Gay Erotic Stories

Diesel, Chapter 3: The Photo Sessions

by Tutus69
02 Jan 2004

Athletics Bears, Daddies & Cubs Discipline Gay Erotic Stories Hairy Jockstraps Leather HOT Action Muscle Older/younger Role Playing S/M

Date: Sat, 15 Nov 2003 07:23:28 -0600 From: Allen Giffen Subject: DIESEL -- Chapter 3 -- The Photo Sessions

"Louder!" yelled Diesel. Rob cranked the CD as high as he could stand it. The throbbing house music was about to start affecting his shooting ability. He pulled the camera from his eye for a moment, looked directly at Diesel gyrating in that skintight singlet, and decided it was worth it. The moment he set eyes on this kid, he knew he had a winner.

Lots of guys responded to the ads Rob had posted around town promising quick good money for some male modeling. Most knew exactly what was up when they called. Rob would meet them, talk, take a Polaroid or two, and give the old, "I'll get back to you." Most, he never did.

Diesel was memorable from the start...showed up for the interview wearing a pink wife beater that stopped above his naval, low rider black Levis that barely contained his ass, sandals, mirrored sunglasses that he seemed very attached to, and the final touch, a pair of leather police search gloves. Rob couldn't tell which feature of this blonde boy toy was his best: ass, crotch, chest, abs, legs, arms, face...he was all that and more. Rob was interested.

"None," he said in answer to Rob's questions about having any inhibitions. He was cockier than most guys Rob met, and seemed to have the packaging to support it. Background included lots of sports, and he claimed he did yoga for relaxation. He had a nice even tan and from the surface area showing, great skin -- both meant minimal body make-up needs, a real plus. Rob was surprised to hear him say he was in high school, but he sure looked older. Though he had proof that he was of age, who knew if it was legit? Rob didn't really care. He just needed the right packaging. And every part of this kid was giving the right answers.

Rob explained about needing to take some Polaroid’s. His plan was to take full body shots from different angles. Though he never asked the men at this point to remove any clothing, he did not discourage it if they wanted to.

"Do I need to pose or something?"

"Why, have you modeled before?"

"Shit, no! But I was thinking it might be more fun if I just kind of moved around and you took pictures. Isn't that how they do it? Can we do that?"

This was a first. "Sure, would it help if I put on some music?"

"Naw, don't bother." And he started to move. Maybe `move' isn't the right word for what Diesel does. He started a swaying motion that suddenly seemed to have many parts of his body moving in sensual rolls - I quickly grabbed my camera. After a few minutes, Diesel grabbed the bottom of his wife beater, "Okay?" he asked Rob, motioning that he wanted to take it off.

"Fine, kid, keep going."

Diesel pulled it off and revealed his amazing chest -- two great slabs of pectoral muscle, hanging like snow ready to avalanche over his sculpted abs. He turned in a circle, rotating his hips lewdly the whole way. Next he kicked off the sandals. Diesel faced away from the camera and undid his low riders. Arms then shot up in the air as he danced to a tune in his head. The pants started slipping but his bubble butt kept the pants from going further. Then he faced the camera. The only place his hair darkened at all was his treasure trail -- and it was thicker than you'd think on a young blonde guy. Diesel pulled his pants off.

What remained was nothing short of a wet dream. Rob took quite a few more Polaroid’s than he usually did. The sight of this tanned bunch of muscle, covered only by an old jock, sunglasses and the leather gloves was about more than Rob could handle...and this was supposed to be an initial interview! Diesel kept running his hands over his body, almost as if he couldn't believe how fine it actually was.

"Whoa, cowboy, I've seen enough!"

Diesel stopped suddenly and stood there panting, looking at the photographer. Those pouty open lips quivered slightly as the heavy breathing went in and out.

"What's wrong? There something you don't like?" Diesel pushed the glasses on top of his head into his blonde curls, his warm eyes only added to the package.

"Quite the contrary. I like all that I see," Rob said as he gave Diesel a blatant elevator look. Diesel seemed quite happy with the response as a smile broke out on his teenaged face. "Can you come next week? You'd be modeling athletic wear and such. Pay is $50 an hour, cash. There could be bonuses too. Interested?"

"Sure, I'm interested. I can come whenever you want me to...whenever and wherever," said Diesel as he adjusted his sizable dick in the worn jock.

"The kid's comin' on to me," thought Rob. "I smell a mother lode here...built like a brick shithouse...and cocky, real cocky...maybe Casey..." Rob's thought trailed off as he realized Diesel was just standing there.

"Next Tuesday, 7PM... That work for you?"

"Seven is great. I finish wrestling practice by 6:30, that gives me time to swing home, change and get over here on my bike." Diesel turned to get his clothes behind him. He bent over and Rob couldn't help but notice that the bubble butt was as equally muscular as it was prominent. "I bet that kid could cut off the blood supply of any dick, if the dick could first force its way in," thought Rob.

That was three weeks ago. Diesel was now back for his third modeling session. The first had been mainly different jeans and shorts topped with muscle T's -- nothing too racy, but stretched out over Diesel's body and under the skilled shutters of Rob, the photos certainly were. The second session moved on to mainly swimwear and underwear. Diesel seemed to be relaxing into the work. This second time he asked for some music. Unbelievably, it seemed to inspire him to move in even more outrageous ways.

At the end of the second session, as he was counting out the 10's and 20's into Diesel's hand, Rob asked him if he'd consider coming straight to the next session from wrestling practice so he could shoot him in his singlet.

"Sure, that'd be great! I smell a bit ripe after practice, so I'll shower first, and then head over."

"Don't worry about it, Diesel. I want to capture what a real wrestler looks like and the smell will probably help both of us." Diesel chuckled.

