Gay Erotic Stories

Stripped for Adventure, Part 2

by Wildman
13 Oct 2000

Camping Summer Adventures

(While skinny dipping in the wilderness, we were just getting out of the water when:) Two men stepped from the woods onto the beach to face us. Both were dressed in light summer camouflage outfits and from their side arms, - I didn't have to wonder about who was responsible for that small arms fire we had heard earlier in the distance. While I only momentarily felt awkward about my nakedness, Roy obviously was about ready to cover his crotch and run except, that might have seemed even more awkward, - so we just stood our ground and greeted the two guys as if we might be dressed too. Except that we were naked and they were not! It didn't take them long to take in our nakedness and I still had this incredible feeling of vulnerability, which felt really odd. Likewise, surely they might have been skinny-dipping at some point in their lives but they were obviously looking us over. It seemed like it took forever for any of us to say anything and I might have been first with a "howdy" as I reached for a towel lying on the beach. Feeling that Roy might be a bit more uncomfortable than me, I turned and handed it to him. He looked grateful and wrapped it around himself - locker room style. I reached for another towel - but one of the men was standing on it now - where he hadn't been before - I'm sure of it. The hair on the back of my neck raised up just a bit more now and I was getting suspicious about their intentions. I mean they were just guys - except that they had hand guns! That and they seemed to be enjoying looking over our nakedness. That and with that boot firmly planted on the other towel and no effort to move it - well I was just feeling a bit more naked than usual. One of the men finally spoke and asked if we were camping here long. I replied that we had just been here overnight. They were kinda acting like we were trespassing though I was positive we were on public land. They were obviously playing some kind of authority game or thought they were. There was definitely a tension in the air. We didn't have to wait too long before one of them made his move. He stepped over to Roy, and without a word, loosened Roy's towel and quietly took it from him. Now Roy too felt a bit more naked and perhaps a little more vulnerable. Roy also got a damn bone as the towel slipped from him! Myself, I was still trying to hang loose and not show any emotion. Roy's erection unfortunately didn't go un-noticed with both men commenting on what a nice weapon he had there! I wasn't sure just how perverted this was going to get but I was getting a feeling like this might be like a scene straight out of the movie Deliverance. Hoping they might not decide to tie us to a tree or something - so help me yes that did seem to be next on their list. One drew his handgun and suggested we might be more comfortable in the woods. I was ready to break and run - but that would probably be fruitless; - so Roy and I headed into the woods with one of the men leading the way and the one with the drawn gun following us. Well at least we wouldn't be forced to strip or anything - I almost chucked at that thought. We walked past our tent and the lead man bent down to remove the two lines from each side of our tent. We were going to be tied up flashed through my mind. Sure enough, I was motioned to one tree and Roy was shown another. We were told to back up against the tree, put our hands over our heads with our arms extended fully up the tree. At least for the moment - maybe we weren't going to be ass-fucked or have our holes molested. Of course that left everything else we had to offer in the world front and center so to speak. After our wrist were bound over our heads and to the tree, the men stepped back to admire their work. They made their first move on Roy (maybe he was prettier than me) but Roy was shaking like a leaf and looked like he was just about to pee all over himself. By now he was also sporting another bone - I guess from the stimulation of being nakedly tied to a tree. Perhaps this is what the two men homed in on - but definitely they had decided to check Roy out first. They really didn't look mean or dirty - but definitely mischievous in a menacing macho kind of way. I was more than sure they meant to have a little fun at our expense. Just how much fun, I really wasn't sure yet. Like I said, they made their first move on Roy. One of the men stepped forward and cupped Roy's balls, apparently giving them a firm squeeze because Roy grimaced a bit. He then tweaked and twisted a nipple a bit while his other hand checked out Roy's shaft. I almost got hard wondering when my turn would come. Horrors! While checking out the shaft, his other hand began to smooth its way through Roy's chest and belly hair, which did have some nice definition and distribution. Interestingly, while one guy gave Roy his mini-physical the other just seemed to enjoy watching and taking in the sights saying nothing. After a few minutes into Roy's exploration, the other guy who was just watching sat down on the ground and began to unlace his boots. This was followed by removing his sox, then