Gay Erotic Stories

The Toy Box (Max story)

by MaxBStories
18 Feb 2018


It was a Saturday in early February and pretty, petite, 22-year-old, brunette Kara needed to get some shopping done before Valentine's Day. She called her gorgeous, hunky, 21-year-old husband Max on his iphone.

Max was over at his best friend Brent's house, watching sports on TV, drinking beer, and snacking on nachos.

brrring brrrring brrrring

Max answered his phone: "Hey, babe, what's going on?"

"Max, we need to go get a few more things before V-Day so let's go to Northlake and finish up," answered his wife.

Max just sighed, watched ESPN for 15 more minutes, and then left Brent's house to go pick up his wife and drive her to the mall.

The mall was crowded and the young couple spent most of their time elbowing through different stores, looking for boring, schlocky Valentines gifts for Kara's family. Kara loved sending cards and gifts to her family when she had an excuse.

Today, Max looked especially delicious. His blonde hair had just gotten a fresh, new cut and his form-fitting, thin blue jeans hugged his gigantic, round bubble buns perfectly. Although he looked perfect, he had a bad attitude about shopping with his wife so Kara told him that she'd meet him at 6 pm by the J.Crew store while she got the last few things. This way Max could look in the stores that he wanted rather than looking for the right sparkly heart brooch for Kara's grandma.

The late afternoon whizzed by and Kara headed over to meet Max. Right across from J.Crew, the mall had just opened up a brand-new womens lingerie store. Kara looked at her phone and realized that she had a few more minutes to shop before she was due to meet Max so she bashfully headed into the lingerie store to peek around.

Inside the lingerie store, a 40-something, drag queen with a massive, purple afro worked the counter.

"Hello there, I'm Miss Julie. Is there anything in particular that you're looking for today?," greeted the clerk as he (She!) sashayed over. A red rose was pinned to the lapel of Miss Julie's colorful, sequined cardigan.

"Oh, no, no.....I'm just looking. New store, huh?" smiled Kara as she noticed that this small shoppe was filled with all kinds of lacy and elaborate underpanties of high quality. Kara wished that she had more money to spend on those kinds of things now that she was growing out her conservative upbringing and embracing a new approach.....

"That's right, sweetie!" squealed the clerk.

Kara's eyes shifted over to an area behind the counter where she noticed a small door cracked open that obviously led into a tiny back room. As she focused in, Kara could see that, in the back room, there were confusing leather straps hanging up on hooks and shelves and shelves of what appeared to be an infinite selection of different dildos and vibrators.

"Uh oh, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't leave that door open. I know that that can be too much for some people....," said Miss Julie who observed Kara's eyes widening as she stared at that little room behind the counter.

"No, it's fine. I'm an adult. It's no big deal," she giggled, stopping Miss Julie from closing the door.

"There's some amazing new products in there but I'm still trying to figure out how to display them in the store without offending people. So, in the meantime, I'm just keeping them back there for.....for our more adventurous customers," said the queen with a wink. "You have a boyfriend, doll?"

"Married," answered Kara.

"Well, good for you! You married pretty young then. Where's your husband, cutie? Have him buy you something from here!" said Miss Julie.

"He's right over there, actually," Kara said as she pointed to tall, sexy Max across the hall. He was looking at the windows of J.Crew, admiring the mens jackets on display.

Miss Julie looked over at Max. Naturally, her jaw dropped when she caught a glance at Max's obscenely perky, overstuffed glutes which bulged out like two basketballs within the strained seat of his blue jeans.

"Your that cute jock boy with the humungous bubble butt?!?" The clerk looked over at Kara with a scandalized look on her face. "You lucky little bitch!"

"Yeah," giggled Kara.

"And he's a toned, worked-out guy--you can tell--but he's got that huge, round, poppin' booty! Wow!" exclaimed Miss Julie.

"Yeah, he's always had a big ass. He's kind of embarrassed by it though," said Kara.

"He shouldn't be! Those buns are fabulous!" shrieked the clerk.

