Gay Erotic Stories

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 2

by Big Brett
06 Jan 2011

Bathroom Tales College Days Friends Gym Workouts Masturbation Straight Men, Gay Sex Tales From The Locker Room Underwear Action Voyeurism

“Monday morning!” Jim realized as his eyes opened. He glanced at the clock. 6:20. “Good. Plenty of time to get ready for school.” Jim really liked the university. He attended community college for his first 2 semesters. There was a different atmosphere at the university compared to the community college, and Jim loved the energy on the university campus. It seemed that this was going to be his best semester yet. “Alright. Time to get my lazy ass out of bed!” He had slept naked that night, and when he got out of bed, his dick was at full mast pointing up toward the ceiling. He wasn’t about to restrain his morning wood in a pair of underwear, and proceeded nude to the kitchen to put the water on the stove to boil for coffee. After that, he turned on the computer. His bladder was next on the agenda. Jim’s dick had relaxed to semi state. It was impossible for him to piss with a boner, and every day he had to wait for his wood to relax before he could relieve himself. When he tried to bend his penis down for proper aim when stiff, it hurt too much. He tried to sit on the toilet to pee, but when his dick was hard, it rubbed up against the porcelain on the inside of the bowl. His only other option when he couldn’t get his dick to go down was to piss in the bathtub. He made a pit stop at the toilet and took his usual long morning piss.

He ducked into his bedroom and grabbed a pair of gym shorts without bothering to wear underwear. Back in the kitchen, Jim finished the coffee prep, and sat down at the computer. “Ah! This coffee is awesome!” Jim grew up in a household that appreciated good coffee. They bought whole beans and ground it themselves. They used a coffee press instead of a coffee maker. When Jim got his own apartment, he made coffee the same way his family did.

Jim looked out the living room window while his E mail was opening. It was clear, and it promised to be an epic, sunny Southern California day. The Weather Channel listed the temperature at 61 degrees. Jim sipped his coffee. He was horny. Jim gathered numerous photos from the internet and saved them in folders by category. His first files were of hot young women, either scantily clad or nude. Later, he expanded his horizons and downloaded photos of athletic guys. He clicked on his favorite photo file, selected slide show, and watched photo after photo of young male athletes in Speedos and other types of revealing team uniforms. Jim loved to see a guy’s penis outline proudly displayed in lycra the most, and he wasn’t shy to wear it himself when the occasion called for it. He reached inside the right leg of his shorts and gently stroked his stiffening cock. Within a few strokes, it had reached its 8” glory. He sprinkled a bit of baby powder on it and tightened his grip. “Damn, that feels so fucking good!” The lean, muscular bodies flashing by on the monitor in front of him really turned him on. The pace of his rhythm increased as did his pulse and his breathing. Jim slipped off his gym shorts. The muscles in his legs and ass tensed to totally rigid. Jim gasped as he exploded all over himself in pump after pump of thick white cum. He loosened his grip on his penis, yet continued to slowly stroke it until he drained every last drip of cum. “That was awesome!” Jim said to himself. He was in a joyful trance from the overwhelming orgasm he had just experienced. A blob of cum landed by the mouse pad. He decided to leave it there until he returned home from school. He sat there for a few minutes checking his e-mail. The only new E mail was a note from mom and dad about Thanksgiving plans. Jim answered quickly and clicked “send”.

He decided to ride his bike to school that day. His “commuter” bike was a Trek aluminum frame road bike with Shimano 105 components. He finished his coffee, ate a banana, and headed to the bathroom to get ready for school. A half hour later, Jim had shaved, cleaned his teeth, showered, dressed, packed his backpack, and was ready to go. He wore his gray padded cycling shorts for the commute with a lightweight navy sweatshirt. He packed a pair of red mesh gym shorts and a navy t-shirt to change into. His big decision was what kind of underwear to bring. He loved to feel his cock flop when he wore boxers, but couldn’t always control those unexpected boners. He played it safe and brought both a pair of plaid FTL boxers and a pair of Calvin Klein black trunks.

