Gay Erotic Stories

Eighteen Forever, Part 1

by Robby Sr.
13 Oct 2003

Fantasy Super Natural

Greg felt like skipping down the street but of course he didn't. An 18 year old skipping would be crazy, but that's how good he felt. Not only did he just get his butt fucked (some guy who came in for an oil change - Greg didn't even ask his name), but also he'd just made a big decision. He was going to run away from home. He didn't have an actual day picked out yet, and he didn't know exactly how he was going to do it, but he knew he was going to make his way to the freeway (which was several miles away), stick his thumb out, and wherever he ended up; that's where he was going.

At 18, he didn't really have to "run away." He could legally leave and he knew it, but his family didn't worry too much about what the law said. For that matter, neither did the whole town. When he was 15 he actually did run away from home, but his folks found him and brought him back. That little adventure cost him two teeth (courtesy of his dad's fist), and any hope of freedom in the future. Since then, anyone and everyone in town kept an eye on him and reported to his folks where he was, who he was with, and what he was doing. It was stifling, and Greg had enough of it.

He walked down the street and smiled to himself. In spite of everything he still managed to do some stuff that no one found out about. He knew if he really wanted to blow his folks away all he had to do was tell them he was gay. On the other hand he knew his dad would most likely have a heart attack and die right where he stood, and Greg decided his folks weren't worthy of him having that kind of stuff on his conscience so he stayed in the closet.

Small town America is still a collective cesspool of simple-minded folk, and Greg's parents and his town were model examples. Probably the main problem with these kind of towns was vision--no one had any. The few people in these kind of towns who had any vision at all, had the vision to get away from that town!

Life in these towns was pretty much set. Greg and all the other kids his age were simply told what to do. Not told on a day by day basis, but they were told what paths their lives would lead. It was all decided for them. Some were told to go to college. Some (who the town decided were trouble makers), were told to go into the military to get "straightened out." Others were told to just find a job in one of the nice factories around the area: that that was good enough for them. All were told to do something after high school, and after that something, to get married, settle down and raise a family. All done according to the rules set by the town. Those rules may or may not coincide with the law, but any one who didn't play by the rules wound up with a hard life.

There were penalties for not following the rules. The main penalty was that who ever didn't toe the line wasn't allowed to live in the town. No one was simply told to get out, but things happened to drive them away. A guy who couldn't abide by the rules found he couldn't get a job anywhere, couldn't rent a place to live anywhere, couldn't find a group of friends to hang out with, couldn't get his foot in the door any where unless he made the changes the town wanted him to make. Most left town and stayed away. The towns weren't aware of it, but every one who left was more than happy to get away. Like Greg, they didn't feel like they were being cast out, but let out: like they had been in prison and were now being set free. Greg was one of the ones who wanted out, and was willing to do anything to get out--anything at all. Problem was, he had to do it without his folks finding out what he was up to in time to stop him.

The sun had just gone down and Greg was hungry but he didn't want to go home to eat. Hell, he didn't want to go home at all, but at least he could stall a while and get something to eat in town instead of going home right away. He checked that he had enough money in his wallet to get a burger, then shoved his wallet back into the pocket of his extra baggy shorts and headed toward the town's only burger joint when he heard the voice behind him.

"Young man!"

Greg stopped and turned around. A man was about a half block away and was pointing to the ground.

"You dropped your wallet there," he called out. Greg looked and sure enough, his wallet was lying on the ground. His shorts were so baggy he didn't even feel that his wallet didn't make it into the pocket and he was too preoccupied to hear it hit the ground.

"Oh, Jeez!" Greg yelled and ran back and picked up his wallet. He looked at the guy and thanked him. The guy was obviously a stranger in town because he hadn't ever seen him before, and Greg knew everybody else in town just like they all knew him.

The guy walked on past Greg, reached out and patted Greg's shoulder. "Quite all right, young man. Glad to help," he said and walked on up the street. Greg stopped and tried to look at his own back pocket to make sure that this time his wallet went in. When he looked back up the street, the guy was gone.

