Gay Erotic Stories

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist Jim - Part 7

by Big Brett
28 Nov 2013

Athletics Bathroom Tales Best Friends College Days Exhibitionism Holiday Cheer

(Continued from Part 6)

Happy Thanksgiving from Big Brett!

The alarm clock sounded, and Jim sprung up from a sound sleep. “My last day of class before Thanksgiving break!” Jim thought to himself. He reached down and picked up a t-shirt that he had removed the night before and slipped it on. He got out of bed with his typical morning wood and walked to the kitchen to boil water for coffee. He placed the coffee press and his favorite coffee mug on the counter by the stove. “I need a wicked piss!” Jim cruised to the bathroom. By the time he was there, his dick had softened just enough that he could aim his semi toward the toilet bowl. He always loved the initial release of his urine stream. It felt so fucking good. He blasted his piss right at the center of the water. Since he was a kid, Jim loved the sound that his pee stream made when it struck the water. When the flow stopped, Jim gave it a few shakes, and walked back to the kitchen and made his coffee. He set it on his desk and then went to his bedroom to put on a pair of sweatpants. The temperature inside his apartment was in the low 60s, and it felt cold.

Jim sat at the desk and turned on his computer. Tyler had sent him an e-mail. Jim read eagerly. Tyler was hoping to see Jim after Thanksgiving. Jim started typing his reply, and said that he expected to be back at his apartment by Saturday afternoon. “Wanna visit me on Saturday?” Jim wrote. He clicked “send”, and knew that Tyler would accept.

It was chilly out this morning. Being that Jim was going to his parents’ home that afternoon, he was going to drive to school. This would enable him to get on freeway 5 North before traffic got ugly.

Jim had coffee, spent a half hour in the bathroom getting shaved, showered, and doing his teeth. He sprayed 2 pumps of cologne, and then headed to his room. “What do I want to wear today?” His eyes wandered through the left side of his closet, and stopped on a pair of light blue Adidas track pants with 3 navy stripes on each side. He removed the hanger from the rack, took off the track pants, and returned the hanger to its place. He went to the other side of the closet and chose a navy blue t-shirt. He would bring along his navy blue zip-up hoody.

Then the big decision came: what underwear did he want to wear? He decided on a pair of Fruit of the Loom plaid boxers. Jim was beginning to be a connoisseur of boxers. Among the brands that were in his boxer drawer were FTL, Hanes, Jockey, American Eagle, Brooks Brothers, and Calvin Klein. Being so discerning with everything, Jim had his own quirks about boxers, too. He liked the fashionable patterns of American Eagle, but thought that the waistband was too thick, and that they felt more like shorts than underwear. Brooks Brothers were beautifully made, but the fabric was too thick. The other brands, except one, were just there; nothing exciting about them at all. Jim had discovered that the cheapest boxers, Fruit of the Loom, were actually his favorite. The fabric was lightweight and pliable. The FTL boxers didn’t seem to ride up or bunch as easily as all the others. Best of all, these boxers felt so light and airy under his clothes that it was just as good as freeballing.

He placed his boxers inside the track pants and hiked them up below his waist. Next came his socks and running shoes, and Jim was ready to head out. He grabbed his navy blue hat, shades, and backpack, and left for school.

Jim was surprised at how crowded the campus parking lot was. He was frustrated after going down row after row and not finding a place to park. He wondered if the new parking structure on the west side of campus would be better? When he reached the end of the row and turned right, he spotted a Nissan Sentra with the backup lights lit. Sure enough, a cute Asian girl was pulling out of the spot. He turned his right signal on. Jim shot her a big smile when their eyes met, and she blushed and smiled back. “I’d tap that!” Jim mused to himself. Another driver who had hoped to get that spot enviously looked on as Jim parked. Jim figured that all the students had to show up today to get assignments before the break. Some of the proffs would purposely give out assignments the last day before break in class. The students who didn’t come wouldn’t get the assignments that were due the following week.

