Gay Erotic Stories

A Semi-Autobiographic Rape Fantasy

by Solo_DR
30 Dec 2013

Arm Pits Bears, Daddies & Cubs Bondage Fantasy Fetish Hairy Men At Work S/M

A Semi Autobiographic Rape Fantasy?..............

As a writer, I spend a considerable amount of time at home, in my little studio apartment in Alphabet city. That was, especially so at the time of this story. I was in the beginning phases of compiling a volume of my old college essays, and short stories for publishing. An old professor of mine thought it'd be a great idea to publish some of my old work, to get my feet wet a little in the literary world. So at the time, I was on a two week long writing binge, getting all my stories and essays edited and refined for publishing. I hadn't so much as left my apartment to take out the garbage or even check the mail. I was completely oblivious to the outside world. My life revolved around the safe confines of the four walls of my little studio, and no further. And I was completely emerged and lost in the world of my writing. Reality and the existence of a world outside of my own wasn't even remotely conceivable. That was until one fateful morning.

Boooooooom. I was awoken by the sound of what I could only describe as the loudest, most intense thunder I had ever heard, as my studio shook. Earthquake, I thought. Then I realized there were no such things as earthquakes in New York City. Then I thought, bomb; but I heard no screams or sirens ringing out from the streets. Then I looked out the window, and I saw them. A full construction crew going full throttle with a number of jackhammers on the street below my window.

As I got up and jumped right back into my writing, not even taking the time to even shower or grab any breakfast; the very loud construction crew went on. At that point I was completely submerged into my writing binge, so nothing else mattered. By then, I had gone days without eating or showering. I didn't so much as change my underwear, the sole sum of my attire, which were probably on its fourth day. But I continued to write, just as the construction crew continued to work. I did my best to stay focused on my task at hand; but so were they. It became an all-out struggle to maintain my composure and concentration. But eventually they won. The sounds of their jackhammers had completely destroyed my concentration and I lost any focus I had left on my project. I was enraged. I was on a hell of a run and was nearly done with my book, until this inconsiderate, meat headed construction crew decided to invade my street with their excessive noise. I was incredibly pissed. I knew I had to say something, do something, at least let them know what a fucking nuisance they were being. So, I grabbed a robe and threw it on. Then I stormed down to the street, where the crew was working right in front of my building. I was so pissed; I didn't even bother to put on any shoes. So I stormed down there, barefoot, wearing just a bathrobe and confronted them. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Don't you know people are trying to get work done around here?" I shouted as I approached the crew. They just laughed at me, brushed my concerns of like they were nothing.

Then one of them, a big burly looking guy with a wild scraggly looking beard walked up to me. He had his hands buried deep in the pockets of his overalls with just his thumbs poking out. He walked up to me with an almost too cocky stride. "Hey beautiful, why don't you go back inside. We men out here are trying to work." He said trying to emasculate me. But I was far from the weak and feminine type. I wasn't one to ever back down from a fight and I was just as tough and just as manly as any of those guys on that crew, especially the jackass standing in front me.

"Fuck you man." I said as I pushed the guy back. He went back a few feet, nearly falling. But he was charging back at me in no time. But before he got to me, the other crew members were jumping between us to break it up. "Fuck you." I said again, as I was being held back.

Then as the guy calmed down, he just looked at me and said, "Ok", and shook his head.

Thinking I won, I walked back to my building feeling confident. "Just keep it the fuck down." I said as I reached the door. Then I realized I didn't have my keys. After playing with the knob awhile and pressing all the buzzers for the other apartments in the building, I was crippled with embarrassment. It was the middle of the day. No one was home. There was no way I was getting back into my building anytime soon. And here I was locked out, half naked and with nothing, not even my phone. And the only other people around was this construction crew that I had just had a physical altercation with. They saw me in my predicament and just laughed. They thought it was just so hilarious that I was locked out. I admit, if I was in their shoes, I would laugh at me too. But I wasn't laughing. I was pissed, even more now. It was only a little after noon, so I ended up having to sit outside, half naked, freezing, and embarrassed, to say the least, for at least another two hours. And I was definitely the brunt of all the construction workers' jokes.

