Gay Erotic Stories

BOW Studios

by Celliophonic
16 Feb 2010

First Time Interracial Sexual Identity Discovery

B-O-W Studios

By D.O.


Aidan looked up at the non-descript brick building in downtown Newark and swallowed the huge lump in his throat. The heat of the early afternoon was sweltering and this side of the building was partially in the shade. B-O-W Studios was printed on the door in bold lettering. He couldn’t believe he was here. When he had initially seen the ad for auditions for young, white male actors for gay pornographic films, he had laughed it off. As if he would do something like that, even as desperate as he was for cash. After dropping out of his New Jersey high school, Aidan had become a liberated teen and moved out of his parent’s house and away from the abuse and the bullshit. Unfortunately, he really had nowhere to go and was soon grabbing grub and a place to sleep from whomever was charitable enough to take him in for a few days. It was getting tiresome, even after just a few months and even though he had recently turned eighteen. Damn, he needed some cash and he was just about at the end of his rope. He had looked into the pay for male actors in straight porn and it didn’t come close to the pay for most actors in gay films. In most cases, one would be looking at making about one fifth the pay doing straight porn as opposed to the homosexual variety. Beyond that, there weren’t a ton of options in Jersey… He had never so much as looked at a man in a sexual manner much less kissed one or done……anything else. Jesus! What was he thinking?

Determined to do it now or never, Aidan took hold of the door handle and pushed open the cheap and hollow steel door. The hinges creaked a bit and when he stepped inside he jumped a bit as the door swung back very quickly and made a huge banging sound. The area he was standing in was relatively Spartan, just inexpensive carpeting and paneling covering a room approximately 15 x 15. A ratty couch and a couple of old-looking chairs were the only adornments. He looked towards what he supposed was the front of the room and saw a comely young women dressed mostly conservatively with just a hint of cleavage showing, sitting behind a desk which was behind a sliding glass window, almost like a doctor’s office. He walked forward, slowly, almost shyly until he was right in front of the window. The girl looked up at him and smiled as she reached forward to open the slider.

“Hi there. I’m Melissa. Do you have an appointment with Jerry?” She was very sweet sounding and her easy demeanor put Aidan at somewhat of ease. “Uh, not really, I mean, no. I didn’t call or…anything. I just saw an online ad and decided to…just drop in…I’m Aidan, by the way.” He cleared his throat nervously and looked away from Melissa, quite embarrassed now by what he found himself doing. She smiled again and he found himself thinking that she was very pretty. “You seem a little…nervous, sweetie. Don’t worry. You are super cute. The guys are gonna love you. I do need to see a driver’s license, though.” He smiled weakly at her obvious attempt to both compliment him and soothe his nerves as he reached for his wallet and handed her the license. She looked at it for a few seconds and then placed it on top of the glass on the copier next to her desk and pressed a button. Then she handed it back to him. Meanwhile, Aidan was having serious second thoughts and was considering leaving when Melissa spoke to him again. “Look, all you have to do is listen to what Jerry has to say. If you don’t like what you hear, walk away. But you can make a ton of cash in a short time if you want to try it out……Should I check with Jerry and find out if he can see you soon……?” Aidan struggled with the question for a moment as he looked back at the gray metal door. It would be so easy to just walk back out. But then, he would be throwing away a chance at potentially a lot of money. Could he go ahead with this? Would he, if push came to shove? Now or never, he thought. “Yeah, I’ll talk to Jerry, if he can see me this afternoon yet. I think if I have to schedule an appointment, I might not come back…” Melissa got up from her desk and hurried to another door behind her. “I think he may be free in a few minutes, but I want to make sure, honey. Just hold on a sec…. OK?”

