Gay Erotic Stories

Eighteen Forever - The Last Story - Part Two

by Robby Sr.
26 Feb 2004

Fantasy Sci-Fi Fantasy




Greg crawled up onto the bed and sat cross-legged. He hugged a pillow and sat. He glanced at the door when he heard footsteps and wondered why he didn't hear the front door again if Ely was coming back. He wasn't sure if he wanted Ely to come back, but found he was at least a little happy to hear the footsteps, and that feeling confused him even more.

The door opened but it wasn't Ely. It was Alex. Only it wasn't the teenaged Alex who'd been in the house the past couple of days. It was the Alex who was at the hospital. The Alex, who looked to be in his 50's. Greg was puzzled.

"Greg," Alex said as he walked into the room. "We're going to talk."

Greg only glanced at Alex and looked away. "I don't wanna talk."

Alex stood at the end of the bed and glared at Greg. Neither one of them were happy at the moment. "I didn't ask if you wanted to, Greg. I said we're going to...."

Greg's eyes snapped up and glared back at Alex. "Don't think your little charade means anything to me!" he spat at Alex. "You can look like my daddy if you want but you ain't nothin' to...OOWW!!"

Alex's eyes suddenly seemed to widen. They slammed into Greg's eyes and the force Greg felt slammed him against the headboard. He felt his head crack against it and then felt himself being pulled forward and then shoved back again until his head cracked against the headboard a second time. All the while Alex simply stood at the end of the bed with his arms folded across his chest and his eyes almost nonchalantly burning into Greg's mind. Greg sat still and stared at Alex, submitting but still obviously angry.

Alex leaned down, his hands on the bed, his eyes still boring into Greg. His voice was soft, but it was what was behind the almost whisper that left no room for argument. "Don't you play with me, boy!" Alex slowly shook his head. "I've been at this far, far longer than you have. When I say we're going to talk that means you're going to listen. I can hold you here like this as long as it takes. Or you can decide to make it easy on yourself and I'll let you go, but one way or the other, we are going to talk. Now!"

Greg couldn't move. The power behind Alex's eyes was a steel hand pushing him down on the bed and against the headboard. He actually felt the pressure of his head pushing against the headboard and he knew Alex wasn't kidding one bit. He couldn't move his arms or legs, so the only way he could let Alex know he was willing to cooperate was to simply think it. He knew Alex could read his thoughts as easily as he could hear speech.

Alex raised up and at the same time Greg felt the unseen hand release him. He looked at Alex as he rubbed the back of his head. Alex walked around and sat on the bed.

"You're angry now, Greg, and in a way that's understandable. You're confused, and that's understandable too. But I don't understand just who you're angry with." Alex nodded toward the window, indicating Ely somewhere outside. "You're not really angry with Ely, not deep in your heart you're not. You're not angry with me, at least you weren't a few minutes ago. You're not angry with Ken, so exactly who are you angry with?"

Greg leaned over a bit to look Alex in the eye, "I'm pissed with everything and everyone, okay? I'm pissed that Ely kept all this from me when I should have had some say in it all. I'm pissed with Ken for acting like it's no big deal. I'm pissed with you for being a part of it all. I'm pissed because I feel like I wasted my whole life just so I can be used. It might not make any sense to you but so fucking what? I don't care how many times you push me down or how you use your fucking power on me but it doesn't have to make any sense to you. Who the fuck are you anyway? It only needs to make sense to me. And right now it doesn't make any sense to me at all. So go ahead and slam me up against the wall as much as you want, it won't change anything." He shifted position on the bed to bring his face right next to Alex, their eyes only a couple of inches apart. "Are you getting this, Alex? I'm not impressed!" Greg turned away, as much to give Alex the idea that Greg was done with him as to avoid Alex making eye contact again.

Alex stood up and walked to the window. "All right, Greg," he said without looking at him. He looked out the window instead. "You think I'm just trying to show off? You think I'm just having fun with you? Ely told me you were a lot more intelligent than that. Was he wrong?"

"Maybe he was, maybe he wasn't. What business is it of yours?"

"Oh, none I suppose," Alex shrugged as he walked back to the bed. "I just don't want to see the same mistake made twice. That's all. Pure and simple."

Greg reluctantly looked at Alex, and saw that he had changed back into the teenager he was when he arrived a couple of days ago. "Why do you keep doing that? I don't care what you look like. I know it's you anyway."

Alex just smiled, "I look like less of a threat this way." Greg only shrugged. "More approachable I guess. That's how I want to be."

Greg sat with his knees pulled up under his chin. He only glanced at Alex. "What mistake?"

"Well, Greg, both Ely and I have recruited many people. But I have only fallen in love with a guy I've recruited twice. Ely has only done it once. With you."

Greg lowered his head so his face was between his knees. "You mean Ken?"