When I got back into my apartment, I was fuming. I was pissed. I couldn't believe the day I was having. First those jackass construction workers made it impossible for me to work with their noise. Then I get into a fight with them and end up locking myself out in the cold all afternoon, just to be the brunt of their jokes. And now, that I'm back in my apartment, their noise seems to be even louder. I just couldn't take it. I just put my ear phones on, got in bed, and forced myself back to sleep.

When I woke up, it was dark and finally quiet. I figured, maybe now I'll get a chance to write in peace. But when I got up, and looked over to my computer, someone was there, reading my book, reading my stories. "What the fuck are you doing in my apartment?" I yelled at my intruder, with just an ounce of fear and apprehension inside me.

"Just catching up on a little reading, is all beautiful." The intruder said. Then he stood up and turned around. It was the asshole that I had gotten into the fight with earlier. "How the fuck did you get in here?" I asked as the fear left my body and was replaced with the anger that had been building up inside me for this asshole all day. "You gave me your key. Don't you remember beautiful?" He said with a menacing look on his face.

"You stole my fucking keys? That’s why I was stuck outside all day?" I said, my anger now turning into rage. "Get the fuck out of my apartment."

"Now why would I do that, beautiful? You invited me." He said, creeping me out even further.

"Man, seriously. You've had your fun, now get the fuck out of here, before I call the cops."

"And what are you gonna tell them? That you approached me on the street, half naked and invited me to fuck you. You wanted this. You even gave me a keys to get in." He said, staring me up and down, licking his lips.

"Man, seriously get the fuck out of here." I said, more terrified than ever. I grabbed the metal bat from beside my bed.

"Oh what are you gonna do with that beautiful?" he said as he began to walk towards me, unzipping his overalls, revealing his bare hairy chest.

"Don't take another fucking step." I ordered him. He shrugged his shoulders and said ok. Then he bent down and started untying his big black work boots. "Seriously man, cut it the fuck out. Get out of here." I kept on. Then he let the overalls fall off his shoulders, revealing his whole upper body to me. He was incredibly big. His shoulders and his arms bulged. His chest was wide and expansive, and covered in thick curly black hair, that made a trail down his solid torso to his slight, little beer gut. Then he let the overalls fall even further, completely to the floor. And there, between his thick muscled thighs, hung the most beautiful fucking dick I'd ever seen. It was very long and very thick. It was like a third arm, and it had one vein running down along its length, that seemed to jump and pulse though it was still soft. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't mesmerized by it. But under the circumstances and the rage I was in, cutting it off and shoving it down his throat was the more viable option. "Man I'm serious get the fuck out of here." I yelled again.

"I don't know why you want me gone so bad, beautiful. Earlier you were begging me to come over." He said with a sick smirk on his face. "I read your stories. I know what kind of sick, freaky shit you like. And here it is," he said as he grabbed a handful of his big monster of a dick. Then he stepped out of his boots and overalls simultaneously, and walked towards me. As he got closer, I could smell his scent, the husky aroma of his big sweaty dick, the pungent odor of his hairy pits, the strong funk emitting from his large man sized feet.

"I'm serious man, don't you take another fucking step." I said one last time, before he lunged at me, and I swung the bat. But I fucking missed, and he grabbed it. Then he threw the bat down, and came at me again. He tackled me to the floor; and we wrestled. Like I said before, I was as tough and manly as any of those construction workers, including this one. And I have never, ever shied away from a fight. So I gave the son-of-a-bitch the fight he was looking for.

