Gay Erotic Stories

Ryan and Kyle

by Blueboymjc
16 Jan 2006

Bears, Daddies & Cubs Chance Encounters Exotic Gay Erotic Stories Interracial Older/younger Parties To Remember S/M Voyeurism

As always if you are not into man to man sex you probably should go read another website, this one is definitely not for you. This story is fictional and all characters are of a consenting adult age. I use the word boy in this story to depict a 20 something man whom at my age of 42 is a boy as far as I am concerned. This story is a little longer than usual but those who have read my other stories will not be disappointed.

Let’s talk about Ryan & Kyle.

I have been courting Ryan on line for months, from what I could see of his torso shot he sent me he was built beyond reproach. Golden locks cropped short, brazen blue eyes that spoke to me saying “don’t fuck with me unless you have the cock to back up the fucking”. His upper body showed ample boy strength that he was obviously given at birth and is not likely a guy who needs to work out. What really interested me, were his tiny nipples that just begged to be sucked.

A few weeks ago while chatting on line he told me that he and his boyfriend of the hour were coming to Toronto to do a modeling shoot for one of the major department stores new underwear introduction. He said they had reservations at a Courtyard Hotel on Yonge Street but the rate was really high. Right off the bat I offered him the use of my spare room instead of a hotel, he said he would think about it and at the very least took my cell number so that when he came to town he would call me so we could all get together for a drink.

Having been in a provocative industry for a long time had provided me a very ample salary. Earlier this year I bought a penthouse condo in the Toronto downtown core. I had made a few alterations to it as I was the shared guardianship of an extremely mentally deficient cousin. When the condo was built I had a security company install all kinds of surveillance cameras in the room and in the bathroom. Of course since I had the money I went with the top of the line wide angle hidden cameras (I think they are called “micro dot cameras”) that provided a color image instead of the choppy black and white cameras. Also as an extra preventative measure I had a concealed pass thru put in just incase he had a seizure in the night so I could get to him quickly. All of the cameras were hooked to a recording device with a motion record function in my bedroom, concealed in a very nice 15 century armoire I have. He has since been placed in a group home and is doing fine there so because he was no longer with me I had the perfect room to offer to Ryan and the flavor of the month.

Ryan and I chatted on line for several weeks and in true form to Ryan he started to give me the run around about not being able to see me while he was in town and not having time to go for drinks which was his way. You see Ryan by all explanations of the word is a god. I on the other hand am a fat older daddy that his youthful nature has no use for. He made it ultimately clear that it would be a cold day in hell before I ever saw his naked pics and that I should be satisfied that he even talked to me as he did not offer conversation to too many people that were not in his mind “beautiful”. I reserved myself to the thought that I would never meet him and began to put him out of my conscious thoughts.

It was a cold rainy night in October when I heard the sirens blare. I looked out of my window and could see a huge blaze burning in an apartment building. It was about 8pm in the evening and by the size of the fire I knew that this one would go on for hours. As I was turning in for the night about 11pm my cell rang.

“Hello.” I said. “Mike, it’s Ryan,” the voice said. “Ryan who?” I inquired. “Ryan from Ottawa,” he said.

The first thing that went through my head was the little fucker has been out drinking and has called me in a drunken stupor.

“I have a problem,” he said and continued, “our reservations at the hotel have become a problem.”

“Ryan I travel for living, if there is a problem they hotel will fix it.” I replied.

“The problem is, it had a huge fire earlier tonight and well they won’t let anyone in” he replied.

The smile across my face grew to encompass both cheek bones, and I said to him “not a problem, tell me where you are I will come and pick you up and you are welcome to stay here”. I drove over to the area of the hotel parked and started walking as you could not park within two blocks of the fire. When I arrive I searched the crowds for Ryan based on the picture in my head of what he would look like. I didn’t see Ryan but what I did see had me awe struck, a tiny little light skinned black boy with tiny hips and an awesome smile. His pearly white teeth lit up the night as he smiled. His tiny frame made my dick go hard as I moved closer to have a look at this stud in a tiny body. What a pleasure it was to stand behind him and pretended to watch the fire. Tight blue jeans and a tight white t-shirt covered only just so subtly by a form fitting leather jacket. I was so close to him I could smell the hair product he had in his tight nappy curls.

While I stood there sort of looking for Ryan but paying more attention to this young stud I heard him say to this guy beside him. “Do you think it will take Michael long to get here? I really have to take a leak.” I looked at the guy beside him and there he was the guy I had fantasized about for months.

“Actually I am right behind you” I said.

