Gay Erotic Stories

There Goes The Neighborhood

by Stardog Champion
06 Oct 2000


THERE GOES THE NEIGHBORHOOD BY Stardog Champion “So here are your two sets of keys, rent is due by the 5th of every month and you have my business card with my phone number if there are any questions,” the fatherly looking landlord said in his most friendly voice to his two newest tenants. “I hope you enjoy your apartment.” “Yeah, I got a question,” a scrufy looking Bobby Raymond bellowed. “There ain’t any niggers living around here are there?” The living room in Bobby and Brenda Raymond’s first apartment suddenly grew silent and uncomfortably tense, as any room would when someone asked something as stupid and hateful as Bobby Raymond had just done. Brenda hit her husband squarely in the ribs with her elbow while trying to smile off his insensitive query to the landlord. “OOOUUUCCHHH, what did you do that for?” Bobby asked his wife angrily. The friendly older gentleman smiled back at Brenda, thankful he wasn’t the one that had to live with Bobby and said simply in reply, “I think you will find all your neighbors to be very friendly and helpful. No one has ever had a serious complaint here in years. I’ll be going, you two have fun moving in.” Brenda Raymond could now officially begin nesting in her new home. It had taken four long and arduous years of marriage to finally move out of the poorest trailer park in Russell County. She had realized early in her marriage to her high school sweetheart that he really was the jerk that her family and friends had told her he was while they were dating. Still, Bobby did hold a job and he did bring home what money he didn’t gamble or drink away and after four years of trying , the Raymond’s finally could afford a small one bedroom apartment near the local college. Sadly, Brenda also recognized, if Bobby had an ounce of common sense and commitment to building a relationship, they could have afforded the place two years earlier. Like any learned behavior, Brenda Jean Raymond had seen what her mother had put up with in dealing with her father while she was growing up and even though she swore she’d never tolerate the same shit, those were the only coping mechanisms and expectations she learned. The Hell you know is better than the Hell you don’t. Rationalizing the situation, Brenda was happy that at least Bobby held a stable job and most months the bills did all get paid. Standing at the sink, rinsing out some glasses that she had packed in newspaper, Brenda could hear Bobby yell to her from the living room. “When are we going to get the Goddamn cable hooked up!” Bobby snarled from the still unpacked living room.” I wanted to watch the tractor pull tomorrow tonight!” “Honey,” Brenda replied, walking from the kitchen into the living room, “I thought we could at least spend our first night here in our new know...sorta...breaking it in.” Her shy suggestion was met with silence as she stared at Bobby sitting on one of their old tattered chairs, his head buried inside a hot rod magazine. Too prideful and shy to make her suggestion again, Brenda turned and went back to organizing her new kitchen. While she pittled in the kitchen, trying to decide where everything should go, Brenda harkened back to three days earlier when she met the landlord at the apartment to see if it was what her and Bobby wanted. She had to come alone that day because Bobby was busy at work and she knew that the decision of whether to take the place or not rested with her. It would be the first major decision she had ever had to make. The apartment complex was in a nice neighborhood. With the local college so close, police patrols were much more frequent than they were in the trailer parks she had lived in for first twenty-one years if her life, the neighbors according to the landlord, consisted of a mix of young couples, a few college students and some retirees who had sold their homes looking for something smaller to look after. As Brenda looked around the landscape of the complex, she was pleased to see that all the cars in sight had four tires that actually touched the ground. Use to being surrounded by cars suspended endlessly on concrete blocks in the trailer parks all her life, she jumped at the chance to move into a neighborhood where drunk rednecks wouldn’t be unleashing their rebel yells all night long while revving their souped up car engines. Preparing to tell the landlord that she thought the place would be perfect, a dark sports car swung into the parking spot next door to the apartment Brenda was preparing to accept. Watching as a tall, broad shouldered black guy lumbered out of the car, Brenda felt a tangible knot form in her stomach as the gentleman casually acknowledged Brenda and the landlord standing beside her with a stack of forms in his hands. As the man made his way into his apartment, both Brenda and the landlord smiled and nodded their heads back in return. “That’s Marvin.... Marvin Jones I believe. He and his girlfriend...Dawn... I think it is, have lived here for about three months. They seem like a nice couple,” the grizzled landlord said, sensing Brenda’s sudden unease. Brenda nodded back at the landlord trying to act like she was still composed. This would be a problem Brenda thought to herself. Moving Bobby away from his buddies at the trailer park would be tough enough as it was. Now the specter of having their new neighbors being black would certainly provide some long nights of listening to her husband bitch and bitch. Still, Brenda wanted the place, if not for anything else than to simply start a new life. It was about time Bobby grew up anyway she thought. “I think we’ll take it, “ Brenda firmly told the landlord. “OK,” the older gentleman smiled. “Let me just hunt up a copy of the lease for you to sign and you and your husband can move in anytime after 12 noon tomorrow. Hearing the front door of the apartment next door slam shut, Brenda Raymond was awakened from her momentary daydream thinking about the meeting three days earlier. As she continued straightening the kitchen, Brenda couldn’t help but remember the way the guy that lives next door named Marvin briefly gazed at her while she was looking at the apartment. Even that second or two stare had made her feel more like a sexual being than a any other time that she could remember. The way that Marvin’s gaze took in all of Brenda’s features from head to toe in a matter of only seconds as he smiled at her before disappearing into his apartment gave Brenda a strange carnal pause. She was 21 years old, had curly brown hair that fell over her shoulders, a healthy amount of freckles across her slightly chubby face and a few freckles that also fell across her creamy white chest as well. Brenda was