The ride to school was a blast. Jim loved to ride. The Trek wasn’t as quick or high tech as his Specialized, but it was still a very nice bike. He charged up that long hill leading to campus, stopped at the bike rack outside of his accounting class, locked the bike, and then went to the men’s room to change his shorts. Jim was in such good shape that the 15 mile ride to school barely made him sweat. A little under his helmet and a little on his back where his backpack rested were the only places that felt damp. Jim had to walk past the restroom on the outside sidewalk until he could reach the door to the building to get inside. He noticed that the 2 frosted men’s room windows were propped open and he could see a student standing at the urinal by the lower window. No one was nearby, so Jim stopped for a minute. From the angle on the sidewalk, Jim could see the student from his knees to his chest including his dick and his piss stream. “Wasn’t this going to be some fun?!” Jim chuckled to himself. The best part is that the guy at the urinal had his view of the outside blocked by the frosted stationary glass above the open window and had no idea that he was being watched. The student shook the last few drops, pulled up his shorts and underwear, flushed the urinal, and disappeared. Jim opened the door to the building and walked down the hall to the men’s room. No one was inside, so Jim stood near the book rack on the opposite wall from the urinals and took out his red mesh shorts and the boxers. He removed his cycling shorts and slipped on the boxers and red shorts. “Fuck it. I’m going to have some fun today!” Next, he exchanged his navy blue sweatshirt for the lighter navy blue t-shirt. Jim walked over to the urinal closest to the window, lifted the leg of his boxers and gym shorts, and pissed into the urinal. He preferred to pee lifting the leg of his shorts as opposed to pulling down the waistband so he wouldn’t have to fight the elastic. He stood at an angle to the urinal to make it even easier for anyone going by to see him pissing. He heard female voices outside as he continued to piss. He heard a girl say “Hey Stacy! Look!”. Then he heard another girl giggle. He was loving it. They were watching him pee. Jim shook the last few drops and then lowered the leg of his boxers and his shorts. He lifted up on his dick and placed it right below the waistband hoping to absorb any remaining pee drops so that they wouldn’t spot his right leg. He grabbed his back pack and put it on his back. He felt his cock slide down the right leg and looked in the mirror. There was that unmistakable ridge of his circumcised penis head. He asked himself one last time if he was ready to let his dick loose all day at school. He took one last look at his shaft and dick head gracing the right side of his shorts and said “Fuck it. Let’s go!” Just as he opened the door to exit, another student was right there walking in. Jim said “Hi!”, held the door open to let the guy in, and then left.

He made it to accounting class without getting hard. He sat down and got his book and notebook out. The professor arrived a minute later and Jim became absorbed in the lecture. 50 minutes later, class was done and Jim had an hour to kill before geology class. It was a warm day for October, and Jim didn’t feel like having coffee. He opted to sit under a large tree and review geology. He waited to open his book until all the foot traffic cleared. He enjoyed watching the students walk by. All the perky breasts and dick bulges shaking back and forth as their owners headed to class. Jim noticed a few guys in gym shorts that he could see their dick outlines bouncing. “Ha! They’re probably wearing boxers or freeballing!” he thought. He was becoming more and more fixated on guys’ dick bulges, and it turned him on big time. He really enjoyed looking at his own. A 5” – 6” limp dick sure makes a great VPL. Jim thought of Tyler and wondered how his day was going. He drifted back to geology and started to look over the review questions. Quizzes were always unannounced, and Jim liked to be prepared. He wondered if Kristin was over at the coffee place, but returned quickly to geology. 20 minutes later, Jim walked to his next class. Kristin spotted him right away when he walked in, and said “Hi!” very enthusiastically. Jim smiled, said hi, and took his seat. Seconds later, the professor entered and class began. Despite Kristin’s enthusiasm, Jim felt somewhat awkward about getting too chummy with her. He sensed that she would latch onto him and cramp his need for freedom. Whatever would develop with them, he would have to face her every M, W, and F for 2 more months. His last girlfriend, Lisa, was very possessive, and Jim didn’t like feeling trapped. Jim always liked to hook up with hot chicks at the club because there were no strings attached. At school, it was different, and he felt the need to keep some distance. After class, Kristin came over to Jim’s desk and asked him how was his weekend? They chatted for a few minutes and Kristin said that she had to meet a client for a personal training session. They both said “Good bye. See you Wednesday!” and moved on.

