Gay Erotic Stories

Diesel, Chapter11A - The High School Therapist

by Tutus69
10 Dec 2004

Athletics Discipline Friends Gay Erotic Stories Gym Workouts Hypnosis Leather HOT Action Masturbation Muscle Tales From School

DIESEL – Ch11 – The High School Therapist

“OK, Diesel, obviously our talks are not helping,” fumed Greg Thompson, the school therapist, as he paced back and forth in his office. He was really getting tired of this cocky teenager. Diesel slouched in the office chair, legs spread wide, basket bulging, and a smirk on his face with his hands locked behind his head, his massive arms cocked up and on display.

He’d been fighting again. This was something that was supposed to have stopped by having regular meetings with Dr. Thompson. Diesel enjoyed the sessions, not only because Dr. Thompson was a friendly ear, but also because he so enjoyed teasing Dr. Thompson with his muscle bound body. He knew Thompson wanted him, but then again, who didn’t? But he knew he was in danger of becoming ineligible for sports because of his fighting, and at the moment, playing in sports was the only interesting thing about high school for Diesel.

“I’m going to try hypnosis. It’s a desperate move, but nothing else seems to work. I don’t want to see you get into more trouble. Are you OK with that?” asked Greg standing next to his desk looking down at the seated muscle-boy, forcing himself to limit his lust for the kid to raping him with his eyes. He’d only met with Diesel six times so far but he’d already gotten to the point where he fantasized about Diesel all the time. When he wasn’t fantasizing about Diesel, he was thinking about how arrogant he was. At his second session, a pair of dirty socks fell out of the gym bag that Diesel had with him all the time. Greg would masturbate while smelling the socks. For the last week he’d been beating off into them and they were now pretty rank and crusty.

Greg wasn’t dumb. And he figured Diesel wasn’t either. Each knew what was going on but they just didn’t say anything out loud. Diesel would come to the sessions “dressed for sex” – as Greg saw it – tight clothes, or baggy jeans that seemed to be held up only by the combined bulges of his hard bubble-butt and gigantic dick, shirts that only emphasized his enormous chest and bulging abs. Sometimes, pretending he was distracted by some thought, Diesel would bounce his slabs of pec meat that would always get Greg instantly hard. He’d also use the excuse of needing a break to do some slow stretches in front of Greg, his muscles shifting and rolling all over his body as Greg would ineffectively try not to drink in the sight.

“You mean where you do things like make me dance like a chicken?”

“Cut the crap, Diesel, I’m serious. People are susceptible to hypnosis to different degrees. It’s a tool to help people either start or stop doing things. There are things called post-hypnotic suggestions – the chicken dance thing – but those are party tricks and I’m talking some serious work here. How ‘bout it? Can we try it?”

Diesel flexed his biceps a few times while Dr. Thompson spoke. “Sure,” said Diesel. “Could be fun,” he thought.

Greg was surprised at how quickly Diesel went under. One advantage was that Greg could now stare at the kid as much as he wanted – and stare he did. “Fuck, the kid has muscles on his muscles! And I don’t know how he is able to walk straight with that monster hanging between his legs,” thought Greg. Diesel sat up in the chair, hunched slightly forward, eyes closed, breathing slowly and deeply, his meaty arms hanging at his sides. Today he was wearing a v-neck white sweater…tight…real tight. Not only could Greg see Diesel’s pert nipples, he gazed at Diesel’s pecs as they almost imperceptibly rhythmically swayed with his breathing, looking like they were ready to burst the material of the sweater.

Greg didn’t have much experience with hypnotism but he’d studied it some in med school and had read some journal articles on it. He asked Diesel a set of questions to determine his truth telling state - name, age, etc. He said his favorite sport was wrestling and least favorite was swimming. Greg asked him why swimming was his least favorite.

“I don’t like it because it’s not a contact sport. It’s me against others, but not one on one. Besides, I’m not built for swimming…too bulky.” Greg imagined Diesel in a pair of Speedos and thought, “Guy, you are built for everything!” Part of what he wanted to accomplish with the hypnotism sessions was to have Diesel focus on positive aspects of things so he asked Diesel to tell him even though it was his least favorite sport, what positive things could be associate with it.


“How is money related to your swimming, Diesel?”

“Mr. Peters pays me for letting him take pictures and videos of me at practice and in his studio. He also pays for sex.”

“Well, this is certainly an interesting turn of events,” thought Greg. “Why does he take pictures of you?” he asked.

“He’s retired with lots of money and really into all the new digital video stuff. He’s trying to make a video of me fucking around with myself.”

“I don’t understand, Diesel, explain it to me.”

“Mr. Peters thinks I’m really hot and he wants to make a digital film for himself of me doing stuff with myself, like kissing, touching, rubbing, and all that. He’s already been able to edit some stuff where he’s got me giving another me a blowjob. Right now he’s working on one where I’d fuck myself.”

Greg’s mouth was open in shock. “How do you give yourself a blow job?”

“I don’t know how he does it but it’s pretty freaky to see. He’s filmed me while I hold my mouth as wide open as I can and he’s filmed my dick when it’s hard. Somehow he’s able to put everything together so two images of me are on the screen at the same time, one getting a blowjob and the other doing the sucking. It looks real…kinda hot, but freaky.”

“You said he films you at practice…how?”

“You know how we have the two pools next to each other here? When meets are going on, coach encourages those of us not in the meets to practice in the other pool, kind of a show of support for the ones who are competing. Mr. Peters is in the stands and films me while I practice. He pays me pretty well for it. He has me wear blue Speedos with the lining cut out. When I’m not doing laps, I’m out of the water hitting different poses that he gets on film. He likes it when I’m pretty wet, says it looks good on film and with the blue suit all wet he says it’s easier to remove it through editing.”

“When’s your next practice?”

“Tomorrow afternoon.”

Greg spent the rest of the session taking Diesel through some positive imagery work and before he brought Diesel out of his trance, he told him that he wouldn’t remember anything about the swimming part of their discussion. Greg really wanted to touch Diesel. He wanted to feel what he imagined to be hot firm mounds of flesh. But decided against it. He did plant the post hypnotic suggestion that Diesel would feel that both his nipples were itching once he came out of the trance, and that the need to scratch them would go away once he left Dr. Thompson’s office.

“OK, Diesel, how do you think the first session went?” asked Greg.

“I guess OK,” said Diesel somewhat tentatively.

Dr. Thompson and Diesel spent the next fifteen minutes talking about the goals of the hypnotism sessions. Greg was amused and aroused by how Diesel would frequently rub at one nipple, slowly, then the other. He acted like he didn’t even notice he was doing it. Greg actually ended the meeting early when it reached the point where merely rubbing the nubs was not enough and Diesel began alternately pinching each nipple through the sweater, again, seeming to not even notice what he was doing. Greg could see Diesel’s tense face relax and his eyes go unfocused momentarily each time he’d give a nipple a really good squeeze. Greg didn’t want his rising sexual fever to take over so he ended the session.

The next afternoon Greg couldn’t keep himself from stopping by the school swimming pools. Sports are big all over Texas, and it was no different here. Having two pools seemed more like the rule than the exception. Greg sat at the far end of the pools, on the side by the practice pool. He spotted the infamous Mr. Peters in the stands on the opposite side with a camera on a tripod. Greg knew it was focused on Diesel though you couldn’t tell that from just looking.