average height and had 36C breasts that had attracted a lot of attention from the boys she had gone to high school with. But Bobby was the only one of those boys who had a job, thus the only one that had his own car and spending money, so inevitably she had spent a lot of time with Bobby and with the environment she was raised, she figured she couldn’t do any better than him, thus marriage eventually grew out of it soon after her 17th birthday. While she weighed just over 120 pounds on her wedding day, the routine that four years of marriage had created, of not running the streets and partying until all hours of the morning combined with the fact that all she did at home during the day was eat because Bobby didn’t want her working had led Brenda to put on nearly 30 pounds since they tied the knot. Occasionally, Brenda would look at her wedding dress hanging in her closet wanting to try it on but knowing there was no way she could ever get into in her present state. Every night while she tried falling asleep, she’d swear that she would start a new diet in the morning, but will power along with her taste in men had never been one of her strengths. Brenda had become numb to the constant ‘fat’ jokes Bobby rained down on her when he was feeling threatened and inadequate himself. The only solace she took was that Bobby’s usually drunk or high friends all seemed to agree that the weight she had put on had all been gained in the right places. “Brenda, I’m hungry.... why don’t you run over to the store and buy us some stuff to make some sandwiches,” Bobby loudly asked from the living room. Brenda turned and faced her husband sitting in the chair now reading the newspaper. She desperately wanted to tell him, “you got two good feet and two good hands, go get it yourself” but realizing she needed a little fresh air herself, she agreed to go. “Get me a pack of cigarettes while you’re there too,” Bobby said absently, now lost in the crime log of the paper. Easing her husband’s pickup back into their apartment’s parking space, Brenda noticed her two new neighbors closing their front door and heading to their car. Pulling the two bags of groceries from the passenger seat, Brenda got out of the truck and shyly said “Hello” as the handsome black couple approached. “I guess we’re going to be neighbors,” Brenda added. “My name is Brenda.... Brenda Raymond.” “I’m Dawn,” replied the perky, petite young black girl. “This is my fiancé Marvin. We’ve lived here for about three months.” “Do you like it here?” Brenda asked, trying to make conversation. “It’s nice around here, pretty quiet. Marvin and I graduated from school last year and we just decided to stay here in town for a while.... didn’t we Marvin?” Dawn said nicely, elbowing her fiancé in the ribs imploring him to be friendlier and say something. “Yeah, yeah, its not a bad place to live.” Marvin said quickly to Brenda. “Love to stay and talk ma’am, but me and Dawn we’ve got to get to the club...its good to meet you.” “OK...OK...we’ll get a chance to talk later... Brenda,” Dawn said sensing Marvin’s hurry. “Bye,” Brenda said quietly, watching the couple walk away. Like a blur, Marvin whisked Dawn towards their car and opened the door, politely letting her in before closing the door behind her. Brenda couldn’t help noticing how attractive Dawn and Marvin looked together. Both were young, virile and in shape. Brenda fixated on how tall Marvin was compared to how compact and bubbly Dawn seemed. A cheerleader and football player, Brenda guessed. She also couldn’t help herself from imaging how the two looked in bed together. As she tried developing a mental picture of how the scene would look, tingly goosebumps danced on her spine as she watched Marvin’s sports car rev to life and back out. Brenda Raymond, then Brenda Fisher, had grown up with two racist parents in a neighborhood that only served to foster those beliefs. The mere presence of a black person caused the people she grew up around head’s to turn. The thought of ever getting involved with one was met with about the same likelihood as setting foot on Mars. Still, all alone in her bed at night while growing up as her body increasingly rumbled with pent up longings, the thought of something so taboo and off limits only tweaked the rebellious bone inside Brenda’s psyche. As she turned towards her front door, groceries in hand, she could feel herself tremble slightly after being in the presence of the obvious sexual chemistry between Marvin and Dawn. It was something that was next to nonexistent in her own life. “Where have you been Brenda?,” were the first words out of Bobby’s mouth as soon as she walked inside the apartment. “And who were you talking to out there?” Brenda simply said that she was introducing herself to their neighbors as she made her way with the groceries into the kitchen. “Where are my cigarettes?” Bobby replied, taking no notice of what Brenda had said. Brenda took Bobby’s Marlboro Red’s out of her pocket and slung them directly at Bobby, catching him just below his left shoulder. Bobby looked back at his wife with a keen sense of contempt in his eyes as he bent down to pick up his new pack of smokes from the floor. Noticing the empty pile of Old Milwaukee cans had grown to 9, Brenda began to sense that her first night with her husband in their new digs was going to be painfully similar to the nights back at the trailer. Brenda knew the routine like clockwork. She would go to the bedroom and try to go to sleep only to be awakened sometime after midnight by Bobby stumbling to bed with his drunken lust. Bobby would proceed to mount Brenda and fuck her sloppily for the better part of two and half minutes, then he would fall off to the side and pass out leaving Brenda sticky and far from satisfied. Brenda decided to take a long hot shower in her large new tub to try and relax herself thinking maybe if she could knock herself out like a light, Bobby would just give up and leave her alone when he finally decided to come to bed. Unfortunately like the hundreds of night’s before, Brenda had to endure Bobby’s advances. As if she was on autopilot, Brenda laid there sometime after midnight and heard Bobby stumble into the bedroom. Trapped between the nether world of sleep and wakefulness, Brenda could clearly smell the alcohol of her husband’s breath as he neared. Plunging down beside his wife, Bobby began getting frisky with her and knowing it was fruitless to fight it, Brenda turned towards Bobby and with all the enthusiasm of a factory worker going about their chore, she opened her legs and allowed Bobby to fumble with his cock until he was inside of her and awkwardly pumping up and down. As she lay there waiting for Bobby to finish, Brenda humorously thought to