Gay Erotic Stories

Diesel, Chapter 9: The Cheerleaders

by Tutus69
14 Jan 2004

Tales From School

“Him,” thought Diesel as he looked at the little guy on top.

After a particularly hot session with the Assistant Coach of his high school football team, Diesel told the coach that he was borrowing his car for the weekend. Diesel rifled through the coach’s gym bag while the coach was lying on the office floor, his face and hair smeared with Diesel’s cum, coming down from his own orgasm. “Thanks, coach, see you on Monday,” said Diesel as he walked out the coach’s office, car keys in hand.

That was Friday, yesterday. He got up Saturday, put himself through a pretty gruelling workout in his basement workout room and then got on the road for the 3-hour drive south to the campus of UT Austin. The Austin campus of the University of Texas system had something like 60,000 students – it was huge. Diesel spent the afternoon walking around the campus checking things out. This was his third visit to UTA – the previous 2 times he had hooked up with some college boys for some really hot sex – he was hungry again for some college ass.

By early evening, he happened to come upon the men’s cheerleading team practicing in a field. Diesel figured that most male cheerleaders were gay, and he also knew that most of them were big and built like brick shithouses. What intrigued him about this group was the little blonde guy on top of the pyramid they had been working on.

UTA’s colors are white and orange. The guys wore white nylon breakaway pants with tight orange t-shirts with the school’s logo. The little guy was different, a white unitard- top with orange nylon shorts. What Diesel found interesting was that the kid seemed to be taking his time climbing up the big guys forming the rows leading to the top and he could have sworn that he saw the kid grope more than one crotch on his way up. Once on top, the kid would do some pose and then instead of climbing down, he took a little hop, was caught in the arms of one of the two beefy guys just below him, and then it was almost like he became a football that they kind of tossed to each other, downward, till he landed standing front and center. They all seemed to really enjoy doing that. Diesel was pretty sure the little guy was hard as he stood there ramrod straight after being tossed down.

“Fuck, those guys are built. And what’s with the little guy? He some kind of mascot?” All kinds of thoughts went through Diesel’s mind as he sat propped against a tree chewing and sucking on his second peach that afternoon, watching the practice from about 50 feet away. When he finished the peach, he stood, grabbed the bottom of the dark blue t-shirt he was wearing and brought it up to wipe his mouth. When he lowered the t-shirt from his mouth and was using it to wipe his hands, he noticed the little guy had been watching.

“You thinking of transferring here?”

“Well, surprise, surprise,” thought Diesel as he looked up from the table he was sitting at a few minutes later in the student union. He had stopped by the Admissions Office earlier and grabbed some brochures on the school and had been sitting there, pretending to look at them. “Transfer? No, I’m in high school in Dallas…drove down to check things out here though,” said Diesel with a white toothy grin to the little orange and white blonde kid standing in front of him across the table.

“Fuck! You’re still in high school? You’re huge!” said blondie.

“I’m Diesel,” he said as he reached his hand toward the kid.

“Gino…mind if I join you?”

Gino had been pressing against the back of the chair on the other side of the table. Diesel used one of his feet under the table to push against the chair, which jabbed into Gino’s midsection, surprising him.

“Sorry, did I hurt you?” asked Diesel as he jumped out of his chair and reached, grabbing Gino’s upper arm across the table.

“No…I’m fine,” said Gino. Gino couldn’t help but stare at the muscles rippling in Diesel’s arm. “Christ, I gotta get into this farmboy’s pants,” thought Gino.

They talked for about half an hour during which time Diesel found out that Gino was a sophomore P.E. major from Maine. He had come to UTA on a gymnastics scholarship and besides that, was also on the men’s cheerleading team. He really liked the fact that the cheerleading work complemented his gymnastics. Diesel told Gino that he was the proverbial fifth year high school senior and was itching to get away from home and live his own life. Gino did his best to convince Diesel that living at UTA was a dream life. Diesel was curious about his being on the men’s cheerleading team since the guys on it were normally pretty big.

