Gay Erotic Stories

Spellbound, Part 1

by MysticViking13
16 Jun 2009

Romance Sci-Fi Fantasy Straight Men, Gay Sex

(This is work of fiction. All characters are imaginary, and not symbolic of any real people)


Chris was the all American Football player, typical straight boy, and a total stud! He never thought of himself as hot, but every girl dreamed of him and his attentions. He was a good student and did everything a typical straight guy, growing up in a small town, was expected to do. He was 6'2", 190lbs, broad shouldered and narrow-waisted. He had a sharply defined and slightly squared face, a straight nose with a slight bump form it being broken, with short black hair, thick eyebrows, green eyes and a rugged five o' clock shadow. Chris was known as quite the "ladies man", and had the typical reputation of a football player.

Chris had just celebrated his 18th birthday, and had just graduated, so it wasn't a surprise for him to be at a graduation party. This one was held by his friend, Sara. She was known for her kick ass parties, and her house was one of the safest places to let loose at. It was tucked far back off the road, in the "boonies" of their small county.

As he pulled in, a good hour after the set time, he found that the party was up and roaring. Music thumped in the background as he got out of the truck he had just received as a birthday present. Thirty cars were parked in the drive and all along the front lawn and Chris' stomach fluttered to the beat of the music, and from the anticipation of some real "good times". He hadn't cum in a week, and he was lookin’ forward to finding some hot bitches to unload in.

As soon as he entered the house, greeting those he knew and hollerin' at his fellow team mates, he made a bee-line to the keg stands and coolers full of liquor. He got a couple of shots and downed those, then tapped the keg and headed out to the back deck, also known as the "smoking section".

There were a few team mates there chattin' up some hotties, including his best bud Steve. He waved hello to his buds, and started to make his way over when Chris spotted Sara talking to her brother at the other end of the deck. She had graduated last year but her brother, Niko, was the same age as Chris.

Chris made his way over to Sara, he was always polite and his parents had raised him to always greet the parties’ host/hostess. Sara's back was to him as he walked over to the glass table they were seated at. And as he made it to the table Niko caught sight of him and made tentative eye contact. A jolt slid down Chris' spine to his loins as his eyes met Niko's vivid blue-green ones. Niko's eyes seemed to bore into Chris at the fleeting contact. Chris knew power when he sensed it, and Niko had power; he had grown up around those with one form of power or another. But, to Chris' sense's, this was a strange and fey power.

Niko was 5'8", 150lbs, small and lithe and tightly muscled. He had medium length chestnut-brown hair with golden accents, sharply arched eyebrows, eyes a vivid blue-green, high and wide cheek bones tapering down into a narrow yet squared jaw line, a full mouth and straight nose, accented by a thin yet defined goatee, and with what one could only call a tanned “peaches and cream” complexion. It was at this moment, as Chris made his way to the table, that he realized that Niko was very attractive.

'That's fine,' Chris thought to himself, ' I'm not gay, and beauty is beauty.'

Niko blushed slightly and broke eye contact, and that was when Chris realized he had been staring. Chris had only seen Niko a few times, and had only greeted him in passing. But he knew of him. He had heard some rumors that Niko had come out of the closet a year ago. But he was a bit of a mystery. No one knew much about him, as he was Sara's half brother, and he had moved down from Canada a couple years ago. Niko was the only openly gay guy in school, but had no flamboyant reputation.

It was at this point that Sara realized someone was behind her, and she stood up as she turned around. Sara grinned, gave Chris a big hug, wished him a happy birthday and asked him how he was doing and what his plans were for college. As Chris' conversation wrapped up, his anxiousness to get away and start the good times rollin’ expressed itself clearly. Sara laughed, grinned, and said she was off to find Steve, her boyfriend, and Chris’ best bud on the team. As Chris stood aside to let her pass, he turned to get another look at Niko, thinking it was just to be polite to say hello to him too. But Niko had somehow slipped by as Chris was talking to Sara. And as he also turned to head back towards the more populated area, he caught sight of Niko sauntering through the sliding glass door.

'Jesus, he has a nice ass' Chris thought. Rather bemused and slightly shocked at himself. Up to this point he had never been attracted to a guy before, though he had thought about what it would be like to be with one. Chris couldn't help as a flash of mental images passed across his mind at the sight of Niko's tight, round, and rather plump ass. Chris thought Niko's tight faded jeans really accentuated his figure. And the fitted black blazer, and tight fitted, sky blue, buttoned down shirt really pulled together Niko's appearance. Chris knew the "Gay's" could dress, but he didn't expect to be admiring them for it.

But, as Niko entered the house, his hip's gently swaying in a provocative way Chris realized how attractive and elegant Niko looked, trendy but not cheesy with it. And as Chris watched, to his confusion, everyone seemed to part for Niko without any provocation, and many heads and eyes tracked his path form the deck to the door. Chris felt a bit mixed up at this display of Niko's presence. He didn't know whether to be disgusted by it, or to let the new feeling of protective jealousy come to the fore.