And then he spotted Diesel. Even from this distance, the sight took Greg’s breath away. He was one of three guys practicing. The bulk of everyone’s attention was directed to the competition going on in the other pool, but the bulk named Diesel held the attention of Greg and Mr. Peters, and probably a few others in the stands Greg was not aware of. Greg wouldn’t have been at all surprised to discover that Diesel might have a fan club enthralled with this blond muscle-boy.

The other two guys practicing in the pool with Diesel, though built for swimming, looked almost anorexic next to the hulking mass of Diesel. Even from a distance, Greg could see some of Diesel’s body parts in motion. He could see Diesel facing toward Mr. Peters’ camera, bouncing his pecs. More than once he’d put his back to the camera, and under the guise of drying off the front of his body, he would rhythmically tense and relax his glutes for the camera. At one point, he laid down on the diving board and “exercised” by lifting his arms and legs, touching each other while they were pointed upward. Greg visualized ravaging Diesel’s asshole while Diesel’s legs tensed upward in the air. When he then stood up on the diving board preparing to dive into the water, the back of his Speedos had ridden up a bit and both asscheeks were hanging out a bit.

A few times, while still in the water, Diesel would shoot up, grab the diving board from underneath and do pull-ups on it. Greg could actually see Diesel’s gigantic coiled dick bounce underneath the almost transparent blue Speedo each time he jutted out of the water. He’d hold himself at the top of the pull-up for a teasing moment…so many muscles tensed with his monster of a dick bouncing as if in slow motion, water cascading over the muscle-teen’s ripped mass. Greg realized his own dick was hurting in its hardness, and left the pool area, covering his bulge with a jacket, afraid that his leaking precum would seep through the pants material at any moment.

At their next session, after putting Diesel under, Greg asked him to tell him more about what happens with Mr. Peters.

“Well, he buys me a lot of clothes and likes to take me out to dinner. He’s not a bad guy but he is sure nuts about my body.” Today, Diesel was wearing nylon gym shorts, and a wife beater covered by a short-sleeved form-fitting button down shirt. Only the bottom couple of buttons were buttoned. The top shirt flared open from Diesel’s waist toward his shoulders showcasing his bulging chest.

“Did he buy you what you’re wearing today?”

“No. He buys me mainly real expensive stuff or real sexy stuff.”

“You don’t think you’re dressed sexy right now?”

“Oh, no, I do think I’m dressed sexy. The sexy stuff Mr. Peters buys me is like underwear stuff and leather and latex and stuff like that.”

“Why do you dress sexy, Diesel?”

“Cause I know it helps me get whatever I want. I know I’ve got a great body and I like to show it off.”

“Do you like to tease people with your body, Diesel?”


“Who do you tease?”

“People like you.”

Greg was a bit taken aback by Diesel’s answer. But then he realized that Diesel was in a hypnotic trance and was answering things straightforwardly. “How do you mean, ‘people like you’”?

“Guys who are hot for me. Guys who could do things for me. Guys who would do things for me if I let them fuck around with me.”

“What could I do for you, Diesel?”

“You could talk to the principal, the teachers and the coaches and tell them that I’m working on not fighting so much.”

“But how could I say those things if they weren’t true?”

“If I let you do things to me that I know you want to, you’d do it.”

Greg had an idea. “Diesel, stand up.” Diesel stood. He was relaxed, arms and head hanging loosely. Greg wanted to see just how far he could take this cocky teen. He was really irritated with how arrogant Diesel was. He had to find some way to knock that out of him. Right now, all he wanted to do was be entertained at Diesel’s expense. Ethics were out the window. He just wanted to see this prick looking stupid.

“When I snap my fingers, you’re going to take your shirts off, pull your shorts down, sit down in the chair, and play with yourself. You’ll keep your eyes open and focused on me. You’re going to continue doing that while we keep working, but you’re not going to get hard. When I snap my fingers again, you’ll stop playing with yourself and get dressed. Do you understand, Diesel?”

“Yes, sir.”

Greg snapped his fingers. Diesel lifted his head, opened his eyes, and smiled at Greg. He took his shirts off, pulled his shorts down, sat down in the chair, and started squeezing and tugging on his dick, first with one hand, then both. Every once in a while, the fingertips of one hand would run up and down the center ridge of Diesel’s eight pack abs. He never took his eyes from Greg’s.

“Tell me more about Mr. Peters. Does he ever touch you?”

“Oh yeah, he touches me. He touches me a lot. He’s got a really nice place, like an estate, outside the city where I sometimes stay overnight. There’s a full gym there, a swimming pool, and really nice video equipment. He gives amazing massages. He massages me sometimes when I’m standing, but mainly when I’m lying on a table. The massages are incredible. And he’s got digital cameras all over the place filming from different angles. He tells me that he does the massages so that he can understand how big each of my muscles are and how they work together so that when he works on the video of me he can make it more realistic.”

By this time, Greg didn’t care that his goal of humiliating Diesel fell by the wayside. He was incredibly aroused at the sight of Diesel sitting in front of him, almost completely naked, yanking on his huge penis, rubbing his chest and staring at him. Greg couldn’t resist. With a groan he pulled out his own dick, proudly hardened to just over 7 inches, and started pumping it. Diesel’s eyes never strayed from looking into Greg’s. Greg’s eyes roamed all over Diesel’s seated body, ending up staring back into the teen’s eyes.

“One thing I don’t like though is that what he likes to do is first get me all relaxed laying on my back and then massage me and get me excited to the point where I’m about to blow my load, and cuts me off. It kinda makes me shake all over. It’s like I got a rocket inside my body shooting really fast all over the place trying to bust out and it can’t get out. I almost see stars. Mr. Peters says that when this happens it makes my face look real really sexy and that it will help him with the video. The most I let him do it is 3 times because by then I really gotta get off. He slides one of my legs off the table and starts humping against it till he cums. At the same time he’s jerkin’ the hog here till I pop a load.”

Greg went rigid while Diesel was talking about how Mr. Peters said Diesel’s face looked really sexy, slipped to the edge of his chair, started jerking and sent spurt after spurt of his thick hot cum toward Diesel. Greg recovered from his climax after Diesel stopped talking. He looked horrified as he noticed sprays of his cum on Diesel.

“Diesel, I want you to stand up now so I can wipe something off your skin. Is that OK with you?”

“Sure,” said Diesel as he stood, still pulling at his flaccid yet massive cock with one hand, while the other rubbed up and down his torso, spreading around Greg’s load absentmindedly.

“Diesel, stop rubbing yourself. Let that hand fall to your side.” Diesel complied. Greg pulled a small towel out from one of his desk drawers and began wiping Diesel’s torso, removing his own cum mixed with a light layer of Diesel’s sweat. This was the first time Greg had actually touched Diesel and he loved the feel of the hard muscles covered with a silky layer of skin. Diesel continued to attempt to keep in eye contact with Greg. Satisfied that he had removed everything, Greg looked at Diesel’s face and only then noticed a shot of cum just below Diesel’s lower lip. He trembled.

“Diesel, I’m going to have to use my mouth to clean one area on your face, OK?”

“Sure, that’s fine, Dr. Thompson.”