“Yeah, it sure isn’t the norm,” laughed Gino. Normally, my ‘role’ would be played by a girl but I convinced the guys to try me. They’re all glad now about it. I’m only 5’5’” and 135 pounds, but being a gymnast, and a guy, I can take a bit more ‘punishment’ than a girl could. Besides…I kinda like being around all those big guys,” said Gino, looking directly at Diesel.

Diesel ran his hands through his own blonde curls, locking his hands at the back of his head. He was leaning back in his chair and this pose gave Gino his best view yet of Diesel’s powerful arms and huge chest. He’d been hooked since he first spotted this Diesel guy watching them practice and kept thinking about the ripped torso he saw when Diesel had wiped his mouth with his t-shirt.

“You like bein’ around big guys? You like bein’ around guys who are big all over? And even bigger in some places?” Diesel asked, shifting his hips in his chair with the last question without breaking eye contact.

“Hey…can we go to my dorm?” asked Gino, a bit nervous, and a whole lot excited.

“Sure,” said Diesel, standing up and shoving his hands in his ripped up white Lee jeans. They were low-waisted, so Gino was treated to the sight of a bit of Diesel’s prominently lumpy abs, with a blonde treasure trail diving inside the jeans behind the metal top button.

“Jesus!” came out in a croaked whisper from Gino when as his eyes dropped to Diesel’s crotch. He had been hard from the minute he sat at the table, but now he started to hurt. Gino had a thing about huge guys, but huge guys with huge dicks and balls sent him into orbit. Diesel was either packing one of the largest cocks Gino had ever seen, or had stuffed himself with a load of laundry. Gino prayed that once they got back to his dorm room, he’d be more successful than President Bush at finding weapons of mass destruction.

“Easy, little guy, I won’t bite,” smiled Diesel as he rubbed Gino’s blonde crew cut, “lead the way.” Diesel enjoyed watching the tight little gymnast’s body walk in front of him.

Though Diesel was the younger of the two, it became clear to both of them that he was the one in charge here. He towered more than a half foot over Gino. And Gino was so hot to see Diesel naked that he didn’t mind this high school kid taking charge. He was actually used to playing that role with the rest of the cheerleaders. What Diesel didn’t know was that Gino was also the team’s fuck pig. Anytime one of them needed a tight hot place to put his cock, Gino’s ass or mouth was put to good use. They joked about wanting to change his dorm room door to a revolving one.

When they walked inside the room, Gino threw his gym bag in the corner and locked the door. By the time he turned around, Diesel already had his t-shirt off and was standing in the middle of the room, his beefy arms hanging at his sides.

“I think my chest is still sticky from some peach juice that didn’t quite make it in my mouth. Can you clean me a bit so I won’t be so sticky?” asked Diesel.

As if hypnotized, Gino walked up to Diesel with his eyes glued to the heavy set of massive pecs, moving slowly with Diesel’s breathing. He cupped Diesel’s left pec in his hands, and kissed the flesh. He then opened his mouth wide and started sucking on the flesh as his hands worked the outside of the mound. He groaned as Diesel tensed his pecs. Gino’s mouth moved to the center ridge between the slabs, running his tongue up and down as each of his calloused gymnast hands kneaded a pec.

“Strip,” Diesel ordered as he pushed Gino from him. Gino pulled off his orange shorts, stripped out of the white unitard, yanked off his jockstrap, and threw them to the side. He stood in front of Diesel, panting.

“Turn around,” Diesel said. As he made a full turn, Diesel decided that he really liked what was in front of him. Gino was small but very well muscled and no visible body fat. In addition to a comparatively nice sized cock, he had a bubble butt that looked like it had been carved out of marble. “You’ve got a really nice ass, Gino,” said Diesel as he grabbed an asscheek of Gino’s and squeezed.

“I know. Everybody likes it. Can I?” asked Gino, turning to face Diesel. Diesel smiled and nodded. Gino wrapped his arms around Diesel and continued his slobbering on Diesel’s hard chest. Diesel could feel Gino’s rigid dick against his pants. Diesel bent slightly, cupped his hands around Gino’s hard asscheeks, and lifted Gino bringing their lips together. As their tongues dueled, Gino began humping his dick against the smooth skin covering Diesel’s firm abs. He was leaking. Finally, Gino broke the kiss.

