming in. I could see that certain things were torn apart. Books were scattered all over the place, videos were off the shelves and most of my expensive native art from Alaska was missing. My TV, VCR and Stereo were all still in the same places. I scanned quickly with my eyes and saw little else out of place. I checked both bedrooms, and the bathroom, and reached for the phone to dial 911. The dispatcher said there was someone on patrol in my area, and they would be there in just a matter of minutes. So, this is what living in the suburbs was going to be like. In bush Alaska I never even locked my doors. Some welcome this was. I started picking up books when the doorbell buzzed. I went to the door and opened it. Standing there, before my disbelieving eyes, was the largest human being I had ever seen. And he was in a cops uniform! I was certainly glad he was on the side of justice and law, and not on the other side, because we’d all be in trouble. A little gold pin read “Officer R. Calley.” “Did you report a robbery,” he asked in a deep, resonant voice. “Uh, yeah, I did,” I stammered, still in awe of the size of this guy. “Come in and I’ll show you.” Officer Calley walked in and stood, his back to me, looking about the room. I studied his features. His shoulders were wide, massive, and pressing tightly on the oversized uniform. His back was so huge, and tapered down to what appeared to be a tiny waist. The pants of his uniform ballooned out as they draped to the floor. He turned to ask me a question. “Do you see anything obvious missing?” he asked. “Only my native Alaskan art pieces, about 15 of them,” I replied, getting a little more comfortable in his presence. He turned again and we were face to face. I studied his very dark skin, his massive arms pouring out of the shirt that was obviously a police issue uniform that had seen many alterations. The veins on his biceps were larger than my fingers, and I thought perhaps I recognized him from a recent bodybuilding show on the local sports network. “I have a listing of the items and their value. I had to make the list for insurance purposes when I moved here,” I said. “Did you just recently move here?” he asked, keeping notes in his little notebook. “Well, it’s been just a couple of weeks. Some welcome to Texas, huh?” He smiled, and moved closer. He was so huge, and yet seemed very gentle, in a caring way. “You know, these items sound really unique,” he said, reading the list I’d handed him. “If they show up in local art shops, they will be really easy to track because we don’t see much of this kind of art down here.” I felt a little more relieved. The officer turned to leave. “I’ll check on you again later. Don’t let anyone in. I may need to ask you more questions later. Will you be home all night?” he asked. “Yeah. I usually just stay in on week nights. I’m usually up late, so call any time,” I said. When he left, I went straight for my video collection. I know I had taped the show that was on the first week I was here that focused on local bodybuilders. I had a simple system for keeping videos cataloged. This one was called “Studs, Week 1, Texas.” I popped it in and turned it on. There, right in front of my eyes, was officer Ronnie Calley. He was there in his uniform, walking the streets of our town. Then he was running on a beach, flexing his huge arms, and adjusting his shorts. It was him, and I was getting turned on watching because I had actually met this huge black man of solid muscle. As I watched, I could feel the blood rushing into my dick, pulsating and pounding, filling my slacks, and needing release. I slipped off my trousers and watched as officer Calley worked through his weight routine, and then showered and dressed in his uniform. My dick stood at attention as Ronnie walked the streets, and people made comments about his huge body and the skin tight uniform that he wore. For some people just the sight of a uniform is intimidating, but a huge black bodybuilder in a uniform will stop even the most hardened criminal. My balls were screaming to release the man juice that was swelling up inside of them, so with a flick of my fingers I shot wads of goo all over the living room. I slumped down on the couch, spent, hoping and wanting, perhaps soon to meet this stud again. I was tired and hungry, and really exhausted from a long day, so when I hit the couch, I kind of melted in to it. I had just shot my wad, my pants and briefs were on the floor, and I pulled a blanket around myself and drifted off into a sound sleep. Only the harsh, piercing of my door buzzer could awaken me. I stood, not really aware of the time or the condition of my body. The blanket had warmed me, and I’d forgotten that my pants and briefs were lying in a lump on the floor. The place was dark, and I was not aware of the time, but I knew that a few hours had passed. I looked through the peek hole and saw that it was officer Calley. I turned the lock, opened the door, and he stepped in. In the dark I could not see him. I turned on the overhead light and squinted. He was more beautiful, and seemed bigger than before. He did not have his uniform on this time, but a leather jacket, opened at the top with no shirt underneath. His pants were like baggy exercise pants, but shined like satin. He was a good dresser! “Hmmm,” he said, “I guess you weren’t expecting me.” He was staring at my lower extremities, which were completely uncovered from my whack off session and nap. My own hard on betrayed me as I gazed at him. Trying not to sound too embarrassed, I said, “Well, maybe I was expecting you. Why didn’t you tell me who you are. I saw that show a couple of weeks ago. You are some big man!” He unzipped his leather jacket, and held it open only slightly. My dick was hard steel, and my balls were already feeling hot and filled. “You haven’t even seen the real prize yet,” he said in a sly, cagey way. He pulled the jacket off and shook out his huge muscles. His shoulders were like rocks, his pecs like grapefruits, and his abs like an old time washboard. His veins showed all around like the lines on road maps on this massive frame. I wanted to just jump him and make hot, passionate man-love all night. But, I also wanted him to dominate me as a man of his strength and power could. With my engorged cock obviously ready for action, I had only to wait until he made his move. Jacket off, Ronnie eased over and with his huge hand started rubbing my cock and balls. While his fingers and hands were huge and muscular, he