Aidan stepped back from the window a bit and waited for Melissa to return. She did, about two minutes later and motioned him back up to the desk. The window slid open. “Jerry has an open spot in about fifteen minutes, Aidan. Is that OK?” She smiled almost a little apologetically at him and he nodded his consent that it would indeed be OK. He sat down on the chewed up couch and began his wait. Sitting there, he slowly slipped into a bit of light daydreaming and before he knew it Melissa was calling for him. “He’s right back here, honey. Now I should warn you, Jerry’s a bit……well he’s a bit, shall we say……gregarious? He’s off-putting to some people, is all I’m saying…” She looked back at him and flashed another gorgeous smile. He smiled back and stepped through the tiny gate next to the desk, then continued on to follow after her. They went through an even cheaper looking wooden door and then down a short hallway and stopped in front of a gaudy purple entryway. Melissa knocked and then opened the door. A blast of heat and cigarette smoke hit Aidan square in the face, almost blowing him back. The room was dimly lit and clearly, the air conditioner was not operating properly. A voice spoke out. “Yeah, come on in, come on in. Thank you Melissa. Let my 2:30 know that I may be running a bit late, will ya doll? Thanks!” The voice was like gravel being dragged across sandpaper. Aidan stepped into the room further and again, found himself jumping a bit as the door slammed shut behind him.

His eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the dim lighting and as they did he saw a skinny, greasy-looking Caucasian man sitting behind a huge desk that looked to be made of oak or the like, littered with papers, DVDs and a laptop computer. Behind him stood a television set on a five-foot high rolling cart. The man himself had slick-backed black hair and a thin Zorro-like mustache. He was wearing sunglasses and a rather loud purple suit. He was pretty much the epitome of every stereotype of the sleazy porn producer. “Hey what’s up baby? Have a seat. Shit! Melissa told me you were a pretty one and goddamn if she wasn’t right! Shit that gal’s got an eye for the cute types, for sure…” The gravelly voice grated on Aidan’s ears like glass being broken over his head; he sat down. “Uh, hi Jerry. My name’s Aidan. I…just wanted to…talk to you…for a few minutes…I guess…” His voice faltered at the end. Jerry shouted right back. “Yeah, baby you looking to make some movies? You know what kind of shit I produce here right?”

Aidan almost had to stifle a small laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of it all. He could barely believe that this guy actually existed. It was all so over-the-top. “Uh, yeah. Um…gay type…stuff, right. I mean I thought it said gay movies…in the ad…” Jerry gave him his best sleazy smile and laughed his throaty, gravelly laugh. “Right you are, baby! But not just any old gay porn. Any idea what the B-O-W stands for? Well, it’s ‘Black On White’. I only do interracial gay porn. And it’s purely black tops and white bottoms. Shit man! A few years ago, this shit didn’t even barely exist. Now, it’s a fuckin’ goldmine!”

Jeez, this guy was freaking crazy, Aidan thought. But he was still interested in finding out about what kind of money was really going to be on the table. “Uh, I don’t understand a couple things. You said ‘tops’ and ‘bottoms’. I’m not really sure what that means…” Aidan’s face turned a shade of red as if embarrassed by his lack of knowledge. Jerry looked at the kid with real surprise. Damn this one was a true innocent, or at least appeared to be. He couldn’t recall the last time they had had an actual virgin come through the studio. His stable of black studs would have a field day with the white kid, and Jerry felt sure he had him on the hook, he just had to reel him in. “Well, kiddo, a ‘top’ is the guy who does the fucking and a ‘bottom’ is the guy who takes the fucking, kinda like a girl. In short, the part you’re applying for would be the bottom and it would be your job to take your top’s prick in your mouth and…uh…your asshole too…if you agreed to that. Hope I’m not being too blunt but that’s the long and short of it…Maybe I can show you some clips from some of our movies or even introduce you to some of the actors…?” He paused, letting his words sink in for the kid. It was a lot to process and he was trying not to scare the boy off. He slipped into a slightly more professional manner of speaking. “I can assure you everything we engage in here is perfectly legal. We have required STD and HIV tests on all of our performers every month. Everyone’s clean here. And you don’t gotta do nothing you don’t want to……So let me ask you, and I’d really like the truth here, are you a virgin?”