“Diesel…fuck me…please…I need your dick inside me.”

Diesel smiled in response and set Gino back on the floor. “Clean your cocksnot off me first.”

Gino knelt in front of Diesel, wrapping his arms around Diesel’s thighs, a hand on each asscheek. As he slowly brought his open mouth toward Diesel’s abs, he kept his hungry eyes on Diesel’s, breaking the visual connection when Diesel’s heaving pecs jutting out from his body blocked the view. Gino swished his tongue over Diesel’s abs, stopping to give each lump a kiss. His drool completely soaked Diesel’s treasure trail. Gino moved his mouth down to the hidden treasure bulging behind the metal zipper and began sucking and chewing on the white material of Diesel’s jeans. He moved his hands to the metal button at Diesel’s waist.

“Not yet, little guy…get it all nice and wet first,” said Diesel as he pushed Gino’s hands from his waist. Gino grabbed Diesel’s thighs and pulled the crotch into his mouth whimpering as he licked, sucked and chewed on the cotton. Though Diesel couldn’t yet feel any wetness, the warmth of Gino’s hot breathing started to wake up his encased monster.

Diesel took Gino’s face in his hands, pulled Gino from his crotch so they were looking at each other, and while running one of his thumbs slowly around Gino’s lips he said slowly, and with a big smile, “Okay, Gino, unlock door number one…with your teeth.”

Gino worked on the button for over five minutes, alternately growling and whimpering, but couldn’t get it open with his mouth. All he accomplished was creating a large wet spot on Diesel’s jeans and a bit of soreness in his jaws. Diesel took pity on him and popped the button open. Gino feverishly dug for the zipper tab with his mouth, found it, and pulled all the way down.

Diesel unlocked Gino’s arms from his thighs, stepped back, slid his sandals off, pulled his pants down, and kicked them off. He stood there clad only in an old stained jockstrap.

“You like?” asked Diesel as he slowly turned for Gino. “You like?” he asked after his slow rotation as he kneaded the python in his jockstrap with one hand and ran the fingertips of his other hand up and down his abs. “You want?” he asked as both hands slid inside his jockstrap, playing with his hardening dick.

Gino hadn’t ever seen a jockstrap that full. He knelt in front of Diesel without blinking, staring at Diesel’s manhood.

Diesel took his hands out of his jockstrap and stepped up to the kneeling cheerleader. “Work it!” he ordered.

Gino’s hands shook at they reached for the damp jockstrap. Like a snake inside a bag, Gino saw the massive dick shift just before he touched it. The first thing he noticed was how hot it was. His hands froze.

“Go ahead. You can’t hurt it. Get a good feel, Gino,” whispered Diesel. Gino moved his hands around the huge pouch eventually making out the stalk and the balls. Nobody on the team had a joint this size. Gino looked up at Diesel with pleading eyes. Diesel nodded and added, “Remember…teeth.”

Gino reached around and put a hand on each of Diesel’s powerful asscheeks, gripped the waist of the jockstrap in front with his teeth, and pulled down slowly, letting go of Diesel’s ass in the process. His nose was assaulted with a powerful mix of smells including piss, sweat, and he was pretty sure, cum. When he got the jock low enough to free the monster, Diesel leaned forward a bit and put his hands on Gino’s shoulders, holding him down as he rubbed first his balls and then his massive dick all over Gino’s scalp. Diesel was loving the feel of Gino’s short hairs tickling his package. Gino felt Diesel’s cock and balls rubbing above, the precum flowing from his piss slit getting Gino’s scalp wet, and heard Diesel moaning quietly. A string of drool fell from his mouth to the carpeted dorm floor. Diesel let go of Gino and stepped back.

