Gay Erotic Stories

The Men's Club

by Dick E. Studmann
04 Aug 1997

Men's Clubs

I had an idea that occurred to me just after I finished my most popular story. The story was about Mike, the college professor, who was divorcing his wife because she claimed his penis was too large. Mike and I had a brief encounter in Anchorage one weekend, and then occasionally met in our home town for a reprise. Anyway, my story about Mike was extremely popular, and had been sold to a gay magazine, and had been purchased for film rights by a small independent production company, not even a porn shop at that. Anyway, I have made a lot of money from the hot stories I've written, and while many people think they are the product of a fertile imagination, in fact most of them have happened almost exactly as told. Men, all of them exceptional lovers, and hard bodies, had made me successful, and rich. So I decided to have a reunion, of sorts, to thank them all, to see some of them again, to be with all of the men in my men's club, and take notes and film video, and get great fodder for many more stories. I rented the lodge at Snake Lake called Crystal Creek Lodge. The lodge was "comfortable rustic," with enough single rooms for everyone I invited, each with a huge double bed, and bathroom attached. The food would be catered in, and we would have the place to ourselves, and it's a good thing. I brought a case (that's 1000, mind you) of condoms and sent out the invitations. Now, most of the men lived within driving distance, but some of them would have to fly in from other places. I decided the long weekend of the President's Day holiday would be the best because we'd all have an extra day. In February, Snake Lake, Alaska can be impossible to reach. However, this particular year, there was not much snow on the roads. And, hey, if it snowed while we were there and we couldn't get out, who would care. By Friday morning I was nervous and just about jumping out of my skin. As I drank my morning coffee, alone at my home, reviewing the travel arrangements, I thought of each of the men who was coming. Of course there were the local guys, all of whom were ready and willing to come. Greg, tall and strong, with the most creative ideas of sexual activity, married when we first met, but alone now. He'd help with cooking and clean up after, and if I was lucky this weekend, we'd have more than one encounter. Mike, of course, who had the broadest dick of all of them, and who since his divorce, has turned to weightlifting and hardening his body to please younger men. It's working! DJ, the oil delivery man who comes to my house still at least once a week, would be there and said he would take care of the booze. Of course! Darryl, the banker, had moved on to Juneau, but would be flying in. I was his first male encounter, and I know now not his only one. He had such dark, brooding features, and long legs and fine hair. He is, perhaps, the handsomest of the group. My friend, the urologist, Peter Ball, would be there, with new toys (he promised) for us to try out. Joe, the writer, who was my roommate for a while, will be coming back from Anchorage. He told me he wasn't really happy there and had thought of coming back. He is the most confused of the group, and has the most tattoos. Robert, the pilot, will fly in and land on the road just west of the lodge. He told me he'd be more than willing to take people up to initiate them in the "mile high club." Of course, I'm already a member! Then there are the bodybuilders who will be coming from California and Texas. Of course, Ronnie will be here. He saved my whole collection of Alaskan Art, and saved my sanity when I lived in Texas for a couple of years. Ronnie has won some national level contests recently. He's the largest of the bodybuilders, and can do some really amazing things to and with himself and with others. Just thinking about him makes me hard every time. Craig and Tom are now living together in LA, and are both coming. I met them separately, but I can't imagine how hot they are together. Maybe a threesome would be in order. Tom is the most ruggedly handsome, and Craig is the most narcissistic. I can't wait. I'm sure Craig will insist on complete nudity all weekend. He just loves to show off. The old man among us is Frank, but no one will ever guess his age. He is a stud from the word go. He and Craig were lovers for a while, but Craig has an attitude, and Frank was more mature. I asked them both if they would be bothered by the other's presence. Frank told me no. He said that he was still Craig's trainer, as well as Tom's, and they all get along just fine. I was glad to hear that. I'd sure not want to referee a fight between these three gladiators. Chris is also coming. He's between shoots now. Oh, you didn't know? He is now the most sought after male erotic star. He's also a personal trainer, and has been in a few private bodybuilding shows recently. Private shows are done for wealthy individuals who love to look and touch and get more involved than the professional public shows do. His films got him banned from the professional ranks. Their loss! My hard on was raging as I reviewed the men who made my stories great. I just needed to hold off, not whack off! Just then the phone rang. It was DJ wondering if he could get in at the lodge to take all the beer and other booze up early. I knew DJ well enough to know he'd still be late. I told him I