Gay Erotic Stories

My Life with Drew Brees: Chapter 13

by Kylr79
15 Oct 2012

Celebrity Fantasy

My Life with Drew Brees: Chapter 13: Sex Party Set Up

***This story is pure fiction. It in no way presumes any sexual preferences of the people contained herein. This also will contain sexual situations with consenting male adults. Also, any websites or phone numbers contained herein may or may not be real, but, are in no way connected with any characters in the story. If you don’t like this or are too young in your jurisdiction to be reading this story leave now. If you continue reading then I hold no responsibility. Thank you and please enjoy. ***

The next morning we woke up and Tim had silently left. I walked over to the dresser and saw a note and picked it up. It said, ‘I had to get an early start and head back home. I would love to get together with you guys again sometime. I know that I got into some weird things with you guys last night and probably should have warned you beforehand. Hopefully you guys won’t hold it against me. Love, Tim.’ I walked back over to Drew and gave him a tongue searching kiss. “So, my hot Saints quarterback what would you like to do today?” “I think we should invite some hotties over and have a huge orgy.” “Should we only keep our list to football stars, sports stars, or, keep it open to anyone we choose?” “Well, I have a few from all areas that I would like to invite. So, let’s keep it open to all. That way we can have a wide variety of people. Also, let’s make an agreement that we can fool around with whomever we want and don’t have to be together if we don’t want. I know that you know who butters your bread and where you’re sleeping with at the end of the day.” “That sounds like a great idea to me. Let’s get separate lists together and compare. Let’s take an hour or so to get our lists together and meet back here and compare notes.” “Okay sexy, I’ll see you back here in about an hour.” I head off to my office to start making my list. I start writing down my list which contained: Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte, Rob Gronkowski, Sidney Crosby, Novak Djokovic, Jonathon Lucroy, Aaron Rodgers, Ben Cohen, Wes Welker, Peyton & Eli Manning, Johnathon Towes, John Cena, Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton, Wade Barrett, Chris Hemsworth, Joe Manganiello, Alexander Skarsgard, Milo Ventimiglia, Tom Brady, and, Stephen Amell. Once I finished my list, I wanted to make a phone call to Tim to let him know everything was okay between all of us. ‘Hey KJ, how is it going?’ ‘Pretty good bro, I just wanted to touch base with you and let you know everything was cool between us last night. Hope you made it home okay.’ ‘Thanks for letting me know. I know I got a little weird with the dog stuff last night. Normally I would have let you know beforehand, but it just seemed right.’ ‘Not to worry, Tim. We will definitely have you over again sometime.’ ‘That sounds good to me; hopefully we can do it again soon. Talk to you later.’ With that I hung up.

(P.O.V. Drew) I set out making my list, which contained: Brad Richards, Justin Timberlake, CM Punk, The Miz, Evan Bourne, David Beckham, Tony Romo, Ryan Tannehill, Jay Cutler, Christian Ponder, Morgan Hamm, Paul Hamm and, Taylor Kinney.

(P.O.V. K.J.)

