Gay Erotic Stories

Eighteen Forever, Part 2

by Robby Sr.
13 Oct 2003

Fantasy Super Natural

Ely slid his body off Greg and lay beside him. Greg felt like a massive boulder had just lifted off him but still he couldn't move. He could only follow Ely with his eyes and Ely's eyes stayed connected to Greg's. Greg had never felt so weak. He knew he couldn't move a muscle no matter how much he wanted to. All he could do was look into those damn eyes!

"None of what you read or heard about works without faith." Ely continued, "But not just any ordinary faith. It's not enough just to say so. The belief must come from inside you--but deep inside, so deep within your soul that most people aren't even aware of that part of themselves. Your so called 'Evangelists' that are on TV are so fearful of death that even they don't have faith enough to harm us."

Ely's hand was sliding all up and down Greg's body, playing with it, teasing it, tempting it.

"Right now all I want is time." Ely said and now his voice seemed like an echo--a very loud echo, entering Greg's ears and bouncing around inside his head. "Time to show you what I can offer you."

"You're gonna kill me." Greg said flatly. "I'm gonna die tonight."

Ely shook his head. "Oh no. Killing you would be a very foolish thing for me to do indeed. It doesn't work if you are put to death in any way."

"...doesn't work?" Greg mumbled.

As Ely started talking Greg watched his eyes. Just like watching a TV, Greg watched Ely's eyes. In one eye Greg was looking at himself. At his life. He saw himself as a kid, when his folks started hitting and beating him. He saw the taunts from the other kids at school, the sneers of his teachers and how every one determined for him that he wouldn't amount to anything much.

In the other eye Greg again saw himself, but he saw himself as a grown man. He was smiling and happy. When Greg looked in that eye, he actually felt like he was floating. Like he was free. Like he was already out of this town and was happy.

"That is what I am offering you." Ely said, as he knew where Greg was looking and what he was thinking. "A chance to be free. To be happy. To be like me."

Greg's lips moved, "...dead."

"No no." Ely said, "Not dead. Alive. Very much alive. Alive and strong and happy and young."

Those eyes seemed to fill Greg's vision but suddenly they retracted so that Greg was still glued to them, but now he could see Ely completely and his heart rate picked up yet again. Ely was different. The wrinkles were gone. The hair was no longer gray. Ely was...oh my! Ely was young! He was the same age as Greg now! His body was muscled, toned, hard, smooth, and…young!

"Yes," Ely said, "I am young now. I was 18 when I...crossed over, shall we say?" His smile was now as mesmerizing as his eyes were. "I can make myself look any age I want, but no younger than I was when I made my first contact with my "mentor" and made my decision."

It seemed a monumental effort for Greg to talk. Seemed like not just his body was rendered immobile, but his whole being was pinned to the ground. “....sixty.........sixty........two......."

Ely nodded, "I only said I was 62 years old to keep things in perspective. I was born six hundred and twenty years ago in 1383 in Europe."

Greg sucked in a breath, and another, and another. He sounded like he was about to choke but he felt nothing. Ely kept talking.

"When I was 18 years old I met a man much like I appeared to you. He showed me what I am trying to show you. That a life like mine and a life like his would be one where he, and then I, and soon--you--would finally be in complete control. That I, and you, would answer to no one! Explain ourselves to no one! Be controlled by no one!"


"No, Greg. You are still being held captive by what you have heard and read. The change cannot happen overnight. It is much too complicated and intricate a change to happen rapidly."

Ely shifted again and was lying on top of Greg, their naked bodies touching but still Greg didn't really feel it. His hands lay useless at his side. He could only stare into those eyes which were showing him the most beautiful scenes he'd ever seen. He saw himself floating high up in the air, running along a beach, rolling in green fields, always naked, always with Ely at his side, always happy, always strong, always young.