was headed out right now, that Mike was picking up the airport arivees when they came in, and that I'd meet him there. Then to tease him I said, "Hey, DJ, maybe we can get a quickie in before the others arrive." He chuckled in a deep resonant voice, and I knew his hot mouth would soon be sucking my hard dick. I took off and headed up the road the 20 miles to the lodge. I wanted to get the fire started, heat up the steam, and make sure the essentials were there. And, I was meeting the caterer there too. God knows, with 12 very well built, hot studs to feed, we'd need a ton of food. And, since it was to be a pleasurable experience, we had some of the best food: prime rib, lobster, turkey, tons of fresh fruit and veggies, and coffee, tea and milk. The caterer's truck was there when I arrived. We loaded things in and she left. I started the huge fire place, stoked the heater in the steam, and went to open all the room doors. The lodge had 15 single rooms on two floors, a large meeting and eating room, a steam, a hot tub on the first floor, and a great kitchen. It was outstanding! DJ arrived just after the caterer left. He put all the booze in the huge walk in cooler, threw his bags in one of the rooms, and sauntered over to the large couch by the fireplace. "Hey, what's this all about, this weekend?" he asked innocently. He never was known for his smarts, but the outstanding sex was worth it. "DJ, it's a reunion for all the men who have made my life what it is today. We'll go fishing, skiing, flying, play some games, get in the steam or hot tub, and just compare notes and talk about our lives. To be sure, DJ, there will be plenty of sexual escapades for you to participate in." I winked at him as I said that. Like I said, DJ wasn't overly bright, but the sex made up for that! "Man, I hope so. I need a little spice in my life right now." Just then a truck and several cars drove up. It was Mike in his van with the fly-ins, and Greg with Peter, Darryl and Joe. Everyone came in, in a rush, bungling through the small door, loading in their stuff, and greeting one another. Most knew who the others were, but some did not. I tried to keep up with the introductions, but finally gave up. There were plenty of kisses all around, and a few pats on asses, and I knew this was surely going to be a monumental weekend. "Hey, everyone," I shouted above the clamor, "grab a room, stow your gear, and meet back in the main room and we'll discuss our weekend ground rules." There was a little grumbling, and maybe I was being a bit camp counselor like, but I wanted everyone to have a good time, and all of us to get off on the right foot. When everyone was assembled, I started. "Gentlemen, you are here because I wanted to share with you some of the wealth and happiness you have brought me through the series of stories I've written, with all of you as stars." There were a few chuckles around the room. "So, here are some of my expectations for this weekend. First, I'm looking for new material for new stories, and I will be listening and looking at what goes on this weekend. Second, there will be video cameras running so that the memory won't be the only way to go. Third, there are 1000 condoms of all colors, textures and sizes available, so be safe. Fourth, I want suggestions on how we could make this a better weekend for you all. Any suggestions?" As I predicted, Craig was the first to raise his hand. I nodded in his direction. "Man, I think we should declare this a "clothes-free" weekend. We all are in great shape, and we're here to look at, touch, suck, fuck, hold on to each others dicks. So let's see the merchandise, so we can cut to the chase." Ronnie nodded. "I agree. We're all in this for the hottest, horniest sex possible, as much as possible. So let's just see what everyone's got to offer up front, so to speak." Chuckles broke out. "Okay, I said we'd do this democratically," I said. "Any objections to this being a nude weekend?" Hearing none, I went on. "Okay. I have several things planned in the way of games, all sexual, by the way, and some of you have agreed to teach us some tricks as well. Here's the can pair up, get into larger groups, do whatever. In a sense this is as close to an orgy as you'll ever be. Agreed? Anyone that has any problem with what anyone else is doing, see me, and we can arrange for transportation back to town. Otherwise, we're in for the hottest, sexiest weekend in a long time. People, please just be safe. We'll meet back here at 6 for dinner. Drinks are available in the kitchen, but please watch your personal consumption. Tonight we will have the Machismo Olympics. Tomorrow the RoMANce contest. Do whatever you wish, and have fun. Music is over there in the corner, outdoor activities are available. Any questions?" Tom raised his hand. "Yeah, Tom." "Hey, thanks for bringing us all together. I already have such a hard on I can hardly stand it, so if anyone would like to join Craig and I for a threesome, come on along." Tom stood and pulled his shirt over his head and flexed his beautiful upper body. Several people whistled and made cat calls, Craig stood and ripped his shirt off, and I knew the weekend was off and running. Men dispersed to various corners, various states of dress and undress, and within minutes they were dancing, necking, kissing, and feeling each other up. Ronnie and Mike were slow dancing, and it was kind of funny. Ronnie was over 6 foot