Aidan’s mouth went dry at the question. He had been afraid that this query might come up and he was embarrassed to admit that he had never had any sex with anyone, boy or girl. He started to stammer out an answer. “Uh, er, yeah…I guess I…kinda am…” He could feel his face flushing, growing hotter by the second. Jerry flashed that sleaze-bag smile again, a gold tooth glinting even in the faint light. “Ain’t nothin’ to be ashamed of, baby! Just asking, that’s all. So no girls or guys, huh? Straight up virgin…? Goddamn!!” Aidan smiled a bit sheepishly, not quite certain what to make of the man’s exuberant response to his declaration of virginity. He looked down as he felt Jerry’s eyes roving over him, making him more than a bit uncomfortable. “Hey there, Aidan! Now if you get shy with just me looking at you, how you think you’re gonna do with a 5-man camera and production crew and assorted lookers-on crowded all around? Huh, baby?” He cackled gleefully, laughing at his own non-joke. “Why don’t you stand up and whirl around for me a couple times so I can get a better look at you…” Aidan looked up, a little unsure but saw Jerry nodding to him to get up, so he did. He twirled around slowly, once and then one more time in the opposite direction. Jerry looked the kid up and down, voicing his approval with a series of guttural grunts. He was no queer, but it was easy to see what faggots and black tops would like about the boy. Aidan stood about 5’10” and weighed no more than 170, maybe 175. He had a very svelte, trim figure with incredible round buttocks, outlined as they were by his form-fitting jeans. He had light, short-cropped blond hair but almost no visible body or facial hair. Blue eyes and full lips accented an exceptionally pretty face. And he was very, very young looking. So youthful looking, in fact, that Jerry doubted the kid would have any trouble at all passing for sixteen or even fifteen. But he was holding a copy of the kid’s driver’s license in his hand and it plainly stated that this person was indeed, eighteen years old. Fuck. Many of his performers were ex-cons and were no strangers to turning out young boipussy. It would be a bloodbath, literally, deciding who would get to break the kid in. His tops made good money, but this was the kind of job most of them would do for free. He’d have to make an executive decision and they’d have to just deal with it. Still it wasn’t going to be pleasant when they found out Aidan was a virgin.

“Well, like I said before, you are a beauty! Now, you got any more questions for old Jerry, baby?” Aiden sat back down again, sinking into the cushions of the armchair. He took a breath. “Yeah, uh, I guess I do. Yeah. I was…mainly wondering how…how much I can make…doing this…type of stuff……” Jerry was expecting this, sooner rather than later. It always came down to money and B-O-W Studios paid out a lot of it. He pulled out his list of standard rates for amateur bottoms and began to read it off. “Well, baby, it all depends on just what you’re willing to do. We typically pay by the scene and when I’m naming off pay rates, they’re all based on one scene being 30-45 minutes, occasionally an hour. Uh, let’s see here… Blowjob only, $200, that’s if you jerk the guy off into your hand. Extra $50 for a facial, extra $150 for swallowing. $300 if you’ll deepthroat. $250 if you’re willing to drink piss and/or get pissed on. Let’s see here…anal gets you $400 with a condom, $500 for bareback, $750 if you take an internal cumshot. That’s where the top actually shoots his…uh…sperm inside you. Bareback means no condom. OK… You take on two black guys at once, $1200. If you’re willing to do a…uh…double…uh… anal, that pays out $1800. I think that’s pretty self explanatory. You double up on a black guy with another bottom, and again, depending on what exactly you’re willing to do, start at $800 and go as high as $2000. If you want to do some bondage scenes, those can pay up to $2500. Uh, pole-dancing, feminization, yada yada. Yeah. There’s a lot more here, but I gotta tell you, one of our specialties here at the Studio is our First-Timer video series. Maybe……yeah, maybe we’ll take a look at one of those a little later… Anyway, whatcha thinkin’ baby?”

Aidan’s head was spinning. All he was hearing were these sexual acts that Jerry was expecting him to participate in. Some of them weren’t even really sexual. Who ever heard of getting peed on or……drinking it…? Maybe this wasn’t what he truly wanted to do after all, regardless of the money. “You know what, Jerry? I think I may be wasting your time. I’m sorry, but I don’t think this is going to work out……” The producer had to think fast or he was going to lose the kid. “C’mon baby! Before you make up your mind, let me show you around. Some of the guys are here working, if you want to talk to someone who done this shit before…” Aidan looked up at Jerry, interest showing in his eyes. Damn those beautiful blue eyes. Jerry was wishing the chicks he dated were half as pretty as this wannabe fag. “And did I mention that those First-Timer videos pay some serious dough, baby? They run an hour fifteen to an hour and a half and pay out a $3000 flat rate, for everything. $3000 bucks baby!! Probably more than you’ve ever seen before, am I right?” He could see Aidan perk up at the mention of that much cash. The kid was so young, Jerry was sure he hadn’t made that much in his entire life to this point.