Greg grabbed onto each of Diesel’s firm arms and pulled himself to Diesel. His dick was still rock hard, standing straight up still dripping some cum. He pressed his crotch into Diesel’s feeling Diesel’s arm as it continued to tug on the hog. Greg tilted his head sideways opening his mouth moving closer to Diesel’s. He stopped just short of touching lips, letting Diesel’s hot breath hit him like a soft pillow tapping. He locked onto Diesel’s lower lip with his lips, sucking and moaning, running his wet tongue on Diesel’s lip and chin. He could feel the heat of Diesel’s torso through his shirt. Finally, he pulled away and shakily sat back down in his chair.

“OK, Diesel, remember this time when I snap my fingers I want you to stop playing with yourself and get dressed. When you’re done getting dressed, sit down in the chair and wait for more instructions. You’ll still be in a hypnotic state.” Diesel dressed himself quietly and sat down.

“Diesel, you know that we are working to deal with your aggression, aren’t we?”

“Yes, doctor, we are.”

“I think that one thing that might help is if you try and make amends with someone you’ve been aggressive to in the past. Is there someone here at school you’ve been mean to or taken advantage of recently?”


“Who, Diesel.”

“There have actually been a lot of them.”

“Well, let’s take it step by step. Who’s the first one that comes to mind?”

“Danny. He’s a freshman on the wrestling team with me.” (Author’s note: Please see Ch 5 in the Diesel series – The Young Wrestler.)

“Were you mean to him?”

“Not exactly.”

“Then what?”

“I guess I took advantage of him.”


“He’s a freshman and I knew he really had the hots for me…bad. I’m not usually interested in guys unless they’re pretty built or older and more assertive, but I really liked the looks of Danny’s butt and ended up throwing him a really powerful fuck and I shouldn’t have done it since he is just a freshman.”

“How do you think you could make this up to him, Diesel?”

“I could apologize.”

“Yes, you should apologize. You should explain to him why you did what you did, that you’re sorry for it, and you want to make it up to him. Find out what you can do to make it up to him and do that. Whatever he wants is what you’ll do. Once that’s done, you’ll feel better and maybe you won’t be as inclined to take advantage of people in the future.”

“OK, Dr. Thompson, I’ll do that.”

Greg then talked more with Diesel about recognizing behavioral patterns that might lead to Diesel’s becoming aggressive, and ways to avoid those routes. Before Greg brought him out of his hypnotic state, he instructed Diesel to not remember anything about what they had covered that day, or anything that had happened, except their discussion on aggressive patterns, and that he would still want to make amends with the Danny kid as they had discussed.

“So how do you think your hypnotism therapy is going, Diesel?”

“I guess it’s going OK. We spent the whole time talking about what makes me get angry and that was pretty interesting. I also feel really relaxed after each session. Guess that means they’re good for me. Thanks for not giving up on me, Dr. Thompson,” said Diesel as he stood to leave and shook Greg’s hand. The courteous move caught Greg a bit off guard. That, in addition to the fact that while their hands were clasped, Diesel was looking at Greg the same way he had just been looking at him when he was hypnotized, and Greg could only think about how he was holding the hand that just a short time ago was rubbing Greg’s cum all over his young muscled torso.

The next session was almost two weeks later due to both of their schedules. Dr. Thompson was gone for a few days at a conference in Seattle for high school therapists and Diesel had two swimming meets and a wrestling meet a few of days apart from each other and begged off making an appointment till after the meets. He showed up at Dr. Thompson’s office in a particularly jocular mood as he had done better than he had hoped to do at both swim meets and once again took top honors in wrestling, as he often did.

He was also looking forward to a few days in a row of time he’d have to use as he wished. He could think of a number of ways he could make some quick money using his body, and he knew he was looking particularly good at the moment following his recent heavy workouts in preparation for the meets. Besides, he hadn’t had a chance to tease Dr. Thompson in two whole weeks! Little did he know that Greg had gotten back from his conference just in time to make it to Diesel’s wrestling meet at another Dallas high school. Greg added a whole new vein of Diesel fantasies after watching Diesel’s body, barely contained in a wrestling singlet, manhandling one opponent after another. Greg especially loved the hungry look he saw in Diesel’s eyes any time he and his opponent were both on their feet pacing around each other. Greg was impressed how focused Diesel was during his matches – nothing existed for Diesel except getting his opponent to submit.

“You look like things are going well for you, Diesel,” said Greg while they shook hands. Each took their respective seats. Diesel was wearing a faded red t-shirt, too small of course, white baggy nylon gym shorts with black stretch shorts underneath, and a pair of black lace up boots that looked very similar to wrestling boots.

“You could say that. Hey, Dr. Thompson, I want to thank you again for letting me go two weeks between sessions. I did great in my swim and wrestling meets, and I didn’t get in a single fight the whole time!” he said with a white toothy grin. He sat in the chair, a hand resting on either knee, giving the impression that he was ready to leap out of the chair at any moment. For the first time, Greg noticed what a contrast there was between Diesel’s muscular masculine body and the yellow blonde curly hair on his head that looked almost too soft to touch. He imagined his fists entangled in the golden locks while he would be jerking Diesel’s head back and forth raping the teen’s mouth with his dick.

“Ready to go under, Diesel?”

“Give it your best shot, Doc!”

The first thing Greg had Diesel do once in a hypnotic state was removing his clothing, keeping the boots on. He also instructed Diesel that at some point he might again be touched and if so, to let it happen. Greg had missed seeing this muscle-teen’s body in the flesh. While going through the usual exercises on aggressive thoughts and deeds, Greg had Diesel walking around the office. He loved seeing Diesel’s body from different angles, and really liked watching the teen’s muscle’s ripple in different places as he moved and was particularly aroused by the fact that the black boots remained on.

At one point, he had Diesel press up against a wall standing spread-eagled with arms spread out above him and pretending to be fucking the wall slowly. Diesel’s shoulders looked like they were many times wider than his waist. Greg also liked watching how the sides of Diesel’s protruding ass would dimple deeply inward each time he’d push his pelvis slowly into the wall. Finally he had Diesel sit again as he was close to blowing his load, wanted to calm down a bit, and needed to hear about what might have happened with Danny.

“Diesel, did you do anything about what we talked about last time to make things up with Danny?”

“Yes, I did.”

“What did you do?”

“I ended up talking to Danny twice but it looked like he didn’t believe me either time that I was sorry for what I had done. So then I wrote him a letter and put it in his locker asking him to forgive me and telling him that I’d do anything he wanted me to do to prove I was telling the truth and was sorry for what I had done to him.”

“Then what happened?”

“I didn’t think my apology worked until three days ago. It was Saturday late morning; I was at home putting myself through one last intensive workout before my wrestling meet later that day. I was towards the end of the workout, feeling really pumped and tired, but a good tired…sweat was pouring off me. Sitting on my weight bench in the middle of a set of curls, I was actually slipping a bit on the plastic seat since all I had on was a jock, and I was so sweaty. Then I spotted Danny in one of the mirrors, dropped the dumbbell and jumped up.”

(Author’s Note: This next part of the story is told from Dr. Thompson’s point of view – how his mind envisioned the story as Diesel, wearing just a pair of laced up boots, sat in the chair in Greg’s office, facing Greg, telling it to him. Greg adds a few details to complete the visual story running in his head.)

“Danny, I’m so glad to see you,” said Diesel as he ran to Danny and wrapped him in a bear hug. Danny’s face was pressed up against one of Diesel’s sweaty pecs and he drank in the dank smell of Diesel’s heated flesh. Diesel pulled away, held the smaller teen by his shoulders and said, “Will you please believe me that I am sorry for what I did to you? I will do anything you want…just forgive me…please?” Danny stared into Diesel’s pleading eyes, watching sweat run down the muscle-god’s body in his peripheral vision.