Monday-Wednesday-Friday school days were easy for Jim with only 2 classes. His busy days were Tuesday-Thursday. He went back to the restroom near his first class to change his shorts for the ride home. Once again, he saw a guy using the urinal and watched him finish peeing. This student was wearing white basketball shorts. This time, the sidewalk was crowded, and Jim didn’t want his spying to be obvious. He held his cell phone open like he was doing something with it as other students passed by and watched the young guy take a leak. Jim liked the older buildings on campus that were constructed many years ago before people were so hung up on modesty. The older bathrooms had no dividers, and there were quite a few that when the door opened, anyone out in the hall could see the guys at the urinals. After 5 weeks of being on campus, Jim was finding out where some of the best rest rooms were to show off his big tool. The student at the urinal shook the last few drops and left. Jim flipped his phone shut and walked inside. This time, he entered the rest room before the other guy left. They made eye contact and Jim said hi. The other guy mumbled hi and left. Jim got to see the piss spot on his shorts and laughed to himself. “He put his dick away too soon!” Jim laughed to himself.

This time, Jim decided to do something different. He opened his back pack, slipped off his boxers and gym shorts, put them in the back pack, and walked over to the urinal bare ass. He stood there and pissed knowing that anyone walking by would see his perfect ass. He could hear people outside, but didn’t hear any specific indication that he was seen. “Darn!” It was so much fun to piss naked from the waist down. Too bad no one saw it. Jim pulled up his gray cycling shorts and walked to his bike. He unlocked his bike, put on his helmet and gloves, and rode off . An hour later he was back home. He took off his shoes and walked to the refrigerator. He poured a glass of cranberry juice and sat down at the computer. Once his E mail opened, he saw that he had a new message from Tyler. He scrambled to open it.

“Hi Jim! I’ve been thinking of you. I had a great time last Saturday, and can’t wait to see you again. How about 9:00 on Saturday at your place? - Tyler”. Jim was excited and right away replied “For sure Tyler. I’m excited to see you again, too! - Jim”. Jim felt his dick swelling in his cycling shorts. The lycra fabric was holding Jim’s dick back and it was starting to hurt from being restrained. He opened his back pack and took out his boxers and red gym shorts. Right at the computer table in front of his living room window he removed the cycling shorts and put on his boxers and gym shorts. Jim never worried about being naked in front of the giant window. He liked when other people saw him nude any time he had an excuse for it. His dick responded to the freedom and grew hard tenting his right leg. Jim ignored it. He would have loved to jerkoff, but was afraid that it would make him sleepy. He had homework to do.

Jim settled for a peanut butter and jam sandwich. By the time his sandwich was made, his dick was limp again. When he walked into the living room, he looked in the mirror at his hanging meat showing in his gym shorts. “Damn. You are one sexy motherfucker!” Jim said to himself. He ate, finished his juice and started his homework.

A few hours passed by and Jim finished his assignments. It was still light outside. Jim decided to do a workout at the gym before dinner. He usually rode his Trek bike to the gym as it was easier than driving and dealing with parking. The pedals on the Trek worked with both regular street shoes or cycling shoes. He often ran errands around town by bike, and it was a good warm up before hitting the weights. Jim packed his towel and body wash and a fresh pair of briefs, and rode off.

Jim arrived at the gym 5 minutes later, locked his bike and helmet to the bike rack, entered the building, signed in, and headed over to the weight area. “Hey Jim!” Jim looked up. It was Matt from Trader Joe’s. “Hi Matt! How’s it going?” “Great! How’s school going?” “Really well!”, Jim said. Once again, Jim noticed Matt’s eyes stealing glances at his crotch. Jim hadn’t bothered to change his underwear for the workout. He always wore briefs to the gym for support when exercising, but lately was getting more adventuresome wearing boxers for different things that he did. He chuckled to himself that Matt noticed.

