Gay Erotic Stories

My Life With Drew Brees Part 3

by Kylr79
16 May 2011

Celebrity Fantasy Man Meets His Man

My Life With Drew Brees

***Author’s note: I do not know the sexual preference of any of the person or persons written about in this story. Also, do not imply the sexual preference of any character’s written about in this story. Also, this story is completely pure fiction. I don’t know the real life story of the person this story is about. This story also includes men performing sexual acts so, if you are not the legal age in your state or part of the world. If not, please refrain from reading further. Also, the middle name that I actually use in this story is NOT my actual middle name, so not to completely draw stalkers. As always comments and suggestions are welcomed to my e-mail, Thank you and please enjoy.***

Part 3: More Vacation Fun

After our shower we got dressed and got ready to hit the streets for some drinks and fun. Drew called down to the concierge to have them pull around our car. After that, we turned out the lights in the room and headed out the door. During our solo travel down the elevator to the lobby I grabbed Drew and kissed the fuck out of him. It was one amazing kiss. We arrived at the lobby, and we broke the kiss, exited the elevator, and walked to the door. Of course we had to stop so that Drew could sign a few autographs for vacationing fans. (I guess that comes with the territory of dating a football stud) We finally reached the door, and thankfully Drew had the foresight to call down and have the car brought around because as soon as we stepped out of the door the sweat began dripping down our bodies. We got in the car and headed out.

I looked over to him in the driver’s seat and asked, “Where are we going, hun?” He replied, “It’s a surprise and you will find out when we get there.”

As we continued driving, I reached over and took his hand into mine, and set in onto my lap. (Luckily we rented a car with automatic transmission and a bench seat that had a flip up arm rest). As he drove, I got an idea for something that I had never tried before, but had always wanted to. Knowing that he very rarely wore underwear aside from game days and for special occasions made the idea seem all the better. I took my hand from his and reached over to his crotch and started massaging his cock through his jeans. I felt his cock begin to stir to life. Liking what I was doing to him, he decided to reach over and start massaging my cock through my cargo pants. After a few moments of massaging his big monster in his jeans I reached over, undid his belt, unbuttoned his jeans, and unzipped his pants. After doing that I took his meaty cock into my hand and started stroking it. He started moaning, loving what I was doing to him. As we came to a traffic light that just turned red, he came to a stop and undid my cargos and took my cock out of the flap of my underwear and took my cock in his hand and started stoking it. Our dicks continued to grow to full mast as we were jerking each other off. We took off as the light changed to green and I took my next cue from him really beginning to moan louder. I took off my seatbelt, and leaned over and took his 8.5 inch beer can into my mouth and started sucking it. He said, “Damn this is so fucking hot what you’re doing right now babe. My wife would never think about doing something like this to me. I’m going to have to find somewhere secluded so we can really get into this.” I took my cue that I should stop for the time being. I didn’t want him to cum just yet. He quickly found a dirt road that led off the main road and turned down it and turned off the headlights and drove down the road. After deciding that we were sufficiently off the road he stopped the car and turned off the motor as to not attract any undue attention to us and the car. He turns to me and says, “K.J. (as those are the initials of my first and middle names, which are Kyle and Jerrod which from a young age everyone has resorted to calling me K.J. as opposed to Kyle) lets continue where we left off.” We quickly shucked off our clothes. Drew attempted to climb out of the driver’s seat onto the actual seat, but couldn’t get out. So as to not draw attention to the car, turns the key to the accessory mode so that he can quickly change the car settings to not allow the interior lights to go on when he opens the door and then turns the key back to the off position. He then opens the door, climbs out, and, then climbs onto of the seat, closes the door, and dives onto my dick. He takes it completely into his mouth and starts licking the underside of my cock with his tongue causing me to moan out in extreme pleasure. I look over at him and notice that his ass is in the air as he’s working my fuck stick with his mouth. Seeing this I take my cue. I take my finger and put it in my mouth to get it moistened up, reach around him, and start teasing his hole with my finger. After a few moments of teasing, I start putting my finger into his hole. This causes him to moan, sending vibrations down my cock, and electricity to shoot through my body. After fingering him while he’s sucking my cock for about 10 minutes he stops and says to me, “Baby I want you to fuck me.”