At the restaurant Greg slowly ate his burger and fries. His mind went back to the guy. There was something about him. He was new in town all right. Right away Greg noticed the guy was impeccably dressed: something that was definitely out of place in this town! He'd had on a three piece, pin stripped suit and hat. He only had a glance, but Greg figured he was in his late 30's, maybe early 40's, yet his manner of speaking said he was even older than that. But there was still something else Greg couldn't put his finger on. He just shook his head and finished eating.

He took even longer to drink his shake. Finally he figured it was safe to go home. By this time his folks should be drunk enough that they would care only that he was home. Then he could shut himself up in his room again, put his headphones on so he couldn't hear his folks first arguing, and then fucking in the room next door, and continue making his plans to escape.

Later that night he watched a movie on TV that showed him an easy way to get out. The hero in the movie was an expert in disguise. In the movie he could change his appearance and go anywhere. Halloween was coming up in a few days. Greg knew that on Halloween he too could dress himself up any way he wanted and at least for that night - long enough to make his way to the freeway - no one would know it was him and therefore couldn't report to his folks that he was headed out of town. Greg slept very good that night.

He worked at one of the town's two gas stations. Both of them were on the main street, one at each end of the town. Even though the town itself wasn't much of anything, it did happen to be situated between two freeways, and a lot of people followed the freeway's signs to gas and food and ended up either at Greg's or the other station. Greg was the only one working, and though he wasn't officially a mechanic he could do oil changes and light mechanical work. Many times he ended up either in the back of the garage, or in the bathroom with his pants down to his ankles getting his cock sucked, or on his knees sucking the cock of some guy who was passing through town. Lots of times he went home from work with a load of cum oozing out of his ass, and he loved it all. He also loved that no one in town knew about his sexcapades at work.

He worked a swing kind of shift and got off work at 7 pm. He'd usually stop off at the burger joint and eat something there and hang out until he felt it safe to go home at a time when he didn't have to talk to his folks.

The next night he again went to the burger joint to eat and hang out and waste time. It was particularly busy tonight and most of the tables were full. He ordered his food and stood in line waiting for his order to be filled.

"So we meet again. And you still have your wallet," the voice came from behind him again. Greg turned and the same man was standing there.

"Yeah," Greg smiled, "learned my lesson last night for sure."

"At least that lesson didn't cost you anything. Nice when it happens that way, isn't it?"

"Sure is!" Greg laughed. "Thanks again for not just grabbing it. You would have been all of five bucks richer." The man only nodded, almost a slight bow. Greg's order was ready. He took his tray and thanked the man again.

"Enjoy your dinner," the man said.

'Dinner?' Greg thought, 'It's a burger and fries, dude!' When Greg sat down he saw that he had taken the last available table. He saw the strange man walking through the place with his tray, looking for a place to sit. Greg figured what the hell and waved the man over and pointed to the empty seat at his table.

"Thank you so much, young man," the man said as he sat down. Greg got a better look at him. It was tough to judge the man's age. There were only a few lines on his face, but they were etched deep. His hair was about half gray, and he still had a full head of hair. Late 40's maybe? Early 50's? He was slim, and actually looked pretty good. Greg never cared about the age of the guys he sucked and fucked, only that they were horny and wanted either his dick or his butt. This guy would do fine. His eyes were what held Greg's attention. They seemed to be almost shining, dark colored, wise eyes but also teasing.

"Since this is officially our third meeting," the man smiled, "perhaps we should be properly introduced. My name is Harvard. Elijah Harvard. Ely for short." He leaned a bit closer to Greg, "No relation to the university." He sat back and smiled as though he was pleased with his own joke. "And you must be Greg."

Greg just looked at him, and then snickered as Ely pointed to the name sewn onto his gas station uniform shirt. "Yeah," Greg smiled, "I'm Greg."

"Very pleased to meet you, Greg." Ely smiled.

Greg started feeling a bit silly--even a little inadequate. No one in this town had ever been so polite to him...or to each other! Greg wasn't sure how to respond.

"By the way," Ely said between bites of his steak sandwich, "I am sixty-two years old."

Greg almost choked on his bite of fries. How did he know...?

Ely laughed, "Don't worry about it, Greg," he said. "Everyone tries to guess my age, and I take pride in the fact that they all underestimate." Now his eyes seemed to be twinkling. "You did too, didn't you?"

"I didn't mean to be nosy," Greg mumbled. He started to say something else apologetic but Ely cut him off.

