Gay Erotic Stories

BOW Studios 2

by Celliophonic
16 Feb 2010

First Time Interracial

B-O-W Studios Pt. 2

By D.O.


Aidan barely had time to take in the entire goings on at the studio. He followed Percy around on a whirlwind tour of the operation. After talking with Marquez, Jerome and Dozer they moved on and watched a couple more scenes being filmed. One was a BDSM scenario that took place in a dungeon set featuring a boy named Matt and a stud who went by the title Master Kong. Aidan and Percy had watched as Kong put young Matt through his paces, bound and gagged in tight bondage, unable to do anything but acquiesce to his brutal keeper’s every whim. Matt was screaming, crying, and moaning in intense pain and yet Aidan couldn’t help but think that somewhere, in a place hidden deep inside, Matt truly loved the drawn out torture and for some unknown reason had a profound need to be subservient to a superior black man. By the end he was begging Kong for release and the Master allowed his worm to cum, while he achieved his own orgasm inside the slave’s asshole. Aidan originally thought that there would be no way he would ever do a scene like this, but before he left he was having thoughts of himself being manhandled by Master Kong, hanging from the pole or strapped to the rack or stuffed in the cage. Still, he could never do that, could he…? The scene had turned him on immensely and he had to leave quickly, acutely aware of his stiffness. Percy looked down at his crotch as they were walking away and giggled, then motioned to his own erection, pressing out through the flimsy man-panties he had on.

Almost an hour had passed and by then Aiden had met a couple more of the tops and gotten a chance to talk to a few of the bottoms. Percy had warned him that the bottoms tended to be very catty towards each other and very jealous in regards to their favorite studs. Each of the boys seemed to have gravitated to a different black top and were very possessive of their chosen man. After a few minutes of enduring the spiteful banter, Percy quietly led the two of them away and down a sloping passage to another small studio. This one just looked like a normal bedroom, in a cozy home somewhere. Percy whispered to Aidan. “This is the set where they film the ‘Lovers’ series. It’s supposed to be a really romantic and erotic cycle of videos. They try to film them like they’re capturing the most intimate lovemaking of two actual lovers…… The sex is usually slower and easier…” He turned away from Aidan and they both crept up closer to the set. The lighting was quite dim although still bright enough to use a camera effectively, Aidan assumed. As he came within sight he could see two forms on the spacious bed. One was clearly a huge black form lying on his side. In the muted light, he could tell there was a smaller form lying spooned in front of the darker mass. He moved in a little closer and could start to make out what he already knew, that a black top and a white bottom were mating in the spooning position. The action was much more subdued than that which he had seen on the previous couple sets. The performing boy seemed lost in a haze, his right hand clasped in the right hand of the black guy and his left reaching back around to stroke the man’s neck. He was cooing, almost mewling like a kitten as the stud behind him worked in and out of him with slow, steady strokes. The way they nuzzled and kissed, Aidan could almost buy that they were in love…and who knew? Perhaps they were…

Percy motioned to him and they left with presumably much of the scene still to create. He followed the brown-haired cutie’s gently swaying hips. They continued on, next coming to a shower scene that was steamy in more ways than one. A tall, older-looking black man with a bit of belly paunch and thick, furry hair covering most of his strapping physique was busy fondling a slender red-headed lad, underneath the hot spray of the shower head. His brawny hands roamed over the boy’s body, stroking stiffness, pinching nipples and probing moist openings. Both males were clearly very much into their sexual dance and the kid was moaning softly as his man’s fingers pushed into him. Percy walked past slowly, but kept going and Aidan wished they had stopped. “Damn, that was……hot! I was hoping we could watch them…you know…finish up…?” Aiden was blushing slightly as Percy looked back at him with a sly smile on his face. “You’re kinda getting’ into this, aren’t ya, sexy?” He stopped and waited for Aiden to catch up. “Ya know, I just got a rather……naughty idea, sweetie. Jerry probably told you there might be opportunities to pair up with another bottom and then you both take on a top, right?” Aidan nodded, not quite sure where this was headed. “Well……what do you think about…I don’t know…me…? Ya know you and me…maybe makin’ out a little, maybe some other…stuff and then tearin’ it up with a big, black stud…” Percy was looking at him with something in his eyes that Aidan was not familiar with. It made him a little nervous, but also excited. Percy touched his hand and smiled shyly, before pulling away. “Geez, Perc, I haven’t even made up my mind about doing this shit… I guess I gotta head back and talk to Jerry…” But he smiled back, nonetheless.

