Gay Erotic Stories

Eighteen Forever - The Last Story - Part Three

by Robby Sr.
26 Feb 2004

Fantasy Sci-Fi Fantasy




The waiter arrived carrying a small folded table. A busboy was right behind him balancing a large tray on his shoulder. The waiter popped the table open and the busboy placed the tray on it with the same drama Ely used when he ordered.

Greg and Ken were still staring at Ely.

"Ah!" Ely exclaimed as though nothing untoward was going on. "The aroma is quite seductive, Archie!"

"THANK you sir!" Archie beamed, "I'm sure your palate will be equally pleased." He made a show of carrying Ely's plate on his fingertips as if he was holding on to egg shells, and with a swoosh placed it in front of Ely who clapped his hands together. The others were served just as dramatically with Archie beaming and gushing his best wishes for a pleasant dinner. The busboy refilled water glasses and tea glasses and then both of them scurried away; leaving the guys to their dinner.

Greg and Ken were still staring at Ely.

"It looks, wonderful, doesn't it?" Ely asked no one in particular as he artfully snapped his cloth napkin open and spread it over his lap. "A flawless presentation! Wouldn't you say so?" he asked Alex.

"Undoubtedly!" Alex smiled. "Obviously this place is now on your list of favorites."

"Absolutely!" Ely said as he cut into the prime rib. He took a bite and almost dropped his fork on his plate. "Mmmmm!" he leaned back and chewed with a smile on his face, almost like he'd just cum right in his shorts. "Perfection!" he exclaimed, "There is none better!"

Under the table Greg's leg straightened out and he gave Ely's shin a swift kick, "Will you get ON with it?!?" he growled. His eyes quickly scanned the tables around them. No one was paying any attention to them.

Ely and Alex both snickered. "I'm sorry, my love," Ely said as he went back to work on his dinner, "But nothing of substance has happened since then, and this particular story is becoming quite tedious to tell again and again."

Greg fixed Ely with a hard stare, "Try!"

Ken stared equally hard at Alex, "Try really hard!"

Alex started since Ely was still busy gushing over dinner. "Well, obviously our old friend Adolph had gotten completely out of control. Rather quickly, too. We needed to take him out, and we needed to do it as quickly as we could while still remaining invisible to the general public."

"So you killed him." Greg was trying to hurry things along.

"No, no," mumbled Ely between bites, "He killed himself. What we did was guide things in that direction. Remember, it had to be done so that society at large would think they accomplished his defeat themselves." He reached over and patted Greg's hand. "My love, please - eat."

"Ely!" Greg said and stared deep in Ely's eyes.

Ely saw the look, "Greg, no matter what - you must eat. And this dinner is particularly good. Please keep in mind - I was there. I helped. I do realize the seriousness."

Greg lowered his eyes, "Sorry."

"Not at all," Ely said and held Greg's hand, "What you don't understand quite yet, Greg," his eyes went to Ken, "Nor you, Ken, is that we consider the operation more of a failure than a success."

Ken and Greg's heads snapped up. "A failure!?" Ken said, "How on earth could it be a failure? He was gotten rid of if the history books are correct."

"Oh yes, they're correct," Alex said. He took a deep breath, "But so, so many were lost. So many more than needed to be. We feel we got started too late, that we should have went to work sooner and possibly saved more innocent lives." He shrugged his shoulders, "But as I'm sure Ely told you, we are not perfect, and that operation is much too good an example."

"Okay," Greg said, "How?"

"Well we couldn't just walk up to the man and plant this or that thought in his head." Ely told them. "He was very much unapproachable. Too well protected. We had to begin with the outer fringes of his circle. We had to first taste the blood of those in that outer circle so we could look like them. Once we accomplished that, then we could go further into his circle, feeding off his men at each layer, changing our looks, and advancing closer and closer to him. As long as we looked like the men that their superiors expected to see, we had no trouble making contact further and further up the chain until we could come face to face with old Adolph himself."

"So you had to have sex with all those guys?" Greg asked.

"Not at all," Ely said, "We had neither the time, nor the inclination. As you will both learn, having sex with guys while feeding is not a requirement. It is of course, the most pleasant way to feed as you know from last night. But all you really have to do is make eye contact and the man will do what you tell him."

Greg thought about it a second. "I guess I'm glad to hear that!" he smiled at Ely. Ely nodded to show he understood.

"It is also not an absolute that we feed from the neck," Alex continued. "We do - mostly because the neck is so close to a guy's lips, but any part of the body where the blood vessels are very close to the surface of the skin will do. The bend of the elbow where most hospital labs draw blood for example, or the area right behind the knee - which is what we used on his men, and on him. It's an area where a small bruise would be the least noticed."

"Understand," Ken said. He hadn't started eating, either. He looked at Alex. "I'm glad to hear it, too." Alex smiled and nodded. Neither Ken nor Greg would have been happy to learn that the love of their lives used to fuck Nazi's.