“When you were out there practicing the cheers, what was that thing you did when you got up on top?” asked Diesel as he began running his hands over his own body. He was giving Gino a show, but he also always liked to feel his own muscles when he was all pumped and sweaty.

“What thing?” Gino asked, perplexed, wondering why they were talking about something other than fucking. His eyes darted all over Diesel’s body, following Diesel’s hands as if his eyes were magnetized to Diesel’s hands.

“C’mon, Gino, that pose you did…a leg in the air or something…”

“It’s called a bow and arrow, Diesel. C’mon, let’s fuck!” Diesel now had one arm behind him, running a hand up and down his ass trench.

“Hey, Bee, let me in!” came a loud voice outside the locked door, accompanied with a jiggling of the doorknob. “Bee…wake up…I wanna talk to you,” was accompanied with a few more pounds on the door.

“I’m busy with…somebody. I’ll see you at practice tomorrow.”

“Uh…I thought you wanted to…uh…okay…see you tomorrow, Bee.”

“Why’d he call you ‘Bee’?” asked Diesel. His hand was still on his ass but he had started swaying his hips in a slow circular motion.

“It’s a nickname…short for Bee Squared,” said Gino walking toward Diesel, his dick still hard, still hurting.

“And Bee Squared stands for…?” asked Diesel.

“Bubble butt,” said Gino with a laugh as he reached for Diesel.

“Whoa cowboy, slow down,” said Diesel as he grabbed each of Gino’s wrists, “let me see that ‘Bow and Arrow’.”

“What?” asked Gino incredulously.

“You heard me, do the pose. You want the prize…you do the pose,” said Diesel as he touched the tip of his dick and brought a drop of precum to his mouth.

Gino was a bit pissed, but he was itching to have that torpedo in his tube. “You realize that it’s normally done with two guys holding me in the air, right?”

“Sure, but you can do it standing, can’t you? Isn’t it even easier to do it that way?” asked Diesel, running a hand along Gino’s back.

“Yes, it is,” answered Gino, a bit testy. He was as kinky as the next guy, but couldn’t figure out where this was going. He walked up to his bed which was about 4 feet off the ground on a wooden frame a buddy had built for him, leaned against it, and grabbed it toward the end with his left hand. With his left leg firmly planted on the ground, he lifted his right leg up, grabbed it with his right hand, and helped pull the leg straight up in the air.

“Hold it for a minute. Now why is it called ‘Bow and Arrow’?”

Gino felt ridiculous standing there, naked, holding a leg up in the air, when all he wanted to do was get fucked. “OK…the perpendicular line that my legs form, left foot on the ground, right one way up top at the other end, form the string of the ‘bow.’ This arm holding my leg in the air is the ‘bow’ and when I’m being held in the air, my left arm is normally stuck out at a 90 degree angle…”

“And that’s the arrow!” said Diesel walking up to Gino. “Hold the pose,” he ordered in a deeper voice and got on his knees. Diesel spit a glob of saliva on Gino’s asshole and began rubbing it in. He then brought his mouth to the winking opening and started jabbing his tongue in it.

“What are you…oh my God, Diesel…ooooohhhhhhh,” rushed out of Gino. Diesel attacked Gino’s asshole with his mouth fiercely. In no time, Gino’s asshole was opening and closing like a fish eating. Gino was shaking. Diesel stood up, grabbing Gino’s right leg with his left hand, keeping the leg in the air, squatted slightly, and put the tip of his huge dick at Gino’s entrance. Both men were breathing hard.

“You know, Gino, had you opened my pants button with your mouth, we could have done this in a way so you’d be more comfortable. But you didn’t get it open. In any case, my arrow is still gonna hit the bulls eye,” he said, shoving his dick into Gino’s ass. Knowing what the probable reaction would be, Diesel covered Gino’s mouth with his other hand and muffled Gino’s scream as well as he could. They stood motionless for about 30 seconds as each adjusted to what had just happened. Diesel was amazed he got his entire dick inside Gino’s shit shute; Gino was amazed at how quickly he actually got what he had been wanting all along. Diesel took his hand away from Gino’s mouth and replaced it with his mouth.

