Gay Erotic Stories

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 3

by Big Brett
28 Feb 2011

Best Friends College Days Underwear Action

Jim turned on his computer and let it boot up. The guys went into the kitchen and Jim revealed how competent he was at the stove. He boiled water for the ravioli, heated the spaghetti sauce on low, placed the broccoli in the steamer, and prepped the salad. Within 15 minutes, the guys enjoyed a hearty meal. “You’re a great cook, Jim!” “Right on! My parents were real big on cooking and entertaining, and my sister and I always helped in the kitchen. On holidays, all 4 of us would work together and bust out some epic meals. I’m looking forward to being with them on Thanksgiving.” “Where do they live?” Matt inquired. “Orange County” Jim answered. “I get along with family really well, we’re very close, yet It’s nice to be on my own and have my own apartment 85 miles away. You?” Matt reported “I still live at home. My folks really want me to go to college, but I just don’t want to hassle with all the homework and tests. I told them that I wanted a break after high school and wanted to work for a while before I make plans for college. They’re going along with it, but I know that I’ll have to get serious sooner than later.” Jim excused himself. “I gotta take a piss!” Jim walked to the bathroom, left the door completely open, as was his usual practice, stood 2 feet back from the toilet, and unleashed his jet stream of urine into the water. “Ah, it always feels great to piss!” Jim thought to himself as he happily drained himself. “Nice piss stream!” Jim heard coming from the kitchen. “You’ve got a lot of force behind that sucker!” Jim laughed. “Ya Matt, I really had to go.” Jim flushed, washed and dried his hands and was ready to head for the kitchen. Matt was standing right there when Jim turned at the doorway. “I need to go, too.” Matt said. Jim moved aside and let Matt walk past him. Jim remained in the doorway. Matt had his hand on the door to shut it, but waited for Jim to move. “I want to watch you pee!” Jim said. “Oh? I don’t know if I can pee with you watching me.” Matt responded. “Sure you can. I want to watch you do it. It’s fun to watch and it’s fun when you’re being watched.” Jim stated. Matt released his grip on the door and turned to face the toilet. “Okay. I’ll give it my best shot.” He stood there for a few seconds. His dick was starting to swell. “Damn. I’m getting hard! It’s because you’re watching me.” Jim laughed. “It’s fine Matt. That’s part of the fun.” Finally, Matt relaxed sufficiently enough that he began peeing. His stream lacked the velocity of Jim’s jet stream, yet was still considerably forceful and masculine.” Matt liked to force out the last of his urine by pumping squirts. The stop-and-go of the end of Matt’s pee stream amused Jim. “Come here!” Jim demanded. Matt flushed the toilet. Jim grabbed Matt’s hand, pulled him out of the bathroom, and said “Come on Matt!” and they fell onto Jim’s bed. This time, they ripped each other’s clothes off. They nestled in under the sheet and hugged each other. Jim felt Matt’s body against him including a few drops of piss that Matt didn’t have time to release due to Jim’s hurry. Jim reached down and rubbed the wet spot into his body. “Sorry I hurried you out of the bathroom before you were done!” “It’s all good, Jim. I liked you watching me piss. I’ve never intentionally done that before. I’m loving feeling your hard body against mine! Dude, you make me so horny!” Jim decided to tease Matt this time instead of giving him the prize up front. Jim reached for the container of baby powder by the head of the bed. “What’s that for?” Matt asked. “You’ll see!” Jim replied. Jim poured a heap in his right hand and then covered Matt’s dick with it. As Jim gently rubbed it, Matt’s dick went from semi to rock hard in record time. “Wow Jim. That feels awesome!” Matt exclaimed. “Ya, it does the trick. I’ve been using for years.” Matt asked for the powder and sprinkled some on Jim’s dick and started stroking him. Doing mutual J/O was fun. Jim had a great sense of touch and made Matt feel good in a completely different way than Matt could do for himself. Both guys were really horny, and before long, Matt was the first to blow. His load shot all over. Jim loved manipulating Matt’s orgasm, and Matt loved him doing it. Matt released his grip on Jim’s dick and surprised Jim by swallowing as much of Jim’s 8 incher as he could. Matt bobbed his head up and down as Jim had done for him earlier. Jim held onto Matt’s shoulders firmly. Matt gave surprisingly good head for his first time. Other than a few unexpected teeth issues, it was great. Jim’s breathing started to pick up; his muscles in his legs began to tense up. Jim’s pulse was racing; his heart was pounding in his chest. This animalistic body response had Matt raging hard again as he sucked on Jim’s cock with a vengeance. Jim squeezed tightly on Matt’s shoulders and he blasted his load in Matt’s mouth. Matt was a good sport and swallowed all of Jim’s spunk. Jim moaned with bliss. Matt’s mouth was a perfect receptacle for his aching dick.