“Oh, I think you’re doing it, babe. I just have a……feeling about it.” With that the two boys turned and made their way back to the bawdy office belonging to the skeezy producer. As they approached the door, Percy pulled Aidan back to whisper to him. “Just make sure you know what you’re doing, especially with those ‘First-Timer’ vids. Those are gonna test your mettle and your resolve…” He looked at Aidan with a meaningful stare in his eyes. “Anyway, I guess then get back in there and let him know what you want to do. I…I’ll catch up with you later, hopefully…Hey I’m shooting a scene with DeQuan in about an hour in studio 3A. You should stop by, check it out…” And then Percy was off, heading back down the hallway. He turned around when he was about thirty feet away and gave one last slightly flirty look and then disappeared.

With his heart beating rapidly, Aidan took a deep breath and knocked on the door. His rap was answered almost immediately by the familiar raspy, sandpaper voice from before. He opened the door and saw Jerry sitting there his elbows propped up on his desk and his hands folded together, as if contemplating something. His sleazy smile widened as he saw Aidan enter and he squeezed his hands tighter, as if in anticipation of something. “Well, well. Back to see me, huh? I hoped so, baby! You thinkin’ about that three grand, Aidan? Heh, heh…” The gravelly voice fell again on his ears and Aidan met his gaze and smiled back, albeit a bit less exuberantly than the producer. “Yeah, I guess… Percy showed me around and most of the……tops…seem…nice. The other white guys, I don’t know. And Dozer……well he kinda scares me…to be honest. I’m still not sure…I guess is what I’m saying.” He gulped a bit as Jerry laid out several packets of twenty dollar bills on the desk and arranged them neatly in front of him. “Heh, heh. Yeah, Dozer scares everybody, baby! No need to let him bother you. He’s a real pro when it comes to his work. Damn, that guy can… Well anyway, like I said, the man’s a professional. So whatcha thinkin’, baby? Is it go-time?”

Aidan looked again at the producer and then down at the pile of cash and couldn’t believe he was actually here, considering a move into pornography. Gay pornography to boot! He didn’t completely want to do it, but he needed the money so badly and couldn’t come up with any legal way to obtain it. And now that he had seen much of what went on here, he had to admit to having been turned on by some of what he had witnessed, debauched though it may have been. It was time to make a decision one way or the other and Aidan steeled himself to say the words he knew Jerry wanted to hear. He may have dropped out of high school, but he was still smart enough to realize his potential value to the producer. And of course, the true benefit to himself, being employed. “Yeah, Jerry. I think I wanna do it. And I’ll do a…I’ll do one of the First-Timer’s. What do I need to do?”