Diesel slowly pulled out, as the two guys sucked on each other’s mouths. Gino’s left hand let go of the bed and he grabbed Diesel’s right tricep. Diesel slowly pushed back in. And out. And in. As the urge to nut got stronger for Diesel, without even thinking about it, his left hand moved from holding Gino’s leg up to grabbing Gino’s waist. While their mouths were still locked together, Diesel lifted Gino off the ground by his waist and held him as he pummelled Gino’s asshole with his dick. Gino’s right leg bent at the knee and draped over Diesel’s sweaty shoulder.

Diesel grunted while Gino squealed with each thrust. Diesel pulled his mouth off of Gino’s and held his face inches from Gino’s. They stared at each other, the sweat jumping off each other’s faces with each body slam. Gino’s eyes widened as he felt a slight hesitation in Diesel’s pumping rhythm and the telltale swelling of Diesel’s cock.

Diesel threw his head back as he exploded inside Gino’s furnace of an ass. His body shook with each squirt. Gino’s upper body was bright red from the exertion. He was gulping in breaths. Diesel slowly turned still holding on to Gino, still planted inside him. Diesel pulled Gino off of him, a slurping sound as accompaniment. He sat cross-legged on the carpet, resting the quivering Gino face down in front of him, and began hungrily sucking his cum out of Gino’s ass, his opening grossly stretched open. Gino moaned his pleasure while Diesel massaged Gino’s asscheeks as he sucked at their center.

“Diesel, can I play with your dick?” asked Gino a half hour later as they were spooned on a blanket on the floor.

“Anything you want, Mr. Cheerleader!” Gino had been pressed against Diesel’s back. Diesel scooted forward a bit, spread out on his back, put his hands behind his head and spread his legs. Gino crawled over and sat between Diesel’s open legs facing the monster.

“Diesel, you have the dick of death. I’ve never seen anything this big, and I never thought it was possible to be this big. And I’ve seen some big ones…a few on the team actually. But this…” Diesel looked up as he felt Gino’s hands holding his balls and saw Gino’s eyes glaze over. Diesel’s dick was relaxed, lying to the side.

“Sir, I need to report that you are in the process of loading the chambers,” said Diesel as he stretched his whole body in a yawn, feeling the blood moving toward his dick. Gino’s hands moved to the hardening tube. He began to squeeze it.

“Fuck. This thing is amazing,” said Gino as he moved his face closer to Diesel’s crotch. Gino put his nose close and took a long sniff, then sighed, his hot breath bathing Diesel’s cock, which was hardening and expanding quickly. Gino was impressed that for its hardness, he was still able to point it in almost any direction he wanted to. He pointed it up toward Diesel’s face, let go, and scooted forward until his own hard dick rested on Diesel’s. He reached up and grabbed Diesel’s shoulders as he began thrusting his dick against Diesel’s. His mouth found one of Diesel’s nipples and began sucking. He thrust harder and harder, faster and faster, suddenly stiffened and unloaded his cream all over Diesel’s throbbing cock.

“Well, that was pretty selfish, Bee,” said Diesel, running a hand up and down Gino’s spinal column.

“I’ll make it up to you,” said Gino as he slid back, smearing his chest with his warm cum, and sat back on the floor between Diesel’s legs. He grabbed Diesel’s dick, now slick with Gino’s cum, and began pumping it. He bent down and licked at Diesel’s piss slit, then opened his mouth, able to take in the top half of Diesel’s dickhead. He sucked and sucked at Diesel’s precum, still pumping with his hands, squishing his own cum around the shaft while Diesel moaned.

Gino let go of Diesel’s dick. One hand shot up to one of Diesel’s nipples and began pulling, the other shot down to Diesel’s asscrack where it moved up and down, quickly, pressing. Gino began actually chewing, ever so lightly, on Diesel’s rod. Diesel was overcome with the triple sensation. He started breathing in grunts. Suddenly his whole body stiffened, he lifted his torso a couple of inches off the ground causing his abs to pop out, and shot his load. The first landed in his open mouth, the rest splattered on his chest. Gino slid up Diesel’s body and kissed him, their tongues lubricated by Diesel’s cum.