“We’re even!” Matt exclaimed. “Huh?” Jim questioned. “You blew me; I blew you; I stroked you; you stroked me!” Jim roared with laughter. “Matt, you’re funny!” “Jim, you’re really something! I love hanging out with you. I’m so glad that we became friends! Let’s try and make a bike ride happen soon.” Jim smiled. “You’re a great guy, Matt. I’m glad that I met you, too. You’re hot, bro!” Jim looked at the clock. It was 9:30. Matt, I hate to be a party pooper, but tomorrow is my long day at school and I better crash. Matt agreed. “I called my mom after I drove to your place to tell her that I wouldn’t be home for dinner, but she’s not expecting me to be very late. I have to work tomorrow, and need a good night’s sleep. I know I’ll get it after how relaxed our home workout made me feel!” Matt took a post-it pack and wrote down his name, address, and phone number. He told Jim not to lose it. Jim laughed. “I won’t lose it bro. I’m glad that you live nearby and we can hang out.” They gave each other a hug good bye and Matt drove away.

Jim liked Matt, but he knew that he liked Tyler more. Jim walked over to his computer. He had turned it on earlier, but never checked his E mail. He clicked on the icon for his mail and watched it load. Ha! An E mail from Tyler! Jim shrieked with excitement “Fucking A. Tyler E mailed me back!” He clicked the E mail icon to open Tyler’s E mail.

“Jim: Thanks for the reply. I’d really like to see you and don’t want to wait until Saturday. Do you have any free time between now and then?” - Tyler Despite Jim’s session with Matt, Jim was anxious to hook up with Tyler again. He contemplated his workload for the week and fired off an E mail to Tyler. “Hey Bro: I don’t have anything major to do for Wednesday’s classes, and all my stuff is ready for tomorrow. I could meet you after school tomorrow afternoon if that works for you.” – Jim He clicked “send” and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. A few minutes later, he went back to the living room to shut down his computer and turn off the lights. Tyler had already replied.

“What time do you get home from school? I can drive down to your place.” – Tyler Jim answered: “About 4:30. How about if we meet at 5:00?” Tyler answered back: “I’ll see you at your place at 5:00!”

Jim was stoked. Tyler was hot, and Jim wanted to feel Tyler’s body pressing into his. Matt was cute and affectionate, but Tyler had a more raw sexual energy and was much more experienced than Matt. Jim was such a sucker for Tyler’s natural blond hair. Even his body hair was blond. Jim shut down the computer, turned off the lights, and was asleep minutes later.

The next morning, Jim awoke at 7:05. Today was his long day at school. His first class was at 9:30. He had 4 classes straight through until 3:15. He had worn his white briefs to bed and felt a slight chill when he got out of bed. He grabbed his t-shirt, went to the kitchen to make coffee, and sat down at the computer. He drifted off in a daydream while watching the cars at the 4-way stop outside. The sound of the boiling water in the kitchen caught his attention, and Jim got up to get his coffee. He set the coffee down on his desk and headed for the bathroom to take a dump. There were some mornings that he was ready to “drop the kids at the pool” before he had coffee. He finished the job, washed his hands, and went back to his coffee. He sat there at his computer desk in his white briefs and t-shirt and watched his neighbor, Nicole, walk toward her car to leave for work. He admired her hot little body and wondered if she was good in bed. He was hoping that she would look in his window as she walked by. He liked to waive hello to her when he was sitting at the desk in his briefs. She quickly opened the door to her Mazda 3 sedan and drove away. “She must be in a hurry today.” Jim thought to himself.