Alex nodded, "Yes, he's something isn't he?" Now Alex was smiling. "I guess you'd have to call it love at first sight. You'll notice that Ken does seem to be okay with everything? He does consider it a big deal but he's certainly not as torn up over it as you are. That's probably because I've done this once before and screwed it up, and learned my lesson by the time I met Ken."

Greg raised his head up and looked at Alex, "So there's another one of you - of us - out there somewhere who you used to love?"

"Oh yes! And I still love him as a dear friend. Like a brother I guess you could say. And he's out there all right." He patted Greg's shoulder and pointed to the window. "He's out there sitting on the beach."

Greg's eyes went wide. "Ely?!?"

Alex smiled and nodded, "Yes, Ely. I'm the one who recruited him. When I told him the truth he accepted everything except that I really loved him…sound familiar?" Greg's mouth was hanging open. "He accepted the idea and the work involved and took the training." Alex looked toward the window and sighed. "And then he didn't speak to me for over a hundred years."

Greg stayed wide-eyed and open jawed. He shook his head.

"I'm more than twice as old as Ely is, Greg. When you've been here that long, a hundred years isn't such a long time in retrospect. We eventually got back together, became friendly again and even became lovers - fuck buddies anyway - but that special spark we had never returned and we only stayed friends. I don't know if it was my fault or his, or both of us, but the kind of love we originally had just wasn't there any more. I always regretted it all these years, and then I met Ken. Things are fine for me now." He sat back down on the bed, put his hands on Greg's shoulders and looked him in the eye. "And I want to do all I can do to make things fine for you and Ely too."

Greg looked into Alex's eyes. He didn't try to read him but only looked in his eyes out of habit. Still he smiled. "Is that why you're here?"

Alex nodded and smiled, "Yes, it is. Ely called me when you were sleeping it off in the hotel. He sounded like a babbling baby!"

"Yeah? How so?"

Alex leaned back and grinned. "He was a nervous wreck! I can't remember ever knowing him to be in such a state, and I've known him a long time indeed!"

"What was he so nervous about?"

"He was afraid, Greg. He was afraid he'd blow it with you the same way I did with him, and he didn't want it to happen so badly that he was willing to dredge up old memories for both of us and ask me to come here as a friend and help see him through it."

"Wow," Greg said, "I can't remember a time when he wasn't in complete control. Some times it made me nervous how cool he was about everything. How he had all the answers." Now Greg managed a small snicker, "It seems strange to think that there's anything he would need help getting through."

"Well," Alex said, "until now nothing had come up I guess that put your love for him in jeopardy."

Greg leaned back against the headboard and sighed. "I told him in the hospital," he said to Alex (and maybe to himself), while looking straight ahead, "That all he did was support me and teach me and take care of me."

"Yes," Alex said softly, "I was there, remember? But Greg, he didn't do any of that out of any sense of duty. He didn't do it to fulfill the requirements of an assignment. Everything he did, he did from his heart. He did it because he wanted to."

Greg looked at Alex questioningly. Like he was trying to decide whether or not to believe him. Alex saw the look and smiled. He reached over and took Greg's hand.

"Greg, you’re one of us now," he said. "You don't have to wonder any more. You don't have to question. You can find out for sure right now. Look in my eyes and see for yourself."

Greg did. He looked deep into Alex's pupils and suddenly Alex was an open book. Greg knew then that what Alex told him was exactly the way Alex felt. Greg knew that Alex wasn't trying to cover up even his own thoughts. It only took a second, and then Greg felt like an intruder. He backed out of Alex's mind and mumbled, "Sorry."

Alex laughed, "Don't even be sorry, Greg. You have the power now so use it. Besides, I invited you."

"I guess I'm acting silly but I feel like I've been hit by a truck. There's a lot to think about!"

"Yes there is," Alex assured him, "And no you're not being silly. What you're feeling is as normal for us as it is for humans. Let me ask you," he let go of Greg's hand and pointed to his feet. "You stubbed your toe this morning, right?"

Greg looked at his foot, "Yeah, I did. Why?"

"It doesn't hurt, does it? And it didn't hurt then either."

Greg thought a second, "You're right! It didn't."

"That's because you only reacted the way you did out of habit. You see Greg, we have no nerve endings in our bodies that register physical pain. Only pleasure. You will never feel that kind of pain again no matter what happens."

"No kidding!"

Alex smiled and shook his head, "You can be damaged," he said, "in a car accident for instance. You can have broken bones and be cut up and bleeding. You will feel no pain at all. It's only a change in the way your body is shaped at that moment. All you have to do is change yourself right back into yourself the same way you can change your age and looks, and poof! You're back to normal again."

"That doesn't sound bad at all!" Greg said.

"Yes, but then, that's physical pain. Now emotional pain is another matter entirely," Alex said. "That is something that does carry over from our human form. So don't tear yourself up because you feel confused or even angry. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. But please don't make any rash decisions, either. You haven't had enough time to think things through yet. And it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with Ely, either. He did what he had to do, and you will understand that in time. Give him a chance, okay?"