“Diesel, the reason I couldn’t talk to you was because I really liked what you did to me. You paid attention to me and you made me feel things in my body that I’ve never felt before. I want to feel those things again…with you,” said Danny as he leaned forward with his mouth open, aiming for Diesel’s lips.

Diesel let go of Danny’s shoulders with a shove and turned his back to Danny. “No, its wrong, Danny. You’re a kid. I shouldn’t have done what I did. All I thought about was what I wanted to do to get off. It was wrong. I just wanted to get to that butt of yours; I was only thinking of myself.”

Danny stared at Diesel’s muscled back, the bumps of hard muscles shining in the sunlight streaming in through the glass block basement windows, sweat racing down to be sucked into the already sopping waistband of the jockstrap. “Then if you really want to do the right thing, you’ll do what I want to do, and think about what I want to do to get off…this time…not what you want. You said you’d do anything I wanted you to do to prove you were telling the truth,” said Danny as his hands started lightly rubbing Diesel’s back. “God, Diesel, you are so fucking hot, and I want you to make me feel the way I felt the last time we were together here in your gym,” said Danny as his hands dropped to Diesel’s ass, one hand squeezing one of the hard wet asscheeks, the other moving slowly up and down Diesel’s ass crack.

Diesel turned around to face Danny. “I’ll do whatever you want, little buddy. I’m yours,” said Diesel as he pulled off his jockstrap and threw it across the room. He stood in front of Danny, covered in sweat, as his telephone pole of a dick swayed back and forth.

Danny ripped off the t-shirt, shorts and sandals he was wearing, grabbed the swaying baseball bat of a dick and locked his mouth on one of Diesel’s jutting nipples. “God, I love your chest, Diesel,” he mumbled while spit ran freely from his mouth all over Diesel’s chest.

Danny pulled away, staring at Diesel’s chest, “Make them hard for me, Diesel, make them hard!” Diesel tensed his pecs and they became rock hard in an instant. All he wanted to do now was please this kid. Danny let go of Diesel’s dick and let his hands roam over the twin mounds of hardened flesh, lubricated by the layer of sweat on Diesel’s skin. Danny slapped one of the pecs, then the other. Then he slapped them a few times in unison, loving the sharp sound made when his hand met the muscle-teen’s flesh. He formed fists with his hands and began punching the steel hard slabs. He hit them harder and harder, now loving the deep thumping noise that made.

“Oh, yeah, little buddy, punch those suckers!” moaned Diesel, half in sensual pleasure, half in desire to please Danny. Danny’s fists became a blur and suddenly Diesel relaxed the muscles. Danny squealed in pleasure as his fists suddenly switched from hitting a wall to hitting what felt like soft hot tar.

“Lay down!” Danny ordered. Diesel fell down on his back, legs and arms spread wide. Danny fell on his muscle-god’s body and locked lips with him, sucking hungrily while grinding his dick into Diesel’s lumpy abs. “I wanna fuck you, Diesel…bad!”

Diesel broke the kiss, “Whatever you want, Danny, my ass is yours!”

Danny laughed. “My dick would get lost in your ass…I want to try something different,” said Danny as he slid up a bit on Diesel’s hard muscled body. Danny’s hardened dick stood up, his balls resting between Diesel’s pecs. “I wanna fuck you here. Press your pecs together,” ordered Danny as he pushed his hard cock down into the sweaty valley between Diesel’s pecs.

“Your wish is my command, sir,” said Diesel as each of his meaty hands grabbed the outside of one of his pecs and pressed them together surrounding Danny’s cock like a lava flow. Danny’s eyes popped open as he felt his dick being surrounded by Diesel’s hot flesh. He started to pump back and forth inside the heated mass of chest flesh.

Diesel stared up at Danny’s face and saw his eyes closed tightly, mouth slightly ajar with a bit of spittle in the corner of his mouth. All Diesel wanted was to make sure Danny was feeling good. And it looked like that was the case considering the gradual increase in the speed at which Danny fucked against Diesel’s chest.

“Ohhhhhhh….Dieeeeeeeesel…ohhhhhhhhhhhhh,” Danny kept moaning over and over as he fucked between the mashed mountains of muscle. Danny’s arms were on the floor outside of Diesel’s shoulders. As he approached climax, his arm muscles gave way and he fell downward on top of Diesel, his chest on Diesel’s face. On autopilot, he kept fucking. Diesel opened his mouth and began giving Danny’s chest wet kisses.

Danny screamed as he unloaded his boy-cream into Diesel’s chest, overcome by the pleasure of the strong pulses of cum combined with Diesel’s tongue work on his chest. Spiraling back down to earth, Danny propped himself up and gave Diesel a long wet kiss. Their tongues battled as they moaned into each other’s mouths.

Scooting down on Diesel’s hard body, Danny fell in between Diesel’s outstretched massive legs, his hands grabbing Diesel’s flaccid cock. He began licking the monster. Then he attached his mouth to it, sucking as hard as he could. As Danny’s mouth moved up and down the length of the tube of dick flesh, he actually started gnawing on the spongy flesh. Diesel felt the sting of Danny’s teeth on his cock but was determined to let Danny have his way. Danny started chewing on the stalk like it was a freshly roasted ear of corn dripping with hot butter.

Diesel was not initially enjoying the kid’s teeth biting into his sperm shooter. Danny’s hands released their hold on the stalk and started rubbing Diesel’s ab muscles. The massage did the trick for turning the pain of the chewing teeth on his dick into a twisted pleasure and Diesel’s dick started to harden. Danny felt the hardening and chewed on the stalk even more, moaning into the cock flesh in a frenzy of desire. Danny began biting the hard cock in earnest. Diesel felt the combination of the excitement and pain, choosing to focus on the excitement in order to allow Danny to have his pleasure.

Danny finally stopped chewing and moved his mouth to Diesel’s piss slit as his hands moved back to the steel hard cock, pumping it up and down. Danny sucked on the head and attempted to force his tongue into the piss slit, his teeth locking his mouth onto the hard wet dickhead. Diesel moaned louder and louder as he reached the point of no return. Lying on his back, Diesel’s chest pumped in and out, sucking in and blowing out more and more air. His hands grabbed at Danny’s head, gently holding it in place, attached to Diesel’s gigantic dickhead, which was almost spewing precum.

The first shot of Diesel’s cum was so powerful that it made Danny jerk his mouth off the dickhead and out of the grasp of Diesel’s hands. Cum continued to spray out of Diesel’s cock in long and powerful spurts onto Danny’s face and into his hair.

When Diesel’s spray was down to a dribble, Danny crawled up Diesel’s body. His face was pretty much covered with Diesel’s hot white cream. Their lips met in a passionate kiss. When Danny lifted up, Diesel ran his hands over Danny’s face, collected the warm sticky cum, and rubbing it into Danny’s scalp. Danny’s spiked blonde hair was long enough that cum plastered his hair to his head. Diesel began licking Danny’s skull, like a mother cat with a new litter. His mouth filled with bits of his own cum, Diesel again locked lips with Danny, spreading cum around Danny’s mouth with his talented tongue.

“I want to keep doing stuff like this with you, Diesel, OK?”