Diesel had no reservations now about being naked in front of Rob. During their conversation, Diesel took his time getting back into the running shorts and old t-shirt he arrived in. Rob noted that Diesel wasn't wearing underwear that day. Though he'd taken many shots of Diesel's crotch, this was the first time he was seeing the prize unwrapped. He couldn't help but notice the size of Diesel's dick. It looked like it was about as wide as it was long...and it was long.

"That reminds me, Rob -- can I suggest something? I am actually having fun doing these shoots. I don't know what you do with these photos and I don't really care. But you mentioned the first time the possibility of bonuses and I thought of something. What would you say if during a shoot, if I asked, "More?" meaning somehow going further with whatever I'm doing, and you agree, it's an automatic extra $10?"

"You sneaky little businessman, you! Okay. It's a deal."

"Thanks, Rob, you won't regret this. And that's $10 EACH time, right?"

"Each time, musclehead. Now get outa here."

The next week, Diesel decided to take his teasing of Rob to the next level. He loved the fact that he was getting paid cash to show off his body. Rob really had no idea how much Diesel enjoyed the photo sessions. When he finished practice, he took off his singlet and jockstrap, and changed into the singlet he had bought from his current high school while he was still in junior high. At the time, he was so looking forward to wrestling in high school, that he wore the singlet every chance he got. It was already too small for him by the end of freshman year and he got another one, but kept that first one. Now he slipped into it, without his jock, and surveyed the results in the locker room mirror.

"Shit! I'd fuck you if I could!" he whispered to his reflection. Diesel had long ago decided that it must have been a gay guy who came up with the design for his high school singlet -- the blue and yellow were still quite bright, though through age and the extra stretching that his now larger body gave the material, it was a lot easier to see his body's definition. The electric blue singlet had two yellow stripes coming down each side to the waist where they then curved forward meeting at the crotch. Anyone looking at the singlet couldn't help by have their eyes get directed straight between the wrestler's thighs. Diesel reached in and pointed his still flaccid joint sideways so it wouldn't be uncomfortable while on the bike. He put on a pair of shorts, threw the rest of his stuff in his gym bag, and headed outside to his bike to get to Rob's. He knew that this was the time to try out the new bonus program, hoping that Rob wouldn't be able to say no.

So there they were, in Rob's studio with Diesel grinding away to the pounding house music in that impossibly skin tight singlet that had everything except a big neon sign saying: Muscleboy With Huge Dick – Come `n Get It!

Rob went back to taking shots. Diesel pulled his right shoulder straps off. His right pec started bouncing more freely. The nipple was still covered, barely.


Rob took the camera from his eye and nodded. Diesel pulled the other strap off and remained facing Rob but still rocking his body. With his shoulders bared, they suddenly looked much wider than they did a minute ago. Rob knew it was just a matter of perception, but he didn't care, just wanted to get it on film. Diesel started rotating his shoulders in addition to the other movement. This allowed his chest to suddenly pop free of the tight clinging singlet as it rolled down and caught itself under the overhang of Diesel's pecs. Rob had been getting aroused, but at this sight, he went immediately to wood. Diesel danced to the throbbing music for almost ten minutes like that. His pecs were big enough that sometimes they went one way, while he went another.



Diesel pulled the singlet down a few inches below his belly button. Though his crotch now had a second layer of material covering it, it still bulged out obscenely. Diesel went back to moving more freely, turning, twisting, bending, and moving around the room. Rob followed like a male dog scenting a bitch in heat. This went on for another ten minutes.

"That's it, captain...I'm beat...gotta take a break," said Diesel as he plopped down on a stool, panting. Large beads of sweat dotted his skin. He leaned forward, hands on his knees, trying to get his breath under control, pecs hanging deliciously. Rob kept clicking and clicking.

"Interested in making some extra money doing a special shoot?"

"How much and what kind of special shoot?" asked Diesel sitting upright, legs spread, sweat pouring all over him.

"A friend of mine, Casey, likes to have photos of himself with younger guys -- hot lookin' guys who show appreciation for his body. He's asked me to let him know whenever I find a guy who might work out well doing it."

"That's fag stuff," said Diesel as he stood up, pulled up one strap of the singlet and walked toward his gym bag.

"Doesn't mean it’s YOUR fag stuff. Look, he gets off on having a really hot guy `pretend' to find him really hot. He just likes guys to touch him and tell him how hot he is. He's into leather. All you'd have to do is make a fuss over him. Sometimes there's some kissing involved. If things get really hot, you might end up beating each other off. That would be the limit. And the kissing and beating off hardly ever happens. Pay is $500, cash."

"$500? That's a nice chunk o' change. I don't know though, all that gay stuff. And what do you mean by `he's into leather'?"

"He likes to wear leather. And he likes the other guy to do the same. I show him a few of the pictures I take and he decides what he'd like you to wear. Diesel, trust me, I know he'd be really hot for you -- you're his type -- and you're a very talented model. I can tell that you're really proud of your body, and with good reason. Do this for the money and let the old guy get his jollies," Rob said casually, hoping to get Diesel interested. "He likes to set up a story for him and the other guy to follow. You should think of it like you're playing a character in a movie. It could be a lot of fun."

Diesel stood there contemplating the offer. Truth was he had no trouble with doing anything with another guy -- he actually preferred guys. Guys knew how to appreciate his body. He figured that whatever this older guy's scene was, he could end up making it about himself and not the other guy. Diesel thought that it might be fun to pretend to find another guy really hot. His dick started thickening.

"How `bout $600, Diesel? And if it gets to the beating off stage, I'll make it $750," said Rob, drinking in the sight of the pumped up teen's body, head hanging with those blonde waves reaching downward, one hand on his chin, the other rubbing a hip. The yellow arrow on the singlet drawing Rob's eyes to the monster at its tip.

"Okay, but if things get weird, I get to stop it at any point. Deal?"