Diesel opened his eyes. It was morning, he was in bed naked, spooned against Gino, with his dick lodged between Gino’s closed legs. He lifted his head to see the clock. 8am. Diesel slowly pulled away from Gino and hopped down from the bed.

“Mornin’ sleepy head,” said Diesel to Gino’s smiling face as he blinked awake, staring at the muscle god standing in front of him.

“I’d like to take a shower.”

“Towels are in the closet. There’s soap, shampoo and whatever else you might need there too. Showers to your right out the door, halfway down the hall on the left. Wake me when you get back,” said Gino as he turned over in bed.

Diesel wrapped one towel around his waist, threw one around his neck and headed to the shower. This early on a Sunday morning Diesel figured no one else would be there, unless it was somebody drunk from the night before, passed out on a toilet or something. He walked in and was alone. The shower room had 3 or 4 heads on each of the three walls. Diesel left both towels outside the shower room and turned on one of the heads, adjusting it to be as hot as he could stand it, and then stood under it letting the water cascade over his muscles. Gino had given him a real workout and he was feeling very relaxed. The room was steaming up.

Another head turned on. Diesel opened his eyes and through the fog spotted a tall guy across from him. They nodded to each other. Diesel began soaping his body.

“You with Bee?” the guy asked in a deep sexy voice.

“Uh…yeah…he’s showing me around the campus,” said Diesel. Diesel took a longer look at the guy. From what Diesel could make out through the steam, he was built. Tall, wide shoulders, narrow waist, bigger than a swimmer but not as big as a football player. And it looked like the guy had hair…all over…and the guy was hung. Diesel shivered involuntarily even though he was being bombarded by the hot water.

“Sounded to me like he was showing you around something else in his room.”

Diesel didn’t answer. He rinsed himself off, put some shampoo in his hair and began to work up a lather. He suddenly felt a body behind him, and two more hands working on his scalp.

“I was wondering why the door was locked. If you got that fat joystick of yours up his twat, you must have sent him to heaven and back a couple of times.” Diesel felt the guy’s hard dick rubbing on his ass. The guy wrapped his strong arms around Diesel’s chest. Diesel tried to pull away. He could feel the guy’s wet body hair moving along his smooth skin.

“No, blondie, that’s the rule. You take the mascot, and I take you,” he whispered into Diesel’s ear as the hot water ran over both of them. One hand moved down to Diesel’s dick. “You’re a really big boy. Bee must have been very happy. You’re gonna make me happy too…right now.”

Diesel figured out very quickly that he could probably take this guy, even though he was bigger, but Diesel enjoyed playing catcher every once in a while when he met another worthy pitcher. And Diesel could tell this huge hairy muscleguy had a really low ERA, and Diesel wanted to help him keep it that way.

The hot water and steam had them both relaxed. The guy’s dick slid in easily. He grabbed Diesel’s pecs and held him close while he pistoned in and and out. Diesel relaxed into the fuck. The hot water running over both of them in the steam filled room made the fuck as sensual an experience as Diesel had ever known. He leaned his head back on the guy’s shoulder.

The guy started fucking Diesel at a feverish pace. Diesel reached out and steadied himself against the wall. He was feeling ssssssooooooooo good and the guy was slamming into him pretty hard. Suddenly the guy bit Diesel on the neck, hard, and grunted as he sprayed his seed into Diesel’s rear end.

Both men worked at getting their breathing under control. The hairy guy pulled out of Diesel, whispered in his ear, “Thanks, guy, I’m up for this again anytime,” and left the shower room.

Diesel turned and just saw a hard very hairy ass moving away through the steam. He rubbed his neck where the guy bit him – no blood – but it hurt.

“Have a good shower?” Gino asked when Diesel got back to the room.

“Best ever, actually,” smiled Diesel as he stood naked in front of Gino, drying his hair, his oversized cock swinging between his legs.

