601 Free Gay Erotic Stories in S/M

Gay Erotic Story

Mein Nachbar die Sau Teil VII

by palover

Nach dieser geilen Session, nehme ich Vincent die Augenbinde ab und erlöse ihn von seinen Fesseln. Erst entferne ich die Beinmanschetten, dann setze ich mich auf ihn und befreie ihn von den Armfesseln. Kaum hab ich diese entfernt, fährt er hoch und stößt mich zur Seite, so dass ich mit der Brust auf dem Bett liege und setzt sich auf mich. Ich kann mich kaum bewegen und bekomme aus meiner...

Gay Erotic Story

Mein Nachbar die Sau Teil VI

by palover

Es ist 19 Uhr und wir kommen von unserem geilen Shoppingtrip bei mir zu Hause an. Erst einmal räumen wir die Einkäufe in die Schränke und entledigen uns unserer überflüssigen Kleidung. Da Vincent nichts außer den eben gekauften Sachen und den Klamotten die er am Körper trägt mit hat, gebe ich ihm ein paar von meinen weiten Boxershorts. So bekleidet zeige ich ihm meine Wohnung.Ich wohne im...

Gay Erotic Story

Max & Alex, Part 1

by Sebastian

This is a story about two straight men. Both are in their late teens, and both study at the same university. Alex is extremely popular, both with men and with women. He’s athletic and attractive to the extent that he’s even done some modelling work. He’s a keen member of the soccer and athletics teams. He’s one of those people that others tend to envy, born with good looks and a wide...

Gay Erotic Story

Solo Vacation (part 1)

by hijinxross

I knew what Island House was going to be, sort of a clothing optional resort with a little bathhouse element to it. For my first vacation by myself I thought I would give it a shot and see if I would be brave enough to participate in the possible goings on. I arrived on Saturday December 13th and got a quick tour and went to my room. I spent a few days wanting to get naked and wander...

Gay Erotic Story


by candiddaniel

For the past few weeks, I've been in dire need of attention and an enduring spanking. One of those that lasts for 15-20 minutes and just gives me some release. I've been on my worst behaviour in an attempt to get both: back talking, saying no, just being a brat in general. Finally, I push your last button. I'm sitting opposite of you in the living room. You beckon me over to cuddle up with...

Gay Erotic Story

How I Became His Bottom Bitch

by teachmedeepthroat

i had just moved to Hartford, CT for a low paying job at one of the large insurance companies. looking for apartments sucks. i was having trouble finding a one bedroom in my range and even met a couple possible roommates. a lot of people weren't even calling me back. i was about to call one of the possible roommates when my phone rang. it was an 860 area code. i answered. it was a...

Gay Erotic Story

Zwickmühlen - Teil 3

by pppppppppp

Jochen öffnet die Augen. Er braucht eine Weile, um sich zu orientieren, zu viele Eindrücke auf einmal bieten sich ihm dar und scheinen keinen Sinn zu ergeben: Er sitzt auf einem metallenen Stuhl, völlig nackt. Sein unbehaarter, durchtrainierter Oberkörper ist mit einem Bügel in Höhe des Bauchnabelns und einem in Achselhöhe an den Sitz gefesselt, seine Hände sind an die Enden der Armlehnen mit...

Gay Erotic Story

Using My Straight Neighbour Against His Will

by Sebastian

Using My Straight Neighbour Against His WillI'm not going to tell you how I did it. What’s important to anyone reading this is that it worked and I got what I wanted. If I were to reveal my methods… the legal consequences don’t even bare thinking about. I'm a middle-aged man with a taste in young men. All kinds of young men. Very often they’re straight, and I never see that as an...

Gay Erotic Story

Peter`s model-job: part1

by quicky

Peter`s model-job: part 1- a young jock became deceived and wakes up in bondage http://endless-pulchritude.tumblr.com/post/47197440550 (That is the boy, I had in mind) author`s note: Please pardon my perhaps confusing diction, I am not experienced in writing in English. Hope you can enjoy it, nevertheless! Please sent me...

Gay Erotic Story

Von Geilem Hengst entjungfert

by Releone

Es war einer dieser dunklen, tristen Herbsttage an denen man eigentlich den ganzen Tag nicht so recht weiß was man tun soll. Ich war gerade 19 geworden, hatte vor kurzem mein Abi gemacht und jetzt jede Menge Zeit. Das Studium würde erst im Oktober beginnen und die viele Freizeit wollte ich dazu nutzen meine Erfahrungen mit Männern zu intensivieren. Seit ich als Jugendlicher gemerkt hatte, dass...

Gay Erotic Story

Zwickmühlen - Teil 2

by pppppppppp

Liebe Leser, hier ist der 2. Teil meiner SM-Geschichte. Kommentare und Kritik, aber auch Wünsche für zukünftige Geschichten gerne an peterparker9@freenet.de# # # Julian wacht auf, weil etwas auf sein Gesicht tropft. Er steht auf, schaut sich um und entdeckt, dass er sich in einem gläsernen Kasten befindet, etwa einen Meter lang, zwei Meter breit und sehr hoch, zu hoch um hinauszukommen....