As Jim walked toward class, he felt his dick stir on the right side of his track pants. His dick felt so good in his track pants and boxers as it gently swayed back and forth with each step, the ridge of his corona being gently caressed by the soft fabric. He had a good semi going and was getting some admiring glances as he made his way toward class. He had enough time to duck into his favorite men’s room and bust out a piss before class. He walked right up to the urinal by the window, dropped his track pants and boxers below his butt, and let his fire hose rip hands free. Ah! As he was pissing, he heard some giggles from outside. He glanced to the left and could see the bottom half of 2 girls who had stopped on the sidewalk to watch our guy draining his lizard. Jim loved that they had stopped to watch him. He always stood at a slight angle at that urinal to be more easily seen. He used his friend Matt’s technique of shooting the last bit of his urine in bursts. He heard one of the girls softly murmur “Look, look!” Her friend said “Oh my God!” Jim gave it a few shakes, and pulled up his boxers and track pants. He noticed that the girls started to walk on. He washed his hands and headed toward class.

Jim laughed to himself about how interested the girls were to watch him pee. He figured that they probably didn’t have brothers, or grew up in a hyper-modest home. He began to daydream. Jim had grown up in an athletic household where modesty was not important, especially for the men. Jim was involved in swimming from a young age and was right at home in locker rooms, gang showers, and open urinals and toilets. Jim rarely closed his bedroom door to change, and would often walk through the house in just his briefs, or even naked sometimes. All 4 in Jim’s family were casual about nudity, and used their pool naked almost always. Jim’s dad, Jeff, had been a Marine, and was in excellent physical condition. Jeff and his wife, Sandy, were serious triathletes. Male modesty did not exist for dad, and he made sure that it didn’t for his son. He wanted Jim to grow up being proud of himself and his body, and self-confident. The 2 men usually swam naked even when there were visitors. On the rare occasions that they wore suits to not embarrass certain guests, Jeff and Jim wore Speedos that didn’t hide much, anyway. Most of the family friends and all the relatives had known the family for a long time and were okay with the casual family nudity at the pool. Some of them skinny dipped as well. Jim had always been comfortable being naked at home since he was a toddler no matter who happened to be there. As he got older, he would at least wear a pair of gym shorts if visitors were there.

As casual as Jim’s family was about nudity, they were equally casual about the use of the bathroom. Rarely would any of them close the bathroom door to take a shower, especially in the summer. Jim’s mom and dad always peed with the doors to the master bath and their bedroom open, and Jim did the same since he first learned how to use the toilet in the hall bathroom. Jasmine and Jim often shared the bathroom in the mornings when getting ready for school. They had no problem with taking a shower or using the toilet in the presence of their sibling. Mom and Jim’s sis, Jasmine, were accustomed to the lack of modesty with the men in their family, and never gave it a second thought.

Jim had discovered in elementary school that not every family is so casual about nudity and the bathroom, and followed the norms of his friend’s homes when he visited them. Some of Jim’s school friends were surprised at first when they were at Jim’s home and Jim took a whiz with the door open. Jim would always tell them that they didn’t bother to close the door just to pee. A few of Jim’s friends eventually became comfortable enough to leave the door open if Jim’s mom and sis weren’t there, but most of them always closed it.

Jim reflected back to his youth when his mom made new female friends who came to their home. The visitor was usually surprised the first time that they saw little Jimmy walk into the hall bathroom, lift the seat, take his penis out, and piss without closing the door. The lady would make some comment to Sandy about how cute little Jimmy was, and chuckle. After Jim had progressed to high school, he could tell that some of mom’s friends became totally distracted when they saw him walk into the bathroom. He knew that they enjoyed seeing and hearing Jim taking a piss and he was comfortable doing what had always come naturally for him. Only when a total stranger was in their home would Jim close the door when he needed to pee, but otherwise he left the door open.