his shirt, pants and underwear until he too, was naked. I enjoyed that little show even if it was not very dramatic. Then he stepped over to Roy and took over the examination again checking out Roy's balls, his shaft, which by now was nearly reaching all the way back to town. This while the other guy decided to strip. Well, in no time we were all naked. My kind of group except that I'm not usually tied to a tree nor feeling quite so vulnerable. Apparently, it was now my turn for a little physical examination. The second guy to strip was to be my examiner for the moment and indeed, there was the customary ball cupping - which actually felt pretty good and the tweaking and pinching and twisting. Finally, my dick was summarily grasped and held very firmly. Somehow I managed to remain loose and at ease, which didn't seem to be part of the plan so there was some stoking, pulling and I was massaged to an adequate firmness to at least pass initial inspection by both men. I had no idea just where this was going - but for the moment - I decided to just enjoy it as much as possible since I had little choice otherwise. Oh, I might have kneed one of them in the nuts during the examination, but I was hesitant to precipitate any more violence than we might already be in for. Who knows - it might end with only a little touchie feelie and what? - we gotta blow them off or something. Seriously, I believe everything was really up in the air and they really didn't have a plan beyond the moment to moment. I hoped Roy wouldn't start anything either. Right now the name of the game was submission and it wasn't too humiliating now that the other two guys were naked too. Really, I think we could have sat down (yes naked and all) and enjoyed some coffee and conversation if Roy and I were not tied up for the moment. While I was at full attention now after that last stroking and pulling (geeeze a little lube might have been nice) and the guys had a little huddle to figure out what to do with us next. I could have given them some suggestions, but figured what the heck - surprise me! I did get brave and said to both of them. Well now that we have been a bit intimate - what are your names? One almost apologetically said, Oh, my name’s Jim and this here is Wayne. That really helped break the ice and some of the tension. I couldn't resist asking: "So, you guys come out here often?" Wayne said: "Yeah pretty often and we deer hunt this area in the fall." In the National Forest I exclaimed? Yeah when we can get a permit or don't figure on getting caught. I think a bow season is permitted. Well at least we were on a first name basis with our predators. Beats the heck out of Mr. Or Master! Then I figured what the heck and inquired. "Well what else do you do when you are not out molesting other men?" They both laughed, while Roy and I chucked nervously! Wayne said: "Ohhhh we just like to hike around mostly enjoying the great outdoors and as a matter of fact, we found you while scoping out a place to skinny dip ourselves" "We've only taken prisoners once before and they weren't as much fun as you two." "Or at least they weren't as cooperative. We had to chase them down, and strip them against their will" "It was a real fight there for a while. Had to beat one into submission and we hadn't even planned to hurt them none. I felt bad about that!" Well I was certainly feeling better! I even got brave enough to ask: "Well what else have you got on the agenda for us?" ( I was getting kinda tired standing there with my arms over my head) Wayne looked at Jim and said, "surely we can come up with a little something else." Jim said: by the way what are your names? I said: "I'm Dave and this is Roy." Good to meet you said Jim. Wayne just nodded and said: "Well, Roy certainly has some nice looking chest hair here!" "And of course, such a fine weapon too. "Ya got a license to carry that?" pointing to Roy's cock. Roy mumbled "No", as Wayne gave it another wank or two. Roy's cock jumped to full attention then, even though it had probably never really softened fully since we were tied up. Something about being tied up to a tree--naked in the wilderness is kinda erotic. By now I was feeling a little jealous with all the preferential attention being paid to Roy. I got nice chest hair and this cock aint no weenie ya know (Did I say that out loud?) Thankfully No! By now Jim reached over and pulled a knife from his belt that was lying on the ground with his pants. He moved over to Roy and again began to explore Roy's chest hair. Then with the knife, that must have been very sharp, he shaved a little place on Roy's chest. Roy seemed not amused to be losing a little patch of hair. Then Jim moved down a ways and shaved a little patch on Roy's belly. Roy tensed his abs over this one! I think I saw his nuts pull up a bit too! Then with some precision Jim slid the knife down a bit further right out over Roy's cock - nipping a few hairs there too. Then, lifting Roy's balls, Jim commented, awful hairy for a ball sack. Want me to clean this up for ya a bit Roy? Roy shook his head no, but Jim insisted: Ohhh please, just a little bit? As he proceeded to sacrifice a few ball sack hairs actually