Gay Erotic Stories

The Training Course, Part 3

by Johnny.manipulator
20 Jan 2008

Athletics Bondage Exhibitionism Gay Erotic Stories Men At Work Straight Men, Gay Sex Tales From The Workplace Voyeurism

The Training Course, Part 3

Dominic went to find Smithie and Jamie. He found them in what looked like a treatment room. Jamie had already hopped eagerly up onto the examination table. ‘What the fuck’s this going to be about?’ asked Dominic. ‘This isn’t the next exercise,’ explained Smithie. ‘But it is essential preparation for it.’ ‘Oh, right. What’s the score then?’ asked Dominic. Smithie produced what looked like a shaving brush, gel and a razor. The two men made protesting noises. ‘Now now, lads. You don’t even know what it’s for yet. Now, the next task is a step on from the shooting game. The object is still to collect the maximum amount of slique on your body, but this time you won’t get suits…’ ‘Here we go!’ said Dominic. ‘So to help you gain maximum advantage, the widest possible area should be shaved.’ ‘You fucking what?’ Dominic yelled in disbelief. ‘The widest possible area? That means your fat arse,’ joked Jamie to Dominic. ‘I am not having this!’ ranted Dom. ‘You are not getting that razor anywhere near me.’ ‘So you want to lose,’ said Smithie. ‘No, I didn’t say that…’ ‘Jamie, you going to show him how it’s done?’ asked Smithie. Jamie looked doubtful, but knowing it was always better to get one over on his strapping workmate he nodded to Smithie. ‘Good lad. Now disrobe for me, please,’ he said. Jamie quickly stripped naked and lay on the bench on his back. ‘Like this?’ he asked. ‘Perfect,’ said Smithie. He began squirting the gel onto Jamie’s body. ‘Come on, rub it all in.’ Jamie helped coat his muscular naked body with shaving gel. Then Smithie set to work with the razor, initially shaving his already hairless chest, then removing his treasure trail, and then shaving off Jamie’s pubic hair. Dom was in hysterics. ‘You look like a right dickhead, mate,’ he jeered. ‘You won’t be saying that when I win,’ he replied, and Smithie shaved his hairy thighs smooth. Once his armpits were done too, Jamie was asked to turn over. Once again Dominic was incredulous, but Jamie did as he was asked. The razor slipped between Jamie’s cheeks and in seconds his arse was smooth as a baby’s. Jamie stood up, body completely shaved, looking fitter than ever.

‘Okay Dominic, you next,’ said Smithie. ‘No fucking way man! He looks so gay.’ ‘What Jamie looks like is a competitive athlete,’ said Smithie. ‘Yeah, and what you look like is a loser,’ said Jamie, childishly. Dominic growled. There was no way he was losing any more of these trials. ‘Fuck it,’ he sighed, and stripped off the tight latex suit. His big cock, still a little chubby from having seen his hammock, swung mightily before him. He lay his big frame down on the bench. Smithie covered his front with shaving gel, from his neck to his big hairy pecs and belly, his fat balls and crotch and tree- trunk legs. ‘This had better be worth it,’ he snarled.

The razor slid over his body, clogging with hair all the while. But Smithie was patient and soon Dom’s big hairy rugger body glistened smoothly, his pecs and cock looking even bigger once shaved. Dominic felt weird having his manly body shaved but submitted silently, wondering how long it would take him to grow back his fur. He turned over and his back, arse and thighs were denuded of his pelt, till he felt cold and exposed. When he was finished he stood up and caught sight of himself in the mirror. He had to admit, though it felt odd, he did look massive and impressive now you could see his pale flesh in all its glory. He ran his hands over his body, enjoying the sensation. His nipples were incredibly sensitive – well, everything was, it was extraordinary. His body had never felt like this before – Dominic prided himself on his insensitivity in all things. Now he’d have to get used to this new heightened sense of feeling all over his big body.

