Gay Erotic Stories

Customer Serviced: Part 1

by Stardog Champion
18 Sep 2000


CUSTOMER SERVICED: Part 1 The dull click of a pair of blue suede pumps layered rhythmically over the incessant humm coming from the fountain drink machine located in the far corner of the Pump and Pay convenience store, just outside Rockford, Illinois along I-90. Karen Willmot tightly held a cold bottle of grapefruit juice in her hand as she slowly made her way up the aisle to pay for her gasoline and drink. It had been a day from Hell for the 47 year old dirty blonde office equipment sales rep. Working the Quad Cities was one of Karen's least favorite business routes, the commissions were smaller and she especially hated the late night drives home through some less than desirable neighborhoods. Her husband Charles had often volunteered to accompany her on the excursions from their Chicago home, but Karen, being the epitome of a modern and polished businesswoman, wretched at the idea of needing her husband to ride shotgun. All Karen wanted now was to pay for her stuff and get cracking on the 1-hour drive back to Chicago and the start of her 3-day weekend. Every step she took towards the register brought a jolt of tired pain up her legs, making her acknowledge that wearing heels all day wasn't nearly as easy as it used to be. The tightness of Karen's business suit stifled her as well. As much as she hated to admit it, the customary 5 pounds she always gained over the holidays hadn't disappeared as quickly as it used to either. Still, at 5'6" and 130 lbs., Karen was a very attractive woman, no matter what her age. The breast implants that had been an anniversary gift from her husband Charles 2 years earlier had made her chest as firm as it had ever been and Karen was fascinated at how much her sales had gone up since she had them done. She was also vain, very vain! She still tried fitting into the same size 4 dresses she wore in college, but as age and gravity slowly took their toll, she occasionally wore a 6. Today was one of those days she had wished she had been more open to accepting her actual shape. The size 4 felt like it was cutting her in half. She had wisely packed a change of clothes, a pair of slacks and a loose sweater, but as she looked around at her dingy surroundings, Karen didn't feel like she wanted to chance the conditions of the restroom to change into something more comfortable. "One hour to go and I'll be home" she told herself, feeling her waist try and gasp for freedom in the tight navy blue skirt. When it was finally her turn in line, Karen sat her grapefruit juice on the counter and took her company credit card out of her pocket to hand the teenage cashier behind the counter. As the teenage boy, dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of worn out jeans rang up her gas and drink, Karen thought longingly of the bubble bath awaiting her 1 hour east of where she was standing. "$17.93," the teenage boy behind the counter said aloofly. Karen handed him her company credit card, paying special attention not to touch the boy's hand when she handed it to him. He grabbed it from her, whispering to himself about her snobbish avoidance of contact, and proceeded to run her card. Karen surveyed the dire rundown surroundings of candy, cigarettes and magazines waiting for her receipt to print out. When she looked back up at the clerk with long, slightly curly black hair and a 2-day's growth of beard, she was struck by the absent look on his face. "What's taking so long?" Karen asked forcefully. "Just takes a few seconds, ma'am," the boy replied softly, trying to ignore her the best he could.” Should be done in a second." "I hope so," Karen said in a threatening tone. Suddenly, Karen noticed the clerk's blank expression become more animated as the register he was using made a funny beep. "Something the matter?" Karen inquired. The boy said nothing; rather he turned the register around slightly to show Mrs. Willmot on the display that her credit card had been declined, it was over the limit. "WHAT..."Karen barked. "Calm down,” The teenager said tentatively. "CALM DOWN! I want to see who's in charge here, this is ridiculous!!, "Karen bellowed, ignoring the sighs of those waiting behind her in line. Another slightly older boy, dressed similarly to the one behind the register, made his way up from the backroom. Hearing the commotion, he joined his coworker behind the register. "Can I help you ma'am, my name is Cory Rutledge, I'm the night manager here." the young man offered. Cory Rutledge was 23 and had graduated from the University of Illinois at Champagne the previous summer. He had reluctantly taken a job at the store that his