We were rolling around on the floor, wrestling. Then eventually, he was on top of me. I could feel his dick hardening against my thigh. He tried to hold my arms down but, like I said, I was no weakling. Though, considerably smaller than him in size, in strength, I met his match. I threw him off me and we continued on, trying to best one another. But neither one of us had the edge. One thing was for sure though, the feeling of having his big naked bear of a body all over me was beginning to turn me on. And I wasn't the only one who noticed it either. "See beautiful,” he said, “I knew you wanted this. So stop fighting me and just take it." Then the bastard leaned in and licked my neck.

“Fuck this shit,” I mumbled and for some reason that lick on my neck gave me a little charge. The next thing I knew, with all the strength I could muster, I threw the fiercest fucking head butt his way, knocking the son-of-a-bitch out cold, and he collapsed on my chest...

The one thing he had right about me, was that I was into a lot of sick, freaky shit. My stories, they were all a little on the dark side of things. They were sexy, raunchy, and, in some cases, sadistic to say the least. And yes, under any other circumstances, someone with the physical attributes as this guy, would be more than welcomed in my bed. But! What this big ole hairy construction worker didn't know was that never, not in a million fucking years, would I allow a big burly bear of a man like him to rip me apart. Me! I liked to do the ripping.

So, while he was still unconscious, I chained him to the wall, with his arms wide and his legs spread. Picture a bear posed in the position of Da Vinci's Vitruvian man, only faced against a brick wall, with his thick, round ass on display. Once I had him all nice and secure against the wall, I lit a cigarette and began to play.

This is where the kinky shit begins. I took my tongue and started to slowly run it along the bulging muscles of his strong back. He was still out of it, so he didn't move a muscle. Now that he was mine, I was in no hurry. So I decided I’d take my time and explore his body with my tongue. I found his wet sweaty pits, that our fight only intensified the smell of, and I licked them dry. Then with my tongue, I made a trail down his side. It must have tickled his ribs, because suddenly he was woke. "What the hell are you doing to me?" The big muscled bear cried out.

I just laughed. "I thought you read my stories. Didn’t you say you know all the freaky shit I like? Take a guess at what we're doing." I said as I put my cigarette out on the spot I had just licked. He screamed out in anguish. I just laughed. The intoxicating smell of his sweaty flesh being seared was incredible. It was like the good ole smell of southern barbeque. "We're gonna play. I thought you wanted to play?" I said to him, as I laughed. He just cursed me and cried. The big thing, he was calling me all types of names. He called me every name in the book, some I couldn’t even spell and other I’d never even heard of before. He was throwing every insult he could think of at me. I admit, it hurt my feelings just a teeny little bit, but turned me on all the same. This big burly bear was being played with and, all the while, all he could do was throw a few insults. It was so ironic and hilarious. After a while though, I got tired of his insults. So, I pulled off my dirty, funky, week long worn underwear, and shoved them in his mouth. Then I went on with my exploration without any of his noisy fucking interruptions.

I moved in real close and ran my tongue down his hips and onto his thighs. His ass was incredibly hairy, just the way I like it. And its musty scent was calling me, and I answered it by sliding my tongue down the crack of his ass. Then I found his little hairy hole and gave it a lick. I could hear his muffled moans through my underwear that was jammed in his mouth. As I licked his hole, all his muscles jumped and tensed up. "Is that a little untouched virgin cherry I feel?" I said teasing him. "Well, it won’t be for long." I told him as I then began to attack his hole with my tongue. It was the tightest one I had ever seen. I then started stretching and spreading his hole with my thumbs. Then with three fingers at a time, I began thrusting in him up to the knuckle. He continued to moan, and cry, and mumble insults at me. I just laughed as I continued explore his little hole. I did this for nearly two hours, smoking another three cigarettes and putting them all out on his flesh, before I got bored.

I realized it had been a while since I had anything to eat so I got dressed and went out for dinner, leaving the bear chained to the wall. I had been shut up in my apartment for so long that I decided, after dinner, to hangout and catch up with a couple of friends, all the while fantasizing about what I had waiting for me back home.