herself, she could almost count out the seconds until Bobby blew his load. As the numbers flipped off in her head,”47...48...49...50...” right when she got to “51” she felt Bobby’s sinewy body go tense and his cock send a days worth of pent up cum into her bored pussy. Just as he came, like clockwork, Bobby fell off his wife and fell asleep beside her, his now deflated and messy cock limply flailing out of the fly of his boxer shorts. Brenda pulled herself up and immediately went into the bathroom to clean herself up before returning to the small area of the bed that Bobby wasn’t hogging to try and get some sleep. In the relative hush of her new bedroom, as Brenda laid herself back down, she could hear a faint distant squeaking sound coming from somewhere. At first, Brenda just thought it was her tired mind playing tricks on her but as she positioned herself under the covers, the sound only increased in volume. Taking one of the pillows that Bobby had commandeered and stuffing it behind her head, Brenda found herself holding her breath, trying to determine where the sound was coming from. The first time she heard a high pitched gasp, the realization hit Brenda Raymond, as she lay there silently in her own bed, that the sounds were coming from the bedroom adjacent to theirs, Dawn and Marvin’s bedroom next door. Trying to block out the sounds of Bobby’s labored breathing beside her, Brenda settled under the weight of the blanket and sheet listening as hard as she could for some sign to confirm her suspicions. The frantic sounds of springs straining under an intense assault only increased, filling the Raymond’s bedroom with the unmistakable soundtrack of sex taking place just on the other side of the bedroom wall. Suddenly, over the grinding of the bedsprings, Brenda was sure she could hear the gratified and potent sounds of both a male and a female voice in the throws of ecstasy. Brenda tensed under the covers, the darkness in the room beginning to spin around her as she desperately tried focusing all her attention on the noises rifling through her head. On and on the mutual assault next door went as Brenda unwittingly eased her right hand under the sheet covering her and started stroking her already cum soiled bush. The thrill of being an innocent voyeur had overtaken Brenda’s consciousness as she continued to nervously ease drop. With her husband passed out, snoring lightly beside of her, Brenda gently began twirling her chubby fingers in and out over the folds of her now wet pussy and dense pubic fur. Closing her eyes, casting her eyes deep into the chasm of her self imposed darkness, Brenda Raymond tried picturing what Marvin and Dawn looked like as their bodies collided viciously together causing such a frantic, never ending amount of noise to come from the bedroom next door. Opening her eyes to look up at the clock on the bed stand, Brenda watched as the minutes clicked away. On and on Marvin and Dawn went at it, 1:30.... 1:35...1:40...1:45...... Brenda simply shook her head disbelievingly as she continued lovingly stroking her aroused pussy. She couldn’t fathom any two people going at it at that pace for that long. After just giving Bobby his nightly two minutes of fame, she didn’t feel right calling what she had come to know as sex, sex, after listening for the better part of an half an hour to what was taking place just a few feet away on the other side of the wall. Finally, at a few minutes till 2am, Brenda’s ears were filled with the fantastic sounds of a male and female voice sharing an exhausting orgasm. As the sounds of Marvin and Dawn gasping for air next door filled her ears, Brenda suddenly found herself biting down hard onto the pillow beside her head as her fingers pressed down like a vice on her uplifted clit causing her to swivel her hips back and forth under the covers, trying as best she could not to disturb the sleeping mass that was her husband beside her. A long series of low gasps hiccupped out of Brenda’s mouth like a teapot full of steam as she stroking her spasming pussy, relished one of her infrequent forays into sexual gratification. One way or the other, Brenda Raymond could now fall asleep satisfied. For the better part of the next day, Brenda replayed the previous night’s voyeuristic secret in her head. When she closed her eyes she could almost hear Dawn and Marvin’s gasping moans and shrill ecstatic screams of release as they brought each other to a delightful spontaneous orgasm. Pacing the house after Bobby had left for work, Brenda pittled trying to occupy her mind, After the cable guy had left around 11am getting the TV up and running, Brenda turned it on and was confronted with reminders of the night before at every turn. Every time she saw something romantic on a soap opera or a young couple on a talk show, Brenda’s longing gaze locked on the bedroom wall separating the two apartments. When she saw a young black couple on Jenny Jones discussing their intimate issues, Brenda could literally feel her temperature start to rise. Brenda actively tried thinking up something to do to get herself out of the house but every time she seemed to look down, she saw that her sensitive pink nipples were shamelessly erect and tingling inside her t-shirt. The last thing she wanted to do was go out in public with her high beams on on such a nice spring day. Finally at about 5pm, Brenda couldn’t take anymore and had to get out for some fresh air. Even though Bobby was due home around 6, she got the distinct feeling he might want to visit a few of his friends before coming home. Making a small grociery list, Brenda called a cab and went to the local Wal-Mart Supercenter and picked up a few supplies for the apartment. On the way back home in the backseat of the cab, Brenda’s thoughts of the night before smoldered inside of her. Seeing that Bobby’s truck wasn’t home yet, Brenda held out hope in her mind that perhaps she could get to relive last night’s ‘fun’ without her husband around. As she paid her fare and began lugging her groceries to the door in the light of dusk, suddenly those hopes for Brenda were dashed. Putting her key in the door, Brenda turned suddenly when Dawn eased out of her apartment dressed in her waitress uniform and headed for Marvin’s car. “Hello,” Brenda said in a friendly tone, trying not to look to obvious in picturing Dawn from the night before, naked and writhing underneath her large and powerful fiancé. “Hi...just getting home from work Brenda?” Dawn asked. “No... just had to get a few things to put in the refrigerator. My husband’s got to have his beer you know,” Brenda smiled. “Lucky him,” Dawn said “I’ve headed to work myself...there till 2. One of the night girls called in sick,” Dawn said exasperated. “At least the tips are better at night.” “Hope it goes by quickly,” Brenda said, pushing her front door open. “Me too,” Dawn replied. “I’ll see you later.” “OK,” Brenda nodded before disappearing into her apartment. Muttering ‘Damn’ under her breath, Brenda sat the bags of food down realizing her night at home wouldn’t be all she hoped it would. As she turned to open the fridge, the blinking light on the answering machine flashing on and off caught her attention. Hitting the button, Brenda heard the brief message Bobby had left 15 minutes earlier telling her that he would be a ‘little late’ coming home. A ‘little late’ for Bobby meant anytime before sunrise. As aroused as she had been all day, Brenda thought naughtily to herself, she wouldn’t had minded having sex with Bobby if she had the mental images from last night to focus on while he tried to fuck her. A little sexual detachment can really help a failing marriage if used correctly. Brenda’s evening alone ticked away slowly. 