Kara was starting to get used to people making comments about Max's bottom so she just laughed it off.

"So.....are you two wild in the bedroom?" implored Miss Julie with a twinkle in her eye.

"Um, we've tried a few things here and there. I've bought some things that I've never ended up using. But....but there's more that I would like to do....," answered the girl.

"Do to that ass of his?" nudged the naughty clerk.

"Well.....yes," Kara answered honestly.

"I'm going to give you a Valentine gift box from this shop. Good stuff only. Okay?" said Miss Julie.

"Okay," smiled Kara.

"We have some sample items that I'm gonna give to you and I'll give you some tips and instructions as well," said the clerk who darted into the back room, grabbed a shiny, pink box, and began selecting what to put in. Miss Julie smiled and closed the door to the back room so that Kara would be surprised by what was waiting for her (and Max!) inside that box.

Kara waited for a few minutes while Miss Julie wrote some things down on a sheet of paper, placed the paper within the box, wrapped the box in ribbon, stuck a white bow on it, and handed it over to the young wife.

"How much?" asked Kara.

"No, dear, those are sample items for you. It's a free gift. Take it," said the clerk.

"No way! That's so kind of you! Thank you so much!," said Kara as she did a little jump.

"You're very welcome but, sweetheart...." said the drag queen.

"What?" implored Kara.

".....You gotta promise me that you'll use them according to your instructions and you have to report back to me how useful the toys were," commanded Miss Julie.

"Yes. Yes, I'll try," said Kara.

"Do it, girl, don't just try!" said the drag queen. "Now off you go! Have fun......and be gentle on him."

"I will," said Kara, thrilled but nervous as she walked out the store and approached Max across the hall. With her bags on her arms (trinkets for her family), Kara held the shiny, pink box from the lingerie store.

"What's that?" asked Max, looking at the pink gift box with the white bow.

"A gift for us," answered Kara.

As the young couple headed towards the mall exit, the drag queen clerk in the lingerie store watched them walk towards the doors. Max's puffy, bulbous bubble buns jiggled and bounced as Miss Julie watched him exit, licking her glossy lips.

Max and Kara drove home, ate dinner, and started getting ready for bed. On the nightstand beside the bed, Max noticed the pink box with the white bow on it.

"The early Valentine's Day present?" asked the young man.

"Uh....sure, you could say that. I wanted to wait a couple of more days but I really think that we should crack it open tonight," smiled Kara. "Max, let's have some fun."

Max was still groggy from all the beer that he had drank earlier that day with Brent.

"Can't we wait until morning, babe?" implored the beefcake.

"No, I want to have fun right now!" said Kara, pouting. "Strip down and lie down on your tummy. Pretty please...."

Now it became obvious to Max that Kara wanted to have fun with his big ass. He assumed that she maybe wanted to do a little bit of rimming or play the "stinky butt game" as Kara called it (which just consisted of her burying her face between his massive, round cheeks and rubbing her nose on his hole).

Max stripped off his clothing, got completely bare-ass naked, and layed face-down on the bed. Kara took off her clothes too as she enjoyed the sight of her husband's naked, bulbous rump sticking up towards the ceiling. To Kara, Max's huge, round cheeks looked bigger and juicier than ever.....

Kara turned over to the nightstand and opened up the pink box. Inside she found some intriguing gifts from Miss Julie, each one she would find out the uses for soon enough. Along with them was a sheet of paper which Kara unfolded and read:

Hey, Honey!

I hope that you and your big-bottomed boy have fun with these! Follow my directions and have a wonderful evening.

First of all, go over to that boy, spread his cheeks, and give that butt pucker a good licking!

"Max, we're gonna try a few new things tonight so just be open to it," said Kara in a sweet voice.

On the bed, tired Max was almost falling asleep. "Okay, whatever," he said.