Suddenly Niko came to a stop, and even time seemed to still. And with his right hand on the doors rim, in a very graceful move, Niko gently pivoted his feet with his hip slightly cocking to the side which to Chris' surprise really accented the lines and curves of his hips and ass. Niko looked over his shoulder and met Chris' eyes. Chris saw such a look of surprised intensity on Niko's face, as if he knew what Chris was thinking and feeling while looking at him, and was pleasantly surprised by it. Chris just knew Niko was aware of him in a deeply visceral way. Chris' cock started to fill up with hot blood as his eyes locked with Niko's; it unnerved and frightened Chris.

Then Niko's eyes shifted to the right, time reasserted itself, and a subtle look of dismay made his expressive eyebrows quirk down. Chris turned to follow Niko's line of sight and saw Steve, Sara's boyfriend, leaning against the decks railings, his eyes focused in Niko's direction and a slight scowl on his face. Then Steve's eyes flicked to Chris', the aggressive expression left his face, and Chris started towards his buddy.

As Chris headed over to Steve, he glanced back at the door but Niko had disappeared into the crowded din of the house. Chris turned back, put a grin on his face, and tried to put the unsettling events of the night to the back of his mind. But as Chris chatted to Steve, and flirted with the girls that inevitably came over, he couldn't get Niko out of his thoughts. His mind kept turning the night’s events and feeling over and over, along with that last encounter with Steve. Niko came out to smoke a cig once in the hour Chris was out on the deck, and he did his best to stay away from Chris and Steve. During which, of course, many eyes followed his movements, including Steve's, though Chris tried to ignore Niko, and the strange glint in Steve's eyes.

Chris eventually made his way back into the house. He was really tipsy and was looking to top off his buzz, and start hunting for some action. He had lost track of Steve in the crowd, so Chris made his way over to the keg stands. Having forgotten Niko, and the strange feelings he evoked in Chris, he was startled to find Niko at the keg, bent over filling his cup. Chris had been turned away from the keg for just a moment, responding to a yell from across the room, when he had turned back to find Niko in front of him. Chris couldn't help the other rumors about Niko coming to the front of his mind. All the strange vibes and looks, disappearances and pop ups. Chris was remembering the whispers of Niko being into witchcraft, and that new agey shit. Stories about people seeing him out in thunder storms, soaked and buffeted by strong winds, hair swirling about his face and a crazy grin on it as he walked blithely through it. Chris himself noticed him walking in the rain once, and thought it strange that Niko never hunched or cowered from the elements, never ran for cover or wore a coat, but appeared to take strength from nature's rage.

And at the thought of all the new age, yoga type stuff, and with Niko bent over as he was, giving Chris the perfect view of his tight bubble butt, he suddenly got an image of Niko curled up with is knees by his ears and his sweet ass lifting into the air. Chris had another jolt go to his loins and a delicious, though unsettling, shiver run over his skin. Niko stilled in his task, slowly stood up and turned around to face Chris. Niko gently quirked his lips into this sexy half smile, his eyes bright and cheeks flushed. Chris licked his lips, and returned the grin as he stared into this devastatingly attractive man's eyes.

Niko handed the cup he just filled to Chris, and turned back around to get another, giving Chris another peep at his luscious ass.

Niko turned back and offered Chris his hand saying, "Hi, I'm Nikolas. You’re Christian, right? Plays' for Varsity?"

Chris returned the hand shake, feeling an unsettling wave of...something yet loving the feel of soft and warm skin. Chris smiled again saying, "Yep! You’re Sara's brother, right?"

"Yes!" Niko replied. Still their hands were clasped. They both looked down at the same time, and both broke the contact. They chatted for about an hour, and found out they had a lot in common. They listened to the same music, watched a lot of the same movies though Niko tended towards Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Romantic Comedy, and Action/Adventure and Chris more toward Action, they both adored Horror/Suspense. They talked about partying and crazy times, what blood sports they liked, what types of accidents they've been in and the scars from it. They talked for an hour when the party started to wind down. Both had learned about each other, and a bond started to form, stronger and quicker then Chris ever thought possible. As the party slowed and people left Steve popped out of nowhere. "Hey, Niko, your sister's passed out and I need you to help me get her to bed. Could you come help me?" He asked, with an attitude that Chris thought was not needed.

"Of course, Steven." Niko said, turning back to Chris and saying, "Chris, please don't go, you shouldn't drive. We have a spare room and you’re welcome to it. Hopefully this won't take too long and we'll be able to pick up where we left off!?" Niko turning back to Steve at that last sentence. "Sure, Niko. I'm too wasted to drive. And I look forward to talking with you some more, dude. Steve, good luck!" Chris replied with a grin on his face.