7 turned into 8 then 9 and 10 without any word from Bobby. Finally at 10:30, with Brenda half asleep on the sofa, a pair of bright headlights filled her living room as a vehicle pulled in and parked outside. Her first thought was that Bobby had finally found his way home. When she rose up off the sofa however and peeked her head around the curtain, she saw that it wasn’t Bobby’s truck outside, rather a late model Bronco. Watching through her small living room window, a sudden jolt of electricity rushed through Brenda’s body when she saw the two individuals seated in the car as the overhead light illuminated the inside of the vehicle. Brenda clutched the blanket covering her tightly in her fists as she watched her neighbor Marvin ease out of the large Bronco and strut slowly over to the driver’s side and help the blonde woman he was with out. As the two made their way around the vehicle and proceeded up the walk to the front door of Marvin’s apartment, Brenda’s eyes opened wide, taking in the full sight of the statuesque natural blonde her neighbor was escorting into his apartment. In her heels, the woman was nearly as tall as Marvin himself, nearly 6 foot 2. She had long wavy, almost angelic looking thick hair and was wearing a short white miniskirt with a tan on her legs that eliminated the need for stockings. Arm in arm the couple slipped into Marvin’s place, disappearing a moment before Brenda heard the door slam shut from next door, rattling her nerves to the core. Inhaling a long deep breath, Brenda felt her temples throb and her body tingle like a series of cold needles had been jammed into her hands and feet as she tried registering what she had seen. Without realizing she had, partly because her feet were both asleep, Brenda had eased up off the sofa and had slowly and quietly made her way over to the wall of the living room adjoining the two apartments. Although she would have reacted harshly if anyone would have ever accused her of being a voyeur, which was exactly what she was preparing to do. Pressing the side of her head against the cool flatness of the wall, Brenda Raymond swallowed hard and took two lungs full of air as she tried eavesdropping on what the black stud next door was doing with the picturesque white woman that had brought him home. It had to just be a friend of Dawn’s , Brenda rationalized, just giving him a lift home because his fiancé had his car while she was at work. Pushing her ear as far as it would go against the wall, Brenda listened with baited breath. As hard as she tried, Brenda still could only hear snippets of conversation coming from next door. As she closed her eyes, desperately trying to eliminate all her other sensory input so her hearing would be heightened, she could make out faint sounds of moaning and wet kissing noises. Through the wall, Brenda thought she could hear Marvin’s deep voice tell the woman he was with that they had to get what they were going to get done by 2 before Dawn was due home. Standing against the wall, Brenda could feel her heart pound in her chest when the first audible gasps from the woman Marvin was with began striking her eardrums. “Ohhhhhh....yeeeaaahhhhh..right....there..yeah...right...therrrreeee,” The pretty blonde cooed, obviously enjoying what Marvin was doing to her. Brenda could suddenly hear the floor planks next door begin to creak under the weight of the two bodies as they walked steadily towards Marvin’s bedroom. Almost as if she was on tracks following the trail of Marvin and his white female friend, Brenda found herself sliding down the length of the wall in her socked feet, following the trail into her own bedroom. Collapsing her weight once again against her bedroom wall, Brenda resumed her voyeuristic eavesdropping attempts as Marvin led his picked up piece of white pussy into his fiancé’s own bedroom. With the side of her head pressed tightly against the wall, Brenda blindly reached down and slid the sweatpants she was wearing over her ripe, full hips and down her thighs until she could awkwardly lift her feet up to stomp the pants down around her ankles, leaving her brown hairy pussy completely uncovered. In her carnal craving to hear two such gifted specimens have sex, Brenda gave no thought to the fact that if her husband Bobby walked in the door at any moment he would see his wife, naked from the waist down, frantically rubbing her pussy as she pressed her head fiendishly against the bedroom wall, trying to hear anything she could of the taboo scene next door. “DEARRRRR...GGGAAAWWWDDD,” Brenda could hear the now cock gorged woman next door whimper desperately. ‘YOURRRRR... SOOOAHHHHHHHH.. FUCKIIINNNN.... BBBIIGGGGGGGAAHHHH... AHHHH... AHHHH!” Brenda could hear the familiar sounds of the bedsprings from next door stretch and collapse with reckless abandon just as she had heard secretly the night before. Pulling her head back slightly from the wall, Brenda realized the intense pounding from the other side of the wall could now be clearly heard from anywhere in her bedroom. Still, the assault only seemed to become more and more frantic until she seemed to stroke her pussy to the same exact rhythm Marvin had built up on the slut her had brought home to fuck while his fiancé Dawn, was earning her paycheck waiting tables. Brenda could hear Marvin cockily talk down to the tall well-built blonde in the most filthy and base language as he made the blonde’s body flower around his incessant pounding. “You like the way I fuck..... dontcha bitch..dontcha. You couldn’t keep your eyes off me at the wanted some of this and now you got it...think you can take all of this black cock...come on ...THINK YOU CAN TAKE IT ALLLLLL!” Marvin groaned down at his conquest, jamming his black spear deep into her quim. When he said