"Once we got to him, we started feeding on him," Ely said. "As I said, there were several of us, so after we had all fed on him, his total blood volume was significantly depleted. Not enough for anyone to notice immediately, but with the depletion of blood volume came a depletion of oxygen supply to his body tissues, specifically his brain."

Ken and Greg glanced at each other but didn't talk.

"Greg, Ken," Alex smiled at them, "You want to hear more - you have to eat."

Both guys sighed and mechanically started eating. After the first bite they both fixed the other two with another hard stare.

Alex nodded, "The decreased oxygen supply didn't take long to show its effects. He started making mistakes. Bad judgments. Wrong decisions. His inner circle stopped trusting him. No longer believed in him. Indeed, some of them even plotted to assassinate him. A few tried, as you know from your studies, but they were disappointingly unsuccessful."

Greg and Ken were eating without thinking or tasting. They only kept eating so Alex and Ely would keep talking.

"But still it was a slow process," Ely said without looking at the guys. "We were extremely frustrated. We were even discussing entering his mind and causing something catastrophic like a stroke or heart attack."

"Why didn't you?" Greg asked. "Seems like something like that wouldn't cause any suspicion. Not in those days anyway."

"It most likely wouldn't have," Alex answered. "If we had taken that step, it would have been the first time in our history that we killed a man outright. But as it happens, we didn't have to. Fortunately he made a big mistake in redirecting his armies away from western Europe and turning them east to Russia." Alex looked at the guys, "And you know what good that did."

"Yeah," Ken said, "The Russians beat 'em bad. Kicked their butts."

"Yes, and then the United States went into full gear and finished the job in Germany. Old Adolph finally saw the futility of his actions and finished our job for us," Ely said. "But we all remain highly dissatisfied at the length of time and the lives lost during the process, but we had to keep our primary mission in mind - that no one had even an inkling that it was us working on Divine direction."

Greg and Ken ate and looked at their plates. "But still," Ken said, "You did it. You might not be happy with it, but you still did good."

"Yes," Alex said with a sigh. He'd finished his dinner and leaned back in his chair. "Over time we were happy with the way things turned out. But Ely is right, it certainly took a long time for us to feel better about it."

"One thing that helped us get over it, though," Ely told them, "was when we realized that it was going to work, we split up and traveled to the camps. You know - the death camps." He too had finished his meal. He pushed his plate aside and folded his hands in front of him on the table. "Working alone, there was no way we could overpower the guards. So we chose one and fed off of him. Afterwards we filled his mind with conflicting thoughts and sent him away. He wandered off and became lost and we took his place in the camps. We made eye contact with as many of the inmates as we could and planted a thought of hope in their minds. Enough, we hoped, to keep them struggling for one more day and one more day, as we knew the allies were on their way." He grinned at the guys, "In some places it worked so well that the inmates rose up and overpowered the guards themselves and escaped even before the allies arrived."

"I see why you don't feel good telling that story," Greg smiled and signaled the waiter. Archie came almost running to the table.

"I hope your dinner was satisfactory, gentlemen," he gushed.

"Oh it was certainly that!" Greg said before Ely could say anything. Greg winked at Alex. "We'd like to see if dessert could live up to the entree."

Suddenly Ely's eyes lit up and he was back to his old self again. "Yes! Absolutely! Let's have dessert!" he smiled at Archie. "I saw the display when we came in and haven't gotten it out of my head!"

They had dessert and decided to walk back to the hotel. They were only one block from the beach and could hear the waves hitting the shore as they walked. Greg could tell that Ely was listening to the waves and that they were relaxing him. He was glad to see it. So he guided them all toward the sand and they started walking along the beach.

They took off their shoes and socks and walked barefoot for a while. Night had fallen and the beach was almost empty. Here and there was a bonfire with guys huddled around it for warmth and companionship. The sounds of laughter and conversation flowed and ebbed with the waves as they walked past one group of guys after another. Outside the hotel they stripped out of their clothes and sat on the sand in their underwear. It wasn't a nude beach but they certainly looked out of place fully dressed. There were a moon out, and the streetlights and lights from the hotel dispelled some of the darkness. But the late hour, the nearly empty beach, and lack of their own bonfire made them practically invisible. The two couples sat arm in arm facing the sea.

Greg turned to Ely. "That can't be all," he said with a smile. "What have you done that was all good?"

Ken nodded agreement. "I bet there's a lot more of that," he said. "It doesn't have to be recent, but I bet there's plenty of those kind of stories to tell."

Alex and Ely laughed. They glanced at each other with a knowing look. Their protégé’s were taking care of them and they knew it. Get them to talk about something good so they'll feel better. They knew it was a psychological trick, but they silently appreciated the gesture.

"Well one thing that we can't take complete credit for, but are particularly proud of is this very country itself." Alex said.

Ken signed dramatically. "Oooookay!" he laughed. "Are you going to tell us you used to be Benjamin Franklin?"