Before they left Chris noticed something pass between Steve and Niko, and he observed a strange tightening in Steve’s face. Steve still seemed miffed about something, though Chris didn’t know what. Chris watched them walk to the other side of the room, and finally turning down a hallway, he saw Steve grip Niko’s arm right above his elbow jerking Niko's arm slightly. Steve seemed to pull Niko toward his side a bit as he turned down to Niko's face, a look of anger contorting his features. Steve seemed to be saying something in an intense manner as he and Niko rounded a corner.

Chris didn't know how to interpret this, but he had a bad feeling in his stomach. He realized he was worried about Steve's reactions, and at the last look of dismay on Niko's adorable face. By this time most of the guests were gone, or going and it appeared like Chris was the only one staying over, except for Steve. So Chris waited another 10 min. before moving down the hallway after Niko and Steve.

As Chris walked down the hall he passed what had to be Sara's room, and he glanced in to check on things. Sara was passed out in bed, and there was no sign of Niko and Steve. Chris got another wave of dread, and going on instinct he went farther down the hall. After passing by Sara's door, he heard a soft thump coming from down the hall. He passed a bathroom on his way down the corridor, and picked up some speed as he heard another thump and a muffled gasp. As he neared the door he picked up words. Niko and Steve were having and argument, and while part of him cringed at eavesdropping, he was too worried about Niko to be polite. "No, Steve!" Chris heard Niko as he closed in on the last room. He thought it must be Niko’s bedroom; and his worry ratcheted a notch at the insistence and rise of Niko's voice.

"Shut up, you lil' bitch! I saw the way you looked at Chris! I saw the way he stared at you! You should know better you fucking slut!" Chris heard Steve say viciously. Then there was another gasp, from Niko, the sound of flesh hitting flesh, followed by another thump, clearer to Chris' ears as he was almost to the door.

"You’re mine, faggot! And you’re gonna stay mine, pretty boy! You’re gonna suck me, and fuckin’ love it as you gag on my fat cock! And then I’m gonna tear your ass up so good, you'll never even look at another fucker that way again! I'm gonna cum so far up in you it will come out your mouth! Get on your knees!" Chris couldn't believe what he was hearing! Steve and Niko! Chris was jealous and outraged at the same time! How could anyone talk to someone that way!

"No! Steve; get off me! I don't...*Gasp*...I don't...*Muah*...stop it Steve, please! You’re HURTING ME!" *Smack* Chris heard that smack, and his gut and heart twisted in sympathy. Then to his horror he heard another thump and groan followed be a whimper from Niko. As he moved to the door he saw it was cracked open, and cautiously moved to it to see what was going on before he acted. The scene that met him was so adversely intense that he was both aroused and revolted!

Steve had Niko's back pinned to the bed, his larger body on Nikos upper chest, his knees by Niko's neck and face, holding Nikos arms over his head, pinned to the bed. Steve’s pants were partly undone and he was ramming his 8 inch rigid member into Niko's throat, hardly giving Niko room to breathe as he skull fucked him!

Chris watched, stunned, as Niko made horrible gagging and gasping sounds as he struggled for breath under Steve’s onslaught. Steve suddenly pulled out of Niko's throat, to great gasping inhales from Niko’s red and bloody face. But a soon as Steve was out he flipped Niko onto his stomach, tore his pants off of him, and pinned Niko down with one hand on his back and the other holding both wrists.

Niko screeched, "Noooo!" and tried to crawl over to the other side of the bed, but Steve had him pinned really good. And to Chris' frozen horror, he watched Steve lube his cock up, letting Niko wriggle his lower half in his attempt to escape, but Steve had used his wrist restraining arm's elbow to force Nikos face into the bed, muffling his cries. And in one motion Steve guided his 8 inch dick to Nikos hot ass, and rammed it straight into Niko's smaller body. Steve, having let go of his cock on his first thrust, grabbed Niko's hip and pulled his ass up into him as he rammed deep into Niko's tight hole, bringing a moaning scream that ended in a guttural grunt, from Nikos body, as Steve forced his thick tool in to the hilt.

All Steve got was that one thrust, and Chris was torn up about that for a long time after, before Chris came crashing into Niko's room....

To Be Continued....*Grinz*

(I'd love some feed back, review, and editing suggestions)


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More Gay Erotic Stories from MysticViking13

Spellbound, Part 1

Chris is an all amerian str8 boy. But in one night his whole world will change, forever.

Spellbound, Part 2

Spellbound, Part 2: All Steve got was that one thrust, and Chris was torn up about that for a long time after, before he burst through the door. Chris slammed his way into Niko's room, livid with rage. Rage at himself for waiting as long as he had. Rage at Steve for violating someone this way. And Chris was filled with a perverse envy that Steve had gotten to be with Niko, that Steve was

Spellbound, Part 3

Spellbound Continued

Spellbound, Part 4

Spellbound, Part 4:“Wow.” Chris deadpanned.“You needed to know Chris, even if it freaks you out. As I said, our most binding law is to never cause harm with our magick. We have the ability to shape the world to our will Christian. And in eons past, we did. The Grand Canyon? That was one of us having a temper tantrum, so far in the past that even our records no longer hold their name.

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