“No problem, kiddo, no problem,” said Diesel, panting with the kid’s hot body pressed on top of him. Danny reached behind him and took hold of Diesel’s spent dick, wet and sticky with cum. He sat up on Diesel’s torso and while holding the muscle-teen’s dick flat against the center ridge of his clearly defined abs, slid back till his ass rested on the sleeping monster of a dick.

“I want you to have my butt again, Diesel,” said Danny as he began to slowly slide his ass crack along the length of Diesel’s cock, trapped between the twink’s asscheeks.

“You like, Mr. Muscles?” Danny asked Diesel with a smile as he scooted back and forth, feeling the monster begin to waken. Diesel was still flat on his back, amazed that this kid wanted to keep going. He could see Danny’s adorable bubble-butt in his head as his brain dealt with the almost electric current running from his dick to his brain because that beautiful butt was pressed against his hog, sliding back and forth. With a loud moan, he threw his arms out on either side of him, brought his legs up so his feet were flat on the floor and spread his legs out even further.

“Help me,” said Danny as his reached forward toward Diesel. Diesel’s massive paws each grabbed one of Danny’s forearms and began pushing and pulling the little teen along his hardening shaft. This went on for about ten minutes, each of them taking turns deciding when to speed up or when to slow down. Diesel’s dick finally reached its hardest stage. Danny was amazed feeling the lumpy log running along his trench, remembering that at one time the whole monster was inside him. When he let go of Diesel’s arms, Diesel let them flop to the ground stretching outward. Danny fell forward, a hand landing on each of Diesel’s nipples. He continued to slide back and forth, pulling hard on Diesel’s nipples to jerk him forward, then pressing the pecs hard to push him back. Diesel gritted his teeth to deal with the painful pulls on his tits. Every once in a while Danny would slide forward enough for his ass to slap into the puddle of Diesel’s precum and then drag it back along the shaft as lubricant.

Danny sensed that Diesel was getting close, watching the blonde muscle-teen suck air in and out of his lungs. He let go of Diesel’s chest, leaned back and wrapped an arm around each of Diesel’s upper legs with his hands curving around to rest on Diesel’s knees. He wanted to strap himself in for what he felt might be a bumpy ride.

Diesel’s head rolled back and forth. He was in a state of ecstasy he rarely reached and didn’t notice that Danny had stopped his sliding back and forth. Danny was now just holding on to Diesel’s legs while clenching his ass over and over, on Diesel’s rock hard dick.

“C’mon, Diesel, shoot for me. Shoot for your Danny. I wanna feel your cum run along my sweet little ass while it races the length of your dick on its way out. I want you to spray a load like you’ve never sprayed before. My ass wants it, Diesel. I wanna see cum shoot out over your head. Do it, mother fucker, do it!” yelled Danny as he squeezed his ass muscles over and over as his clenching bubble-butt sucked along the length of Diesel’s torpedo of a dick.

Diesel lifted his hips in the air, bellowed, and released the clamp on his fire hose. Cum gushed out of his piss slit. The first volley met Danny’s desires, flying inches over Diesel’s face, landing with a loud splat two feet in front of the two teens’ bodies. The rest of the load landed on Diesel’s face and chest. Danny had tightened his grip on Diesel’s legs and watched the streams of white goo shoot out like cannon fire then gradually change to champagne bubbling out of a freshly opened bottle. He fell forward and locked lips with the panting muscle-god lying on his back.

“Time to get ready for your wrestling meet, Diesel,” whispered Danny as his tongue roamed Diesel’s face and neck, sucking up the older wrestler’s freshly spewed load, “I’ll go with you and I want you to think of me in the stands. My dick will be hard and my ass will be aching for your dick. You win your matches and this ass will be yours to plow!” said Danny as he guided one of Diesel’s hands to his warm wet bubble-butt.

(Back to the reality of Dr. Thompson’s office.)

Greg sat is his chair, completely dumbfounded, his dick aching, and his underwear damp with precum. It took all his strength to not rape the naked blonde teen sitting calmly in front of him.

“Was Danny at the wrestling meet?”

“I didn’t see him, but he was. All I wanted to do was beat every guy into submission so that I could put my dick back in Danny’s butt.”

“And did that happen?”

“Yes, doctor. Saturday night Danny let me fuck him while I held him against the wall of my basement. He wanted me to be rougher than I had been before. I only did it because he wanted it, doctor. I really slammed into his ass with my dick, and really slammed him into the wall at the same time. At one point I stopped to see if he was OK.”

“And was he?”

“Yes, he was. He actually was a little mad at me for stopping so I got back to fucking him really hard. After I came, he made me stay in him and lay down on my back on the floor. Then he just stayed on top of me using his legs and arms to pump himself slowly back and forth on my dick. It felt really good and I was so spent after the meet and the fucking that I fell asleep within a few minutes. When I woke up, Danny was gone but he left me a note saying he completely forgave me and that he wanted to keep getting together.”

Greg had already crossed so many professional lines, and he was so hot to have this teenager, he threw caution to the wind, “Diesel, I’m going to bring you out of your hypnotic state in a moment. When I do, you’re going to remember the aggression exercises we went through. You will not remember removing your clothes, walking around the office or that you told me what happened between you and Danny. Do you understand, Diesel?”

“Yes, doctor.”

“OK, when I finish giving you the following instructions, I want you to get dressed and sit back down in the chair. When you leave my office at the end of our session today, you’re going to go straight home and work out for a couple of hours. You’re going to take yourself through a brutal workout so that your muscles are tired, but you’re fully pumped…and wanting to have some sex with a guy. You’re going to think about wanting to have sex with a guy all while you work out and the need will just get stronger through the workout. At the end of the workout, you’re going to get dressed in some clothing that you think I will find sexy and you’re going to come to my home because you’ve realized that I’m the guy you want to have sex with. You will not dry yourself off or shower after the workout; you’ll just put on the sexy clothes and come to my apartment. When you get there, you’re going to talk to me about how much I’ve helped you with our sessions. Your need to have sex with me will eventually overpower you. You will offer yourself to me and when I turn you down, you’ll then beg to have sex with me. You will find me very attractive. We will end up in my bed, you will tie me in the bed, and then you’ll do everything I tell you to do. The whole time your focus will be on making things as pleasurable for me as possible. And you’ll do all this without remembering that I told you to do this. You’ll just know it’s the right thing to do. Do you understand, Diesel?”

“Yes, doctor, I do.”

“OK, get dressed and then return to the chair.” Greg sighed as he watched Diesel’s flesh gradually get covered by his shorts and T-shirt. But, he knew that he’d soon see all that flesh again, and do whatever he wanted with it.

“Diesel, when I clap my hands, you’ll wake up refreshed and wanting to talk about how you’ve spent your time since our last meeting working on lowering your aggressive tendencies.” Dr. Thompson clapped his hands.

Three hours later, Greg was nervously pacing in his apartment clad only in an old pullover shirt and cotton shorts. Then the knock on his door came. Greg grabbed the doorknob and pulled open the door. It was Diesel of course. Greg could tell by Diesel’s sweaty face and matted golden hair that he’d had the workout and had come over straight from it. But he was very disappointed to see Diesel clothed in some old baggy dark blue sweat pants and a long-sleeve matching sweatshirt. On his feet was a pair of bright red leather wrestling boots that looked oddly classy next to the bulky blue cotton.

“Hi, Dr. Thompson, I hope you don’t mind my stopping by. I was out for a run and saw your lights on…can I come in, please?”

