Gay Erotic Stories

Jake II

by Sextus Lassiter
10 Sep 2012

Exhibitionism Family Fun

Before you read this, Read "Jake" or some of this will make no sense at all.

Jake finished his morning shower, hard as a rock his huge ten inch cock up and throbbing as he toweled himself off and checked out the trim of his body hair, which he kept to a minimum but for a nice sexy spread of chest hair trailing down a thin suggestive line to his closely clipped pubs. He kept his arm pits shaved and his enormous balls, but checked them again, holding his throbbing cock out of the way.

He had once loved to jack off and come, but now, though his sex drive was more intense then ever he had learned to ride a delicious edge of just short of ejaculation for days at a time until he either had a wet dream or some action with someone else caused him to explode.

He smelled dinner cooking and knew his dad was home from work. Jake smiled and grinned at his hot sexy gorgeous body in the mirror. Years at the gym building that body had really paid off, and now he worked there, and oh fuck did he love that job.

Jake knew he was gay. He liked showing off for any adult, being a complete exhibitionist, but he only liked sex with men, and the Man Arm gym had given him plenty of man hours to explore that side of him. He only wished he could bring some of his boy friends home for Dad to meet, but he knew his dad was uncomfortable about something, his gayness or something. That his Dad was under a lot of strain lately, even though he thought he and his dad were closer then ever.

Gawd how he loved his dad, and he lived in fear he would hurt him. And he wanted to tell him so many things. That he had secretly flown to the Bahama's and met his mother two years ago, and found out what sort of woman and wife she had been. She had been quite truthful about it. accepting he was gay because as she told him, his father was.

That had shocked Jake until she shocked him again by telling him Dan Saunders was not his real father. Dan was sterile, and they had used his bi sexual friend, to impregnate her so she could have a child.

Course once his mother had one she realized she was a lousy mother. "Not cut out for it, dear." She told him.

He had not asked and had not wanted to know the name of his natural born sire. As far as he was concerned, Dan was his dad, his best friend in the world and he never wanted anything to come between them. He had made plans to stay in the Bahama's a week. He spent six of the seven days sight seeing and staying away from his mother. He hadn't liked her a bit, and he wished his curiosity hadn't finally driven him to find her and see her.

Naked, hating to wear clothes unless they were naughtier on him then his own skin, he headed on down stairs to the living room dining room of the condo he shared with his dad, stroking his cock which he loved to keep on edge, particularly while the weather was still warm and the condo windows were open. The condo was positioned at the end of a row of town houses, facing out onto the condo pool area and unless one was sitting out around the pool at night, which, some people did do, they wouldn't even see him.

However he had seen a couple of guys out there having a beer earlier, when he was washing his car wearing one of his see through thongs, and he was pretty sure they were still there. He grinned thinking of the show he had given them then, when he had gotten hard, stretching out that thong, and put the hose on himself so that the thong became all but invisible, wetly plastering itself to his erect cock. He had even leaned against the car and petted himself a little for them, not exactly jacking but right on the edge. He thought he had even heard one of them exclaim, "Fuck!"

Now he lingered in the soft light of the living room in front of the windows, slowly stroking himself, enjoying the play of his rippling muscles, and the thrill of doing this with his dad just around the corner in the kitchen making dinner.

Bringing himself to the trembling edge of climax he stopped and stepped out of the light and headed back to the kitchen walking around the corner with his cock wagging stiffly, to smile at his dad. His smile grew with delight.

His dad had changed out of his suit into a pair of short sweat shorts, skin tight, grey ones that showed off his dads tight bubble butt and his powerful hairy legs.

For a man of almost forty, Jake thought his father was the hottest stud he knew, and the handsomest. Dan Saunders had one of those square jawed ruggedly handsome faces you saw on a sexy romance novel. He wore his hair longer lately, and the brown windblown waves had traces of grey in them but Jake only thought his father looked sexier.