father owned because his dad had trouble keeping help with his demanding and often times forceful ways. His younger brother Danny, who was 19, was the other kid behind the register. Danny was on academic suspension from Illinois and had basically been forced to take a job at his father's store as well because his father, Len Rutledge had told him he would have to earn the money for college this time after fucking up his first opportunity. Danny hated the job and hated even more that is father had him by the shorthairs. He also detested with a passion the snotty upper class folks that passed through the store, just like Karen Willmot, on their way to make their money and to buy things that he couldn't ever afford. Their expensive outfits and big vocabulary reminded him bitterly of the same people at college that had sat him down and basically told him he wasn't good enough to be at their school. He had to bit his lip to keep himself from laughing at the current situation as one of the snotty bitches stood in his store with a declined credit card. "I know it's good, it's my company card," Karen begged forcefully once again. "I'm sure it is ma'am, but unfortunately all we have to go on is what our computer here says.... do you have any other way of paying?" Cory said, trying to reason with her. "My purse is out in the car, let me go get it," Karen growled, tearing out of the store like a scalded cat. As she walked back out into the awful January Illinois cold, approaching her BMW, she fiddled for her car keys with no luck. Standing over her car, she could see her black leather purse sitting on the passenger seat. ...And also to her dismay, the long silver trail of her car keys still dangling from the ignition switch. Instinctively, Karen reached for the door handle, but it wouldn't budge. All four doors were locked. She looked through her reflection in the car window with angry, fiery eyes, "GODDAMMITTT," she said as she pounded her dainty white hands against the roof of her gray Beamer. Several night owls milling around the parking lot took notice when the well-dressed white lady shouted out her obscenity and struck her roof. Many laughed to themselves, fully enjoying the plight of the ritzy Chicago native suffering just a little on their home turf. Karen slinked back into the store, still fuming over her credit card, but her ample rear end now stuck firmly between her legs from the embarrassment of locking her keys in her car. "I.. ahh.. have.. ahh..I locked my keys in the car, can you help me?" Karen said tersely. Danny and Cory stood behind the register praying to God that the other one wouldn't laugh because both were on the verge of hysterics seeing this woman who had been such a bitch, now really in a bind. "You can call AAA if you want, there is a payphone right out by the sidewalk," Cory said with a straight face. Karen turned and saw the booth outside and fumbled with her suit pockets trying to find some loose change. There wasn't as much as a penny to be found. Karen put her clenched hands on her waist and firmly planted her tongue in cheek in some attempt to gather herself and figure out what to do next. "Oh my God," Danny sighed to his older brother. "Here comes dad." Both boys could see their father was in a bad mood, as he usually was. As he strode into the front door of the store that he had bought 8 years earlier with his military pension, he looked at his 2 sons with a weather face from 2 tours of duty in Vietnam and way too long behind a desk as a recruiter for the Army, and asked his sons, "What's wrong now?" "This lady, Dad, her credit card was declined and now she's locked her keys in the car and seems to be stranded. We were just trying to figure out what to do," The older boy said, summing up the situation. Hearing the word, "Declined" associated with her credit card made Karen Wilmot's ears burn with embarrassment. "It's my company card," Karen said defensively. "I'm an hour away from home and I don't know anyone around here. I was hoping you could help me.... you are the owner , right?" "Yeah, I'm the owner, but my boys should be able to handle this, Len Rutledge said exasperated. As he looked over the pretty middle aged blonde that was close to his own age, a vague sense of recognition filled Len. "Let the lady use our phone if she wants to call AAA or something," Len directed Danny. "Thank you sir, " Karen sighed coolly, walking over to the far counter where the night manager was setting out the store phone for her to use. As she dialed the 800 # to AAA, Len Rutledge slowly walked around the store straightening the merchandise as he tried to place the familiar woman that had gotten stranded in his store. When