“Sure, Diesel, sure. Sorry, you caught me by surprise, c’mon in,” said Greg as he stepped aside to the hulking teen walk by him. Even the baggy blue material couldn’t hide the fact that Diesel had a massive and firm ass.

Diesel walked in to Greg’s living room and then turned to face him, “Dr. Thompson, I just wanted to tell you that I really appreciate all the help you’re giving me. Not just with helping me stay away from fighting, but I think whatever else we do…I mean talk about…when I’m hypnotized is also helping me study better and do better in sports.” Diesel took a couple of hesitant steps toward Greg, nervously lifted up his arms, then quickly wrapped Greg in a hug saying, “Doc, you’re the greatest!”

Greg could feel Diesel’s body pressing against him just about everywhere. His senses starting going into overload as he realized he could feel the lumps of Diesel’s abs press against his own firm stomach – pressing back and forth as the teen breathed. Greg also felt Diesel’s cock on his own thigh. Finally, he broke the embrace.

“Well, thank you, Diesel. Thank you very much. I’m not sure what to say. But, you know, you’re the real reason anything good is happening to you. All I do is try and work with the good that is inside you…bring it out so that you see it there too.” Greg was seriously on his way toward popping major bone. He couldn’t seem to break eye contact with Diesel, who was looking at Greg with a sad puppy dog look. Greg quickly sat down in a chair.

Diesel walked over to where Greg was seated and squatted down, between Greg’s spread legs, putting a hand on the top of each of Greg’s thighs. “I really do want to thank you, Doc. You’re a really terrific guy. I like you…a lot,” Diesel squeezed Greg’s thighs with his last two words.

“I like you too, Diesel. You’ve come a long way in our sessions,” said Greg, now unable to stop the rush of blood to his dick. The two guys stared at each other silently for a moment. Diesel caressed Greg’s thighs while Greg’s dick tented the baggy gym shorts at an obscenely obvious angle.

Not wanting the moment to end, dying to jump this kid, Greg forced himself to follow his own script. He pushed Diesel’s hands off his thighs, “Diesel, I really think you should leave…now. We shouldn’t be doing any of this.”

Diesel stood, his eyes filling with tears, “OK…I hope I didn’t offend you…please don’t hate me.”

Without even thinking, Greg jumped up and put his arms around the muscle-teen, “I don’t hate you, Diesel, not at all. Actually, I really like you. I mean, if I weren’t the therapist at your high school, if we somehow knew each other in a different way, I can guarantee that this little visit of yours would have gone a completely different way.” Greg started rubbing Diesel’s back with both hands. Diesel stepped in and again pressed his body into Greg’s and whispered in his ear, “Please, Doc, can’t we just pretend we’re two guys who just met?”

For the second time, Greg pushed Diesel away, “No, Diesel, we can’t. You really should go now.”

Diesel’s arms dropped to his sides, “Well, can I use your bathroom before I go?”


Greg fell back on the chair actually shaking a bit from nerves. He wondered what had gone wrong with the script he’d carefully planned out. Diesel was going to leave! He leaned forward, elbows on his knees, his hands holding his head as he stared straight down. He heard the flush of the toilet and began to frantically try and come up with some idea that would get Diesel to stay. He was so horny that there was no way he was going to let that slab of teen meat get away from him. He heard the bathroom door open.


Greg looked up and froze. Diesel had taken off the sweat clothes. He was clad in a red wrestling singlet, the same bright red as his boots. Diesel walked slowly across the room toward Greg – it seemed like he was walking in slow motion. Greg felt paralyzed. All he could do was stare at Diesel, unblinking. Things gradually began to enter his brain. He realized that the singlet’s material was different…it wasn’t nylon. “What is it?” he thought. It was shiny and appeared to be seamless. It appeared so thin and stretched so tight over Diesel’s body that without the occasional tiny ripples appearing in the material as he walked, Greg would have assumed that Diesel’s skin had just been painted red to match the boots. Greg had never seen someone wearing something that was this form fitting.

And then his eyes fell to Diesel’s crotch and he saw the proof that it wasn’t just painted skin. Diesel’s mammoth monster cock was pointed down along his left leg, encased in whatever the material was. His enormous balls were bulging next to each other on the right side like two goose eggs resting next to each other. Diesel walked up to the seated doctor, stopping about a foot away from him, his legs touching the insides of Greg’s spread legs on the chair. Greg’s head was about level with Diesel’s abs, but all he could stare at was that cock…that living, breathing monster…the hog.

“I really do like you, doc, a lot. And I want the chance to show you how much I like you. Can I stay…please?” asked Diesel as he brought his hands up to his waist.

Leather! That’s what it was. The faint musky aroma filled Greg’s nostrils. This close, he could make out a very tiny seam running up and down the center of the singlet. The hog released its magnet on Greg’s eyes allowing Greg to look up at Diesel’s smiling face, “Where in fuck’s name did you get this outfit?”

“There’s this old guy - he likes to give me massages and shit like that. He’s got lots of money and buys lots of clothes for me and even has a few things custom made, like this. He likes to take pictures of me in them. It’s some kind of special leather that’s super thin but still really strong. There are only a few zippers in the whole thing and they’re made out of some kind of special metal or plastic or something. You’re supposed to not really be able to see them much, supposed to be like a second skin or something,” said Diesel as he rubbed his hands up and down the red material covering his abs, “you like?” Greg dumbly nodded his head up and down while trying to take in the whole red package of muscle.

“Go ahead, doc…go ahead,” whispered Diesel as he saw Greg’s hands shifting at his sides. Greg wasn’t sure what he wanted to do first. He placed a hand on the upper outside thigh of each leg. The first thing he noticed was how warm the red material was, and then he noticed as he slowly started rubbing up and down in a circular motion, half the time rubbing the leather, half the time rubbing the bare skin of Diesel’s leg beneath the seamless cuff of the singlet, that the leather seemed smoother and softer than Diesel’s skin. He liked how it all felt, letting out a groan of appreciation. His hands moved further back to the hard mass that made up Diesel’s very impressive ass. Another moan escaped Greg’s lips as Diesel flexed his glutes over and over, letting Greg feel the ass muscles moving as he rubbed his hands over the leather covered mounds. Greg’s eyes were shut and his head hung lazily backwards.

Greg felt something touch his upper lip and opened his eyes, staring straight up at the blond god towering above him. Diesel was running a thumb around Greg’s partially open mouth. “The hog, doc. What about the hog?” Diesel asked tenderly. Greg’s eyes were pulled to Diesel’s cock. He could tell that it was still soft, but he couldn’t get over its size. He’d already seen it more than once in the flesh, but the sheer length and girth of it, encased in the thin layer of bright red leather just inches from his face, seemed impossible to be real. And yet, he knew it was real…and it was there…inches away from him…waiting for him. Greg’s hands slid slowly from the rippling ass muscles to the hips to the front of the thighs. Greg held his breath as both hands landed on the hot soft mass of teen tube-steak. Diesel let out a soft sigh of air.

Greg’s hands rubbed lightly back and forth along the tube’s length a number of times, then as one hand kept up the pace, the other dropped slightly lower and to the side to caress Diesel’s warm soft goose eggs. Though the leather was stretched smooth across all of Diesel, it was also very pliable and Greg slowly juggled Diesel’s nuts in his hand. They were big enough that Greg couldn’t hold both of them in one hand at the same time.