Smithie led the two naked and shaved city boys to their next task. A maze of transparent man-sized tubes snaked all over the room, up and down, a bit like a water slide at a theme park. Jamie felt one of them – they seemed to be made of some type of clear latex, like enormous condoms winding around the room. A couple of dead ends in this latex maze even ended in what looked like enormous teats like the end of a condom. ‘This couldn’t be simpler,’ said Smithie. ‘All you need to do is collect as much slique on your body as you can. There are lots of different ways to get it in the tubes, you just need to get it all over over you as thickly as you can, and we’ll measure it when you’re out. You both go in at the same time, so find an opening and get ready…’ The two naked city boys ran to different holes and stood there expectantly. Smithie blew a whistle and they dived in. The latex made squeaking, creaking noises as the two men crawled along the rubbery tunnels. Dom couldn’t help noticing how the elastic tunnel rubbed against his newly sensitive shaved body as he wriggled along. Jamie was less bulky so was finding the tubes much easier to negotiate than Dom. He was the first one to come to a spout, which he pressed down on. A great jet of warm creamy slique shot up and splattered him in the face. He grinned through the cream and crawled on. Dom was finding it hard going, his broad shoulders and big arse kept getting trapped in the narrow latex tunnels. He still hadn’t located any slique, but could keep hearing Jamie yelping and the sound of slurping, which presumably meant he was covered in the stuff. And then Dom came to a slide down, and he shot down it, and at the bottom was a thick pool of slique which he splattered into. He whooped. The warm fluid squelched and coated his big smooth muscular body. It felt extremely good on his shaved flesh and he wallowed in it, twisting round and upside down so his whole body was coated. It was only when he went to climb out of this hollow that he realised he was too slippery to do it. Every time he crawled uphill he would get so far on the latex and then slide back down again into the sticky pool of slique. There was something deliciously frustrating about this, as his newly sensitive skin slipped against the rubber and he found himself once again face down at the bottom of the slope, warm pool of slique sucking at his naked body. His cock was so big and stiff, pulsing in its soothing bath of cream, and his nipples felt so big and tender from rubbing against the slippery tube of latex. He gasped and some of the slique leaked into his mouth. It was warm and utterly delicious. He licked his lips, struggled up the slope again, almost made it then slipped straight back down into the creamy pool and took another slurping mouthful. This stuff was amazing, thought Dom.

Outside, watching them through the clear rubber tubes Smithie could see Dom wriggling about at the bottom of the slope, his big hard cock stretching the latex where it poked. Jamie was heavily coated in layers and layers of the creamy seminal fluid, happily splattering on geysers of it or slapping it all over his body. He took a few pictures of them to send to their boss, Niall. He’d love to see them like this.

Jamie kept wriggling through the tubes. He’d come to one of the teat-like dead ends, the bulging teat filled with a great oozing mass of slique. He scooped it out and slathered it all over his naked body, where it clung to him like a thick jelly. When it was all gone he turned and carried on along the slippery tube. He couldn’t really make out what was ahead of him and approached with caution. He thought he could hear panting and the creaking of rubber. And then he saw Dom’s head emerge from what must have been a slope in the tube. The big rugby player was slip sliding his way up out of the latex trap. He caught sight of Jamie and grinned, and then he slid backwards an inch or two. He frowned and tried again. Jamie realised his rival was in trouble and smiled to himself. ‘What’s the matter?’ asked Jamie. ‘Can’t get it up?’ ‘I’m doing fine,’ said Dom. ‘Come and see, there’s a whole lake of the stuff down here.’ Jamie edged forward cautiously. Dom wasn’t to be trusted. But he could see past Dom’s naked body there was a pool of slique down there. Jamie edged forward again to get a better look. It sure looked inviting down there, but he knew it’d be almost impossible to get out again. He shook his head to Dom and as he was thinking of something clever to say he was completely unprepared for Dominic to spring forward and grab him by the wrists. Dom struggled to climb out of the slide, but he was too big and heavy for a slippery, sliqued-up Jamie, and to Jamie’s horror they began to slide together down the slope towards the warm creamy pool.

Dominic was roaring with laughter as they slid down the latex slide, and he rolled onto his back and lay in the warm pool of slique at the bottom. ‘Your face!’ he laughed. Jamie looked so angry as he inexorably slid down the tube to join him. ‘You cunt!’ he growled. ‘Now we’re both stuck down here!’ He couldn’t stop until his face was above Dominic’s. The big naked rugby player’s body was laid out before him in the pool of slique, and beyond that was the slope leading the way out. If he could clamber over the big fuck he could probably get out that way. He looked down at Dominic’s upside-down face. ‘It’s not going to help you, though,’ he said. ‘Is that right?’ chuckled the bigger man. Jamie decided to go for it, and climb over and past his rival. As he started to crawl above Dominic in the tight rubber tunnel he felt something on his pecs and nipples. He looked down and couldn’t believe his eyes. Dom was licking him. He was licking the slique off of his body and swallowing it. And then Jamie realised unless he got out of there fast Dom would have licked his body clean and he’d lose the trial. Dom seemed to be really enjoying licking the slique off, taking big sucking mouthfuls of it and happily swallowing. It was so creamy and delicious, and every mouthful was also robbing his rival of the prize.