she gave her name to the representative on the phone as Karen Willmot of Chicago, suddenly light bulbs went off in Len Rutledge's head. Karen Willmot used to be Karen Shultz, a high school classmate of Len's 30 years earlier in the Chicago burps. Not that the two ever shared any of the same social circles. Len was to go off to war after graduation, while Karen and her then boyfriend and now husband of 28 years, Charles Willmot, were preparing to go off to college as they partied up the summer when Len and many like him, sweated through basic training. "What do you mean my agreement wasn't renewed," Karen shouted loudly at the woman on the other end. "I know I did, you better recheck your records!" About 10 seconds passed, as everything in the store became a standstill watching what would happen next on the phone. Suddenly a glowing blush followed by a pale rush of fear seemed to spread across Karen's face as the phone receiver dangled in her hands. She clumsily slammed the phone back down into its cradle without apologizing to the AAA rep and stood there against the counter silently for a moment. She had decided a few months earlier as a favor to a friend who worked for the company to switch to another, cheaper roadside service. She had forgotten to process the final agreement and in the meantime let her AAA membership run out. For all intents and purposes, she was stranded on an island called Rockford, 70 miles from home. "SHHHHITTTTT," she yelled loudly, releasing her pent up anger at herself and the world around her. As she bagan to pound her hands against the counter, causing a Chule's gum display to topple over, from behind her she felt two vice like hands grad her upper arms and began shaking her. Through the expensive silky material of her ivory white blouse and heavy jacket, Karen could feel Len Rutledge's fingers dig into her flesh from behind. "Look lady, I don't know who you are," Len said lying, "but around here people pay for their stuff and if there is a problem they act with a certain expected amount of you understand?" Suddenly, Len Rutledge was 18 years old all over again standing there, dreading the trip to the mail box everyday waiting for his draft notice to come, while people such as the one throwing a tantrum in his store went on to bigger and better things while many of Len's buddies were left in pieces on the other side of the world. Danny and Cory looked on in stunned, fearful amazement, watching their father manhandle this stranger so roughly, not having a clue there was a history between them. Both were thankful that no other customers were present in the store, knowing that what there Dad was doing was probably against the law. "I told you, "Karen said trying to regain her composure and wiggle free of Len's grasp, "My name is Karen Wilmot! My purse is locked up out in the car. If I can get it opened, I can try and find the money." "Do you have it out in the car?" Len asked calmly. Then the reality of the situation began to hit Karen. In a hurry, she had neglected to go to the ATM earlier during the day and now knew she only had 10 bucks at the most out in the car. "Well... I'm not sure if I do…" Karen winced. "How then do you propose to pay, you don't look like the dishwashing type,? "Len mocked her, as he soaked in the pleasant smell of her perfume and soft texture of her teased hair across his face, while whispering his question in her ear. Karen turned slightly to try and meet Len's gaze and began trembling when she saw the cold, detached look in his eyes. It was then her tongue went numb. "Oh my dear God, what are they going to do with me," Karen quietly asked herself. Almost at once, the discomfort of her high heels, and the binding discomfort of her tight skirt moved up to the center of her forehead, where now her fear was of something much greater. "What are you going to do to me.." Karen asked in a hoarse whisper. "Nothing, if you find a way to pay us the money you owe us for the gas...unless maybe if you want to suck it back out of the car. Those lips of yours sure look like they could be up to the task, "Len said calmly, almost playfully as he continued to hold Karen. "I don't.... have anything to give..." Karen pleaded. "Oh I think you do, "Len replied as he looked down over Karen's shoulder at her surgically enhanced, heaving breasts. "I certainly think you do!" Looking up at his sons, Len Rutledge motioned for them to lock the doors to the all night gas station. Danny and Cory stood frozen for a moment, until their father once again insisted they follow his orders. Danny hesitantly took the door key out of his pocket and nervously walked over to the door and turned the lock closed. "I'm