Gay Erotic Stories

Deep Inside (Max story)

by MaxBStories
10 Feb 2018


Blue-eyed, blonde, tall, big-butted, 20-year-old Max was going to be late for work. His wife Kara always dropped him off at his job at Fantasy Point Amusement Park which was 15 minutes away from the bank where she worked as a teller. She picked him up afterward in the afternoon.

This morning, Kara (a pretty, petite brunette) was helping her friend Mindy over the phone, dealing with another boyfriend relationship crisis.

Max looked at the clock in the kitchen and was becoming increasingly uncomfortable. He did not want to be late for work. Being late would just provide his boss, Fantasy Point CEO and closet homosexual Mr. Gregg, with another excuse to spank Max's oversized bubble butt.

Max was too embarrassed to tell his wife, or anyone, about the spankings and ass treatments that he received from his boss. The pay was good and he wanted to provide his share of the mortgage on their new little suburban house. He wanted to feel like a man, a true provider, to Kara but in order for him to do that, his job had taken on some strange details.

Mr. Gregg had not spanked Max or embarrassed him or had done any ass-play with him (or with his co-worker Jeff) in a few weeks now. Max thought that maybe he was in the clear. Maybe Mr. Gregg had realized how wrong, perverted, and incredibly inappropriate his attention towards Max's ass had been and maybe now the strange situations would fade off? That was Max's hopes anyway.

But Max was very wrong about that. Mr. Gregg's obsession with Max's massively round bubble ass had only grown stronger as Max would see later today.....

Max had spent the early morning playing basketball with his neighbor Alan and then worked out in the house basement (where he had some basic weights). He had taken a shower and then squeezed himself into his work uniform which was a white spandex superhero costume since, as we all know, Max portrayed a superhero character, Captain Fantasy, at the amusement park.

Mr. Gregg had provided Max with 3 exact copies of the spandex costume so that in case one ripped or was being washed, Max had the same costume to wear. Privately, Mr. Gregg almost wished that Max would always wear the same sweaty costume.

The spandex was always skin-tight on Max. The shirt showed off Max's pumped, muscular frame and then the pants, the tights, fully displayed both of his gigantic, plump, basketball-sized rump cheeks. When he was wearing the thin, white lycra, it did look like someone had stuck 2 basketballs down into the back of his pants, the buns were that huge and perfectly round. The back seam of the tights always dove deep, deep into the ass crack and, by the end of the day, were stuck deep up there and to Max's moist, tight asshole. He never wore underwear under his tights. Mr. Gregg said that he wasn't allowed to.

Kara, being the good little wife, always insisted on washing Max's tights. She couldn't believe that her huband's workplace, a fun family amusement park, would allow such a revealing costume! But, after all, the character that he was playing was supposed to be like a comic book man so she just figured that the costume was just part of the agreement.

Kara was completely aware that her gorgeous young husband had a uniquely large bottom. She always saw women-and some men-looking at Max's butt. Kara had to admit to herself that she was guilty of thinking sinful thoughts about her husband's rear end, but she would only playfully smack it when she was kidding around with him every once in a while. She was a regular, conservative young woman so she never truly indulged her curiosity that she had about that part of her husband's body.....What if she were to lick it? What if she were to spank his bottom with a ruler? What if she were to put a finger, a dildo, or a strap-on in his ass? What if?

That would be gross, sinful, and twisted. Kara wasn't that kind of a woman. She needed to keep her fantasies to herself.

Lately, that was becoming more difficult. Kara loved washing Max's spandex costume when he was out with his friends. She became a whiz at washing out the natural stains that would attach themselves to the stretchy fabric. She would make them clean, clear, spotless, and fresh on a weekly basis. But sometimes the costume came to her very sweaty and stinky depending on how hot it was that week. The most intriguing part of the costume to her was......the back end.

Kara could always tell what little section of the pants was the part that had been up Max's butt. Max always kept himself especially clean, considering that his work uniform required him to wear white spandex tights, however a butt is a butt. Every once in a while, his wife would notice a slight, faint, cream-colored mark where Max's juicy, sweaty, little pucker had been. Kara loved to take her time sniffing that part of his pants, savoring that lucious, sweet, cheesy musk. For this she always felt guilty, nasty. Her husband's work costume was turning her into a pervert. She loved seeing him in his costume five days of the week, looking at his voluptuous thunder buns jiggling in his tights. She felt that this was wrong, her desire to explore his ass. Why couldn't Max just have a normal job like other husbands? Why did he have to be an actor at an amusement park? Kara appreciated that Max was well paid but sometimes she wished that he worked somewhere else doing something different. She didn't always like being tempted into doing forbidden carnal things such as sodomizing or smelling her husband's big bottom. She wasn't that kind of a lady! Or so she thought.

