Gay Erotic Stories

Spellbound, Part 2

by MysticViking13
16 Jun 2009

Romance Sci-Fi Fantasy Straight Men, Gay Sex

Spellbound, Part 2:

All Steve got was that one thrust, and Chris was torn up about that for a long time after, before he burst through the door.

Chris slammed his way into Niko's room, livid with rage. Rage at himself for waiting as long as he had and rage at Steve for violating someone this way. Chris was filled with a perverse envy that Steve had gotten to be with Niko, that Steve was the one who had sampled Niko's fruit.

'How long has Steve been fucking him,' Chris wondered to himself. And that thought jolted him. 'What the fuck had I been thinking? I'm not gay; I do not want another man that way!' Chris thought. And in his reflexive fear of the taboo Chris tried to force all the thoughts, impressions, and memories of Niko out of his mind. All he wanted was to stop this violent indignity from being visited on a person, which was all this was. All these thoughts were colliding around in his mind as Chris flew across the room.

As the crash of the door slamming against the wall thundered through Niko's room both of the men on the bed startled, and whipped their eyes up to Chris' barreling form. Chris' and Niko's eyes met in that instant, and a look of pure pain and defeated shame shimmered in Niko's eyes. Chris' insides flinched at the moment of naked torment revealed in those crystalline depths, and then Niko's eyes shifted. Chris saw those expressive eyes change in an instant from clear blue-green into the colors of a stormy sea. He watched Niko's eyes unfocus, and his face contort in a look of such magnificent and wild rage that it reminded Chris of a violent storm that was about to break. The building look of rage in Niko's face seemed, to Chris, to make his eyes glow. Chris thought it was the most achingly beautiful and wholly frightening thing he had yet witnessed.

Chris locked eyes with his startled opponents', time stopped and mutated into jagged layers that seemed to drip off of every moment. Lightning flashed, and the loudest boom of thunder rolled across what was once a clear night. As Chris tackled his oldest team mate and former friend, his eardrums popped and the large bay window in Niko's room shattered inward raining squares of safety glass on all the room’s occupants. Chris paid none of this any mind; he didn't register the storm breaking open the vault of the sky or the building swirl of wind that buffeted the room. All he saw and felt was Steve and the gratifying impact of honed flesh with flesh.

Chris bombarded Steve with the full weight of his body, propelling both football players into the room’s corner and sending cracks zigzagging up the wall. He started to throw punches the moment he and Steve met the walls resistance.

"What the FUCK do you think you are doing!?" He yelled into Steve's twisting face.

“FUCK YOU, BITCH!" Steve roared, spittle flying from his split lips. Steve kicked Chris in the stomach but the aim was off and it barely jolted Chris' powerful body. Chris snatched Steve up by his collar and slammed him up against the already abused wall. "What, you want to have a go at that faggots ass!? You want a taste of that sweetness? Even now, knowing that I was there first; that I have been there many times over the past three months. I didn't think the always fuckin' perfect quarterback swung that way! Maybe we should tap it together HA! What do you think of that Chris!?" Steve's rant sickened Chris; though in what way he couldn't figure out at the moment. But as his words soaked in, it caused Chris to fly into an even higher level of rage. Chris was amazed that his temper could snap into this level of being.

"You fuckin' sadistic freak! You are nothing! I would never share anything with the likes of you. You’re a disgrace, and a rapist, and I don't think if I was never to see your face again it would not be long enough!" Chris ground out, taking pleasure in Steve's face draining of color. They had been friends for a long time. And with that Chris hauled back his fist and slammed it into Steve's face.

As he crumpled to the floor Chris hauled him up and dragged him through the house as quick as he could. He made it to the front door, and thanked God that the party was over and no one was around, then simply threw an unyielding Steve out the door like so much trash.

"I don't ever want to see you around here AGAIN. I better not even see you lookin' at Niko again you sick BASTARD. NEVER AGAIN!" Chris spoke, using his words like a hammer to drive his point home. Steve slowly got up off the walk, the pouring rain soaking into his clothes and hair. Steve wiped his arm across his swollen and bleeding lip. And with a quick crack of his neck, and a look of deep loathing in his dark eyes, Steve slowly turned to walk down the drive, limping just slightly.

"You will fucking regret this, Chris. You will live to regret this very, very deeply. Enjoy what’s left of that lil' cunt bitch. I've heard my tool can cause some damage, ask Sara. Hm hm hm hhmh...and Niko now I guess." Steve's retreating form threw those last words over his shoulder, before fading into the pouring rain.