Ryan and the boy turned together and smiled from ear to ear. We said our hellos and I lead them to my car making as much conversation with the hot boy as I could. At this point the challenge was Kyle, not Ryan. As I drove to my condo I conjured a plan to make Ryan pay for his obstinate attitude he had given me for over a year. Come hell or high water I was fucking Kyle tonight and Ryan was going to watch.

We get their gear up to my condo and settled down together in the gallery to have a drink. Ryan kept commenting on how nice my condo was and how clean it was. I pride myself on showing off my “things” so my apartment is always spotless.

Wanting to get all the info on Kyle as I could I started asking inquisitive personal questions of him, things like what his back ground was ethnically speaking. He answered by saying, “My dad is African American and my mom is from Costa Rica.”

I continued with, “So do you get the big $10,000 jobs that Ryan gets. He tells me he does a couple per week". His face turned red and he looked right at Ryan and said, “You fucking liar, you are not good enough to turn a $10,000 dollar gig and we all the know the makeup on your mole never stays on, just like now, so there’s no way you are pulling 10K gigs!”

I immediately turned to Ryan and sure enough the little fucker had a mole the size of a Q-tip end on his upper lip. It was not pretty and made me feel so good to know that this hot man had a flaw. Yeah I know we all had flaws but this proud little brat had a big one, noticeable to all, right on his lip. I felt sorry for him all the while laughing my guts out on the inside.

Ryan immediately moved his hand to his lip and asked through the fingers on his face “where is the bathroom” I directed him to it as he grabbed his “makeup bag” and ran to the head. As soon as he left the room I put my arm on the back of the couch and moved in close to Kyle sitting right beside me.

I was hoping to seduce him quickly as I only had minutes before Ryan would come bounding back into the room perfect and prim. I looked deep into this hot little boy’s eye, and as I began to speak, he spoke first saying “so tell me do you have a boyfriend because I have to think a hot bear daddy like you would have to have a boyfriend”. Not only was I stunned my cock shot up hard against my track pants. His eyes went directly to my crotch.

“You know,” he said putting his hand on my engorged member, “Ryan and I are not a couple since he fucked around on me and since you have showed us three bedrooms there is no need for me to sleep with him in fact I think I would rather find out what other talents this tool has besides growing on command,” he said as he lightly stroke my aching drooling tool.

As Ryan returned to the room prim and proper ready to go out and take on the world he announce since he had not been to the gay district of Toronto he was going out for a drink, he asked who wanted to join him and we both declined. I gave him a pass card and an extra key and told him that this was my house not a brothel and he was not to bring a trick back for an evening of pleasure…

“Why would I?” he replied, “all I want is sitting on the couch right there and I know for a fact he is safe here cause he does not like big old guys” he said with a sneer. I laughed it off and took it as another rude comment the little bastard offered up, but took it because he was so fucking hot. Though I never mentioned it, through the whole conversation on the couch all I could do was stare right at Ryan’s huge cock. His jeans did nothing to hide the ample offering pulsating in his skin tight jeans.

I walked Ryan to the door and as he left he leaned in close and said, “I really appreciate your help this weekend, I know I am a total jerk sometimes but when you’re this beautiful that is my right.” He kissed my cheek and said “if Kyle is asleep when I get home I will come to your room so you can suck me off before you go to sleep, okay. I know you want to, but that’s all you get, be happy I don’t usually offer these things to fat guys”. He giggled his evil little giggle kissed my cheek and left. I could hear his belly laugh in the hall. I was so upset with him it almost made me cry. How could this little bastard affect me so and in the same breath make me feel so miserable about my body.

When I returned to the gallery I was obviously distressed so without looking at Kyle I went to the bar and took a bottle of Kettle One out of the freezer, no glass just the bottle turned towards the couch and almost dropped my bottle. There on the couch was a naked half black half Spanish boy slowly stroking a massively hard 9 or 10 inches of drooling uncut cock. His smooth boyish looks, lightly tinted skin looked ever so striking on my white couch. The weight of his body made a smooth indentation into the plush pillows that surrounded him. I was sure I heard angels singing as I walked to the couch and offered him the bottle.

He reached up for the bottle but moved passed it in slow but calculated precision reached the top of my track pants and in one movement had them lying around my ankles on the floor. He took the bottle from my hand the cap from the other replaced it on the bottle and put it on the floor. He removed his tiny frame from his placement of ecstasy on the couch and sat directly in front of me. His face was directed at my seven inches of drooling meat that ached to find the recesses of his throat. Kyle stood up and even standing fully erect he only reached dead center of my chest. He lifted up my t-shirt and with a little help from me it joined my track pants on the floor. There we stood naked as the day we were born exploring the finer details of each other’s bodily recesses.