Today was a rare day. Jim woke up hard as usual, but it went down quickly and rested just to the left side of the fly between the elastic leg opening and the waistband. He didn’t feel like jerking off, which was rare. Getting off with Matt must have helped with his perpetual horniness. Jim ate a banana and some whole grain toast with peanut butter. It hit the spot. He looked up at the time on his computer monitor and decided to get ready for school. He checked the temperature on the Weather Channel to figure out how to dress for school. He was going to drive today so he could get home quickly to meet Tyler. Jim skipped shaving, and did his teeth and took a shower. The hot water felt good. He got out of the shower, dried himself, splashed on a bit of Issey Miyake cologne, and moved to the bedroom to dress. He decided to go with his Levis jeans and a pair of navy blue FTL briefs. He wore a buttoned down dress shirt that was light blue with subtle navy and yellow stripes. He tied the laces on his running shoes and was ready to go. He checked his back pack to make sure that he had everything, grabbed his sunglasses, keys, and his money, opened the door, set the lock on the knob, closed the door with an almost slam, and walked to his car. He tossed his back pack on the front passenger floor, buckled up, started the car, and drove toward the freeway.

Jim liked to drive. He listened to his favorite morning radio show while passing the majority of Tuesday rush hour commuters. A half hour later, he entered the university parking lot, found a spot, and hustled to his first class. While Jim was walking across campus, his thoughts drifted to his 5:00 meeting with Tyler. He felt his dick pointing up and to the right of the fly of his jeans, rubbing gently against his clothes with each step. The sensation made his dick start to grow. Jim reached for the top of his jeans on the right side and pulled outward. His dick responded to the freedom and moved upward toward his belt buckle. “Ah! That’s better!”

He crossed the courtyard and entered the building. Moments later, he was seated in class and the professor started the lecture. Jim progressed though the day, one class after the other, until his last class ended at 3:15. He had to stop at the library before he left campus to gather data for his management class. Once he retrieved what he needed, he was ready to go. He made a pit stop at the men’s room to take a leak. There were 8 urinals without dividers in this bathroom and only 2 other guys using them. They were at #6 and #8. Jim opted for #1, unzipped, pulled down the waistband of his briefs, and started to pee. Seconds later, a student entered and walked up to urinal #2 right next to Jim. Jim wondered why the guy chose to be right next to him when #3 - #5 were vacant. Sure enough, Jim saw the guy’s eyes glance down to the jumbo prize that Jim was aiming. He laughed to himself about how guys are always so curious about other guys’ dicks. He wondered if it had always been this way, but he never noticed until recently, or if he had just had more than his share of admirers? He would like to ask someone, but it definitely wouldn’t be his dad. Jim’s dad had been a Marine, and Jim wouldn’t feel comfortable asking his dad something like that. Jim shook the last few drops, pulled his briefs back up, zipped, washed his hands, and was out of there.

He walked across campus to his car, put the backpack inside, and drove off. He was deep in thought about seeing Tyler and anxious for 5:00. Freeway traffic was on the light side of moderate, and Jim was cruising along at 75 mph in the #3 lane rocking out to his MP3 playlist that conveniently connected to his car stereo. His Honda was a great little car and the stereo kicked ass. Jim saw a red car coming up quickly in the fast lane. It was a red Mustang GT. Jim drooled to himself. He loved fast cars, but knew he would have little-to-no restraint driving a car with that much balls. His square back Honda did an admirable job of hauling his bikes and his gear with no fuss, plus gave 30 mpg or better every time he filled up. Life was good. Jim’s maternal grandmother had done very well with real estate, and left a trust fund for Jim’s education. His sister was equally fortunate. Jim’s parents only asked that he did his best in school, and if he kept his grades up, he wouldn’t have to work until he graduated. Jim knew he was very blessed. Most of his friends both worked and went to school. Jim didn’t take it for granted, though. He had always been exceptional academically, and getting excellent grades was the norm for him.

“I-5 North. Cool. I’m almost home. The clock in Jim’s car read 4:35. He had plenty of time. Once he was on Freeway 5, he would be home in 10 minutes. He slowly made his way past the golf course and continued west toward the Pacific. His thoughts once again turned to Tyler. “Damn. I can’t stop thinking about him!” Jim found a spot to park right out front. He grabbed his back pack and hit the “lock” button on his remote. He entered his apartment and took off his shoes. “Ah! Another day at school successfully completed.” He didn’t have any homework that he had to do until the following night. He was totally free.

