Gay Erotic Stories


by Sextus Lassiter
10 Sep 2012

Exhibitionism Family Fun

Dan Saunders felt relief as his son Jake celebrated his eighteenth birthday. Now, he cold relax, he thought, and maybe be more himself and less Jake's dad. He had never told Jake but he was not the sire of the lad. Dan had been badly ill as a child from some sort of fever sickness, (he never did learn what), but it had left him sterile. As horny as any eighteen year old times two, but sterile.

He'd found that out when he married Jake's hot sexy mother, Jenna, and after two years of constant fucking, had failed to produce the child they both wanted. The doctors had examined them both, and the problem had been Dan.

Maybe something had gone out of the marriage then, though it hadn't seem so at the time. Dan and Jenna had enjoyed a very hot sex life, and their rules where other attractive people were concerned were pretty lax. In fact Dan liked to watch his wife dance with good looking muscular men and get them hot. He liked to see those guys with hard expanded crotches grinding his wife and necking with her, but usually they held to a very daring line and never went too far with other people. His wife was a gorgeous Angelina Jolie type of beauty with bigger tits she loved to show off in sheer knit tops cut so low her nipple peeked out.

Dan himself was a fine looking man, well built from his military training, and hours in the gym, he had dark brown hair, a square jaw penetrating hazel eyes and a thick nine inch cock between his muscular thighs his wife liked him to show off in the tightest jeans he could fit into, or at the beach the skimpiest bikinis he could find. The only thing was she wasn't into other women looking at him, thought they did. She just liked it when other studs eyed him up.

Gut then when they found out he could not sire children with her, something changed. She wasnt interested in sperm banks. She wanted a real man inside her making her baby, that was her argument, anyway. Dan had given in after a while, and agreed they should try to find a good stud for her, maybe play into her fantasies of doing it with him and another guy.

They finally turned to his best friend Jake, who agreed to help them out. He had always had an eye for Jenna. You had to be very gay not to. And yet, Dan and Jake had always been close too, close enough to go camping, share the same bunk and jack each other off regularly when Jenna wasn't around. Jake was black haired with silvery pale blue eyes, a strikingly beautiful man who worked as a male model for gay magazines and exercise and underwear mags. He had a huge cock which Dan secretly loved to stroke, though he had yet to work Jake up to maybe try letting Dan suck him.

The baby conception affair with Jake and his wife had started out all right, and even promised to be pretty exciting., Dan was to watch and make sure nothing happened that would be seen as a betrayal of their marriage, as Jake and his wife got into bed together, Jenna, loosing no time in attacking Jake's body soon having his cock in her mouth.

It was the first time Dan had seen his wife go that far with another man, and the sight of it had made him rock hard. Soon Jake noticed and he invited Dan to join them. But Jenna had insisted, "Not until I am pregnant. Dan can watch until then,"

Dan had been too ashamed of his failure to sire to protest, and had sort of shrunk in his chair while his wife seduced his best friend into fucking her. Not once, but many times over the next weeks until she conceived. Jake sometimes acted a little uncomfortable around Dan and they never quite regained the easy friendship they had had.

And when little Jake was born, the natural father cleared out, moving away to a job oversees and that was the last Dan saw of him. He was never sure if Jake left because of the successful conception, or if his wife had told him to get lost.. He never knew.

Jenna had not been a good mother. She was impatient with the crying, didn't want to nurse the baby past a month, and largely left the task of caring for the baby to Dan who fell into it with all the devotion a natural father could have.

So engrossed was he in the baby that he didn't really get alarmed when his wife's new job seemed to keep her away at social gatherings until dawn, or that she was gone for two three days at a time. Strange men would call asking for her and he would innocently tell them what he knew, figuring they were co workers. at the social club she acted as hostess for.

Then as he returned to working part and then flull time, hiring nannies for the baby when the boy was reaching the age of two, he would come home to find men with his wife, sometimes in their underwear or even lolling about naked with her. As he himself enjoyed seeing men like that he never really complained much, until he finally walked in on his wife being fucked by one man while sucking off another.

With Jake playing in the room next door that was too much. Dan kicked her out, and got into a custody battle with her that he won easily, mostly because she really didn't give a damn.

