Gay Erotic Stories

Diesel, Chapter 4: The Recruiter

by Tutus69
02 Jan 2004

Athletics Best Friends Gay Erotic Stories Jockstraps Military Muscle Older/younger Tales From The Shopping Mall

Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 23:34:58 -0600 From: Allen Giffen Subject: Diesel - Ch4 - The Recruiter

DIESEL -- Chapter 4 -- The Marine Recruiter

"Interested in the Marines?"

Diesel had been really bored and found himself wandering around Cherry Creek Mall. The guy sitting behind the table was cute -- smaller and slimmer than Diesel, but probably had a really tight body, being a Marine and all. And Diesel was a sucker for just about anything in a uniform.

"Why, they interested in me?" Diesel said with a flash of a smile, putting his hands in the pockets of his worn chinos, puffing out his sizable chest underneath the thin purple sweater stretched over his shoulders -- his hard nipples were at attention.

"The Marines are interested in anyone interested in being confident, proud, and willing to serve their country," said the recruiter directly.

"I'm sorry, sir, didn't mean to sound flip," said Diesel extending his hand with an even bigger smile.

"Don't worry about it. Actually, it's nice when anyone even responds at all when I say something. Lance Corporal Eric O'Grady...glad to meet you," said the marine, standing up and shaking Diesel's hand. Diesel noticed the firm handshake and how the uniform shirt fit the marine's torso very nicely. "No fat on this little fighter," thought Diesel.

Diesel thought there was some promise here with this little grunt and decided to string him along to see if something would happen. Besides, Diesel saw the wedding ring as a further challenge. He picked up one of the brochures on the table. "I'll take one of these and think about your offer, sir." Diesel smiled and nodded at the marine and walked away.

Eric sat down, feeling a bit on edge. He watched Diesel as he continued walking slowly down the center of the mall. Eric couldn't help staring at the kid's backside. "Nice ass," thought Eric, "Ass? Why am I thinking about some kid's ass?" In a millisecond, Eric's brain served up the answer. Flashes of Hunter's firm butt in Speedos replaced the kid's chino covered bubble butt.

Diesel turned suddenly from a few stores away and locked eyes with the recruiter. Before having the time to look away from Diesel's `gotcha' look, Diesel again unveiled that winning smile, winked, and gave the marine a salute. Eric turned red, smiled back at Diesel and saluted in return.

That evening in his apartment, on his third beer, Eric couldn't get Hunter out of his mind. Why was he thinking all this stuff? "I'm married with three kids for fuck's sake," went through his head. He sat on his couch in boxers and noticed his abs pop out as he reached for the beer can on the coffee table. Eric was proud that at 31 he was still just as firm and tight as he had been in high school -- actually even more so after his recent return trip, by his choice, to boot camp. This recruiting stint was a temporary assignment and he'd been here a month. Wife and kids were staying temporarily with her mom back home in Wisconsin till his final orders came in. The separation was hard on all of them. Eric had always been faithful to his wife but this forced separation was turning him into a beat off and wet dream champ!

When Eric plopped back down on the couch after grabbing another beer from the kitchen, memories of Hunter flooded his mind. They had first met at the start of Hunter's junior year, when he was already the high school star diver and Eric had just joined the team as the only freshman. Hunter towered over Eric and immediately adopted Eric as his `little buddy.' He was very physical and loved horsing around with Eric. On his part, Eric loved the attention though he was sometimes confused that the physical closeness of Hunter would get him aroused. One of the many ongoing jokes between them was after practice, Hunter would often throw Eric over his shoulder once they were both naked in the locker room, and carry him into the shower joking about how Eric was a `chlorine covered pup' and needed to be washed. Eric secretly enjoyed his body pressed against Hunter's with Hunter's arms hugging his ass propped on top of Hunter's shoulder. Eric would wrap his arms around Hunter's waist as they bounced toward the showers, and he loved watching Hunter's butt from the unique angle from above as his cheeks rubbed together. The rest of the team envied the attention Eric got from their star.