Greg reached out and squeezed Alex's hand. "Thanks," he said simply.

Alex smiled and nodded. "That's what I'm here for," he patted Greg's leg. "And as for you not having any say in it, remember I told you downstairs that you can choose any time to end it all and go on to the next life. Do you understand how special that makes you? Makes all of us?"

Greg shook his head.

"Ely was not kidding when he told you that you were chosen. We all were. But we are the only ones who have been chosen but given a choice. The others did what they were chosen to do and then went on to their next life. But we must stay here in this world for who knows how long? It can become quite trying, even oppressive. There are some who made the choice to leave but the overwhelming majority of us choose to stay and do the work we were chosen to do. See?"

Greg's expression didn't change. "What do you mean, 'the others'? What others? Why did they spend such a short time at it?"

"Oh, you know," Alex waved his hand, almost dismissively, "Moses, Noah, Jesus, King David, that bunch."

Greg let his head fall back against the headboard all on his own this time. "Okay," he said slowly, "I guess I understand!"

Alex stood up and walked toward the door, "If you need some more assurance, Greg," he said as he started out the door, "just turn off the lights in here and look out the window."

"Is Ely going to do something?" Greg asked.

Alex only turned and quickly winked at Greg, "No," he said, "No...not Ely. . ."

"Huh?" Greg said but Alex had gone down the hallway to his own room. "Aww all right!" Greg said to himself. He got up, crossed the room and turned out the light. He walked to the window.

He was confused as there was nothing to see. The sky had clouded over that afternoon and rain fell off and on. It wasn't raining at the moment but the sky was clouded over and it was pitch dark outside. He knew that from this window he should see the beach but he saw nothing.

As he watched he thought back 75 years ago to the night he sat with Ely in the woods. It was almost as dark then as it was now. He remembered that Ely told him he could give him a hint. . .

It was not something that could be written off to quirks of nature. There was thunder in the distance and Greg knew more rain was coming any minute. There was also thunder in the distance that night in the woods so long ago. Above the cloud cover there was a full moon. Suddenly a pinhole opened up in the clouds, and while thunder rolled, a tiny beam of moonlight shone down from the clouds and perfectly spotted Ely sitting on the beach. He was sitting with his head between his knees, seemingly unaware of the light. Only it wasn't the sheer white light like moonlight was. It was the same silvery, misty kind of light that bathed the clearing in the woods the night before he left town with Ely. It only lasted a few seconds and was gone. The beach was dark again.

Greg leaned his face up against the window. "Oh, Ely..." he mumbled to himself. "Oh man..."

Ken was naked and had just pulled Alex's shorts off. He sat on Alex's thighs and rubbed his chest with one oiled hand and stroked Alex's dick with his other hand. They both glanced at their bedroom door when they heard a second set of footsteps go down the stairs and out the front door.

"I guess you did good," Ken told Alex with a smile as he stroked his dick with the oil.

"Yes, I suppose so," Alex smiled and reached out to tweak Ken's nipples, "But it's not something I want to get used to! I'm glad I did it, but that was hard work!"

Well, here," Ken said as he scooted up a little on Alex's body. "Do something easy," he said and grabbed Alex's oiled dick and held it up "Do something fun," he guided that hard dick up his butt and sat down on it. He started bouncing up and down on it. "Do it to me!" he moaned. __________________________________________________________________________


Greg woke up and it was already noon. Ely wasn't there and his side of the bed was cold. Greg sighed and stretched. He figured Ely had woken up much earlier. He smiled when he thought about last night.

He had gone out to the beach and found that even in the pitch dark his new sixth and seventh sense guided him right to Ely. As he got almost right next to him, he saw that Ely was still sitting with his head between his knees. The wind had picked up some and the sound of the pounding waves masked his approach, but Ely looked up any way just as Greg walked up to him. Greg reached out and mussed Ely's hair as he sat down on the sand next to him. He couldn't see much, so he ran his fingertips down Ely's face and felt that his cheeks were wet. Ely had been crying. Ely sat stiffly, as if he was waiting for Greg to either speak, or make some kind of move. Greg spoke.

"Babe," he said softly. Ely relaxed some at the sound of his pet name. "If you're not planning on going anywhere, I'm not going anywhere either." Ely suddenly wrapped his arms around Greg and hugged him. "And if you are planning on going somewhere," Greg said in his ear, "I'm going with you." Ely hugged Greg tighter than he ever had before and Greg hugged back. They didn't speak but just held each other for several minutes. Greg felt Ely rub his face into his T-shirt to wipe off his tears, and Greg remembered when he had done the same thing with Ely a lifetime ago. It was the first time in their years together that Ely had shown even a hint of vulnerability. Greg found that he was glad to see it. It made him feel needed, and that made him feel good.