"Please put it out of your mind, Greg," he said, "Although I must admit I am something of a fraud. The sin of pride, you see."

"Huh?" Greg didn't know what to say.

"Oh yes," Ely went on, "I use many creams and lotions to keep the wrinkles at bay, and I color my hair now and then. Fortunately, the hair I have is real, as baldness has never run in my family. Also I stay very active to keep my weight down." He made a show of looking Greg up and down, "It appears that you have many years to go before you need to concern yourself with such things."

"Thanks," Greg said simply. Now he was a little sorry that he waved Ely to his table--not that he didn't like him. Ely spoke a little slowly, distinctly pronouncing each word and Greg just didn't know how to talk to a guy like that. It made him uneasy.

"You know, Greg," Ely kept talking and Greg kept eating. "When I was a boy I was sent to the proverbial finest schools, and those schools would accept nothing less than my being a perfect gentleman. It is a learned trait and nothing more. It's true I became comfortable with it and even enjoy it, but it is certainly not a requisite for the company I choose to keep. I was only fortunate to have parents who greatly concerned themselves with my upbringing and education." Ely looked down at his food, as though he didn't want to look Greg in the eye, "You don't come from the same situation, I think."

Greg stared at Ely, shocked. "How did you know I was thinking about that?" he blurted out.

Ely smiled, "I can tell things," he said simply and shrugged, "I suppose it comes with age, but I can tell things."

"You mean you can read minds?!?" Greg's eyes widened.

"Oh my goodness!" Ely laughed, "Do I appear to be that mysterious?"

"Well," Greg smiled, "Yeah! You do!"

Ely laughed harder. "I'm sorry, Greg. I don't mean to be mysterious at all. I noticed you looking at my suit, and I noticed how you seemed to be a tad confused when I talk. That's all."

Greg also looked at the counter where other customers were ordering and saw the manager looking at him. 'Fuckin' bitch!' he thought. 'Wanting to know who the hell I'm with so she can tell my folks.' He looked out the window of the restaurant. He had the feeling that some one else was out there watching him, too. He was watched everywhere he went. Since it was night and they were inside the restaurant all Greg could see was his own reflection in the window, but his skin tingled and he felt like the hairs on the back of his neck were standing up. He was sure someone was out there, also wondering whom it was he was with, and why he was with him. He wouldn't be surprised at all if his folks asked him whom he ate with since he was sure someone would tell them. Damn he wanted out of this town!

"Is there a problem?" Ely was watching him. Greg glanced at the counter once more and saw the manager quickly look away from him.

He ended up telling Ely his whole situation. About the beatings that started even when he was a little kid. About the suspicion, about his running away, about every one in town watching him, and about his plans to get away.

"I see." Ely said. "I can't say that I blame you, either. May I offer a suggestion?" Greg nodded. "On Halloween night, it might not be a good idea for you to be out on the freeway wearing a lavish costume or heavily made up. Most people, I think, would be loathe to pick up a total stranger under those circumstances." Greg's eyes lightened up as he realized Ely was right. "What you need," Ely continued, "is one of those masks that you pull over your head. A Werewolf mask, for instance. It will most likely come only with a pair of gloves that look like furry hands with claws. With the mask alone no one could possibly know it was you, and you could wear normal clothes. Once you got far enough away to feel safe, you have only to pull the mask and gloves off and throw them away. Then you are nothing more than a teenager hitchhiking on the freeway. Much better chance of getting a ride."

"You're right." Greg smiled at him, "Thanks!"

"As for myself," Ely looked Greg in his eye and smiled, "I would pick you up without hesitation."

Greg perked up. He'd heard lines like that before. Well, a little more blunt than that ("Hey kid - want your dick sucked?") But still... "You saying what I think you're saying?" he grinned at Ely.

Ely smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "I can tell things," he repeated.

Greg glanced around him and glanced at his watch. "I don't have a lot of time," he told Ely. "I gotta be home pretty soon or my folks'll beat my ass." He glanced out the window again but still couldn't see anyone. "Tell ya what," he told Ely. "I'll leave and turn right. Give me a couple minutes and you leave and turn left. At the corner turn left again. I'll meet ya there."