Back to the kitchen, today:

"Kara, we have to go or we'll be late for work," said Max, wearing his white spandex costume, over to his wife in her typical skirt-and-blouse bank uniform.

"Okay, baby, I'll be off in a second," replied his wife. She made sure that Mindy could hear this on the other end of the phone line, using this as an appropriate excuse to get off of the house phone. Kara said goodbye to her friend, hung up, grabbed her keys and purse, and headed out the door with her husband.

The young couple had gotten use to the neighbors giving strange looks to them when they were outside. Max's costume looked like something out of a gay fetish porn movie. They just waved and smiled to the old couple across the street watering their lawn. Just get in the car, just get in the car....

Kara was both turned on and embarrassed by Max's costume and, especially, his huge, attention-magnet keister. She was tired of other women-and men-checking out his plump backside.

The drive to work was pleasant. Max and Kara always enjoyed a nice morning exchange; Kara was deeply in love with her Adonis-like husband.

They were 10 minutes late. Hopefully this would prove not to be a big deal.

They finally got to Fantasy Point where Kara dropped Max off at the employee entrance. "Call me when you're done at work, honey," she said. Max kissed her on the lips. "Sure thing, babe."

Kara watched Max walk into the employee building with his cell phone in a work case that he always took with him. As she was driving away, in the rearview mirror, she watched Max stroll inside (after 2 months, he was finally starting to become used to his revealing costume) his massive rump loaves bouncing in their tights. Kara sighed as she drove onto the freeway entrance nearby.

As she drove on the highway, Kara realized that she was just going to go ahead and do it. She was going to try to initiate ass-play into her intimate time with her Max. She knew that Max was self-conscious and sensitive about his big, round buns but maybe he would accept indulging her fantasies? It was sinful but times were changing. It was worth a try.

Kara knew that she was going to be mildly late for work anyway so she decided that she would stop a local adults-only store not too far away from the bank.

She parked behind a beautiful, black limousine sitting out front.

Inside the sex shop, Kara felt like a scum bag. She did not feel good going in there. She made her way quickly through the little store and finally spotted a set of small, phallic butt plugs. They would not hurt Max too much, she thought. Kara grabbed the box and waited at the counter while the clerk finished ringing up a good-looking, middle aged gentleman in a suit who was buying an indentical box of butt plugs along with a jar of grease and a wooden switch.

This was Mr. Gregg, Max's boss, who she had never met before. Kara thought that it was a funny coincidence that this man was purchasing the exact same thing as her. The suited man looked over at her and gave a polite, embarrassed nod with a chuckle since they were buying the same thing. Kara just gave a small smile and looked down at her shoes. Why was she going through with this?

"Don't forget to get lubricant too," said Mr. Gregg quietly.

What a smarmy thing for a man to say to a young woman that he did not know! But he was probably right. On the store counter, was a jar holding tiny bottles of lubricant. Kara grabbed some of those and then bought her nasty toys. She couldn't wait to leave the store.....but then she couldn't wait to get Max home tonight too.

In his limousine, Mr. Gregg had some plans for Max and his sexy, big ass. Max was a backdoor virgin as far as Mr. Gregg could tell when he finger-fucked him a couple of weeks back. But he wanted to do more to Max's behind hence the set of butt plugs. Mr. Gregg decided that he would look for an excuse to use them on Max sooner rather than later. The wooden switch would be used to whip the boy beforehand.

Mr. Gregg was dropped off at his office at Fantasy Point. He entered the building, entered his luxurious private office, and then hid the butt plugs, grease, and switch in an upper shelf in his polished desk. Enough of the perverted thoughts, thought the CEO, it's time to get to work. Mr. Gregg logged on to his computer. Throughout the day, he checked company reports, finacial data, and employee information. He noticed that today, according to the time clock charts, Max had been late about 10 minutes. Mr. Gregg decided that this would be a perfect opportunity to put Max's butt in check. It was time, thought the boss as a stiffy grew in the front of his expensive work slacks.