"In order for the change to begin," Ely said and reached up and touched Greg's neck where his mouth had just recently spent so much time, "I must initiate it by mixing my blood with yours." He pulled his hand away from Greg's neck and Greg saw that Ely's fingertips were smeared with his blood. Greg tried to speak, to scream, to move, but all he could do was watch those scenes and smile.

"After that we can be together, but you MUST live out your entire life. You can only die a natural death that comes from old age and the illnesses that accompany it. You cannot die any other way or the change will not be complete and I will have lost you and you would simply die. The change must be as natural as your life, and your death must be natural as well."

Greg tried to squirm but knew all he could do was lay still and listen and watch.

"During your life you will continue to nourish me as you have tonight. After a time you too, will have the same thirst as I do and you must also find ways to nourish yourself. But I will be with you at all times. I will teach you ways to find your nourishment without acting as foolishly as the others have."

Greg's eyes widened.

"Oh yes," Ely said, "There have been many others, but no one who has captured my heart as you have. They turned out to be fools. They allowed themselves to be captured and imprisoned. They were put to death, and they were lost. Albert was the latest one to almost make it. He was 65 years old and already frail. He had only to wait for nature to take its course, but he was foolish and he allowed himself to be captured. He was executed, which is not a natural death, and after all his work he was lost."

Ely was now sitting on Greg's chest. Greg saw Ely's now young, buff, and smooth chest with the flexing muscles as Ely's hands caressed Greg's face.

"But that will not happen to you. I will show you how to nourish yourself without leaving a trace of evidence for the authorities to find."

Greg felt drained. He watched Ely's eyes as if he was watching a movie. He felt like his whole being, his very soul was leaving him and entering Ely somehow. He couldn't move, couldn't even blink. He only watched the wonderful sights he was seeing in Ely's eyes and listened. He no longer had to talk. He couldn't talk anyway. Ely could tell what Greg was thinking and Greg knew it. His thoughts were the same as speech and Ely answered each question as soon as Greg thought about it.

"No," Ely smiled again. "Fangs would be cumbersome at best. They are nothing more than another product of your theatre. Biting into someone's neck will only produce an untimely and messy death. The human body can pump out its entire volume of blood in only a couple of minutes. No one - not even me - can drink that much that fast. The result is a tremendous waste, and an inconvenient loss of a regular supply of nourishment." He traced around Greg's eyes with his fingers. "As I will with you, we take only what we need, and even that is not nearly as much as legend will have you believe. You will nourish me, and still be more than able to function without anyone knowing." He traced Greg's neck with his fingers. "You have already nourished me tonight, and because you are so young you will be able to keep me fed for many, many years to come. That is why we always seek out the young - so that we can feed effortlessly for years and years."

Ely's eyes seemed to - well - they seemed to turn themselves off. Suddenly they were simply Ely's eyes again. Greg felt like a strong hand had just let go of him, and he could even move his arms and legs a tiny bit. Ely leaned down and gently kissed Greg's lips. "I sincerely hope you decide to join me," he whispered. "If you do, meet me here tomorrow night at the same time." He kissed Greg again. Greg was surprised to feel his cock stirring. "Meet me here, Greg," Ely whispered again, "And I will initiate the change, and we can be together, and we can be free, and we can be eighteen...forever!"

Ely stood up and walked away without another word. Greg watched him walk off and watched his butt. Ely didn't even pick up his clothes: ignored them completely and just walked away. Greg watched his young butt flex as he walked. Ely walked into the woods and was suddenly and simply gone...

As he did last night, Greg suddenly bolted upright in bed. He was drenched in sweat and the sheets were soaked. His blanket was on the floor again, as was his pillow. He was panting and swallowing hard. His clock once again glowed 4:00 a.m. and his TV was showing a test pattern.

Greg jumped out of bed, went to the window and threw it open, gulping in the cool air. The woods behind his house appeared peaceful and empty.