She never tried to reattach herself to her son, but just drifted off and eventually wound up married to some rich guy who moved her to the Bahamas.

Dan settled into a life bringing up his son, which for him meant restraining his own sexual impulses. Though he was increasingly attracted to men, and almost never saw a woman he wanted, he largely refrained from sex altogether.

Instead he poured himself into exercise and regular visits to a handsome massage therapist who included prostate massages and masturbation in his therapy, keeping those visits separate from his son's knowledge. He didn't want his son to be influenced by his father's sexuality one way or the other. Let Jake figure out his life for himself, Dan figured. There were pluses and minuses to either side of the Isle, and all Dan wanted was for Jake to be happy.

The upshot of all those years of exercise and discipline was that Dan at age 39m was built like a god and looked ten years younger then his age. He secretly reveled in his body, and vowed that when his son was eighteen plus, and old enough to know his own mind, he was going to enjoy his own good looks and open his life up to the admiration of men, to being attractive to men, and maybe if he was lucky trying to find a man as a mate to be happy and settle down with. the truth was, even though he loved his son passionately, he was lonely. His son had his own friends, people his own age he hung out with, and Dan had never made the mistake of trying to be his son's best friend. He was always Jake's father first, his mentor, and guide in life, before all else. But when Jake turned eighteen and then more months passed,, Dan vowed he was going to remember to enjoy being his own sexy manly self and look around once more for the excitement of romance.

There was only one problem with this. Jake had turned out to be something very different and difficult then Dan had ever expected to handle as he came of age. And because of that Dan put off his own coming out to his son and almost everyone else.

For one thing, his son had turned out to be stunningly beautiful, a mix of his mother's exotic beauty and his sire's model sexy handsomeness. Black haired, which is son wore long over his shoulders in thick waves, with disturbingly intense grey eyes, the irises ringed by smoky blue edges that made them seem unnaturally penetrating, full broad lips like his mothers, under a slender aquiline nose, lashes so long and sultry they begged to be worshiped, a face saved from effeminate beauty only by the chiseled strength of the jaw line. And he had taken after Dan in his work out ethic, regularly working out at the spa of the Condo association club house just a walk from their condo.

Dan had poured his energies into his job and to very careful management of investments, and he was a quietly well off man. He had moved them to some very nice condos a few years ago, attracted to the place because it seemed geared to the fitness buff. The fact that a lot of attractive single men seemed to hang out by the pool hadn't hurt either, though at the time he had tried to ignore that feature.

But that meant his son had a great pool, exercise equipment, to help him build that body of his, and what a body. Dan had a great body, but his sons? It was the body of a god, and hung like a stallions. Dan knew this because his son had the disconcerting habit of going around with very little on in the house, and in the last months he had gotten worse about if after Dan had sat down with his son over dinner the day after his son's birthday.

Unlike a lot of parents, Dan had always insisted they have family time, dinner together every night, no matter what at 7pm sharp. That was his time to really concentrate on Jake and make sure he was growing up to be the best man Dan could guide him to be.

Jake usually arrived at dinner wearing at least some shorts and a t shirt, though the shorts had been getting disturbingly tight and short late, but the night after his eighteenth birthday, he arrived at dinner in a tank top cut off just below his pecs and nothing but a hugely bulging red thong."

The sight of Jake like that at dinner had made Dan's throat suddenly dry, and he had taken more wine then he would have liked over dinner. He had had to bit his lip from reproving Jake for his dress over dinner. And as the courses went on, salad and a good t bone steak, with Jake prattling happily on about his recent trip to the local water park with his buddies, Dan forgot to be the strict dad, and relaxed, enjoying his sons simply pleasures and excitement, getting used to his boy's relaxed dress. And why shoouldn't he dress the way he wanted? He thought. Jake had grown up to be damn sexy, with a body to be proud of, and what a cock. Look at the size of that thing filling that thong. Something his son was saying caught his attention. "So there we were in our little thongs all buff and all these girls just gawking at us..."

"You mean you wore something like that to the water park?"

"Sure dad. Hey I didn;t work on this body not to show it off. I like showing it off." He said, and then blushed a little as if afraid he had said too much.