Ely and Alex fell back on the sand laughing. Ken and Greg looked at each other and shook their heads. It almost seemed to be teacher against students, but playfully. They both jumped on their mentors and lovers and tickled them until the teachers begged the students to stop. A few other guys and couples walked along the beach past them and watched and giggled and then moved on.

When they were somewhat alone again Ely started talking again. "Oh no.." he said. "Nothing as spectacular as that." He looked at Greg and Ken, "But you remember we said that we have ways. We have ways to look out for each other--to watch each other--to protect each other. Even to remove each other if the need arises." The guys nodded. "Well it is a system that works very well, as I said. In fact, it works so well that when this country was forming we thought the same kind of system would work here too, if it was put into place at the very beginning. So we were there in Philadelphia at the beginning. We planted the thought in a few of the delegates heads. It worked, and once again, society at large thought that they did it themselves. It boosted their confidence, and they finished the job of making a country without any further assistance from us. Do you know what I'm talking about?"

"Sure." Ken said and shrugged his shoulders, "Democracy, right?"

"Well, yes, in a way," Alex answered, "But not the idea of democracy itself--more of a single aspect of democracy. A single aspect, but we feel it was the most important aspect of all."

"I got it!" Greg said as he rolled on top of Ely and raised up to sit across his hips. "Checks and balances!"

Ely reached up to caress Greg's face, "To put it in recent terms," he smiled, "Bingo!" Ely let his hands slide down Greg's body and grope his crotch but Greg snickered and pushed Ely's hand away. Ely looked puzzled.

"You're not done yet!" Greg teased. He scooted up a bit and ground his butt on Ely's bulge. "You wanna get up in here you gotta answer another question first."

Ely and Alex groaned. Ken agreed with Greg. "Come on guys!" he snickered. "You made us wait all our lives. You said we'd be together forever. You said you couldn't tell us anything until now. So you can talk now and fuck later!"

"Yeah!" Greg tickled Ely some more. He winked at Ken, "But not too much later!"

Ken leaned over and ran his finger tips along Alex's lips, "One more," he teased, "And I'll give an apple to teacher!"

"All right, all right!" Ely laughed and held a finger up in the air. "One more question. But only one."

Greg stopped teasing. "How do you know? How do we know? How do we know when we have a job to do? Who tells us? Does someone appear to us in a blinding light or something? Do we get a phone call that sounds like it's really, really long distance..."

Ely put his fingers up to Greg's mouth to silence him and looked at a grinning Alex.

"You'll have to teach him what the word "one" means!" Alex kidded them.

"Well we wanna know!" Ken laughed and tweaked Alex's nipples, "Do we get an email that comes from" he laughed.

"Oh come off it!" Alex rolled his eyes. "Of course not!"

Ken and Greg looked at each other and laughed.

"He uses Hotmail," Alex said matter of factly.

This time it was Greg and Ken who fell back on the sand laughing.

"Actually, that question doesn't have a clear cut answer," Ely said as he sat up. "We don't really get 'told.' We don't get any definite communication in that sense." He crossed his legs and looked at both of them. Greg had long since gotten used to the look Ely was giving them. It meant he was serious now.

"You see," Ely went on, "You get a feeling. A sense. Something that you feel strongly about. You see something happening somewhere in the world, and you feel that we need to do something." He had they guys' full attention now. "When that happens what we do is get in touch with each other. I, for instance, would get in touch with Alex. I would tell him what I was thinking and why." He held a finger up in the air. "If Alex were to say, 'I was thinking the same thing, and I was about to call you.' Then I would know that my thoughts were on the right track. So Alex and I would then call someone else. If we got the same response, then we would know for sure that we had a job to do. But if even one of us seems surprised or confused, or professes to not know anything about what we were talking about, we would have to re-think our position on the matter. Then we would travel and get together and discuss the issue amongst ourselves face to face. We would go to work based on a majority decision." Ely shrugged his shoulders, "I suppose you could say that the initial thought was of Divine origin, but we've never questioned it. When you think about it, it's not really that important anyway."

Ken was sitting up and rubbing Alex's chest. "So what you're saying is that we don't really know, but we know." He nodded a few times while he thought about it. "I guess you could say it doesn't make any sense, but it makes sense,” he grinned at the guys. "If that makes any sense!"

Greg thought about the night in the woods with Ely when they first met, and the eerie light that bathed the clearing in the woods. He thought about the other night with Ely on the beach in the darkness and the same light again. "You know what?" he told the guys. "It doesn't have to make any sense."

Ken looked down at Alex, "I lied about something," he teased. Alex only looked at him. "I don't really have an apple for the teacher!"

"Oh screw the damn apple!" Alex growled as he put his hand behind Ken's head and pulled him down. "I want a blowjob!"

They both got a very energetic blowjob. Other guys walking along the beach stopped to watch a bit while they stroked their own dicks. They walked away smiling. Along the beach the noise from the laughter and conversations died down as word spread. It wasn't a nude beach before, but it sure was now!

The night wore on and the air grew chilly. The guys put on their pants and shirts, using their T-shirts to wipe the cum off their faces. They laughed and headed back up to the hotel.