“C’mon, I’ll take you to the cafeteria and feed you.”

Gino took Diesel around the campus the rest of the morning and early afternoon. Diesel didn’t want to get back home to Dallas too late, but did agree to stay through Gino’s afternoon cheerleading practice. At one point, Diesel grabbed Gino and pulled him in to some bushes. He wrapped his arms around Gino, started kissing him passionately and lifted him off the ground. Diesel got one hand inside the shorts and unitard to Gino’s ass and worked two fingers in. With the other hand, he pressed Gino to him, never breaking the kiss. Gino groaned into Diesel’s mouth, cumming while his hard dick pressed against Diesel’s stomach.

Diesel lowered Gino enough to slip his fingers out of Gino’s asshole and replace them with his fuckstick. Diesel fucked Gino by lifting him up and down on his dick. Just before he came, he shoved Gino down on his dick, held him them while he seeded Gino.

They arrived at cheerleading practice a half hour later, still smelling of sex. There must have been about two dozen guys there for practice out on the field. The shortest one was 6’ tall – and they were all built rock solid. They were also all in uniform. For the hell of it, Diesel joined them in their stretching warm up exercises. Diesel practiced yoga and knew the benefits of stretching, whether or not it was followed by some kind of physical activity.

Diesel could tell that most of the guys on the team were attracted to him based on the looks he kept getting. Not only did he get his fair share of glances, but he was pretty sure that a number of team members were going commando as he saw a few swinging salamis under the white nylon team pants during the warm up. He thought that was a bit strange considering that practice could be strenuous and support was important.

When they started to build the pyramid, Gino had asked ahead of time if Diesel could be part of the bottom row. The team decided after the warm up that Diesel looked like he was in good enough physical shape to handle the load. Diesel felt a bit odd, being the only one not in the team uniform, but the rest of the team seemed to be doing their best to put him at ease. There was lots of touching going on between the team members and Diesel. He knew that most of the guys just wanted to cop a feel of his muscles, but figured that some of them were actually trying to show him some support.

The bottom row of men were on their hands and knees, doggy style. Diesel was in the middle of the row; the other guys laughed and called it the guest star position. They lined up next to each other, crossing arms and legs with the guy on either side of them for added support and stability. All the rows above them, stood – all the way up to Gino on top. Being on the bottom row, Diesel had a hard time knowing how long it would take to build the whole thing and go through a practice. So he just “sat” there, on his hands and knees, first making small talk with the guy on either side of him, but eventually just waiting for the exercise to be over.

“Hey, blondie, your ass looks just as pretty covered in tight white denim,” came a voice behind Diesel, that same deep sexy voice from the shower. It was accompanied by a hand rubbing his ass.

“What the…” said Diesel.

“Relax, kid, you’re not going anywhere,” said the guy on all fours on his left. He pursed his lips in a kiss toward Diesel and chuckled.

“That’s right, Mr. Big Dick, you’re not going anywhere. At least not until we get to show you our special members only cheer,” said the same voice as another hand began rubbing Diesel’s crotch from underneath.

Diesel’s Lee jeans were in pretty sad shape to begin with. It didn’t take much for the guy behind Diesel to poke a hole in the seam along his ass. He grabbed the material and ripped it open all the way around. Diesel felt hands massaging his ass, and more doing the same to his jock covered dick. Suddenly the hands on his dick moved up inside the hanging t-shirt, grabbed his hanging pecs, and started to play around with them.

They were out there on this field, Diesel could see people walking by not too far in front of him along the sidewalk near where he’d been resting the day before. Some of them were actually stopped and watching. No one seemed to see the manhandling he was being put through.

“Relax, Big Dick, we just wanna do the cheer for you,” said the voice with a laugh.

Diesel looked underneath but couldn’t see anything with his t-shirt hanging. He couldn’t move his arms or legs as they were locked firmly in place with the guy on either side of him. He could feel some extra arms or legs pressing on his ankles, restraining him further.