But Dan found he was proud of Jakes self confidence and the last thing he wanted to do was get in the way of that, "Hell no, son. You like showing it off, that is only natural." Dan grinned. "Hell if I had had a bod like that at your age I would have never worn anything at all if I could get away with it."

"Really dad? Really?"

His sons lit up strikingly beautiful eyes seduced him. He wanted Jakes happiness and nothing else mattered. "Jake if you like showing yourself off. If that is what makes you happy, then you will find me pretty cross if I ever catch you being modest because of me. Don't you know all I have ever wanted was to see you happy."

Jakes eyes filled with tears and he was suddenly up and throwing his arms around Dan, hugging him fiercely. "Damn Dad, I was so worried you would be upset and here you are being the best damn Dad any exhibtionist could want. I love you so much."

Dan sobbed with happiness and hugged Jake right back. They kissed each others cheeks and Dan patted Jakes back and gave his ass a little slap. "Ok now sexy boy, back to your seat. Now, whats this about exhibitionism?"

Jake flushed but did as he was told. He swallowed and then said, "I - I can't help it. When I go to the gym, I wear as little as I can. I love - I guess this makes me gay, but I love having the other guys stare at me and get aroused around me because they want to see more of me. And I like to tease them. My buddies are kind of like me only not so bad. They sometimes think I am crazy the way i like to show off so much. But they like it too, I think though they won't admit it.."

Dan by this time was quite stiff in his suit pants but he struggled to remain a concerned father. "Well about being gay, you can tell me, son. Have you had sex with any of your buddies?"

"No. They talk about girls, well I mean we have like had some circle jerk parties., parties but the furthest its gone has been to like stroke each other off while they talk about pussy."

Dan grinned and tried to be reassuring. He did not want his son to pigeon hole himself. "Well now, son, your still at that super horny stage where it seems like a hard on could go anywhere and it would feel good. If I were you I wouldn't pre-judge your preference until you have had a full measure of sex with a woman, and if you really feel inclined with a man too. I think preference is just that, preference. Don't pigeon hole yourself."

His son gazed at him with those disconcertingly beautiful eyes. "But what if I am gay, dad, would you .. would you like be disgusted with me?"

Dan swallowed and then said almost sternly. "Son, what kind of question is that to ask of a man who would lay down his life for you in a hot second if you or anyone else made that necessary. I love you so much sometimes it hurts. Never forget that."

His son started to cry, and once again they wound up hugging, his son on his knees by Dan's chair just clinging to him with his powerful arms.

That evening passed with both men going to bed happy, though Dan had had a lot of trouble sleeping.

But the very next day Jake had come down to breakfast wearing a sheer see through bikini thong as Dan was heating up coffee already dressed for work in one of his business suits. He had nearly dropped his cup as his son walked into the kitchen looking utterly magnificent and hugged, his whole body pressed up against his Dads in the most disconcerting way. "Thanks again for last night dad. I feel so much better. MMmm that coffee smellls good.

The door bell rang and Jake said, "I'll get it, I am expecting a package." His ass beautiful and bare in that thong, Jake had gone to the door, stretching, and opened it walking out onto the front step to find a UPS man holding a package, heedless of his near nudity to the whole gated community. Dan was thank ful the community was strictly adult. Jake signed for it as the ups man's eyes bulged out, his jaw dropping.

Jake walked back in with the package under one arm with the UPS man staring at his ass as the door closed in his face.

Jake had a naughty grin on his handsome face, and his thong pouch bulged a lot more then it had. He winked at his Dad and put the box on the table, and then came and poured himself some coffee.

"Hope you don't mind if things like that give me a boner, Dad. Did you see the look on the UPS mans face? That as so awesome."

Dan laughed, wondering if his own erection was noticeable. He wore dance belts regularly as European cut suits these days were designed to show a basket and a man's ass in very slim cut slacks. "Yes it was. I think I see what you find so enjoying, about it, son, and as long as you know where the limits are, and don't do anything lewd in front of a miner or anything to get arrested, well, your an adult now so those judgements are yours from now on." Dan said giving his son a toast with his cup of coffee as he waited for his poached eggs to be done. By the way, I know its just a few weeks since graduation. have you given a thought..."