The lobby was empty when they walked in the entrance and headed to the elevators. Ken pushed the button and Greg used the isolation to give Ely a quick kiss.

"In the morning we'll call room service and have breakfast in our room," he told Ely.

Ely frowned, "My love, you know how I feel about room service," he told Greg, "They are always late, and the food is cold, and you never know how long it sits after it is prepared until they bring it to your room."

"Yes, I know, babe," Greg said with his arm around Ely. "But tonight," he reached between Ely's legs and massaged his dick through his pants, "I'm going to work your body over so hard and so long you won't care one way or the other what room service brings us tomorrow!"

Ely grabbed Greg's hand and they forgot about the elevator and ran up the stairs.

___________________________________________________________________________ CHAPTER NINE

The four of them made quite a comical group at the door to their suite. They were groping each other and kissing and pulling each others dicks out while trying to slide their key cards into the slot to open the door. The only thing they all kept missing was the key card slot. It was a gay hotel after all, so anyone in the hallway wouldn't have complained at the sight of four young teenagers acting like they were going to fuck right there in the hallway.

One of their key cards worked and they spilled into the room, and the four of them went to the same king sized bed and went nuts on each other. Ken and Greg had a new respect for their mentors and lovers and showed it to them all the rest of the night and that bed got a real trashing! Bodies slid over bodies, dicks got sucked, butts got fucked over and over again. They switched off and switched off and everybody took a load of cum up their butts and down their throats and all over their bodies.

Greg and Ken had fun changing their looks after each load of cum was shot. Ely and Alex picked up on it and the guys felt like they were fucking a bunch of different guys. If the scene was filmed, the audience would have thought there was a huge orgy going on in that room. They changed their faces, make their dicks bigger and smaller, tightened up their butts, and fucked until after the sun rose.

They emptied all their cum and calmed down and laid together and held each other. When they finally tried to pull themselves apart to head for the shower they imagined hearing a sound much like Velcro, being pulled apart when they separated their naked and sticky bodies. The four of them slept together in the same bed until the early afternoon.

The room service waiter wheeled brunch into the room on a big cart loaded with food. He didn't say anything about it but noticed that of the two king sized beds in the suite only one was used. He left the room thinking to himself, 'Damn! I wish I could afford to stay here!'

They sat around the table and ate naked. This time Ely kept smiling and told Greg that he was right - this particular meal was wonderful even though it was room service. While they ate they laughed at each other as each was playing footsie under the table and each guy snuck a foot up into someone else's crotch and used his toes to play with the guy's dick. Each also felt a foot up in his own crotch and they ended up back on the bed almost without finishing the meal.

They exhausted themselves all over again and emptied themselves all over again. The four of them all fucked each other and got fucked by each other once again and they kept at it almost until dinnertime. By the time they couldn't get hard again, Greg and Alex had fallen off the bed and kept on fucking on the floor. Ely and Ken were spread eagled on the bed. All of them panted and smiled and rubbed cum into their bodies.

The shower didn't get a work out this time. The guys were too tired so they only showered and hung out in the room. Ely flipped through the phone book, looking for another new restaurant to try out for dinner. He read the ads like a food critic would and made the other guys snicker.

Alex leaned over to Greg, "I've told him several times he should open his own restaurant."

Greg thought about it a few seconds, "Maybe not," he smiled. "He may never come home!"

"You know you're probably right," Alex said. "Come to think of it, he has a degree in culinary arts and almost never came home from school!"

Ely grinned and shook a finger at all of them, "I will find us a good restaurant and you know you will all thank me!" he laughed and kept turning the pages.

After they laughed Greg asked Ken while flicking his hand toward Alex, "Does he have as many degrees as Ely does?"

"Oh man!" Ken rolled his eyes. "He's got more of 'em than I can count! When he told me I should go to school there was no way I could argue with him."

"He told me I could back to school when I wanted," Greg said. "That it's something like a hobby."

"Actually, Greg," Ely looked up from the phone book, "It is a little more than a hobby. I considered it something like an assignment."

"Yeah?" Greg asked. "How is it an assignment?"

"Well, Greg," Ely set the phone book aside and Greg and Ken knew they were about to learn something else new. "I have many degrees, as I said. Among the others, I am an ordained Christian Minister." Greg's eyes widened. "I am also a Jewish Rabbi." Now Ken's eyes joined Greg's. "And I am also a Catholic Priest." The guys rolled their eyes and looked at each other. Ely pointed to Alex. "Alex here has studied the eastern religions. Together we make something of a team." Greg and Ken looked at Alex smiling at them, then back to Ely.

"Just like that!" Greg said, "You just decided to go out and get yourself all that training?"

"Not so much like that," Ely grinned. "It took over two hundred years. I went to school when I wanted something to do."

"Oh yeah!" Ken threw up his hands. "Bored? Got nothing else to do? Go to school and become a preacher. Three times!"

