Gay Erotic Stories

David, Part 2

by Blueboymjc
27 Nov 2004

Best Friends Crush Family Fun Friends Man Meets His Man

Embarrassed but not at all disappointed that David had noticed that I had definitely noticed him, I pushed a clipboard off of my desk onto the floor. I bent over and picked it up placing it in front of my crotch. “Man it has been so long, I thought you moved to England” I asked.

“Mom and Dad did but I stayed here in town with my uncle and aunt. Mom and Dad are still there but come back once in a while” he replied and continued, “So how is your brother and the family. Do you see your brother often”?

I was a little disappointed that he wanted to know about the brother, but after all they were the friends in the whole beginning of things and had it not been for my brother I would not even know David. I filled him in on his marriage and two kids and the good job and his life in general and then I said “what about you what are you up too”.

He began to open his mouth but stopped, thought a moment and then spoke to me, “I have so much to tell you about what are going on in my life that I think you should come by my new house sometime soon and we could have a barbeque and talk about the old times and you can fill me in on what you have been doing. Why don’t you come by this Saturday?”

I agreed that this would be a good idea. I shook his hand and told him I would be there. Before he left he turned to me and gave his number so he could give me directions. I guess he could have given them to right then but I was not going to dispute the issue.

Luckily I had the next Saturday off and I called him on the Thursday prior to confirm our date. He was very excited on the phone about me coming to visit him. He asked me to bring out some wine for dinner and too make sure I can early in the afternoon so that we could have the whole day to get back in touch. I told him I would be there about 2 pm and hung up the phone.

On Saturday, I made sure everything was in order at the apartment. I fed the cat way more food then she could eat in a day and watered the plants. I was hoping to not be coming home that night. I took a very long shower and shaved all the places that needed touch up. It had been a week since I shaved my crotch and it needed it anyway. I chose clothes that would be revealing but sensible and dressed for the occasion. The worst part was I was not sure what the occasion with be. Was it going to be the heart felt reunion I had hoped for or was it going to be me telling stories about my brother and my family? I hoped and prayed for the former and headed off to David’s house.

The trip was on familiar roads until I took a left on a country road I had never been on before. It was not uninhabited by any means but I thought David said he was building a house not a farm. The directions said, go to the top of the hill after the cement one lane bridge and make a left into the driveway at the very top of the hill. Well that was definitely the hill if that was the bridge I just went over. When I reached the top of the hill I was met with two surprises; one, the road ended at a look out point erected by the minister of natural resources and two there was a house in the latter stages of building on the left built into the side of the hill. I turned into the driveway and pulled up in front of the house. There seemed to be only one vehicle around, which was an older model Ford pickup.

While I admired the work and detail on the house David had walked up to me from the other side of the house. I did not see him. All I could see were almost orgasmic curves which made up the roof line of the house. Ornate pillars with gothic tops grace the pillar entrance. A red granite facing made up the frame on the entrance of the house. The whole exterior reeked of architectural excellence and money because there was no way what was done here could have been done on the average person’s budget.

“So do you like my house?” he asked. Startled because I had not seen or heard him walk up to me I jump with a couple of explanative being hurtled in his directions.

“God damn it man you scared the crap out of me!” I blurted out after I had swore a blue streak the needs not be put into words.

His laughing was from deep down and he bent over as he laughed. He knew he had scared the be Jesus out of me and was laughing like as school girl after her first feel up from the boy next door. I too began to laugh as he walked up to me put his arms on my shoulder and told me to “come have a look at the rest of the house”.

I was very aware that he never let his arm fall from my shoulder and when we entered the house he motioned for me to open the door (which I did) but he never let his hand fall further than my waist, but it never left my body until we got into the house. When we were in and the door was closed I noticed that the house was stifling hot.

He ushered me to what I figured would be a barren house because from the outside the house did not look finished at all, but as we rounded the corner from the narrow back hall into the body of the house I was treated to a sight of utter grandeur. The house on the inside was finished and completely furnished. I stood in awe. As I took it all in David said to me “so what will it be, beer, wine or something stronger”.

I answered with, “White wine if you have please”.

“Certainly,” he responded and produced a huge wine glass brimming with cold white wine. He was drinking the same.