going to give you two choices… you make that money appear out of thin air...or you come up with some other way to give it to us," Len softly said in Karen's ear as Danny locked the store up temporarily. "What was that total again, son" Len asked Cory, who was still in shock behind the counter. Cory looked over at the register display, "$17.93, dad" he answered. "OK, $18, here's your choices… you pay the bill or we find a way to get adequate compensation for it, " Len said, backing away from her slightly. "What do you mean.... adequate compensation?" Karen asked ruefully. Len looked confidentially down over his former classmate, sniffing in the gritty aroma of her hairspray, "You look like a dollar whore," he said, "Let's see if those lips are as good as they look." "Do you know what you are suggesting..?" Karen pleaded. "Do you really have a choice?" Len shot back quickly, totally in control of the situation. A long arduous moment of silence filled the store as Len waited for an answer. Finally, Len spoke. "Silence equals complicity where I'm from. Is that your final answer?" He said matter of factly to his wealthy former classmate. Karen had never been so scared in all her life. Something as innocent as getting gas to make her long trip home and spend the night with her loving husband had gone so horribly wrong. Little did Karen know that the seeds for this were unwittingly planted almost 30 years earlier? Len led Karen back through the aisles, back to the office in the rear of the store. It all happened so fast that Karen couldn't muster the strength, emotionally or physically to put up much of a struggle. Danny and Cory followed their father and Karen as all 4 disappeared into the privacy of the back room. "Cory, Danny, take her jacket off!" Len ordered. Both boys tentatively took a few steps towards the woman in her late 40's and each boy, with trembling hands, took a handful of her navy blue pleated jacket. Both boys sighed nervously as they worked the expensive fabric over her shoulders and pulled it down over her arm, letting it fall quietly to the floor beneath her as they saw the look of horrible acceptance in the pretty woman's face.. Karen sickened from the feeling of being undressed by two boys who were both young enough to be her own sons while the boys' father stood above the whole scene, smiling devilishly. Len disappeared behind Karen as the boys took her jacket off. He took a firm hold of both Karen's hands and held them securely behind her back. "You don't have to do that," Karen weakly offered. "Oh I know, "Len replied, smiling cockily. "I know your not going anywhere, I think you just look better this way." After getting Karen's jacket off, both boys looked awkwardly at one another trying to decide what to do next. Finally, Cory took the lead, raising his hand up to the top button of Karen's soft silky white blouse and fumbled with it until it came undone. He repeated the process for the second and third button until he couldn't avoid resting his hands on the firm mounds on Karen Willmot's chest, feeling the lovely soft flesh jiggle against his touch. Her ample bosom was as firm and by far larger than any of the college girls he was used to dealing with. He licked his lips haughtily and ripped the final few buttons to the floor with one eager tug, causing Karen to jump from his deliberate rip. "Get to work on her skirt, Danny," Cory said with renewed confidence. Both boys looked up with gleeful appreciation as the twin mounds of Karen Wilmot's white womanly bosom came into view. The implants that were a gift from her husband now were being leered at and were soon to have much more than that done to them by two horny teenagers. Danny blindly grabbed for the rear snap of Karen's tailored navy blue knee length skirt, while he continued to gaze hungrily at her chest. Finally, he unsnapped Karen's skirt, bringing her a momentary wave of relief. Her shock over the situation had made her forget how uncomfortable the tight skirt had been but that brief feeling of relief was quickly replaced by a growing sense of dread as the skirt was being dragged down her legs, revealing her pink panties, pale thighs and black thigh high stockings. "Get on you knees," Len ordered into Karen's ear as he forced her to the floor. Karen knelt there, her dark blue skirt around her ankles and her ripped blouse and jacket surrounding her in a heap. She looked up direly, to see both young men standing above her, both with obvious bulges in their jeans aiming through the denim right at her face as she knelt helplessly in front of them, with their father running the show from behind. "Cory, your my first born, guess you get the first