Chris stood there for what seemed an eternity, trying to absorb the events of the night. He was grateful of the numbness filling his body and mind now that the adrenaline was burning off; his mind finally being able to objectively view his impressions of the night. He was sick, and sad, and deeply disturbed in many ways. He didn't know what came over Steve, or why he felt so protective and attracted to Niko, or how that could even work because up to this night he had never felt anything for the same sex.

And with those thoughts in his mind he made his way back into the house, shutting the door on the dark storm raging outside. He found his way back to Niko's room, after locking down the house and checking on Sara. She had slept through the whole ordeal, thankfully. That was all he needed on a night like this, a girl's drama filled perspective. Chris balked a little as he got to Niko's door. But he knew he had to get this over with, and make sure Niko was relatively okay. So he opened up the door onto the disaster that was now Niko's bedroom, his private sanctuary.

'It didn't keep him safe enough,' Chris thought bitterly. As he entered he experienced a cold chill as his mind opened to all the details he had blocked out during his fight with Steve. The look of Niko's face and eyes in that moment of rage came first. Incandescent rage, literally, is how Chris would describe it. Then the sense of time distorting and warping. And then the sudden storm and change in air pressure. The explosions of glass. Chris didn't know what to make of all this, though he kinda got it, his mind couldn't deal with it so it put these observations to the side and resumed the task at hand.

At first he didn't see Niko anywhere, and the fear that lanced through him in that moment stuttered his breathing. He came to a stop a foot into Niko's room when he finally caught sight of him. He hadn't noticed Niko crawling off the bed, dragging the blankets with him as he made his way to the corner of the room to wait out the violence of both men and storm. It was a good corner to be in, Chris observed; allowing Niko to see all the angles without being seen easily himself.

Niko had a strange glazed look about his eyes as he stared out the broken window. He looked more strange and fey then ever before, and to Chris even more beautiful if that was possible. The sight of this beautiful man cowering in the corner, wrapped in blankets to hide his shame, tore at Chris' heart as he carefully made his way over to him.

As Chris squatted in front of Niko, effectively blocking him into the corner, Niko's expression cleared slightly as he turned his devastated eyes, now bright with unshed tears, up to lock with Chris'. Chris watched as a single fat tear rolled down the skin he so admired earlier, the skin now marred by a livid red mark. Chris inventoried Niko's face, the cut and swollen lip, the rising bruise on the right side of his face, the slightly bloody nose and cursed Steve again for doing something like this. Chris started to reach out a hand to lay on Niko's shoulder, and watched in dread as Niko flinched and the slightly vacant look turned into a look of panic and then rage. Incandescent rage…transcendent rage.

Niko very quickly and gracefully rose to his feet, startling Chris enough that he stumbled back a few feet and fell on his ass. Niko, now only clutching about him the thin inner sheet like a robe, slowly advanced on Chris. The look in his eyes was both terrible and yet beautiful, as glowing verdant-azure eyes bore into Chris', zeroing in and locking on. Dread and awe filled Chris as the room exploded into a vortex of wind and glass. The maelstrom caused the blanket to wrap and flutter about Niko's slim body, looking for all the world to Chris like the robe of some wrathful deity. Chris thought the storm had abated a bit, but with Niko's snap the thunder rolled louder then ever before and lightning speared in all directions. Chris' mind absorbed the deep truths he had tired to lock away as this living god slowly bore down on him.

'He truly does have magic.' and 'He is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.' Were the two truths Chris thought.

"Niko." Chris whispered his name like a prayer, a benediction.

And as if his name broke some sort of spell, Niko's eyes cleared. The winds died down and the storm gentled. Niko's eyes were still locked on Chris' as his face crumpled and his chin wobbled and he fell to his knees less then a foot from where Chris had sat. Great shuddering, frame wracking sobs flowed out of Niko's smaller body as he hid his face in his hands and bowed his torso down to the floor.

Watching Niko's shame and grief, watching and feeling the waves of anguish flow from this miraculous being tore Chris to shreds. Chris bent and wrapped his big arms around this sobbing creature, drawing Niko onto his lap and into his chest, and gently rocked the slight figure.

"Shhh...Shhhh. It will be okay Niko. I'm so sorry, but it'll be okay. Shhh....your safe, your okay....I've got you now." Chris soothed him, gently stroking his hand up Niko's arm and across his shoulder, then down his shuddering back. Rage and indignation started to build up in Chris again as he thought on what had been perpetrated on his Niko. Bemusement filled him at that last idea but Chris continued to cradle Niko, alternately rubbing his body and stroking his hair, as his being filled again with anger at Steve's temerity.

