Gay Erotic Stories

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist Jim - Part 8

by Big Brett
20 May 2014

Bisexual College Days

(continued from Part 7)

Eric was the first to awake shortly after 6:00. Jimmy was lying next to him face down. “He is so fucking handsome!” Eric thought to himself. Eric, being a wiry guy, had to get out of bed. Jim sensed his movement and opened his eyes. “Good morning sleepy head!” said Eric. “Morning bro!”

Jim spotted the time on the alarm clock. “6:05. I better get moving and head back to my folks’ place” Jim complained as Eric was walking toward the hall bathroom. “Mind if I join you?” Jim asked. “Come on in. There is room for both of us.” Eric replied. The guys both aimed and fired at the middle of the toilet. They played with their streams and made them collide mid-air. They were both laughing hysterically. Eric ran dry first and gave it a few shakes. He stood there and watched Jim complete his morning piss. “Damn, Jim has such a nice dick!” They moved toward the sink to wash their hands. Their hips were touching, and Eric gave Jim a nudge. Jim retaliated with a hip-to-hip body slam. Next thing Jim knew, Eric tackled him and they were both lying on the hall floor. Eric was quick to get on top. Jim was turned on by Eric’s strength. Both boys were massively hard. Eric kissed Jim. “Jim you are so fucking hot. I’ve never been as turned on as I am at this very moment!” “Dude, we gotta go for round 2 before I leave!”

With that, they returned to Eric’s bedroom. They snuggled side by side, grabbed each other’s dick, and started stroking. Jim was especially fond of mutual masturbation. He and Eric had jerked off together before when they were in 6th grade and just learning about sex, but now that they were older, it was really hot.

Jim started to kiss Eric’s muscled chest and worked his way down. The last thing that Eric wanted to do was have Jim stop, but he interrupted anyway. “Jimmy, it’s your turn!” Eric pushed Jim gently down on the pillow and kissed Jim’s neck and rubbed his stomach. Jim delighted in Eric’s touch and relaxed. Eric moved his playful mouth down south at a snail’s pace. Jim was going wild with anticipation, and was already dripping. Eric rubbed his aching boner against Jim’s toned leg. Finally, Eric’s mouth reached the target. He licked the shaft of Jim’s penis, working his way toward the tip. Jim screamed out in blissful agony as Eric’s mouth clamped the head of Jim’s dick. It was the best mouth Jim had ever felt. Eric knew his way around a big, hard penis and gave Jim a joy ride. “Eric, you’re the best! Don’t stop!” Every muscle in Jim’s entire body was totally flexed, and his body was hard as a marble statue. Jim’s hips were rising off the bed to meet Eric’s hungry mouth. Eric cupped Jim’s balls with his left hand and stroked his dick with his right one. Jim’s breathing was at a frantic pace, and Eric knew that he was close. Jim’s gasp alone told Eric that Jim was shooting. Eric sucked Jim like a vacuum cleaner and held his mouth still when Jim was spent. He felt Jim deflate in his mouth, and slowly removed his mouth. Jim was panting like a Cheetah. Eric’s stoking got faster, and seconds later, he blasted all over both of their chests and faces. Jim laughed right away, and Eric couldn’t help but laugh too. They hugged briefly. Eric knuckled the short-stubbed hair on the top of Jim’s head and said “How about some coffee?” Jim was all over it. “I’m going to need to shower before I bail.” Jim mentioned. “Sure. Go ahead, and I’ll make the coffee.”

Jim took a much needed dump, and then hopped in the shower. The showerhead was a typical apartment type crappy showerhead with no force. Jim washed himself head to toe, turned off the water, stepped out onto the bathmat, and dried himself with the towel on the towel rack. He slipped on his clothes and went out to the kitchen.

Eric had only a cheap coffee maker, but it did an adequate job. Eric had put on a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt. The guys drank the coffee. Eric offered a wake and bake to Jim, but Jim had to decline. “I’ll be spending all day with the folks, and I don’t want them to know that I party.” Jim complained. “Jim, will you have time to hang out again before you go?” “Maybe on Friday night; I’ll have to see what my family has planned before I can say for sure.”