'Aww fuck!' Greg thought, 'I can't do this! I gotta stop these stupid fucking dreams! He tried to rub sweat from his eyes that were making them sting. So much so that he almost couldn't open them. He stumbled his way out of his room to the bathroom to rinse the sweat from his eyes. 'I don't know what fuckin' happened and what didn't happen anymore!' He turned on the faucet and splashed the cool water on his face over and over again until he woke up some more and could open his eyes. While still leaned over the sink he grabbed a towel and dried off his face. He was thinking he needed a shower but would take one later after his folks left for work. He straightened up, looked at himself in the mirror and almost passed out right then and there.

There was a huge hickey on the other side of his neck.


Part Two

After his folks left for work Greg stumbled downstairs in a daze. He walked around the house, looking out the windows as if he expected to see Ely out there. Of course, no one was there. Greg walked around the kitchen but didn't eat or drink anything. He sat in the living room in his underwear just staring straight ahead. He was trying to think, but that didn't come easy.

He asked himself if it really happened. But it had to. How else to explain the hickey on his neck? He'd read somewhere about people who do things to themselves while dreaming that actually leaves marks, but how the hell do you give yourself a hickey on your own neck? He wondered if he was sleepwalking the whole night. But if he did, how did his sheets get so wet with his own sweat? To soak the sheets like his were took time. He had to have been in bed thrashing around a while to soak his sheets that much. Maybe he was getting sick after all. Maybe that's why he sweat so much and had nightmares. He didn't feel bad at the moment, but he went back to the bathroom and took his temperature, which was normal.

He looked at himself in the mirror again. He felt his neck where the hickey was. No pain. No puncture marks, either. Kicking himself mentally seemed to be a new habit in the past couple of days. He once again felt stupid for thinking those kinds of things. This kind of stuff just can't happen, he told himself. Something else is going on. He couldn't explain it, but in a sense he didn't care either. He went back to the living room and sat on the sofa for a long time, thinking.

His eyes drifted to the coffee table an finally he found a reason to smile. There was a note there from his folks. They were going to some friends' house in another town after they got off work and wouldn't be home at all. In a rare display of intelligence, they wrote that they would spend the night at their friends' house instead of driving home after they had been drinking. Greg reminded himself that today was Halloween. Today was the last day he would spend in this house, and in this fucking town!!

He ran back upstairs and took a shower. He stayed naked and went through his room, gathering things he would take with him. The backpack he used his last year in school would do fine. After a while he decided to only take some clothes, his toothbrush, paste, and his electric razor, his Walkman and a few CD's. That's all he would need, he told himself. He had made his decision. He was going to leave. He was going to leave tonight. He was going to finally be rid of this place and these people.

He got dressed and went out to the garage. He found what he wanted there and put it in the top of his backpack, then hid the pack in the garage. He couldn't remember when the last time a car was parked in the garage. It was only used for storage, so his backpack was safe there with his Werewolf mask just in case his folks came home after all.

He went into town to the bank. In line he noticed that two of the tellers were new. He didn't know them, and figured they didn't know him, either. He let a couple of people go ahead of him until he could get to one of the new tellers. If they didn't know him, they couldn't get word to his folks that he'd come in and emptied out his savings account. Greg had worked at the gas station since he turned 16 and had been sneaking money into his savings account since then. He couldn't retire on it, but there was enough there to get him a place to live and to eat until he could find a job. He turned most of it into traveler’s checks and kept some in cash.

Back at home Greg thought as carefully as he could about his plans and whether or not he'd forgotten anything. He wished the clock would move faster. After 18 years of waiting, this last day seemed to move the slowest. He stripped down and jacked off. That didn't take much time at all. He laughed at himself and took another shower. He wasted some more time like he always did - by going to the burger joint and getting something to eat there. It was all he could do to keep from saying something to that smart-ass bitch of a manager; knowing she could never get to his folks in time to tell them. He knew to keep things as normal as usual so no one would suspect he was up to something. He went back home and spent some time straightening up the house. He wondered who would keep the place clean after he was gone since his folks never did anything.

Finally it was time. Even he didn't notice that he simply left the house he grew up in and walked away. He rounded the corner and walked out of sight without even a backward glance.