With a motion of his hand he directed me to the couch where I placed my 6’2” 260lb frame in a relaxed accessible position. He lowered his body to his knees and positioned his tiny frame between my legs. He lifted my legs one at a time and placed them on his shoulders. With a few shifting movement he rested his head on my taint (taint your ass, taint your balls) and began to slowly flick his tongue up the underside of my balls and down to my hole, lingering on each spot for a few moments lathering my balls or slowly inserting his very hard wet tongue deep into my wanting willing hole.

The feelings of utter and blissful passion strapped my body with pleasure and dire need to return all these needful wanted attentions. His competent tongue on my ass was replaced by two fingers gently probing the inner most reaches of my colon. His tongue worked its way up and down the length of my drooling cock as he lapped up all of the leaking juices and looked deep into my eyes as he showed me the syrup of love making on his tongue before swallowing the elixir of great and premeditated passion.

As his fingers penetrated my ass he moved his tiny lips to the head of my cock and took the head of my ultra sensitive prick deep into his mouth. How he knew I will never know but then he began to gently use his teeth as he dragged his pearly whites up and down my 7 drooling inches. All you could hear in the room was my overly excited moans of outright pleasure. He never made a sound and is the quietest cocksucker I have ever met.

I had to stop him because his talent for cock sucking was coaxing the 2 weeks of pent up cum from deep in my nuts to within millimeters of the end of my cock slit. I lifted him up to meet my face and we looked deep into each others eyes. His pre cum lathered tongue searched the reaches of my throat looking for a place to deposit his cum coating so that I would be able to savor it later. While he lay there on top of me my fingers found his sweating drooling hole and I fingered him as gently as I could. He was gorgeous but tiny and I did not want my fingers to hurt him. This finger action drove him nuts and before he could reverse himself into a 69 position over my face which I wanted to do as I was dreaming of sucking on his tiny black hole, I stopped him. Held him close and asked if he would like to get more comfortable. He snuggled in closer and said “yes please sir”.

I stood up and as he stood up I picked him up and walked him down the hall to my cousin’s room. The bed was laid out with white pillows on a goose feather duvet and several toys and sexual pleasures in the bed side table. I laid him gently down and bade him to wait a moment while I did a few things before we continued. I showed him the bed side table and a cabinet that had many sexual toys, straps, chains and a very interesting sling in it that very few of my sexual conquests had requested to use. I left him and went to my room.

I opened the armoire and directed all of the cameras in the room to focus on the bed and the 5 feet around, over and beside the bed. I could see Kyle inspecting the sling and a very devilish grin crossed his face. I was sure to be showing this boy the pleasures of sex with a horny old bear daddy that has all the toys. I slipped a fresh tape into two of the recorders and made sure that the machine was set up to switch tapes when one was full so that our sex play would all be recorded. I then returned to the room to inquisitive looks from Kyle while he stood holding the sling.

“I’ve seen a sling before and used one but this one is very strange; how does it work?” he asked.

“I will tell you and we can use it if you allow me to film us while we do it.” I said. “Only if I get a copy,” he responded and continued, “obviously Ryan forgot to mention that even though he is here on a shoot I on the other hand am here auditioning for a porn website”.

What luck not only to have a hot boy in my bed I have an up and coming porn star. I showed him where the cameras where, and his only comment was “pervert”. I laughed as he did and mention to him that I was not a pervert but a voyeur and well prepared at that. Again we both laughed.

With his help we positioned my “bungee sling” on a hook through the ceiling. My builder was not only good but was also a leather daddy and since I lived in the penthouse he had drilled the hole right up through the roof and had anchored the eyelet bolt from the other side with a 2 foot square iron panel for added support. With a pulley system I adjusted the sling over the lower center of the bed and asked Kyle to sit in it as I did this. Next I adjusted the height of the sling based on his weight. He watched intently but with some confusion. When everything was set I used the pulley system to raise the sling above the bed. I indicated for him to lie down on the bed face down. He did as he was told.

I lay down beside him and before I began to enjoy the back side of this boy’s formal offering I used a remote to turn all the cameras on. One quick check in my own bedroom of camera angles and a few adjustments and were ready to how you say “fuck our brains out!”