Jake laughed, "Dad I was going to tell you last night. The Man Arm Gymn owner has asked me to train in as an instructor and massage therapist at the gym. I have been thinking I might be headed for some sort of physical therapy career anyway, so this would be a good start, don't you think?"

"Absolutely. That sounds wonderful. The Man Arm Gym. Thats the one you have been working out in lately?"

Jake grinned a bit sheepishly. "Yeah, and don;t tell anyone dad, but an older buddy got me in there. Your not supposed to be able to work out there unless your eighteen. But its really cool. Great guys there, and because there are no women, some of the work out dress code is pretty lax," he said with a wiggle of his brows.

Dan laughed nervously, and thought the gym he went to here at the condo wasn't nearly that exciting, but he kept that thought to himself.

"anyway, I don't actually start working there until September. i thought I would take a year off and let my job lead me into the kind of college degree I want."

Dan smiled, "Sounds like a plan. That means you have the summer off to have fun."

"And I will, I will." Jake promised his dad, with a wink and a chuckle, fondling his huge half hard through his thong pouch right in front of Dan, who pretended not to find it at all out of the ordinary.

He ate his poached eggs on toast as his son unpacked his package, revealing that he had shopped on line and bought himself about a dozen very sexy items to wear, some see through thongs that were hardly more then a string with a gauzy mesh pouch, some very slim cut and skimpi bikinis, some tonga like spandex short shorts that didn't appear to have any lining, and a couple pairs of stretchy silk pale grey and white slacks. He tried one of these on for his dad as Dan was washing up his plate, The white slacks fit his thighs, ass, and crotch like a glove, outlining his huge balls and cock intimately. Dressy and obscenely sexy as hell.

"Wow, son, I can practically see your pubic hair through those slacks," Dan said, sounding a little choked as his eyes picked out every vein and bump of his sons big cock.

Jake grinned devilishly, "I know. There the new rage. Dress slacks made from the same material as dance pants. Your supposed to wear them with a cock ring and nothing else underneath."

"Cock ring?" Dan repeated dumfounded.

"Yeah, dad, you know you stretch it around your balls and cock and it makes them thrust out. Its really awesome.

Dam just laughed, "Son your giving your old man quite an education. Wow, but I am late and I need to get to work. Behave yourself - or not." Dan said and going up to his son, he gave him an embrace and a kiss to his cheek and then scooted out the door to his car.

And now it was seven months later, and Dan felt trapped, unable to come out and allow himself to relax, because it had become clear that Jake really worshiped Dan, their relationship only becoming closer and closer since Jake's eighteenth birthday, but Dan was scared to death to tell his son he was gay, afraid his son might choose to be gay because of Dan or, reject it and finally reject Dan too. Yet it was time. He knew it, and he was determined to have it out with his son at last when he got home. He had denied his own life too long. He needed to be able to explore the romantic sexual side of himself again. It had been so damn long.

So determined, Dan drove home in his BMW, his job at the law firm where he worked secure since he was a partner. And besides half the office already suspected he was gay so when he made it official the only change was that his oh so handsome young law clerk assistant would probably make a serious play for him.

Stay tuned for Part II when we learn Jake's side to all this...

The End


More Gay Erotic Stories from Sextus Lassiter


Dan Saunders felt relief as his son Jake celebrated his eighteenth birthday. Now, he cold relax, he thought, and maybe be more himself and less Jake's dad. He had never told Jake but he was not the sire of the lad. Dan had been badly ill as a child from some sort of fever sickness, (he never did learn what), but it had left him sterile. As horny as any eighteen year old times two, but sterile.

Jake II

Before you read this, Read

Jake III

i am going to start with the last part of the previous installment just to help readers keep everything in context. Be sure to read Jake and Jake II first as they set up the back ground material for the rest of the series.Jake was already there, knowing exactly where his father was headed,

Jake IV

In Jake, and Jake II and III, Jake and his dad, Dan, resolve the issues of their crush on each other, finding out that both know Dan was not Jake's biological father. The son's wildly exhibitionist tendencies have worked on Dan for a long time, particularly after Jake's eighteenth birthday when Jake is now old enough to make his own decisions and he seems increasingly willing to drive Dan insane