Jamie tried to hurry but the tube was tight and he was forced to slide slowly over Dom’s big body. Also Dom was holding him up as much as he could, pulling himself up on his elbows and bringing his knees up so that Jamie was trapped against the top of the tube and barely able to move. All the while he was feasting on the tasty cream, big tongue licking slow and hungrily over Jamie’s naked chest and muscular abs. It felt so ticklish on Jamie’s taut belly as the big rugby man licked and sucked at him, it made him gasp and wriggle. He tried to keep moving, get past the bastard, but it was hard. And then Dom’s mouth came level with Jamie’s slique-covered cock. It was getting thicker and harder, and there was a lot of the tasty cream on it. What the fuck, thought Dom, he had to win. He opened wide and gulped the whole big cock down his throat as best he could. ‘Oh fuuuuck!’ moaned Jamie. His cock got completely hard as Dom sucked the slique from it. Something smacked him in the face. Dom’s massive cock was so hard and throbbing it was beating him against the lips as he was held there immobilised by the feelings from his own cock. Dom pulled off the cock and slowly licked up and down the length of the big meaty dick before deciding to take it back into his mouth just to be sure. Jamie moaned again, delirious with pleasure, and Dom’s mighty cock head nudged its way into his open mouth. Jamie tried to get it out, but his head was tight against the latex tube and Dom had lifted his hips so that more and more of it was inexorably sliding into Jamie’s helpless mouth. Jamie wriggled in panic, his face being filled by his rival’s massive member. Dom pulled off of Jamie’s cock again, considered carrying on licking more slique from the younger man’s balls and thighs, but decided to slowly tongue the hard cock again and again. Jamie was wriggling but couldn’t move. His cock felt fantastic. The huge penis in his mouth pushed relentlessly onwards. Jamie was losing his power to resist. He’d stopped crawling, and Dom was no longer pinning his head to the roof but Jamie was still sucking that fat cock. The two big, shaved, naked men sucked away hungrily at each-other’s hardons. Smithie took more photos and played with his own cock as he watched them 69ing.

And then as Jamie was slobbering over Dom’s massive member he suddenly remembered they were in a trial. He pulled off of it, looked down and licked the beautiful fat cock. So tasty. Dom may have been a bastard but he had the most beautiful cock. Perhaps just a few more mouthfuls. He couldn’t stop himself, wrapped his lips round that big fella and sucked on it. Dom rotated his hips as Jamie sucked him, and slowly licked the length of his rival’s handsome dick. He had to admit, Jamie may have been a moron, but his cock was extremely tasty. The rubber tube was full of the sounds of hungry cocksucking. Dom’s hands were on Jamie’s arse, pushing the fucker’s cock further down his throat. Jamie could barely breathe and his eyes were watering, but that big cock was so magnificent he just had to keep sucking. Fucking delicious. Both men had completely lost control.

Smithie decided they were going too far. He didn’t want them to cum. He banged on the tube and called out ‘Two minutes left!’ The two men unplugged the cocks from their mouths and shook their heads, as if snapping out of a trance. What the fuck had just gone on? Jamie looked down at the massive cock and the oozing drop of precum on the tip. He licked it off and then started to crawl over Dom again. Dom once more started to lick the slique from his rival like nothing had happened. Jamie felt his rival’s tongue on his thighs as he crawled over him. Bastard. He reached the slope and started to climb it. He might still win. Dom wriggled round to follow Jamie up the slope. Jamie’s arse was in front of his face. He bent down and slowly ran his big tongue up Jamie’s thighs and over the curve of his buttocks. He licked his lips. Jamie tried to ignore the amazing sensations coming from his rear as he attempted to climb out. Then another ticklish licking on his other thigh and over his bum. Jamie needed to concentrate but Dom was seriously distracting him. Dom stared at the wriggling arse before him and licked his lips. Jamie reached the top of the slope and could see the exit. Dom was close behind. He crawled along, desperate to escape, pausing at the hole where he saw Smithie smiling encouragingly at him. And then he felt something gentle and warm nuzzling between his arse cheeks. Dom was licking the slique out from his crack. He knew he had to jump down, but instead he eased his thighs a little wider apart. He knew he’d lost, that Dom had licked almost all of the slique from him, but it was a great way to lose. Dom’s big lips kissed his tight hole.