Ely smiled, "You have a wonderful mind," he said. "I'm impressed."

Greg got up and tried not to leer at the manager on his way out. He turned right, which was the normal way home. But he walked around the block and waited at the corner for Ely. Ten minutes later they were in the woods, Greg's shorts were around his ankles, and Ely was on his knees with Greg's cock in his mouth and he was sucking hard.

Greg felt like his balls were about to be sucked right through his cock and into Ely's mouth. He wound up lying on the ground as Ely pulled his shorts off of him. Greg spread his legs and Ely laid on top of him. It was night, but there was enough ambient light for Greg to see Ely's eyes, which seemed to be twinkling. Ely worked Greg's shirt off and he lay naked on the ground. Ely's eyes made a show of taking in the young body and his hands ran up and down Greg's chest, appreciating the gorgeous pecs, the flat abdomen, the muscled arms and thighs. Ely's eyes and hands traveled all up and down Greg's body and then those eyes bored into Greg's as Greg's cock bored back into Ely's mouth.

Greg was late getting home but he didn't care. Even another beating from his drunken dad would be worth it. The sex was fantastic. Ely was fantastic. He didn't merely fuck Greg; he made love to him, which was something Greg had never experienced before. Most of the sex he got was in and around the gas station, and they were all quickies. Ely took his time, and some part of his body or another came in contact with every part of Greg's body. Greg didn't feel like he'd just gotten fucked. He felt like he had been...elevated. Like he was made worthy. Oh hell, he felt damn good! It was about 8 pm when he and Ely went into the woods and it was almost midnight now.

Like all kids, Greg had a plan B and even a plan C for getting in and out of the house when he didn't want his folks to know what he was doing. He climbed up the post of the back porch and onto its roof, tip toed to his bedroom window, raised the window off the latch he'd rendered useless a long time ago, and into his room. He stuck his head out in the hallway and listened. No sound at all. He stripped to his underwear so it would look like he'd just gotten out of bed and tip toed out into the hallway and down to his folks' room. Again, no noise. They must have already fucked and passed out. Good. He snuck downstairs and looked but could find no evidence that they noticed he wasn't home. The caller ID showed the last call came in while he was still at work, so no one had called to gossip about him and Ely to his folks.

He went back to his room, lay on his bed and thought about Ely--about just why Ely had made such an impression on him. Other guys were just today's fuck and yesterday's fuck: forgotten about within minutes after they left. Something about Ely though, something other that the sex stuck with Greg--something was strange about him. So strange as to be almost scary but Greg didn't know what it was. Ely said he didn't mean to be mysterious, but mysterious seemed to be all he was. What was he doing in town anyway? Most transients only gassed up and headed back out to the same freeway Greg longed for. Ely didn't even have a car that Greg knew about. He never said what brought him to town or even what business he was in.

Greg's TV was on showing an old scary movie. Most late night shows were gearing up big time for Halloween so Vincent Price and Lon Chaney and Bella Lugosi were all over the screen. Greg finally fell asleep without turning off the TV...

Suddenly Greg bolted upright in his bed. He was sweating even though it was cool. He was panting. He knew he'd had a nightmare but couldn't remember what it was about. His clock glowed showing 4:00 a.m. His blanket and sheet were on the floor, meaning he had been thrashing about on his bed.

He pushed himself out of bed and went down the hall into the bathroom to rinse his face. He looked at himself in the mirror and rolled his eyes when he saw a nice hickey on his neck. 'Thanks, Ely!' he thought to himself. Now he remembered that Ely spent an awful long time at his neck when they were rolling around naked on the ground. He smiled to himself. He didn't really care. Let the town folk think what they want. Didn't matter to him one-way or the other. He was almost out anyway.

He started brushing his teeth. He glanced back up at himself in the mirror and just as suddenly as he bolted up in bed, his skin tingled again and the hairs on his neck stood up and he broke out in a sweat again. His toothbrush clattered into the sink and was forgotten. He wasn't sure...but he WAS sure...but it couldn't be! Now he knew why he felt uneasy earlier tonight. But it was impossible! He must still be dreaming. At the restaurant he was sure someone was watching him from outside, but he couldn't see because it was dark outside and light in the restaurant. All he could see was his reflection in the window, and that was the problem. His reflection was the only one he saw. Ely was sitting right there with him but his own reflection was the only one he saw! Greg looked down and his hands were shaking.


