Gay Erotic Stories

My Life with Prince Harry: Part 3

by Kylr79
25 Sep 2012

Celebrity Fantasy

My Life with Prince Harry: Chapter 3 ***Just a word of note, this chapter will contain no sex between the main characters. This chapter is background into the story line about how and why Keaton becomes Harry’s Aide de Camp and how Her Majesty gets around the fact that Keaton is not a subject of the Crown at the beginning of the story. I assure you that we will shortly be getting back to the (uhmmm) personal relations between Harry and Keaton. *** We had arrived at Buckingham Palace for our meeting with Harry’s grandmother, the Queen. The car quietly glided passed the saluting guardsmen. We entered the palace through the entrance that the royal family uses. Once we were met at the door by one of the footmen, we were led along a long hallway lined with many beautiful paintings and statues. Prince Harry stopping to look at a beautiful seascape pointed out to Keaton, “Along this hallway you will see just some of the many of the different paintings that have been gathered over the years and form part of the Queen’s Collection. Not all the paintings are of past royals. If you look over there, for instance, there is a painting of my father, Prince Charles. A couple of steps that way is a painting of my grandmother. I don’t like that one particularly because I find it a bit unflattering. And, of course, somewhere around here there is a copy of the painting of my brother and I which was done over at Clarence House. Not to worry, Keaton, another day when we have more time, I’ll give you a better tour of the palace. It must be quite intimidating, first, seeing all of this, and then, facing a meeting with my grandmother.” I responded, “The answer is ‘yes’ to the intimidating part and again ‘yes’, another day a tour would be great. You always hear of the Queen’s Collection and the Queen’s Gallery and, sometimes, you’ll see a picture in a magazine or in the papers taken in this hall or the White Drawing Room as a backdrop. I would certainly love to see more of it.” The problem in wandering around Buckingham Palace is that you need to pack a lunch. I was told once that viewing just the State and Semi-State Rooms can take up to three hours. But we didn’t have three hours to spare, so we slowly continued down the corridor for a while with Harry providing a running commentary and then turned down yet another corridor until we finally reach a door where two men are standing. One of the men is dressed more casual than the other wearing a suit and tie. The other man is dressed in the dress uniform of the British Navy with the cords on his shoulder although I’m not sure what they represent. “Keaton, may I present Mr. James Hilliard, Her Majesty’s Assistant Private Secretary and Commander, the Honourable Paul Trenholm, Naval Aide de Camp to Her Majesty.” I shake each of their hands and say, “My pleasure.” As I’m shaking their hands I see Harry take a couple steps back. I turn to him and ask, with perhaps just a little panic in my tone of voice, “Are you not going to this meeting with me?” He responds, “Unfortunately, K.J., I have some important phone calls to make. I’ll meet up with you later after you are done meeting with my grandmother.” With that, Harry takes off back down the Corridor in the same direction we had come. Now in the company of my new companions, I’m sure my nervousness began to show. My heart felt like it was going a million miles minute, my knees and legs were shaking so badly I’m surprised no one said anything about it, and, I’m sweating as if I’ve just come from completing a big workout. The nervousness must have now become very apparent but Mr. Hilliard, being quite used to seeing some of Her Majesty’s guests get a little shell shocked before coming into her presence, gently brings me back to the moment by a sudden movement of his hand. He politely advises me of the protocol involved with meeting the Queen. Then, with a very disarming smile, he asks, “Mr. Colton, are you ready?” I respond, “No.” But, it was more of a rhetorical question then anything. With that, he knocks on the door. A voice from the other side says “Come”. He opens the door and I follow the two others into the room. As we enter, the first thing I notice is Her Majesty and her secretary are seated at a desk. The Queen is speaking and the secretary is writing down what she is saying. Mr. Hilliard speaks saying, “Mr. Keaton Colton, Your Majesty.” We stand there waiting for the secretary to finish writing down what the Queen had said to her. When she finishes, she gathers her things, stands, nods to the Queen and leaves through a side entrance of the room. Her Majesty slowly stands and turns to face us. “I believe your first name is Keaton,” She says as she extends her hand to me. I take her hand and nod my head and say, “Yes, your Majesty.” “Do you drink coffee, Keaton?” “Yes, ma’am,” I respond as she leads me to the sideboard where a coffee service had been set out. “I don’t drink coffee all that much, but I shall join you this morning,” she says with a warm smile. We prepare our respective coffees, then, make our way to a sitting area in the corner of the room near a window. As we make our way to the chairs, Mr. Hilliard and Commander Trenholm quietly leave the room. Once we make it to the chairs, Her Majesty takes the chair in the corner and offers me the one next to the window. I wait for her to sit and then sit myself. I’m still sweating bullets and I can feel the rivulets of sweat slowly trickling down my back. God, I want to scratch away the itchy feeling. “So, Keaton, may I ask you some questions?” “Yes, Ma’am.” “Were you or are you in the United States military?” “Yes, Ma’am,” Keaton replies knowing full well that with the touch of her telephone this lady can find out anything she wants to know about him right back to the day he popped out in the delivery room. “I’ve served on active duty, Ma’am, but currently I’m in the reserves.” “What can you tell me about your time in the military?” “Well, Ma’am, I was on active duty in the Rangers for a number of years, making the rank of Staff Sergeant. I