Just then someone else knocked on the door and the producer beckoned him to enter. Aidan turned to look and saw a boy, probably about his age and physique, but with shoulder-length light brown hair and a couple of small tattoos. He was wearing nothing but a tiny thong. Aidan couldn’t help but blush at the boy’s nakedness, but the newcomer seemed not to notice. “You wanted to see me Jerry?” In a sweet and sexy Southern drawl, the kid asked the question with an air of nonchalant that suggested he had no qualms about running around in a teensy pair of…panties, basically. “Yeah, baby! Percy this is a potential newbie, Aidan. I need you to show him around the place. Introduce him to some of the guys, especially the tops. He’s never had cock before, OK, baby? Or pussy either.” Percy nodded. “Yeah, whatever, Jerry…Got it. Well, c’mon then. Let’s have a look-see.” Aidan looked uncertainly at the producer who nodded back at him to follow the brown haired lad. As they left the office, Aidan followed behind Percy and couldn’t help but look at the kid’s taut, round buttocks, exposed as they were in the clinging thong. He wasn’t gay, but geez, that was a nice tush.

They walked down the hallway in the opposite direction of where he had come in with Melissa. After a short trip they reached another doorway and went straight through it. They walked out into a large open area and Aidan was slowly becoming aware that the operation appeared to take up most of the building. “So you been doing work here for Jerry?” Aidan asked with some trepidation, but the other kid seemed nice. “Yeah, I’ve worked here for about four months or so. Done about fifty movies…” Aidan felt his jaw drop. “Fifty!? Geez…” He tailed off and they continued forward in silence. Ahead Aidan could see that not far ahead, no more than fifty feet, was what looked like a film set, with cameras, lights and booms all over the place. Percy turned and put his finger to his lips, suggesting that they needed to be quiet. As they drew closer, some kind of slapping sound became apparent along with some soft moaning and louder grunting. Upon coming around the side of the set, it was plainly made up to be a jail cell and Aidan’s jaw dropped as his eyes settled on the site before him. On the small bench, on a chintzy mattress that adorned it in the fake jail setting was a thin, blond haired white kid about the same age as Aidan and Percy. The boy was on his hands and knees and behind him, powering into him with shocking ferocity, was the biggest black guy Aidan had ever seen in real life. He was huge, at least 6’6” maybe taller and possessed a strong, brawny build, probably 270 to 280, all of it muscle. The black guy was breathing hard and uttering profanities as he slammed repeatedly into the kid, using all of his considerable might. The kid, for his part, was, squealing and moaning, wriggling his buns and arching back into every thrust of the black giant. Aidan followed Percy around the edge of the set, unable to tear his eyes away from the incredible action, but needing to watch where he was going as well. They stopped at a spot where they could see almost perfectly the spot where the two sex buddies were joined together. Aidan had seen a few porno magazines and watched a couple movies before, but he had never, ever actually seen two people fucking. Now that he was seeing it, he found it exhilarating and he felt his prick starting to stiffen as all the blood in his body rushed there. He could see every thick, stiff, glistening inch of the black guy’s cock as it disappeared between the white kid’s smooth buns, only to reappear a second later as it was pulled back out. In and out, in and out, the rhythm continued like this for several minutes as both participants groaned and moaned and ooohed and ahhhed. Aiden was mesmerized by the size of that chocolate-colored flesh pipe. The length was impressive, possibly eight to nine inches, but it’s circumference was what truly awed; it looked as thick around as a beer can and was meaty and solid. He looked back up and saw himself gazing admiringly at the black man’s muscled physique, dripping with sweat. Meanwhile, the film crew was moving around, jostling to get into the best possible position to capture all the sweaty, dirty deeds. Aidan hadn’t even thought about how much went into a film production, a lot of hard work and knowledge and technical skills. Again he found himself impressed, but for entirely new reasons.

As they stood there just off the set, the black guy suddenly spoke. “Up, boy! Turn around and face me, then sit back down on my cock. Now, bitch!” He pulled out and sat down on the bench, the mattress scrunched up beneath him. The boy groaned as the man withdrew but quickly did as told. “Yes, sir. I need you back in my asshole, sir.” Aidan’s eyes grew wider yet again as he now had an unfettered view of that monster prick. It was sawing the air impatiently, as if eager for more action. He looked it up and down; he was amazed that it could fit inside the boy. There was no way that big…thing, could ever go up inside his ass. No way! They had to have guys here who were……smaller. Aidan turned his attention back to the scorching sex action and saw the kid move to straddle the much bigger man. The boy pushed up against the stud’s chest, rubbing up into his lover, whilst at the same time settling his tush back over the blood-engorged tip of the man’s cock. Aiden could plainly see straight up into the kid’s asshole, so gaping open was it. It was various shades of red and pink and glistened wetly from the anal lubricant, sweat and rectal mucus.