Part Two

Greg stumbled back to his room in a daze. He didn't notice the toothpaste still running down his chin. He jumped in bed and sat up leaning against the headboard with his blanket pulled up under his chin. The TV was still on but Greg didn't notice. He just stared straight ahead and shivered under the blanket...

His eyes snapped open at the sound of his folks leaving the house for work. He was still half sitting and half leaned over with the blanket up under his chin. He looked around him and exhaled a deep breath as he figured he'd been dreaming.

'This is fuckin' stupid!' he thought. 'Nuthin' happened last night. No shit like that happened.' He figured he'd nodded off watching a scary movie on TV and dreamed the whole thing. He reminded himself that since he was a kid he was prone to nightmares after watching a horror film on TV. Ely couldn't possibly be anything other than ole Ely. So what if he acted strange? Actually, he wasn't really strange, just different. So much more sophisticated than anyone else in this fucking town would ever know how to be, and that doesn't make him weird or bad or anything! In fact, getting out of this shithole town and meeting people like Ely and other people who were just as different was exactly what Greg was looking forward to anyway.

He waited until his folks left the house and then went into the bathroom to take a shower. He looked at himself in the mirror again. The hickey was still there: even seemed to stand out a little more. He noticed he was pale and just shook his head. He thought he'd let himself get way too scared over a stupid movie. He showered and dressed. He didn't have to work today but he did have to stop in at the station to pick up his paycheck.

At the station his boss handed him his check and asked if he was all right. He looked a little down his boss said. Greg assured him he felt fine and would be at work the next day. His boss glanced at Greg's neck and then smilingly told him to get some rest. Greg walked to the bank and cashed his check. On the way back from the bank he passed the library and after a moment's hesitation, went in.

Once again he thought he was being stupid to be thinking such things, but he couldn't help it. No one else at the library seemed to notice his presence, and no one noticed as he headed back into the shelves. He didn't admit to what he wanted until he found himself in the section labeled, "Occult." Greg spent the whole morning at the library.

In the afternoon Greg shopped at the local department store and bought a Werewolf mask. As Ely said, it also came with a pair of gloves shaped like furry paws with long rubber claws. That purchase went into a sack and he walked home. At each trashcan he passed he almost took the other small package he'd bought and threw it away, but each time he walked on. He kept telling himself he was being stupid for buying the damn thing, and then for thinking to throw it away, and then for not throwing it away. But he kept it.

At home he found a note from his folks telling him to cut the grass. Usually he got pissed when he found a note from them but this time he absent mindedly went outside and fired up the lawn mower. As he pushed the mower around the yard he kept thinking that he would look up at any moment and Ely would be standing there in his three piece suit and hat and smiling like he always did. Then he kicked himself again for thinking that Ely couldn't possibly show up now because it was still day time and the sun was still out.

At the end of their back yard a creek bordered their property and led to a small area in the woods that Greg and a few of his childhood buds used as a swimming hole. It was still warm enough through the day to go in the water, so Greg left the mower and walked to the swimming hole, stripping off his clothes on the way.

He jumped naked into the water to cool off. He laid back and as he thought about being with Ely in the same woods his hand went under the water and he started stroking his dick. He smiled as he remembered how Ely was able to be aggressive but gentle at the same time. The other guys he fucked at the gas station just simply went at it, shot a load either in Greg's mouth or on his face or up his butt, then pulled up their pants and went on their way. Only a few even thanked him.

But he remembered how he was leaned up against a tree and Ely fucked his face hard but kept his hands behind Greg's head so he wouldn't smack the tree. And how Ely insisted that they move into the grass, which was more comfortable than the twigs they were on, and then got on top of Greg and fucked him until both of them were drenched in sweat.

Greg's hand jacked faster and faster making waves in the water as he remembered sitting on Ely's chest. Ely's cum oozed out of his ass and Greg smeared it on his chest while he fucked Ely's face and Ely sucked every drop of cum out of Greg's dick and swallowed it all down.