Mr. Gregg called Max into his office at the end of the afternoon.

In walked Max, his juicy young body glistening in the white spandex costume. His face was so handsome and rosy from the heat. Two obscenely large bun globes protruded and bounced behind him as he walked towards Mr. Gregg's desk.

Max noticed, with rightful concern, that on top of his boss's desk were 3 different medium and small sized phallic butt plugs, a jar of anal grease, and a wooden switch.

"Is it because I was late, sir?" asked Max quietly. He knew what was coming and then he realized that Mr. Gregg's past sadistic treatments of his ass were far from over. It was not just a phase that his boss had gone through.

Mr. Gregg wheeled his leather chair out from the other side of the desk and placed it in front of the desk. He sat down and patted his lap audibly.

"Over my knee, Max," ordered Mr. Gregg with a smile on his face. Max obeyed, lying himself over his boss's lap. His extra-extra-extra large spandexed bubble buns pointed up towards the ceiling and towards his boss's face.

"Well, there they are! The biggest pair of boy buns that I've ever seen. So big, so thick, so perfectly round, so bouncy!" said Mr. Gregg as he began spanking Max with the palm of his right hand. One cheek, then the other cheek. Back and forth

Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!

"I love how your huge loaves jiggle with each little slap, Max. They're just like a pair of oversized, overstuffed water balloons! It's like they're made of a thick jell-o!" teased Mr. Gregg as he continued punishing Max.

Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! One cheek, then the other cheek. Back and forth.

Mr. Gregg was taking his time with it, enjoying himself.

Max's gargantuan, beefy buns did indeed jiggle and shake encased in their shiny white spandex tights. The back seam of the tights seemed to dive deeper and deeper between Max's buns as the spanking progressed.

"Since it seems like your butt enjoys eating your spandex as it is, I think that I'll feed it even more!" said Mr. Gregg as he pulled the back of Max's tights further up his butt, giving him a severe wedgie.

"Ouch!" exclaimed Max as the back seam of the spandex sliced into this taint and into his butt hole.

Mr. Gregg loved increasing Max's already intense tights wedgie. The seam lodged deeper and deeper between Max's cheeks, chaffing against his anus as Mr. Gregg continued assaulting the mega-sized jiggling globes, spanking them with his other hand.

Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank! Spank!

"Ouch! Ouch!" cried out the jock boy as he began to kick his legs while over his boss's knee; the spanks began stinging his huge, meaty butt and the spandex wedgie sliced into this asshole.

"Let's pull your tights down the other way!" said Mr. Gregg as he pulled the back of Max's spandex pants in the opposite direction; pulling them down off over his ass, exposing those two ginormous globes. Max's rosy, bare butt aimed up towards the celing, framed perfectly over his boss's lap.

"Ah, even more vulnerable now!" said Mr. Gregg as he reached back towards his desk and grabbed the wooden switch. "Since your ass is so well-padded, I thought that maybe you need something with more bite!"

Switch! Switch! Switch!

Mr. Gregg whipped the bare flesh of Max's posterior with the very thin wooden rod.

"Aaaaahhhh!!!! No, sir!! Please!!" yelled out Max.

Switch! Switch! Switch! Switch! Switch! Switch! Switch! Switch! Switch! Switch! Switch!

Max was kicking his legs and crying as the switch whizzed through the air, whipping the giant buns. Such a small, thin object hurting such a large amount of mass seemed comical to Mr. Gregg. But, indeed, the switch was creating skinny, bright pink stripes across Max's naked rear.

"Stop, Mr. Gregg! This is torture!!!" cried out the beefy jock pitifully. Mr. Gregg was so used to Max always playing it cool, never showing his emotion. The boss loved seeing Max so emotional and upset!

"Alright, Max, I will be you must promise me that you're going to be more respectful about coming into work on time," said his boss.

"I will, sir! I promise!" pleaded the boy.

"You deserve more licks with this switch but I suppose that I could substitute those for another kind of punishment," said Mr. Gregg.

"Alright, anything sir! Just don't whip me! It hurts so bad!," sniffled Max, bent over Mr. Gregg's knees.