Though his Dad had been relaxing his dress code around the house, tonight he had gone further. He was topless, his tapered torso a testament to a work out regime every bit as strenuous as Jake practiced. And that torso and body was the product of his dad doing it for years.

"Hi, dad, love those shorts. You look incredibly sexy."

His father froze at the stove and Jake frowned, seeing that freeze wishing he could get his father to let go of that last bit of stiffness that sometimes came between them.

Then his father turned and his brows went up seeing his son's condition, but that was something Dan was used to now as his son went around like that all the time. And why not? He was a perpetually hard teenager, and so glorious to look on, who could blame him if just being him made him hard as a rock?

"Hi son, if that big thing doesn't get in the way, come give me a hug home."

Jake's eyes blazed and he would have run to his Dad but he didn't want them to end up on the stove burning his dads behind.

He ended up walking stiff legged from his super hard erection to his dad and then wrapping him in his arms..

Then Dan hugged him back and kissed him, fully, on the lips, not a lingering sexy kiss, though Jake nearly climaxed from sheer surprise, but a loving smooch non the less, and then his father smacked him on the butt and released him with a playful grin.

Jake stepped back, throbbing and breathing hard as his father chuckled. "Damn boy, you look ready to cum."

Jake giggled, huskily. "I am. I have been hoping you would kiss me like that for a long time."

Dan grinned. "Oh that was just my love kiss. Cause I love my boy so much, but if I kissed you like you deserve to be kissed my hot blooded comely son,..." Dan's voice trailed off and he reddened.

"Yes?" Jake asked breathlessly. His eyes fell down his father's torso, down the hairy hard pecs and taunt chiseled washboard stomach to the interestingly expanding bulge growing across those tight revealing stretchy sweat shorts,. He had rarely seen his fathers cock, but it looked big, very big. Jake licked his lips looking down at it, not caring if his father saw his lust, or finally recognized it for what it was.

"Jake, I guess we need to talk. I have some things I need to tell you, but... you know how I am. Lets get the table set and sit down and eat together, and then ... well then it will all come out, just remember how much I love you."

"I do Dad, and I love you, like a crazy man." Jake said and he launched himself at his Dad again and kissed him on his lips, kissing him passionately.

His father hugged him back and even seemed to get into the kiss for a moment, but then smacked his ass hard.

Jake yelped and his Dad held him away. "Jake, son, beloved, son, just wait and lets get dinner," His father said huskily, and this time Jake knew. He heard and saw the lust in his fathers face. He was in heaven. Knowing his father wanted him the way he wanted his father, he could relax and he did.

He grinned looking down his dads hot body to the very evident hard on stretching up Dan Saunder's tight shorts, and he stepped back, but stroked his cock with one light hand, and turned to get the silver ware out and place mats, stroking himself even as he set the table, his movements turning into a tease show for his Dad.

Grinning and not bothering at all to hide his condition, his father served out plates of string beans and potatoes, with smoked ham, and a broccoli salad with a sprinkle of dried fruit, and iced tea. As he set Jake's place he had to reach around his son who stood with his back to his chair facing his dad, slowly jacking his huge cock, his eyes burning on his Dad with open passion.

Dan grinned and chuckled and shook his head, but he could tease too, and he leaned into his son as he set his plate down and ever so subtly ground his acing hard on against his sons through his shorts, and gave his son a hot breathy teasing kiss to his ear.

His son nearly collapsed in ecstasy.

Dan sat down and raised his glass to his son who collected himself enough to sit down too, his cock leaking pre-cum.

Dan could hardly stand it. He now knew without a doubt his son would not resist any advance he made, and was actually almost begging for it, Still he had to be certain.

As he clinked their glasses, he said, "Here's too the sexiest hottest most fuck-ably irresistible eighteen year old any father had the privileged of loving with all his heart. God do i love you, Jake." Dan said using his sons name instead of just saying son.