Since he was alone Greg didn't worry about anyone hearing him moan while he shot his load under the water hard enough for his cum to break the surface. He lay back in the water and panted and thought about how he and Ely laid naked together and held each other and Ely showered Greg with praise, which no one had ever done before.

No, Greg thought, Ely isn't a problem at all. He has an accent and so what? Just walking down the street he beats the hell out of everyone else in town. He simply stands out, but that's not terrible at all. Greg figured most people in town wouldn't like Ely simply because he was different. That was the only mind set these people knew - different equals bad.

Before his folks got home from work, Greg left them a note that he was going to eat with one of his friends and then hang out a while. He went upstairs to shower and change. In his room he took out the small package again and held it a while trying to decide. In spite of his fondness for Ely, he opened the package and put the chain around his neck. Hanging on the chain was a cross.

The burger joint was the town's "hot spot." That's where the local young folks went to hang out, meet each other, and find out where the party was. There wasn't a party every night; but whenever there was one somewhere, word got back to the kids working at the burger joint and they kept every one who came in informed. Greg wasn't worried about finding a party, but there was just no other place to go in town except the bars and he wasn't old enough to go to them.

As soon as he got in sight of the place he immediately scanned around for Ely. He wasn't sure if he wanted to see him or not, but he wasn't particularly worried about it, either. As he got closer to the place he saw that Ely wasn't there. Almost no one was there, which meant that someone managed to get hold of some beer and there was a party somewhere, or every one had already come by and found out there was no party anywhere.

Greg was about to reach out to open the door when he suddenly felt lightheaded. So much so that instead of going inside he went to one of the outdoor tables and sat down. He felt flushed and even a little faint. He sat down and took in some deep breaths and thought maybe he was coming down with something. 'Aw shit!' he thought. 'That's all I fuckin' need is to get sick now!' He told himself he didn't care, that he was getting out anyway no matter how he felt.

The dizziness cleared but he still felt funny. He couldn't put his finger on it, but he felt strange. He got up and started walking. He didn't particularly want to, but he got up and started walking. He turned the corner and walked another block and just kept right on walking into the woods. He knew he was heading for the spot where he and Ely got together the other night, and he found that he couldn't stop. He didn't know why he was going there, but damn it if he couldn't stop! It was almost like his body had disconnected itself from his brain and was acting on its own. He even thought about turning around: concentrating on it even, but he just kept walking straight ahead. He felt like he was being pulled. No one was with him, but he definitely felt like someone or something had some kind of hold on him and was pulling and pushing him and wouldn't let him stop. Just before he could actually start to panic he walked into the small clearing where he and Ely had gone at it last night.

Ely was there. He was standing with his back to Greg, looking up into the star filled sky. Greg finally stopped and stared at Ely's back. His heart was pounding in his chest and he was sure Ely could hear it. Hell, the people back in the restaurant could probably hear it!

Ely turned and smiled at Greg, "I was hoping you would come," he said.

Greg looked into Ely's eyes and melted. He no longer cared about anything else: he was simply happy to be there. Ely took a step toward Greg, pulling off his suit coat. Greg smiled back.

"I don't know why I'm here but you do," he said. He reached out and put his arms around Ely. "I don't know, but I don't care." Their lips met, and the next thing Greg knew, he was lying on the ground and Ely was pulling his pants off.

Ely's mouth started at Greg's feet, his tongue working between the toes and up and down over the ball to the heel and back again. Greg moaned while Ely's mouth worked its way up his legs, kissing and licking. Ely's hands kneaded the muscles in Greg's calves, massaged his thighs, and pushed his legs apart and reached up to play with his balls and his dick. Greg closed his eyes and enjoyed the kind of attention no one else had ever given him.

Greg's body automatically arched his butt clear off the ground when Ely's mouth slid down over and swallowed and sucked on his dick. Greg felt a finger work its way up his ass and while his dick fucked Ely's mouth, Ely's finger fucked Greg's ass.

Greg's heart started pounding all over again when he felt Ely's other hand start to unbutton his shirt. He felt a little stupid with the cross on his neck, but he also felt that finally he would know. He was sure Ely would notice that the other night Greg had no chain around his neck and now he does. Greg started squirming as each button opened, wondering how Ely would react. Wondering how he himself would react! Wondering how he would explain if Ely asked. Damn he wished he hadn't worn it!