5:00 arrived before he knew it. The doorbell rang. Jim walked toward the screen door and saw Tyler’s blond hair right away. His face lit up with a big smile. “Hi Tyler!” “Hey Jim! What’s up?!” “Great to see you, man!” “You, too, stud!” Tyler stepped inside and they hugged like 2 magnets that were stuck together. Jim shut the screen door, locked it, and then turned his total attention to Tyler. Tyler was the first to speak. “Damn, Jim. You are so fucking handsome, I can’t get over it. Dude, you should be a model!” “Thanks Tyler, but I could never put up with the B.S. that goes with it. Tyler, I love your hair. With that, Jim gently combed Tyler’s hair with both hands. Tyler luxuriated in the touch of Jim’s fingers raking through his hair.

“What would you like to drink, Tyler?” “You want to party, Jim?” “Sure. I have white and red wine, Bass Ale, and some tequila.” “A Bass Ale would be great!” “Bass Ale it is!” Jim opened 2 bottles and they clinked their bottles together. “To friends!” Tyler said. Jim repeated “To friends!” They took a swig on their beer and sat down on the sofa. Jim picked up the remote and turned it onto ESPN. There was a Lakers game on. Jim kept the volume down so they could talk.

“Tyler, how is school going for you?” Jim inquired. “It’s good. I’m glad that I can get by working part time. I make surfboards in my garage when I have time and tend bar at a friend’s restaurant on Saturday nights. It works out pretty well for me. I have enough time to get my school work done without being a basket case. How about you?” “Most of my classes are easy. Accounting is the hardest. I have to spend a lot of time reading, but I like it.”

“Jim, do you ever get high?” “Ya, Tyler. I’ve been known to toke up now and then.” “Cool. I brought some killer herb with me hoping that you were into it. I’m going to run to my car.” With that, Tyler dashed to his car and was back seconds later. Jim smelled the herb before Tyler even took it out of his pocket. Jim freaked: “Tyler, you’re killing me! I can smell that stuff before you even got it out of your pocket. It’s the kine, huh?!” “Ya, I have friends in Hawaii. When I was there last time, I brought back a sack in my luggage. It would probably be hard to do it now. It’s good shit, though, and I wanted you to try it. I also brought some medical marijuana with me, too” Jim was excited. He didn’t smoke herb all that often, but liked it when he did. Tyler had a little glass multi-colored pipe. He packed a one-hitter for Jim. Jim knew the drill, and took a perfect hit. Tyler packed one for himself and fired it up. They both coughed a bit when they exhaled. “It expands!” said Jim. “Ya, Jim, and it’s creeper weed, too!” They did another round and set the pipe on Jim’s table. They leaned back into the firm cushion of the sofa and watched the game. The Lakers were winning.

“Tyler, I’ve been thinking about you lately, bro.” “Me too, Jim. I feel a certain energy when we’re together that I don’t feel any other time, and I like it.” Jim put his right arm around Tyler. Tyler melted into Jim’s shoulder and held Jim tightly with his left arm. There was electricity in their touch. Jim turned to the right to face Tyler and looked right into his eyes. There was that moment of magic when their souls were linked. They instinctively wrapped their arms around each other and hugged softly and passionately. Jim felt his heart racing. He was affectionate by nature, but had never felt this kind of vibe with anyone else. It was more than just passion, lust, or sex. It was new and different. Jim ran his fingers through Tyler’s hair. Tyler caressed Jim’s buzzed head. Each of the guys felt so good just sitting there holding onto each other. Of course, Jim’s cock started to grow. He motioned to Tyler “Come on!!” and they went into Jim’s room, set their beers on the night table, and reclined on Jim’s king size bed. Tyler was wearing a pair of red track pants. Jim slid his hand down below the waistband and exclaimed “Ah! You’re wearing boxers today!” “Ya!” said Tyler. “I like to wear boxers with track pants. Feels so comfortable!” Jim reached lower and gently rubbed Tyler’s dick. Tyler’s rod responded accordingly. Jim kicked off his shoes onto the floor. Tyler undid the buckle of Jim’s belt and unzipped his jeans. “Navy blue briefs today, huh?! I love seeing your bulge in them”. Jim lifted his torso and slipped off his Levis. “Let’s get under the covers. It’s a bit cool.” They both got off the bed for a moment to pull back the sheet and comforter. Tyler dropped his track pants and boxers; Jim removed his briefs. They climbed back into bed and layed touching eachother. The warmth of their bodies felt great. Jim reached over to the night table and took a swig of his beer. Tyler asked Jim to pass his. The herb gave them cottonmouth. Jim looked into Tyler’s eyes and moved his hand to Tyler’s hair. Jim loved to play with Tyler’s hair. Tyler rubbed Jim’s chest. They chugged the last of their beers and Jim set the empty bottles on the night table. Jim moved his face close to Tyler’s and gave him a soft, passionate kiss. They put both of their arms around each other and stayed locked in the embrace. Tyler laughed. “Dude, I feel your rod getting hard!” “Yes, and you’re rock hard, too! What do you say we try 69?” With that, Jim moved about to position himself to be ready for action. They lunged on each other’s dick and began sucking. It was erotic as hell to be sucked and sucking at the same time. The tempo increased, and the guys knew that they were close. Instinctively, they both tensed up every muscle in their body informing each other that they were getting close. They both blew at the exact same time and licked each other clean. They relaxed there for a moment and then Jim turned his position back to laying side by side with Tyler.

