Gay Erotic Stories

Stripped for Adventure, Part 1

by Wildman
13 Oct 2000

Summer Adventures

I met Roy one day at a nearby boat landing up on the river. He was there with a friend launching a small fishing boat, and while they had some engine difficulty and his friend was working on that, Roy and I got to meet and talk a little. Roy was curious about the inflatable kayak I was launching, particularly since it didn't have an engine to break down and we exchanged phone numbers. While I went on my way - he and his friend with the engine problems never did get launched and off. A few days later, I was surprised when Roy gave me a call. He was still very curious about that kayak. I invited him over - and in no time we developed a warm friendship. Roy was just one of those very likeable kind of guys and immediately we found we had a lot of common interest. Mostly boating, fishing, hiking, camping, and by our second get together I felt comfortable enough to tell him that I am a naturist--often enjoying a little naked in nature adventure into the wilderness either by myself or in the company of others. Actually, most times I hate having to go by myself but failing a companion is no basis to deprive myself. Few things equal spending a few days in the wilderness and being one with nature - naturally of course. Why wear clothes if you don't have to? Usually once I am even a quarter mile from the landing - I've shed my cares and my clothes, totally enjoying the freedom of it all. Roy thought this was even more curious - as he had no clue about the naturist lifestyle other than what I had told him. People really take off all their clothes and socialize? Yep, they do, I told him, in nature and also at naturist parks resorts. I couldn't believe he had never heard of a nudist colony, (a term we don't use much any more) but the look on his face as I was telling him the details said it was all news to him. I had to wonder what rock had he been living under? We laughed about that! Occasionally, when I feel comfortable enough with someone to tell them about my naturism - even then I might never hear from them again. Or is just gets laughed off as a joke. Roy's curiosity however was definitely peaked. He asked so many questions. So many more than most and while I was almost afraid to blow him away - but if somebody ask me something - I feel obliged to provide good information when I can. With each new version and verse, Roy became more and more curious - and apparently the intrigue of getting naked in nature or "nekid in nature" as he kept saying, just had him totally hooked! At some point - I decided it was time to reel this flounder in! So I called Roy and asked if he had this coming weekend free to which he nearly leaped over the phone line at the suggestion and opportunity that we perhaps head for the wilderness for a little one on one with nature. Again - a million questions from him, as you would have thought we were going to the moon to get naked. Duhhhh? I finally convinced him that "primitive" was the way to go, taking as little gear and baggage as possible. Not like one might need a weeks worth of clothes to go get naked in nature for God's sake! Not even a ton of food or much of anything else really. I really like to keep things simple and minimal with fresh, safe drinking water being the key ingredient. Roy couldn't believe that sometimes I don't even take a tent for several days out (depending on the weather forecast). But as a concession to Roy - I finally agreed that we could take a few amenities - yes including some bug spray so his ass didn't get eat up too badly! I do have some really light weight backpacking gear so I tossed a few things into my water-proof sack assuring Roy we wouldn't be totally "nekid to the elements" as he put it. Actually, I was afraid he was going to back out if I didn't let him take a few reminders of civilization. I bet he packed, un-packed and re-packed a dozen times in preparation to "wander in the wilderness" - what no elephant gun or bear traps? He was so adamant to bring a cooler - it took me two days just to talk him out of that! Gee - it was like he never heard of drinking water before! Yes you can drink the stuff really! (Yes even without cool aid or alcohol in it!) At that - I figured we had better take two kayaks - one each and I feared a third might be required for all the things he kept mentioning that we might need. Roy had a hard time about what "primitive" might really be all about. Friday afternoon finally arrived and so did Roy. Amazingly, the trunk of his car was not totally full and thankfully, two kayaks would indeed suffice! I had a fleet of four standing by just in case. Within moments we had his stuff loaded over to my car and were headed for the landing. Roy looked like a kid getting ready to discover Christmas for the first time though I did detect some nervousness in his voice and wondered how he might handle getting naked in nature for the first time. (He is after all a guy for gosh sake!) I always let "newbee's" find their own comfort level usually taking the lead myself since I don't stay dressed for anyone when the agenda is naked in nature! I'm usually the first one to strip and the last one to put on any clothes - actually dreading the process of having to put on clothes and return to the rude world from the nude world. But at last we were off and headed for the landing where would launch into our little adventure. Fortunately, Roy had heeded my suggestion for minimal clothing - even for the trip to the landing. Typically a pair of gym shorts, a tee-shirt and shoes that won't