Finally they parted but sat together with one of their arms around each other and holding hands with the other. Ely started talking, and Greg wondered if he was talking to himself as much as he was talking to Greg.

"The sea relaxes me," he said. "It somehow allows me to calm down and think clearly. I can sit here in the daytime and watch the waves, or listen to them at night. I think that if I had not been raised on a farm I would have been a sailor." The waves were sounding like they were closer and Greg knew the tide would come in soon. Ely let go of Greg's hand and squeezed his thigh. "It's an amazing thing you know - the sea." Greg stayed quiet and let Ely talk. "It's even more eternal than we are. It was here first, you know. And it's the only thing that has remained constant since. There are mountains now where there were none before. There are plains and fields now where there will be mountains in the future. The planet is ever changing but the sea will always remain constant. It will always be here, never changing, always watching and always listening. It has seen everything, and it has heard everything. Can you imagine the knowledge it has built up after all this time? There are times - tonight especially - when I wish with all my heart that there were a way I could tap into that knowledge. If I could, I would have the sea tell me where I went wrong with you tonight and hurt you so. And I would have it tell me how I could be absolutely certain I would never hurt you like that again."

In the dark Greg slid his free hand up Ely's arm to his face. He turned Ely's face to his and kissed him. Their lips stayed together for a long time before Greg reluctantly pulled away. "Did that feel like I'm hurt?" He asked. He ran his fingers through Ely's hair and felt him shake his head. "Being angry doesn't always equal hurt, I think," he told Ely. "Being confused doesn't either. If you had told me back in the bedroom that it was true you only saw me as some kind of project, I'd be hurt. But you didn't say that, and in spite of everything, deep down I knew you wouldn't. I was only pissed and I was striking out. I wasn't pissed at you, I was pissed at things, but you were the only one in the room with me so I struck out at you." He nodded toward the ocean. "That's what the sea would tell you - that if there was anyone doing any hurting, it was me hurting you. And it would tell you that I got a lot to learn, and that you're the best teacher for me." Ely leaned into Greg and Greg held him, "And I would tell you that you're the one I want to teach me."

The lightning picked up and now and then lit up the two guys making out on the beach. It wasn't long until each time the sky lit up it showed Greg and Ely with a little less clothing on until they were both naked. The rain that had been light all afternoon now turned into a downpour.

Greg laid under Ely and let his hands run up and down Ely's back as the rain beat down on them and the lightning and thunder came closer. "Shouldn't we go inside?" he asked.

Ely only mumbled and ground his dick into Greg's.

"What about the lightning?" Greg laughed.

"It can't hurt us anymore," Ely said as he slid his body down Greg's. "It can go right through us if it wants to, but it won't touch us. It does, however," and Ely snickered a bit, "seem somewhat fitting right now given the legends about us."

No one would be out on the beach in that kind of weather so neither of the guys worried about it. The sky lit up now and then making a natural slide show which first showed Ely on top of Greg, then Greg on top of Ely, then both of them with their heads buried between each others' legs. It showed Greg with his feet up in the air and then showed Ely on all fours.

The tide came in, and now and then a large wave would hit the shore and cascade over the two naked guys making love on the beach in the storm. They went at it and stayed at it until the storm blew over. They didn't bother trying to find their clothes in the dark and went naked into the house and fell asleep in each other's arms as soon as they hit the bed. . .

The aroma of coffee and bacon was wafting up the stairs from the kitchen and pulled Greg out of his revelry. He took a quick shower (alone this time), put on a pair of cut-off jean shorts and went downstairs. Ken was in the kitchen cooking breakfast in his underwear. Greg walked in the kitchen and took a second to appreciate Ken's blonde body--toned and hard--smooth and tanned. Greg didn't blame Alex at all for being attracted.

"Morning!" Greg called out as he walked in the room.

"Hey!" Ken's face broke into a smile. He left the pan and crossed the room with his arms outstretched. He wrapped Greg up in a hug that lasted long enough to let Greg know he had a buddy. He pushed Greg back to arm's length and looked him up and down, seemingly checking to see if Greg was all there. "How do you feel?" he asked Greg with a smile.

"Fine," Greg said. "Still going through the initial shock I guess, but a lot better than last night."

Ken went back to the sizzling pan. "How 'bout some breakfast? I make a great omelet, bacon, hash browns and toast."

"Sounds good," Greg said as he realized how much his stomach was growling.

"I'm not the artist in the kitchen that Ely is, but I can hold my own," Ken laughed.

Greg poured himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. "So you know about last night I take it? Alex told you everything?"

Ken looked at Greg and shook his head. "Alex tried to blow the whole thing off but I'm the one who pried it out of him." He smiled and patted his butt. "I told him none of this unless he spilled. I guess I'm basically just nosy," he shrugged and grinned apologetically.

Greg just laughed, "It's okay," he said. "It helped! I'm not complaining at all."