He felt a tap on his head and looked up. Diesel had unzipped the micro-zipper that went down the front of the singlet. He stopped when his hand hit the top of Greg’s head. Greg saw the red leather stretched open in a “V” pattern, down to Diesel’s pubic hair, revealing the bulk of Diesel’s chest and slicing through his bulging abs.

“You like my chest, Doc?” asked Diesel with excitement in his eyes.

Greg stood up from the chair, stopping part way up when his mouth was level with Diesel’s chest and he licked the hot skin of the teenager. He licked up the valley between the masses of pec flesh. He licked again…and again. He brought a hand to each mound, grabbing the flesh as he started to lick the trench faster. Diesel guided Greg’s mouth to his left nipple. Greg took the bait and started sucking on the mass, gravitating to the nipple. It hardened the instant Greg’s hot breath came near it; Diesel sucked in air through clenched teeth.

Greg pressed his crotch onto Diesel’s thigh and groaned as he continued to suck on the nipple. Diesel pulled Greg’s face off his chest, “Don’t you like it more than that, Doc? Go ahead, show that tit who’s the boss.” Greg shot forward and grabbed the nipple between his teeth and started to chew on it.

“Oh, yeah, that’s right…that’s right…that’s right,” Diesel kept mumbling as he threw his head back and rubbed the back of Greg’s head, pulling the head a bit more into his chest.

“Would you do me a favor, Doc? I like it a little rough. Would you pound my chest a bit? It really makes me feel good.”

Greg lifted his head slowly away from the pec. A stream of spit joined his mouth to it then broke when he was back about a foot and a half. He looked up at Diesel’s smiling face, and while still looking at him, gave Diesel’s left pec a punch with his right fist. Diesel’s head pulsed a jump in reaction, his smile broadened a bit. Greg punched the other pec. He then started pummeling the teen’s chest with blow after blow, hearing the thuds and thinking how he was mimicking what Danny got to do and that made him even hotter. Diesel’s hands went to Greg’s firm ass and pulled their crotches together. Suddenly Diesel let go of Greg’s ass, grabbed his head, and firmly planted a kiss on his doctor, shoving his tongue into Greg’s silky mouth. Greg’s arms fell to his sides as he gave into the pleasure of the tongue exploration. Diesel broke the kiss, held Greg’s head inches from his, and whispered, “The hog, doc…the hog wants some attention.”

Greg let his open mouth ride over the lumps of Diesel’s chest and abs traveling down to a kneeling position on his journey to the prize. The leather was open down to the base of the teen’s soft torpedo, which snaked its way under the thin leather coating down Diesel’s left thigh. Greg’s hands came to join his mouth, but Diesel grabbed Greg’s wrists, “Doc, try doin’ it with just your mouth, ‘kay?”

Without bothering to look up, Greg dropped his arms and loosely wrapped them around Diesel’s calves and started his frantic search to free the hog. He used his nose and tongue, pushing, pulling and grunting into Diesel’s crotch. Diesel looked down from above with a smirk as he played with his own nipples.

After more than a few minutes of frustrating labors, it dawned on Greg that if he could find the miniscule zipper, he’d be able to pull it down more and let him win his prize. He followed the almost invisible ridge of one side of the zipper with the skin of his nose to where the ridge joined the other edge. Not being able to distinguish any kind of tab, Greg decided to press down with his nose where the ridges met. He’ll dully felt his nose sting, not realizing that the zipper, though tiny, was made of a very hard alloy, and its sharpness scraped skin off Greg’s nose. He was in the heat of passion and could have cared less. He felt the zipper opening more and more. When he was about to relieve his nose of the pain, a jolt of sexual pleasure shot through his body as he felt Diesel’s cock land with a thud on his head. He pulled his head back, allowing the cock to fall off his head and swing down in front of his face – it banged the tip of Greg’s nose a few times as it slowly came to rest. He used his hands for a moment to fully free Diesel’s balls so they could join the party. Then he wrapped his arms around Diesel’s calves once again.

Squatting lower so his mouth was at the tip of Diesel’s dick, he looked up to the teen’s face, and stuck his tongue out, swiping it along Diesel’s piss slit. He then ran his tongue up the length of the tube, never taking his eyes from Diesel’s face where he could see the pleasure spreading across Diesel’s face. Greg went back down to the tip, opened his mouth wide, and attempted to suck in the head of the hog – no such luck – it was just too big.

“It’s OK, Doc, most guys can’t get it in on their first try. Just relax. And besides, this is about you, not me,” said Diesel as he looked down at Greg, running a couple of fingers back and forth along Greg’s forehead. This only made Greg more determined to envelope the head. Doubling his efforts, Greg tried opening his mouth even wider, pressing against the flesh of the dick, while breathing through his nose. He moaned with pleasure as he felt his lips fall over the ridge of the mushroom head.

“Oh, Doc, you are the best! Not many guys can do that so quickly.” By this time, Greg’s arms had moved up and were locked on Diesel’s legs just above his knees. Diesel wrapped both his hands around his own stalk and started pumping it as he instructed his doctor, “Try running your tongue all around the head. It feels great when you do that.”

Greg’s tongue went on its journey. He could have sworn that it was like he was feeling tremors of an earthquake has he watched Diesel’s own hands moving back and forth along the pipeline, getting close to his eyes and then receding – over and over. Greg’s own dick was hard, throbbing and hurting. He felt that he was on the verge of shooting without even touching himself – something he’d read about but assumed was not possible. He’d also assumed a dick the size of Diesel’s was not possible, so he gave into the pleasures shooting through his crotch.

Letting go of his dick, Diesel’s hands moved to Greg’s head and started trying to help more of his pole into the doctor’s wet warm mouth. Up to this point, Greg was relatively comfortable accommodating Diesel’s unit. At least, his sexual frenzy had allowed him to reach this point. But as more of the cock squeezed its way into his mouth, Greg started to panic, his jaw was hurting and he felt his air passages were going to be cut off. He squeezed Diesel’s legs, and looked up at the teen, his eyes bulging, face and neck bright red, with veins in his neck standing out. Diesel looked down at the doctor with a dreamy smile on his face, as he pulled harder on Greg’s head. With what he felt were his last moments of consciousness, Greg began gagging and pulling his head back. Suddenly he was free. His back slammed into the wooden chair he’d been sitting on, knocking it over. He brought his hands to his neck and leaning down, he coughed and hacked repeatedly.

“Doctor Thompson! Doctor Thompson! I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you. Sometimes guys really like it when I force myself into them. Some of them really like to even pass out! I thought maybe that’s what you wanted since you were able to get the whole head in on your own. Oh, Doc, I am so, so sorry!”

When Greg calmed down to where his breathing was almost back to normal he looked up at Diesel who stood there with a look on his face like he was a puppy who’d just shit on the rug. Greg immediately felt sorry for the kid. Besides, he looked so good standing there with a stream of Greg’s mucus hanging from the tip of Diesel’s cock.

“It’s OK, Diesel, the hog here seems to have a mind of its own,” said Greg with a smile as he grabbed the monster with one hand, fingering the head. Diesel leaned down, put a hand in each of Greg’s armpits, pulled him to a standing position and gently pressed his crotch to Greg’s.

“What’s say we move this into the bedroom and give your knees a rest?” said Diesel as he gently planted kisses over Greg’s face. He reached inside the front of Greg’s shorts and caressed the hard dick inside, “Hey, Doctor Thompson, let him out for some playtime,” and then pushed down Greg’s shorts.