Though blonde and not very hairy, Hunter kept his body hair shaved except for the sandy curls on his head, believing that a shaved body allowed him to enter the water more smoothly and had the added effect of accentuating his well-muscled frame `for the adoring masses' as Hunter would always say. Truth was, they didn't need any accent. Hunter matured early and at that moment in time had the body of someone years older than his then 16 years.

Hunter had a car and would spend a lot of time taking Eric to movies, malls and all sorts of places. He was an exhibitionist and loved that his clothed body attracted attention as much as when just in his Speedos. Typical outfits of tight worn jeans and t-shirts a size too small on his 5'11" bulging frame weighing in around 170 would always attract attention.

Hunter early on enlisted Eric's help with his monthly body shaves. "I'm serious, Eric, I need to be real smooth and I can't reach everywhere, ya gotta help me out." That was just a few weeks after they met. By spring, neither thought anything of being naked in front of each other, while taking turns shaving Hunter's body. The ritual included Hunter showering afterward and Eric rubbing moisturizing oil all over Hunter, from his neck down. Eric was even used to the fact that usually by the end of the rubdown, they both had boners. Once, Hunter even had a `sword fight' with their cocks. Eric couldn't bring himself to tell Hunter that he'd often dream about him and would wake up sweaty with a load of cum in his pj's.

But Eric now recalled one time (Hunter called them `Wax `n Shine' sessions) when all the rules changed.

"Eric, you ever smoke weed?" asked Hunter while drying himself off after showering.

"Nope," replied Eric as he took the oil down from the shelf and stood by the padded table waiting for Hunter to hop on.


"You smoke it?" asked Eric, surprised.

"Not that often, little buddy. I like to think of it as a kind of reward -- like after winning a diving medal or something. Know what today is?"


Hunter dropped the towel, lunged at Eric, slamming their naked bodies together, and put him in a headlock. "Yes, it's Friday, but it's also been six months since I first saw your skinny little ass show up at practice for the first time." Hunter let go of Eric, hopped up on the table, and put his hands back on Eric's shoulders as Eric stood between Hunter's spread legs, facing him. Eric stared at the smooth perfect skin in front of him. "You've been a good friend to me, Eric, and I figured that maybe it was time to celebrate that. K?"

Though Eric didn't really want to smoke, he adored Hunter so much and was feeling overcome by what Hunter said about them being friends. "Sure."

"Great! Let's smoke before the `shine'."

A half hour later, they were pretty high. Eric enjoyed rubbing the oil into Hunter's body a lot this time. He liked the buzz in his head and often found himself not really listening to what Hunter was saying; instead focusing on whatever body part he was rubbing, seeing and feeling its firmness and warmth. They were both on the floor instead of the table, Hunter on his back, Eric kneeling between his legs. At the moment, Eric was working on Hunter's thigh. Neither seemed to notice that the `shine' was lasting a lot longer than it ever had in the past.

"Eric, you have the hands of an angel," said Hunter propping himself up on his elbows looking lazily at Eric. "Make that an angel with a hard on!" as Hunter pointed at Eric's crotch and then fell back to the floor laughing.

"And what do you call this?" asked Eric as he grabbed Hunter's own hard rod, and joined in the laughter. Seconds went by. The laughter died down, but Eric's grip stayed firm.

"What are you doin', little buddy?" whispered Hunter as he propped himself up again.

Eric giggled. "Celebrating!" He put both hands on Hunter's now rock hard cock and started squeezing it. "Want me to stop?" he asked, holding eye contact with Hunter as he started to slowly pump up and down on the hard dick. Hunter just stared. A drop of precum appeared.

"Why, what's this?" asked Eric as he moved his face close to Hunter's crotch. They stared at each other. As if in slow motion, Eric opened his mouth, slid his tongue out, and lapped at the dick juice. Hunter groaned and spread his legs further apart. Right after the groan, a much larger pump of precum seeped out. Eric covered Hunter's dickhead and started suckling on it. Hunter fell back prone on the carpeting and reached for Eric.

