Gay Erotic Stories

Nice Guy

by Solo_DR
16 Dec 2013

Coming Out First Time Man Meets His Man Sexual Identity Discovery Surprise

Nice Guy

Now let me start off by saying, that up until this incident, I never considered myself to be anything even remotely close to being gay. I've never checked out any of my friends. I never peeked in the locker room. I never so much as played around as a kid. For me sex with guys just seemed to be the furthest thing from my mind. Well that was until I met Alex.

At the time I was 22 and in the midst of my partying phase. There wasn't a weekend that went by, that I didn't party. And my weekends were always a 4 day experience. Nearly every Thursday thru Sunday night, every weekend, you could expect to find me in some club or at some party having the time of my life. And I was definitely the wildest, most intoxicated person there, not to mention the most well known, or infamous if you want. I can attribute that a lot to my big bro Charlie. At the time, he was a really popular DJ, who spun at a lot of the hot clubs in the city. And where he spun, I partied, and sometimes hosted. I definitely reaped every benefit of my brother's local fame.

My brother also at the time owned a mens urban boutique, where I would work from time to time helping out when he needed me. That was where we met Alex. One day when I came into the boutique Alex was there. It had been a while since my brother had asked me to help out in the store, so I figured he must have hired someone new to work for him permanently, Alex.

When I first met him, Alex seemed like a cool enough kid. He was only 20, and a bit on the shy side, but nice. He was one of those people that were too nice and innocent to be true. At the time I thought it was just him trying to suck up and be professional in front of his boss. But later on, once Alex became more of a friend to Charlie than an employee, I found that he was still that same sweet kid. And it was oddly refreshing to me. He was the total opposite of me, the total opposite of anything I had ever been. And honestly, for that reason, I liked him, but at the same time, there was something I just couldn't stand about him.


By this time, Alex had been working with Charlie for months now, and had started hanging around a lot more often. A lot more than just at the store during work hours. Somehow, out of nowhere, Alex and Charlie were all of a sudden now bestfriends. You could always expect to find Alex hanging around Charlie. Whether it be at Charlie's house, the store, or anywhere else Charlie went, Alex was always there, never too far behind. And I have to admit, I was a bit jealous of their friendship. I mean Charlie was my brother; and now he was hanging out this new kid. And it all just seemed a bit odd to me. I just couldn't understand how they were friends, yet along bestfriends. Like I said Alex was only 20, he could barely even get into a bar on his own. But Charlie, he was in his 30s, with a wife and kids. I mean I get Charlie hanging with me, I'm his brother; but what does a 30 year old married guy have in common with a 20 year old kid. Apparently it was a lot. It was like all the stupid crap that I made fun of Charlie for being into [video games, comic books, shit like that], was exactly the type of stuff that they had in common. Stuff that I had absolutely no interest in, but found myself incredibly jealous at the thought of them both sharing that interest together. It wasn't long before my jealously for Alex turned into contempt and hate. But like I said the kid was so sweet that it was hard to hate him, but I managed.

Well this brings me to the night in question. It was a few weeks after Alex had turned 21. He had decided that finally, he was gonna break out of his shell and party with us for once. It wasn't like he wasn't always invited. And since Charlie was a DJ, he could get Alex into any club, whether he was 21 or not. But Alex was one of those goody goody, by the book type of dudes, so he waited until he was legal. Either way I wasn't all that excited about it. I knew Charlie would be DJing all night, so that meant I would have to baby sit Alex. I definitely wasn't looking forward to that.

At the club, as soon as we got there, Charlie jumped right into the Dj booth. In no time the club started filling up. Alex definitely wasn't ready for it. He looked as nervous as a fish out of water. It was so hilarious to me. I was just glad to see that little goody goody out of his element for once, out of his comfort zone.

It was a night out, there were half naked girls, liquor and Charlie was spinning like crazy. I definitely wasn't in the mood for babysitting anyone, yet alone Alex. So once the club was a little more packed, I decided to ditch him. And I can't say I didn't have a ball after that. Alex or no Alex, I definitely knew how to have a good time, and no one was ever going to cramp my style.

Throughout the night, I would from time to time, out of the corner of my eye, see Alex standing post at the Dj booth, like he was Charlie's security or something. It was so sad, so pathetic. I don't think he moved an inch the whole time we were there. Every so often Charlie would spot me out in the crowd, and try to signal me to take Alex around; but I ignored my brother. It was just too damn funny seeing Alex that miserable.

It was nearly the end of the night when I started to actually feel bad for Alex. So I decided to go over and see how he was doing. "Yo Alex why don't you go out there and dance." I said to him, trying to yell over the music.

He just shook his head no and said he was fine. I couldn't believe how pathetic he was acting. How innocent he was pretending to be.

"Come on man. Get out there." I said to him, but he still protested. So I put my arm around his shoulder and forced him out onto the dance floor, and into the crowd. He was acting more pathetic than ever now. He just stood there, sticking out like a sore thumb, as everyone else partied and danced around him. I had to laugh at the sight, but I was starting to get tired of seeing him suffer so much in awkwardness. I leaned into him and yelled directly in his ear,"Dance." I think I scared him half to death, but he got the hint, and started trying to dance. And he was terrible at it. He could barely stay on beat. But in a packed club, you don't need to know how to dance, as long as you're moving around you'll blend right in. So then after few or 6 drinks, Alex started loosening up. He was partying harder than I was. But by the end of the night and a few more drinks, he was totally wasted . He was so drunk he could barely walk, yet along stand; and Charlie and I ended up having to literally carry him out to the car.

"Bro, what the fuck did you do to my friend?" my brother said to me as we carried Alex to the car.