Alex and Ely looked at each other and laughed. "You'll have to wait," Alex told them. "You'll see how it can get. One of these days you'll decide that getting educated in different fields is actually fun to do. We decided to study the religions, however, because we felt we needed to know what makes those religious leaders tick. How they think. How they are taught to think. When they make their 'declarations,' we know what they are really thinking."

"Come to think of it, there's a lot of them I don't trust." Ken said, "And I'm not even sure why. There's just something about them I can't put my finger on, but I don't trust them."

Ely was nodding as Ken talked. "Your lack of trust is well founded, Ken," Ely said. "Those leaders truly expect to be followed. They feel that they are above the same requirement that politicians and others have to explain themselves. In their opinion, all they have to do is speak, and it is your responsibility to listen, to believe, and to follow." He raised his finger once again to make a point. "And most especially, to not question. In fact, there are some religions that have declared questioning the Bible to be a mortal sin. What that declaration couches, is the fact that it absolves the leaders of those religions of accountability. They claim that questioning the leaders is the same as questioning the Bible, and they say that such a thing is not done. Therefore, they claim that they have no need to answer those questions." Ely spread his hands, "You can imagine how dangerous such thinking is - they have assigned themselves the authority to do or say anything. As long they hold the Bible in one hand, and they expect no reprisals from their words or actions." Ely sighed, "They hold the Bible up not as an instrument of faith or guidance, but only as a wall to hide behind. "

"Not only that," Alex put in, "but in countries where religious freedom is written into the laws as a right, they claim that any question of their authority in that respect is a violation of that right, once again absolving themselves of the same accountability that other leaders must submit to. But they do it in a round about manner; they are very cunning, never coming right out and saying so. People today see that behavior; it makes them suspicious, and that's where distrust such as yours comes from, Ken. As Ely said, it is well founded. Leaders such as those bear very close scrutiny."

Greg and Ken were both sitting with one hand over their mouths, once again in deep thought. Ken waggled a finger at their teachers, "You guys know don't you?" Alex and Ely looked at him, "You know who's right, don't you? Which religion is correct with what it teaches?"

Ely and Alex looked at each other as if they were deciding who would take this one. Ely smiled and spoke, "As we've said before, Ken, we are not perfect. We don't know everything. But when it comes to which religion is correct, we do know this - none of them are."

"Really?" Greg said, surprised, "None of them? None of them even come close?"

Ely shook his head, "You see, right now all religions teach their followers that they are elite. While it is ordained that they show compassion and respect to people of other religions, those other religions and people are nonetheless inferior. As long as they teach that, they are not correct. When the day comes that they all teach equality in its literal sense, then they will all be correct."

"That day is a long, long, long way off!" Ken laughed.

"It certainly is," Ely said, "But by and large, when you look at all the individual churches around the world, most of those pastors and reverends and such are nothing to fear. They genuinely concern themselves with the welfare of their congregation, doing what they can to help and guide, and they are certainly needed. There wasn't really a problem with them, and we paid them no mind until after the advent of the television in the 1950s. At that time a few of them rose to more prominence than what was good for the population as a whole. Those few corralled for themselves a wide sphere of notoriety, and far too much ability to exert influence on the government. Those are the ones who bear scrutiny, and we provide it."

"Have you ever had to take any one of those out?" Ken asked.

Alex shook his head, "Some have been taken out, but fortunately, it wasn't us who did it. Their own people finally saw through their charade and did the job themselves. We are ready, but as long as people take it upon themselves to not only ask questions, but demand appropriate answers, we will only have to watch."

"Watch TV!" Greg grinned.

Alex nodded, "Watch TV, listen to the radio, read, pursue the internet - however, whenever, and where ever those people show themselves, we need to be there."

Greg thought back over the years with Ely, and then it suddenly connected. He remembered all the evenings when he was studying or working on his designs, and Ely was sitting in his favorite chair in the library reading one magazine after another. It seemed he subscribed to almost everything in print. "So it wasn't just enjoyment, or a hobby," he said to Ely. "You were actually working, weren't you?"

Ely bowed slightly as was his habit.

"So I guess we need to start reading everything we can get our hands on, eh?" Ken asked.

"It used to be that reading the newspapers and word of mouth was the only way to keep up with things," Alex told them as Ely went back to the phone book. "But now days there are many ways to stay abreast of world events. Magazines are one-way, television and radio, the Internet especially. Over time we learned our lesson. When we are suspicious of anyone; religious, political, academic, whatever - we find a way to come face to face with them. Even if it is from the first few rows of an audience, we make eye contact with them and then we know exactly what is behind their words. It's actually a much easier job today than it used to be."

"So how much help do we have?" Ken asked. "How many of us are there?"

"Worldwide we number a few thousand," Alex answered. "We work much like a sales force does, each of us having a certain territory that we pay particular attention to and report to the others whenever something is up." He nodded to Ely, "Ely and Greg will keep an eye on the eastern portion of this country. You and I, Ken, watch the middle of the country. There is another couple that watches the western third. It depends on the total population of a particular area. Some countries have a few of us. Other areas of the world have one of us who watches several entire countries. We get together now and then - about once a century or so to socialize, discuss, and keep up with each other."