be ruined if they get wet. I like aquatic type shoes myself. Good foot protection, yet you can still swim in them since you never can tell if someone might have tossed a bottle or can or debris in the water. Roy was trying to be very obedient - even down to the suggestion of no underwear which in his case might have been preferred since it was obvious his package was about to fall or slip out of those gym shorts. Not a problem really! I really hoped to see much more of him before our adventure was over. Only once have I had a guy chicken out and keep his shorts on much past dark. Even he decided to get more comfortable after darkness - and for the rest of the adventure. In no time we were at the landing, inflated the kayaks, loaded the gear and we were off. Roy was so excited, he could barely pay attention as I gave him the short course on "water safety and how to safely operate an inflatable kayak." (Actually much easier than a hard shell yak!) I was out of my shirt before we left the landing and just around the first bend in the river - I had slipped off my shorts wearing only a cap and shoes. Roy had followed obediently with his shirt - but I couldn't tell if he had shed his shorts yet. No matter, we would have plenty of "nekid time" to come since we were off for an extended overnight - maybe two. A couple of miles up steam and we were into some national forest land and seemingly miles away from civilization even if we weren't. Definitely time for a little break as we rounded a bend and approached a nice little spit of sandy beach area. We had already entered and crossed some shallows and I knew we were well beyond where powerboats could or would come. Only another kayak might make it this far so we were definitely in naked-land. I was first to land and beach the kayak. Getting out of the kayak still in maybe a foot or so of water, a few steps and I was on dry land - in all my glory! Roy exclaimed - "God you're already nekid!" Well yeah! I shed my shorts within 5 minutes after we left the landing - but I am still wearing my shoes and cap! I hope it didn't seem like a show-down for Roy and I was fully prepared to let him find his own comfort level with shedding his shorts. (Unless of course he needed help - but I didn't think that would be necessary!) It wasn't long and after a few minutes and when I wasn't particularly looking Roy did lose his shorts and as happens sometimes - he found the experience and freedom of nakedness out in the open wilderness quite erotic! At least his flag pole was up and within moments he was prancing around like a show pony totally enjoying his new found freedom. Not until I suggested a skinny-dip in the cool river water did "sport" finally settle down a bit and assume a more natural posture!. We enjoyed a water fight or two, had a little snack and decided to head on up stream before making camp. I like to get out fairly far from civilization when I can and besides there were better camping spots in only another mile or so. We took our time - particularly since Roy was not used to paddle power craft and just enjoyed the scenery and serenity of this most wonderful wilderness. We even stopped off at a couple more beaches for some sunning and lunch au'natural. It was obviously major parts of Roy had never seen the light of day before! I warned him about getting too much sun where it has never shown before! Lots to be said however for a nice even tan on a guy or gal for that matter. I hate those pesky tan lines myself which is why I don't have any! Roy commented on that noting how attractive an all over tan looked. I rather suspect he could hardly wait to rid himself of the pasty-whites! Roy inquired as to how you explain an all over tan to others. I said, well who ya gonna show? He said, well at the gym or where ever? Good answer! I told him, well if he had seen me naked somewhere and actually asked - I'd just say I'm a nudist or that I prefer to tan in the nude! And then I would have probably launched into the other assorted benefits of living life naturally whenever possible as has often happened. At any rate - enough sunning, we need to find and make a camp! Roy was just so much like a kid with a new toy over his new found freedom and I thought if he said "nekid" one more time - I was going to have to make him put some clothes on. While I'm not really into "punishment" I just endured for the pure pleasure of his new joy! I'm mean--here's a 30 year old guy who acts like he's never experienced nudity before! Myself, I was born nude and have resisted textiles all my life! Another hour of paddling and I spied the perfect camp. I'd been here a number of times before and only once found someone already in one of my favorite spots. No problem this time however. Otherwise, there were lots of equally perfect spots all along the river up ahead. Heck we had passed a dozen good spots already along the way, but I particularly liked this one spot because of the nice sand beach and a gentle walk back into the forest for some "nekid hiking" as Roy put it. Some of the other sites had steep banks to climb to the forest, but this site was nice and gentle. Gentle enough that we decided to pitch our tent and tarp a little back in the forest just in case someone else might meander by though we fully intended to make good use of that beach and the refreshing water for more skinny-dipping. Being of minimal necessity - it didn't take long to make camp and stow our gear. Plenty of time for a couple more skinny-dips before a simple supper of dried soup (quickly and simply brought back to life) and some good bread. While Roy really