"Damn him! I'll kill him. I'm going to fucking kill him. The bastard!" Chris ground out. Niko let out a little squeak of protest and Chris relaxed his arms. He had been slowly tightening them about Niko in his anger.

"Sorry babe." Chris mumbled into Niko's hair. And at those words Niko's body stiffened and he slowly raised his head off of Chris' chest to look at his face. Chris absently regretted the loss of Niko’s touch as his mind imagined beatings of Steve. He quickly became aware of Niko's attention and focused his eyes back on the person staring at him not six inches away. Niko's face was bruised and bleeding, his eyes puffy and red, yet Chris thought him all the more beautiful for it as he took in Niko's face up close. Chris thought him down right pretty. Especially close up.

"You saved me Chris. You fought your best friend, because of me. Why? Why did you come back to my room? Why fight him over this? You could have just let it go, or just joined in, that’s what most would do?" Niko whispered. His voice low, tight, and hoarse as tears started to fall with his words. Chris felt like he'd been slapped.

"How can you ask me that!? He was raping you! Beating you! You think I don't care!? How could you think me that low, or that depraved?" Niko flinched at his rising tone, and the strong grip Chris had on his upper arms. Chris was ashamed at his lack of control after all Niko had been through, but he was pissed now.

"I need to know why! I know what he was doing to me, I was there...duh! I don't know what to think! And no, I don't think you low, or depraved! I'd never think that of you! I...I'm sorry it sounded that way. A...and I'm sorry I freaked back there for a minute, but I don't know what’s going on and I'm scared! Okay! I just need to know that someone cares...I need to know why!? Cause I don't know what to do and the only one here for!" Niko's voice shrilled out, his face turning away from Chris' sight, contorting with anguish as he spilled his heart out with his tears.

Chris felt Niko’s warm breath wash over his arm, tickling the fine hairs as he gasped out his pain. And it made Chris ashamed that he had questioned Niko so harshly.

'Fuck me, I'm an ass!' He berated himself. Chris didn't know how to respond to Niko's desperate attempt to connect with him. Chris' mind was in turmoil, he didn't know what to do. But as he watched Niko's sobs increase at his own hesitation, and as he felt Niko start to pull away, Chris realized he would lose something precious if he didn't speak up, and speak fast. Chris reached out his left hand to Niko, gently grabbing the back of his neck, and feeling the soft silk of his hair for the first time. Chris gently turned Niko's face back to his while wrapping his right hand about Niko's slim waist so he could pull him back close to him. Their eyes met and locked, the energy giving this moment a sense of weight.

"I'm sorry...I watched you tonight, and I watched Steve's actions. It worried me, and after he came to get you, I saw how angry he got. But when you both turned down the hall and disappeared, I had such a feeling of dread. I was worried about you; it felt like I'd never see you again. So, I followed after a bit. I saw that your sister was in bed, and alone in the room, and my worry intensified. I started down the hall so I could make sure everything was make sure you were okay. I heard strange noises, then I heard you arguing, then as I got closer to your room I heard you cry out. And I knew something was wrong. I thought you two had gotten into a fight, but when I got to your door I saw what....what he was doing to you and I froze up for a second...I'm so sorry I froze. I should have been quicker. Should have been there before he could force his way into you. But as soon as he did that I was there. I swear I was there. I swear that that will never happen again, none of that will ever happen again! I...I won't let anybody ever hurt you again. Please believe that....please believe me!?" Once the words had started Chris soon realized that they wouldn't stop. He hadn't meant for everything to come tumbling out like that. He didn't mean to show Niko the things he didn't put into words, but they came out anyway.

Chris felt so much lighter now that he said them. Now that he said them he knew they were true, every word and feeling both spoken and unspoken, was true. And in the aftermath of his confession they both started at each other for what seemed like an eternity. They both saw the same thing in each other’s eyes, and it scared them both. It excited them both.

Chris raised his left hand from Niko's neck and carefully, hesitantly, touched Nikos cheek. Niko closed his eyes and leaned into the contact, inviting Chris to a bolder caress, as more tears leaked from his closed lids. Chris watched Niko's bright eyes open, and as he brushed a lock of hair back, Chris' breathe hitched at the beautiful look of sad gratitude in Niko's eyes.

"Thank you. Thank you for caring." Niko whispered and turned his lips to leave a soft kiss on Chris palm.