Ken stirred some mushrooms, peppers, onions, and cheese into the eggs. He folded them over and cut the whole thing in half. He loaded them onto plates and brought the plates to the table with the bacon and potatoes and toast. "Dig in! Close your eyes and I bet you can imagine that Ely cooked it all."

Greg took a bite of the omelet. "Mmm I don't need to imagine anything. This is good!" He attacked the bacon and potatoes. Ken could tell how hungry Greg was. Great sex did that. "Where did you learn to cook like this? Is Alex the chef that Ely is?"

"Alex is a great cook, but Ely is the chef. I learned to cook in my foster home. It was either learn to cook or starve."

"Oh yeah," Greg said and rolled his eyes. "That wonderful foster home."

Ken nodded, "The other guys were pretty cool. They were all straight but when I told them I was gay they told me to let them know if anyone hassled me about it. I really think they would have done some serious damage. They were pretty rough."

"I would have been in my grave a long time ago if I'd come out," Greg said, "The other guys took it all in stride, just like that?"

"Yeah," Ken answered. "We all came from the same kind of background and they figured that was hassle enough. Our foster folks only sat back and collected the government checks. You already know that. So we kind of had to look out for each other. I was the brainiac of the bunch. The other guys helped each other score with the girls, I helped them with their homework, and they kept everybody off my back about being gay. It was a nice trade."

"Did they do okay after high school?"

"One of 'em hit the road and we never heard from him. One's girlfriend got pregnant so he got a job and married her. The others went on to college. I don't know if they graduated, but they all went at least."

"When did you hook up with Alex?"

"Right after high school. I moved in with him the day after I graduated. Didn't even tell my foster folks I was leaving. When I turned 18 the government checks stopped anyway so I'm sure they didn't really care."

Ken jumped up and went back to the stove. "I don't know about you," he said over his shoulder, "But when I finished the change my appetite came back with a vengeance!"

"Me too!" Greg laughed, "You cook it, I'll eat it."

Ken made two more omelets and fried up some more bacon. He sat back down with Greg.

"So what did you do while you were with Alex?" Greg asked.

"We lived near Aspen. Alex got me an entire resort and I ran that and started a ski school," Ken told him. "He bought the whole thing outright. I almost fainted when I saw him write out one check for the whole thing!" he laughed.

"Well they both had several lifetimes to save up some money." Greg laughed as he remembered a night years ago when Ely told him, "I have to keep it quiet so no one gets suspicious, but I have separate fortunes on deposit in over 20 banks around the world under different names."

"That's one way to put it!" Ken said.

"So you were a ski bum and I was a beach bum," Greg grinned.

"Yeah, and we look like you should have been the ski bum and I should have been the beach bum. You can never tell I guess."

Greg stood up and started collecting the plates. He rinsed them off and Ken put them in the dishwasher. Greg checked Ken out each time he bent down to put a plate in the dishwasher. He liked the way Ken's back muscles rippled, the way his butt cheeks flexed in his white briefs. Ken stood up, looked at Greg and smiled. His eyes quickly walked up and down Greg's body.

"You look great!" was all Ken said.

"You're the model," Greg answered. He looked down and saw the growing tent in Ken's underwear. He reached out and rubbed Ken's cock through the material as he smiled at Ken. "Damn nice one too!" Ken stood, still smiling at Greg, and kept his legs slightly spread. Greg slid his hand into Ken's shorts and pulled his blonde cock out and it finished getting hard in his hand.

"Ely told me anything sexual was allowed," Greg said a little sheepishly.

Ken reached out and pulled Greg's zipper down. He un-snapped Greg's shorts and they fell to his ankles. "Alex told me the same thing," he told Greg as he stroked Greg's cock. "It's a good thing. I'm horny as all fuck right now!" He slid a hand around Greg's waist and pulled Greg into him, their lips slamming together.

Greg wound up on his back on the kitchen table. Ken leaned down and let his tongue slide down Greg's body and got his dick wet. Ken went to his knees while Greg's feet went up in the air and Ken ate Greg's ass out and tongue fucked him and Greg reached down, grabbed Ken's head and held it there at his ass while he begged Ken to eat him.

Ken was happy to oblige. He got his own face wet with his spit while he licked Greg's hole and his cheeks. One hand went up to jack Greg's dick and a finger from the other slid up Greg's ass. He glanced up at Greg. "Did Ely tell you that we can't feel pain anymore?"

"Alex told me."

Ken jammed two fingers from each hand into Greg's hole. He used them to wrench that hole open and jammed his tongue inside. Greg didn't feel pain all right, but the pleasure made him arch his butt clear off the table and howl out loud. His feet slammed down on the table and he humped his ass into Ken's face while Ken happily tongued, fucked, and licked Greg from the inside.

"Oh shit!" Greg yelled. "Get up here Ken! Get up here and fuck me damnit! Fuck me now!"

Ken did as he was told.