Jake trembled never hearing those words from his father that way, with such raw lust behind them. "And here's to my too sexy for me to stand it Dad for whom I have had a crush all my life. I love you so much... Dan,... I could just about explode."

Dan sipped his iced tea tears streaming down his face to match the ones slipping down Jake's cheeks.

"I can't wait any longer," Dan growled. "You have to know. I am Gay son. I am so gay its not even funny. I have been gay for years, only I didn't want to sway you, to push you in any direction, to or from me. Not before time. And then... well.. these last few months.... I have been confronted by your sheer sexual power, thoughts a dad should NOT have about his son... and ... oh god, Jake please for give me Jake, but I want to make love to you, to take you to my bed and ... "

He couldn't say any more. And suddenly Jake was there, launching himself on him, kissing him all over, "Oh Dad, on Dan, no its all right. I want you. I want you so badly I could scream my head off. I want you. I love you. I want you inside me, I want to be inside you! I am so gay it IS funny. Oh god and I was so afraid it was because I like to show off my body you were getting weird-ed out."

His father laughed and slapped his ass. "Oh, hell no, I love that about you, son. I may not be as exhibitionist as you, but I understand the pleasure, believe me. And I like seeing you show off. It makes me so damn hot I come in my pants sometimes just watching you drive people to distraction."

"You do?" Jake breathed, fascinated and excited.

Dan nodded, but then said with determination. "Damn, I look there is one more thing you have to know."

Jake was already there, knowing exactly where his father was headed, "I already do, Dad."

His father shook his head. "No, not about this."

"You mean about you being sterile and some other dude siring me? I know dad."

Dan Saunders was dumfounded. "What?

Jake told him all about his trip to the Bahamas, though the whole time he spoke he ran his hands all over Dan Saunders, including the man's throbbing cock. "So I know. I don't know his name and I don;t want to know. i wish I had never gone to see my mom. I don't hate her, I just don;'t much like her which is worse, in a way. But one thing is clear to me. I want you, Dad, Dan. I think of you as both. My lover, the only lover I ever wanted, and as my father too, my only real father. Please, please my love. There is just one more thing you can do for me right now." Jake added huskily.

"Name it," His father said softly.

"Kiss me like a lover."

"Ohhh fuck yeah." Dan said, and their mouths smashed together.

The end. But read on if you can stand being teased like this.. I think I will have the third one out tomorrow and then I will get back to The Cruise. If you haven't read The Cruise series which is not much further along then this one but going strong, please enjoy, and I hope you horny guys are having as much fun reading them as I am writing them!


More Gay Erotic Stories from Sextus Lassiter


Dan Saunders felt relief as his son Jake celebrated his eighteenth birthday. Now, he cold relax, he thought, and maybe be more himself and less Jake's dad. He had never told Jake but he was not the sire of the lad. Dan had been badly ill as a child from some sort of fever sickness, (he never did learn what), but it had left him sterile. As horny as any eighteen year old times two, but sterile.

Jake II

Before you read this, Read

Jake III

i am going to start with the last part of the previous installment just to help readers keep everything in context. Be sure to read Jake and Jake II first as they set up the back ground material for the rest of the series.Jake was already there, knowing exactly where his father was headed,

Jake IV

In Jake, and Jake II and III, Jake and his dad, Dan, resolve the issues of their crush on each other, finding out that both know Dan was not Jake's biological father. The son's wildly exhibitionist tendencies have worked on Dan for a long time, particularly after Jake's eighteenth birthday when Jake is now old enough to make his own decisions and he seems increasingly willing to drive Dan insane

Jake V

It had been two weeks since he left Dan, the man who had raised him, and at the end nearly became his lover. Jake had moved in with a friend of his, a computer gaming buddy, Randy, handsome red haired boy with a girl friend who had actually found him the job at Man Arm Gym. Randy was straight but, hot enough and open minded enough that the gay owned and operated gym wanted him, and he was cool

Jake VI

With his father home, safe and recovering from the hospital, a new stint in a vein off of his major arteries, and doing well, if resting quietly, Jake felt ready to get back to work.Besides, until his dad was back up to being able to really enjoy sex, he sort of hated to provoke that side of his dad at home. But he himself was horny as hell, and needed an outlet. What better place then work.