The weather was going down the tubes tonight. It was already cloudy and windy, and rain was forecast for later that night. Greg hoped he wouldn't be caught in it, but still figured it was a small price to pay after all.

He walked into the woods behind the burger joint at 8:00 pm. It was almost too dark to see, but he knew the way. His nerves started back up as he walked. He was afraid, but excited. Scared shitless, but exhilarated at the same time. The feelings confused him and started the butterflies in his stomach. He didn't know what to expect, but kept telling himself that anything was better than a life here in this town with these assholes.

He walked into the clearing and Ely was there. He was still a young teenager. Greg could barely see in the dark, but could tell that Ely wasn't wearing his usual three piece suit. Instead, he was wearing jeans and a tight t-shirt that accentuated his young buff chest.

He turned as Greg entered the clearing. "So," he said softly, "you came."

Greg sat his backpack down and sat down next to Ely, "Yeah," he said. "This was the longest day of my life, waiting." He reached out and felt Ely's chest. "No suit this time?"

"No," Ely said, "In this day and age, it is most unusual for a teenager to wear a fine suit."

"Whatever," Greg said. He added slowly and carefully, playfully mocking Ely, "It is also most unusual in this day and age for a teenager to talk like you do!" and he laughed.

Ely snickered and rolled his eyes. "I know," he told Greg. "As long as I have been here and existed, I have seen the world go through many changes, but the one I cannot seem to keep up with is the slang that teenagers use. It's like every generation invents its own language, and I cannot learn a new language every few years!"

"At least we look like regular buddies," Greg shrugged.

Ely leaned over and kissed Greg. "You can't imagine," he whispered, "how delighted I am to see you."

They kissed again for a long time. They wrapped their arms around each other and wound up laying on the ground with their bodies and tongues entwined. They made out for a long time and Ely was masterful at it. They kissed and groped each other.

Ely rolled up on his side and slid his hands up and down Greg's body. "So you've made your decision?" he asked.

"Yeah, I did." Greg answered. "I'm here, aren't I?"

Ely's hand cupped Greg's butt. "Oh yes! You certainly are," he laughed.

"I do have a question, though. Is that okay?"

"Of course. Anything at all."

Greg scooted around to roll up on his side. In the dark, he had to move a couple of rocks around, which caused both of them to snicker.

"You said before," Greg began, "that none of the stuff I read or thought I knew was true."

"That's right."

"Well, I heard a long time ago and probably read somewhere, that even legends start out from some kind of truth. So what is the truth? And how come the legends are so wrong?"

"Ah," Ely said, "That is not something I can take credit for. It was actually Bram's idea."

"Bram?" Greg said, "You mean...?"

"Yes," Ely snickered, "That one. He's one of us, you know."

"Oh man!" Greg said.

"He always said that the public knowing the truth could easily harm us," Ely continued. "And up until only a little over a hundred years ago, no one really knew anything at all. So it was Bram's idea to write all the things that came to be accepted as the truth. You see, he said that if the public thinks they have the answers, they will then stop looking, and that could only help us."


"Yes, it was a simple but brilliant idea that worked exceptionally well. It has served us well since that time, and you, Greg, are a fine example. You had convinced yourself that you knew, but found out it wasn't true, see?"

Greg shook his head, "Man! This is making me really nervous."

Ely reached out and caressed Greg's face, "Of course it does," he brought their faces together and whispered to Greg. "Nervous is normal. I was nervous also. So much so that I almost didn't go through with it. But I remembered something one of my instructors from school told me. He told me that being nervous is acceptable only if you don't allow nervousness to become your master, and stop you from doing what you want to do."

"I guess that's right." Greg said. "Except I never done anything much before."

"Oh but you have!" Ely said, "The realization that you were above your situation, the plans you made, even coming here tonight is more of an accomplishment than any one else I have seen in this town would be capable of."

"But what about the truth?" Greg asked, "What is the truth? What scares you? What do you have to watch out for?"