He felt movement underneath him and jerked at the sudden shock of feeling a hot wet mouth sucking on each of his nipples. Someone, two guys had crawled up from behind, and were inside his t-shirt, sucking really hard on his nipples while their four hands roamed his torso and back. A hand yanked his cock out of the jockstrap and started squeezing it. He could feel lube being rubbed up and down his asscrack. As soon as the lubing stopped, he felt what he knew was the head of dick, knocking at his backdoor.

“You know the drill, Diesel. You can enjoy this just as much as we will…or just us. You decide. Knock, knock, gonna let me in…Big…Dick?” Diesel relaxed his ass and felt a dick slide in.

“You are one tight mother-fucker…did you know that?” came that same sexy voice from behind, and from the shower. Diesel felt a hand grab his neck. “Yeah,” the voice whispered into his ear, “I marked you pretty good,” as the hand rubbed the bruise on Diesel’s neck.

By now the guy had the same rhythm going as he did in the shower, fast, deep and rough. He leaned over Diesel, covering most of Diesel’s left ear with his mouth. His tongue travelled all over Diesel’s ear. As Diesel stared straight ahead, panting, his eyes lost focus on the people on passing by on the sidewalk. The combination of the nipple sucking, cock jacking, and power fucking he was getting to be too much. Diesel yelled as he squirted stream after stream of hot cum on the grass. The bottom row, as if on cue, began chanting, “UTA!” After 10 cheers they went silent.

The dick in his ass was suddenly replaced with another. “Holy fuck,” said Diesel, “it’s a gangbang!” The cheerleader on each side of him chuckled. One said, “Pretty bright for a high school boy.”

This second guy slammed into Diesel’s ass like a jackrabbit, and then squeezed Diesel’s waist in rhythm to the seed shots he deposited. Three more dicks took possession of Diesel’s ass. Nobody said anything. Diesel only heard their heavy breathing and sometimes a grunt as they filled his ass with their boy juice.

“And now we finish up with our ‘final deposit’ cheer,” said that sexy voice again as that now familiar dick slid back in to Diesel’s steaming, and now very slimy, rear entrance. “Oh, yeah… this is the best…sloppy seconds!”

The guy started power fucking Diesel. Diesel was now completely relaxed and let out a grunt each time the guy’s dick hit his prostate. He was fucking Diesel so fast, it seemed like his joy buzzer was constantly being pushed. The sexy guy paused, and then slammed against Diesel’s ass three times, really hard, with each hit yelling a letter at the top of his lungs,

“U!” “T!” “A!”

And on the ‘A’, he unloaded into Diesel’s spasming ass. At the end of the guy’s individual cheer, the rest of the team took it up, chanting it over and over. The hands left Diesel’s dick, the mouths left his tits, and the hairy guy’s dick slid out of his ass. During the chanting, Diesel felt a kiss on the back of his neck, and a whisper, “You got one sweet ass, kid. Next visit, I want that dick of yours up mine.”

At the end of the chant, Gino was suddenly standing in front of Diesel. Diesel realized that what had just been going on was that trip down the pyramid that he’d seen Gino do the day before. A small crowd who’d been watching toward the end of the cheer, politely clapped as Gino bowed.

The pyramid broke down in order, top to bottom. Diesel squatted back on the ground doing his best to not let anyone see that his pants had been split open. Luckily, Gino had given him a UTA sweater, which he grabbed and tied around his waist, covering most of the rip.

Diesel made is way slowing to his car. Once inside, he took the sweater off and let his ass rub against the leather driver’s seat. He could feel all that cum leaking out of his ass as he drove the three hours back to Dallas. He left the car in the school lot, and after changing into a spare pair of shorts he kept in his locker, he left the keys on the Assistant Coach’s desk with a note: Thanks for letting me use your car, coach. I left a thank you gift on the driver’s seat.

NOTE: I wanted to thank those of you who have given me feedback on my Diesel stories so far. I appreciate your telling me the parts of the stories that you like. Please feel free to give me suggestions for situations that Diesel could find himself in. Tell me things you'd like to see happen.

Allen at:


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