Jim realized that he was daydreaming for the entire walk to class. The professor arrived, and class quickly got underway. A few hours later, Jim got up from his desk, and the last class for the day had ended. As he slung the backpack over his shoulder, his t-shirt lifted up exposing his glorious abs as well as a puff of his plaid boxers above the waistband of his light blue track pants. His temporary exposure did not go unnoticed. A student, Tracy, who sat next to Jim, had been scoping Jim out for months and had dreamed of pulling Jim’s pants down. Now she finally got to see what Jim was hiding under his shirt, and it looked even better than she imagined. As Jim lowered his backpack, his shirt came back down and his treasures were once again hidden. Well, maybe not all of them! Tracy picked up on the boxers and knew right away that Jim’s dick would be hanging down one side or the other. She adjusted her gaze another foot lower and saw Jim’s beautiful 5” softie pointing down and to the right. She saw the sensual shape of Jim’s dickhead and started to feel herself get wet. That instant, Jim’s saw her checking out his crotch. He stood there and smiled at her. Tracy sensed that Jim wasn’t moving and looked up at him. Busted! She immediately blushed and was speechless. Jim helped her out. “Hi! I’m Jim!” “Hi Jim. I’m Tracy.” They shook hands. Jim could tell that she was super nervous. “Tracy, what are you doing over the break?” “I’m going to Riverside to spend the weekend with my family. You?” “I’m going to Orange County to visit my folks.” Tracy was obviously flustered, and quickly said “Have a great weekend. See you Monday.” Jim chuckled to himself knowing that she was incredibly turned on to see more of Jim than she had before. Tracy was a cutie, and Jim didn’t rule out banging her if the opportunity came up, which he was sure it would after her checking him out. He was so glad that he wore boxers today!

Jim left the building and walked toward the parking lot. Most of the students seemed oblivious to him. Everyone was so preoccupied with Thanksgiving and getting the hell out of school for 4 days. A few chicks and a few guys did notice his dick swinging in his track pants. He loved when people looked at it. Jim reached his car 10 minutes later, and drove off. He was listening to the radio and thinking of his checklist of items that he was bringing home with him. 20 minutes later, he parked right in front of his place. He had already packed his clothes, and just had a few things to do before he took off. It was still pretty cool outside, and Jim decided to stay dressed the way he was. He checked his e mail and saw a note from Tyler telling Jim that he definitely wanted to visit on Saturday afternoon, and to have a good time with the folks. Jim typed back “you too!” Jim picked up his luggage and the 2 pies that he bought from Costco for Thanksgiving Dinner, and left.

Traffic was still fairly light, and Jim was glad that he didn’t lag. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving is usually a horrible day for traffic. An hour and a half later, Jim arrived at the family home in Costa Mesa. Jim’s mom greeted him in the driveway and gave him a big hug. “Hi mom! It’s great to see you!” “I’ve missed you Jimmy! Can I help you with the pies?” Jim opened the hatch and gave mom the 2 pies. He took the luggage and closed the hatch. “The garden looks great, mom.” Jim remarked. “ Yes, I’ve been getting more involved with it at your father’s request. It gives your dad and me something relaxing to do together, and with 2 of us keeping it up, you can see the improvement.

Jim took his luggage back to his old room. Mom went to the kitchen with the pies. Jim joined her in the kitchen. “When does Jasmine get home?” “She was hoping to be here by 6:00. She had a big day at college and couldn’t leave any sooner.” Dad should be here around 5:00. Sandy poured Jim a glass of water and asked “Would you like to go over tomorrow’s menu with me?” “Sure!” Jim replied. Sandy ran down the list of all the yummy things that they would feast upon tomorrow. The turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and gravy were always perfectly delicious. This year Sandy was trying a new spin on yams. They were mashed with diced green chiles and a bit of garlic, along with some butter and milk. They would have homemade cranberry sauce, steamed asparagus with red bell pepper strips, and both white and red wine. “Sounds great. Can I help with the prep?” “Maybe later Jimmy. Let’s relax a bit first and talk about school. There isn’t really that much to do until tomorrow morning. I’ve already done most of the chopping for things that could be prepped ahead.” Sandy made some herbal tea, and Jim told her about how his classes were going, and about some of the friends that he had made in San Diego. He told her about how his cycling club was doing and some of the events that he had done since summer. They had a great time just sitting there talking. Sandy adored both of her kids, and was sad that both of them were now adults and living away because of college. She was so looking forward to all 4 of them being able to spend a few days together without work or school. “Jim, we won’t have any relatives joining us tomorrow. Charlene caught the flu. It’s really bad, so they are staying home. They didn’t want to risk spreading it in case they are all contagious.” “Aw. Too bad. It would have been great to see them.” “They said that maybe we can come up to their place at Christmas.” “Sounds good, mom.”