crack at her pretty face," Len said to his oldest son. Len then motioned for Danny to go back out and reopen the store while Cory took the initial turn getting his dicked sucked by the helpless businesswoman. Danny looked at his father as if he didn't want to miss anything but his father was insistant," Don't worry boy, your going to get your turn, just go back out and open up the store so we can make some money. Cory will be up when he's finished and get you." Len said spiritedly. Danny reopened the store letting in the few customers standing by the door waiting to come in from the cold. "Sorry, had to use the bathroom," he lied as an excuse to the customers for locking them out. It didn't take long for Cory to emerge from the backroom, zipping his jeans back up after stuffing his shirt back in. "Your turn bro," Cory said catching his breath. "Did she swallow?" Danny crudely asked. "Most of it, "Danny answered. "She didn't have much of a choice." Danny almost sprinted back to the office, not having a clue what to expect. As he rounded the corner and opened up the door to the office, what he saw he would not soon forget. The lovely older woman, more than twice his age was on her knees with his father standing above her. She was rocking her head back and forth trying to catch her breath as her heavy breasts heaved in her ample white 36dd bra in front of her. As Danny got closer, he could see what was left of his brother's ejaculate bubble across Karen's red lipstick covered lips and down her small pale chin. She had her eyes closed as Danny took his stance in front of her. As he unbuckled his pants, preparing to let the straining arch of his cock free, he looked down and saw just how obscene Karen looked, her mascara and cheek blush smeared messily with his brother Cory's fingerprints embedded in it. Danny briefly looked up at his father, with a look a child might give when he gets something totally out of the blue for Christmas. "Hurry up boy," Len urged. "We ain't got all night. She's got a lot of work ahead of her." Danny fumbled with his snap before finally getting it undone and with a quick tug pulled his straining cock free directly in front of Karen's face. She opened her eyes just in time for Danny's meaty teenage cock slip mightily through the opening of her mouth. He arched his hips forward pushing his burgeoning manhood as far as he could between the lips of the married 47 year old woman at his feet. Karen's saliva was warm and Danny jumped slightly as his sensitive cock slipped over Karen's pearly whites. He cringed a little knowing it was the remnants of his brother's cum in Karen's mouth as his dick pressed against the back of the older woman's throat, but it provided an excellent, slick mix to stir his cock in. Len Rutlegde took a stroll, pacing through the office, almost watching the events unfold like a basketball coach during practice. Danny soon felt his knees begin to quiver underneath him. He had gotten many blowjobs in the past and had a definite hair trigger. On top of that he had never gotten head under such unusual conditions so he knew his nut was rapidly forth cumming. He looked down over the helpless businesswoman below him, stripped of everything but her bra and panties and roughly dug his fingers into her dark blonde hair at the temples and face fucked Karen with carnal abandon. As the bullet like ripples of his cum load ricocheted through Karen Wilmot's mouth, Danny looked down at her, not only seeing Karen, but also the seeing the woman who told him that he was going to be suspended from college. He saw many of the same women like Karen who would never think of giving him the time of day that he encountered at the store, as well as many of the other multitudes of females that had brushed him off in the past. When Karen began gasping for breath and breathing heavily through her nose, Danny thankfully pulled his cock free of her mouth, leaving several strands of his own seed dangling from Karen's mouth like suspension bridges. With her hands still held behind her back, even though Len wasn't there holding them, Len told Karen to wipe off what was left of Danny's release with her tongue. Danny took a few weak steps back and laid against the brick wall, trying to catch his breath and savoring the profound obscenity he had just partaken in. Coughing as she tried swallowing the youngest boy's jism, Karen looked up at Len pacing above her nonchalantly, and asked him desperately if it was over. Len moved in and said," Remember Karen, it was $18 and since you are nothing but a dollar whore, my count says you got $16 left to pay..." Thanks for reading!!


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