"Deal. Now, can I take some shots of you in a bit of leather? You know, for Casey to look at? It won't take long."

"Sure, but the only leather thing I've got are my gloves."

"No prob, big guy. I keep some leather and other stuff in the wardrobe with the mirrored doors in the changing room. Why don't you pick some stuff out? Surprise me," Rob chuckled.

Diesel went beyond `surprise'. "How's this?" Diesel stepped into the studio -- leather shorts, an arm band around each bicep, big ass boots coming half way up his calves, a tight pullover armless top that made it down to the top of his abs, gloves -- all black -- and mirrored sunglasses. For a guy who didn't own much leather, he sure had a sense for what would make him stand out.

"I think I'll need the music. This leather feels kinda funny, but good," said Diesel as he admired himself in one of the mirrors.

Rob started the same CD and Diesel started to move -- Rob started to shoot. Rob noticed that Diesel seemed to be touching and rubbing himself more than usual. "Must be the leather," thought Rob. Diesel put his hands on his ass, gyrating, making it look like he was guiding its direction with his hands. His gloved hands came around front and popped open the top button then reached back again, this time slipping inside the shorts, hands directly on ass -- it seemed to please Diesel as he threw his head back and let out a long, "Ahhhhhhhhhh..."


Rob's nod came before the word had a chance to come out of his mouth. Diesel's hands slid out of the shorts and made their way to his abs...kneading them slowly and deeply. They then moved up to his leather-encased chest. His hands moved in a circular motion, every once in a while, pushing each mass of flesh toward the center.


Rob was so turned on; he dipped the camera lens in assent, not wanting to miss a thing by pulling the camera away from his face. Diesel's hands moved down into the front of his shorts, all the while his hips swaying slowly, caressing the monster within. Then they moved up, stopped for a rub or two on the abs, and on to his chest again, this time underneath the leather casing. His leather covered hands underneath the leather covering his chest, stretched the material to what seemed its limits. Rob prayed that the cameras were catching all this.

Diesel looked at the camera in Rob's hands and mouthed, "More?" Without waiting for an answer, he slipped his hands out from his pecs and quickly popped open the rest of the buttons on his shorts, which promptly fell to his knees. His tool was enormous -- with a beautifully shaped extra large head on it. He touched the tip of his dick with a leathered finger, pulled it away so the camera could catch the curved thread of sticky liquid connecting his finger to his dick.

Rob came in his pants. Cumming without touching himself was something Rob hadn't experienced in years. As he slouched backwards in ecstasy, Diesel appeared to be entering the state himself. He grabbed his hardening prick like it was a weed in a garden and began to tug on it. Each tug was accompanied with a grunt. Faster. Faster. Grunts stopped. Focus was on jacking as fast as he could. Rob came to his senses and realized what was happening. As Diesel climaxed, Rob slammed on his shutter release, taking shot after shot in rapid succession. Later, when he developed the film, he realized that he had 14 pictures of Diesel cumming. He could make a mint on each one of them selling them over the net.

Diesel sank to the floor, taking deep breath, while rubbing his leather covered right hand, up and down his right leg, spreading the cum evenly over his muscles.

"Diesel, that's an extra $50. You are the man!" said Rob. Diesel sat on the floor, still rubbing his leg; eyes shut tight, head back with mouth open, gradually coming down from his high. He lifted his glasses onto his head and said, "Sorry for making a mess, Rob, I got kind of carried away."

"Don't worry about it, big guy. It's the kind of mess I don't mind cleaning up. I'm going out of town for a few days next week. Okay with you if we skip a week? Can you come back two weeks from today? That will give me time to show your shots to Casey."

"Works for me. I've got a wrestling tournament next weekend a couple hours from here. I can focus on getting ready for it. What do you want me wearing next time?"

"Doesn't matter. If I know Casey, he'll have something already picked out. Again, probably leather. Sound good to you?"

"Sounds real good. Hey, can I make another deal with you? If this guy Casey ends up getting off on me, rather than on my praising him, can I have a bonus?"

"Sure, Diesel, sure."

Diesel had no idea what was ahead for him. For one thing, he didn't know that Rob had video cameras installed in each of the studio walls. They were on anytime Rob was shooting photos. He'd watch the tapes and decide after each photo shoot if he had good enough stuff to edit into a film to be sold over the net. Most times, it was a bust. Every once in a while, it worked out. And once in a blue moon, it went over the top. Rob watched Diesel's asscheeks kiss each other as he walked to the dressing room to change and all he could see was a blue moon.

"Guy's pretty cute," said Casey as he flipped through the photos of Diesel's first session a week later.

"Take a look at this. I put it together quickly, there's no sound, and the editing needs smoothing out," said Rob as he slipped Diesel's singlet tape into the VCR. Rob was pretty damned proud of what he had already edited together from the 4 different video angles. He figured that he'd end up with about a 25 minute tape he'd sell on the net -- already had a name for it -- Junior Varsity Stripes.

"Shit! How old is this kid?" said Casey as his eyes widened at Diesel moving around in his singlet.

"He's got proof of age...I felt the same way when I saw him. He's in high school, claims that's the singlet he wrestles in. I kind of doubt it though...a bit snug, wouldn't you say?"

"Snug? The kid might as well be naked. I haven't seen pecs that big since I last looked in a mirror!" Casey laughed, briefly tearing his eyes away from the monitor to glance at Rob. The tape reached the point where the singlet caught under Diesel's pecs. "Those jugs are sweeeeet! His muscles seem to be held together by rubber rather than bones -- how can he move that way?"

"He told me that he does yoga to help him focus and with staying flexible," said Rob. Casey seemed to make a mental note of that.