“Damn, Tyler, that was awesome!” “Ya, I needed that! You want to go check on the Laker’s game?” “Sure!” Jim got out of bed first. He grabbed a pair of boxers and a pair of light gray track pants and put on a white T-shirt. Tyler pulled on his boxers and track pants and they walked out into the living room. “Sex always makes me hungry!” Jim said. “What would you like for dinner?” “Is that Chinese place down the street any good?” “Yes, it’s good. You want to go there or get take out?” “How about if we go there? It’s my treat!” “You’re on!” Jim said. Jim checked the score of the Lakers game before he turned off the TV. "The Lakers are behind!" Jim grimmaced. "Bummer!" Tyler moaned.

They decided to walk being that they were high and had just drank a beer. Tyler brought a lightweight zip up hooded sweatshirt. Jim grabbed his, they went out the door, Jim locked it behind him and they walked down the street. Tyler said how great the sex was and that he’s still buzzing from it. Jim agreed and said that his dick was still sensitive from the workout and he wondered if boxers were suitable. Tyler laughed as he could see Jim’s semi tenting the right side of his track pants, flopping back and forth with each step. “Jim, I love to see your cock in your track pants. I’m glad that you wore boxers!” Jim noticed that Tyler was sporting a good semi and had the same tent in his track pants. “We’re both studs!” Jim said.

They arrived at the restaurant and were seated right away. Each of the guy’s ordered and entrée and hot Chinese tea. The also ordered spring rolls. Their conversation mostly centered around cycling and surfing. Tyler told Jim that he wanted to teach him to surf. Jim said for sure when summer comes, but he doesn’t like the cold water. Tyler mentioned that he had several wetsuits. Jim said that he might be up for it if the wetsuit will keep him warm enough. Jim told Tyler that his bike club was doing a ride that Sunday and would Tyler like to join them as a guest. There was a 32 mile ride scheduled through the back hills of north San Diego County. Tyler said that he would do it and see how it was to ride with the group.

Dinner was excellent, and just the right amount. Tyler paid the bill and left a nice tip for the waitress. Jim thanked him for the meal. They finished the last of their tea and got up and left. Once they were walking down the street, Jim felt his cock swell again. Before he could say anything, Tyler noticed and made a snappy remark about Jim not being able to keep his cock down. Jim defended himself saying that every time he wears boxers, he always gets hard when he walks. Tyler teased him and told him it’s because he only wears boxers occasionally. “If you wore boxers or freeballed all the time, you’d get used to it and not have a problem staying limp. Not that I’m complaining!” Jim protested “But I’ve seen you wearing briefs before. The time we rode together and you changed out of your cycling gear, you wore maroon briefs. So how do you manage to stay limp when you wear boxers?” Tyler told Jim that he wears briefs sometimes, especially with fitted jeans, but wears boxers almost all the time. Tyler added that in junior high school and high school that he wore boxers all the time. “The guys in school really badgered the guys who wore briefs. You didn’t want to be caught dead wearing tighty whiteys in the locker room changing for gym class. All the guys wore boxers whether they liked them or not just so they wouldn’t be heckled by the rest of the class.”

Jim told him that where he went to school in Orange County that it wasn’t like that. Most of the guys wore briefs, many of the guys wore boxers, but no one made a big deal of it. “When I finished 8th grade and entered high school, I noticed some of the guys were wearing boxerbriefs. I bought a pack of boxerbriefs to try them, but liked regular briefs the most. My dad was a Marine and has always worn briefs. Mom bought the same thing for me and that’s what I’ve always worn.” “Well, Jim, you look smokin’ hot in just your briefs, but I love to see your semi swinging when you wear boxers. I’m going to make a boxer convert out of you yet! Every time we hang out, I want you to wear boxers for me!” Jim agreed, and said that he would do it just to please him.