Jim walked into the bathroom to pee. He flipped the toilet seat up and emptied his bladder. He really didn’t understand why so many people got hung up about peeing and was glad that his family didn’t have this Puritanical hang up about one of life’s simplest human tasks. He finished, flushed, washed his hands, and went back to the kitchen. A few minutes later, dad walked in. Jim instantly jumped up and gave dad a big bear hug. “Dad! Great to see you!” Jeff was happy to see his pride and joy once again. “You look great son. How is life treating you?” The 3 of them sat at the kitchen table and talked. Jasmine arrived a few minutes before 6:00 and complained about traffic being as bad as she had hoped it wouldn’t be.

The 4 of them joined forces, made a great chicken, brown rice, veggie, and salad dinner. Afterward, they talked about the following day’s events, cleaned the dishes and the kitchen after dinner, and then moved to the living room. Jim got a phone call. It was Eric, a friend from high school. “Hi Jim. Eric here. My mom told me that you were coming back for a few days over Thanksgiving. Want to drink some beers?” Jim asked mom if he was needed in the kitchen. She said “No. Go have fun!” Instantly, Jim accepted. The timing was perfect as they had just finished dinner and the kitchen was clean. Jim told the family that he was going to visit Eric for a little while. Jim drove to Eric’s apartment. Eric had moved in with another student who had an apartment close to campus. Jim smiled when Eric opened the door. “Eric, great to see you bro!” “Jimmy! I’ve missed you! The boys gave each other a strong hug. Glad that you’ll be in town for a few days. Come kick back. I’ll grab you a beer.” Eric brought Jim an ESB, one of Jim’s favorite. “Oh, breaking out the good stuff for me, huh?” Jim teased. “Nothing but the best for my bud!” Eric replied. They toasted to “Friends!” and took a gulp. Eric looked at Jim. “Jim, you look great, man. How have you been?” Jim proceeded to tell him about his college life in San Diego. Eric asked Jim quite a few questions about Tyler, Matt, and Jim’s friends from the cycling club. Eric had always had girlfriends before, but said that he wasn’t dating anyone currently. Jim wondered if Eric was fishing for details about how Jim was connected to his friends. Eric broke out his bong. “Dude, I got some good shit. Let’s get high!” “Sure!” Jim said. “Where is your roommate, Eric?” “He had to go back to El Centro for the weekend, so I have the apartment to myself. He’s a good guy, but I like having my own space for a while.” “Can’t argue with that. Mom and dad set me up with a small apartment near the beach in Pacific Beach. I couldn’t ask for a better place to be, and it’s great to live by myself.

The guys passed the bong a few times and drank a few more beers. Eric looked at Jim and spoke. “Jimmy, some things have happened that I want to tell you about.” “Oh?” said Jim. “Ya. You know how I’ve been in wrestling through high school? Well, I tried out for the community college team and was one of the new guys chosen.” ”Great job Eric! I’m happy to hear it!” “Ya Jim, I’ve made friends with all the guys on the team, but there is one guy in particular who has become one of my best friends, kinda like you. We really get along well and have a blast when we hang out.” “Cool, Eric. What’s his name?” “His name is Tony. He’s a real good bro. I’d like you to meet him.” Jim had never seen Eric so enthusiastic about a friend. He and Jim had been best friends since grade school. Jim wondered if Eric and Tony fooled around.

“Jim, I’ve always been straight up with you, and I’m dying to tell you. Tony and I got drunk one night and wrestled on my living room floor. He’s really strong, and pinned me. While he was lying on top of me, I could feel him getting hard. The next thing that I knew, I was seriously boned. He didn’t move, and I didn’t want him to. He started rocking his hips back and forth, and was moaning. Jim, I never in a million years thought I was gay, but I liked feeling him on top of me so much. We were looking into each other’s eyes, and he said ‘You’re hard too!’, and I nearly lost my mind. One thing led to another, and we had sex. It was really amazing. As much as I liked it, I’m freaked out about it. I had to talk to someone. Please don’t dog me for it!”