the word ‘ALL’, the blonde yelped loudly underneath his weight. “I’m gonna fuck you right here and make that sweet.... tight.... little white... pussy of your’s cum right her in the same bed that I’m gonna fuck my cute little black girlfriend in when she brings her ass home from work,” Marvin smugly snarled. Brenda immediately fell back against the wall, not paying any attention to the fact that she smacked it pretty hard with her body weight and listened as the woman next door let out a continuous flow of tortured yet fulfilled gasps as Marvin kept his intense, grinding pressure up. Fingering her pussy lewdly, Brenda clumsily began humping her hips back and forth causing her exposed, saturated pussy lips to smack against the wall wetly as he hand spun ruthlessly between her sensitive juicy folds. As the blonde slut Marvin had brought home let out a long protracted scream, so did Brenda. Biting her lips and tongue savagely so that no one could hear her release, Brenda stood there cringing against the wall as wave after wave of orgasmic overload swept through her half naked being. Falling to her knees, Brenda succumb to her lust, allowing the full brunt of the guilty treat to overcame her. After she was able to compose herself, Brenda lazily pulled her sweatpants back up as she regained her balance and headed into the bathroom to wash her flushed face with a cold rag, wondering what her young black neighbor would think if he knew he had gotten two women, in two different rooms, off at the same time. After satisfying herself, Brenda laid down on her empty bed and before she knew it sleep had overtaken her. It wasn’t until well after three in the morning that she heard Bobby stumble through the front door. Waiting for him to collapse against her in the bed, after a few moments when he didn’t come Brenda realized that Bobby probably crashed on the sofa and passed out there. When she woke up after 7, Brenda pulled herself up knowing she had to go to her sister’s and baby sit her 3 year old niece while her sister Darla went to a doctor’s appointment. Showering, Brenda bathed in the glow of two straight nights of gratifying sex, albeit, not in the most conventional manner. Quickly throwing on a pair of black leggings and a sweater, Brenda walked from her bedroom into the living room and saw her husband flopped out on the sofa, the stench of alcohol surrounding his body. Brenda looked down on her husband of 4 years with a mix of contempt for his actions and a peaceful acceptance of that was just how things were. That second feeling was helped out a bit by the fact that her hormones were finally getting the stimulation they had been craving from her last to nights masturbatory releases. When she got to her sister’s, Brenda could see in Darla’s eyes that her sister sensed Brenda’s glow. “Good God Bren...Bobby must have really given it to you good last night.... look how rosy those cheeks are! You are positively radiating,” Darla said in her southern, country twang. Brenda just smiled back without admitting what the real cause for her radiance was. After Darla returned from the doctors, both women feeling invigorated, they decided to pack up the car for a trip to the mall in town to look around, have lunch, and catch up on the past few weeks. Before Brenda knew it, it was well after 5 in the afternoon and she was sure in the state Bobby was in when she left that morning he probably didn’t go to work. If he had been sitting around all day alone in the apartment, Brenda was sure he would be in one foul mood when she got back. “I guess I better be getting home Darla, Bobby will be home soon looking for dinner,” Brenda said, not telling her sister about his late night carousing, even though she knew that her sister knew what kind of guy Bobby Raymond was. About a half hour later, Darla dropped Brenda off at her new place and commented to her sister that Bobby’s truck was already in the parking space. “Guess he’s home Bren?” “His truck is...doesn’t mean he is,” Brenda replied sarcastically back.” Thanks for the ride I’ll call you later. Love ya.” After the two sisters briefly hugged, Brenda made her way inside her apartment to find a note from Bobby saying he’d be home later and bitching because there was now aspirin in the house. “Guess he’s out running with his friends again and he’s too cheap to put any gas in his own truck,” Brenda thought to herself. “Oh well,” Brenda sighed, balling up the post-it note and tossing it in the trash. About 8 that evening, settling down for a quiet night of TV, Brenda was startled by a firm knock at her front door. “Who could that be,”she thought, not hearing any car pull up.” We don’t even know anybody here yet.” Wearing only a large, oversized sweatshirt and the same gray sweatpants from the previous night, Brenda jumped up from her coozy spot on the couch and went to the door, anxiously peeking out the spy hole to see who it was. When her eyes focused, Brenda saw the unmistakable tall figure of her black neighbor Marvin, waiting patiently out on the stoop. “What could he want?” Brenda asked herself, feeling her stomach knot up inside her belly as she held her breath staring out the peephole. Knowing that Marvin knew someone was there, the light was on behind the closed blinds and the TV was up loud, Brenda felt she had no other option than to open the door and see what her neighbor wanted. Slowly, Brenda unlocked the door and swung it halfway open so that she could see Marvin standing in front of it, a sly smile painted across his chiseled face. “What’s wrong?” Brenda asked sheepishly. “Ohhh…nothing...nothing’s wrong,” Marvin said calmly. “I was just hoping either you or your husband was home. I see his truck there. See, my girlfriend drove my car to work and I really need to run up to the store to grab a six-pack and a few things for dinner. I was wondering if either of you could give me a quick ride up the street?” He continued in a friendly, conversational manner. Knowing that Bobby would kill her if he ever found out, Brenda nervously tried thinking of a way to be polite but still refuse. Never being one that learned how to say ‘no’ effectively however, Brenda fumbled with the right words to say and only managed to utter,” Well.... ahh.. Bobby...ahhh.... my husband ain’t home.if you really need to...I guess...I ...could…I mean if it won’t take very long.” Hurrying to gather her keys to Bobby’s truck, Brenda slipped on her pair of beat up sneakers as closed the door behind her, leading a pleased and relieved Marvin to Bobby’s pickup for the quick trip to the store. Brenda pulled the truck back into her driveway less than 15 minutes later, her fingers and toes both crossed that Bobby hadn’t been dropped off in the meantime. She didn’t