Ely pulled his finger out of Greg's ass and swallowed his dick until Greg felt his nose in his bush. Greg felt Ely's body shift as he put a hell of a suck on his dick and very slowly slid his mouth up and up until Greg's dick popped out of it and slammed down against his belly. Ely shifted until he was straddling Greg. Greg couldn't remember when he did it or how he did it but Ely was naked, his clothes a pile on the ground beside them.

Greg's heart rate picked up and pounded harder and harder as Ely's hands reached inside his shirt. Ely pulled Greg's shirt open, leaned down and started sucking on Greg's nipple. Greg's mouth opened but no sound came out. Ely's tongue licked his nipple, slid across his chest and started on his other nipple. On the way over, Ely's tongue pushed the cross out of the way with no reaction at all from Ely. Greg let out his breath and relief swept over him so heavy that he actually felt light headed again.

Greg spread his legs so Ely could get between them. Ely crawled up Greg's body until their lips met. When Ely's tongue slid into Greg's mouth his dick slid up Greg's butt. Greg moaned and wrapped his legs around Ely's hips and his arms went around Ely's back and they made out and Ely fucked Greg.

Greg had never felt so good. He had never been made to feel so good. He used his legs wrapped around Ely to pull Ely into him even harder. He moaned with each thrust and laid back as Ely's lips moved to his neck. Greg silently smiled to himself, as he knew Ely was going to give him another hickey on the other side of his neck. He used his hands to massage Ely's back and head and just let Ely go at it. He didn't care. He was loving it and would carry the hickey with pride. He was leaving tomorrow night anyway and he wanted all he could get from Ely tonight.

And he got it. Ely took his time and worked Greg's butt with his cock while Greg squirmed with pleasure and felt Ely's hot tongue on his neck, licking and tickling and kissing and both of them moaned and the night wore on and they fucked.

Finally Greg used his hole to milk the cum out of Ely's cock while Ely bucked and humped and hollered out and emptied his jizz deep into Greg. Greg pumped his own load between their bodies and it got sticky while they lay together and caught their breath and made out.

Ely raised up a bit and looked into Greg's eyes. Greg was mesmerized once again by those eyes. They were hypnotic; almost like Greg could look deep into them and see Ely from the inside. Indeed, even in the night and in the ambient light Greg could see his own reflection in Ely's eyes.

Ely smiled and kept looking at Greg.

"It doesn't work, you know," Ely said. "None of it does."

"Yeah?" Greg snickered while he rubbed Ely's back. "What doesn't work?"

"The cross."

Greg froze. "Huh?"

"The cross doesn't frighten us at all."

Greg's eyes widened and his heart started pounding again. "What the fuck!?!"

Ely's eyes burned into Greg's. Greg tried to look away but couldn't. His eyes seemed glued to Ely's. His body felt numb. He tried to will himself to move but nothing worked. He lay under Ely and felt like he was pinned down.

"Garlic doesn't work, either." Ely's voice seemed to be coming from all around Greg. Like voices were coming from a different direction with each sentence, but they were all Ely. "Bibles don't mean anything to us." "Bullets don't touch us--silver or otherwise." "Holy water to us is just something to drink."

"Oh no..." Greg mumbled.

"Nothing you read about us in the library today is true."

" no no no......"

Continued in “Eighteen Forever, Part Two” __________________________________________________________________________


More Gay Erotic Stories from Robby Sr.

Closer Than You Think

The following story is complete fiction. It is about intergenerational gay sex. If this offends you, the solution is simple - don't read it, and go away quietly. If it turns you on - read on!!! CLOSER THAN YOU THINK BY ROBBY SR. My neighbor and his wife had to go out of town suddenly to visit her mother who'd had a stroke. A mild one - and she was fine - but it was a good

Cross My Heart, Part 1

Eric burst into his apartment and practically threw his briefcase across the room. "Fucking, lying, silicone slut cunt!" he yelled to no one in particular. Good thing - no one else was there. He tore off his suit coat and slammed it to the floor. "Stupid bitch can't even sign her own name unless someone shows her how!" His tie flew somewhere across the room; shoes sailing somewhere else. "If