Another jolt sparked down Chris' spine and straight to his cock at the feel of Niko's lips on his skin. Niko turned to look at him with passion filled eyes, and Chris felt the same passion fill him. Niko's lips quirked in a knowing half smile, a more seductive version of the one Chris had been given before. Chris traced a lingering finger over those full lips, wanting to know what they'd feel like on his own. He wanted to know what they would taste like as his tongue slipped inside, what they would feel like kissing up and down his body and gliding over his nine inches. Niko's eyes sparked again, and Chris just knew that he caught those thoughts. Niko slipped his warm tongue out to teasingly taste Chris' finger. Chris’ cock filled with blood and heat at the sight of that wet wedge, and in fascination he rubbed his thumb back over Niko's lower lip and was rewarded with another quick flick of warm wetness. Chris couldn't take it anymore, he had to know! But he had to take things slow, Niko had just been violently assaulted in the worst way, Chris must let him know he expected nothing more from this tonight then a taste. And with that he slid his warm hand back behind Niko's head and gently pulled Niko forward into his lap as he hesitantly leaned his head down towards those lovely lips, eyes never breaking contact and never ceasing to ask the silent question.

'Are you sure?' Chris said in his head, wanting both to know if his hunch was correct about Niko's gifts and if it really would be permitted.

"Yes, Christian." Niko breathed. A sweet smile and spark of surprise at Chris' intuition drew a gasp of anticipation from Chris' eager body.

The feel of Niko's arms sliding around his neck was the last restraint on Chris' hesitancy. He lowered his head fully, and placed his aching lips over Niko's. Chris was both surprised and pleased when Niko rose to meet him, there lips touching and gently caressing in a slow building of passion. This kiss was gentle, and oh so sweet but as they touched and parted for breathe, lips smacking, Chris took it to the next level and gently caressed his tongue over Niko's plump lips. Chris could kiss him forever, and he would be content with the sweet taste and soft warmth he had found there as their lips first came together. Chris slowly flicked his tongue over Niko's lips a second, more demanding time, asking Niko to open up. Demanding him to submit to Chris' seeking wet mouth and tongue. Their bodies were pressed together chest to chest, Niko was in his lap with those lithe legs wrapped around his waist, arms locked about his neck and a hand in his hair caressing his scalp; his demand was met and Chris' passion soared as his tongue slipped into Nikos mouth. The taste was so sweet with a touch of mint, Chris thought, as he gently but firmly explored the inside of Niko's mouth. And then Niko moaned, and his tongue came out to play against Chris'.

Chris thought he would do just about anything to have Niko as he slipped one arm about Niko's slim waist, pulling him in tight and the other hand buried in the dark gold fall of Niko's hair. And then Niko did the most amazing thing, he actually started to suck and gently nibble on his tongue causing Chris to grunt deep in pleasure. Chris pulled back slightly, and Niko opened his eyes and mewed in protest, nipping Chris' bottom lip in protest. That made Chris' cock jerk again as he hummed his appreciation. " was that? I could kiss you into oblivion you know. You taste so sweet and your lips are so soft, and your facial hair tickles and then scratches in such a good way. It feels so strange and so very even, but I need you to know that this doesn't have to go any further then this. In fact I think we both agree there will be no sex tonight. That wouldn't be right, and I want so much for our first time to be special and happy. If this is all we do tonight, is it okay?" Chris asked in a hushed voice, his eyes searching Niko’s. Chris decided he really liked the way Niko's skin flushed with heat, and how swollen and red his lips got, and all of it from what he did to him. Knowing Niko wanted him, and got enjoyment from his ministrations turned Chris on to no end.

"That was one has ever kissed me like that. I could kiss you forever. I love the way you take and give. You’re firm and demanding, yet so gentle and kind. You take control, and I really enjoy that. And I think you’re hot too--so strong and masculine. Thank you for going slow...for not m...making demands. You’re right, it’s too soon. But I want to; I want feel you. I want this to be special...for however long it lasts." Niko whispered back

Chris didn't like the sound of that, but decided to leave it, since his body had gotten more than distracted by Niko's claim of wanting to feel him. Chris dove back in, sealing his mouth over Niko's in a demanding breathe stealing kiss that seemed to both of them to last forever. Chris' hand fisted in Niko's hair as he felt Niko clawing his shoulder and back, his tongue diving in to pillage Nikos mouth. Niko whimpered, and Chris moaned as he felt him start to suck on his tongue, and Chris couldn't help but want to know what that hot mouth would feel like taking his cock.