"But you said we would never know who all the others are." Greg pointed out.

"That's true," Alex said and nodded, "Even if we tried, we couldn't get all of us together in one place anyway. There's just too many of us, and when we're not working on a particular operation such as the last one in the middle of last century, we get involved in other projects to keep us occupied. Ely, for instance would not have attended any gathering while he and Greg were looking after their boys."

"AH HA!" Ely yelled and made them all jump. He didn't notice. He kept talking excitedly, "Here is a place that sounds worth a visit. Upscale, classy."

"Sounds good, let's go," Greg said and grinned at the others.

"Somewhat elegant apparently," Ely continued as if he didn't hear, "A varied menu."

"Sounds good, let's go," Greg sighed.

"It has everything from seafood fresh caught from the ocean right outside to Italian to Oriental to Mexican!"

"Sounds good, let's fucking go!" Greg laughed.

"It's located just a few blocks from here and situated between two dance clubs. We can have dinner and then go check out the guys at the club. We can make ourselves look to be in our middle 20's or so and have some fun." Ely looked up from the phone book and saw that the guys weren't listening to him any more. They were already getting dressed.



A couple of years later Greg and Ely packed up their winter clothes and went to visit Alex and Ken in Colorado. The first thing they learned was that Colorado had real winters, not the pseudo winters that Florida had. The clothes they packed weren't warm enough and they had to go shopping immediately.

Alex and Ken had a large, secluded, and beautiful log home built on a mountainside. The living room was designed much like a ski lodge. Greg marveled at the fireplace which was located not in one wall, but right in the middle of the room so that a fire was like the bonfires Greg was used to on the beach. A hood was suspended from the rafters that connected to the chimney.

Their property bordered the ski resort that Ken owned. When Ken ended his human life he and Alex had his will fixed so that Ken left the resort to…well…to himself! He claimed the property as a young man with the proper but fake identification. That resort would remain with Ken as long as he wished, once a lifetime or so putting the property on the market as an old man and buying it back as a young man, the same way Alex and Ely kept their homes over the years.

Once every couple of months or so, Ken would sponsor (what was initially at the consternation of the locals), a Gay Days at the resort, and young gay men would fly in from all over. That was when Alex and Ken did their own feeding. Ely and Greg went to visit during one of the Gay Days.

Greg saw that the place was just as crawling with hot men of all types as the beaches of Miami were, albeit with the guys wearing considerably more clothing. What he quickly discovered was how much fun it was working all those clothes off! The living room of Alex and Ken's house saw many orgies with naked guys all over the place and in every bedroom. Any time the guys wanted a butt or a dick, all they had to do was turn their heads and one or the other was right there.

The lodge and hotel on the resort was what occupied most of Ken's time. It was just as beautiful as any hotel in Miami. Each of its guest rooms had a panoramic view not of the ocean, but of snow filled mountains. It also had a restaurant that Ely smilingly pronounced first rate. They spent many evenings there having dramatic dinners. Ken hired as many gay staff as he could but wasn't able to make it 100 percent. Still, there was enough for some interesting office parties now and then!

In the evenings they would often go enjoy the gay nightlife of Aspen. Most times they would all pretend to be housemates and would bring home several guys to spend the night, and other times they would make themselves look older and do the daddy/boy thing. Greg and Ken especially had fun with that, now that they could be the "daddy." Greg was somewhat disappointed to learn that Aspen had its share of boys on the streets, and he would always make sure to include them in their sex play. He would slip some extra bills in their pockets the next day as he sent them off.

During their visit, Ken taught Greg to ski. Alex and Ely already knew how to ski, although they all saw how rusty Ely was. The resort also had a few trails that attracted cross-country skiers. Not a lot of hills to them but miles of ski paths that wound around the resort. Greg was immediately caught up in the thrill of skiing with the wind rushing past him as he seemed to fly down the slopes. Hearing only the wind, he felt like all problems and concerns were actually blown away during a rush down the slopes, and he understood the attraction.

One morning Ken led Greg along one of the cross-country paths. At one point, Ken veered off the path and they ended up skiing right into the woods. Greg followed but was apprehensive skiing right between trees. He had always thought that trees were something a skier tried really hard to avoid! Ken slowed down and made some turns and slowed some more and then came to a stop. Greg skied up next to him and gasped.

The woods broke into a small clearing, and right in the middle of the clearing was a tiny log cabin. Picture post card perfect!

"Wow!" Greg yelled as they took off their skis. Ken brushed a thick coating of snow off the door, opened it and took Greg inside. The interior was no larger than a typical master bedroom. There was a small fireplace on one wall, with wood all ready stacked next to it. More wood was outside. On the wall next to the door was a single bed. The opposite wall was lined with cabinets. The last wall held a sink and chair. The chair made Greg laugh. At the outset it was a regular chair. The seat of the chair lifted up to reveal a toilet.