Jim pounded the last of his coffee. “Eric, it’s been great. I’m really glad that we got to hang out.” Jim wrote his address on a post it notepad that was on the kitchen counter. “In case we don’t get to meet up before I go back to San Diego, I want you to be able to come visit sometime. Here’s my address.” Eric said that he would like to see more of San Diego that he had seen as a kid, and replied that he could swing down over the Christmas break. “Bring your bike!” Jim demanded. “Sounds good!” Eric confirmed. Both guys stood up, and gave each other a bear hug. Jim felt Eric’s supported penis rub against his crotch. Eric pulled closer so Jim’s dick was smashed against Eric’s leg. “Bro, I could stay here all day, but I have to get going.” Jim said. “Ya, I know; I just love touching your body.” “We’ll be in touch. I have to go help at home.” “I know Jim. I’m going to go to my parents’ house at 1:00” “Happy Thanksgiving Eric!” “Ya, you to, Jimmy! You sure made my Thanksgiving happy!”

Jim hustled out to his Honda, and took off. “Wow! What a night. I can’t believe that Eric turned out to like guys, too. I wonder how many other old friends have checked out their bros?” Jim made a right turn onto Highway 55 toward Newport Beach. He was just a 10 minute drive from Costa Mesa.

Jim reached his folks’ place before 8:30. Jasmine was in the family room watching TV. “Hey Jazz! Where are mom and dad?” “They went out for a run.” “Jimmy, want some coffee?” “Sure Jazz!”

Jasmine walked over to the kitchen and began to make more coffee. A minute later, Jim ducked into the bathroom and took a quick piss. Jasmine returned to the family room, but stopped at the bathroom doorway once she heard Jim’s piss stream hit the water. She loved to watch her brother piss. The hall bathroom was perfectly designed that you could see the profile of the toilet from the kitchen table or the sofa in the family room. She had seen Jimmy piss hundreds of times, but now that they were getting older, Jim’s dick was bigger and she was transfixed every time she got to see it. Jasmine had fucked a few guys, but none of them were nearly as big as her older brother. She was checking out Jim’s rock hard ass being that Jim lowered his track pants below his ass. She wondered how many bitches at SDSU got to play with his dick and his gorgeous body. She hated to admit it to herself, but she wanted to rape her brother right then and there.

Jasmine asked: “Did you have fun with Eric last night?” “Ya, it was good. He had some ESB beer, and we hung out and watched TV.” “Cool! I’m going to meet up with Megan and some friends later tonight. We’re thinking of going to the Brook Street Coffee House being that we can’t get into a bar. There is a band playing there at 8:00. How about you? Want to join us?” “No plans, Jazz. I have to leave Saturday morning to go back to SD. I have assignments due when school starts back on Monday. I want to spend some time with mom and dad.” “Ya. I got you. I’m not going back to school until Sunday evening.”

Jim’s dick ran dry, and he gave it a few shakes. He pulled up his track pants and boxers. Jasmine noticed that Jim was wearing boxers. She had to comment: “Jimmy, when did you start wearing boxers?” “I saw some of the guys in the locker room wearing them, and wanted to check them out. They’re okay! I’m starting to like them more than tighty whities.” As Jim washed his hands, Jasmine walked back to the couch and sat down. Jim walked toward her and she noticed a small pee spot a few inches down the right leg of Jim’s pants. “Damn. His limp dick is that big!” she thought to herself as the pee spot revealed where the end of Jim’s dick was. All the times that she had seen Jim naked in the pool, she was sure that his dick had grown even bigger since.

Mom and dad returned from their run. They were both beaming from the endorphin rush. The greeted each other and began chatting. A few minutes later, Sandy and Jeff headed toward their bedroom to shower and change.