"Oh my God, Eric...yes...suck it...your tongue...suck...your hands, keep `em moving...yes...yes...yeah...," Hunter caressed Eric's head, rubbing his hair, and kept mumbling encouraging words. Hunter's breathing came more quickly, "I'm gonna shoot, Eric!" Hunter saw stars as he pumped out his load, a low wail coming out of his mouth the whole time.

He looked up to see Eric's face, splattered with cum, staring at him. The shock of the first volley of cum caused Eric to take his mouth off the head of his friend's cock, but he was mesmerized by the sight of cum shooting out of it. Hunter grabbed Eric under his arms and pulled.

"Come up here." Eric's limp naked body slid over Hunter's sweaty muscles. Hunter started kissing Eric's face, and in the process gobbled up most of the cum there. "You are my best friend. This is the best celebration of my whole life. I love you, little buddy." Only later did Hunter realize that Eric had also cum, without touching himself, and sprayed on Hunter's leg.

The next day, Hunter took Eric for a drive in the country, parked, and apologized for getting Eric high. "What we did yesterday never should have happened, Eric. I'm really sorry and hope you don't hate me. I'd like to stay friends if that's OK with you. If not, I understand." Hunter stared straight ahead, tears growing in his eyes. Eric had loved every minute of it, but was gradually figuring out that maybe it shouldn't have happened. But he didn't want to lose Hunter.

"I'll always be your little buddy, Hunter, always," said Eric as he put a hand tentatively on Hunter's forearm.

Their friendship remained solid. If anything, they started feeling even more comfortable around each other. Hunter's father was a doctor, got a much better job in another state, and Hunter's family moved away during the summer before Eric's sophomore year. Though they never did anything after that first time, Eric often found himself having visions of Hunter in his head over the next year when he beat off.


"Uggggnnnnhhhhhh...," Eric wrestled into consciousness as he realized he was waking at the end of a wet dream. He sat up, grabbed his spouting prick, pounding it up and down forcing more cum out of it. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he worked to get his breathing under control. He saw his cum running down his chest and over his abs, and realized there was also a huge gob of it under his right eye. He realized that the dream had been about Hunter -- he hadn't dreamed about Hunter in a number of years – the dream was already fading -- visions of Hunter's naked body, wet with sweat, rubbing against his, whispering things into his ear. "Why is this happening?" he thought. "That fucking kid in the mall, that's what did it!" He also noticed a few more empty beer cans on the coffee table and realized that he must have kept drinking last night till he passed out.

A few days later, Eric looked up from his desk inside the recruiting station and saw the kid standing in front of him.

"Hello again," Diesel said, reaching out his hand. He was dressed in pretty snug fitting worn jeans and a tight black long sleeve micro fiber pullover that reached the top of his beltless jeans. "I'm Diesel...realized after I left the other day that I never introduced myself. Sorry, my momma brought me up with better manners than that!" Again--that smile.

"Good to see you again...Diesel...did you have a chance to read the brochure?" Eric remained seated. Diesel put his hands in his front pockets, pulling his jeans down enough to reveal a couple of inches of midsection. He smirked slightly as he caught Eric's eyes dart to his waist. For good measure, Diesel moved one of his hands in the pocket a bit as if adjusting something.

"Yes, sir, I did. Sounds pretty interesting, but I don't know if the military life is for me. I see there are great benefits, but I don't think I'm ready to settle into something as regulated as the service. Nothin' against it! Just don't think it's the right move for me to make...right now."

Eric had lifted his eyes up Diesel's torso. He realized that this kid was bigger than he remembered Hunter being. Eric figured the kid worked out with weights and though he seemed already genetically gifted in the muscle department, from what Eric could see through the stretched material, he guessed that Diesel paid special attention to his chest.

"So how do you end up being a recruiter?"

Eric relaxed into a smile, "I'm only doing this temporarily, waiting for other orders. Been here about a month. Wife and kids are staying with her mom at the moment till other orders come through."

"You've been livin' here in Texas a month, without your family, spending your days at Cherry Creek Mall?"