It was a good thing they'd cleared the table off already. It was the breakfast table but it was long enough to seat four people at its sides. Ken started slam-banging Greg at one end, and by the time he'd filled Greg's ass with cum they had scooted all the way to the other end. Greg finally unwrapped his legs from around Ken when Ken's dick softened up enough to fall out of Greg's hole by itself. They gave each other an after fuck kiss and Greg laid on the table panting while Ken crawled off of him.

Greg's head fell over in Ken's direction. "Man! It just gets better and better!"

'Yeah," Ken said between breaths, "Alex said it would. He said I'd have to learn again how to handle it all."

Greg reached between his legs and felt his hole. It was still loose. "Well you're handling it just fine for me!"

Ken grabbed Greg's hand and helped him sit up. They looked at the door when they heard a car pull up. "They're back." Ken said.

"Who's back? Greg asked.

"Alex and Ely," Ken said as though Greg should have known.

"Back?" Greg asked. "Where'd they go?"

"Didn't Ely tell you?" Greg shook his head. "They went into town. Ely said he needed to see his realtor."

"His realtor? I didn't know he had one. What for?"

Ken said nonchalantly, "He said he needed to put this house up for sale."

"What!?!?!?" __________________________________________________________________________


Greg ran naked outside with cum running down his leg. Ely and Alex were pulling packages out of the trunk. A naked Ken followed Greg outside. Alex and Ely had frozen with their hands half in and half out of the trunk, watching questioningly at the two naked teens running up to them. Greg stopped in front of the two of them. As if wired together, both Ely and Alex's eyes traveled down Greg's body to the shiny cum on his leg. They both had knowing half smiles on their faces. Greg didn't seem to notice but both Alex and Ely appeared to be back in their 50's and both wore three piece suits in spite of the warm day.

"What do you mean, put the house up for sale?!?" Greg yelled. Both pairs of dressed eyes traveled back up Greg's body to his face. "What sale? We never talked about selling the place! Ely?!"

Ken walked to Alex and shrugged his shoulders. Alex put an arm around Ken and smiled at him. His eyes glanced down to Ken's wet dick. Greg's eyes darted back and forth to all of them. No one said anything so Greg put his hands on his hips, looking like a teacher or parent who'd just caught a kid doing something that needed an explanation.....a naked teacher or parent. "Well?"

Ken said sheepishly, "I thought he knew. I only said you'd gone to put the place on the market, that's all."

"That's all?!?" Greg yelled. "That's all?!?"

Ely looked like he suddenly woke up. He rolled his eyes and threw his hands up. "Oh good heavens! I forgot to tell him!" Alex started snickering. Even Ken had a smile on his face.

"Oh! You 'forgot' to tell me! Well that excuses everything, doesn't it?" He turned around and started stomping back towards the door, yelling over his shoulder. "I guess I should just go pack and do what I'm told. Why discuss anything with me anyway? Who the fuck am I? Just the architect who made it all bigger and better, that's all! Lived here all my life so why the fuck should I have any say in anything, right?!?" At the door he spun around with one finger up in the air ready to make another point and then froze, staring at the three other guys.

They were all doubled up laughing. Ely was walking toward Greg with his hands waving in the air like he was trying to use sign language since he was laughing too hard to talk. Greg still had one finger up in the air and looked at each one of the guys while a sheepish grin spread across his face.

"I, uh..." Greg said, "I stepped in it again, didn't I?" That made the other guys laugh even harder. "I jumped in with both feet apparently."

Ely walked up to Greg and wrapped his arms around him. Between laughs he told Greg, "My love! Don't worry! We aren't going anywhere."

"Well what the hell do you mean? You put the house up for sale! What do you mean we're not going anywhere!?"

Ely tried to talk and catch his breath at the same time. "I have to, Greg! Every 50 or 60 years or so the house has to show on paper that it changed hands. Otherwise someone will get suspicious as to why the ownership hasn't been turned over from time to time."

Greg glanced at the other two - still laughing. Ken nodded at Greg. "Alex did it once before I changed, so I knew what was going on. I just assumed you knew about it too. I didn't mean to jolt you like that."

Greg looked back at Ely, who told him, "I go to the realtor's office as an old man and put the house on the market. A month or so later I go back as a younger man and essentially buy the house from myself. I tell them I live too far away to come back for the closing, so it's all done with the real estate agents and the mail. I mail the paperwork to Alex. He puts it all in a new envelope and mails it back to the agent so there is a post mark from Colorado. I do the same for him when he needs me to."

Greg slumped into Ely and rolled his eyes in relief. He playfully spanked Ely's butt a little and said, "Don't scare me like that again!"

Alex just as playfully slapped Ken's butt. "Don't you scare him, either!"

"Oh no, daddy!" Ken teased Alex, "I don't wanna get in any trouble."

Alex made a show of looking up and down Ken's naked body, "Looks to me like you already been in some trouble!"