Greg stepped away and quickly shed the shorts and pullover shirt, “It’s over there, Diesel…lead the way.”

The red leather singlet, from the back, made Diesel’s shoulders looking extremely wide and whatever his waist size was, it looked impossibly tiny compared to the space that the kid’s shoulders took up. Diesel fell down on his back on the queen sized bed, legs spread, arms reaching up toward Greg. Greg climbed on top of his client, sliding his hands inside the open leather singlet to the warm flesh of Diesel’s back as the two fought each other with their tongues.

“I’ve got an idea, Doc. Let me tie you to the bed. I’ve learned a lot about what turns guys on and I really, really want to make you feel good. All you’d have to do is say the word and the ties would come off, but once you see what I can do to you, I bet you’ll be asking for stuff other than that.”

“Everything is going as planned,” thought Greg with a smile. He knew that he’d only heard the tip of the iceberg from Diesel while he was hypnotized about the stuff he did with other men – the stuff other men paid him to do. The thought of talking Diesel through some of these things and doing some of them really excited Greg.

“Sure, Diesel, I think that’s a great idea.”

From out of nowhere, Diesel produced four strips of the same red leather as his singlet and tied each wrist to the outside post of the bed’s metal headboard, and each ankle to the other end of the bed. The whole time he talked to Greg about things he would do to him and he kept kissing and rubbing different parts of Greg’s body. Greg was in heaven. His rock hard seven inches rested on his respectable six-pack.

“God! You look good enough to eat, Doctor Thompson!” said Diesel, standing at the foot of the bed staring at his naked spread-eagled therapist. As he locked eyes with Greg, he slowly climbed onto the bed and started crawling up Greg’s body. When he was flat on top of him, he held his face a few inches about Greg’s, whispered, “Now, where were we?” and then dove in for a passionate kiss. Greg groaned his approval. He also realized that one thing he now couldn’t do was run his hands all over Diesel’s body. But as Diesel said, this was going to be about pleasuring Greg, and Greg would make sure that happened.

“Wait a minute. That’s not where we were,” said Diesel, breaking the kiss and lifting his face from Greg’s, “I had something else in your mouth. Now what was it? It wasn’t my tongue…I remember! It was the hog!” Greg chuckled at Diesel’s attempt at humor.

“Yes, that fuck-stick should be registered with the local authorities as an assault weapon,” Greg said with a big smile. Diesel had sat up on Greg’s body, his leather covered ass crack making a very pleasant warmer for Greg’s hard-on. Diesel scooted forward, sliding off Greg’s cock, his own flaccid but intimidating member lumbered forward across Greg’s abs and chest toward his head. The tip hit Greg’s chin. He was patiently lying flat on the bed, eager for more fun to happen.

“Oops. The Mars Rover has hit an obstacle. Let’s see if backing up and coming forward again will help,” said Diesel as be scooted back a bit then shoved forward further than before, his cock flopping upward, the head landing on Greg’s lips. Greg’s smile changed to an open mouth as his tongue lifted up to coat as much of the mushroom head he could reach.

“Houston! Houston! We have proof that Mars has water even now!” said Diesel with a smile as he pushed his dickhead into Greg’s mouth. Greg’s laugh was cut short with the head popping into his mouth.

“Do the tongue thing again, Doc,” said Diesel in a heavy whisper as he massaged the sides of Greg’s head. Greg was happy to oblige and was rewarded by a long loan moan from Diesel, who then forced a bit more of the hog in. Greg wasn’t too worried and responded by continuing his tongue rotations. He could feel his own pulsing dick leaking precum. But when Diesel pushed forward again, Greg took notice and tried to spit the monster out. Diesel’s eyes were shut and he moaned again as he felt Greg’s tongue moving more rapidly around the hog, pushing a jabbing at it. Greg started to choke and couldn’t seem to get Diesel’s attention, so he brought his teeth slightly together.


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Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 07:23:28 -0600 From: Allen Giffen Subject: DIESEL -- Chapter 3 -- The Photo Sessions "Louder!" yelled Diesel. Rob cranked the CD as high as he could stand it. The throbbing house music was about to start affecting his shooting ability. He pulled the camera from his eye for a moment, looked directly at Diesel gyrating in that skintight singlet, and

Diesel, Chapter 4: The Recruiter

Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 23:34:58 -0600 From: Allen Giffen Subject: Diesel - Ch4 - The Recruiter DIESEL -- Chapter 4 -- The Marine Recruiter "Interested in the Marines?" Diesel had been really bored and found himself wandering around Cherry Creek Mall. The guy sitting behind the table was cute -- smaller and slimmer than Diesel, but probably had a really tight body,

Diesel, Chapter 7: The Best Man

DIESEL – Chapter 7 – The Best Man “Fifty bucks, in my pocket, now, or I’m gone,” said Diesel as he stood spread-eagled over the toilet in the stall of the men’s room at the Tampa-St. Pete’s airport, leaning on the wall. The guy had been eyeing him from across the aisle the whole flight from Dallas. There was a delay now getting the luggage to baggage claim. Diesel had been doing some

Diesel, Chapter 8: The Coaches

Coach Jim Erickson sat perched on the edge of his desk, legs spread, staring with lust filled eyes at the massive football player standing in front of him as his hands reached for the player’s hips. He gripped the dirt smudged football player’s pants and pulled Diesel forward, his hungry open mouth attacking Diesel’s. He’d taken his varsity team through a pretty grueling workout that

Diesel, Chapter 9: The Cheerleaders

“Him,” thought Diesel as he looked at the little guy on top. After a particularly hot session with the Assistant Coach of his high school football team, Diesel told the coach that he was borrowing his car for the weekend. Diesel rifled through the coach’s gym bag while the coach was lying on the office floor, his face and hair smeared with Diesel’s cum, coming down from his own orgasm.

Diesel, Chapter10: The Construction Boss

Karl Vronski grunted as he shot a load of cum toward the TV screen across his bedroom. The first lob actually hit the screen, landing on the leg of the larger figure frozen onscreen thanks to the hold button. He’d been kneeling at the end of his bed, naked and sweating, as he watched the tape for the umpteenth time, hitting the slow and then hold buttons at the same time with each viewing. As

Diesel, Chapter11A - The High School Therapist

DIESEL – Ch11 – The High School Therapist “OK, Diesel, obviously our talks are not helping,” fumed Greg Thompson, the school therapist, as he paced back and forth in his office. He was really getting tired of this cocky teenager. Diesel slouched in the office chair, legs spread wide, basket bulging, and a smirk on his face with his hands locked behind his head, his massive arms cocked up

Diesel, Chapter11B - The High School Therapist

Diesel let out a yelp and pulled his dick of out Greg's mouth. "Sorry I did that, Diesel," said Greg through heaving breaths, "but I was starting to choke and couldn't get your attention." Greg felt the hard sting of a slap on the side of his face and before he could figure it out, he felt another on the other side of his face. Two hands then clamped one on either side of his head, above

Solarium Sex

Solarium Sex by Allen Giffen at Allen’s stiff prick slid sloppily up and down Donny’s ass crack as he hugged Donny tightly, his breath pumping hotly into Donny’s ear, accompanied with small jets of spittle. Donny’s head had fallen backward in languished relaxation as he gave in to the multiple pleasures coursing through his body, one of which was the hard dick massaging


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