getting quite a few so as to cover the knife with victim hairs. Had Jim not had such a grip on Roy's balls - no doubt they would have been in Roy's throat by now. Jim decided to continue working on Roy for a while. Wayne, on the other hand, decided to come work on me fetching a small can of military surplus gun oil from his discarded pants. Your skin looks awful dry he said, as he poured some oil on my arm pits and chest just under my chin. He began to work it in real good and in fact, it felt real good to be getting a massage. My muscles were beginning to ache from being tied up. Wayne was very skillful and with his strong hands could work quite deeply. I thought he might be searching for my spleen or a kidney by the time he got to my belly. Well before he got to my pubic area and added more oil, I was already anticipating a good workout there too. I wasn't to be disappointed. Wayne added more oil and went right to work on my balls and cock. I thought my knees were going to buckle and leave me hanging right there! He paused several times for a bit more oil and I thought, lets not get vicious here - finish me off. I was needing to come real bad! Didn't have to wait too long and was I ever relieved. Wayne stood back and just let me shoot for all I was worth. He kinda whispered that if I was real good - he might let me return the favor on him sometime. Now turning his attention back to Roy and what Jim was into with that knife, Wayne and I were both surprised at Jim's shaving art work on Roy's body. Roy had given up all hope, it would seem for his hairy manhood and just grateful that Jim had not decided to whack everything off including his balls and cock! Wayne suggested that Roy might enjoy some oil too, so Jim stepped back and let Wayne go at Roy with some of the same action I had enjoyed. With that Jim wandered over my way with that damn knife! Ohhh crap! Well I ended up losing a few cock and ball hairs too but nothing too serious. When Wayne got to Roy's cock and balls, I guess they were particularly sensitive from the shave and when Wayne brought him home to the cum-along trail - you probably could have heard Roy yell for miles around. Gee you would have thought he had never come before! Such a shivering and a shaking - nearly shook the dang tree down! Did bring down a few loose branches! With that and FINALLY, Wayne and Jim seemed to tire of their fun. I certainly was spent and I'm sure Roy was. Roy was very nearly passed out. Our captors decided to free us and so untied our wrist from the trees. What a relief. I fell to the ground and just lay there for a while. Roy did too. I was beginning to feel a little more secure with Wayne and Jim now - at least maybe they were not going to kill us! They didn't say that they killed their other two victims even though they had to chase them down and beat them up some, so I thought that was encouraging. I asked if Roy and I could go wash up in the stream and Jim said: "We'll join you!" That too I thought was encouraging! Actually we had a nice swim and even joked around a bit while in the water. Roy still looked a little worried and distrusting - but apparently took encouragement from my growing confidence. It was starting to get late in the afternoon and now I was hungry! That little swim nearly put me over the edge. I suggested a snack and asked Wayne and Jim if they would join us. They did and we polished off what was nearly a 5 pound bag of apples some crackers and the rest of the candy bars. As we finished our snack, Jim said they had to get back to their truck, which was parked perhaps miles away. They asked if we were going to be here tomorrow and I said, I think so. Maybe! Good said Wayne - we'll come back tomorrow and maybe you can tie us up! For the first time Roy's spirit seemed to brighten measurably and he looked Jim in the eye and said - "bring that damn knife!" We all had a good laugh at that and Jim said, count on it! Seriously, these were fun guys when they weren't scaring the shit out of you! Jim and Wayne picked up and put on their clothes - and disappeared off into the woods after biding us a good afternoon and promising to return. Roy and I kicked back on the beach totally wiped and totally spent. After a while, Roy leaned up on his elbow and said to me: "Did you plan that as part of the adventure?" "OH HELL NO" I said, not in my wildest dreams could I have dreamed up that! But it was a pretty good adventure once I realized that we might not be killed or butt fucked, or actually have to suck somebody off. I mean they had GUNS for God's sake! I really feared that we were totally screwed! Roy said: "ME TOO!" "I was scared shitless!" "AND if I thought you had ANYTHING to do with it beyond bringing me out here - you'd be SO dead Right Now! I'd give you such a butt whipping you would have to borrow somebody else's ass just to take a shit ! I then said to Roy: "Well you ready to put your clothes back on and head home or do we stick around to see what Wayne and Jim have in mind for tomorrow?". Roy simply said: " I'm not ready to put on clothes yet - maybe never!" “I think we have a convert here!” I exclaimed loudly!


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