‘You coming out of there?’ asked Smithie. ‘Oooohhhhh,’ sighed Jamie. He wriggled his muscular arse on Dom’s face. The tongue slurped at his butt hole. It was the best thing he had ever felt in his life. ‘Is Dominic being a bad influence?’ asked Smithie. Jamie wanted to jump down, to answer Smithie in an impressive way. Instead he groaned loudly. ‘Fuck me,’ he gasped, to his own horror. Smithie raised an eyebrow. ‘What was that?’ Jamie was so embarrassed and was determined to save face. And then Dom’s tongue somehow wriggled inside his tight hole. ‘Ugh… Hole… Fuck me.’ He blushed. ‘No… Oh god…’ ‘What do you want?’ asked Smithie. Jamie looked imploringly at him. I want to win this and prove I’m the best, he wanted to say. Instead Dom’s tongue was making his hole feel so warm and wet and sexy. ‘Open me up,’ he gasped. ‘Push it in.’ Jamie looked mortified by his own words. ‘Please…’ he moaned. ‘My arse…’ ‘I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean,’ said Smithie. Dom’s big hands pulled Jamie’s cheeks apart and his tongue rammed hard as it could up Jamie’s little hole. ‘Yeah! Fuck my tight arse man! Fucking fuck me!’ Jamie didn’t know where these words were coming from. He didn’t know why Dom was doing this to him. He desperately needed to be out of this situation. He tried to crawl forward again but the sensations in his butt were just overwhelming. Jamie wanted to cry, this was so unfair. ‘Are you okay, Jamie?’ ‘Oh fuck yeah. He’s licking my arse. Fuck, I need it. His tongue, I can feel it up my arse, Smithie. His tongue. I’ve never felt anything like it. My arse, it’s soooo good. Man, don’t make him stop. It’s fucking unbelievable.’ ‘I’m afraid we have to stop,’ said Smithie. ‘The task is over.’ And to the disappointment of the two city boys he pulled Jamie from the tube and the naked muscular young man fell to the floor, overwhelmed by what had just happened to him. Dom’s cheeky smile grinned down at him, and the big fucker jumped down, his jiggling hardon looking so large it was hypnotising the exhausted younger man. ‘I don’t think we need to measure,’ said Smithie. ‘It’s quite clear that Dominic has won this trial. I’m disappointed in you, Jamie, you don’t seem to have hardly any on you.’ Jamie lay there, humiliated. Dom held his cock out of the way and winked down at him. He noticed that Jamie couldn’t take his eyes off it. He waggled it and Jamie’s eyes moved back and forth following the throbbing dick. It grew another half inch knowing he’d completely defeated the little fucker.

‘Your punishment,’ said Smithie, ‘is to wear these.’ He threw a pair of shorts down to Jamie. No biggie, he thought, a pair of shorts. He examined them. They looked kinda small. And they were made from some sort of really tough technofabric. ‘We may need to help you put these on,’ said Smithie to Dom. Dom grinned. Jamie put his legs through the holes and pulled them up. They were really tight by the time they reached the top of his thighs. Smithie stood in front, Dom behind. They pulled them right up. Dom managed to tickle Jamie’s wet hole as he yanked them up. Jamie realised as they squeezed his genitals into these tiny black shorts and buckled up the waist that he wouldn’t be able to get them off without help. Dom looked a little sadly as that magnificent muscular arse disappeared from view. His massive hardon rubbed against the rear of Jamie’s shorts. Smithie pushed and locked Jamie’s cock and balls into place in tight straps within the crotch of the shorts, then tightened them until the young man yelped and squirmed. Dom liked this turn of events. That’ll teach the little fucker, he thought. And finally a belt was pulled tight too and locked with a key. Jamie watched as the key was attached to a thick rubber band, and then Smithie turned to Dominic, reached down and snapped the black band tight round the base of his cock and balls. The little key dangled there between his thighs. Dom yelped but liked the effect, making his cock appear even bigger. And now his cock owned Jamie’s arse, that was how it should be, he thought.