Jim and Jasmine hung out and watched the Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV and drank their coffee. When mom and dad returned to the family room, everyone began performing duties in the kitchen. The day passed methodically and festively. The meal was outstanding. Everyone had some wine, and by the time that the last plate had been washed, dried, and put away, it was time to kick back. There were numerous phone calls throughout the day from relatives and friends calling to wish Happy Thanksgiving. Some of Jim and Jasmine’s friends had phoned to meet up. Jim was tired and didn’t feel like going anywhere. Jasmine took off and met her friends at the coffee house.

Sandy, Jeff, and Jim spent the evening watching football games and relaxing. By 9:30, Jim called it a night and went to bed. He passed out quickly.

Friday morning, Jim’s dad and Jim went to work out at the fitness center. Jeff was impressed with how much weight his son could push. Dad was no slouch, and held his own for a guy in his early 40s. When they got home, the 4 of them discussed plans for the day. None of them were into Black Friday, but nonetheless decided to go out for lunch.

After lunch, the 4 of them went for a bike ride along Coast Highway north to Huntington Beach and Seal Beach. The bike path along the coast was scenic and had been a family favorite for years. They returned home and kicked back the rest of the afternoon. They made a simple dinner and hung out at home. Eric phoned Jim and asked if he wanted to cruise out to a pub. Jasmine had plans, and mom and dad wanted to relax at home. Sandy and Jeff told their son to go out and have fun, but don’t drive if he had too much to drink. Jim reassured them that he wasn’t going to hammered; just have a few. With that, Jim changed, said good bye, and drove off in his Honda to meet Eric. Eric had chosen a familiar pub on Main Street in Huntington Beach. They sat at a window table and watched college football on the big screen TV. The place was hopping. With everyone having a 4 day weekend, and friends and family getting together for the holiday, no wonder why the bar was crowded.

Jim noticed a young couple at the table next to him. The girl was a brunette about his age with a smoking hot body. The dude that she was with was a big time stud with a GQ face. Jim’s eyes met his. The guy smiled; Jim instinctively smiled back. As they continued to watch the football game, Jim quietly mentioned to Eric: “Bro, check out the couple at the next table.” Eric commented: “Ya, they are both really hot. I’d love to watch them fuck!” Eric’s enthusiasm made his voice get louder, and he realized too late that the guy heard Eric’s last comment. The guy gave Eric a shit-eating grin, and then he leaned in toward his girl and spoke quietly to her. When the girl looked over, a devilish grin came over her face. She looked back toward her date and they chatted secretly. The cocktail waitress dropped off 2 new beers for Eric and Jim. The guy at the next table got up and stepped over to Jim and Eric’s table. “Hey guys! I’m Mark. Sherry and I were talking and wanted to invite you over to our place to party.” Eric looked at Jim for an answer, and Jim replied without hesitation: “Sure. Let’s finish our drinks and take off!” “Great!” Mark said, and he returned to his table. Jim and Eric pretty much pounded their beers. Jim asked Mark how far it was. Mark replied that they just live a mile away.

As Eric and Jim were following behind Mark and Sherry’s BMW, Jim asked Eric: “How old do you think that the guy is?” “Oh, about 27 or 28.” “The chick looks younger, like about our age.” “Ya well, the dude probably has bucks!” “Bucks or a big dick!” Eric laughed. “Jimmy, you always have a candid remark for everything!” True, Jim was witty and often made people laugh with his snappy comments. “Her Eric, what kind of partying do you think that they want to do?” “I hope just drink and smoke weed. I don’t want to do any type of drugs.” “Me neither. I wonder if they like to mess around. They are both really hot.” “Ya, I noticed them, too.” “Well,” said Jim “We will find out soon enough!” They stopped in front of a stunning house in an upscale part of Huntington. “Wow!” Jim thought to himself. They got out of the cars, locked the doors with the remotes, and formally introduced themselves. Mark invited everyone inside. “This place is really nice!” Jim mused to himself. Jim parents had a very nice home, but nothing like this. The home had marble floors that shined like the sun. “What would you like to drink?” Mark offered. Eric asked if he had any beer. Mark offered several varieties, and the boys both decided on Anchor Steam. Mark and Sherry had a vodka and cranberry like they were drinking at the bar.