In an instant, the black guy had pushed upward as the boy sat down and just like that, they were connected again. Both males groaned loudly as they got back to fucking and now the man was gripping the boy’s slim waist, forcing the bitch up and down his towering, ebony manhood. Now Aidan was almost shocked to see them kissing, their tongues dueling and their lips swapping saliva. The action was fast and furious now, even more than before. The kid was literally screaming, begging for it harder and faster as the black stud crushed him into his granite-like chest, pounding and levering and fucking like it was the last thing he would ever do. He pulled out of their liplock and growled out a ferocious, animalistic roar, almost a battle cry. And then they both stopped, frozen in a moment as they strained, reaching for that which had been their goal all along. Aidan stared, eyes large with shock and surprise and……lust? He knew instinctively that they were both cumming, even though he had never seen it happen in person or experienced it. His own boner pushed uncomfortably against the zipper of his jeans, aching and throbbing painfully.

With a few more grunts, the white kid collapsed against his lover’s hulking form, both of them gasping for breath, sweating and flushed. Aidan was still staring at the afterglow when he felt a tug on his arm and turned to see Percy walking away, farther into the larger room, past the jailhouse set. It was painful to walk, erect as his prick was, but he followed the other young man to wherever he was going. They soon came to a small room, set up like a lounge or breakroom with three huge black guys lounging around, two on the couch watching ESPN, the other leaning against the small kitchenette counter drinking what appeared to be whiskey, judging by the half empty bottle of Maker’s Mark next to the glass. The three were at least as big as the guy from the jailhouse scene, possibly bigger in a couple of their cases. As Percy and Aidan walked in, the three black dudes looked up; the two on the couch gave short, but welcoming smiles; the guy standing up, nothing but an icy scowl. Percy immediately slid onto the lap of the guy sitting on the left and put his arms around the dude’s neck. “Hi Marquez. Mmmmm, love those muscles, baby…” Percy cooed into the guy’s ear as he nuzzled his neck and ran his hands up and down the tank-top clad torso. Aidan watched, blushing slightly, as Marquez grabbed and squeezed Percy’s round globes and the two engaged in a quick sparring of the lips, biting and nipping at each other. “How you doing, sweetie? Yea, just like that. Shit, Perc, as much as I want ‘nother bit of that honey-sweet pussy, you know I got ta go on in an hour. Can’t go nuttin’ in you…maybe later tonight, huh? Yeah, you want some a this shit, huh?” Aidan could see Marquez smile smugly as he coaxed just the reaction he wanted out of the white kid. Aidan looked down and saw Percy’s hand slowly stroking the large lump in the dude’s pants, all the while lightly kissing his neck. Percy’s own tiny penis was tenting the front of his thong.

“Aintchoo gonna introduce us to your little friend, Percy?” The other guy on the couch spoke up, startling Aidan out of his reverie. Percy broke away from his ministrations on Marquez’s neck and chin. “Sorry, Jerome. This here is Aidan. He’s here talkin’ to Jerry about coming aboard. Go easy on him, all right?” The one named Jerome looked Aidan up and down, licking his lips and causing the kid no small amount of discomfort. “C’mon over here, Aidan, is it? Yeah, boy, let’s have a look atchoo. Shit, go easy on him, ya said? Damn, baby! I’ll go so sweet and easy on dis ass… Ever had a black guy before, boy?” Aidan swallowed hard and his voice caught in his throat as he struggled for an answer. “Uh, well, uh…I’m not…really…uh…” His sentence tailed off, but Percy picked it up for him. “He’s never had a guy before, Jerome. Or even a chick…I think.” The two blacks stared at him, not sure if they had heard correctly. Marquez broke the stunned silence. “Goddamn, you gotta be fuckin’ shittin’ us, right? No fuckin’ way you a total virgin… Never had pussy or cock, huh? Damn!”