spent time stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Germany. I am currently in the reserves because I couldn’t handle the rigours of active duty anymore.” “What have you been doing since you went into the reserves?” “I was actively recruited by different security firms and the Secret Service. But, I chose to work with a private security firm in New York City.” “You say you couldn’t handle the rigours of active duty any more, Keaton. Why was that? “As an active soldier you see and participate in a lot of action that really shakes you to your very core, Ma’am. If I might not come across as being too forward, I saw too many people killed, wounded and maimed. I was having a problem accepting the necessity of that.” “I think I can understand, Keaton. As you know my husband, two of my sons, Prince Charles and Prince Andrew, have served and both of Charles’s boys are now serving in the military. “Yes, Ma’am.” “So, what can you tell me about the security firm?” The more I got into the conversation with this wonderful lady, the calmer I became. The sweat had stopped running down my back and my knees had stopped shaking. “Well, ma’am, I can’t get into specifics of who I guarded because of a confidentiality agreement I had to sign when I started working for the firm. But, I can tell you we provided security for different celebrities, heads of state, and other people of wealth and influence.” “That is fine, Keaton. I can get that information on my own as you well know”, she said with a smile as they made eye to eye contact. “I should like you to know that you came to us highly recommended by one of your former clients. How were you at fulfilling your security details?” “I did very well at keeping them safe. I never had to get violent or draw a gun. But, when muscle was needed, I was able to provide that in situations where it was called for. I am very capable with a gun if the situation were to arise.” We continued with the questions for a few more minutes. I comfortably answered all of the questions the Queen put to me to the best of my abilities. Then she asked me a question that quite frankly was a shock to me. “Have you ever heard of the Devil’s Brigade, Keaton?” “Only in history books, Ma’am.” “Then you would not be aware that there is a successor of the brigade in existence today?” “No, Ma’am, I am not aware of that fact.” Her Majesty gets up from her chair. As protocol dictates, I stand as well. Then Her Majesty walks over to her desk and pushes a button. Within moments, there is a knock on the door. “Come”, she says. The door opens and a man in his late 30’s or early 40’s walks in. He’s wearing a dress uniform that I’m not completely familiar with. He has a warm smile on his face. The man walks towards the Queen, bows his head to acknowledge his Commander-in-Chief, and, takes her hand in his. “Ah, Major Trimble of Canada, may I present Mr. Keaton Colton of the United States” I shake hands with the Major as we are introduced. “I will not bore you with details at this time. Major Trimble will talk your ear off later I’m sure. But, I can say that with permission of your President and Secretary of Defence, you will be placed on assignment with the Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR), the successor Regiment of the Devil’s Brigade. We simply cannot have an American military person as part of my Grandson’s security set up so, with the cooperation of the appropriate Canadian Military authority, you have been effectively transferred for a three year period. You will be promoted forthwith to the rank of Lieutenant and wear the Canadian uniform when required. However most of the time I suspect that you will wear civilian clothing. All of your on-going training needs will be met by our own Special Forces Group here in England and Major Trimble will be coordinating those activities with you and Clarence House. Do you have any questions at this time, Keaton?” “Not at the moment, Ma’am.” “Then, I will leave you in the capable hands of Major Trimble and Commander Trenholm. I understand that you will be joining Harry for lunch. By the way Keaton, I love my grandson very much. It is not lightly that I entrust his welfare into your hands. Please keep him safe.” I was deeply touched with the trust that the Queen was placing on my shoulders. “I will guard him with my life, Ma’am.” “No doubt we will meet again, Keaton.” “Yes, Ma’am”, I said as I took her offered hand and nodded my head acknowledging her as my new sovereign. The funny thing was that I as an American by birth felt right nodding my head to this lady who had just not only transferred me but also promoted me into one of the military services of her dominions. Then, Major Trimble takes the Queen’s hand again and nods to his sovereign. Stepping back from the Queen, he points the way out. I follow Major Trimble out of the door that he came through originally. Just outside the door he stops and I immediately stop too. “Well, you can breathe now, Keaton. You passed with flying colours.” “How do you know that? I asked looking somewhat mystified I’m sure. “If Her Majesty had any doubts or you had tried to snowball her, she would never have pressed the button on her desk and you and I would have never met”, he said with a hearty laugh as he began walking down the corridor. As we strolled towards wherever, he asked me if I knew my measurements so that he could have uniforms sent to Clarence House for me but I replied by telling him that I really wasn’t sure of anything except my shirt collar size and my waist measurement. He said he’d send someone round to take care of it. We are taken to a small room that is set for a private luncheon of four people and where Commander Trenholm is waiting. “Well you’ve made it, Keaton”, he says. As we await the arrival of the Prince, the good Major reinforced by the Commander talk my ear off about the duties I will have both as a member of the CSOR and as Aide de Camp to Prince Harry. I’m getting more and more confused by the second because I really hear the Commander using the term ‘Aide-de-Camp’ while the Major keeps using the term ‘Equerry’. Somehow he sorts