The 4 of them chatted superficially for a few minutes, with interjected laughter from each other’s remarks. They finished the round of drinks. Mark broke the ice and looked right at Jim. “So, when we were at the pub, I noticed you and Eric. You are both great looking young men. Sherry and I are swingers and we would like to know if you would be up for some sexy times?” Not being shy or lost for words, Jim replied instantly: “Hell yes! When I looked over at your table, that was the first thing that I thought of. You are both hot!” “Fantastic!” Sherry cried. “We’re both into having a guy or 2 join us!”

You would have thought that they were at a teenage slumber party. The giggling and laughter was non-stop as the 4 of them started peeling off their clothes. Right away Sherry zoomed in on Jim’s big dick. Mark invited them into the bedroom. Eric was blown away when he say the enormous round bed. “I’ve never seen a bed like that!” “It is rather unusual.” Mark stated. “It’s big and it a great place to relax and get wild!” Mark took hold of Eric’s hand and pulled him onto the bed. Sherry jumped on Jim and wrapped her legs around his lower back. Mark knew when they undressed that Sherry wanted Jim’s big dick and needed to keep Eric occupied.

Sherry started kissing Jim, and they tumbled onto the bed laughing noisily. Mark wasted no time sucking Eric’s cock. Jim was already rock hard from feeling Sherry’s soft body pressed against his. She had perfect tits. It had been a while since Jim hooked up with a lady, and he was excited to have this unexpected treat fall right into his lap. Jim lowered his kiss down Sherry’s neck, between her tits, down further to her bellybutton, and on to her magic patch. Sherry was squirming and breathing hard. Her pussy was dripping wet. Jim dove right in and tickled her with his tongue and mouth. “God, this guy knows how to use his mouth!” She thought. Jim ate her out until she had a blissful orgasm. She screamed out “Oh yes!” which go the attention of the other 2 men. She was panting like an animal and pulled on Jim’s shoulders for him to lay beside her. Jim’s aching boner was pressing hard into her abdomen. It was leaking precum. Sherry had her arms wrapped around Jim, but then released her grip. She reached behind her into a small drawer in the nightstand and took out a condom. “This is an extra large size just for a guy like you!”

She removed the condom from the wrapper and rolled it onto Jim’s dick. Jim was so horny he was almost ready to cum. Sherry grabbed his penis and lined it up with her hungry love tunnel. Jim couldn’t hold back. The thrusted himself fully inside on the first stroke which made Sherry gasp. “You’re so big!” she screamed. Jim screwed her like he hadn’t fucked anyone in years. He ravaged he, and she was loving it.

Meanwhile, Eric had moved from being sucked to fucking Mark. Mark was delighting in feeling Eric’s rock-hard wrestler’s body pounding him, and Eric’s dick was hitting all the right spots. Mark was the next to cum just from Eric fucking him. As Sherry heard her guy getting off from Eric, she clenched Jim’s eager cock with her pussy muscles and sent Jim into orbit. Jim blasted a load like he had never shot in his life. “Holy fuck!” Jim exclaimed. “That was fucking unreal!” At that very instant, Eric erupted his wad inside Mark’s ass. The 4 of them relaxed and caught their breath. Sherry offered: “Would you guys like to smoke some bud?” Eric was quick to reply yes, and Sherry got the bong and the stash out of a cabinet in the attached bathroom. The 4 of them sat Indian style on the bed and passed the bong. It was really good stuff. Jim asked: “Is this medical marijuana?” Sherry said it was indeed, that she and Mark both had doctor recommendations and it was legal for them to purchase it from a coop. They got blazed with just a few hits.