Gay Erotic Story

Zwickmühlen - Teil 1

by pppppppppp

Laurenz erwacht und befindet sich in einem schummrigen Kellerraum. Er ist nackt. Zwischen seinen Beinen baumelt halbsteif sein Schwanz, mittelgroß und unbeschnitten, die Vorhaut verdeckt seine runde Eichel. Seine ganze Haut ist gut gebräunt, er ist ein dunkelhäutiger Typ und seine schwarzen Haare sind wuschelig.Und er merkt sehr schnell, dass er sich nicht bewegen kann. Völlig hilflos ist der...

Gay Erotic Story

Selber so gewollt !

by Hirngefickt

Dies ist eine wahre Geschichte die ich selber so erlebt habe.Ich war zu der Zeit um die 35 Jahre alt und würde mich als...

Gay Erotic Story

Young Hitchhiker Loses Cherry to Hot Dad

by tony cook

Hi, I always thought my first time was hot so I thought I would share it. I was just learning about sex and was at a party feeling pretty buzzed I was fooling around with this girl and getting all hot wanting to fuck. I was soon going a bit too far for her and she wanted to go back in the party, by that time my ride left thinking I to had also left.So I was soon walking home and feeling...

Gay Erotic Story

Enemies with Benefits I

by Stepiquno Toglio

________The very dark night at 9’o clock on Friday in Houston, Texas, the man just arrived at his middle-sized modern house by his car, shiny gold BMW 650i convertible. His overall appearance is very muscly, curvy, and ripped as detailed. His facial shape is rectangular. He has black hair that styled to be short elegant faux hawk which make him look more attractive. He wore the white V-necked...

Gay Erotic Story

Leather Priest part 2

by icyhot44

I'm lost in my own thoughts but immediately I know the safe answer! And it's exactly what I want. My eyes are fixed on a beefy, muscled midsection and my tongue is very ready to touch his pulsing, blood filled cock. My excitement is making me dizzy!He's obviously looking for a more immediate answer and I feel a solid slap from a tightly gloved hand across my face. “I'm sure I know...

Gay Erotic Story

Leather Priest part 3

by icyhot44

I was ordered to visit my Leather Priest. I knew better than to refuse. It had been more than a month since our leather-gloved encounter in his van, and I was very ready for another experience with this charming and one could even say sexy man. I thought about him constantly; I believed that he had indeed become an obsession for me.I had learned that my Priest had...

Gay Erotic Story

A Semi-Autobiographic Rape Fantasy

by Solo_DR

A Semi Autobiographic Rape Fantasy?..............As a writer, I spend a considerable amount of time at home, in my little studio apartment in Alphabet city. That was, especially so at the time of this story. I was in the beginning phases of compiling a volume of my old college essays, and short stories for publishing. An old professor of mine thought it'd be a great idea to publish...

Gay Erotic Story

Seks Ganas bertukar Nikmat

by roy_darwis

Berikut fantasi seks penulis. Segala olahan, cerita mahupun watak dalam cerita ini tidak berkaitan pun dengan yang mati ataupun yang hidup. Sila gunakan perlindungan seperti kondom untuk mengelakan penyakit bawaan seks (Sexual Transmitted Disease).Semasa berusia 18, saya telah dibebaskan daripada rumah perlindungan anak yatim. Walau bagaimanapun, canselor di rumah itu telah...

Gay Erotic Story


by bobapple

Years ago I used to chat on various gay sites with all kinds of guys. I saved a lot of them as txt docs and once in awhile I grab the flash drive they are saved on & read through a few. Some were pretty raunchy & horny & others were depressing as hell. Lots of guys get themselves in very tricky and scary situations. Be fore-warned readers that this story is not boner-raising material & is not for...

Gay Erotic Story

Der Professor Teil 1

by ruedi47

Der ProfessorCopyrights Ruedi Erstellungszeitraum Juli 2009Teil 1Bei dieser Story handelt es sich um ein SM-Märchen ohne jeden realen Hintergrund! Niemals würde ich so etwas im Realen anstreben. Es sind reine Fantasien. Deshalb auch die Bezeichnung SM-Märchen.Ungenehmigte Verbreitung in anderen Gruppen, Bretter oder Netzen sind nicht erlaubt. Ebenso wenig die Bereitstellung...

Gay Erotic Story

Pain #2

by Bifucated

Well,I've already explained about how exciting nipple play is in terms of enjoying pain.Continuing on from there I need to explain how pain may be incredibly enjoyable when administered as a huge beating on the buttocks. One has to be secured naked in a bent over position with one's hands attached to one's ankles with either ropes or some other form of restraint. It is also essential...

Gay Erotic Story

Mr Schulz Enjoys (And Spanks) A Straight Boy - PART 4

by Sebastian

[Here it is, at long last. Thanks to all of you for sending the bags of feedback and all the constant reminders to get around finally to posting the next episode. Hope it was worth the wait...] As soon as I’d asked Mr Schulz to take possession of my anus, I felt his one hand that rested on my bottom squeeze it as I lay over his lap; the other gripped my inner thigh and drew me closer...

Gay Erotic Story

Jonas allein zu Haus, Teil 3

by FreeBird

Jonas allein zu HausTEIL IIIEs war ein höllischer Schmerz, der mich aus meinem Schlaf riss. Ich brauchte ein paar Minuten um mir wieder meiner ausweglosen Situation bewusst zu werden und den Schmerz zu lokalisieren: Meine Morgenlatte, die aus ihrem engen Gefängnis ausbrechen wollte. Wobei, von „Latte“ konnte nicht wirklich die Rede sein, denn der Peniskäfig, verhinderte, dass mein...

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