Eric leaned back, locked his hands behind his head, laughed again and said, "Yep. You sure have a way of making it sound like an exciting life!"

"I'm sorry, sir. I wasn't making fun...honest. It's just that I'm bored enough here, and I was born here and know a few things to do. I can't imagine how boring you must find it."

"It's not that bad, Diesel, and please, drop the `sir', its Eric. I work out almost every day at a gym, ride my bike most mornings, and relax with the TV at night. I also get two days a week completely to myself. And I have to admit that though I miss my family something fierce, I don't miss the yelling and fighting of my kids...much less the diaper changing on the two youngest!"

Diesel ran his hands through his curly blonde hair, locked them together and held them on top of his head. This move of course put his biceps at attention and pulled the shirt up, exposing a couple of more inches of his midsection. For added effect, he leaned his hips forward. "Got an idea. This Saturday, if you're free, how about you come to a local ball game with me. Huh?"

Eric shifted in his chair, somewhat unnerved by this kid seeming to display himself like this. "Is he comin' on to me or is he trying to show me that he's got the muscles to be a marine?" ran through Eric's mind. He looked at Diesel's face and was about to end the conversation when he noticed what looked like a pleading look on his face. "What the hell," he thought, "he's a kid and it's just a ballgame."

"Sure, Diesel, I'm free Saturday...a ball game sounds great." Eric told Diesel his address so Diesel could pick a corner where they could meet. Eric felt a surge of, he didn't know what exactly, when Diesel shook his hand so excitedly before leaving saying he couldn't wait till the game. Eric again watched Diesel’s ass pump up and down in the tight jeans as he walked to the exit. This time he wasn't taken by surprise when Diesel turned and saluted him with a smile before exiting the mall.

Eric felt like a girl getting ready for a date trying to figure out what to wear as he walked around his apartment on Saturday, naked, after showering. He stopped in front of the mirror on the closet door and took the time to notice that he was in damn fine shape. He had grown a few inches since losing touch with Hunter, and packed on more muscle. He was basically wiry, but had muscles bunching and roaming all over the place. He was also proud of his baby maker -- not only were his cum bullets pretty potent (3 kids in just over 5 years!), but he enjoyed having a dick that was larger than one he had yet to see on someone his size, and he'd seen a lot so far in the corps. On impulse, he slid on a jockstrap rather than briefs, and then quickly followed with some beige shorts and a loose fitting blue (his wife told him he always look sexy in blue!) button down shirt, and loafers without socks.

Diesel was a hunter out for a kill. He was the bait and he wanted to make sure what wiggled on his hook would catch the fish. Well-worn jock, really old pair of chinos he'd cut into shorts, a tight white t-shirt with a Superman logo, blue short sleeve stretch button shirt over that, Caterpillar boots. He buttoned only the bottom two buttons of the shirt, emphasizing his narrow waist and bulging chest -- also kept the top button of the chinos undone -- they appeared to stay up by resting on his bubble butt. He surveyed the results in the mirror, "Hey, Superman...gonna get your man?" he asked his reflection, laughed, and headed out.

"Hey, we match," said Diesel, pulling on his blue shirt as he walked up behind Eric on the corner. He threw one arm around Eric's shoulder and gave him a hug.

" look...great," said Eric. He was thrown for a minute the way Eric had grabbed him -- reminded him of Hunter.

"Gee, one day I hope I convince myself that that was a compliment!" said Diesel with a little laugh. "Something wrong? Do I have toilet paper hangin' out of my shorts or something?" Diesel twisted his torso grabbing his ass.

"No, no, Diesel...I didn't mean that. You look, well...great. I mean, you've got muscles in places I didn't even know there could be any! That's the kind of great I meant."

Diesel laughed, "Aw, shucks, you're embarrassin' me, mister! Actually, thanks...thanks a lot. Means something coming from a marine." Diesel playfully punched Eric in the arm.

"A marine who sits at a recruiting table, you mean."