“Could I use your bathroom?” Jim asked. “Sure.” said Mark. “It’s just around the corner. From the bed, Jim could see the huge marble counter with his and hers black sinks and a giant mirror above. As he reached the corner and looked past the sink area, there was a huge open room with no door. There was a giant round Jacuzzi bathtub in the middle of the room with an open double shower on the right wall, and a toilet, bidet, and urinal on the left side. All of the fixtures were black porcelain. Jim was amazed. “Wow! You’ve got your own urinal! In black, even!” “Yes.” Mark answered. “I wanted to personalize this place when I had it built. Jim stepped up to the urinal and took a much needed after-fuck piss. Eric, Mark, and Sherri walked over to the showers and turned them on. Jim finished pissing and joined them. The 4 of them liberally used the body wash and played around washing each other. This led to another session in the shower. This time, Eric paired up with Sherri and Mark started sucking Jim’s dick. Mark took a break and moved up face to face with Jim. He ran his fingers of Jim’s stubby hair and told him: “Jim, you are the most beautiful guy that I have ever met. I would love for you to fuck me hard!” Mark grabbed a condom from a nearby drawer and Jim eagerly rolled it over his dick. Jim stepped behind Mark and held him tightly. Jim had never fucked standing up in a shower before. It was a huge turn on when Jim finally got his dick past the initial barrier. Mark cried out when he felt the full length of Jim’s missle penetrate his hole. It hurt, but he loved it. Jim asked if he was okay, and Mark could barely say: “Go for it!”

Jim began with gentle thrusts, and could tell that Mark was loving it. As usually happens with Jim, once he starts pumping, the animal inside him takes over and he fucks hard with abandon. Mark was screaming with glee. “Jim, you are the best that I’ve ever had!” Once again, Mark came quickly just from getting fucked. Jim reacted to Mark’s frantic panting and came immediately after.

Meanwhile, Sherry fucked Eric’s lights out. Eric had never experienced a girl with such amazing pussy control. She humped him like she was never going to get plowed again. It was great for all of them. The hot water was endless, and the 4 of them cleansed themselves, dried off and got dressed. Mark offered another round or more herb, but the guys said that then needed to head on. The 2 guys thanked Mark and Sherry for the good times. Mark slipped Jim a business card and told him to keep in touch.

When the guys drove away, Eric said: “I can’t believe what happened tonight!” “Me too!” Jim exclaimed. Isn’t it great to be young, hot and desired?” They both laughed and fist bumped each other. It was a great night. Eric asked Jim if he wanted to come by Eric’s place. Jim declined stating that he had to leave early tomorrow because of school assignments. Jim didn’t want to say that the real reason was to see Tyler. Eric was cool with it. When they got back near the pub, Eric stopped near Jim’s car, and parked. Jim opened the door to get out. Eric jumped out of the driver’s side. Eric walked over to Jim and hugged him tightly. “It was great to see you bro!” Eric said. “Ya, you too! It will be great to see you in SD next month. My family is supposed to go to Santa Barbara for Christmas, but we’ll only be there for a few days. I’m sure that I’ll see you while I’m up here.

The boys released their embrace, said goodbye, and got into their own cars. As Jim drove away, he pondered to himself about what a trip life had become. He loved being older and fucking everything that made his dick hard. And there was so much more to choose from that a year ago.

He pulled into the familiar driveway and turned off the engine. It was about 11:30. Jasmine was still out. His parents were already crashed. Jim poured himself a big glass of water and walked to his room. He set the water down on the small table next to his bed and pulled back the covers. He removed his shoes, socks, shirt, and pants. He walked to the bathroom in the hallway in just his white briefs. Just as he flipped up the toilet seat, Jasmine walked in. “Hey Jazz!” Jim said as he started to pee. “Hey Jimmy! She walked straight over to the open bathroom doorway. Jim looked up at her while he was pissing. “What?” Jim asked. “Have I ever told you that I love to watch you piss?” Jasmine confessed. Jim laughed. “No, but I kinda figured that you liked it because of how many times you come right over and watch me.” “Now that I’m older and have seen other guys naked, you’re bigger than any of them. You must get many compliments about your dick.” Jim shook off the last few drops, flushed, and washed his hands.