even want to think of his reaction if he saw his wife driving his truck with a black guy in the passenger seat. As Brenda turned the key in the ignition off and pulled it out, she thought privately that this was the first time in her life she had ever been alone with a black man, whether it be in a car, elevator, waiting room or anywhere. In a strange way, Brenda was a little unsettled that none of her ‘fears’ of being alone with Marvin, or any black man for that matter, didn’t come to fruition. The whole idea of running Marvin to the store had come about on such short notice, Brenda really didn’t have time to focus on the fear that she was now suffering from post hence. Marvin made no out of the way comments, never once leered at her suggestively or even made her feel uneasy in the least. Simply thanking Brenda for the ride, Marvin grabbed his bag of beer and sandwiches and headed for his apartment gracefully. Walking back to her apartment, Brenda lit a Marlboro and smoked it quickly trying to release some of the tension welling up inside her as she down on the still warm spot on the sofa. She still didn’t quite understand the full weight of the uneasy feelings inside her mind. Right on the periphery of her consciousness however, Brenda Raymond was a little disappointed that the womanizer next door showed her hardly any attention when he had her alone. Before Brenda could finish her cigarette, there was a knock on the door once again. Like a nervous jack in the box, Brenda hopped up off the couch this time and forgot to even check the peephole before opening the door. Marvin was again standing there in the doorway. “I’ve seemed to have misplaced my wallet, do you mind if I check your husband’s truck, it must have fell out of my pocket,” he asked innocently. Brenda took a deep breath, trying her best to make eyes contact with the young black man that towered above her. “ are the keys, “Brenda said handing Marvin the key chain with her trembling hand. Brenda felt the need to stand there and watch as Marvin went through Bobby’s pride and joy looking for his lost wallet. Because of her nerves however, Brenda also felt the need to use the bathroom even more. Retiring to the bathroom next to her bedroom to use the facilities while Marvin went about her search, Brenda felt the need to inspect herself in the bathroom mirror for a couple of seconds. Looking herself over, Brenda straightened her hair and smiled vaguely seeing that the makeup she had worn when she went to the mall with her sister still highlighted her round, plain face. Turning the bathroom light off to head back out and check on Marvin’s progress looking for his billfold, Brenda came to a freezing halt as she took her first step back into the main area of her bedroom. Startled with momentary fear, Brenda’s whole body began to tremble as she looked up at Marvin standing in the center of her and Bobby’s bedroom, his leather wallet clutched in his hand. “I found it,” Marvin smiled simply. For a moment, the words didn’t quite register inside Brenda’s head. With her hands tightly clutching her chest in an unmistakable display of unexpected shock, Brenda tried desperately to breathe and calm herself down. “,” Brenda said breathlessly. Brenda desperately wanted to get out of her bedroom and head for the relative safety of her living room but the 6 foot 2 and 225 pound roadblock named Marvin was standing calmly in her way. “Where’s your husband?” Marvin asked out of nowhere as if he already knew the answer. Stunned from the inquisition, Brenda tried formulating a response. “He’s...ahhhh…he’s out drinking with his friends...he could be home ...anytime though,” She said as confidently as she could. “No he won’t,” Marvin said bluntly as he slowly began walking towards Brenda who was shaking in the entrance to her bathroom. “I work with a friend of his Brenda, “Marvin continued as he inched closer to the married woman. “Your husband...Bobby.. he came into the place the other day and bragged and bragged about this little hot piece of pussy he was banging cross town behind his fat pig of a wife’s back. Now this was before he ever moved in but when I saw that was him I just had to see what his wife really looked like. After all, he made her sound pretty bad. He said this nympho he was doing on the side fucked a whole lot better than his dull-ass wife.... she’d suck his dick all night if he asked her too.” Coming to a stop right in front of Brenda’s nearly hypnotized body, he looked down and saw the anger and hurt well up in two eyefuls of salty tears and smiled internally when both cheeks provided the backdrop for a long stream of teardrops as Brenda helplessly cried hearing about her husband’s cruel infidelity from the imposing black stranger cornering her in her own bedroom. Although she tried her best to put forth a confident face, internally, Brenda Raymond was livid and devastated as Marvin continued his review of Bobby’s affair. With the genie out of the bottle, Brenda was angrily left with the mental chore of picturing which one of the redneck sluts Bobby hung around with being the one that stabbed her in the back. As her brave face began washing away in a salty landslide of tears, Brenda instinctively fell against the tall black stranger in front of her, not caring if he was black or whether he was the man in the moon. At that moment in time when he worst fears had been confirmed about her husband, Brenda just needed to be held. Clinging to him like a magnet, Brenda’s moist, tear-soaked face buried against the front of his shirt, she fought back her sobs as Marvin continued to soothingly tell his story of infidelity. “When I saw Bobby was moving in the other day then found out you were the wife he was totally dumping, that stupid boy ain’t got no taste in women whatsoever. He showed us guys a picture of the slut he was bangin’ and she didn’t look nearly as good as you.... that boy must be blind when he gets drunk.” Brenda bit her tongue quickly, desperately wanting Marvin to tell her “what the girl Bobby was screwing looked like, did Bobby tell them her name, what did she do that Brenda didn’t in bed....” With her arms wrapped around Marvin’s tree trunk like frame, Brenda suddenly felt a deep desire for something more than being held. She hadn’t realized it until it was too late. She remembered back to being a teenager when her Father would not even have the decency to conceal his extramarital affairs from her Mother. Brenda remembered siding with her father because he was always supportive of her and she also knew first hand what a bitch her Mother could be. She always remembered thinking that if her Mom did her duty as a wife, her Father would have never had a reason to stray and she also promised herself she’d