"Oh I sure did, daddy!" Ken laughed, put his arms around Alex's neck and ground his dick into Alex's crotch, "I got in some real nice trouble!"

"Yes!" Ely snickered as he bent over slightly to look closely at the cum drying on Greg's leg. "And it appears as though the trouble he got into is right here!"

Greg grinned and took Ely's hand. He led Ely back to the car. "Well I guess you'll have to think of something to do to me, right daddy?" He looked at Ken and both of them laughed. Greg pulled Ely's jacket and shirt off and tossed them behind him. He half lifted and half pushed Ely up on the hood of the car and then pulled his pants and briefs off.

Ken put both hands on Alex's shoulders and pushed. Alex went to his knees as Greg climbed up on the hood of the car. Just as Ken shoved his dick in Alex's mouth Greg squatted and sat down on Ely's face on the car. "Go on, eat it!" he told Ely, "Eat me out and get me in some more trouble!"

Ken wound up bent over the open trunk. One hand held on to the trunk lid and the other was used inside the trunk to brace him as Alex fucked him. Greg bounced up and down on Ely's dick on the hood and shot a load that splattered all over Ely's face. Ken's load went right in the trunk and Alex's load went right up Ken's butt.

Now that there was cum in or on all of them they all grabbed the packages from the trunk and headed into the house. Inside the foyer Ely told Greg and Ken, "Since we are all awake, how about we pack a bag and head down to Miami?"

"Sure!" Greg said and told Ken, "We'll have some nice 'trouble' down there for sure!"

"Actually there is another motive for the trip," Ely said. "All of us could use some nourishment. We can get some guys up to our suite and you two can practice some feeding techniques."

"Still sounds good to me!" Greg smiled. He grabbed Ken's hand and led him up the stairs. On the way up, Alex and Ely overheard Greg ask Ken, "Do you have to pack his bag for him, too?

"If I didn't the only thing he'd take is a damn suit!"

Alex and Ely once again looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

They hadn't been to Miami since Greg was nearing 65 years old; almost 30 years ago. There were some changes, as expected. Ely had found a new hotel to call their favorite. He explained that he had to do that from time to time anyway--so he wouldn't be recognized by the hotel staff for too many years, or someone would wonder how he could live so long. The new hotel had huge suites with amenities all over the place. They checked in and followed their usual custom of immediately having a meal to try out the hotel's restaurant.

Greg was looking forward to going out and seeing what other changes Miami had gone through and doing some cock hunting with the guys. He was disappointed to be told he would have to stay in the hotel room while the other guys went hunting.

"You know some of the boys still live in the area," Ely told him. "We can't take any chance of you running into them and having them recognize you. Until you feed on some other guys you can't change the way you look." He patted Greg's head and smiled, "By tomorrow night we can all go out and do whatever we want."

Ken decided to keep Greg company while Alex and Ely went out. They decided to make themselves look older and rich. That way they knew they could easily find some boys willing to get naked for some cash. They got dressed and left and Greg and Ken were already pulling each other's clothes off.

Downtown the guys didn't need to use their eyes at all for other than cruising. There were as many young guys on the streets as there ever were. Ely knew that wouldn't make Greg feel good, but there was nothing further they could do. It didn't take long at all until one cute guy dressed to tease asked them if they were looking for some action. His smile widened when Alex offered a generous finder's fee if the guy could gather up three or four other guys for a nice orgy.

Greg and Ken were just getting out of the shower when Alex and Ely came in the room with four of the hottest looking guys Greg had seen in a number of years. Every one knew the game, and within a couple of minutes there were eight naked guys all over the suite in different stages of a good fuck. Greg and Ken and the "dads" used their heightened sex drives to fuck the four guys over and over again until they were exhausted. Greg and Ken kept glancing at their mentors and Alex and Ely knew what they were thinking. That this was one hell of an appetizer to their "meal."

When the guys were spent and just laying around with each other, Greg and Ken used their new found talent with their eyes and while they only appeared to be making out with the other guys, they were actually sucking on their necks. Alex and Ely did the same with the other two guys. Greg and Ken spent a little time feeding on each of the four guys. With Alex and Ely's practiced talents, the four guys were left with nothing more than a hickey.

The next morning they all had a huge breakfast in the hotel's restaurant. The four guys were sent off with their stomachs full of food and their pockets full of money. They kidded each other about their hickeys but were more than happy with the night and the monetary results of it. One of them gave Ely his phone number and left with a promise that his services would most definitely be used again.

The rest of the morning and afternoon was spent in their suite teaching Greg and Ken how to change their looks. Since they had taken in the DNA of four different guys, the combinations of looks they could achieve were plentiful. Again Ely told them the trick was not to think about the actual act of making the change, but to tell themselves that they had already changed. Greg and Ken closed their eyes and concentrated. They found that actually changing the way they looked was the easy part. When they looked at themselves in the mirror they understood why Alex and Ely had burst out laughing.