Ely traced Greg's jaw with his finger, "The truth, Greg, is far more than any human can comprehend." Greg only stared and sat still. "The truth is older than the recorded word. Far more ancient than any scholar of today or yesterday could ever know where to look for its origins. It is hidden behind the legends, buried so deep in the myths that even the teachers of Zeus and Valhalla didn't know it was there. That the truth could become common knowledge is the only thing that really scares us. And the thought of it happening terrifies all of us constantly."

"Dude…" Greg mumbled, "I don't understand that shit."

"Of course not," Ely said, "But you don't understand only because we worked very hard to make sure you don't understand. Not at all because you have no intelligence."

"No," Greg shook his head, "I'm just a simple small town boy. I just don't understand. That's all."

Ely reached out and slowly wrapped his arms around Greg and hugged him for several seconds before he spoke again.

"Greg," he spoke softly, "I didn't seek you out because of what you are. I am here with you because of what you have in you. What you can be. What you can do. It is your potential that brought me here, not your past."

Greg squirmed in Ely's arms, sounding exasperated, "So what the fuck IS this truth? Why is it so scary to you?"

Ely held Greg closer. "Greg!" he almost whispered, "Dear Greg," he rubbed Greg's back, "the most important thing I must ask you to do right now is to try and understand that I cannot tell you what the truth is just yet."

"Awww shit!" Greg pushed himself away from Ely and sat up. Ely too, sat up and crossed his legs, facing Greg. "You're asking me an awful lot, ya know? You're scaring the shit out of me." Greg looked around, "Maybe you should find somebody else, dude. Find somebody smarter'n me."

Ely reached out and held both of Greg's hands in his. "I cannot tell you the truth, Greg, but as I said, only not just yet. I must ask you to trust me that you cannot know the truth until after you become one of us."

"After I die?"

"No--after you change. You will only change, Greg, you will not die. But only after you change and join us will you have the vested interest in keeping the truth as sacred as we do. Until then, we all would be taking far too much of a chance."

Ely could feel Greg's hands tightening in his. He could feel them shaking a little. "You are frightened now, Greg, but that is normal. It is dark here and you cannot really see me, can you?"

"No," Greg said, his voice an octave higher, showing his fear, "I don't think I want to see you, either. I don't want to see your eyes. I know what you can do with 'em and I don't want that."

Ely's voice didn't change. It was soothing and calm. "Close your eyes for a few seconds, Greg, and I can give you a hint--but only a hint, and only one. You have nothing to fear at all, I promise. If you still choose not to join me, I will respect that choice and be gone, but first allow me to show you this so you can make an intelligent choice."

Greg could feel in the way Ely was holding his hands that Ely was not trying to fool him. Ely wasn't grasping like he didn't want to let go, or like he was about to make some other move to trap Greg. He simply held Greg's hands, even rubbing them with his thumb a little. The effect was actually somewhat calming.

"Well, okay," Greg said, but a little weakly, "Go ahead," and he closed his eyes.

Almost immediately he felt calmer. Almost like someone had put a protective blanket around his shoulders. Greg silently counted to three and then opened his eyes and looked directly at Ely. Ely was sitting and smiling at Greg—a simple smile, but almost a smirk, like Ely was about to yell, "April Fool" or something like that. But he didn't. He only sat and smiled at Greg.

In spite of not wanting to, Greg looked at Ely's eyes, knowing that they could capture him like they did before, but they didn't even do that. They twinkled, smiling at him like Ely was smiling, but still Greg could see deep in them once again, and what he saw was that Ely was telling the truth and he had nothing to fear. Greg looked into Ely's eyes and then it hit him.

"Whoa!!" Greg yelled and let go of Ely's hands and brought his own hands up to his face like he was about to clamp them over his eyes or ears but he only held them up and looked around.

He could SEE Ely! It was night and cloudy and dark, but he could SEE Ely! The entire clearing they were in was bathed in light—a silvery, almost misty kind of light. Greg looked up and saw only a dark, cloud filled sky. When he looked back down, he saw Ely in the light. He saw his own body, he saw the ground, he saw the trees surrounding the clearing.