Jake V

It had been two weeks since he left Dan, the man who had raised him, and at the end nearly became his lover. Jake had moved in with a friend of his, a computer gaming buddy, Randy, handsome red haired boy with a girl friend who had actually found him the job at Man Arm Gym. Randy was straight but, hot enough and open minded enough that the gay owned and operated gym wanted him, and he was cool

Jake VI

With his father home, safe and recovering from the hospital, a new stint in a vein off of his major arteries, and doing well, if resting quietly, Jake felt ready to get back to work.Besides, until his dad was back up to being able to really enjoy sex, he sort of hated to provoke that side of his dad at home. But he himself was horny as hell, and needed an outlet. What better place then work.

Jake VII

Emanuel wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel, trying to concentrate on the man he was massaging. He had just started here at the Man Arm Gym and already he was having trouble trying to keep his mind on business. But eventually he finished the man's massage, collected a nice tip, and accepted the hug the man wanted to give him.The Man Arm Gym did not make an issue of being a gay


Dan got off the phone with his Doctor feeling excited. His doctor saw no reason why he couldn't start back in on a limited exercise regimen that included a moderate amount of sex. For Dan that was huge. He had undergone a minor arterial vein by pass over a week ago, and had been doing whatever he could to keep this heart from pumping to hard, nothing to put a strain on the operation area. he had

My Cheating Heart

Back when I was just out of college at age 22, going to a gym every day, lean, yet muscular, my blond blue eyed dimpled sexy cuteness at its peak, (now I am just lean an sexy, maybe not so cute), I slid into my first real relationship. Brian was my last roommate in college. He was four years older, then I was going to college after taking time off, coming way out, almost militant about it,

The Cruise

They had arrived, Lance and his partner, Nick, who parked his aging but still sexy silver jag convertible in the large parking lot of the West Gulf Shores Marina at Key West. Nick, a bit red eyed from driving, was exhausted. It had been a long if event filled trip, however, because his partner, Lance's exhibitionist antics had come close to derailing the trip any number of times.

The Cruise IV

They barely made it to the cabin, Nick was so hot for Lance. After that kissing from Alex, the second mate, he was so on fire with the need for sex he couldn't stand it. He dragged Lance into their room and Lance laughing, helped Nick rip his shorts and shirt off. Together they romped onto the bed. Nick rolled over to search for the lube, and Lance to grab some condoms. And then they were back

The Cruise V

Nick woke to the feel of a slow up and down surge beneath him. His cock throbbed, trapped under him against the bed. Breeze through the cabin ports tickled the hair on his buttocks. He reached out for Lance but the bed was empty. It came back to him where he was, and that he had drifted off after a great fuck with Lance. He smiled, but decided a shower was in order and turning over got up. His

The Cruise VI

Lance wondered if he should feel nervous about the fact he had just climaxed in front of the whole crew and passengers, if accidentally.

The Cruise VII

They had barely stepped back around the corner when the Captain turned him pressed him back against the side of the pilot house and kissed him, wrapping Lance in his arms, his hard body pressing and grinding their hard cocks together. his tongue drawing lance's into a heated kiss, so passionate and sexy lance nearly climaxed. The captain tugged at the Velcro of Lance's thong which gave way,

The Cruise VIII

Nick was hard as a rock, his cock digging into his cushion. He didn't dare turn over. He was well aware that his lover Lance was up in the pilot house getting a tour of the ship's workings by its sexy captain. For lance too look out and down and see Ben rubbing sun tan lotion into his butt cheeks was bad enough, but if he turned over with his cock throbbing as it was...

The Cruise, Part II

Lance was so charged up he could hardly stand it. He knew he was pushing the exhibitionist line, but that was the whole point. He wished his partner Nick understood that, but though Nick was really cool about Lance's chronic need to show himself off, there was that stupid jealousy thing.They had arrived in Key West and were about to board the Sea Luster, and Lance was so horny he could have

The Cruise, Part III

This is the third installment of The Cruise series. I tell these installments mostly from the view point and focus on the main characters of Nick and Lance, but other characters will also have their focus, such as this installment with the focus on Captain Dan Sarrasson, so its important to start from the beginning. So, if you have time, read the Cruise and The Cruise II first. Have fun!


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