I returned to the room looked at the clock radio, it was already 1am and the bars would be hoping for at least another 2 hours. I settled in next to him and he turned to greet me as I lay down and said to me. “Daddy (fuck I love it when a guy says that) I’m all yours, teach me how to be a good son”. What wasn’t hard before was certainly hard now. I leaned into him and we kissed for what seemed like an hour. I then rolled him over on his stomach and made my way down his soft supple boyish body. I lay down between his legs and opened the gates of pleasure with my fingers. My tongue found his tight little pucker and I began to lather his hot tight hole with the well traveled well educated tongue, I so greatly appreciate having. He wriggled beneath my relentless assault on his tight little hole. Once in a while I would force a finger or two or three deep into the passages that soon my cock would be probing.

I gently lifted his body effortlessly and positioned his engorged massive uncut drooling meat at the entrance to my throat. While lathering the rod of glory I inserted my lubed fingers deep into his ass. I was having so much fun sucking this boy that I almost forgot the sling hanging precariously above us. I looked over my shoulder and eyed it with evil glee. I replaced his cock under his body and again concentrated on his rose. I went to town on him and he responded by forcing his ass deep on to my face begging in a soft voice for Daddy to fuck him. In one of those long deep guttural utterances he begged me to stop for if I didn’t he would be wasting his load on my duvet. That was the sign I was waiting for.

I lowered the sling on the pulley, anchored the other end of the rope to a rope tie on the bed post and picked him up and placed him in the rubber sling. The seat of the sling has a huge hole in it so by nature of the rubber as he sits down it opens his ass up wide as he sits waiting. Now remember this is a single strand bungee sling hanging from the ceiling, it takes a little getting used to but when you have it in place the possibilities are endless.

When he was positioned I stood in front him and bade him to suck my swollen cock. I needed him to offer Daddy his throat and his ass as a willingness to participate in the ecstasy he was about to endure. He gladly slurped away on my cock until I felt I was ready. I gave him an unwrapped condom and he put it in his mouth and slipped it over the end of my cock. I made sure it was fastened well and looked down to a very disgruntled face.

I forgot that I was using Lamb Skin as there was no way a regular condom could take the punishment his ass was about to endure. I apologized and he smiled with, “It’s not the first time I have had a bad taste in my mouth”. We both laughed and I lay down under the sling and positioned my cock under the hole in the sling. I lowered the sling so that my cock was inside him by only an inch or so. He moaned loudly as my cock slipped effortlessly into his anal canal. I let him get accustom to it and then told him when he was ready to bounce using his body weight.

His first bounce was too hard which is usually the case and his body weight forced his ass all the way down onto my cock and then I grabbed both sides of the sling and held him there, whether pain or ecstasy his voice filled the air as I let go of the sling and let the bungee cord take care of the retreat. When my cock was again one inch in side of him I stopped the motion of the sling and looked into his eyes, his facial expressions trumped his tears and he looked at me with soft lips pursed and whispered, “I’ll take it from here”. With that I let go of the sling and he began a slow bouncing motion which forced his ass deeper and deeper onto my cock with each motion. He screamed out begging for deeper and even deeper penetration as he forced down harder and harder with his body weight.

I too was in the throngs of building a huge orgasm I could feel his hot wet hole massaging the lukewarm cum deep in my nuts. With every downward motion of his body I was treated to a hot wet slap of his well lubricated ass on my balls. We fucked like this for almost 40 minutes when I felt him groan and peak with an effortless non forced sigh with which he arched his back in the sling grabbed his throbbing member and knowing there is no stopping a boy and his orgasm, I grasped the sides of the sling in both hands held him down onto the base of my cock and with all the strength I had left I spun the sling so that not only was he bouncing down on to my cock he was also spinning.

His first shot of cum landed on my face and chest, his second on the bureau close to the door, his third on the window next to the bed. Squirt after pent up squirt of cum flew from the end of his hugely engorged cock splayed the room with unparalleled precision as he unloaded his man juice. With the last drop milked from his now receding member I lost all control, I lifted him up off my cock and removed the condom and unloaded two weeks worth of cum all over my chest, face and stomach. I was spent and so was he.

He steadied himself with his legs stood up, shook the last remainders of cum off the end of his purple head and proceeded to lie beside me where with expert tongue used to the delicacy of cum, cleaned any remainder of our orgasms off my body, cock and even off the headboard. He settled in close to me relaxed his body, kissed me gently on the lips and snuggled into me with but a simple parting before exhaustion stole his words “awesome Daddy, fucking awesome”. With that said he snuggled into my body grasped my wilting member and blissfully passed into a well deserved nap.

Well that’s part one, wait till you here what happened when Ryan got home. Interested? Let me know at subject “What about Ryan?”


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