As if I couldn’t make this any hotter another idea popped into my head. I replied, “I want you to beg for it.” He looked into my eyes with sad puppy dog eyes and said, “Baby, I need your big cock in my ass. Please give me your cock in my ass. I NEED it in my hole badly.” I nodded and had him turn on the accessory mode on the car so that I could recline the seat and had him recline his, too. Then taking my cue I slid towards the middle of the car, and he attempted to climb on my cock. However, considering that I’m 6’1” tall and he is 6’ tall the car wasn’t big enough, and we didn’t get a convertible this wasn’t going to work. Not to be deterred to give my stud what he wanted so badly, I quickly came up with another solution. Noticing that there was NOTHING around as we were miraculously in the middle of no where and having been here for quite some time the engine should have cooled off enough. I suggested that we get out of the car and that we try to be quiet. We quickly exited the car and. I had him climb up on the hood, put his legs on my shoulders and I started fucking him. Being completely turned on by all of what was happening so far I knew I wouldn’t last much longer. I quickly grabbed his cock and started stoking him as I fucked his brains out. With all of the stimulation that I was giving his cock with my hand and giving his prostate with my cock he started shaking and his muscles started quivering in anticipation of his approaching orgasm. Taking my cue from this, I shoved my cock into him one last time as he started shooting 7 loads of cum on to his chest and stomach thus causing his fuck hole to clamp down on my cock. And this was all it took and I shot 5 loads of cum into his ass. Not ready to exit his hole yet, I leaned down and started licking the cum off of his body. It tasted just as I had expected it to. It was sweet as candy and had just a bit of tang to it. After a few short moments of relishing in our post orgasm high, he said, “Lets get out of here.”

We quickly got up, dressed, and back into the car. He started the engine, we quickly got the seats into the correct position and headed off.

After looking at the clock and noticing the time, Drew said to me, “I guess that took longer than I thought. Damn it’s already midnight. I guess we’d better head back to the hotel, since we have an early flight in the morning.”

We arrived back at the hotel spent and sweaty from the events that took place half an hour ago. Drew handed the keys to the valet and had them park the car. We headed into the hotel, walked across the lobby, headed into the elevator, and into our suite. Drew had me take a seat on the couch and headed into the bedroom. After a few minutes, he returned to the living room with a box in his hand. He got down on one knee and started shaking. He then spoke saying, “K.J. these last few months with you have been amazing. I love spending every minute I can with you. I can’t think of anyone else I would even want to say this to. K.J., I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Kyle Jarrod…will you marry me?” I thought for a minute then asked, “What about your wife?” He replied, “I know that I have to keep up the deal I have with her and have to make certain charitable appearances with her and what not, but everything else I will give to you. Although, I will have to continue to give her monthly payments to keep her comfortable, and allow her to keep the house and visit once in a while to see my children. Everything else and I do mean everything else will be yours. I don’t give a fuck about even staying at that house anymore and I have spoken to her about it and she is completely understanding about it and even told me, ‘As long as you’re happy, I will be happy for you. Just remember our legal agreement and I will keep my peace.’ Also, to make sure that she keeps her end of the bargain, I secretly installed cameras that record everything that goes on in our house in every room to make sure that she doesn’t bring another man into the house. And the video is remotely sent to our apartment, so that I can review them. And, had the lawyer draft a new agreement that if she ever brings a man into the house all other agreements will become null and void. Furthermore she will lose EVERYTHING. The house, rights to the children, her monthly support. And as far as her talking to the press about you and me I also have something in my back pocket so to speak that will make it so that no one will believe it. I hope you understand that. I can’t have this ruining my career.” I thought for a few moments. I knew I would want to shout something like this from the rooftops, but I also knew that if word of our relationship would completely ruin his career and although I’m not greedy by any means I wouldn’t want him to lose his job. After letting his words settle in for another minute or so. I said, “Of course Drew, I will marry you.:

He got up and said, “I almost thought you were going to say no. I was so worried that I was going to lose you to this.: I said, “I thought about it and I wouldn’t want to leave you. I love you, your tight ass, and everything you’ve done for me in these last few months. Now get over here you and give me a kiss.: He sat on the couch and we made out for a few minutes. Then he said, “Lets get to bed 9 am comes early and we have a flight to catch.” Before I could protest to having to go back to reality, he put a finger to my lips and said, “You don’t want me to get fined for not showing up to practice do you?”

I knew he was right and besides after our two hot fuck sessions that evening I was quite spent and ready to hit the hay. We both got up and headed to the bedroom. We quickly shucked our clothes. I headed to the bathroom to piss as he laid down on the bed. I returned to the bedroom and noticed he was sleeping already, with a huge smile across his face, and, that he was quietly snoring with that cute little snore that he does when he just fell asleep. I climbed into bed next to him, laid my head on his chest. Which caused him to stir just a little bit. He said to me, “Good night babe. I love you.” I replied, “Love you too, babe. Good night.”

We both drifted off to sleep. Later that morning we got up. Packed our things, got checked out of the hotel, and headed back to New Orleans and back to reality.

(To be continued)

As always, thanks for reading. Any comments and suggestions are welcomed to my e-mail,


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