It was soon time to retire. Dom needed some help getting up into his hammock, resting his back on the moulded section while Jamie and Smithie fixed his ankles through the straps of the stirrups. It felt weird being suspended like this, he thought, legs spread and big arse suspended in mid-air. But it wasn’t uncomfortable. Jamie lay on his bed, Dom’s feet suspended above his head, and looked up. All he could see before him was Dom’s big arse and thighs spread before him, the little key dangling behind his shaved balls. It was a fascinating view. He tried not to look, but something about it was really captivating him. That big, fat arse, those big shaved balls, that little key hanging there like an arrow pointing to Dom’s tiny hole. That hole. A little obscured. Dom’s legs were too close together to get a really clear view. Just as well, thought Jamie, I don’t want to see that. He lay there, cock and balls aching in his tight shorts, looking up at his rival’s big smooth bare butt. The key glinting, pointing. Jamie sat up. Sitting his face was about level with Dom’s bottom. He could see up to Dom’s slique-bulging tummy and the beautiful massive cock he had sucked earlier, the thought of which made him blush and grow stiff in his tight shorts. For some reason he really needed to see between Dom’s thighs a little more. He looked back at the stirrups. They were definitely moveable. Before he knew what he was doing he was easing Dom’s thighs further apart. That tiny little hole come into view. ‘Oi, what you up to?’ asked Dom. ‘Just getting comfortable,’ said Jamie. Dom could feel Jamie’s breath against his newly shaved and sensitive arse and balls. He must have been only inches away from his most private, secret spot. Dom squirmed a little. Jamie stared hard at the hole before him, plump and puckered, just the right size for his lips to kiss. He shook his head, what was he thinking? ‘Well, cheers mate,’ said Dom. ‘I was getting kinda sweaty. And I’ve still got some of that stuff down there too.’ ‘Have you?’ said Jamie. ‘I can’t see any.’ ‘Yeah. Loads of it got up my arse,’ said Dom. He wasn’t really sure why he was sharing this with Jamie, but he didn’t seem to be able to help himself. ‘I can feel it. It’s so slippery.’ ‘Oh. Right.’ ‘Yeah. Can you see it? Have a look for me, mate.’ Again, Dom wasn’t sure why he was asking Jamie about this. ‘Okay.’ Jamie leant in even closer. He was staring so intently at Dom’s little hole. Now he mentioned it, it did look a little moist. ‘I can’t really see,’ he said. ‘I’m gonna have to spread your legs a lot wider.’ ‘Go for it,’ said Dom. And he felt his thighs eased wide apart. ‘Yeah… Much better…’ said Jamie, returning to the hole, just inches from his lips now. ‘Yeah? Can you see it?’ ‘Oh yeah. It’s beautiful,’ said Jamie. ‘Yeah. I bet. I’ve got a fucking beautiful arsehole haven’t I?’ ‘Oh god yeah. It’s sooo fucking sexy.’ Jamie blushed. Why was he saying this to his bigger colleague? ‘It’s definitely still got some slique round those arse lips mate.’ ‘Yeah? You couldn’t do me a favour could you?’ ‘Sure.’ ‘Lick it off my hole.’ ‘Oh fuck.’

Jamie leant in and felt the warmth of the hole on his face. And then he was gently kissing those moist, slique-covered lips. Dom moaned loudly. ‘Yeah mate. Fuck!’ ‘Your hole…’ said Jamie. ‘Your hole…’ And then his tongue lapped at it and swirled around. Like Dom’s cock, his arsehole was utterly beautiful. ‘Fucking hell…’ ‘Mmm, take it nice and slow,’ said Dom. ‘We have all night.’ And Jamie nuzzled into his crack and started to lick and kiss that delicious hole in a state of near delirium. So horned up were the two men that after half an hour of intense arse licking they didn’t notice Smithie had joined them. ‘Are you comfortable?’ he asked Dom. Dom stared up at him, as if in a trance. He opened his mouth, and wanted to say something brilliant to impress the trainer. Jamie nuzzled and licked and probed at his little hole. ‘Oooohhhh, my aaaaarse,’ he moaned up at Smithie, and then looked ashamed of himself. ‘Your arse?’ ‘Mmmm. Licking it. My arse. Man, oh fuck yeah. I have the fucking sexiest arse mate. You should lick it. Fuck it.’ Why was he saying this shit? ‘Maybe later,’ said Smithie. ‘Can I suck your cock?’ asked Dom. He shook his head. What the fuck? ‘You want to suck my big dick?’ asked Smithie. ‘Oh god yeeeeeaaaah.’ ‘Not yet,’ he said. ‘You haven’t earned that have you?’ ‘No,’ said Dom. ‘But I fucking will.’ ‘Good boy,’ said Smithie. He left them, Jamie never having looked up from Dom’s beautiful arse. The two men settled in like this for the night.

To be continued.

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