"No, I mean a marine who works out every day and has enough muscle that he doesn't have to go advertising it like I do! I admit it. I'll do anything to get attention from the lay...dees. Let's get to the game, it's a few blocks this way."

Diesel and Eric had a great time at the game. Diesel knew all the players and Eric was soon joining in cheering and jeering along with Diesel. A lot of people seemed to know Diesel as people kept saying Hi to him when they walked by. Eric noticed that when people stopped to talk to Diesel, they tended to touch him somehow, a playful punch, a poke, whatever. Diesel seemed to take these touches as something very natural. The beer vendor had no problem selling to Diesel though Eric was pretty sure Diesel was not legal and didn't understand it.

Midway through the game, Diesel took his blue buttoned shirt off and set it next to him. Eric noticed the size of Diesel's arms, and his pectoral muscles as they spread out underneath the Superman logo. He thought that they'd make a better pillow than his wife's breasts did!

They each went to the bathroom twice. Each time Diesel left, Eric noticed that a lot of the men sitting around them watched Diesel as he squeezed himself down the aisle. By the end of the game, Diesel and Eric had each eaten a couple of hot dogs, and downed more than a few beers. They were feeling no pain when they got outside the fenced bleachers, the alcohol allowing Eric to feel perfectly comfortable with his arm around Diesels' firm waist, while Diesel's was around Eric's shoulder. Diesel had shoved the blue shirt so it was hanging out of a back pocket of the chinos.

"That was a fuckin' awesome game, huh, Eric?" asked Diesel with a squeeze of Eric's shoulders.

"Sure was, Diesel. Say, you're still in high school, right?"

Diesel jumped in front of Eric, grabbed the lapels of Eric's shirt and in mock fear said, "Yes, officer. You're not going to arrest me for being underage, are you?" and then laughed.

"No, Diesel, I was just going to ask if you play baseball in school. You seemed to know everyone on both teams."

"Nope, football, swimming and wrestling are my addictions. I just know a lot of guys who are into sports. What about you? What sports did you play in high school, Eric?"

"I wrestled freshman year, and dove all four."

"No shit. You were a diver? That's cool. I just swam. I remember our divers as being a pretty tight group."

"I guess that's true. We were at my high school. I was the only freshman on the team first year," said Eric beaming.

"The only freshman? You must have gotten some shit from the rest of the team."

"Actually I didn't because I was friends with one of the co-captains."

"So he was a friend of an older brother of yours or something?"

"No, he kind of took a liking to me from the start...maybe he saw some diving potential and felt he could help me."

Diesel thought, "Maybe he recognized a hot little kid when he saw one!"

Still a bit drunk, Eric continued, not realizing the alcohol was allowing him to be a bit freer with his thoughts. "His name was Hunter and he ended up becoming my best friend. He was a fuckin' great diver! I learned a lot from him. He was bigger than I was, and kind of looked out for me. He moved and we kind of lost touch..." Eric's face was pretty close to Diesel's, he turned to look at Diesel, "Actually, you remind me of him a bit."

"You mean my winning personality and extensive vocabulary?" Diesel joked.

"No, asshole! I kind of look like him. And you're kind of built like him, but you're a bit bigger."

"Of course I'm bigger," yelled Diesel with a smile as he let go of Eric's shoulders. He jumped in front of Eric, grabbed his crotch, and continued yelling, "I'm bigger all over, you puny little grunt!" And he took off running. Eric looked on in shock. Diesel turned back for a moment, yelling, "Hey old man...try and keep up!" Eric gave chase. They were well matched. Though legally drunk, they covered a lot of ground pretty quickly. After a couple of miles, Diesel made a sharp turn into an alley and stopped halfway down.

"Got ya!" yelled Eric as he slammed into Diesel.

"Easy, little guy, gotta catch my breath." They were both breathing heavily...and sweating.

Diesel pushed open a plain black metal door and pulled Eric in behind. Once inside, the first two things Eric noticed were how dark the place was and how loud the music was. He had no idea that Diesel just pulled him into a gay bar. They both stepped up to the bar, still panting from the run.