He ushered me to the sunken living room and we sat down beside each other on very lovely and deep cushioned couches that by sheer luck and weight forced our bodies to touch. I was not about to move, neither did he. Out in front of us was a huge deck that stretched out over a steep drop to the ground below. By the angle the house was built on it looked as if you were looking directly into the sky.

I turned to David and asked him, “How a military brat could afford such a lovely house?”

He smiled and said, “Well it’s a long story…”

And what better way to catch up than by him starting off with the story of his recent past. He told me about his father’s abusive ways and about the only way for that to end would have been for him to get out of the house. When the family was transferred to England he stayed here with his aunt and uncle. He met a wonderful woman (my heart felt very heavy and disappointed) and they got married. She was from a wealthy family and he took a job with his father-in-law to be vice president of a home building company. His marriage was okay for about 3 years when he came home one day to find her in bed with his own top foreman on the job.

When her family found out they totally disowned her because of the time and effort David had put into the job and his home life. Even though his father-in-law was his employer and the father of his wife he maintained his position with the company even throughout the divorce. Because she was part of the business the father asked that the business not be named in the divorce if David took up her position of the company and she was sent back to Italy to run a family grocery business there. David agreed and in the settlement he became a full partner. He said the family regards him as his own and that was how he was able to build the house and buy the land. When he finished the story he told me it was my turn.

I took a deep breath and said, “How about another glass of wine?” He looked at his empty glass shook his head yes in agreement and headed to the bar. I followed close behind, but we returned to the couch before I began my story.

“My story’s not as dramatic as yours and is very much shorter but here goes,” I said and continued. “Things got pretty hectic at home a couple of years ago and it is for much the same reason your financial gain started. But totally different in the same breath”. He nodded took another sip of his wine and asked me to continue. “You know David I have just found you after all these years and there are things in this story that I am not sure I should talk about so maybe I should not continue”.

“Don’t be silly dude there absolutely nothing you could tell me about you that would upset me”, he said as he removed his sweat shirt and t-shirt to reveal a hot toned 12-pack abs with no hair at all on his torso. In a word, HOT. He continued his comments by telling me that he had to have the heat turned up high to dry up the paint on the interior so the painters could come back and do a second coat on Monday. He told me to get comfortable as well as he reached forward and wiped the sweat from my brow, grabbed the arm on my sweater and helped me remove it. His other hand he used to steady our movements was placed firmly on my upper thigh. When we got my shirt and t-shirt removed, he did not move his hand. He rubbed my leg and told me to continue.

I wanted to continue and truthfully I wanted to suck him off. I figured the best way to do both was to get the fag story out of the way tell him I was gay and that is why I left home. That is exactly what I did. I told him the parents did not approve of me and when things got way too uncomfortable I left home and here I am in the middle of butt fuck no where selling carpet and sucking off the warehouse boy when his girlfriend will not put out for him. He smiled and then laughed and then moved his hand back and forth on my leg. My leg was getting hot but my feet were fucking boiling and I asked him if we could turn the floor heater down because my feet were going to melt. He smiled at me and motioned for me to grab the other end of the coffee table. This way mysterious but I did as he asked.

We moved the table the other side of the room. He pointed for me to sit on the couch and I did. He walked over to the wall pushed a button on the wall and the couches that were in a circle in the room with walking areas between them, came together to form a tight circle. Next the floor began to move and it slid in under the couch I was sitting on. Below the floor was a bubbling swirling pool of hot water. Damn it if he did not have a whirlpool in the floor.

He tapped me on the shoulder handed me another extremely full glass of wine and said to me, “Last one in is a dirty rotten faggot!”

I was a little perturbed by his choice of his words but got over it quick when he hurriedly ripped open his jeans to reveal a commando base shave void of hair. His semi soft cock was about 6 inches soft and getting harder by the second. Not to be out done I stood up on the couch and tore of my pants and socks. I was aware that my cock was rock hard but I did no care. I stepped down into the water and stood there looking at him. He was not moving just standing there at the back of his couch holding his cock in one hand and his glass of wine in the other. I looked up to him and said, “I guess this makes you the dirty rotten faggot!”

“I guess it does,” he replied as he stepped over the couch and walked down into the tub right beside me and continued, “There’s been something I have been wanting to do to you ever since the first time I tucked you into bed.”

With that he moved his lips close to my face and opened his mouth and…

If you want to know the very last little bit email me and let me know at: subject line David


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