Gay Erotic Stories

Peter's Clueless Seduction, Part 9

by Johnny.manipulator
21 Oct 2006

Exhibitionism Gay Erotic Stories Hypnosis Straight Men, Gay Sex Voyeurism

Peter’s Clueless Seduction 9: Battle of the Alpha Males

Recap: Peter and his flatmate Nick have been slowly influenced by Nick’s psychologist mate Martino and his hypnotism tapes until they are in a constant state of innocence and vulnerability about their sexual needs. When Nick’s rugby friends come to visit he finds his straight arse relentlessly fucked. Peter’s brother James comes to rescue him, but his plans are scuppered when the hypno tape leads to his own arse being played with and he in turn is fucked.

* * *

Peter’s face was covered in cock. His own was plugged into his mouth, gagging him, and two of the biggest cocks he’d ever seen, Steve-o’s monster and Nick’s hefty club, were resting hot and hard on his face, filling up his vision and oozing precum all over him. And Henry was slipping his cock up and down Peter’s exposed crack, making him jump every time it hit his sensitive hole. It was so good of his mates to exercise him like this, thought Peter. He couldn’t tell them that though, because his fat leaky cock was stretching his own lips and pressing on his tongue.

The doorbell rang and Nick slapped his big cock onto Peter’s red face with a hefty wet smack and pulled his tight briefs up. He swaggered to the door and opened it a crack. It was Martino, the psychology professor from college. Martino was all charm and smiles, admiring Tom’s choice of underwear, insinuating himself into the flat. The rugby men were a little surprised, caught naked with Peter, his hardon lodged in his own mouth, their hard cocks rubbing against his sweating face and upturned arse. There was a guilty hello as Martino strode into the flat and shook their hands. Peter slowly uncoiled and sat upright and greeted Martino. Martino’s relaxation tapes had been brilliant after all.

Martino didn’t seem bothered by their nakedness, and soon enough they forgot he had the advantage of being clothed. Within minutes Martino had them all eating out of his hands, telling stories, making them laugh. Nick had a nagging feeling that last time Martino had called it hadn’t worked out well, but he couldn’t be sure why. As Steve-o bounced him naked on his knee he wondered what it was Martino had done. Probably nothing, he decided. Martino found it interesting taking in the dynamics of the group, and how Steve-o had taken charge effortlessly, the alpha male in all his glory. From Peter’s bedroom the odd muffled cry and rhythmic pounding could be heard, like someone beating a carpet. Martino was told about Peter’s brave brother James and the big rugby lad Thomas who was stretching him in some way. Every so often James could be heard begging Thomas to stop, or panting loudly and swearing. Peter wasn’t sure what they were doing but it sounded tricky and energetic.

Steve-o was keen to make his mark on Martino and take control. He was interrupting all of Martino’s stories, making funny little jokes, making all his mates laugh. Nick had a nagging feeling that Steve-o was playing with fire but he couldn’t articulate it. After a while Martino was bored with this, and the two men were more openly competing, jeering each-other about status, power, size and manliness. They circled each other in the room and traded insults. The other men sat there and watched the two bulls going for it. Steve-o did a lot of dick waving at Martino. And there was a lot of dick to wave – Steve-o’s cock was famously, obscenely massive. He kept jeering Martino about his size, until eventually Martino pulled his own cock out to the gasps of Steve-o and Henry. It was also massive – well, Peter could have told them that. Martino suggested they measure them. Peter suggested they use his mouth to measure them in, but the men declined his selfless offer. Instead they decided to measure them against each-other. Steve-o demanded Martino was naked too, so Martino slowly stripped off. Steve-o was dirty blond, hairy, big built and tall, his huge thighs and barrel chest suited to the rough and tumble of the rugby field, his massive cock always unquestioningly obeyed. Martino was also big but nowhere near as fit. He was dark and hairy, his massive cock swinging proudly before him. They stood facing each other, staring at each other, sneering, getting their big cocks hard. When they were happy they stood face to face and their big cocks smacked eagerly against each others.

Peter got down on his knees to measure. These were big ones for sure. Martino’s was on top, but they weren’t close enough to see whose was really longest. He guided them closer, inch by inch, hands on manly arses. The two big, long, thick veiny cocks projecting out eagerly before Peter’s face completely fascinated him. Such hefty thick meatiness. He licked his lips. So very big, these two cocks. Superhuman, even. Massive cocks. Peter enjoyed staring at them on his knees, inches away. Cocks. His tight arsehole twitched as he stared at them. Funny; like it was puckering up to them. Neither Martino nor Steve-o could agree on what was a fair way of measuring. Peter tried holding the two big cocks together but they weren’t happy about the unfair advantage random throbs could give. The two cocks were so closely matched. Peter didn’t know which was bigger, that was for sure, no matter how hard and closely he stared. Then Martino had an idea. The only fair way was to immobilise their cocks. A shoelace was produced. Peter attentively began to bind the two massive cocks together. Shoelace tight around Martino’s balls then winding around the two cocks, Martino’s on top, the flesh pressed hard together, then secured with a tight loop round Steve-o’s balls. Now the two alpha males were bound tightly together at the cock. They grinned at each other. Not only was this going to be about size, it was going to be about stamina.