"Hey, Diesel, how's it hangin'?" said the barrel-chested bartender as he walked up to them, his torso somewhat covered by a leather vest.

"Like always, Jack, just like always. Can I get two drafts and shots?"

"Sure, kid."

As the bartender walked away, Eric asked, "Does everyone in this damned town know you?"

"Jack is an old friend of the family," Diesel lied. Truth was Jack knew he could get in trouble having an underage kid in the place, but he also knew Diesel was a crowd pleaser. Guys just liked to be able to watch Diesel in the bar. Diesel knew the score. He was allowed in, drank free, as long as he put on a show for the rest of the customers every once in a while. He'd move around the bar, always dressed in ways that showed off his incredible physique, often removing an item or two throughout the evening. Highlights included being in the john when he came to piss. He'd pull out his two handfuls of a prick and guys would just openly gawk at its size as the piss shot out of it like a cannon. They watched...they drank...they spent money. That's what mattered to Jack. Of course, Eric knew none of this.

The drinks came. "Catch up," said Diesel as he picked up his shot glass of whiskey and dropped in smoothly into the pint of beer, and began to chug. Eric did the same.

"Two more!" bellowed Eric as they moved over to a table. Jack brought over the drinks.

"Can we get a pizza, Jack, sausage and mushroom? That OK with you, Eric?"


They nursed their drinks till the pizza came, and ordered two more. Jack brought the drinks, "These are on that guy...over there," he said, pointing toward the end of bar. Diesel saluted the mystery man.

"Diesel, I am having a great time," Eric shouted over the music. "I haven't had this much fun since I don't know when."

"Glad to hear it, buddy," said Diesel as he reached across and rubbed the crew-cut top of Eric's head. Eric beamed a big smile and promptly dropped some pizza onto his shirt.

"Shit!" Being somewhat drunk, Eric actually spread the pizza around more on his shirt as he attempted to brush it off. "I am a mess. Look at me!" In the dark haze of the bar, Eric noticed a number of shirtless men. "What the hell?" he figured and took his shirt off dropping it to the floor thinking he was setting it on a neighboring stool.

"I gotta piss. Be right back."

Eric followed with, "I gotta go too. Where's the head?"

"Follow me, mister marine."

They had to walk through the crowded dance floor, filled mainly with men -- dancing with other men. Eric had grabbed the bottom back of Diesel's t-shirt to keep from getting separated in the crowd. He pulled himself up close to Diesel, shouting in his ear, "Kinda weird...all these guys..."

"You're not in Kansas anymore, kiddo," replied Diesel with a laugh.

Once inside the bathroom, Eric asked, "Is this a gay bar, Diesel?"

"Yep. That bother you? I like comin' here every once in a while because they serve good drinks and play great music. If it bothers you, we can leave."

"No, it's fine. It just surprised me a bit."

By this time, Diesel and Eric were standing next to each other at the urinal, a trough. While Eric fumbled with the zipper on his shorts, Diesel pulled down the zipper of his chinos, pulled the jock, and hauled out his sizable dick. He bent his knees a bit, let his head fall back, and he shut his eyes, relaxing into the piss. Eric pulled his dick out but was transfixed gazing at Diesel's member.

"My God, Diesel, you are huge! I've never seen a cock that big. How do you walk with that thing hanging between your legs?"

A big smile grew on Diesel's face. He could have predicted this. Every guy who ever spotted his dick noticed its size. If they were drunk or horny...or both...they would also talk about it. Diesel kept his head back and eyes closed, "You mean my little buddy here?" he asked as he swayed his fire hose a bit, piss belching out of it.

Eric laughed.

Diesel wasn't used to that kind of reaction. Usually, his dick would be attempting to snake its way down some guy's throat or up his ass within a few minutes of an exchange like this. He looked down at Eric, "Something funny about my dick?"

"No! But you called it `little buddy.'"

"You don't have a name for yours?" asked Diesel. He glanced down, "I could suggest `my little pencil eraser' in your case," though Diesel was actually impressed by the size of Eric's meat.