I grabbed my piece of paper and headed back into the bedroom to compare notes with Drew. I handed my list to Drew as he handed me his. We each browsed our respective lists. “Okay Drew we have, Brad Richards, Justin Timberlake, CM Punk, The Miz, Evan Bourne, David Beckham, Tony Romo, Ryan Tannehill, Jay Cutler, Christian Ponder, Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte, Rob Gronkowski, Sidney Crosby, Novak Djokovic, Jonathon Lucroy, Aaron Rodgers, Ben Cohen, Wes Welker, Peyton & Eli Manning, Johnathon Towes, John Cena, Cody Rhodes, Randy Orton, Wade Barrett, Chris Hemsworth, Joe Manganiello, Alexander Skarsgard, Milo Ventimiglia, Tom Brady, Taylor Kinney, Paul Hamm, Morgan Hamm, and, Stephen Amell.” “Yup that sounds about right.” “Well, in all honesty, I think that we might want to shorten the list, I don’t think that we have enough space for all of these guys. Granted, I’d love to have them all here. But, the space isn’t quite adequate.” “I agree baby, let’s go through one by one and narrow it down some. And the guys we don’t pick this time, we can invite to the next party. In order for them to be invited we need to be in agreement and if we get a smaller number then we can each have two saves to be invited.” “Sounds like a plan to me. First up, we have Brad Richards. For me, he is a yes. Not sure if you saw his pics in ESPN magazine, but hot damn.” “Yes, I did. He is a yes for me, too.” “Up next on the chopping block is Justin Timberlake. I don’t know, he just doesn’t really do it for me,” I said. “Okay moving on then.” “CM Punk from the WWE is up next. I love a man with tattoos, so yes from me.” “For me it is a yes. He has a hot body and kind of a douchebag attitude that I’d like to see someone fuck out of him or hell I’d even like to do that myself.” “Next up we have The Miz. There is someone I’d like to fuck an attitude problem right out of him,” I say with a chuckle. “For me, it is a no. He’s too much of a pretty boy with a huge ego. I don’t think I could deal with that here.” “Okay moving along, we have Evan Bourne. Total hotness for me, it’s a yes.” “I’m going to have to take a pass on him. I’d be afraid that someone would break him in two,” Drew says with a chuckle. “Up next we have soccer star David Beckham. I have one word, yum.” “I concur with you there.” “Okay we next have, Tony Homo. Ooops, I mean Romo,” I say with a chuckle. “I’m on the fence on him, cute and all, but not totally sold on him.” “I have to agree with you there, K.J. Let’s pass on him for now.” “Ryan Tannehill is up next. Again not sold yet on him have to pass.” “I don’t agree with you, but the rules are the rules.” “Up next is the douchebag of the century, Jay Cutler. Total douchebag, but I want to fuck his ass and really make him the little bitch that he truly is.” “I agree with you there baby. Hell I think that we should double team his ass and really make him a bitch. I have played against him a couple times and was a total bitch each time.” “Up next on the chopping block is Christian Ponder from the Vikings. As hot as he is, I can’t allow a Viking and a Bear in the house at the same time. I still have my allegiance to the Packers.” “I can understand you there, baby. Let’s move on.” “In order to move through this list faster, let’s take groups of 5.” “I agree this is taking far too long.” “Up next we have, Michael Phelps, Ryan Lochte, Rob Gronkowski, Sidney Crosby, and, Novak Djokovic. I say yes to all five except for Novak. I’m not sure how good his English is, so it might be a little tough.” “I agree with your decisions there.” “Next are Jonathan Lucroy, Aaron Rodgers, Ben Cohen, Wes Welker, and Peyton Manning. Yes to all of them for me, especially Aaron, Jonathon, and Ben.” “I’m going to have to pass on Jonathan, Wes, and, Peyton unless Eli is allowed to cum, I mean come.” “Well, he is up next on the list. Of course we couldn’t have Peyton and not Eli. So, next are Eli Manning, Johnathon Towes, John Cena, Cody Rhodes, and, Randy Orton. Eli is automatically a yes along with Cena, Orton, and Towes.” “I have to say no to Orton. Too many douches can ruin a party. The others I agree with.” “Alrighty then, next up are Wade Barrett, Chris Hemsworth, Joe Manganiello, Alexander Skarsgard, and, Milo Ventimiglia. What are your choices?” “We will remove Wade, again the douchebag rule. The others are 1000000% a yes.” “I agree with you there baby. Alright the last group is Tom Brady, Stephen Amell, Taylor Kinney, Paul Hamm, and, Morgan Hamm. What do you say to this group?” “Well baby, I want all five in this group. Tom is a bit of a douche but I want to give him an attitude adjustment. Stephen and Taylor are smoking hot. Paul and Morgan, let me just say gymnasts.” “I can agree, but have to say no to Paul. He has an assault charge and I am not sure if I want someone like that in my house.” “Okay hotness I can agree with you on that one. I didn’t know about that.” “Okay Drew, we are down to 21 guys and us which brings the grand total to 23 studs. We are a little over half of the original list. Now we can do one of two things. Number one, we can leave the list where it is at. Or number two we can remove up to four guys and substitute up to four guys. I vote to keep things the way they are. What say you baby?” “I also vote to leave the list where it is at and move forward from there. However if we end up with a couple cancels, we can take the smaller list or then we can make the possible substitutions as needed.” “That sounds like a plan to me. I will head online to contact the guys and invite them over. If you want to call the maid company and request an emergency clean of the house. Also, if you could make sure the toys are clean and the house is stocked for the party.” “I will get the arrangements taken care of and will see you in a bit baby.” I kiss Drew with a tongue searching kiss and head off to my office to get on the computer as Drew makes a call to the maid’s office and make sure the toys and such are ready. I turn on my computer, log on, and, wait for the computer to load up. Once it is loaded up, I log on to the site, With the list in hand, I check to see if any of the guys are online. Brad, Punk, Beckham, Cutler, Phelps, Gronkowski, Crosby, Rodgers, the Mannings, Cohen, and, Hamm were online. I opened up chats with each of them and invited them all over tonight. They all agreed and would be there by 8. I informed them that if possible to arrive in the least amount of clothing as possible as they would be required to be removed it as soon as they enter the house. I sent e-mails to the remainder of them and turned on the push messages to my phone. I bit adieu to the guys and logged off. Shortly after I logged off, my phone started going bonkers with confirmations from the other guys. We had full confirmation from everyone. I was giddy as a schoolgirl. I quickly called Drew to let him know that everyone would be there at 8. I hung up with him and jumped in the shower. Shortly after I finished, Drew returned and the house was now ready for the party. Drew jumped in the shower to get ready. While he was in the shower I put on my AussieBum jockstrap and my robe. Drew finished up in the shower and put on a matching jockstrap and robe. Now all we had to do was wait a couple hours until the guys showed up.

To be continued… ***Thanks for reading, this chapter didn’t include any sex, but I assure you that there will be plenty in the next chapters. Hopefully I have a good mix of guys to have fun with. If you have any suggestions for a couple mystery guests please let me know at Thanks again. ***


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