tall and just huge, and black, while Mike was about 5'7", modestly built, but probably had the biggest dick here. Believe me, I knew them all! Most of the afternoon was spent either getting to know one another, in bedrooms behind closed or unclosed doors, and in the main lodge, scoping each other out. At four I announced that dinner would be at 6 and the Olympics would begin at 8. I looked over my list of games. There was nude bodybuilding posing, pairs posing, non-bodybuilders posing, strip tease, cum shooting for distance, cum shooting for volume, longest times jack off, and creative pairs sexual adventures. I noticed that over in the corner Frank and DJ were going at it. Frank, a fiftyish bodybuilder, was really well developed, with a huge cock and gigantic balls. DJ loved to suck the whole thing into his mouth, but it looked like Frank was presenting him with a real challenge. Meanwhile Ronnie and Mike were still dancing, but they had removed all their clothes and were hand-jobbing each other to the music. Craig and Tom had gone outside, and the rest were in bedrooms doing whatever. I heard a car drive up and knew it would be Ben, the only one whom the other hadn't met. Ben was my most recent boy-toy. He was just 25, a newcomer to our town, and very much still a boy, except in the sex department. That's where he was every bit a man, and sometimes even more than I could handle. He had come to town in the fall to replace the second grade teacher at the local school. He was such a kid himself, it was no wonder he got along so well with the kids. I had watched him in the classroom, and he was great. Only his skills in the love department were better. Ben came in smiling, flashing his gorgeous grin, which was surrounded by a slight van dyke beard. That came and went as he saw fit, and often would be gone for a week, and then back again for two. He didn't have any trouble growing hair, anywhere, and that was one of the things I loved about my Benny Bear! "Hey, so what's happening?" He asked. "Not much. We're just recreating until dinner time. Did you have a tough day?" I was trying to be as sympathetic as possible, but I knew that he considered his job a piece of cake. I was the only challenge in his life and he'd conquered me long ago! "No. I was just excited about coming up here and probably missed a few things today, but, oh well." He picked up his duffel. "Where's our suite?" "Right this way, my prince charming." I had saved the room with the best view, the largest of the rooms on the top floor, with the king size bed, for Ben and me. We pushed the door open and he let out an audible "wow". When he entered, I followed and shut and latched the door. "God, I have been so horny all afternoon," I started. "All of these great studs, jacking, sucking and fucking, and I was saving myself just for you. Of course, you know this is a free weekend, and if there's anyone you want to try something with, it's okay with me. I may have to return to a former stud or two myself." "I don't think so," he said with manly confidence, as he pulled my head to his waiting mouth. He drilled my oral cavity with the sweet nectar of his saliva, and I was putty in his hands, which were rapidly undoing my pants. My dick sprang to attention, as it had already many times that day, and Ben's strong fingers squeezed and then rotated around the helmet, sending sensations up and down my whole body. I could feel the white cream collecting in my balls, and knew it would soon be shooting out. I pushed Ben away so I could take off all my clothes. He did the same. I marveled for a minute his beautiful body. He was so young, and yet so mature. His dick, now fully hard, was broad and long, some 11 inches, and his chest was full of hair. His abs were strong and defined and the blanket of fur did not hide the six pack he'd developed there. He came at me, hungry to down my man juice, and I stood ready to receive him. Sucking up and down, and holding his powerful hand at the base, he could blow me longer without my dick exploding. He knew where to place his hands, squeezing tightly, so that I would convulse like cumming, but nothing would come out. He continued the feverish up and down suction, this time releasing my balls, and within seconds I was gushing, gallons (it seemed) of milky jism. Ben lapped it all up and grinned his innocent grin. He flopped his furry body down on the bed, his dick flying high. I was tempted to suck him as hard as I could but something else came to mind. I reached into my bag and pulled out some strawberry jam, which I meant to take to the kitchen earlier. I scooped a little into my hand, placed my hand on his huge engorged cock, and started stroking up and down slowly. It seemed a little sticky at first, but got better as I rubbed. The heat from his dick shortly turned the jelly into more of a liquid, and as it dripped to his balls, I licked it up with my tongue. Ben was groaning, and I could tell he would soon blow his wad. I tongued his dick, taking in the jelly, and moving closer to the top. Before I could put his cock head into my mouth he shot so much hot, white juice that it was unbelievable. He kept pumping it out, and I got as much as I could. The salty taste was complimentary to the sweetness of the jam. I moved to the bathroom and got a washcloth wet in warm water. I wanted to wash up all the sticky, sugary goo, and loved touching Ben's penis anyway. I placed the