Matt resumed his arm routine. Jim always started his workouts doing stomach and back. He loved his washboard stomach, and it was his highest priority. Jim finished his ab work and went on to do the bench. There were only a few guys in the gym, and Matt was nearby doing flies. Jim put the 45 pound plates on each side of the bar, laid on the bench, and cranked off a set of 10. He got up and added a 25 pound plate to each side. Matt asked him if he needed a spot. Jim agreed, as it was always a good safety measure as he increased the weight. Jim laid there getting psyched ready to blast through the set. He fired off the first 8 of the10 reps and struggled to raise the bar for the last 2. “Good job!” Matt said. “Thanks Matt!” Jim loved how Matt was friendly and willing to be helpful. Jim figured that Matt wanted to become friends other than just an acquaintance. He could tell that Matt was getting off on seeing Jim spread eagle on the bench with his dick resting on his right leg.

Jim announced “I’m going to go for my max on the next set. I should be able to get 8 reps.” “I’ll be right here” Matt replied. Jim removed the 25s and placed a second 45 pound plate on each side. While he was switching the plates, he glanced at Matt’s bulge in his gray mesh shorts. Was Jim imagining it, or was Matt’s bulge growing? Jim returned to the bench, fixated on the bar. Matt was gazing into Jim’s eyes reassuring him that he would be there if Jim ran into trouble with the set. Jim lifted the bar and proceeded to crank of the reps. He started to slow at 5. Matt positioned his hands ready to grab the bar. Jim made his 6th rep slowly then went for 7. He got the bar halfway up and stalled. Matt grabbed the bar and offered only slight assistance. “Come on, Jim! You can do it!”. Jim struggled to get that bar all the way up and returned to the rack. “Matt, you really worked me on that last rep!” “Ya, Jim. I wanted you to work for it!. Well done! You’re a real stud!” “Thanks Matt! You’re really fit, too!” Jim stood up, removed a 45 pound plate from each side, and did his last 2 sets with a manageable weight. Matt asked Jim if he was okay or wanted a spot until he completed the bench. Jim liked that when he was on the bench he could see Matt’s piercing brown eyes, and he also got to look up Matt’s gym shorts and could see Matt’s white briefs. Even though he didn’t need the spot, he agreed just to look up at Matt while he benched. “Would you mind spotting me? I push harder when I know I have a spot.” “Sure. I’m here for you, buddy!” Jim loved the affectionate tone in Matt’s voice. Jim cranked out a set of 10, took a short break, and then fired out his last set. He started to hesitate at the 8th rep, and Matt once again made Jim struggle to get the bar back in place. “Matt, you’re a sadist. You really work me on those last reps!” “Matt laughed. “I don’t want to make it too easy for you!” Matt pulled the waistband of his shorts out, reached in, and lifted up on his dick. He had a pretty stiff semi going, and needed to give it some room for expansion. Jim seized the opportunity. “You are a sadist. You’re getting off on watching me struggle!” “What can I say? There’s a lot of testosterone in here!”

Jim asked Matt if he had dinner yet. Matt replied “No that he was waiting until after his workout.” Jim said that he was going to whip up salad, broccoli, and ravioli, that there was plenty, and would Matt like to join him for dinner? “That would be great!” Matt eagerly agreed. Jim said that he had about another ½ hour and he would be done working out. “Same for me” Matt said. They continued their workouts independently. 25 minutes later, Jim told Matt that he was done and going to shower and head home. Matt said “Me too!” and they both made their way to the locker room.