Kara wanted to follow Miss Julie's instructions to a "t", so she went over to the bed, lied on top of Max, and moved herself to a position where her face would be straight into Max's naked rear. She used her hands to spread apart Max's massive glutes. Immediately the deliciously cheesy, musky scent of Max's open butt entered her nostrils but Kara didn't want to spend the entire night just smelling Max (although she could....). Kara began running her tongue up and down Max's pucker and crack, savoring the salty and slightly sour taste. She flickered her tongue against his tight, little sphincter for a while and then followed that up with some muscle-power and force from her tongue, creating wide, thick, forceful licks. Kara wished that her tongue was strong enough to actually penetrate deep inside Max's hole. She was licking so hard and so forcefully--like a dog licking a spoon with peanut butter on it--that Max was concerned that his pucker was going to start feeling raw.....

"Baby, cool it down," grumbled Max, "You're going to make my asshole sore."

Kara immediately started licking Max's ass more gently, with soft little swipes from her tongue.

"Mmmmm! I just love the way that you taste! I can barely help myself," she mumbled, her voice barely audible since her face was buried between Max's massive buns. Kara continued the soft rimming for a few more minutes and then decided to go to the next step. She pulled her face from out of Max's ass, reached over to the nightstand, and read Miss Julie's next instruction.

Now that your boy's hole is wet, take the purple vibe, shove it in his ass, and turn on the button.

Kara removed a rubber, iridescent, shiny purple vibrator (about the size of a man's middle finger) from out of the gift box and aimed that toy right between Max's glutes. With his hole still juicy and sticky from the licking, Kara was able to push the vibrator directly into Max's chute. Max's tight, little sphincter gave her some initial resistance but with a little wiggle-and-shove, Kara was able to stick it in.

"Ow!! Babe! What are you doing!?!" exclaimed Max.

"I want to give that hot booty of yours a good workout tonight, Max," said his wife with a smile on her face. Holding the vibrator in her hand while it penetrated Max's rectum, Kara pushed a button on the handle of the vibrator which turned on the tremors deep inside Max. She could feel the toy activating while she held it in her hand.

"Oh.....oh wow......that feels so weird," said Max, getting used to the sensation.

Kara ran the toy in and out of his ass, half-way, for a little while. Her hand started to feel numb from all the vibrations so she slid the toy out of Max's hole, turned off the vibration button, and then turned to her instructions.

His hole should be a little more open now. Take this caramel sauce and rub some inside of his crack. Lick it off. The sweetness of the sauce should be delicious inside that hot butt.

Kara did as she was instructed. She took out a tiny vial of caramel sauce from inside of the pink gift box. She unscrewed the top, dunked her finger in, scooped out some of the sugary-smelling, soft caramel, and ran that finger deep into Max's crack.

"What's that?" asked Max, definitely awakening from out of his groggy beer buzz.

"Caramel for your sweet buns," answered his wife right before she dug her face back between Max's huge, round, athletic, bubble cheeks.

Kara ran her tongue up and down Max's crack, stuffing her face between his gigantic buns, licking all over his pucker. The sweetness of the caramel was a perfect compliment to the musky tang of Max's natural butt funk. The vibe had opened him up a bit, making Max's ass a little bit more stinky and tasty.

Once Kara had eaten all the caramel from inside of Max's rump, she went to the next written instruction.

Hopefully you've warmed up the outside of his hole so now I want you to warm up the inside too. Take this small bottle of warming lube cream, get some on your finger, and lube up his chute.

As soon as Kara had squeezed some of the lube cream on her finger, she could feel the skin on her finger warming up ever so slightly. It felt great and she knew that Max would soon be feeling great too. Kara stuck her finger inside of Max's butt hole, running it in and out; the lube was perfectly slippery. She loved the hot sensation of the warming cream all over her finger but, even more so, she loved the tight, muscular clamp of Max's anus puckering around her finger like a ring.

"Oh my god, that feels hot, baby.....," sighed Max while his wife finger-banged him. The warming sensation of the lube cream was subtle and sexy inside of his ass.

Kara looked again at her instructions.

That lube is in there for a reason, dollface. Take the ben-wa balls and pop them, one-by-one, into that tight hole! Make him accept all of them. Then slowly remove each and every ball but take your time.