"Fuckin' awesome!" he said slowly and looked at Ely, "Where is that coming from?!?"

Ely snickered and said simply, "From me."

"Dude! How the fuck did you do that?!?"

Ely laughed and said, "Now Greg, I know you understand that I cannot tell you that now. Later, after you change, I can teach you, but not now."

"You mean," Greg was all wide-eyed wonder now, his apprehension and tensions gone, "I can do that, too?"

"Oh you will do this and so much more!" Ely said. He leaned in closer to Greg and took his hands once again. "Greg, I can promise you this. Once you become one of us, you will in no way be a 'victim.' Not by any stretch of the imagination. That is all I can tell you now, but it is definitely a promise, and it is the truth. Look at my eyes, Greg! Look and you will see!"

Greg looked. And he did see. Not the same kind of scenes like he saw in Ely's eyes last night, but he could see and feel that there was no threat in Ely's eyes at all. Those eyes that grabbed him and held him before and would not let him go were now like a comforting relative who puts a protective arm around a small child's shoulders, making him feel safe. Greg felt safe. He was no longer afraid, not even slightly nervous as he had been the last couple of days.

Still with that beautiful smile on his face, Ely reached up with two fingers to Greg's eyes and made him close them again. When Greg felt Ely's fingers leave his face he opened his eyes and the clearing was once again dark. Ely was once again hard to see clearly.

But the apprehension and fear didn't return to Greg. He stayed calm, and felt calm, and felt safe. He reached out and hugged Ely and Ely pulled Greg into him and they wound up laying on the ground again wrapped up in each other. Their lips met and stayed together for a long time. Their hands felt each other and slid up and down each other and once again Greg melted in Ely's arms. Finally their lips parted.

Greg smiled in the dark, "Okay," he said. "So how do we do this?"

"All you have to do is try to relax." Ely said, "I will do all the work. You will not feel anything that you don't expect." He leaned over and kissed Greg again.

Ely shifted and rolled on top of Greg, keeping their lips together. Greg laid back and let Ely go at it. Once again Greg only felt a hint of Ely's hands while they kissed, and when he opened his eyes he saw that not only was he naked, but so was Ely. He silently marveled and gave himself up to Ely.

Their hard cocks ground against each other’s. Greg spread his legs and wrapped them around Ely. He felt Ely's cock rub his ass as he felt Ely's mouth move over to his neck. He turned his head to offer his neck to Ely and closed his eyes anyway even though he couldn't see anything. Finally Ely rose up and was on his knees between Greg's spread legs. One hand played with and teased Greg's hole and stroked his cock. His other hand reached into his jeans and pulled out some lube. He spread the lube over his own cock and put the head up against Greg's hole. He kept whispering to Greg, assuring him, praising him, telling him he was doing fine.

Ely reached over to the belt on his jeans. The clasp had a very sharp point. Unknown to Greg, Ely pricked his finger on the clasp. As his cock slid up Greg's ass, he touched his fingertip to the blood oozing from Greg's neck.

"Welcome, Greg," he whispered. "Welcome to my life. Welcome to your new life, your eternal life, which is in fact, life. Together we will make it wonderful."

Greg thought that Ely was right. He only felt Ely's fingertips at his neck, but felt nothing else. He almost didn't believe that anything happened at all. He felt Ely's cock in his ass and forgot about everything else, just like he did the past couple of nights. They lay together and Ely stayed on top of Greg and fucked him until they were both spent and out of strength.

It turned out Ely did have a car and it was parked at the edge of town. There was thunder in the distance. It was dark enough that they decided Greg didn't really need the mask after all. They walked through the woods to Ely's car and no one was around to see Greg anyway. Ely got in the driver's seat and as Greg walked around the car he reached into his backpack. As he opened the passenger door he pulled the wooden tent stake out of his pack, tossed it away, and slid in the seat. Ely started the car and drove out of town. Greg didn't even look back.