“Cool, sis. We’ve always been open with each other, and you can watch me piss any time that you want! You can even hold it for me and aim it sometime!” Jasmine laughed and said that she just might take him up on it.

Jim’s text alert went off. It was Tyler. “Can’t wait to see you tomorrow Jimmy! What time do you expect to be back at your apartment?” “Around noon. I can’t wait to see you as well! Jim hugged Jasmine good night and said that he had to crash and would see her in the morning. “Good night, my stud brother!” Jasmine replied. Jim couldn’t help asking himself: “I wonder if sis is interested in me sexually?” He slipped off his briefs and climbed into bed. Moments later, he was in dreamland.

(To be continued in Part 9. Feedback welcome.)


More Gay Erotic Stories from Big Brett

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist Jim - Part 7

(Continued from Part 6)Happy Thanksgiving from Big Brett!The alarm clock sounded, and Jim sprung up from a sound sleep. “My last day of class before Thanksgiving break!” Jim thought to himself. He reached down and picked up a t-shirt that he had removed the night before and slipped it on. He got out of bed with his typical morning wood and walked to the kitchen to boil water

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist Jim - Part 8

(continued from Part 7)Eric was the first to awake shortly after 6:00. Jimmy was lying next to him face down. “He is so fucking handsome!” Eric thought to himself. Eric, being a wiry guy, had to get out of bed. Jim sensed his movement and opened his eyes. “Good morning sleepy head!” said Eric. “Morning bro!”Jim spotted the time on the alarm clock. “6:05. I better get moving

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist Jim .- Part 6

(Continued from Part 5)Tyler sprung up from his bar stool and walked over to Todd and Josh. Tyler enthusiastically hugged both of the guys. Jim got up and joined them. Todd and Josh were super excited to see Jim and Tyler. Each of them gave Jim a bro hug. Jim thought to himself how flattering it was that these guys were so happy to see Tyler and him. He wondered if they fooled

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 1

Slam! The sound of Jim's geology textbook closing echoed through the kitchen.

Further Adventures of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 2

“Monday morning!” Jim realized as his eyes opened. He glanced at the clock. 6:20. “Good. Plenty of time to get ready for school.” Jim really liked the university. He attended community college for his first 2 semesters. There was a different atmosphere at the university compared to the community college, and Jim loved the energy on the university campus. It seemed that this was going to

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 3

Jim turned on his computer and let it boot up. The guys went into the kitchen and Jim revealed how competent he was at the stove. He boiled water for the ravioli, heated the spaghetti sauce on low, placed the broccoli in the steamer, and prepped the salad. Within 15 minutes, the guys enjoyed a hearty meal. “You’re a great cook, Jim!” “Right on! My parents were real big on cooking and

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 4

(Continued from Pt. 3)Tyler was the first one to wake up the next morning. He looked at Jim sleeping next to him. “Damn. He’s so fucking beautiful!” Tyler’s dick was rock hard. He gently ran his fingers along Jim’s buzzed head. He liked to feel the short hair go back and forth with his touch. A few seconds later, Jim’s eyes opened. “Good Morning bro! What time is it?” Jim inquired.

Further Adventures Of Our Young Cyclist, Jim - Part 5

(Continued from Part 4)Jim found a parking spot in front of his apartment. He carefully removed his bike and cycling gear and brought everything inside his home. He wasted no time peeling off his clothes and getting into the shower. The warm water and liquid soap felt great after working up a sweat during the bike ride. After he dried, He liberally splashed on some Issey Miyake cologne.

Our Young Cyclist Jim - Introduction

The persistent marine layer kept Saturday morning cooler than usual. Jim fastened his helmet, latched his shoes, grabbed his bike, and was out the door. He had opted for a long sleeved jersey and was glad that he did when he felt the cool, Southern California morning air as he briskly pedaled his way north. Coast Highway was Jim's favorite place to ride. Jim had ridden just about every mile


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