From out of the pink gift box, Kara removed a string of 6 small, blue, rubber balls linked together on a thin rubber chord. The ball at the end was the size of a small marble but then they got progressively larger. The ball towards the handle of the toy--the largest ball--was the size of a baby's fist. Kara wasn't sure if Max would be able to fit all of these small spheres inside of his rectum but he was going to have to try.

One-by-one, Kara pushed the first four balls inside Max's chute.

"Ooh, I think that that's enough, babe," said Max. "I don't think that I can take any more...." He began wiggling around uncomfortably. Kara used her left hand to smack Max's buns. The big, round cheeks jiggled as the four smallest ben-wa balls kept stuck inside of him.

Further down the instructions, Miss Julie had written:

If Bubble Buns gives you a hard time, use this paddle to discipline him.

Sure enough, inside the box, was a small pink paddle (it was really just a cheap ping-pong paddle lightly coated with a pink rubber layer). But it would have to do.

"Max, you have to take all the balls inside of you or you get spanked," said Kara with determination in her voice. She brought the paddle down on Max's jiggling butt loaves, giving them each a few good whacks on each cheek.

whack! whack! whack! whack! whack! whack! whack!

Max couldn't believe what was happening! His wife was now on top of him, beating his thunder buns with one hand and trying to stuff another ben-wa ball into his chute with her other hand.

whack! whack! whack! whack!

Max's massive cheeks quivered and shook with each swat. He had to admit to himself that his wife was starting to hit him pretty hard; his buns were genuinely stinging now. The pain in his hole was starting to intensify as one of the larger ben-wa balls was being crammed into him, stretching his sphincter open. Kara kept spanking him.

whack! whack! whack! whack! whack!

"Are you going to listen and take it?!" asked Kara, commandingly, with a raised voice.

whack! whack! whack! whack!

"Yeah, yeah, yeah--ooow!--just stop paddling me!" answered Max.

"Max, spread your legs wider and make sure that your asshole stays relaxed," Kara said, finally stopping the spanking.

"Alright, fine, I'll try.....," said Max, pitifully.

Kara pushed one of the largest balls into his hole.

"Oooh, god damn it, this is really starting to hurt!" said Max.

"Shut up and open up!" ordered his wife.

Kara could see Max's sphincter aperture widening as she slowly pushed the largest and final ben-wa ball into his hole.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!" yelled out Max. His hole had never been opened like this before and it hurt.

whack! whack!

"Keep those in there! Relax!" said bossy Kara as she administered a couple more smacks with the paddle across Max's increasingly pink butt cheeks. Max obeyed, holding all the ben-wa balls inside of him. Kara gently massaged his collosal, bulbous, round buns for a while as she kept her gaze intently on the rubber chord protruding out from his crack.

Kara grabbed the end of that chord and pulled, very slowly extracting the ben-wa balls, one by one, from out of Max's hole.

To Max, it was a very odd sensation. He felt like he was releasing a big, thick poop. He spread his legs wider and shoved his massive ass towards the ceiling and closer to his wife's face. He relaxed his hole as the ben-wa balls emerged from within him. Kara loved the sight of this.....and she enjoyed the smell also.

The rubber ben-wa balls did reveal traces of their journey inside Max's behind. A few, small specks of matter stuck to the rubber balls and the chord but Kara didn't care. Don't play in the backyard if you're afraid of getting a little dirty, she thought. She placed the used ben-wa toy on the nightstand. She'd clean it all later, she thought.

Kara grabbed the paper inside the pink box and read the last section of Miss Julie's notes:

"Drive it home, baby. Strap-on time."

The last remaining items inside the box was a medium-sized black dildo with a flat, extended bottom to it and a jumble of leather straps and buckles.

It took a few minutes for Kara to figure out how to strap the device onto her pelvic area but she managed. Max didn't mind a bit of rest to his aching hole.

"Babe.....?" spoke Max.

"What?" asked Kara.

"Do we have to continue with this? My ass really hurts....." pleaded Max.