“Wow Eric, that’s great! No worries at all. I wondered why you asked me so many questions about Matt and Tyler. I’ve fooled around with both of them. I love Tyler. He’s my bro. Tyler’s very cool, and very outgoing. He’s the first guy that I hooked up with. Not long ago, we met 2 salesmen from Arizona looking for directions. Tyler coaxed me into going out to a club later that night to party with them. Well, we ended up back at their hotel room, drank, got stoned, and had a 4 some on their beds. A year ago, I would have never dreamed that I’d be having sex with guys, but I love it. Chicks are still cool, and everything, but there is something about when a stud guy holds you tightly and rubs his boner up against you.” The huge hard on in Eric’s gym shorts was proof that Jim’s confession was driving him crazy. “Jim, I’ve always admired you and have loved you as my best friend ever since we knew each other. What do you say we check each other out?” Jim instantly turned toward Eric and gave him an enormous hug. Eric leaned his mouth toward Jim’s and they began to kiss. Eric rubbed his hand gently over Jim’s crotch until he found Jim’s aching boner straining against his track pants. “No underwear Jimmy?” “No. Boxers!” Jim declared. “That’s a new one!” “Ya, I got turned onto them at college. I like to let the Big Whopper free!” Jim tugged on the back of Eric’s t-shirt. Eric instinctively raised his arms as Jim helped him get out of the shirt. Eric had a fine body thanks to many years of serious wrestling. Jim now appreciated it in a different way than he did before. Jim lost his navy blue t-shirt. Jim grabbed the waistband of Eric’s shorts. Eric was wearing a pair of white briefs with a huge tent. His boner slapped his abdomen when Jim lowered the briefs. Eric reached over and helped Jim untie his shoes. Jim kicked them off haphazardly. Next came Jim’s track pants and boxers. The lay side by side on the couch locked in an embrace. Both of their hard ons were rubbing against each other. Jim couldn’t stand it any longer. He started licking Eric’s smooth chest and worked his way down Eric’s stomach. Eric gasped as he knew where Jim was going. Jim proceeded down Eric’s abs and reached the treasure trail. Eric was panting like an animal. He never realized just how much he liked Jim until this moment. Jim looked up with his adorable, devilish grin into Eric’s wanting eyes. Eric was desperate for Jim to put his lips around his aching cock. Jim ran his tongue up and down the shaft of Eric’s boner. Precum was oozing like Jim had never seen before. Suddenly, Jim put Eric out of his torment and put his lips around the head of Eric’s dick.

Eric was blissed out like never before. “Oh yeah, Jimmy! That feels so good!” Jim got off hearing Eric’s praise. Jim’s ears were so hot they felt like they were on fire. Jim sucked like a champ, and Eric was moaning and whimpering like a little puppy dog. Jim knew that he was a sex god, and delighted in how he could make a guy feel so incredible with his mouth alone. “I’m getting close Jimmy!” Jim paid no attention to the warning, and continued his magic. “Jim, I’m going to blow!” Jim made it quite clear that he was not going to release his grip on Eric’s cock and kept bobbing up in down in perfect rhythm. Eric tightened his grip on Jim’s shoulders and screamed out in ecstasy as he flooded Jim’s mouth and throat with his love juice. Jim was so excited that he was oozing big time. He grabbed his own oozing dick and only made it 4 strokes before he shot rope after rope of cum all over Eric’s panting chest. As soon as Jim was spent, Eric climbed on top of him. “Holy shit Jim! You just made this the best Thanksgiving that I’ve ever had!” Jim kissed Eric’s mouth gently, and remarked “Yeah, my Thanksgiving started out with a real bang, too!” They roared with laughter like 2 little kids.