"I'm going to get my point across to you in a different way then," said the boss as he reached back towards the desk and placed the switch on top of it. He grabbed the small jar of anal grease, unscrewed the top, and dipped his pointer finger into the cake of grease. He scooped out a dab of the lubricant. With his other hand, he patted one of Max's overfull butt cheeks.

"Max, get up and strip down completely naked," said the boss.

Max got up from off of Mr. Gregg's lap, whipped off his spandex shirt, removed his boots, and completely peeled off and cast aside his lycra pants. Mr. Gregg enjoyed the sight of Max's juicy, young cock and balls which he had never seen before until now. Totally nude, Max was magnificent. He still stood in front of his seated boss, awaiting his next orders.

"Back over my knee, boy!" bellowed Mr. Gregg

And back over Mr. Gregg's lap went Max.

"With your overstuffed butt cheeks, I'm really going to have to pry you apart in order to get to your stinky, little hole. I want you to spread your legs as far apart as you can and thrust your butt up towards the ceiling!" ordered Mr. Gregg.

Max did as he was told.

Even with Max's legs spread, his thick, pillowy buns were so massive that Mr. Gregg couldn't quite see the hole. He reached his hand between Max's cheeks and spread his fingers so that the buns would be increasingly parted. With one hand pushing one cheek one way, and with his other hand pushing the other cheek in the opposite direction, Mr. Gregg spread Max's enormous buns open, finally exposing the dewy, pink, little butt hole. Mr. Gregg slowly, gently inserted his greased finger into Max's very tight sphincter.

Max winced at the hot, fiery sensation and slowing pushed his butt towards Mr. Gregg's finger, allowing deeper access and deeper in the finger went. Mr. Gregg thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of Max's anus tightly clamping down on his well-sunk finger. He loved the sensation of the boy's massive, meaty, round buns closing and fluttering around his hand as though Max's butt was sucking on his finger about to eat and submerge the rest of his hand.

Mr. Gregg slowly extracted his finger but then, before taking it out of the hole completely, sunk his finger back into the tight pucker. The boss repeated this for a few minutes, in and out, in and out, finger-fucking Max as Max thrust his huge ass back and forth, wincing with embarrassment, pleasure, and pain. The finger went shallow and deep into Max's butt, greasing up his hole for what would be further invasion.

Mr. Gregg reached back towards the desk, grabbed the smallest vinyl butt plug, dunked it into the grease jar, removed it, and then slowly inserted the plug into Max's hole. Mr. Gregg let it sit in there and silently looked at it, enjoying the sight of Max's enormous, globular buns spread wide open over his lap, with the plug stuck in the anus. The plug seemed so.....tiny.

"Max, I realize that you have a tight, virginal little hole. But the thing is, your butt cheeks are so full and round and gigantic that that little plug just looks absurd. Your hole is small but you need a bigger plug to compete with those huge buns of yours," said Mr. Gregg.

"No, please, no sir!!!" sobbed Max.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Max but this is for your own good," said the boss as he reached back towards the desk and then proceeded to grease the middle-sized plug. He removed the small plug from Max's hole and shoved in the lightly larger one instead. Max only wiggled his jiggling butt a bit more as the other plug sunk inside him. It was too easy. It wasn't that much bigger than the other one. Mr. Gregg decided that he could do better than that so removed the new one from out of Max and placed it on the floor next to the little one.

It was time for the bigger butt plug which was roughly the size of an erect, average-sized man cock.

"You're doing very well, Max, with these plugs. And now I want you feel what it would be like for you to have a cock in your ass," said Mr. Gregg.

"No, no! I can't do this! This isn't right!" yelled Max.

"Hush up, Max!" ordered his boss as he slapped one of Max's bulbous, greasy buns. Mr. Gregg watched the cheek quiver and jiggle, noticing that the boy's thick, beefy ass was already starting to make the pink stripes from the switch disappear. Maybe a switching would make a sharper impact on a regular butt but not on Max's humongous, doughy loaves. "Oh well," thought Mr. Gregg, "I guess that's just the nature of whipping Max. His butt is too insulated for typical punishment."

Mr. Gregg enjoyed the sight of Max's puckering balloon knot being so close to his face as he spread the buns open. For a moment, he wanted to give Max a deep rimming but decided that the grease would mask the natural flavor of Max's ass. The boss decided that he would wait and hopefully next time he would figure out a way to get a taste of Max's juicy, sweaty butt hole au natural. He lubed up the biggest plug and slowly, gently began pushing it into Max's behind.