The cabinets were stocked with canned and dehydrated food. One cabinet was a fairly extensive first aid kit. Another held a telephone, a small radio, and a flare gun with several flares. "There's twenty of these cabins all through the resort," Ken told Greg. "The idea is that lost skiers can hopefully stumble onto one of these cabins and have some shelter and food and a way to send for help."

"That's smart!" Greg said.

"It’s worked several times, too!" Ken said. "The phone here is connected directly to Air Rescue. If it isn't working they can use the radio. If even that isn't working, they can fire off flares if the weather is clear." Ken showed Greg a folder that explained how to use the equipment. "If they're not injured and can move, they can build a fire and cook some food. The phone is the only electric thing in here, so they have to use to fireplace to cook." Ken showed Greg a cabinet that had a few pots and pans, plates and silverware of the type that a camper would pack.

Ken started a fire in the fireplace that quickly warmed the cabin up. "This cabin is due to be checked and re-stocked in a couple of days," he told Greg. "So it's okay if we use up some stuff."

Greg thought about the tiny trail they had come from. He couldn't imagine even an experienced skier trying to navigate the trails while carrying sacks. "How do you get supplies out here?" he asked.

"With snowmobiles," Ken smiled. "Most times I grab one and come re-stock these places myself just to get out and around. But I have a crew that regularly keeps up. In the summer I hire a bunch of college kids to spend the summer here and work on any repairs and fix up the trails and chop wood and stuff."

"Nice way to get it done," Greg said.

"Yeah, I put 'em up in the hotel and pay 'em good and feed 'em good," Ken said, "They either don't want to go home for the summer break from school, or they just want to make the extra money," he grinned at Greg. "Some of them bring their girlfriends and I have to make sure they work in separate places every day, or they spend the whole day fucking in the woods and don't get any work done!"

Greg laughed, "That sounds almost cruel!"

"Nah," Ken said, "You should see that hotel every night in the summer! Business is real slow then and the kids have the run of the place."

"Oh yeah!" Greg said, "Say no more - I know what they're doing!"

Greg was sitting on the bed. Ken came and sat next to him. He put his arm around Greg. "And," he said as he reached between Greg's legs and fondled his crotch, "it can get real interesting in the woods depending on who you come out here with!"

Greg smiled, "You sneaky bastard," he laughed. "It's getting real interesting right now!" And he leaned over to kiss Ken. They wound up naked on the bed with the fire in the fireplace in a tiny little log cabin way out in the woods and fucked each other over and over again until late afternoon. Ken sighed and said they needed to start back before dark.

Back at the house Alex left word that he and Ely had gone into town, and that they would have dinner there. "We can go to the hotel and have dinner, or I can whip something up here if you want," Ken told Greg.

"Let's eat here," Greg said. "We can find something, can't we? Does Alex keep the kitchen as well stocked as Ely does?"

"Oh yes!!" Ken laughed. "He likes to eat like Ely does - but even so - with all the spontaneous parties we have here we want to make sure we can feed everybody. Hey! How about grilled steak?"

Greg looked outside at the snow-covered patio. "How?"

Ken had gone into the kitchen. He came back into the living room with a grill and fit it right over the fireplace. Greg nodded his approval. "Nice!" he said.

"The fire can burn down to a nice set of coals while the potatoes bake," Ken said and smiled. "We can actually grill 'out' without even going outside."

In the kitchen they washed and wrapped a few potatoes and put them in the oven to bake. Ken took some corn from the refrigerator that Alex got at the local farmer's market right after being picked from the fields. They sat at the table pulling the shucks from the corn.

"So do you still run the resort like you used to?" Greg asked.

Ken shook his head. "Alex talked me out of it. I hired a manager, so I'm considered something of an absentee owner. He convinced me that I don't have to work like I did when I was human. He said I'd have other things to do now."

"What are you doing now?"

"Not much, really," Ken shrugged. "I still go to the resort a lot, but more like a guest." He grinned at Greg, "No one knows me now. They think I'm a relative of the owner. I ski a lot more than I ever did. I started getting sick when I was in my early 40's and had to stop skiing, so it's kind of nice to get caught up with it. I drag guys over here when I can. Travel some with Alex now and then. How about you?"

"About the same," Greg said as he pulled what he thought were hairs off the cobs of corn. "We go to Miami a lot - there's a lot happening down there. We travel some too, up and down the coast."

Ken put the corn in a pot and sat it on the stove to wait until the potatoes were almost done. He got a couple of steaks from the refrigerator. He brought them to the table for him and Greg to tenderize and season. He saw Greg staring at nothing in particular, with something of a frown on his face. He sat down and put the steaks aside. He reached out and took Greg's hands.

"Hey," Ken said and looked Greg in the eye. "We're friends now, ya know? I really like you and Ely a lot. If something's wrong, you can talk to me. You can tell me anything."