They snuggled on Eric’s couch covered with a throw that kept their bodies warm. They were both so excited that each of them had grown up and discovered the pleasure of other men. They compared notes about sexual technique, etc. Until tonight, the only guy Eric had sex with was Tony. Now Eric got to taste his best friend of over 15 years. Jim asked “Do you still get up early?” “Afraid so!” Eric confessed. “Good. Can I just sleep here tonight? I’m too buzzed to drive.” “Sure Jimmy! I’d love to have you stay with me tonight. The guys finished their beers and went into Eric’s room. Eric had his own walk in shower, and they guys hopped in together and washed up. They were both pretty wasted and tired, but the shower made it so tempting to go for round 2. They washed each other’s back and hugged a few times. Jim started to get hard, and Eric’s bone stood at attention.

Jim was exhausted. “Eric, how about if we get some sleep and catch up in the morning?” “Sounds good, Jim. I’m wiped out, in a good way! We’ll both sleep like babies tonight!” They climbed into Erc’s queen size bed and covered themselves with the sheet and comforter. Eric spooned Jim, and they drifted off to sleep, each with a contented glow of total sexual and emotional satisfaction. They dozed off into a deep sleep, feeling the comfort of their bodies being united as one.

(To Be Continued in Part 8)


More Gay Erotic Stories from Big Brett

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist Jim - Part 7

(Continued from Part 6)Happy Thanksgiving from Big Brett!The alarm clock sounded, and Jim sprung up from a sound sleep. “My last day of class before Thanksgiving break!” Jim thought to himself. He reached down and picked up a t-shirt that he had removed the night before and slipped it on. He got out of bed with his typical morning wood and walked to the kitchen to boil water

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist Jim - Part 8

(continued from Part 7)Eric was the first to awake shortly after 6:00. Jimmy was lying next to him face down. “He is so fucking handsome!” Eric thought to himself. Eric, being a wiry guy, had to get out of bed. Jim sensed his movement and opened his eyes. “Good morning sleepy head!” said Eric. “Morning bro!”Jim spotted the time on the alarm clock. “6:05. I better get moving

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist Jim .- Part 6

(Continued from Part 5)Tyler sprung up from his bar stool and walked over to Todd and Josh. Tyler enthusiastically hugged both of the guys. Jim got up and joined them. Todd and Josh were super excited to see Jim and Tyler. Each of them gave Jim a bro hug. Jim thought to himself how flattering it was that these guys were so happy to see Tyler and him. He wondered if they fooled

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 1

Slam! The sound of Jim's geology textbook closing echoed through the kitchen.

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 2

“Monday morning!” Jim realized as his eyes opened. He glanced at the clock. 6:20. “Good. Plenty of time to get ready for school.” Jim really liked the university. He attended community college for his first 2 semesters. There was a different atmosphere at the university compared to the community college, and Jim loved the energy on the university campus. It seemed that this was going to

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 3

Jim turned on his computer and let it boot up. The guys went into the kitchen and Jim revealed how competent he was at the stove. He boiled water for the ravioli, heated the spaghetti sauce on low, placed the broccoli in the steamer, and prepped the salad. Within 15 minutes, the guys enjoyed a hearty meal. “You’re a great cook, Jim!” “Right on! My parents were real big on cooking and

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 4

(Continued from Pt. 3)Tyler was the first one to wake up the next morning. He looked at Jim sleeping next to him. “Damn. He’s so fucking beautiful!” Tyler’s dick was rock hard. He gently ran his fingers along Jim’s buzzed head. He liked to feel the short hair go back and forth with his touch. A few seconds later, Jim’s eyes opened. “Good Morning bro! What time is it?” Jim inquired.

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 5

(Continued from Part 4)Jim found a parking spot in front of his apartment. He carefully removed his bike and cycling gear and brought everything inside his home. He wasted no time peeling off his clothes and getting into the shower. The warm water and liquid soap felt great after working up a sweat during the bike ride. After he dried, He liberally splashed on some Issey Miyake cologne.

Our Young Cyclist Jim - Introduction

The persistent marine layer kept Saturday morning cooler than usual. Jim fastened his helmet, latched his shoes, grabbed his bike, and was out the door. He had opted for a long sleeved jersey and was glad that he did when he felt the cool, Southern California morning air as he briskly pedaled his way north. Coast Highway was Jim's favorite place to ride. Jim had ridden just about every mile


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