this all out by informing me that in normal circumstances Harry would not have an ADC. But, with his history and with him being a high level target when he is on active duty, the powers that be thought it would be best to provide someone for him that he, himself, took a liking to. “It would all go wrong,” said the Commander, “if you and he did not have the proper chemistry.” The Major speaks, “Welcome to the Canadian forces, we are proud to have a member of your calibre working with us. Without us noticing a gentleman comes into the room with one of those cloth tapes around his neck. As the two military officers continue their briefing, this tailor, candlestick maker or whatever he was, took absolutely no notice of anything going on around him. He simply started measuring me up. About ten minutes later he was finished and left as quietly as he had come. “Now that we have your measurements, they can get on with supplying you the necessary uniforms, battle and dress, along with the proper badges and, of course, the aiguillette, the gold cords signifying your position. As Commander Trenholm noted, normally, His Royal Highness would not be given an ADC so early. Commonly, they are only given to the Senior Royals, but I know that Her Majesty wants to make certain that her grandson is properly taken care of while he is serving his country, when he is performing his royal duties, and, when he is on holiday. He has been known for quite some time as a wild child being that he is considered the spare to the heir. But everyone remembers the murder of Lord Mountbatten and the uproar it caused even though he was much further from the throne. No-one wants that to happen to Harry. Because he’s aware that he’s the spare, Harry often feels that this gives him certain latitude in his behaviour and, being young, he has not yet come to fully realize the extent to which some people out there would do him harm. We have to remember that as of this moment and until the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge decide on having a family, he is still third in line to the throne. His grandmother’s hopes are that you will keep him safe and perhaps be able to tone down his rather wild tendencies. Also, you should know that her Majesty chose you out of a number of potential candidates because you are a man who has seen active duty and have the abilities, training, and talents to bring His Royal Highness home safe. There’s also the matter of the Sultan of Brunei. You seem to have made an impression on him.” And on that note the door opens and in walks Prince Harry and his father who just happens to be in the Palace at that moment. After the introductions, and a few words with the Prince of Wales, he takes his leave to attend to another engagement and the Commander leads us to the table where I am seated with Harry on my right and the Canadian Major on my left. I figure the best thing to do is get out of the spotlight and I know just how to do it. “So, Major Trimble, what can you tell me about the modern day Devil’s Brigade?” I asked. “Well, Keaton, the Devil’s Brigade started during World War II as an American- Canadian commando unit. It was mainly started to train troops in cold weather combat during the war. In essence, it was the start of both the American and Canadian Special Forces in use by each Country today. They were some of the toughest forces in the war and, in my mind, were most instrumental in winning the war. The brigade was known by another name, but, was nicknamed the Devil’s Brigade by some of its own members and in uncovered journals of some of the German troops” “So, Major Trimble, why did my grandmother choose the Canadian Special Forces for Keaton to serve instead of here?” “Well, Sir, I can only surmise at the answer to your question. But, I would probably say that due to the history between the United States and Canada, this would be an easier and better fit for Keaton. Plus, even with him being Canadian Special Forces, he is still under the purview of Her Majesty. It would have been more difficult for him to get used to British Special Forces and this way his Commander-in-Chief is still your grandmother.” “I’m sure this question is on Keaton’s mind as well, when my unit is called to active status again, will Keaton be going with me as well considering he is my Aide de Camp?” “Yes, sir, the plan is that as your Aide, he will be accompanying you. That is his main charge.” I ask, “Major, when will my uniforms and other things be delivered and where?” “They will be sent to Clarence House as I’m assuming that is where you will be staying when you are in London. Eventually, when the cottage becomes available for Harry’s sole use at Kensington, everything will be transferred there. But, I will double check with the powers that be and if anything changes, I will let you know.” “Do either of you have any further questions for either myself or Commander Trenholm?” “Not at this time, Sir,” I respond. “Nor do I” says Harry. We finish our lunches and small talk. Then, the Major and Commander bid us good bye and leave us. “Are you finished, Keaton?” “Yes I am, Sir.” “Keaton, when it is just you and I, you can call me Harry. No need for the formality.” “I know. But, it’s going to be hard to break that habit.” “As long as it is just you and I, just forget the formality. When we are in public we have to keep up appearances”, chuckles Harry. “Well, since we are finished let’s go to Kensington Palace. I think my brother and Catherine aren’t around so we can have some fun.” “Alright, let’s go.” We head off to the limo and head off to Kensington. To be continued… ***Thank you for reading. I know that there was no sex in this chapter. I needed to set some background as to how Keaton “K.J.” gets his posting as Harry’s ADC and why. I assure you that it will return in subsequent chapters unless a chapter requires background or it doesn’t fit into the chapter. As always please e-mail me at Your thoughts, concerns, and, ideas help me to be a better writer and give you what you want to see happen between K.J. and Prince Harry. ***


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