After a few minutes Steve-o got bored and began teasing Martino. Not as fit, older, why was he even bothering putting himself up against the rugby playing superior might of Steve-o? Martino just let him go on and on and on. Nick and Peter were surprised, seeing Martino being abused like this. But Steve-o was pretty confident and cock-sure, Nick thought as he rubbed his ravished bottom, he always got his own way. Martino just seemed to be watching Steve-o, smirking as the big blond rugby player insulted him. Their massive cocks throbbed together, tightly bound. Steve-o even took to gently slapping his rival round the face trying to get a rise out of him, shoving him backwards so they fell and stumbled about, joined at the cock. Martino just looked more and more amused as Steve-o swelled with pride.

Steve-o almost didn’t hear Martino begin whispering. He watched the professor’s lips as he spoke. He was saying that Steve-o was a powerless little boy, his cock wasn’t as big as Martino’s and it would soften next to his monster, that Steve-o was weak and that his big muscular body was so vulnerable and exposed. Steve-o tried to laugh this all off, but Martino carried on, looking into his eyes at close range, whispering, getting closer and closer until from certain angles it looked as of they were kissing, Martino’s warm breath tickling Steve-o’s open lips. Just admit it, you’re smaller, Steve-o, you’re feeble, you need to give in, relax, accept that you are less of a man, that your cock is humiliated. Martino’s cock was oozing precum, which was running over Steve-o’s cock and coating his balls. It looked as if even his big, full, manly, alpha-male bollocks were under attack from Martino, being smothered and suffocated by the other man’s cock. Martino kept on his whispering, every so often their lips touching, breaking down Steve-o’s resistance, overcoming his bigger body and massive ego. Steve-o was beginning to sweat, to squirm. He was a little frightened, tied by the cock to this man who was slowly undermining him. He wanted to get away, but his cock was bound tight to Martino’s. He needed to escape with his spirit intact. But as he squirmed and gasped Martino just carried on his seductive whispering, right into his mouth, telling him how much smaller and more feeble he was, that he couldn’t resist, that he was Martino’s little toy.

Steve-o was beginning to moan and gasp out protests, wriggling weakly against Martino. He wanted his friends to help him escape, but he couldn’t ask them, he was just there, inches in front of them, paralysed by Martino’s teasing whispering. They were all laughing and joking like this was fun, but Steve-o felt so scared now, so small and alone, as Martino continued to whisper about his inadequacies. Martino told Steve-o that not only was his cock shrinking and softening, but that all of that energy and urgency was being transferred back between his arse cheeks, to his hole. Steve-o could feel his arselips getting hotter and more itchy, and was desperate for the feeling to go away. At the same time, Peter, on his knees still enraptured by their bound cocks, noticed a twitch of movement in Steve-o’s cock. At first he thought it was fighting back, laughing off Martino’s attack, but then he saw it soften just a bit, becoming overshadowed by Martino’s great destroyer of a cock.

Martino’s constant repitition that Steve-o’s hole was hot and itching and needing soothing was heard by his rugby mates. Nick and Henry reached out with playful laddish curiosity and clasped a hefty rugby captain arse-cheek each. Steve-o wanted to scream out to stop them, shocked at how stupid and fickle they were being. He didn’t want them playing along with Martino, wasn’t that obvious? And his arse was a private manly thing; it wasn’t for touching or looking at. Henry and Nick parted his cheeks. His hole felt so big and throbbing and exposed. This was incredibly humiliating. He was angry and frustrated with his friends for doing this to him; it was hard enough fighting off Martino when they were tied cock-to-cock, but two of his rugby mates too? He felt helpless.

Nick and Henry kept on parting his cheeks, looking at his hole and laughing like idiots. Such innocent fun, so scary and uncomfortable to Steve-o. And he was feeling his hole getting hotter and hotter, it was unbearable. Peter watched as Steve-o’s once-proud cock began to droop. Peter thought he smell something. Was it burning? He tried to work out where it was coming from. Following his nose he ended up between Nick and Henry, staring straight into Steve-o’s exposed arse. There was the culprit, the twitching, hot, uncomfortable looking hole between Steve-o’s cheeks. It was burning up! He licked his lips abd told the guys what he could smell. Nick and Henry found this hilarious for some reason, but Steve-o panicked. He needed to bolt this second. His cock was so flaccid now the bonds holding him to Martino were slackening. He needed just a few seconds to get clear and he’d be fine, back to his old self, away from Martino and his insinuating kiss-whisper. Yes, he could do it! Yes!

Just as Steve-o’s cock came loose and he laughed in triumph he felt something new. Soothing. The best feeling in the world. His arse wasn’t burning any more. He didn’t know why but he was free! He went to move but something stopped him. The feeling. He bent forward a little. So soothing. And then he heard Peter’s voice coming from between his cheeks, speaking directly into his itchy hole. He was putting out the fire, he said. And then the soothing feeling again. His arse lips wet and cooling. He looked up at Martino as he bent forward further. He’d shown the professor who was boss after all! He’d escaped! Something bumped against his nose. He focussed. It was Martino’s cock. Steve-o went to dodge away but at that moment his rugby mates spread his cheeks just that bit further and the soothing wet probing feeling slipped between the tight lips of his arse and he let out the most euphoric moan of pleasure. And that was how Martino’s cock slipped into his mouth. So what, thought Steve-o, I’ve shown Martino, I’m nobody’s fool. Then he gasped again, felt his throat being stretched and his lips smirked around the massive girth of Martino’s hard cock. He would not be defeated by Martino’s cock, he thought. That’d show him. I’m still the alpha male round here. And the slurping from his tight hole matched the slurping from his hungry mouth as Steve-o really began to sweat.

It’s very horny for me getting feedback and hearing about which bits turned you on if you enjoyed it. I can be found at:


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