Rob was leading Casey right along. He'd invited Casey over for dinner. They were finishing up their second bottle of wine when Rob brought up the subject of a making another film. He knew that Casey would be more agreeable after a relaxed dinner with a healthy amount of wine. Rob was counting on that, and Diesel, to do the trick. Casey's films always sold quite well on the net. He had a small but fiercely loyal following. He always played the father, uncle, scout leader, coach, etc. to some younger male, and abused the guy. Casey hadn't made a film in almost two years. He told Rob that he was getting too old for the business, and it was getting a bit stale for him.

Rob knew that though Casey was nearing 50, he still had a hell of a build on his 6'5" frame. Sure, he wasn't as cut as a Mr. Olympia, but he had mighty nice bulges and recesses in all the right places. And he sure knew how to wrap other guys around his finger...and dick. Rob was hoping that Diesel might trigger an interest in Casey.

The singlet tape finished and Rob slipped in the one of Diesel in leather. Knowing Casey's love of leather (it was a theme in all his films), Rob hoped the sight of Diesel in some leather would get Casey to commit. "Here's another one, Casey, tell me what you think. Again, I slapped it together quickly, it needs more editing, there's no sound." Casey watched the film intently, never moving, never taking his eyes off the monitor.

"I'll do it...that kid...the suit...when?" were all that came out of his mouth as he stood to face Rob at the end of the film. Rob saw a hunger in Casey's eyes he hadn't seen in a while. He also saw Casey's rigid dick snaking down his right leg.

"Next Wednesday? 7?"

"Fine. I think I'll go now, Rob. I'll get here a little early next week and we'll talk things through. I really appreciate all you've done for me over the years...and this...this will be something really good." Casey hugged Rob, kissing him on the side of his neck. Rob enjoyed that massive body pressing on him. Casey's hardon felt like a police truncheon.

"This is kinda weird, Rob," said Diesel as he held up the black leather body suit that following Wednesday in the dressing room. "Won't this be really hot and uncomfortable?"

"See the zippers all over? They act as tiny air vents. Yes, it will fit pretty tight, but its leather, it will quickly soften with your body heat and you'll barely notice it's on; you move, it moves. Here, I'll help you get into it."

This was turning out better than Rob could have hoped. Casey had been there for over an hour. He was being a bit odd about this shoot, insisting that Diesel and he not see each other till the shoot, going so far as to step out the back door when Diesel arrived, staying there till Rob shuffled Diesel into the dressing room. Rob reminded Casey that as with the other shoots they had done, they knew about the video cameras. Diesel wouldn't know, and believed it was a regular photo shoot.

"The suit" was a full body suit including a hood covering most of the skull. When worn, the only skin visible were hands, feet, mouth and nose, and of course, slits for the eyes. It could be removed sections at a time using the zippers. It had been used only once before, in a film Rob made with Casey a number of years before, with a guy similar in build to Diesel but a bit smaller.

"What are these for?" asked Diesel as he grabbed some hanging tassels while struggling into the outfit.

"They're just decoration," Rob lied. The kid looked good enough to eat! The leather stretched over Diesel's frame looking more like black spray paint. The outfit was tight enough and thin enough that even some of Diesel's more prominent veins could be seen -- especially on his arms and legs. The micro-zippers looked like creases in the leather. His white hands and feet looked enormous - his mouth, inviting.

"Okay, got the scenario?" asked Rob.

Diesel sighed, "He's my dad, I've come home from football practice, he's upset with me. And I'm supposed to just focus on worshipping him, rubbing him, and shit like that, right?" Diesel spoke absentmindedly, preferring to focus on checking himself out in the mirror. "Fuck, I am hot! That ol' man is gonna be all over me."

"You have no idea, kid, no idea," thought Rob. Out loud he continued, "That's right. Just remember to keep talking. The point is to keep praising him. He really gets off on that -- remember that. Though we're only taking pictures, it's real important to him that this play like it's really happening, including all the dialogue -- keep imagining in your head that it's a film and not just a photo shoot. The suit comes off in pieces, but don't worry about that. At some point, Casey will probably remove parts of it--just go along with him. By the way, you okay with a bit of spanking?"

"As long as we're playin', he can slap this fine ass all he wants," grinned Diesel as he stood sideways toward the mirror slowly rubbing his firm bulging butt. He faced the mirror and did a double bicep pose along with lifting his straightened right leg while tensing the muscles. "This is so cool! I'll have this guy drooolin' over me in no time." He tensed his pecs, the hardened masses stretched the leather enough to make it shine even brighter, reflecting the light from above. He rubbed his pecs, impressed that it almost felt like he was touching the skin itself. If anything, the thin leather layer made his skin feel even more sensitive to the touch. Diesel was proud of his chest and loved the way other men drooled over it. He put his hands underneath his pecs and shook them a bit, watching them and the leather ripple. And though his dick impressed just about everybody who saw or felt it, in this outfit, even Diesel was impressed by his crank. At the moment, it was pretty much curled up on itself, stretching and bulging out at the top of his thighs.

"Remember that we're letting Casey call most of the `shots' this evening. His bark is much worse than his bite so don't let him shake you up, no matter how much he yells at you -- he knows it's a game. He'll pay well for any good pictures I get. He knows that you're OK with the possibility of both of you beating off. I wouldn't worry about it though, Diesel, it usually never happens. And if it does, it just means more cash for you. Any more questions?"

"So I should call him, what, dad, daddy, papa, pops?"


"Hope I can do it with a straight face! What does this Casey look like? Is he some kind of dog who I'll have a hard time pretending to adore?"

"You'll see him for yourself in a minute. I don't think you'll be disappointed. I'll go into the studio and finish setting up. Casey let himself in a while ago. I'll call when we're ready, and you just come in. Remember to treat it as if it were a film, not a photo shoot. And remember to have fun, Diesel!"

Rob left the dressing room. More out of nervousness than anything else, Diesel started doing some calisthenics just to get his blood flowing. About 10 minutes later came, the, "Okay, Diesel, come on in."