never let that happen when she became a wife. Now confronted with the reality of that happening to her, Brenda Raymond was as devastated and as vulnerable as she ever had been in her whole life. With her body clinging to Marvin’s rock solid torso, Brenda didn’t realize that the inside of her crotch was pressing directly against Marvin’s inner thigh. Her towering black neighbor could feel the heated warmth radiate out from Brenda’s crotch through the fabric of his shorts telling him that his little tale of marital indiscretion had infuriated Brenda Raymond so much that it had literally made her burn with anger. Sensing the door was open to make his move, Marvin bent down and took Brenda’s tear soaked chin in his large meaty fingers and tilted her face up to his. Wasting no time, Marvin lowered his thick lips and covered Brenda’s entire mouth with his, kissing her soulfully as his fingers brushed back and forth against the sensitive pale flesh of her neck and shoulders. Rubbing his large hands through the mane of long curly brown hair falling off Brenda’s shoulders, Marvin pulled his lips back and softly asked, “Do you want me to do something to make that burning go away?” Looking up at Marvin, trying to figure out what he meant by his comment, suddenly Brenda felt the warmth and wetness leaking from her own crotch as it rested against his muscular thigh. Looking up into Marvin’s dark, lust filled and cocksure eyes, Brenda felt her legs quiver and seemingly melt into the floor beneath her as she gazed weakly up at him. Before she could react, once again Marvin lowered his lips, already wet with Brenda’s saliva and kissed her fully on the mouth, even harder than he had done the first time. This time Brenda returned the oral embrace, physically surrendering to her most vivid and carnal fantasy. As her mind swirled feeling the sensations of Marvin’s powerful probing lips on hers, she thought back longingly to the previous two night voyeuristic experiences listening to Marvin thoroughly satisfy both his perky black fiancé and a sultry statuesque blonde that he had picked up at a bar. Those two things along with the crushing hit her self esteem felt made Brenda desperate to show herself that she was valued by someone, even if it was the black womanizer that was her new neighbor. Feeling Marvin raise his hands and rub her heavy, heaving breasts through the fabric of her thick sweatshirt, instinctively, Brenda began to fall back ready to allow Marvin to take her on her and Bobby’s wedding bed. Before she could fall backwards however, Marvin stopped her and pulled Brenda even closer to him. “Ohhhh...I want you so bad..,” Brenda sighed weakly under Marvin’s embrace. “I know you do,” Marvin replied confidently. “What do you want me to do?” he continued arrogantly. Brenda seemed to hesitate for a moment, the words fumbling on her tongue. Marvin continued to stare directly down into her angered face until Brenda finally spoke. “I...I...want you take me....right my...own...bed,” Brenda answered weakly but purposefully. The thought of letting a black man fuck her in the same bed that Bobby slept on being the only way she could think of to get even with him for cheating on her. “Ohhh…don’t worry about that...I will...I willlll.....but right now I got somethin’ better in mind,” Marvin said cryptically. With Brenda nearly hypnotized by Marvin’s presence, the strapping black stud reached down and effortlessly lifted Brenda’s heavy sweatshirt up her torso and pulled it off over her head. Robotically, Brenda Raymond lifted her arms allowing Marvin free reign to do with her as he pleased in the privacy of her own bedroom. Without any bra on the support the massive weight of her 36 C breasts, Brenda’s exposed womanhood shook wantonly as her bare, pale chest came into full view to Marvin’s admiring eyes. The way Brenda’s chest seemed to sway every time she took a deep breath it appeared her titties were literally begging and aching to be touched. “Drop your pants!” Marvin firmly ordered. After a brief second of hesitation, the trembling young married woman followed Marvin’s command and eased her fingers into the waistband of her frumpy sweatpants and eased them down over her chubby hips and dropped them in an unquestioned gesture of surrender to her feet, then stepped out of them leaving herself completely and unabashedly naked before her still fully clothed black neighbor. Looking pleasingly over the now naked woman he had successfully played, Marvin continued quietly barking his orders. “Now go over there and put your face directly against the wall...NOW!” he said, pointing to the wall separating Marvin’s bedroom from the Raymond’s. Brenda tortured mind couldn’t fathom why Marvin was sending her “to the corner”, but not feeling she had any other option, Brenda willfully began walking slowly past Marvin and took the 6 or so steps until she was facing the wall, her back totally to Marvin standing behind her smiling haughtily. Marvin watched as a completely naked Brenda stood facing the wall, her lovely wide snow-white ass directly in the focus of his wide gaze. He eagerly wanted to fuck her right up the ass for what he had heard her do the night before, but he could tell the naked white woman in front of him wasn’t that experienced sexually and would take a while to build up her sexual capabilities. Figuring he had her right where he wanted her both in a temporary and a permanent sense, Marvin knew he had plenty of time to work on Brenda’s anal cheery at a later date. Tonight, he would simply give the easily swayed naive wife a taste of what it meant to have a black dick slammed into her underfucked pussy. Strutting up behind her, Marvin reached out with his right hand and placed it firmly on the wall directly above Brenda’s head, flexing his large forearm muscles right beside Brenda’s fluttering eyelids. Bending down and pulling her long brown hair away from the side of her face, Marvin leaned in and whispered coarsely into Brenda’s ear. “I heard you last night,” he said simply. “I heard you stand right here and listen to every single thing I did to that sweet looking, preppy college bitch last night. We heard you grind against this wall...right here wasn’t it Brenda...right here is where you creamed all over the wall wishing you were the one getting your fuckin’ white pussy stretched by my 10 inch cock.... weren’t you...don’t even try to lie!” Marvin hissed, taking his front teeth and roughly biting Brenda’s earlobe with them, causing the speechless married woman to wince and cry out. Totally embarrassed that she was caught dead to rights in such a lewd and obvious voyeuristic display, words of denial wafted up into her mouth but before she could attempt to lie, Marvin slapped his