Intelligent comments and constructive criticism are VERY welcome. Send them to: Please mention story title in the subject as I have several stories here.


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BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER ONE The ambulance passed through the gates and in one voice the paramedic and two Emergency Medical Technicians said, "Wow!" Facing them was a very large, very old mansion--older than any of them could comprehend. It consisted of a main two-story wing with another two-story wing on either side. The driveway rambled up to and circled around a perfectly detailed garden.

Eighteen Forever - The Second Story, Part 2

BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER THREE The nurse entered the cubicle to check Greg's vital signs again. She told Greg and Ely that there were several gentlemen in the waiting room. "Ah," Ely told Greg, "The boys are arriving." "If you'd like," the nurse told Greg, "We can move you to a larger room, and they can all come in and sit with you. Or we can do the usual and let them come in two at a

Eighteen Forever, Part 1

Greg felt like skipping down the street but of course he didn't. An 18 year old skipping would be crazy, but that's how good he felt. Not only did he just get his butt fucked (some guy who came in for an oil change - Greg didn't even ask his name), but also he'd just made a big decision. He was going to run away from home. He didn't have an actual day picked out yet, and he didn't know exactly

Eighteen Forever, Part 2

Ely slid his body off Greg and lay beside him. Greg felt like a massive boulder had just lifted off him but still he couldn't move. He could only follow Ely with his eyes and Ely's eyes stayed connected to Greg's. Greg had never felt so weak. He knew he couldn't move a muscle no matter how much he wanted to. All he could do was look into those damn eyes! "None of what you read or heard about

Fuckin' Florida Fun

Dave and Sara were having one of their typical vacations: they were hopelessly lost! No one could call it a guy thing and blame Dave. Nor could anyone blame Sara. The first time driving anywhere both of them were equally inept at following directions. They came to Florida from up north and were only trying to find the beach. It was night, and the city was new to them. They weren't

Fuckin' Florida Fun

Dave and Sara were having one of their typical vacations: they were hopelessly lost! No one could call it a guy thing and blame Dave. Nor could anyone blame Sara. The first time driving anywhere both of them were equally inept at following directions. They came to Florida from up north and were only trying to find the beach. It was night, and the city was new to them. They weren't

Fuckin' Florida Fun

Dave and Sara were having one of their typical vacations: they were hopelessly lost! No one could call it a guy thing and blame Dave. Nor could anyone blame Sara. The first time driving anywhere both of them were equally inept at following directions. They came to Florida from up north and were only trying to find the beach. It was night, and the city was new to them. They weren't

Games People Play

BY ROBBY SR. Billy loved his morning routine. He woke up first as usual, and hurried naked into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee for his dad. When the water started to drip he ran back into the bedroom to wake up his dad. If dad was laying on his back or side, Billy would wake him up by sucking his cock. If dad was laying on his stomach, Billy would eat and finger his ass until he woke

Robby's First Was a Double

The following story is true except, of course, for the names. If the idea of reading gay sex stories offends you, you shouldn't have even come here in the first place, so get out! And you can't claim that you got here by "accident." You had to click your way around to get here, and you had to know exactly what you were clicking on, so don't try to weasel your way out of it. If you

Rule Of Thumb

I was a 19-year-old hippie then. My tiny little hometown was seven miles from a college town. The huge university had over 10,000 students so there was a lot of student-type traffic cruising back and forth between the two towns. A lot of students lived in my hometown because the rent was cheaper. A lot of them didn't have cars: there wasn't a bus service between the towns, and there

The Club

Most guys tell stories about helping other guys over their shyness. Thought I'd tell you one about other guys helping me, even though I was hot and horny and couldn't wait. Weird, huh? I lost my virginity at 18. Loved it, but couldn’t wait to get out of the dumpy, backwards, tiny little town I lived in. I didn't have any money, and was too scared to just get up and leave. The only sure


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