The first thing Diesel noticed was that the studio was more brightly lit than he remembered it as being.

"Dad? Dad, are you here?" said Diesel, beaming inside with pride for remembering his instructions.

Smack! Diesel staggered a few steps sideways giving his brain the second it needed to realize that he had just been backhanded. His cheek stung, his head was ringing. A split second later he was shoved on the shoulders so hard, he first stumbled backwards, lost his balance, and ended up on the floor on his back, legs spread, propped up on his elbows. A gigantic black leg stepped over his torso, and he looked up to see a Colossus of Rhoads standing over him.

"What the fuck did you do at practice today, you little faggot! Your team was within reach of the winning goal and you fumbled the ball handing it to your quarterback. How the fuck can you fuck that up, when he's got his hands underneath you less than two feet from where the ball is? You're the damned center! Your only job is to bend over, stick your ass in the air, enjoy the quarterback's hands pushin' on your dick, and hand him the ball. And you can't even do that!"

Diesel came out of his mild shock and stared up at this man towering over him, yelling at him. The guy was enormous! He wore black leather chaps, open at the crotch and ass, with black boots. His crotch was covered by some kind of flimsy brief, ass was on full display. His chest was X'd with a leather harness, secured in the middle by a metal ring -- same design on back. Diesel noticed the gauntlet gloves and felt the dull throb on his cheek from his first meeting with one of them. Though he had no way to be sure, Diesel guessed that the guy was a good 4 or more inches taller than his own six feet, and he probably outweighed Diesel by at least 40 pounds. And his body was covered with hair -- chest was a virtual forest of black hair. Diesel remembered the money and decided to play along – for now.

"Get up!" yelled Casey as he pulled on two of the tassels on the suit, one near each covered ear. Diesel scrambled up, somewhat disoriented from being pulled up by his skull. Casey shoved him against the wall pinning Diesel's shoulders against it with his gloved hands. Casey pressed his crotch into Diesel's, got his face real close and said, "You gotta start doin' better, boy. I'm tired of getting all worked up worrying about how you might fuck things up. I get all agitated and tense." Diesel found himself staring at Casey's eyes. He saw a hunger and a need in them.

Casey just as quickly let go of Diesel, turned and flopped face down on a large foam mat. "Give me one of those rubdowns the coaches give you at school," Casey mumbled as he settled into the mat. Diesel knelt down next to Casey and for the first time examined his body. "This guy really is huge!" thought Diesel, "God, I hope I look half this good when I'm that old." He tentatively put his hands on Casey's back and started to press and rub.

"The oil, asshole, use the oil," growled Casey. Diesel noticed a plastic bottle, squeezed some oil from it onto his hands and went back to Casey's back.

"Harder, Diesel, do it like coach does you."

Diesel put some muscle into it. Casey groaned and began to press his dick into the mat, which caused his ass to flex. Diesel couldn't help but stare at Casey's firm exposed ass. He had never seen so much hair on an ass.

"The ass, kid, the ass," said Casey, lifting himself off the matt, looking back at Diesel. Diesel looked at Casey, noticing how Casey's biceps and triceps bulged as he held himself up. He poured more oil onto his hands, never breaking eye contact with Casey, and let his hands find Casey's ass by feel.

"Yeah, that's right...yeah...keep doing that, son."

Without warning, Casey flipped over. Diesel flinched, subconsciously remembering the slap and then immediately getting angry with himself for being fearful. Casey, propped on his elbows, abs tensed, noticed the flinch and smirked, "Don't worry, Diesel, just want to give you more to work on. Get to it, son."

Diesel wanted to show Casey that he wasn't a pushover so he grabbed the bottle of oil, stood up, lifted one leg over Casey's body, and sat down quickly, slamming his ass onto Casey's crotch.

"Thanks, Diesel, that was nice," smiled Casey as he put his gloved hands on Diesel's hips, moving Diesel's body so that it rested nicely on his prick. Diesel poured oil directly onto Casey's chest, tossed the bottle aside, leaned forward and really worked on Casey's chest. "I'll show this asshole who's in charge!" ran through Diesel's mind as his hands worked over the hairy flesh, slapping over the straps of the leather harness.

Casey knew what Diesel was trying to do, and smiled. "Get down here, Diesel," said Casey as he grabbed Diesel's shoulders and jerked him forward. He put one hand on the top of Diesel's head pushing it so that it landed on his chest, resting on the harness. "Suck it," instructed Casey as he pressed Diesel's head into his left pec.

Diesel started to protest. "Suck!" was accompanied with smack on Diesel's upraised ass.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Casey slapped Diesel's ass with his right hand as he pulled Diesel's head into his chest, ordering once again, "Suck!" Diesel obeyed.

"Good boy."

Casey grabbed one of the tassels on the side of Diesel's head and guided Diesel's mouth around his chest. At the same time, he pressed on Diesel's ass with his right hand; till Diesel's leather covered body was pressed against Casey's. He never took his hand off Diesel's hard ass and started to push down on it, jamming Diesel's crotch against his own.

This whole time, Rob was taking picture after picture. He used a zoom mostly because he wanted to stay as much as possible out of range of the hidden video cameras. Sometimes he HAD to get close-ups though. At the moment, he stood near Diesel's feet; seeing Diesel's leather covered body writhing against Casey who had his eyes squeezed shut, mouth hanging open a bit. The V of Diesel's back was almost too perfect to be believed and the way his hips and ass flexed as he pressed into Casey had Rob's dick running with precum.