"I showed him a good time." I said laughing. "Wasn't that what you wanted me to do?"

"Yeah. But damn he's barely conscience." Charlie said.

"I am cahn-stinced." Alex said slurring his words, then he pushed us away. "I'm fine", and he walked off. He walked maybe only a few feet, before he stopped in his wobbly tracks and started throwing up his guts. Then he keeled over on the ground, right next to his own vomit. I just laughed, but Charlie didn't think it was funny at all. I thought it was hilarious though, that I had gotten this little innocent kid drunk. But the whole scene did make me start to hate him just a little bit less.

After we picked Alex up off the ground, and got him in the car, we drove off. Charlie's wife and kids were away for the weekend, so we went back the his place to crash and raid the fridge. When we got there, Alex immediately passed out onto the living room floor. I couldn't help but laugh again. It was just too funny seeing him like that. "Ok, you think its funny, but if he throws up on any of my shit, you cleaning it up." Charlie said, unamused at the fact that I had gotten his friend that drunk. I didn't care though. After I got something to eat, I went in the back to Charlie's guest room and crashed myself.


When I got in the room, I stripped down to my tight little black briefs, before collapsing onto the bed and dosing off. It was maybe an hour or so later when I all of a sudden woke out of my sleep. I had the eeriest feeling that someone was watching me, and boy was I right. Alex was standing there at the bedroom door watching me sleep. When I sat up, to acknowledge that I was awake, he just continued to stand there, quiet, perfectly still. It was so creepy. Then I called out to him. "Alex.", but he didn't say a word. So I flicked the lamp beside the bed on. And there he was, standing there at the door, naked. "Dude. What the fuck are you doing? You're still drunk?" I said laughing, but a little creeped out at the same time. Then finally he spoke.

"You hate me don't you?" He said staring dead into my eyes. I was really creeped out now.

"Dude go to bed. You're drunk." I said laughing awkwardly. Then he walked over and climbed on the bed, and laid down beside me on his stomach, exposing to me his hairy naked ass.

"Seriously. Do you hate me?" He asked again, still staring into my eyes. "And I'm not drunk anymore." He said, but I could still tell he was a little phased.

"Man get out of here. You're drunk. I'm not talking to you with your ass out." I said less creeped out, but now just more uncomfortable then ever.

"Well if you don't hate me, then you must like me. Otherwise you wouldn't act the way you do around me. I never see you act like such a dick to anyone else." He went on. "You like me, don't you?" He laughed.

"Dude I'm serious. Get your drunk naked ass out of here." I said now a little fed up with his drunken antics.

"I said I'm not drunk." he repeated. " And I know for a fact that you like me. Look, your dicks getting hard." He said to me, laughing again.

"Dude get the fuck away from me. I don't swing that way." I said, but he didn't budge an inch. As uncomfortable as I was feeling, I knew everything that Alex was saying was true. I did like him. And him being naked in the bed with me, was turning me on and making my dick incredibly hard. I was way too uncomfortable with everything that was happening. I had to get out of there. So I got up and went into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, I walked over to the sink. I turned the faucet on and splashed some cold water in my face, then looked into the mirror. My eyes felt so heavy and my head started spinning. My dick was throbbing like it never had before. I must have left the door unlocked, because before I knew it, a naked Alex was walking into the bathroom.

For some reason, I just couldn't move. Alex walked over to me. I just looked in the mirror at him, as he stood there behind me, staring over my shoulder into the mirror as well. Then through the mirror, we locked eyes. And suddenly Alex was putting his hands on my hips. Then what shocked me even more was that I let him. "You don't hate me. Do you?" he whispered, with his lips touching my ear. I could feel his breathe on the back of my neck and my cheek. But I didn't say a word. Then suddenly his hands moved from my hips to my stomach. He pulled me into him, against his warm naked body. I gasped as I felt his dick resting against my ass. And it was hard, and big, and I couldn't believe how good it felt. I still couldn't say a word. Then Alex without warning, started lowering his hands down into my underwear. My dick was throbbing even harder now, as he grasped it and made a fist around it with his hand. Then he squeezed. And I moaned. He squeezed my dick so hard that it seemed as if electricity began to run throughout my entire body. I was stunned. For some reason, I couldn't, or maybe I just didn't want to move a muscle. I don't know how, but somehow my underwear were suddenly gone, and for the first time I felt the warm bare flesh of Alex's dick against the bare flesh of my own ass. The feeling was incredible. We both just stood there, staring into each others eyes through the mirror.

Then he kissed my neck, and the next thing I know he was inside me. He was thrusting his dick deep inside me. And honestly, the feeling was hard to describe. Although it was the first time I had ever been penetrated, and my first time ever doing anything with another man, it was the least painful experience I ever had in my life. And I didn't want it to stop. I didn't want Alex to stop fucking me. So I closed eyes and whispered, "Don't stop."

And he whispered back. "I won't." And with slow and gentle strokes he fucked me long and deep. Then finally as we again stared into each other eyes, he gasped as if air was being sucked directly from his lungs, and I felt the immense sensation of his seed being released deep inside me..................................... ================================================================

The next morning, still naked, and wrapped up in each other's arms, we were woken, by a more than proud Charlie. "I knew you guys would eventually do it", he said, as we, both Alex and I forced our tired eyes open.

Apparently Charlie had always known that I was gay, despite how hard I tried to hide and deny it, even to myself. And when Alex came into the picture, he knew that Alex was gay too. And he knew that Alex would be my type, and I'd be his; and that it was only a matter of time, before we both realized it. And if it took a little push, and little bit of forced competition, on his part , Charlie was willing to do that, to open up my eyes to who I really was. And Alex and I have been together ever since.


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