Greg thought a second and broke into a grin. "Oh no, no!" he pulled Ken's hands up to his mouth and kissed them quickly. "Nothing's what you'd call 'wrong', but," he even glanced to his sides like he was making sure no one could hear; even though no one else was there. "You know what I want to do? This fall I'm going back to school!"

"No kidding!" Ken smiled, "Cool."

"I'm just a little nervous about it, that's all," Greg snickered. "I had a blast in college when I was 18, but it's been an awful long time!"

"Sure has!" Ken laughed, "Why? What are you going to study?"


Ken turned his head and thought about it. "Okay," he said slowly, "Um. . . what brought that up? That's coming right outta the blue."

"Well," Greg sat back, "It's not so much that I want to go around the world digging around looking for lost cities and all. But I want to learn the language, ya know? I want to be able to translate hieroglyphics myself, and studying archeology is a great way to learn that."

Greg was on a roll. He didn't notice that Ken was sitting back giving him a hard stare. He was excited and talked faster.

"And then after that I want to learn Latin and Hebrew and the old Greek languages. I know it'll take several years and all, but I got nothing but time, right? I been thinking about it a long time now, and I really want to do it." Finally he noticed Ken staring at him. "What?"

Ken leaned forward, still not taking his eyes off of Greg. "You want to read the Dead Sea Scrolls for yourself, don't you?"

Greg jumped back a little. "You didn't read me," he said. "You didn't come into my mind, I know that. So how did you know?"

"Because I've been thinking the same thing. Even when I was still human I was thinking about stuff like that. I've always thought that all those people weren't telling us the truth. I couldn't put my finger on it - still can't - but I always felt like they were hiding something. The Vatican has a ton of documents that they won't let anyone see. They just tell everybody to take their word for it. I've always been suspicious."

"Yeah!" Greg said, "When you guys were with us in Florida you said something about that. That's what got me to thinking about it. I've been thinking about it ever since. I talked to Ely and he said it sounded great to him. Aside from going back to college he said it's a great idea and I should go for it."

"What if we both did it?" Ken asked. "I could go to school here, and you could go in Florida. We could be a team after that!"

Greg shrugged and smiled, "Sounds great to me! Not only that but it would give us an excuse to travel around. If nothing else it'll be a lot of fun. We could go to Europe and all. Ely and Alex I bet would love to go back to England for a while."

They talked about it while the potatoes baked. They talked while they grilled the steaks. They talked while they ate and while they did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. They sat in the living room in front of the fire and talked about it with their arms around each other.

"What does Alex say about it all?" Greg asked.

"I haven't even talked to him about it yet," Ken said. "I've only been thinking about it is all."

Greg started to say something else and suddenly stopped in mid sentence and stared straight ahead. He seemed almost in a trance and Ken had to nudge him.

Greg turned to look at Ken, "You know what this means?"


"You remember what Ely told us when you guys were with us in Florida? That night in Miami at the restaurant?" Greg turned to face Ken. "I've been thinking about it. Now I find out you've been thinking about it too. Ely said it sounded good to him. If Alex says to go for it too, then…well…"

Ken's eyes widened and he swallowed hard, "Yeah! It means it wasn't just us thinking about it. It means…"

Greg said it, "It means it's not just a thought. It's an assignment!"

"Oh man!" Ken said, "We need to talk to Alex and Ely!"

"When do you think they'll be back?"

Ken looked at the clock, "Alex likes late dinners. They're probably eating now. We could call them I guess."

Greg laughed, "Get Ely out of a restaurant?!? We'd have to tell him the house was on fire or something!"

Ken sighed deeply, "Man this is something! This is heavy!"

Greg nodded, "But we're up for it, aren't we? We can handle it. With the two of us and Alex and Ely's support we're not going at anything alone."

"Yeah." Ken had a huge smile on his face, "We're ready for it!" He stood up and pumped his fists in the air. "I feel good now! I feel pumped!"

They both did. They felt great. They had something to do now. They felt like they had a purpose. They had a job to do. They knew it would be a while before Alex and Ely got home, so they got naked and made very good use of the time.


Intelligent comments and constructive criticism are VERY welcome! Send them to: Please mention story title in the subject as I have several stories posted here.


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Eighteen Forever - The Last Story - Part Three

PART THREE BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER EIGHT The waiter arrived carrying a small folded table. A busboy was right behind him balancing a large tray on his shoulder. The waiter popped the table open and the busboy placed the tray on it with the same drama Ely used when he ordered. Greg and Ken were still staring at Ely. "Ah!" Ely exclaimed as though nothing untoward was going on. "The

Eighteen Forever - The Last Story - Part Two

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Eighteen Forever - The Second Story, Part 1

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Eighteen Forever - The Second Story, Part 2

BY ROBBY SR. CHAPTER THREE The nurse entered the cubicle to check Greg's vital signs again. She told Greg and Ely that there were several gentlemen in the waiting room. "Ah," Ely told Greg, "The boys are arriving." "If you'd like," the nurse told Greg, "We can move you to a larger room, and they can all come in and sit with you. Or we can do the usual and let them come in two at a

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