Casey used both hands to reach for some zippers at the base of Diesel's spine. Diesel didn't notice that he was no longer being forced to slobber on Casey's chest--he just kept it up. Casey pulled a few of the zippers, grabbed Diesel's torso and pushed him back up to a seated position. A gob of spit launched out of Diesel's mouth as he was ripped away from the leather strap he was sucking on. Casey continued with the zippers in the front and ended up removing a section of the suit revealing all of Diesel's lower torso and back. Casey reached for the oil bottle, squeezed a healthy shot toward Diesel's abs, dropped the bottle and started rubbing the oil into Diesel.

"You've been practicing hard, Diesel. These abs are really nice. Daddy likes." He grinned up at Diesel.

As the smooth wet leather gauntlet glove pressed and rolled over his mid-section, Diesel gradually regained his bearings. He started squeezing his ass attempting to pinch Casey's hard rod.

"Let me see your arms, baby," panted Casey as he zipped off more of the suit exposing all of Diesel's arms including most of his shoulders. He also removed a wide section of leather revealing Diesel's collarbone. Diesel reached for the oil bottle and squeezed some on each shoulder, set down the bottle, held his arms out raised slightly and flexed, and watched the oil run down his arms. Casey began working the oil into Diesel's arms. Diesel could feel Casey flexing his dick over and over. "Yeah, tables are starting to turn, old man," thought Diesel as he smiled.

"Have I worked hard enough on my chest, daddy?"

Diesel watched Casey's eyes move to leather covered pecs. Diesel slowly flexed and bounced his pecs. Casey seemed transfixed as the micro thin layer of leather stretched over the bulging muscles underneath. Casey's oil slicked gloved hands moved to Diesel's chest. He stretched out his gigantic hands, one on each mass of flesh, but wasn't able to cover either one completely. Casey started to rub them, and squeeze them. Diesel kept his eyes on Casey's eyes, which were glued to Diesel's chest. With his ass, Diesel started squeezing on Casey's steel hard cock in rhythm to the squeezing of his pecs.

Diesel picked up the oil bottle, and as much as he could, pulled the suit away from his body around his neck. He squeezed the bottle four times against his skin and set it down again.

"Go under the leather, daddy. I want to feel you closer," whispered Diesel.

Casey's gloved fingers stopped caressing Diesel's chest and he slid his hands downward. Once low enough, he then slipped his fingertips underneath the leather just above Diesel's abs and moved upward against the hot skin. Halfway up, he had pulled the tight leather away from Diesel's skin enough to let the oil that Diesel had squirted on above, to flow down Diesel's skin and Casey's gloves. Casey spread his fingers like tentacles and began to flex them. All the oil made things very slick under there and it started to run off the edges of his gauntlet gloves. Diesel kept flexing his chest. Casey growled quietly.

"You like them, daddy. Do they make you feel proud of me?"

"Oh, are fucking fantastic..." said Casey through his ragged breathing. He began thrusting his hips upward against Diesel's weight in a fucking motion, his about to explode dick trapped along Diesel's asscrack.

Diesel leaned forward, "Yeah, you like my hot teenaged body, don't you, Casey? You want my cum shooter up your hairy ass, don't you? Beg for it, Casey, c'mon, beg!"

"Aaarrrggghhhhh!" bellowed Casey as his hands slid out from the leather. In a flash, Casey lifted Diesel by the waist completely off his body, and reversed their positions -- Diesel landed flat on his back on the mat, Casey's ass resting against Diesel's crotch.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Casey slapped Diesel's leather clad face back and forth, while bouncing fiercely up and down on his crotch. As Diesel was about to cry out in pain, Casey stopped the slapping, covered Diesel's mouth with one hand and wrapped the other around his neck. "Not a sound, bitch, not a sound!" he squeezed out through his gritted teeth.

"Who's Casey? Some sugar daddy who takes care of his little boytoy!!??? No Casey here. You're shit outta luck, muscleboy, shit...out...of...luck."

Diesel's eyes darted around for Rob. He needed to get out of this. He wanted to go. He was scared shitless.

Casey leaned forward bringing his mouth next to one of Diesel’s leather covered ears, "And don't even think about calling for Rob. He's not gonna stop me. He's not gonna save you. You are mine and if you don't do what I want, you're gonna be hurtin' for a long time...hurtin' all over...maybe you won't be walking much for a time either. Think about that, fuckboy. All I want is to have a little fun. You're comin' along for the ride, Diesel, you can either have a good time or you can be in agony. You decide, tough guy." The whole time, Casey kept sharply thrusting his ass against Diesel's crotch.

Casey sat up and started manhandling Diesel's pecs. "You got some nice tits on you, boy, real nice. Like huge mounds of jello I can push all over. Flex `em for me, Diesel, make `em hard."

"You cryin', Diesel? Aw, don't cry, son. I'm not callin' you a woman. I really like these." Casey pawed at Diesel's chest. Diesel continued quietly crying.

"I said, stop crying, son. Be a man. Do what your daddy wants you to do!"

The sniffling continued. Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! The sound of leather hitting leather. Casey's fists pounded into Diesel's pecs. "I said, stop crying and tense up those pecs!" Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud! Thud!

"OK! OK! Stop!" Diesel yelled. Casey stopped. They locked eyes, both sweating and breathing loudly. "Well?" said Casey. Diesel tensed his pecs. Casey gave him a big smile and kneaded the hard muscles. "Yeah, that's my boy." Casey suddenly leaned down and locked his open mouth onto Diesel's and shoved his tongue in. Diesel felt the tongue move rapidly inside his mouth and held still in terror.

Casey sat back up, bringing his hands back to Diesel's chest. "These are so pretty and soft." Casey untied the front of his chaps with one hand, then ripped off the flimsy brief, soaked with precum and threw them across the room. His dick landed on Diesel's abs with a thud. "Yeah, they pretty. Pretty enough to fuck I'd say. What do you think, son?" Casey grabbed Diesel's chin. "Huh, what do you think?" Casey let go of the chin and lifted his hand sideways in the air.

"Yes! Yes! They are!" yelled Diesel, who just didn't want to get slapped or punched again.