Aidan was feeling the heat creep up into his face. “Well…I uh…just…never…got around to it…I guess…” Both black guys were smiling arrogantly at him, as if they knew something he didn’t. He looked back at them, his embarrassment plainly showing, as the two porn studs eyed him with predatory zeal. His eyes widened as he saw Jerome stroking a bulge in his basketball shorts and Percy continued his petting of Marquez’s thickening erection. The two kept making out intermittently all the while, Marquez keeping a firm, possessive grip on Percy’s smooth, round tush. Marquez pulled away from the kid long enough to speak up. “Shit, wouldn’t mind breaking in that azz. Ain’t had no virgin quimmy in a long damn time…” Jerome butted in, interrupting his buddy. “You gonna have ta fight me for dat shit, brotha!” Aidan looked away, his cheeks on fire and his vision fell on the other black guy in the room, the one still leaning against the counter. He was the biggest one of them all, standing about 7’1” and weighing at minimum 325. Like all the rest of the black studs they had encountered, he was all muscle. He also looked like the meanest of the bunch. Their eyes met and the dude’s chilly stare turned even cooler. “Whatcha lookin’ at faggot? I tell you to look at me?” Aidan didn’t know how to respond and he was terrified of offending the pitch-black behemoth. “I…uh…sorry……sir…” He stuttered and stammered out the words. The other two guys were sniggering under their breaths. “The only time you gonna look me in the eyes is if you’re suckin’ my pole. Got it bitch?” The colossal black guy stated it with the air of a man used to getting what he wanted, when he wanted it, probably taking it by force.

Percy got up immediately and slinked over to the man. He seductively ran his hand up and down the dude’s enormous bicep. “Oh c’mon now, Dozer. Cantcha lighten up a bit on the newbie? You’re gonna scare the poor kid to death…C’mon, baby…for me…?” The guy grunted as if in response and shrugged off Percy’s light touches. “Tell your little pansy friend that unless I got my cock wedged up in his pussy or down his bitch throat, he don’t even look at me! And he better damn sho not talk to me.” With that he stormed out of the lounge. Jerome and Marquez instantly exploded with laughter; clearly this was all some kind of inside joke with them. “Damn, kid! You got Dozer all riled up, or some shit! Fuckin’ hey!” Jerome was howling with laughs and he and Marquez were exchanging hand-slaps and fist-bumps like they were going out of style. Marquez explained a bit more. “Dozer loves fuckin’ white faggot ass, but he don’t like being associated with faggots! Know what I mean?”

Percy shrugged them both off. “Well, fellas, we’re gonna go check out some other stuff. Told Jerry I’d take Aidan around the entire operation. We got a ways to go yet…” He eyed Marquez hungrily and wiggled his fingers in a feminine parting wave. “Bye Marquez. I’ll see you later, baby, K?” The words rolled off his tongue like sugar, like a Southern belle teasing her lover. With that the two boys left the tiny porno breakroom and returned out into the bowels of B-O-W Studios. They could hear faintly as the door closed some parting words from Jerome. “I’ll be seeing you ‘round the way, OK Aidan?” They continued down what was supposed to be some sort of hallway and Aidan couldn’t resist asking Percy something. “Is Marquez…your…boyfriend…? He’s…so……huge…” Percy turned and gave a big smile. “He’s huge in more ways than one, I can tell that. No, he’s not really my boyfriend. We’ve just done a lot of scenes together and we have a great chemistry…so we kinda fuck around off the set, some…I think he’s actually got a girlfriend…”

They went on further and more questions flooded Aidan’s head. “Hey, Percy? What are the ‘First-Timer’ videos? Jerry mentioned that they pay great, like $3000 bucks! Jesus, I’ve never seen that much money before…” Percy looked back again, this time with something resembling reservation on his face. “Well, a lot of the boys have done them. Jerry usually likes the youngest-looking bottoms to take part; I don’t think he’s had too many actual virgins before, though. I did one, a few months ago. It’s an……interesting experience, I guess I’d say. They pair up Dozer with a boy, lots of times. I actually had Marquez, but Dozer is Jerry’s usual choice. You gotta be willing to do almost everything…… You can make a shitload of cash, though. You thinkin’ about doing one?” Percy eyed him inquisitively. “Yeah, I’m thinking, for sure. I could really use that three grand…” Aidan responded, although somewhat slowly, as if unsure…

As always, feedback is appreciated and encouraged…….


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