Greg, who used to have dark brown hair now had a head of flaming red hair. The problem was, his chest hair was jet black, and his crotch hair was blonde. He had one blue eye and one green eye. He certainly looked different - there was nothing of the old Greg left in him. At least that much worked!

Ken's blonde hair was replaced with dark hair, but his eyebrows were still blonde, while his chest and crotch were covered in red hair. His eyes were also two different colors, and his feet were two distinctly different sizes. They laughed at themselves and each other.

"When you're deciding what to look like," Alex told them between snickers, "You must concentrate on the complete look. You must think of every tiny detail, as you can see." The two guys were shaking their heads. "But don't worry, with practice you can do it all in a second. You actually learn how to make that mental picture of what you want and then change yourself into it in the blink of an eye."

The guys spent the afternoon practicing. They found that it was easy to get one look right, and then return to it later without having to think about it. The difficult part was the act of picturing a complete look that they hadn't tried before. Just for fun, the four of them went out to dinner looking completely different. It was more important for Greg and Ely in case they ran into any of the boys, but the idea of the charade was fun for Ken.

They chose a restaurant in the middle of the gay area for its eye candy and atmosphere and its eye candy and menu selection and its eye candy and its wine list. A very feminine waiter scurried up to their table, "Good evening, gentlemen!" he said, over doing it a bit, "My name is Archie, and I'll be your waiter this evening!" When they weren't looking at the menu or talking with the waiter they were checking out the eye candy.

Since it was Saturday night the place was crowded. The service was still excellent in spite of the crowd (which pleased Ely immensely), and the noise level allowed them to talk about as privately as an empty restaurant would. Ely ordered for all of them with his usual flourish. They all could tell the waiter was both impressed, and a little confused at such obvious experience coming from what appeared to him to be a teenager.

"Okay," Greg said after the salads were served. "I did what I did in my life - my human life. So what's next? What do we do now?"

"Basically," Alex said, "We wait. We wait until we have some work to do. Until then we just live a life much like we did when we were human."

"It's that simple?" Ken asked.

"It is until we have something to do. Then it can get somewhat complicated." Ely told him.

"You mean it gets dangerous?" Greg asked with a hard stare.

Alex and Ely alternated answering questions while they ate. Even though there were full tables around them they pretty much ignored the other diners and were ignored themselves. No one was paying any attention to any other table. The theory that the best place to hide something is right out in the open is a good one.

"Oh not really," Ely smiled, "Keep in mind we cannot be harmed, so what is dangerous for humans is no concern for us. But we can get fairly busy. And things can get complicated what with us having to keep what we do a secret yet get it done anyway."

"Like what?" Ken asked, "What have you guys done before?"

"Well," Ely said while looking down at his salad, "The last 'operation' I took part in - and Alex too and a few others," he waved to Alex, who smiled and nodded, "Was in the early 1940's . . . in Germany."

Greg and Ken stopped eating in mid-bite.




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Cross My Heart, Part 1

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Cross My Heart, Part 2

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Double Coupon Day, Part 2: Redemption Time

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CHAPTER ONE The sound came to him the way light tries to make its way through a fog. He felt himself floating in that fog. He couldn't tell if he was floating around the sound, or if he was still and it was the sound that was moving around. "Greg..." He expected the proverbial brilliant white light but it wasn't there. There was no light at all, only the sound--the sound of his name.

Eighteen Forever - The Last Story - Part Three

PART THREE BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER EIGHT The waiter arrived carrying a small folded table. A busboy was right behind him balancing a large tray on his shoulder. The waiter popped the table open and the busboy placed the tray on it with the same drama Ely used when he ordered. Greg and Ken were still staring at Ely. "Ah!" Ely exclaimed as though nothing untoward was going on. "The

Eighteen Forever - The Last Story - Part Two

PART TWO BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER FIVE Greg crawled up onto the bed and sat cross-legged. He hugged a pillow and sat. He glanced at the door when he heard footsteps and wondered why he didn't hear the front door again if Ely was coming back. He wasn't sure if he wanted Ely to come back, but found he was at least a little happy to hear the footsteps, and that feeling confused him even more.

Eighteen Forever - The Second Story, Part 1

BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER ONE The ambulance passed through the gates and in one voice the paramedic and two Emergency Medical Technicians said, "Wow!" Facing them was a very large, very old mansion--older than any of them could comprehend. It consisted of a main two-story wing with another two-story wing on either side. The driveway rambled up to and circled around a perfectly detailed garden.

Eighteen Forever - The Second Story, Part 2

BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER THREE The nurse entered the cubicle to check Greg's vital signs again. She told Greg and Ely that there were several gentlemen in the waiting room. "Ah," Ely told Greg, "The boys are arriving." "If you'd like," the nurse told Greg, "We can move you to a larger room, and they can all come in and sit with you. Or we can do the usual and let them come in two at a

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Eighteen Forever, Part 2

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