"Yes, we do. I'm not done with you yet," she said as a wide grin suddenly crept across her face. She had just figured out how to arrange the dildo through the metal ring on her strap-on. She was ready now.

Kara felt transformed. "So this is kind of what it feels like to be a guy.....," she thought to herself as she looked down at the dildo that appeared to be part of her.....and then she looked over at her gorgeous, young husband's succulent, irresistable butt.

She positioned herself between his legs and aimed the tip of the dildo right between Max's jumbo, puffy cheeks.

"Now remember to stay relaxed, Max. You're about to get fucked," Kara said.

She slowly pushed her pelvis toward's Max's behind, shoving the black rubber cock deep inside of him.

"Ooooh, god baby, please be gentle...." sobbed Max.

"I'll try, Max, if you're a good boy. Just take this and be a man," instructed Kara as she thrust, rhythmicly, in and out, fucking Max's hole deep with her dildo appendage.

in and out, in and out, in and out.......

Max began to whimper. His ass had never been abused like this. And to think that it was his own, sweet, innocent little wife who was ripping him open! Was this a taste of things to come? Did she think that she would be doing this on a regular basis....?

Max's rectum felt filled, invaded, and aching and his anus felt like it was on fire....

"Baby, stop, please, you're fucking me too hard. My butt can't take any more of this! Please!" begged Max, his face nestled into his pillow. His cock was as hard as a rock. He felt like, just maybe, he would be able to cum like cum while being fucked.

"Just a little while longer.....if I feel like being kind to you....," said Kara wickedly. In truth, she loved this power, she loved the idea that she was fucking Max's A+++ ass, and she loved the feeling of the dildo bottom poking at her pussy. It felt great! She knew that she was about to cum herself. Max thrust his ass back towards Kara, pressing his cheeks to her pelvis, forcing the toy deeper inside of him. Kara loved the feeling of Max's big, bopping buns bouncing against her body like a pair of soft boulders.

"Just a bit more, Max!" said Kara, panting.

In and out, in and out, in and out, in and out and in went the dildo, fucking Max more than he ever thought he could handle.

Kara moaned as she orgasmed.......the thrusts slowed down and she tenderly rubbed and squeezed Max's warm glutes as the climaxing waves began to trail away from her.

Feeling his wife's hands on his buns, as well as the dildo slowly, gently sliding in and out of him, Max came too, shooting jets and jets of thick, white jism onto the bedspread beneath him. He shuddered and gasped for air as the most intense orgasm of his life shot out of him in creamy waves.

For a few more moments, Kara remained on top of Max, with the dildo still inside of him and her strap-on still buckled around her. She hugged him and kissed the back of his neck sweetly.

A few days after Valentine's Day, Kara drove over to the mall and entered Miss Julie's lingerie shoppe.

The drag queen's eyes lit up when she saw her pretty, young protege stroll in through the doorway.

"So, sweetie, how did it go? Did you enjoy those toys?" asked Miss Julie.

"I did. I really, really did," answered Kara, her face bright.

"And how about hunky Mr. Bubble Buns?.....Did he enjoy them too?" followed up the drag queen.

"I think so. I hope so," answered the girl.

"Well, for his sake I hope he did. Because, you know, every once in a while, the sex toy manufacturers send me freebie samples and I'd rather hand them out to my favorite visitors than to just have them sitting in the back room collecting dust," said Miss Julie, winking at Kara.

"Oh, I'd be willing to try out new try them out on Max. I'm obsessed with his ass, I admit it," Kara giggled.

"I don't blame you one bit, dear. I'll call you when we get new shipments. It's on me. I'll consider it a community-building exercise since we both appreciate a hot booty on a hot man. You're a young couple so I figure that you could use all the help that you could get," said Miss Julie.

"You'd really do that for me? I mean, for us? Wow, thank you!" exclaimed Kara, hugging Miss Julie.

"No problem, dollface. No problem at all. I'm here to help," said Miss Julie. She went over to the counter and grabbed a card and pen so that Kara could write down her private cell phone number. Miss Julie would be more than happy to call Kara to come and get free toy samples when she got the chance.


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