Cross My Heart, Part 2

The bar was called, "The Queen of Hearts." Eric and Trevor got there just before midnight. On the outside, the bar was an unassuming kind of place. A small sign with words lit up around a picture of the appropriate card from a poker deck announced the name of the establishment, but otherwise no fanfare. They had to park a few blocks away, and while they walked Trevor told Eric something about the

Double Coupon Day

Hank normally hated grocery shopping at this hour. The time just after most folks got off work but before usual dinnertime was when the damn place was always so crowded. But he did need all the things he'd filled his shopping cart with so he couldn't really complain: though he wouldn't have any way in this particular store. The weather was going sour. Even though the clouds were

Double Coupon Day, Part 2: Redemption Time

George got to work and immediately headed for the back of the store where the storerooms and the loading dock was. Today was a big day of the week for deliveries. He hated having four big semis show up on the same day, but he didn't control that part of the schedule. All he could do was try to schedule extra guys to work that day to get the trucks offloaded and the stock put away as quickly as

Eighteen Forever - The Last Story - Part One

CHAPTER ONE The sound came to him the way light tries to make its way through a fog. He felt himself floating in that fog. He couldn't tell if he was floating around the sound, or if he was still and it was the sound that was moving around. "Greg..." He expected the proverbial brilliant white light but it wasn't there. There was no light at all, only the sound--the sound of his name.

Eighteen Forever - The Last Story - Part Three

PART THREE BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER EIGHT The waiter arrived carrying a small folded table. A busboy was right behind him balancing a large tray on his shoulder. The waiter popped the table open and the busboy placed the tray on it with the same drama Ely used when he ordered. Greg and Ken were still staring at Ely. "Ah!" Ely exclaimed as though nothing untoward was going on. "The

Eighteen Forever - The Last Story - Part Two

PART TWO BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER FIVE Greg crawled up onto the bed and sat cross-legged. He hugged a pillow and sat. He glanced at the door when he heard footsteps and wondered why he didn't hear the front door again if Ely was coming back. He wasn't sure if he wanted Ely to come back, but found he was at least a little happy to hear the footsteps, and that feeling confused him even more.

Eighteen Forever - The Second Story, Part 1

BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER ONE The ambulance passed through the gates and in one voice the paramedic and two Emergency Medical Technicians said, "Wow!" Facing them was a very large, very old mansion--older than any of them could comprehend. It consisted of a main two-story wing with another two-story wing on either side. The driveway rambled up to and circled around a perfectly detailed garden.

Eighteen Forever - The Second Story, Part 2

BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER THREE The nurse entered the cubicle to check Greg's vital signs again. She told Greg and Ely that there were several gentlemen in the waiting room. "Ah," Ely told Greg, "The boys are arriving." "If you'd like," the nurse told Greg, "We can move you to a larger room, and they can all come in and sit with you. Or we can do the usual and let them come in two at a

Eighteen Forever, Part 1

Greg felt like skipping down the street but of course he didn't. An 18 year old skipping would be crazy, but that's how good he felt. Not only did he just get his butt fucked (some guy who came in for an oil change - Greg didn't even ask his name), but also he'd just made a big decision. He was going to run away from home. He didn't have an actual day picked out yet, and he didn't know exactly

Eighteen Forever, Part 2

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Fuckin' Florida Fun

Dave and Sara were having one of their typical vacations: they were hopelessly lost! No one could call it a guy thing and blame Dave. Nor could anyone blame Sara. The first time driving anywhere both of them were equally inept at following directions. They came to Florida from up north and were only trying to find the beach. It was night, and the city was new to them. They weren't

Fuckin' Florida Fun

Dave and Sara were having one of their typical vacations: they were hopelessly lost! No one could call it a guy thing and blame Dave. Nor could anyone blame Sara. The first time driving anywhere both of them were equally inept at following directions. They came to Florida from up north and were only trying to find the beach. It was night, and the city was new to them. They weren't

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BY ROBBY SR. Billy loved his morning routine. He woke up first as usual, and hurried naked into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee for his dad. When the water started to drip he ran back into the bedroom to wake up his dad. If dad was laying on his back or side, Billy would wake him up by sucking his cock. If dad was laying on his stomach, Billy would eat and finger his ass until he woke

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The Club

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