"Aw, don't get mad, Diesel. It's just that my friend Hunter always called me `little buddy' and it just hit me as funny that you call your dick that...that's all."

Diesel filed that piece of information, laughed, shook and then let go of his cock, reached up and messed up Eric's hair. "Sorry... `little buddy,'..." Eric joined in the laugh.

Outside the bathroom door, the crowd seemed even denser than a few moments ago. The music was blasting; the bass notes could be felt pounding on the floor. They were making slow progress through the mass of partially clothed bodies.

"Hey, we're never gonna get through this crowd without a fight, let's at least enjoy ourselves and dance till it thins out!" shouted Diesel into Eric's ear. Without waiting for a response, Diesel started moving to the music. Eric felt a bit foolish, but started dancing also. Within a few minutes, both men seemed to be enjoying themselves. They got caught up in the moving lights, the thumping music, and the sweaty bodies they constantly bumped into.

Jack glanced over from the bar, saw the bright blonde wavy hair of Diesel in the middle of the dance floor and thought, "Shit, it's a jackpot night!" Almost every time Diesel ended up on the dance floor, especially when he brought someone with him, something memorable happened that kept guys coming back night after night waiting for something similar to happen again. Jack knew this meant cash in the bank for him.

The music changed tempo and a cheer erupted from the crowd. Diesel pulled the front of his t-shirt up over his head, hooking it behind at the back of his neck, exposing the entire front of his torso. He hadn't pulled his zipper up all the way in the bathroom and his chinos were hanging well below his waist, threatening to drop completely, half his jockstrap was showing. Instinctively, the crowd of men pulled back a bit from Diesel, forming a loose ring around him. Diesel was a very good dancer. He could choose to focus on a particular part of his body, and move it sensuously.

Though both Eric and Diesel had now sweated out much of the alcohol in their systems, they were both still pretty high on a mixture of the energy in the room, the excitement they each felt in their bodies, and the alcohol. Eric was now used to being bumped into. He didn't notice that the bumping had become somewhat purposeful. A number of men eyed Eric hungrily. Though they knew that he `belonged' to Diesel, they lusted after his hard muscled marine hardened body. Eric's shorts worked their way down his waist a bit also, not quite as far as Diesel's had, but enough to show his jockstrap and give the crowd a great view of his muscled torso and back. Men ran their hands or arms across Eric's body. They pressed their hardons, legs, chests against Eric almost in a weird rotation. Eric's dick hardened -- the crowd was impressed with its size, pressing to be released from his shorts.

Men began openly adoring Diesel's body, they had to touch him. He made eye contact with one guy and nodded. The guy danced in front of Diesel and pulled the zipper of Diesel's shorts down -- they immediately fell, Diesel kicked them to the side. The crowd stepped back. There he was -- naked except for the pulled back t-shirt, that stretched out old jockstrap, and his boots. The sweat poured off of him. The muscles all over his body rippled as he swayed and jerked. The lights caught the sprays of sweat as they shot off of him into the crowd. He sensed where Eric was, turned his back to him and began rotating his hips along with clenching his ass.

Eric hadn't really been focusing his eyes on anything specific. He was lost in the sensuousness of the dancing, touching and rubbing. He saw Hunter in his mind's eye as the one touching and rubbing against him. Suddenly, he caught sight of Diesel's ass. He groaned. Diesel turned and faced Eric. They were about six feet from each other. Diesel suddenly had three men on him, one just running his mouth all over Diesel's back, while he humped Diesel's rock hard thigh. The other two each had a pec to enjoy -- and boy did they enjoy them!

Diesel motioned for Eric to come nearer. Eric moved forward in a trance, still moving to the music. Eric stopped less than a foot in front of Diesel. Someone handed Diesel a small open bottle of poppers. He held it up, "Eric, take a whiff of this, you'll love it." Eric did. He saw stars. He also felt a shot of precum belch out of his dick with almost as much force as when he came.