When the guys went to their lockers, luck would have it that they weren’t very far from each other. They opened their lockers, and started to undress, each eyeballing the other out the corner of their eyes. Jim pulled the boxers out of his gym shorts and placed them separately in his locker. Matt commented “You’re a boxer guy, Jim?” “It’s a new thing for me” Jim replied. “Actually, I’ve worn only briefs since I’ve been a kid, but I recently discovered that I love the feeling of my dick hanging in my basketball shorts. I noticed many of the guys on campus with swinging dicks. I’ve seen some of them changing in the campus locker room, and they either freeball or wear boxers. The guys who wear briefs or boxerbriefs never show the outline. I like how you can see their entire penis through their shorts, and love to show mine. I’ll freeball at home, but don’t like to leave home without some kind of underwear on. Wearing boxers is way different from wearing briefs that hold your junk in place. My dick moving all around in boxers gives me a semi, and I love when people look at it!”

Matt stood there holding his white briefs and gray shorts in his right hand, mesmerized by Jim’s dissertation on underwear. His dick was starting to swell. “Jim, that’s cool! I never tried any other kind of underwear. I’ll freeball in my boardshorts only if I’m going to the beach, but always wear briefs, even to bed.” “Ya, I’ve bought different kinds of underwear since I moved out of my parents’ home this semester. At home mom always did my laundry. Not that mom would care, but I don’t have to explain why I don’t just wear the kind of underwear that she always bought for me.”

Towel and soap in hand, they made their way to the Bradley showers. Matt was more fit than he appeared to be in his clothes. Jim liked the sight of Matt naked. Matt had boned up on his way to the shower, and his dick was pointing straight out. Jim felt his own cock rising. They stood at the same pole, turned on the water, and began to shower. They were the only 2 guys in the locker room, and the shower was tense with a quiet, sexual excitement. Jim was the first to break the silence. “Nice pole you’ve got there!” “Sorry” Matt said. “I get hard often after I work out, and it looks like you do, too!” “Don’t be sorry!” Jim quickly replied. “We’re young guys and it’s normal. You’re in great shape, Matt!” “Thanks Jim. You’ve got an amazing physique yourself!” Without a word being said, Matt moved closer to Jim, put his arms around him and hugged him. Jim responded swiftly, pulled Matt’s body tightly toward him, and they stood there with their hearts racing under the hot running water. They were both rock hard and loved feeling their dicks pressed together. Reality set in, and Matt said that they better cool it in case someone walks in. Jim was fired up and his boner was aching. They withdrew their embrace. Jim confessed: “Matt, have you ever had sex with a guy?” Matt stumbled for a second. “It’s okay.” Jim reassured. “I met a surfer this summer and we hooked up twice. It was really amazing. I’ve caught you looking at my crotch a few times. It’s all good. What do you say we have a little fun at my place after dinner?” Jim’s frankness was a relief to Matt. Matt replied: “Jim, that’s music to my ears. Back when I was in puberty, I experimented jerking off with a friend, but that’s all I’ve ever done with another guy.” “We’re going to have some fun, Matt. Let’s finish our shower and get out of here. They hurried with the shower, dried off, and went back to the locker. Jim slid on his white briefs under Matt’s watchful eye. “Jim, let me get a look at you!” Jim turned to face Matt, grinning ear to ear. “How’s that?” “Great!. Damn, Jim, you really look hot in your briefs!” “I wear them almost all the time. I like how they look.” They finished dressing, grabbed their stuff, and went outside. Jim put on his helmet, unlocked his bike, and told Matt his address. 5 minutes later, Jim pulled up to his front door on his bike. Matt was parked across the street and walked up to Jim’s door. Jim was really surprised with how easy it was to attract guys. It was more fun to have a partner than to jerkoff by himself. He wondered if he was the only member of his bike club who liked guys.