"So glad you agree, baby," said Casey as he slid his hairy ass forward. When the tip of his dick touched the bottom edge of the leather covering Diesel's chest, Casey ordered, "Lift it!"

Diesel looked at Casey perplexed and scared. He didn't want to get hurt and he wanted this to be over but he didn't know what Casey meant.

"Your bra, asshole, lift it and let my log in." Casey chuckled at his own humor.

Diesel reached up, lifted the edge of the leather, allowing Casey's cock to slip underneath it.

"Thanks, Diesel, I'll make sure you enjoy all this." Casey eased forward till his entire dick was encased in the leather, and rested in the ridge between the two compressed pecs. He slowly pulled back, then moved forward...back...forward..." a ragged sigh exited his throat.

Diesel realized that the hardening dick rubbing back and forth, pressed against his skin, was not an unpleasant feeling.

"Fuck, this feels amazing!" Casey starting caressing Diesel's pecs. Just before a thrust, he pressed the two mounds of pec flesh toward each other. His dick was almost completely surrounded by Diesel's flesh. Casey took a sharp intake of air as a shot of pleasure ran through him.

"Diesel, help me. Do this!" Casey grabbed Diesel's hands and slammed them onto the leather-covered mounds. "Press `em together, boy."

Diesel pressed his hands toward each other, bunching his pecs. Casey fell forward, his hands landing on the mat well above Diesel's head. The flesh surrounding his dick sent shocks of pleasure through his whole body. He started fucking faster...and faster...

"Push harder, mother fucker, harder!" screamed Casey. His whole focus was on getting off. He needed to shoot cum. He ached to shoot cum. He let all his weight land on Diesel, focusing on the fuck alone. The center ring of his harness rubbed back and forth along and past Diesel's forehead. Lucky for Diesel he had the leather hood on which protected his skin from being ripped up. Casey's hairy hard abs moved back and forth over Diesel's open mouth. Diesel was caught up in the sexual frenzy himself. He kept his mouth open and pressed his tongue along Casey's abs as they traveled back and forth.

Casey suddenly lifted his upper body off of Diesel and looked down at himself powerfucking Diesel's chest. The leather top had bunch up enough that with each thrust forward, Casey's dick peeked out of the top and was within inches of Diesel's chin. Casey ripped at a zipper on Diesel's jaw and jerked the leather hood off Diesel's head. Seeing Diesel's prettyboy face caused Casey to once again lock lips with him. This time, Diesel's tongue wrestled with Casey's.

Casey pulled his mouth away. "Here it comes, fuckboy!" shouted Casey as he pushed forward one last time. Casey's cum shot out in volleys as he bellowed like a bull. A couple of spurts sprayed out on either side of Diesel's head. Three more landed on his face and hair. The rest dribbled out and collected in the depression near Diesel's neck.

For about 30 seconds, Casey and Diesel just stared at each other breathing fiercely. Casey's sweat dripped all over Diesel. Casey sat back up and began massaging Diesel's scalp, rubbing his cum into it. "That was real good, son, I'm proud of you."

"" said Diesel tentatively, trying to figure out what rules were in place at the moment.

Casey leaned down, kissed Diesel's cheek and moved over to his ear. "On to Act 2, my little grasshopper," and then explored Diesel's ear with his tongue. Diesel moaned. He was tired, but more relaxed than he'd been in a while. Casey worked his way down Diesel's body stopping at his belly button. He started biting Diesel's treasure trail and pulling on the hairs. He jerked hard on a zipper that opened Diesel's leather pants in half front to back, exposing his fat joint, balls and asshole.

"You're a big boy all over, Diesel," said Casey staring jealously at a cock that was as long as it was fat. It looked like a fireplug, a tall, fat fireplug. He started slobbering all over it, moved on to the balls sucking them in one at a time, rolling his tongue around them. Diesel just kept up his moaning. Casey's tongue slipped below the balls brushing against Diesel's pucker.

"Don't," Diesel froze.

Casey looked up at Diesel, his eyes burning with sudden anger. He shoved an index finger into Diesel's asshole with a grunt.

"Aaaaaiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaa!" came out of Diesel's throat as he sat up and attempted to grab Casey. The veins in Diesel's neck looked like they were about to pop and from the neck up he was turning bright red. Casey locked onto Diesel's neck with his free hand and squeezed cutting off Diesel's air supply.

"What did you say?" he asked incredulously. "Did you tell me not to do THIS?" he yelled as he pushed his finger in harder and wiggled it. "You don't ever tell me what not to do, Diesel, EVER."

Just before it looked like Diesel was going to pass out, Casey shoved him really hard and let go of his neck. Diesel fell back on the mat, gasping for breath. He forgot for a moment that something was squirming in his asshole. Casey yanked his finger out of its hot enclosure, scooted forward holding Diesel's arms down, and rubbed the tip of his dick in Diesel's trench.

"Yes, Diesel, you're going to have a visitor. He's gonna come in, leave you a present, and pull out. He's at the door, guy, you gonna let him in or is he gonna have to break down the door? It's your choice, son." Diesel was actually shaking with fear. He kept telling himself that this was just not happening. And then he'd feel that leaking piece of steel at his asshole. Casey brought his mouth down to Diesel's ear again, "This is happening whether you like it or not. We can both enjoy it, or just me. If you want to, you know what to do. Knock, knock, you big jock." Casey laughed.

Diesel looked around, thinking that he'd see or find a way out of this. But there was nothing. He looked up at Casey's face as it dripped sweat on him.