warm cloth on his eleven inch rod, now softening some. I managed to get all the jelly out of the hairs, and rubbed under his balls, on his thighs, and up and down his shaft. It was making me hard again, and Ben knew it. My dick sprang to life, and Ben reached over with his hard, veiny hands. He had such a firm, but gentle touch. He would drive me to another ejaculation in seconds if I let him, but I wanted more. I wanted to ravage his ass, and he knew it. I pulled away. I reached back in my bag and pulled out a condom. In a fluid motion it was on and in place. Ben, still on his back, knew I would be entering with him in this position; I always did. I loved looking at him, watching his muscles flex and move, and was turned on by his smile and his beautiful face. I knelt at the end of the bed, and worked my fingers into his constricted rim. It opened some, and I knew it would soon be large enough for my raging man meat. I put Ben's legs up on my shoulders, as I'd done many times before. His ass rose to meet my cock, and with saliva, I made it wet enough to push the pulsating probe in. He grunted only slightly as the helmet passed his rim. This was so different from the first time, when he screamed so loud I thought I'd torn flesh or something. Now he could accommodate my wide load with no trouble. I pushed in as hard as I could. This brought a reaction from Ben's flaccid cock, like the dam was once more opened and the blood could rush in. Back and forth, in steady, strong rhythm, until his face turned beet red, and the muscles of his stomach became hard and defined. Ben was breathing hard, and I knew that he was getting as much of a workout as I was. I slowed the pace, and made longer strokes. I loved the feel of his rectum walls grabbing at my dick. I'd go almost all the way out and then slowly and deliberately ram it all the way back in. These long strokes helped me maintain erections, but also drove my lover wild. I could feel the heat building in my balls and knew it would soon be futile to try to hold off. Precum slipped out of Ben's dick, which was now firmly grasped by his own hand. One more long stroke out and one last forceful push in and I'd be erupting like a long dormant volcano. Out, almost all the way, and then in until I could force it no more, and liquid erupted from the end of my dick like I was urinating, but I knew it was all hot cum. Thank God for the reservoir tip on the condom, or it would have come all the way out. Ben's last hand stroke matched my last fuck stroke, and he shot again up his abs and chest with a great deal of pleasure. I stayed in his ass until My dick softened some, and pulled out, holding the condom top so as not to lose any of the valuable juice. Ben put his legs down to the sides, and I was able to crawl up and lick the remains of his last pleasure pump. The saltiness of the juice and of this young, hung, lover was enough to send me into orbit. How could I be so lucky. When I reached his face, all I wanted to do was cover it with kisses and he wanted to ravage my mouth with his tongue. We lay there for a long time, locked in a loving embrace, hard body touching hard body, and if we had stayed much longer we'd have both gotten off again. But there was so much more pleasure ahead. Neither one of us felt like dressing, so we headed to the lodge main room both naked. At that point it didn't matter. Everyone else had gotten down to basics, and by the time we got back, most were in some stage of hot sex, or watching and whacking. Ben and I went to the kitchen to get the dinner ready. I loved watching him pad around bare assed. He had on sandals and we both put on aprons so as to avoid pubic hairs in salads and things like that. Within minutes the steak dinner was ready. We served the meal from the window and watched as the people came by. Greg and DJ seemed to be hitting it off, feeding each other bits of salad and giggling line junior high girls. Good, I thought. DJ has been so unfocused, and Greg will be good for him. Ronnie and Mike were next. Mike winked at me as he passed, and I knew that he had met someone who would finally be able to handle his "too large" (as his ex-wife called it) dick. And, Ronnie finally met his match sexually. What a great combination. Chris and Frank were hitting it off. Who knows, maybe Chris will talk Frank into starring with him in his next X-rated film. It would sure be a natural. Craig and Tom were like high school football buddies.....flexing muscles next to each other, patting each other on bare asses, putting arms around one another like long lost buddies. They were great. Darryl and Peter were also together now, and what a natural it was. Darryl, the banker and Peter, the doctor, had lots in common. They were both perfectionists, they were both methodical and precise, and they were both uncut and over 10 inches. What a great pair! Only Robert had not arrived, and I wondered what had happened. Just then I heard a plane overhead. It was probably Robert. I wondered who he would bring, if he would bring anyone. Sure enough, when Robert walked in, he was arm and arm with Jeff, Ben's brother. They both flew for the same company, were both hot, hung, hungry pilots, and they were very, very involved with one another. Hail, hail, the gang's all here. Let the games begin!


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The Men's Club

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