They got to Jim’s door and walked inside. Tyler suggested another session with the pipe, and Jim said “Sure, why not?!” Tyler had a medical marijuana card and one variety of his pot was legally purchased from a licensed store. Jim told him that it’s better than most stuff that he had smoked. After they got high, they checked ESPN and found that the Lakers had won their game. Tyler said to Jim: “Let’s go kick back on your bed!” Jim was quick to respond that Tyler didn’t have to ask twice, but he needed to take a piss. Tyler said that he did also, and why don’t they piss together? Jim was up for it and the both stood at the toilet and crossed swords. The laughed like they were playing a video game. They both finished, washed their hands, and walked into Jim’s bedroom. They slipped off their track pants and slid under the covers. Jim put his arm around Tyler; Tyler responded and hugged Jim. It felt so good to hold each other. They kicked back together enjoying the warmth of their touch. Before either of them knew it, they fell asleep in each other’s arms and slept beautifully. Each of them had found a new buddy and were quickly becoming each other’s best friend.


More Gay Erotic Stories from Big Brett

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist Jim - Part 7

(Continued from Part 6)Happy Thanksgiving from Big Brett!The alarm clock sounded, and Jim sprung up from a sound sleep. “My last day of class before Thanksgiving break!” Jim thought to himself. He reached down and picked up a t-shirt that he had removed the night before and slipped it on. He got out of bed with his typical morning wood and walked to the kitchen to boil water

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist Jim - Part 8

(continued from Part 7)Eric was the first to awake shortly after 6:00. Jimmy was lying next to him face down. “He is so fucking handsome!” Eric thought to himself. Eric, being a wiry guy, had to get out of bed. Jim sensed his movement and opened his eyes. “Good morning sleepy head!” said Eric. “Morning bro!”Jim spotted the time on the alarm clock. “6:05. I better get moving

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist Jim .- Part 6

(Continued from Part 5)Tyler sprung up from his bar stool and walked over to Todd and Josh. Tyler enthusiastically hugged both of the guys. Jim got up and joined them. Todd and Josh were super excited to see Jim and Tyler. Each of them gave Jim a bro hug. Jim thought to himself how flattering it was that these guys were so happy to see Tyler and him. He wondered if they fooled

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 1

Slam! The sound of Jim's geology textbook closing echoed through the kitchen.

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 2

“Monday morning!” Jim realized as his eyes opened. He glanced at the clock. 6:20. “Good. Plenty of time to get ready for school.” Jim really liked the university. He attended community college for his first 2 semesters. There was a different atmosphere at the university compared to the community college, and Jim loved the energy on the university campus. It seemed that this was going to

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 3

Jim turned on his computer and let it boot up. The guys went into the kitchen and Jim revealed how competent he was at the stove. He boiled water for the ravioli, heated the spaghetti sauce on low, placed the broccoli in the steamer, and prepped the salad. Within 15 minutes, the guys enjoyed a hearty meal. “You’re a great cook, Jim!” “Right on! My parents were real big on cooking and

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 4

(Continued from Pt. 3)Tyler was the first one to wake up the next morning. He looked at Jim sleeping next to him. “Damn. He’s so fucking beautiful!” Tyler’s dick was rock hard. He gently ran his fingers along Jim’s buzzed head. He liked to feel the short hair go back and forth with his touch. A few seconds later, Jim’s eyes opened. “Good Morning bro! What time is it?” Jim inquired.

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 5

(Continued from Part 4)Jim found a parking spot in front of his apartment. He carefully removed his bike and cycling gear and brought everything inside his home. He wasted no time peeling off his clothes and getting into the shower. The warm water and liquid soap felt great after working up a sweat during the bike ride. After he dried, He liberally splashed on some Issey Miyake cologne.

Our Young Cyclist Jim - Introduction

The persistent marine layer kept Saturday morning cooler than usual. Jim fastened his helmet, latched his shoes, grabbed his bike, and was out the door. He had opted for a long sleeved jersey and was glad that he did when he felt the cool, Southern California morning air as he briskly pedaled his way north. Coast Highway was Jim's favorite place to ride. Jim had ridden just about every mile

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