Jerry the porn producer felt himself go all giddy on the inside. He was about to pull off a real coup, if he could just get this cutie to sign on the dotted line. Fuck, this kid was exactly what his purchasing customers were looking for. He had a feeling that Aidan was a born cocksucker and bottom bitch for black cock, just waiting to be turned out by the studio’s dominant topmen. And although he had recruited a lot of cute, young white guys, Aidan was easily one of the cutest yet. He had to nail this one down. “Well, this $3000 bucks is yours, but…well…there is just one thing. I need you to sign a contract for your First-Timer scene. Now, you gotta agree to some…kinda rough stuff. And, if you don’t finish the scene, you get no money at all. Zero, zip, nada. Is that cool, baby?” Jerry looked at the kid questioningly, truthfully more than a little worried that he might lose him now, when they were so close. This was the very point where some of his prospects had lost their courage and he didn’t want a repeat. Still, he had to explain everything. The kid swallowed and nodded his agreement. “All right then, baby. I’m pairing you up with…ah…Dozer. I know he’s kinda intimidating, but trust me, the guy knows what he’s doing. Like I said, ain’t nothin’ gonna happen that you don’t agree to. That being said, you gotta to be willing to agree to some kinky shit if you want that three grand, baby!” Again, he paused to see if the new recruit was showing signs of chickening out. Aidan was looking at him expectantly, waiting. Jerry cleared his throat and continued. “First off, you are to do whatever the director or the top tell you at all times. Is that clear? Good. Certain things will be off limits, and if you want to stop, you can at any time. But again, if you don’t finish the scene, you don’t get paid…… Well, Dozer is gonna start out with a…uh…milk enema. This is of course after you’ve already been cleansed, so it’s all very sexy, baby. He’ll be spanking your ass and slapping you around a bit. Nothing too hard on the face, but you’re gonna feel it. OK? OK. He’s gonna…spit on you and he’s gonna force you to open your mouth so he can spit in it. You’re gonna suck his cock and balls; I think that’s probably pretty obvious. Heh, heh. Uhh, you’ll be expected to deepthroat him…and neither Dozer nor anyone on the set cares if you’re gagging or even throwing up. You’re gonna do it or no money. End of story. He’s going to take your ass, in multiple positions and kid, I’m not going to lie to you. The guy is big and he goes at it rough and even though you may think it’s not going to fit…it always does. Oh and by the way, First-Timers are always bareback. That’s mandatory. All performers are pre-screened the day before for HIV and STD’s.” He stopped, seeing Aidan’s eyes go wide at the apparent thought of all the sinful action. “You OK kid?” Aidan nodded and Jerry went on with his spiel. “I’ll make sure Big D knows to really prep you and that he needs to go slow and easy, at first. He’ll switch positions several times during the anal and you are expected to give his prick a few sucks at these moments. I know, I know it sounds nasty and maybe it is, but that’s the job, OK? We’re gonna have him cum on your face, when the time is right. Make sure at that point, you’re looking him in the eyes and have your mouth open….Cool?” Jerry paused his banter and looked at the kid. They’re eyes met and Jerry saw in Aiden’s gaze a kind of disconnect, not unlike what he had seen in many of the boys he had signed through the years. Most of the tops couldn’t sign the dotted line fast enough, but many of the bottoms took a bit longer to decide. Jerry guessed that even the ones that craved the degradation still had to think twice about putting their deepest desires on film, for everyone to see for all time. He pushed the contract across the desk towards the kid and was relieved when Aiden picked up a pen and moved to pull the paper closer.

Aiden looked blankly as Jerry slid a piece of paper towards him, that slimy smile etched on his face. He knew what signing his name on the sheet meant; there would be no turning back. At least not without walking away from three thousand dollars. But he had to do it and if he thought about it any longer he knew he would scare himself off the idea. So with that, Aiden pulled the contract close to him and with one final deep breath, signed his name in all the areas Jerry had highlighted. As he signed for the fifth and final time, he looked up and saw the producer watching him intently, with an almost anxious eye. He felt his face redden as he thought about all the things he would be expected to do and that Jerry might be watching him…perform. Lots of people might be watching him live and presumably thousands or more could buy the DVD or download the video or the screenshots. He shuddered a little as he thought again about the things he had witnessed while touring the studio and realized that soon, he would be partaking in those very activities. “Well, I guess that’s……that’s it, then. I guess…” Aiden managed to croak out a few words, his voice failing him and his throat suddenly feeling very hoarse.

“Yeah, that’s it baby! Congratulations, you’re now an employee of B-O-W Studios. Now, when you wanna do this? Dozer’s off the next couple days, but we can start back up on Saturday, if that works…” Jerry held his breath a little waiting for the answer. But Aiden answered right back. “Saturday should be OK, Jerry. What…what do I need to do to…get ready…?” Jerry chuckled a bit to himself. The innocence in his voice was overwhelming and the producer knew that his tops were going to feast on the kid’s virtue. “Just take a shower, a shit and when you get here, you can give yourself a couple enemas. We start filming at 9:30 so be here by 8:45.”

With a dismissive wave of his hand, Jerry made it clear that he was done with the boy and he turned in his desk chair and began talking on his cell phone almost immediately. Aidan looked at him kind of hesitantly, as if unsure of what he was supposed to do. After a moment, he took the hint and got up from his seat and stepped away from Jerry’s desk. Once he determined that the man wasn’t going to speak to him anymore, he turned and opened the door and left the stifling office. As he closed the door behind him he remembered that Percy had told him that he was doing a scene that afternoon and it was almost his start time. Aidan thought for a moment, struggling to recall which studio Percy had told him. Was it 2A? No, it seemed like it was 3A so Aidan set off back into the inner sanctum of the building, all the while a slight nervous feeling itching his insides.