Jim turned the key to the right and the guys entered the apartment. Jim invited him inside. Matt looked at Jim and smiled. Jim looked right into Matt’s eyes and smiled back. They instinctively drew closer together and hugged. Their hearts started racing. They felt each other’s bulge swelling. Matt ran his fingers though Jim’s buzzed head. Jim stroked Matt’s hair. “Matt, let’s go in here.” They went into Jim’s bedroom and sat on the bed. Jim removed his shoes; Matt followed Jim’s lead. Jim took hold of Matt’s hands, reclined, and pulled Matt on top of him. Jim had one hand on the back of Matt’s head, and held Matt’s face gently with the other hand and gave Matt a soft kiss. Matt was highly charged and responded passionately. Jim slid his right hand down to Matt’s back and rubbed him tenderly. Matt was breathing heavily, and Jim could feel Matt’s dick pressing into his abdomen. Jim reached his hand inside Matt’s waist band and pulled down on the back of his shorts. Matt lifted his torso while Jim pulled the shorts and briefs down to Matt’s knees. Matt loved feeling his boner set free and kicked off the shorts onto the floor. Matt moved next to Jim on the bed. He lifted Jim’s gym shorts and briefs, gave them a tug down, and then Jim lifted his butt so Matt could finish the job taking his shorts off. Matt threw Jim’s briefs and shorts on the floor, and then laid up against Jim from the side. Jim reached over and wrapped his fingers around Matt’s raging hard on. Matt gulped as he was nearly breathless with excitement. Jim slowly moved his hand up and down on Matt’s pole. Matt touched Jim’s dick.

“Damn, you’re really big Jim! I knew that you had something special in your pants when I saw you at the store in your gym shorts. How big is it?” “8 inches” Jim exclaimed. “You’re pretty good sized yourself.” “6 ½ inches” Matt stated. Nothing like you.” “No worries Matt! We’re going to make your dick feel better than it’s ever felt!” With that, Jim lifted himself up off the pillow, opened his mouth and swallowed Matt’s dick. Matt moaned feeling Jim’s warm mouth engulf his swollen cock. “Oh Jim, that’s incredible!” Jim knew just what to do and proceeded to move his mouth up and down on Matt’s dick. When Jim got his dick sucked, he didn’t like it when his partner would stop sucking his dick and suck his balls, or do other stuff. He liked the dick sucking to be uninterrupted, and worked Matt the same way. Sure enough, Matt was breathing wildly and Jim knew that Matt was close. The devilish little boy inside Jim’s personality knew that he was taking Matt to places that he had never been. Matt alerted Jim “Jim, I’m going to blow!” Jim kept sucking. “Jim, do you want me to pull out?” “No!” Jim managed to emit as he kept working it. Matt held Jim’s head tighter and cried out “Ahhhhh!” as his body pumped shot after shot of semen which Jim rapidly swallowed as he kept the up and down motion going. Jim slowed his pace and lightened the grip his mouth had on Matt’s dick as he transitioned Matt to a state of total relaxation. Matt’s rapid breathing started to return to normal. Matt opened his eyes and gave Jim a look of adoration. “Jim, I’ve never had sex that good in my entire life!” “Thanks Matt! I only learned how to do it recently, and it’s just as fun to give as to receive!”

Matt reached over and started jerking Jim off. He was already leaking precum. Jim laid back, and was loving how nice Matt’s fingers felt traveling up and down on his red hot cock. Jim had his left hand on Matt’s shoulder and was stroking Matt affectionately. He stopped stroking and tightened his grip on Matt. His breathing accelerated. Matt knew he was going to blow and rubbed Jim to ecstasy seconds later. Matt couldn’t believe the continuous rope of cum that blasted from Jim’s dick. He kept working Jim’s cock until finally Jim’s load was spent. “Ah. That was fucking awesome!” Jim cried. Jim looked at Matt, smiled, and hugged him. They laid there locked together, feeling each other’s sweaty body. It felt really good! Jim pulled the sheet up over them and they relaxed for a few minutes. Jim looked at Matt. Matt’s puppy dog eyes gazed back into Jim’s. “That was fun Matt! I’m glad that we’re getting to know each other.” “Well Jim, I knew the first time that I laid eyes on you that I liked you. To tell you the truth, it bothered me. I never thought I was anything but straight, but when I looked at you that first time, I had a feeling inside that I never had before. Every time that you came into our store, I’d be so excited to see you and just to say hi to you. I knew that I wanted to get to know you and be your friend, but I never had any idea it would be like this.” “Ya Matt. It’s great to be a young, hot guy, huh?!” They kicked back on Jim’s bed, exchanging tales about their past girlfriends and hook ups. Matt had only 2 girlfriends. Sex was better with the second one, but nothing to brag about. Jim had much more experience. Matt had a fratboy cuteness, but Jim was drop dead gorgeous. Jim had been hit on early in life, and his looks brought him constant attention and propositions. Jim said that even though the girls have been great, that his newly discovered attraction to other guys has been way more hot. Matt asked Jim if he was gay. “I don’t really know, and I don’t really care. I’m just a horny, young guy and I like to have fun with other good looking guys!” “Sounds good to me!” Matt quickly replied. “What do you say we grind? That hot sex on top of our workout gave me a huge appetite!” Jim asked. “Sure. Let’s do it!” They got dressed and went into the kitchen.