Jack the bartender had been watching intently. At this moment, he altered the music so the only thing audible was the bass, thumping, thumping, thumping. "Leave!" instructed Diesel as he pushed away the two guys at his chest and did the same to the guy on his back with a jerk of his torso. He held his arms out, "I'm yours, little buddy, I'm yours!"

Eric fell to his knees. His mouth latched onto Diesel's thigh. Diesel tensed his leg as Eric gently gnawed on it. Diesel reached down and pulled Eric up. Eric did he best to keep his mouth attached to some part of Diesel's body on his journey upward. Diesel pulled Eric's face toward his. They swayed in unison. Diesel opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue, and licked Eric's chin. Eric's entire body shivered in response. They lip locked, sucking on each other's mouth as if they knew they'd expire if they separated. Diesel pulled away, a loop of spit swinging in the air between them. He lifted his right arm, and motioned to Eric. Eric's mouth went to the armpit, licking and sucking on the golden hairs. Eric also wrapped his arms around Diesel's chest and began rubbing his crotch into Diesel's hip.

"Uuggggghhhhh!" came out of Eric's mouth as he splattered spit into Diesel's armpit with a rush of air from his lungs, and came in his jockstrap in luxurious pumps of his penis.

The crowd of men had moved in watching the show. Jack turned off the music. The only noise was heavy breathing, grunting and groaning. Most of the men had their dicks out, beating them senselessly focusing on some body part of either Diesel or Eric; some were locked in passionate embraces with a neighbor. Diesel pulled Eric from his armpit and moved his face so they were within inches of each other.

"Hey, little buddy, I want you to take care of my little buddy," as he rubbed his crotch against Eric's. Eric was helpless. Diesel guided him downward, he landed on his knees. In front of him was Diesel's huge cock, barely contained in the soaked and stretched out jockstrap. "Use your teeth!" Diesel commanded.

Eric locked his teeth onto the waist of the jockstrap and yanked it down. A groan escaped from Diesel as he felt the pain and pleasure of a few of his treasure trail hairs being yanked out with the pull.

Diesel's dick slapped Eric on the side of his head. A stream of precum flowed into Eric's ear canal. The frenzy of the crowd went up a notch when Diesel's monster saw the light of day. Diesel’s dick was the size of a baby's leg. He moved it so the head was resting on the tip of Eric's nose. "Open up."

Eric opened his mouth wide. Diesel let his dick land on Eric's lower lip and then he pushed forward. All he could fit in Eric's mouth was the head. Eric's face turned red, the veins in his neck popped out, as he tried to swallow more, but couldn't. He grabbed the monster with his hands and began jacking it as he sucked on the head. Diesel ran his fingers through Eric's hair and mumbled incoherent nonsense syllables, lost in the journey toward ecstasy.

The first shot, hard and large, caught Eric by surprise. His throat felt the pressure and he pulled off the cum hose but kept pumping with his hands. Diesel yelled and unloaded stream after stream of cum on Eric's face.

During all of this, the men around Diesel and Eric climaxed at different times. They hit spots all over the twosome, Eric getting more of it. Diesel pulled Eric to his feet and dragged him over to a bench. Eric was just dazed -- dazed while relishing the sexual high he had attained.

Diesel sat Eric on the bench and began licking some of the cum off of Eric's face. He then cleaned the cum out of one of Eric's ears and whispered into it, "Hey, you should look up your friend Hunter. I bet he'd love to get back together with you. Do it, little buddy." Diesel gave Eric a long kiss and then laid him down on the bench.

"Let him sleep it off for a while, Jack, okay?" said Diesel as he opened the door to leave. The crowd of men left behind stared at Diesel in the doorway, seeing the streams of cum mixed with sweat all over his body, shine in the moonlight. The door shut with a loud bang. Silently, the horny crowd moved toward the prone figure of Eric.

NOTE: I wanted to thank those of you who have given me feedback on my Diesel stories so far. I appreciate your telling me the parts of the stories that you like. Please feel free to give me suggestions for situations that Diesel could find himself in. Tell me things you'd like to see happen. Allen at


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