A couple minutes later he came upon 3A and turned the corner. He realized that filming had already begun but so far only the top appeared to be on screen. He kept quiet as he tiptoed closer. The set looked to be some kind of office, almost like a……principal’s office or a teacher’s. He looked over the actor sitting in a chair; a black guy who he thought Percy had said was named DeQuan. He seemed a little thinner than most of the other tops he had met, but still had a powerful build and a stern look about him. He sat as if pouring over some paperwork. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. “Enter.” The man spoke with a deep, but resonant voice. As the door opened, Aidan was shocked to see a young, pretty girl step into the room. She was dressed in a very form-fitting blouse, with a short, plaid schoolgirl skirt. Her hair was in pigtails and she was made up with what seemed like gallons of blush and eyeliner and lipstick. She finished off the ensemble with four inch high heeled pumps. Aidan obviously had the wrong set and he could not remember anyone saying anything about there being straight porn being shot anywhere near here. He looked at the scene playing out before him with some confusion, as it went on. “I’m ready for my punishment sir.” The girl spoke in a high, mostly feminine manner, but there was something rather odd about it that Aidan couldn’t quite put his finger on. “Good girl. You dress up real nice. I always like a real pretty young thing to spank. Next time you want to flout our rules, you remember what kind of punishment you get from Principle Black…”

As the scene quickly progressed, the ‘principle’ was spanking the girl’s pantied bottom and as she was crying out, she looked over at Aidan with a wink and a smile. Aidan’s eyes went wide as he realized the ‘girl’ was actually Percy! He smiled back as he realized that he was watching a cross-dressing video. He had no idea that Percy was into that kind of……thing. He watched, mesmerized as things continued on. Soon Principle Black had Percy’s blouse stripped off so he was down to a tiny, tiny bra and then the kid’s pink, lacy girlie panties pulled down to his ankles and was spanking the kid’s buns red. Then Percy was tasting the hunk’s prick, laving the big shaft and cum-packed nuts with his rough little tongue. Soon Black’s black cock was dripping with saliva, courtesy of several minutes of hot deep-throat action. Aidan was then given a glimpse of what might be to come for him as the principle took school-girl Percy anally and it was hard and brutal. Percy screamed as the wiry, 6’1” stud seized what he wanted, using his eight-inch tool to deliver the vicious reaming. All the while, Principle Black made a point to call Percy ‘girl’ and ‘girlie’ and ‘bitch’, really going out of his way to emphasize the boy’s apparent forced feminization. After just a few minutes of fucking, Black slapped Percy on the butt one more time and Percy pulled out of the tryst and immediately got down on his knees and began stroking Black’s dark shaft with his small hand. Quickly he ran his enclosed palm up and down the glistening ebony shank and within seconds the man tightened up and grunted out loudly and then arched his hips forward as he began to shoot powerful ropey strands of scorching cum across Percy’s make-up imbued face and into his open mouth. Aidan was amazed at the pounding and the abuse that Percy had taken and yet, the other boy seemed not the least bit phased by his treatment and in fact was quite clearly very aroused by it. As soon as the director had yelled “Cut!” he had walked over to Aidan, grabbing a towel on the way over. He smiled widely as he came upon him and instantly started up a conversation.

“So, what did you think? Pretty hot, huh? Man, DeQuan can fuck! And that cumshot of his is fucking amazing!” He was flushed and sweating from the intense action and was busy still wiping off the remnants of DeQuan’s juices from all over his face and shoulders. “Damn, I’m still hard as fuck though. Gonna have to go jerk it a little I guess!” He laughed. Aidan wasn’t quite sure what to make of everything going on. “Don’t you usually…you know…um…cum... during…?” Percy laughed again. “You’re sweet, honey. But no. I don’t always, probably about fifty maybe sixty percent of the time I can actually cum. But it doesn’t matter. In these scenes, you and the top both are working for his orgasm. The top is the only one who matters in that regard and neither Jerry nor the directors are going to care if you cum or not. Most of the tops don’t give a shit either. Whether we spray or not is inconsequential and if we do, it’s simply a bonus. The only series that cares if we shoot, is the ‘Lovers’ series I told you about, where it’s all soft and romantic. Those ones, they want you to fire off a load, preferably with the top buried in your tush…. Soooo, did you sign up? Gonna be one of us?” Percy asked expectantly.

Aidan took a small breath. “Yup. I’m in, I guess. I start on Saturday, with…Dozer. Jesus…” Percy looked at him and smiled. “Oh, don’t worry about him. You’ll be fine. Jerry just likes him cause he really knows how to manhandle and dominate the newbies. But he’s a pro, he isn’t really going to hurt you, not really…” The two boys started walking towards the locker room so Percy could shower and change. Aidan couldn’t help but think that he was walking towards a new life……

Part 3 cumming soon………….


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