Jake VII

Emanuel wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel, trying to concentrate on the man he was massaging. He had just started here at the Man Arm Gym and already he was having trouble trying to keep his mind on business. But eventually he finished the man's massage, collected a nice tip, and accepted the hug the man wanted to give him.The Man Arm Gym did not make an issue of being a gay


Dan got off the phone with his Doctor feeling excited. His doctor saw no reason why he couldn't start back in on a limited exercise regimen that included a moderate amount of sex. For Dan that was huge. He had undergone a minor arterial vein by pass over a week ago, and had been doing whatever he could to keep this heart from pumping to hard, nothing to put a strain on the operation area. he had

My Cheating Heart

Back when I was just out of college at age 22, going to a gym every day, lean, yet muscular, my blond blue eyed dimpled sexy cuteness at its peak, (now I am just lean an sexy, maybe not so cute), I slid into my first real relationship. Brian was my last roommate in college. He was four years older, then I was going to college after taking time off, coming way out, almost militant about it,

The Cruise

They had arrived, Lance and his partner, Nick, who parked his aging but still sexy silver jag convertible in the large parking lot of the West Gulf Shores Marina at Key West. Nick, a bit red eyed from driving, was exhausted. It had been a long if event filled trip, however, because his partner, Lance's exhibitionist antics had come close to derailing the trip any number of times.

The Cruise IV

They barely made it to the cabin, Nick was so hot for Lance. After that kissing from Alex, the second mate, he was so on fire with the need for sex he couldn't stand it. He dragged Lance into their room and Lance laughing, helped Nick rip his shorts and shirt off. Together they romped onto the bed. Nick rolled over to search for the lube, and Lance to grab some condoms. And then they were back

The Cruise V

Nick woke to the feel of a slow up and down surge beneath him. His cock throbbed, trapped under him against the bed. Breeze through the cabin ports tickled the hair on his buttocks. He reached out for Lance but the bed was empty. It came back to him where he was, and that he had drifted off after a great fuck with Lance. He smiled, but decided a shower was in order and turning over got up. His

The Cruise VI

Lance wondered if he should feel nervous about the fact he had just climaxed in front of the whole crew and passengers, if accidentally.

The Cruise VII

They had barely stepped back around the corner when the Captain turned him pressed him back against the side of the pilot house and kissed him, wrapping Lance in his arms, his hard body pressing and grinding their hard cocks together. his tongue drawing lance's into a heated kiss, so passionate and sexy lance nearly climaxed. The captain tugged at the Velcro of Lance's thong which gave way,

The Cruise VIII

Nick was hard as a rock, his cock digging into his cushion. He didn't dare turn over. He was well aware that his lover Lance was up in the pilot house getting a tour of the ship's workings by its sexy captain. For lance too look out and down and see Ben rubbing sun tan lotion into his butt cheeks was bad enough, but if he turned over with his cock throbbing as it was...

The Cruise, Part II

Lance was so charged up he could hardly stand it. He knew he was pushing the exhibitionist line, but that was the whole point. He wished his partner Nick understood that, but though Nick was really cool about Lance's chronic need to show himself off, there was that stupid jealousy thing.They had arrived in Key West and were about to board the Sea Luster, and Lance was so horny he could have

The Cruise, Part III

This is the third installment of The Cruise series. I tell these installments mostly from the view point and focus on the main characters of Nick and Lance, but other characters will also have their focus, such as this installment with the focus on Captain Dan Sarrasson, so its important to start from the beginning. So, if you have time, read the Cruise and The Cruise II first. Have fun!


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