"Ah! Ah! It's too big!" yelled out Max.

"No it's not, Max. A big butt like yours could use a little opening up. Take it, boy! Relax your hole!" said Mr. Gregg. Mr. Gregg watched close up as the object slowly, ever so slowly, widened Max's small sphincter, entered the anus, and sunk into the rectum. The boss slowly, carefully pushed the plug in deeper, eventually making it up to the stopper. He extracted it half-way, reinserted it, and repeated. With the Max over his knee, Mr. Gregg fucked the boy's plump butt with the plug, in and out, in and out.

Max's anus was feeling sore and burning, his butt was definitely feeling well-fucked as Mr. Gregg continued using the plug to penetrate the virginal ass. Deep down, Max was loving the feeling of having his butt filled with the phallus, pumping in and out of him.

Max had mixed feelings. His oversized, attention-getting ass had always been a sensitive subject for him. He loved the attention in some ways but, in other ways, he did not like feeling vulnerable about it and having people always looking at it and discussing it. In some ways, having his boss fucking him with a dildo felt right for Max because how could his big butt cheeks receive any more attention and attack than what was happening right now? He was surviving this. His butt was split open, full, and sore but he was surviving it.....although it was a pleasurable, hot pain.

Mr. Gregg just kept on fucking Max's big butt with the dildo, in and out. It was getting to be too much for Max to handle and the big jock started to sob.

"Okay, Max, you've been opened up enough for one night," said Mr. Gregg as he slowly extracted the dildo from out of Max's anus; the tight sphincter puckered and snapped shut as the tip of the toy was completely removed from the jock's ass.

Max continued lying on over Mr. Gregg's knee, legs spread, panting and exhausted from the workout that his hole had recieved. He had never felt that sensation before, having his butt hole stretched open, penetrated, filled, and pumped. His anus felt hot and stinging but he loved that new feeling. As Max processed this new feeling, Mr. Gregg spent a few minutes massaging the boy's massive, round buns--smooshing them together and gently spreading them apart in rhythm. This gave him an excuse to continue getting peeks at Max's rosy anus which glistened with grease, butt juice, and sweat and to give that hot hole some cool air. Mr. Gregg couldn't resist placing his finger between the cheeks, pressing and soothing the rim of Max's sphincter, giving it a post-fucking massage. The boss enjoyed his time rubbing gently Max's asshole while he softly, playfully spanked the giant buns, watching them jiggle and shake for his amusement. He was taking his sweet time with it, he was in no rush. Max just layed over his boss's knees, like a good boy.

After a while, Mr. Gregg noticed that it was getting late. He patted each of Max's ass cheeks one last time and had him get up from off of his lap. He sent Max into the rest room to wipe the juiciness from out of his ass and get back into his costume.

When Max came out of the bathroom, walking funny and feeling a bit sore, he noticed that his boss had a couple of the office windows open.

"Just airing the room out, Max, since I have a meeting with a few of the supervisors in a couple of minutes," chuckled Mr. Gregg as he sniffed the air. "You have to admit that it smells like open butt in here." Which it did.

"Hit the road, boy, and go home. I'll see you here at work tomorrow. Don't be late," said the boss with a wink.

Kara picked Max up in front of the employee building and they drove home together. As they walked into the house, it seemed like Max was walking as though his legs were sore but, really, it was his hole that was feeling worked out.

"Honey, are you okay?" asked his wife.

"Oh, yeah, I think that I just did too many leg presses today," answered Max.

Kara hid the box of butt plugs and lubes in the top drawer of her bedroom dresser while Max showered after the long day.

Later that night, after a good dinner and some TV time, Max and Kara plopped into bed. Max feel asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. Kara looked over to her hot young husband, looking at his sexy, huge bubble butt poking up through the sheets. She didn't have the courage to wake him up and use her new toys on that ass. Not tonight, not yet. Little did she know that someone else had already beat her to it today.....

Kara promised herself that she would, soon, give herself the chance to invade Max's gigantic meat bubbles. She would coax him into it, somehow. As she feel asleep, she touched her pussy, imagining all the different things that she could possibly do to her husband's epic ass.


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