wanted to make a camp fire and probably dance around it nekid in some primal ritual - I prefer to leave even less than footprints in nature when I visit, so unless I'm freezing to death, I cook on a single burner propane burner, and skip the unsightly fire ring when ever possible. Roy was perhaps a bit disappointed - until I suggested he could roast his marshmallows he had brought over the propane burner! Other than candy bars and apples - marshmallows was all he brought to add to the menu - trusting that I knew what I was doing about food. While I have enjoyed a water fast in the wilderness - I didn't figure that to be the best way to introduce Roy to his first "nekid in nature" adventure/experience. Before putting out the light I fixed our breakfast of hot cereal and dried fruits in a thermos bottle using hot water. By breakfast time - it is a wonderful warm breakfast. Ohhhh - Roy was a bit curious if I was going to get in my jammies or a little something before turning in? GET REAL Bucko! This is naked in nature and I won't put on clothes again until we nearly hit the landing again! If he had jammies - he left them in his bag and decided to sleep naked like me! Even at home I can't stand to sleep in anything - but perhaps he was used to body armor no doubt! Roy seemed a little nervous to be bedded down right next to another naked guy but managed to relax after a while and didn't even seem to mind when our bare-ass skin occasionally touched by necessity. Otherwise, we kicked back and gazed out at the stars and what otherwise was a crystal clear night illuminated by a big bright moon. It didn't take long for the fresh air and perhaps the naked freedom to take its toll on Roy and he was headed off to dream land long before I was ready to pass out. But in time sleep overcame me too, even though I had enjoyed watching the moon light play across Roy's new nakedness and his seeming innocents for the activities of the day. The next thing I recall beyond a middle of the night pee break was that it was might near daylight and I awoke to find Roy (who earlier in the night might have been worried about our nakedness touching each other) wrapped around and all over me like honey on a bun! Apparently, Roy got a little cool during the night and like a heat seeking missile found me! Frankly, I just lay there quietly until daylight enjoying his warmth and touch though in time he got a bit heavy! I almost hated to wake him up but it was definitely time for another pee break and some morning coffee. I wasn't quite sure how to wake him - cause I didn't want to wake him and have him panic over our very touchy feelie embrace. I thought it was real nice but ya never can tell with a newbee! I really hate to have them bolt and go streaking through the wilderness unnecessarily! At any rate at some point I managed to peel Roy off of me and roll him over such that when he fully awoke - he might not have realized just how close we might have become during the night. Otherwise, I hope he enjoyed it as much as I did. Full daylight came and while it took a little while for the sun to get up over the trees, we enjoyed our warm breakfast from the thermos bottles and some coffee and were on the beach to catch some rays. The sand was still warm from the day before having retained much of the suns energy even during the night. Once the sun was up over the trees - we were enjoying our first skinny dip of the day! Kinda like a morning bath to wake ya up real good! The water was very refreshing! It also helped quell the raging bone Roy would have had in his pants were he wearing any. Roy was so exhilarated over his naked in nature experience he pretty much kept a bone the whole time we were in the wilderness. While not uncommon at first - he must have gotten awfully uncomfortable swinging that thing around so much! Like a kid pointing at everything so to speak! Way up in the morning - we decided it was snack time again - so we cracked open those apples and a candy bar. Ummm Good! And while we were kicked back enjoying our snack and watching the high clouds easing by - we both jumped at the sound of a couple of rounds of gun fire in the distance. That was unusual since we were well inside of the national forest and no where near hunting season. Besides it sounded like small arms fire to me - not big hunting stuff. We dismissed it since it was so far away - though we heard more rounds like someone might have been target practicing. I was a bit annoyed at the interruption of the peace and quiet. We enjoyed another skinny dip and even a little wrestling in the water and while we occasionally had some serious grips on each other - Roy didn't seem to mind this kind of closeness and touching. While I was tempted to give him a good grip in the crotch any number of times - we had yet to discuss the no holds barred option of wrestling that naked guys can enjoy sometimes. Maybe we might talk about it over lunch! I made a mental note to think of someway to bring it up! But after a morning of fun and frolic we were getting hungry again. We were just getting out of the water when I thought I heard something up in the woods. We stopped, we listened, but nothing. The breeze perhaps - yet I had a strangely un-easy feeling. I've spent enough naked in nature time to have some extra sensibilities about me. The hair on the back of my neck didn't stand up for nothing. We had no sooner come out of the water onto the beach when I found out what that uneasy feeling was all about. (See Part II for the conclusion of this exciting adventure)


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