had a gentle, loving way about him. It did not take long before I was spurting white man juice all over his dark brown hands. He deftly drained my penis of every drop, and placed his beautiful tongue all around, savoring every drop. He stood and backed away. I removed the remainder of my clothing and watched as he untied and slid down his pants. The hugeness of his upper body was only surpassed by the beauty and size of his lower body. From the rock hard abs of his thin, tight waist, to the huge quads and calves. And of course, the love muscle is both genetically hard and well exercised. His testicles hung low, looking like extra large brown eggs, waiting to squirt juice anywhere and everywhere. His dick was hard, black, and long. Maybe I was imagining it, but I thought it was at least a good foot long. His whole body released now from clothing he stood for a minute checking out his own merchandise. It’s one of the thing I love about bodybuilders. Even when no one else is around to check them out, they do a damn good job themselves. He flexed his legs, his arms, his deltoids, and of course, his dick. His huge fingers moved slowly down the washboard stomach, and pulled at his huge love muscle. He obviously knew how to handle a hand full, and I couldn’t wait to get my own try at it. My own dick was getting hard again, and the prospects of going after this huge man were terrifying. “God, Ronnie,” I said. “You are so huge. How will I ever be able to satisfy you? I can’t even get your whole huge pecker in my mouth, let alone my ass.” “Oh, don’t worry. I’m a bodybuilder. We know how to control our muscles. All of them. You come over here and I’ll give you a night to remember. Just let me do all the work, and you get all the pleasure.” I walked over to the huge cop and placed my naked body next to his hard black body. He enveloped me with his muscular manliness, and picked me up. Our dicks were struggling to greet one another, and I could feel the clear pre-cum easing out. He carried me into my bedroom, placed me on the bed, and turned me over. “Don’t worry,” he said. “My cock may look intimidating, but I’ll be gentle.” He took a condom from my night stand and placed it over his huge shaft. It fit so tightly, but stretched to accommodate the hugeness. With his muscles in control, he stretched my anus to the point I thought he would tear it, and suddenly I felt something hot and hard entering my body. Smoothly, carefully, and with full muscle control, Ronnie slipped his cock into me, and worked me out. He was right. He could control his muscles. Somehow he made his dick small enough to enter, but once inside increased the blood flow to give it a tighter fit. He placed his huge arms around my chest and lifted me off the bed while forcing a rhythm of steady slamming. He grunted like he was lifting weights and pushed until I thought he was going to push right out the other side. Finally, with a low groan, he shot a huge wad inside the condom, and it filled and steamed my insides. He withdrew quickly and stripped off the latex sheath. I turned and sucked the last drops out of his softening black cock. He placed the condom aside and forced his head down on my straining cock. I was already about to shoot, so his tongue did not have to work so hard. I held off as much as I could, but bubbling over, I shot more than the last time. We collapsed together in the middle of the bed. I looked over and felt secure. The largest cop in the world was now sharing the bed with me. I propped up and looked him in the eye. “When did you decided you wanted to come back here and suck and fuck me? How did you know I would be willing?” “I just knew. Hey, do you think I’ve developed this body for myself? I’m a bodybuilder because I know it attracts men who love men. It’s what I do! I’m a cop because I can meet people who are vulnerable, and they make the best lovers.” “Well, you can show off your bod here any time.” I said, snuggling closer. “In fact, I’ve been looking for a roommate ever since I moved here. I’d feel so secure and safe if you’d move in here if you’d like. I could use a huge, gorgeous roommate. What do you say?” “Sounds good to me. I’ve been looking for a place for a long time. Have you got room for a weight set and some trophies?” “Always!” I said. He sat up in bed and moved away. I thought he was headed for the bathroom, and I was right. When he came back he said, “Do you know that posing is a turn on for most bodybuilders? Arnold once said it was better than sex. I guess he didn’t know too much about sex then.” “Ronnie, pose for me without any clothes on, will you?” He stood across the room, in front of my mirrored door closet, facing the closet. His ass was so hard, and the muscle striations were obvious. He started a routine that could only be called mind blowing. The great thing was that I was seeing it double because of the mirrors. After about a minute, his own dick was back to it’s rigid hardness, and his hands were all over it. My own was screaming, too. Then he did something I swear I have never seen before. With great flexibility and dexterity, he did the splits, and while on the floor, with his dick pointing toward his face, gave himself the most erotic blow job I have ever seen. I could see his shoulder muscles, the top of his head, and his arms out to the sides grabbing his feet. Even more I could hear the low moans and rapid breathing. I myself was bursting at the seams, and blew a geyser before he did. I couldn’t quite believe how such a big guy could twist himself up. His head went up and down, up and down, and soon every muscle in his body tensed until he exploded. He lifted his head and creamy white cum was hanging down his chin. I swiftly moved to help him clean it up, and could see still more coming out of the cock head. I leaned down to lap up every last drop. Ronnie raised himself from the floor and shook out his huge muscles. I placed my hands on his huge back and ass, and just rubbed my hands up and down. Just touching him was such a turn on. “Come on, let’s take a nice long soak in the hot tub,” I suggested. “You mean you have a spa right here in this apartment?” he beamed. “This is going to be even better than I thought!” Funny, I was thinking the same thing. Well, that’s how I met the cop. It may sound too good to be true, and I’ve thought that quite often, but hey, what’s wrong with good? There must be some reason I moved so far, and for now, this one will do!


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