left hand savagely down onto Brenda’s bare ass and whipped her huge ass cheeks hard, imploring Brenda not to even think about denying what she had done 24 hours earlier. “Ooouch,” Brenda cried softly. After another one of Marvin’s warnings, finally Brenda shock her head up and down and admitted to Marvin what he knew to be true. “Good.... I like a girl with a little bit of honesty in her...proves she was raised right,” Marvin said in a tone of sugarcoated sweetness. “Now spread your legs for me.... alright!” he urged, suddenly becoming insistent once again. Feeling Marvin’s right hand drop of the wall beside her face, and his left leave the curvy expanse of her ass, in an instant, both of his large powerful palms were resting on the inside of her chubby thighs and with a swift push out, he helped Brenda open her legs wide like a suspect getting frisked by an eager cop in an alley. With her face flatly pressed against the wall in front of her and her legs spread wide, Brenda heard the loud rip of a zipper behind her and even though she was somewhat sexually naive, the obvious implications of the type of punishment Marvin intended for her eavesdropping display quickly became apparent to Brenda. Less than five seconds after hearing the zipper get ripped down behind her, the fleshy weight of a heavy tube like mass smashed down against her bare white ass causing the jellylike mass of her hips to ripple under it’s smacking vibrations. Desperately wanting to turn back and see what Marvin was preparing to unleash upon her, Brenda’s imposing black neighbor grabbed her by the back of the head and kept it forcefully faced forward. Much of the conversations Brenda and her girlfriends had had growing up about black men revolved around the myth of their virility and potency and here was Brenda’s first chance to see the real thing in person. Sensing Brenda’s curious desire however, Marvin was intent on making Brenda work for every morsel he was going to provide for her. “Don’t turn around bitch,” He quickly scolded her, keeping her face pointed forward towards the wall with his hand firmly placed on the back of Brenda’s curly brown hair. Satisfied Brenda was going to keep her head facing forward, Marvin once again lowered his hands down to Brenda’s wide ass, spreading her cheeks far apart allowing him visual access to the steaming hairy slit of Brenda Raymond’s pink cunt. Digging his thumbs into the soft flesh between her thighs, Marvin placed his right hand at the base of his throbbing black penis and raised it right at the target he had created. Brenda couldn’t help but dig her fingertips into the paint of the wall she was roughly pressed against. She bit her lip hard and winced feeling the incredible stabbing pain of Marvin jamming his thick black punisher into the foaming folds of her lust filled quim. “OOOHHH...SSSSHHHIITTTTTT,” Brenda cried out loud enough that if anyone was in Marvin’s bedroom on the other side of the wall, they would have thought someone was being taught a painful lesson. “PLEEEEEEZZZ...PLLLEEZZZZEEE... DON’T HURT MEEEE,” Brenda sobbed, sweat now beading on her brow, as Marvin cruelly slid even more of his uncomfortable girth into her pussy from behind. Once he had about 6 inches of his thick cock buried inside Brenda’s deprived cunt, Marvin felt comfortable beginning his powerful, piston like fuck motions, savoring the way the willing white woman’s added heft shook violently under his brutal assault. “That’s right ...fuck me back with that cunt of yours bitch! “ Marvin implored “Your husband said you didn’t fuck worth a damn so he had to go out and get himself some cranked out slut in a bar to give it to him right. Here’s your chance to be a slut got what it takes...COME ON BRENDA...YOU GOT WHAT IT TAKES???” Feeling all her anger and hatred well up inside of her for what her husband had done and also her private promise to herself that she had made about treating her man right so that he would stay and be faithful all muddled inside her blitzed mind until she felt no other option than to rhythmically shake her ass back against the stud working his cock into her brutally from behind until she was using her pussy like a weapon, trying to smother Marvin’s cock between her ripe hungry vaginal walls. “Is this what you wanted last night bitch?” Marvin continued to implore, feeling his impending orgasm not far off. As Brenda’s pussy muscles tightly gripped his enormous invader, Marvin raised his hands and took two handfuls of Brenda long hair and pulled her to him just enough so that he could see the look of utterly devastative joy etched across Brenda’s pale freckled face. “Yes,” Brenda gasped weakly, her throat bobbing under the stress for air. “I can’t hear you,” Marvin said firmly. Releasing the tension on her neck ever so slightly, allowing Brenda to take a series of long deep breaths, Marvin asked once again. “Is this what you wanted last night? HUH?” “YESSS,” Brenda said loud enough this time for Marvin to clearly hear her. “That’s just what I’s your prize for telling the truth...” Marvin hoarsely groaned, feeling his black snake begin spewing its frothy venom deep inside the obscenely spread fissure of the married woman he was fucking. “AAAHHH...AAAAHHHH....AAAHHHH,” Brenda gasped noisily as Marvin’s cum pooled in her cunt and slowly started dripping down her inner thighs and onto the carpet below. When she was able to peel herself of the wall in front of her, Brenda could see the clear and unmistakable outline of sweat her breasts and belly had made on the wall while Marvin was going about his powerful assault. Brenda’s legs were so weak from the pounding, she lost her balance and fell to her knees trying to regain her bearings, feeling the warm frothy copious cum slosh messily through her vaginal folds and seep out like spilled milk onto the carpet under her crotch. Pushing his glistening spear back into his pants, enjoying the look of awe on Brenda’s face after she finally came face to face with it, Marvin zipped his pants back up and patted Brenda lovingly on the head like she was a good dog. “I better be going,” Marvin quipped, “Your husband could be home anytime.” From her knees, Brenda replied, “I thought you said he was out screwing around..?” Marvin turned and faced the exhausted married woman, still helplessly kneeling on her knees and grinned. “I have no clue...I’ve never even met the son of a bitch...I have no clue if he’s foolin’ around on’ll fall for anything,” Marvin laughed heartily as he turned and exited through the living room, returning to his place next door, where he would wait for his fiancé to get home so he could have some of her eager loving before he finally went to bed


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