Niko moaned even louder and, to Chris’ surprise, ground his hips down onto his lap, firmly teasing Chris erect penis. Chris started to pump his hips back up to meet Niko's new stimulation, and he felt for the first time another mans cock--and a big, hard cock at that. It surprised Chris how turned on he was at this new sensation. He could feel, through his jeans, the outline Nikos penis, and wondered what it looked like. Niko moaned into his mouth and Chris took his courage in his hands and slowly caressed his hand back around to the front of Niko's body. The blanket was so thin Chris knew he'd be able to feel every hard inch, but he had to do this, wanted to feel that hard length against his sensitive palm. Niko grunted in surprised pleasure and without breaking the kiss, he shifted his hips, tilting them up so that his thinly clad ass rested up against every hard inch of Chris' nine incher.

Chris thanked god for it, and especially for blankets, and that he had remembered to wear loose fitting jeans in case something like this would happen tonight. Though admittedly, he didn't expect it to be with a man, with this man. His man? Groaning low and deep at the feel of his cock wedging into the hot crack through only thin layers of cotton, Chris caressed Niko's cock through the blanket. He grabbed gently onto the tip of it and was deeply rewarded with a gasp and moan followed by a strong pump of hip and ass from Niko. He couldn't believe he was doing this, that he wanted to do this, and that he was so fired up from it. Chris kissed his way down Niko's jaw and to his neck, flicking his tongue out. He then proceeded to kiss his way to the crook of Niko's neck and shoulder, enjoying the gasp and shiver in response as he licked and sucked at this offering. Niko tipped his head back and to the side, urging Chris on with a hand his hair and an arm around his neck. Niko's hips became more insistent, and Chris groaned and bit down while sucking at Niko's neck. Niko decided to up the ante too, and started making lazy circles with his ass on Chris' straining member, as he whimpered and shook at the feel of teeth on his neck. Chris hummed with rising pleasure and delight, he bite and sucked even hard, then almost came in his pants when Niko started making these adorable gasping whimpers.

Chris slowed and pulled back a little, and Niko lowered his face with an inquiring eyebrow raised. The look made Chris giggle in amused pleasure which made Niko peel out in a round of laughter. They stared into each other’s eyes, catching their breaths. Then Niko took his shirt off, and Chris was mesmerized at the expanse of creamy, hairless flesh and dark erect nipples. Niko threw the shirt to the side, and then proceeded to remove Chris' t-shirt. Chris gasped out a moan as Niko ran his hands up his sparsely haired chest, and started to rub and pinch Chris' erect nipples. One of Niko's hands moved down to Chris' crotch, and as his fingers tickled through Chris' dark happy trail on its way to the treasure at the end, Chris resumed kissing Niko and continued pumping his cock which elicited another, deeper, moan from Niko.

Chris felt Niko's hand slip inside his jeans and grasp the base of his throbbing cock, which almost made him nut right then and there. Chris broke their kiss and stilled the hand on Niko's member as he stared wide eyed into Nikos jewel like eyes, in total bliss at the feel of bare flesh on his hot member.

Niko started slowly pumping and squeezing the base of Chris' cock, and their eyes drank in the other’s pleasure as they both moaned at the same time, staring into the depths of each other’s eyes. Chris slowly pumped his hips up into Niko's hand, biting his lip in the effort not to bust right there. Niko stopped and it was Chris' turn to have a question in his open eyes as he watched Niko lean forward.

"I believe you wanted to know what my lips would feel like on your cock. You wanted to know what it would look like to see my head and mouth moving lovingly on your staff. I think, then, you would love to know that I, sir, do not have a gag reflex." Niko whispered in Chris ear, and when he heard that last part, Chris' hips and cock jerked.

'They actually fucking jerked!' Chris exclaimed to himself. Niko giggled and continued to wear that Cheshire grin. Chris couldn't wait!

To be continued....grinz


More Gay Erotic Stories from MysticViking13

Spellbound, Part 1

Chris is an all amerian str8 boy. But in one night his whole world will change, forever.

Spellbound, Part 2

Spellbound, Part 2: All Steve got was that one thrust, and Chris was torn up about that for a long time after, before he burst through the door. Chris slammed his way into Niko's room, livid with rage. Rage at himself for waiting as long as he had. Rage at Steve for violating someone this way. And Chris was filled with a perverse envy that Steve had gotten to be with Niko, that Steve was

Spellbound, Part 3

Spellbound Continued

Spellbound, Part 4

Spellbound, Part 4:“Wow.” Chris deadpanned.“You needed to know Chris, even if it freaks you out. As I said, our most binding law is to never cause harm with our magick. We have the ability to shape the world to our will Christian. And in eons past, we did. The Grand Canyon? That was one of us having a temper tantrum, so far in the past that even our records no longer hold their name.


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