When I got back to my apartment, the bear was the furthest thing from my worries. As soon as I got back, I felt a surge of energy and inspiration flow through me. My night out and the fun I had poking the bear, gave me that extra little push I needed to finish my work. And within an hour I had completed it, I was done. After that, I decided that I was going to take a shower and go to bed, then maybe tomorrow I'd play with my big hairy bear some more.

When I got out of the shower, I was excited and exhausted all the same. I had had a long day, but I’d accomplished a lot. I was tired; but I figured, I deserved a little reward for all my hard work. And I had one right there, chained to the wall, waiting for me. But when I stepped out of the bathroom, and looked across the studio, he was gone. My bear had somehow escaped, ripping the chains right off the wall. I instantly panicked. Then suddenly I felt his heavy fist come down hard against the back of my head. My wet, naked body fell to the floor, as he stood over me. “Now we're gonna play my way, you little bitch." He said standing over top of me, still naked, but only now his big boots were back on. Then, out of nowhere, one of his boot was colliding with my face and I blacked out.

Minutes later I wake up in my bed. My hands were tied to the headboard, and the bear was lying there between my legs, taking my dick down his throat. It was nothing for me to get out of those ties, this wasn't my first rodeo but, the work he was doing on my meat was so incredible, I decided to let him go on. He was an expert sucker. He took my dick down his throat like a pro. Then, he began licking and taking my balls in his mouth, one at a time. I nearly came right then and there. But then, he changed his focus and spread my legs. He went right for my hole. And that’s where I drew the line. Like I said before, I liked to do the ripping. "Not there. Not tonight." I said as I slipped my hands out of the ties. But he didn't hear me or didn't care. Because before I knew it, he was pulling my legs up over his hips and lining his dick up to my hole.

"No." I said one last time. But it was no use. The tip was already inside me, and there was no stopping him now. If he wasn't using his strength before, during our fight, he definitely was now. The pain was immense, excruciating. It had been years since I let somebody fuck me, and they were nowhere near the size of the bear inside me now. I screamed out in pain. But he just kept pushing. I was throwing punch after punch into the top of his head. But it only seemed to encourage him more. Then, out of nowhere and without any warning, he thrust his massive dick in me, all the way to the balls. I nearly fainted from the pain. I fell back to the bed. I had no more fight in me. He won. I just laid there and submitted. And In no time at all, the pain was replaced with the intense pleasure of being fucked senseless. I had never felt so full before in my life. He was stretching my ass like it had never been stretched before. He was going deeper and deeper with every thrust, opening me up wider and wider. Then, just when I thought he was ready to cum, he pulled out of me and said, "Now finish eating my ass." He wasn’t waiting for my response because just as quickly as he said it, he was getting up and straddling my chest. With his hole dangling in front of my face, I wasted no time thrusting my tongue and my fingers back inside the hairy hole. And he just sat there and moaned and ground his hole on my tongue. Then, he reached down and took my dick back into his mouth. Within minutes, we were both shooting our loads. Then what surprised me even more was that after we had both emptied our balls, he licked us both clean, swallowing every drop of cum we both produced. Then calmly, as if none of this intense day had ever happened, he got up, put his overalls back on, and said, "That was fun, beautiful. Maybe we can play again sometime." Then he licked his lips and headed for the door.

As he was leaving, I said "You know where I live. You’ve got the key."

Then he was gone. And I just laid there confused. This whole day had been amazing, but none of it made any sense. How do you go from having a heated altercation with someone, to them breaking into your apartment, to which I could only imagine was his attempt to forcibly fuck me? Then, in the course of our struggle, I knock him out cold only to exact my revenge through torture; only to have him break free and actually force himself on me just as he originally intended. But, that then only led to an incredible and mutually satisfying fuck session that had me inviting him back for more. In what world does all of this happen? In what reality is any of this possible? I guess only in the darkest recesses of a writer's mind; where lines are blurred and there are 50 shades of gray.

*Just my little interpretation of a 50 Shades of Gray type of story. I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to email me your thoughts and opinions.


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