"You're just so fine, Diesel. Let me make you feel good. Let me in, boy!" Casey kept hitting Diesel's asshole. Suddenly, Diesel relented for a second, Casey felt the head of his dick slip in. Diesel screamed in pain. Casey covered Diesel's mouth with his, feeling the strong vibrations of Diesel's screaming. It really turned Casey on. He kept pushing harder and harder, slowly sinking into a tight tight inferno. He hit bottom. They both froze. Casey started to pull out very slowly. He couldn't believe that it was almost as difficult to pull out as it was to push in. "Christ, this kid is tight!" he thought. He pushed in again...pulled Casey took his mouth off of Diesel's but kept his faces inches from Diesel's.

" hurts," choked Diesel.

"Please...yes...," whispered Casey. "Relax, kid, relax," said Casey as he continued his smooth ins and outs.

Diesel suddenly jerked. "Ugh!" came out of his mouth.

"That was your prostate. Feels good, doesn't it? Here, I'll hit it again...and again."

Diesel was still in pain, but these sudden jolts of pleasure made the pain feel almost pleasant. Casey straightened up, let go of Diesel's arms and grabbed a leg in each hand. He started fucking Diesel a little faster and with this slight change in angle, he discovered that more of his dick hit Diesel's prostate. He also noticed that Diesel's dick was shifting around and starting to straighten out while resting on Diesel's abs. "The kid is enjoying this! Fuck, I knew this little cocksucker was a born bottom!" thought Casey.

This was another moment where Rob felt the need to get some close-ups with his camera. He shot over Casey's shoulder, getting all of Diesel down to where Casey pounded in and out of him. Diesel was a mess, covered with sweat -- cum and sweat mixed on the wet leather now barely covering his chest. He was taking big gulps of air punctuated with Casey's thrusts. His long wet blonde hair also shook with each push. Casey had Diesel's legs by the ankles. He started pushing the legs outward.

"C'mon, spread `em for me, Diesel" said Casey as he continued his assault. Both Casey and Rob were amazed at how flexible Diesel's legs were -- that yoga must be something. Diesel's legs ended up almost parallel to the ground.

"I'm gettin' there, Diesel. Like it? Oh, yeah, you like it. Your dick tells me you like it. Your ass is so hot, you got my dick feelin' like a piece of hot steel...oh, Diesel!" Casey yelled as Diesel squeezed his ass muscles. "Do that again, Diesel, do it for daddy." He did. And again. And again. Casey lost control and turned into a pile driver.

Diesel rocked his head back and forth. He reached forward and grabbed the top of Casey's chaps. "Fuck me, daddy...fuck me, Casey...fuck me!"

Casey pulled out and started shooting cum in the air. Rob told him days later that his first two shots landed almost six feet beyond Diesel's head. He had to show Casey the video to prove it to him. Ropes of cum landed in rows along Diesel's muscled body. By the time Casey stopped shooting, there was cum everywhere. The smell was overpowering.

Casey was getting tired, but he had one more thing to do to make sure this cocky kid was broken in. He dragged Diesel off the mat, sat down on a weight bench sideways, pulling the limp musclekid's body onto his lap, both facing a large mirror on the wall. He zipped the top piece of leather off Diesel, and leered as he watched Diesel's massive pecs hang over his abs. He wrapped one arm around Diesel's stomach, started kneading Diesel's dick with the other.

"Okay, Diesel, this is it. You're gonna cum for me. Keep looking in the mirror."

Casey made sure that Diesel could feel his dick on Diesel's ass as it rested in Casey's lap. He kept yanking on Diesel's prick, sometimes doing a twisting motion. All the while he whispered in Diesel's ear, "Look at your body, Diesel. You are so fuckin' muscular. Look at the veins in your can see the blood pulsing through them. Your shoulders, Diesel, see how huge and wide they are. them move as you breathe. And that chest...that chest...," Casey stuck his tongue in Diesel's ear. "Play with your chest, Diesel, play," he whispered.

Diesel wasn't really listening to Casey. Some individual words slipped into his brain. He saw a muscular body in front of him with a huge dick being jacked. He saw a huge set of pecs and wanted to touch them. Suddenly, he was touching them. He rubbed them and pushed them around. He found the nipples, hard, pointed. He pulled on them. He pulled hard. His head fell backward. Suddenly he jerked his head forward. The dick in the mirror was huge. A gloved hand moved up and down the rigid column. The column seemed to suddenly expand. The hand almost lost its grip. Diesel's eyes widened, he stopped breathing. Suddenly he let out a great whoosh of air from his lungs, looked upward as he realized someone was dropping gobs of what felt like warm syrup all over him. He passed out.

Diesel opened his eyes and could make out two figures through his hazy vision. He felt weak and tired.

"I'll have the film in a couple of weeks. Casey, it will be your best ever. I can't thank you enough. And you thought this was getting stale for you."

"Hey, this kid almost killed me. But it was worth it. I can't believe how fuckin' hot he is. Think he'd ever do this again?"

"I don't know. He's gotta be really new to all this. Hey, look, he's comin' round."

Casey moved toward the prone figure of Diesel. "Hey, little buddy, how ya feelin'?"

Diesel tried to talk but nothing came out. He felt so exhausted but he wanted something.

"What is it, Diesel? What are you trying to say?" as Casey moved closer to Diesel, putting his ear near Diesel's mouth.

"More..." came out in a light breath from Diesel.


"More...more...," whispered Diesel. He grabbed at Casey's arm. Casey easily pushed him away.

"Get some fuckin' sleep, kid."

"Kid's mumbling something...doesn't make sense. Guess you should let him sleep here till morning. I'll see ya in a couple of weeks, Rob." Casey took a final look at the sleeping naked Diesel. Even after the grueling workout Casey took him through, he looked magnificent. "That kid is a total package," he thought, and walked out.

NOTE: I wanted to thank those of you who have given me feedback on my Diesel stories so far. I appreciate your telling me the parts of the stories that you like. Please feel free to give me suggestions for situations that Diesel could find himself in. Tell me things you'd like to see happen. Allen at


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