(To be continued in Part III)


More Gay Erotic Stories from Big Brett

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist Jim - Part 7

(Continued from Part 6)Happy Thanksgiving from Big Brett!The alarm clock sounded, and Jim sprung up from a sound sleep. “My last day of class before Thanksgiving break!” Jim thought to himself. He reached down and picked up a t-shirt that he had removed the night before and slipped it on. He got out of bed with his typical morning wood and walked to the kitchen to boil water

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist Jim - Part 8

(continued from Part 7)Eric was the first to awake shortly after 6:00. Jimmy was lying next to him face down. “He is so fucking handsome!” Eric thought to himself. Eric, being a wiry guy, had to get out of bed. Jim sensed his movement and opened his eyes. “Good morning sleepy head!” said Eric. “Morning bro!”Jim spotted the time on the alarm clock. “6:05. I better get moving

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist Jim .- Part 6

(Continued from Part 5)Tyler sprung up from his bar stool and walked over to Todd and Josh. Tyler enthusiastically hugged both of the guys. Jim got up and joined them. Todd and Josh were super excited to see Jim and Tyler. Each of them gave Jim a bro hug. Jim thought to himself how flattering it was that these guys were so happy to see Tyler and him. He wondered if they fooled

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 1

Slam! The sound of Jim's geology textbook closing echoed through the kitchen.

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 2

“Monday morning!” Jim realized as his eyes opened. He glanced at the clock. 6:20. “Good. Plenty of time to get ready for school.” Jim really liked the university. He attended community college for his first 2 semesters. There was a different atmosphere at the university compared to the community college, and Jim loved the energy on the university campus. It seemed that this was going to

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 3

Jim turned on his computer and let it boot up. The guys went into the kitchen and Jim revealed how competent he was at the stove. He boiled water for the ravioli, heated the spaghetti sauce on low, placed the broccoli in the steamer, and prepped the salad. Within 15 minutes, the guys enjoyed a hearty meal. “You’re a great cook, Jim!” “Right on! My parents were real big on cooking and

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 4

(Continued from Pt. 3)Tyler was the first one to wake up the next morning. He looked at Jim sleeping next to him. “Damn. He’s so fucking beautiful!” Tyler’s dick was rock hard. He gently ran his fingers along Jim’s buzzed head. He liked to feel the short hair go back and forth with his touch. A few seconds later, Jim’s eyes opened. “Good Morning bro! What time is it?” Jim inquired.

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 5

(Continued from Part 4)Jim found a parking spot in front of his apartment. He carefully removed his bike and cycling gear and brought everything inside his home. He wasted no time peeling off his clothes and getting into the shower. The warm water and liquid soap felt great after working up a sweat during the bike ride. After he dried, He liberally splashed on some Issey Miyake cologne.

Our Young Cyclist Jim - Introduction

The persistent marine layer kept Saturday morning cooler than usual. Jim fastened his helmet, latched his shoes, grabbed his bike, and was out the door. He had opted for a long sleeved jersey and was glad that he did when he felt the cool, Southern California morning air as he briskly pedaled his way north. Coast Highway was Jim's favorite place to ride. Jim had ridden just about every mile


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