Gay Erotic Stories

My Life with Prince Harry: Part 4

by Kylr79
27 Sep 2012

Celebrity Fantasy

Life with Prince Harry: Chapter 4 We arrived at Kensington Palace within a short period of time. Luckily, being early afternoon, traffic wasn’t as bad as it had been this morning. We exited the limo and headed inside. We walked to Harry’s apartment. Along the way, Harry pointed out a few things about the Palace. He even ran down a list of the other Royals who had apartments there. He also noted that apartment 1A, the former residence of the Queen’s sister and his Great Aunt, Princess Margaret, was now undergoing renovation and that his brother and Catherine hoped to move in sometime in 2013. We finally reached his apartment. He opened the door and we walked in. He closed and locked the door behind him. It was a modest one bedroom apartment, well, as modest as it gets for a Royal, Keaton supposed. The tour took a few moments a decent sized living room, a bathroom that really needed some updating, a bedroom with a queen size bed, a kitchenette with a small table and two chairs and that was about it. Still, given the size of the rooms and how tastefully decorated they were, Keaton liked the space immediately. Harry invited Keaton to park his butt wherever he liked while he, borrowing Keaton’s phone, made a call. He spoke to one of the many staff members of the Household. As Keaton sat waiting for his Prince to complete his call a little fact suddenly popped into his head. For some stupid reason he remembered being told by someone that at the latest count there are over 121 people directly engaged in the service of the Prince of Wales. Keaton already knew that there were seven in the service of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry with him now becoming number eight. While he had no idea who Harry was talking to, he watched as Harry drew a piece of paper from his pocket. Then, to Keaton’s amazement, Harry was reading off Keaton’s clothing and shoe sizes. The last thing he heard was the direction to make a reservation for dinner. When he rung off, Harry walked over and returned the phone. Harry was in the mood for some wine and after asking if KJ would share a glass with him, he went over to the fridge to get a bottle of chilled wine. Keaton realized that he had not bothered with his phone for some time, so he turned it on and noticed that he had received multiple phone and text messages over the last few days. With Harry’s permission, he headed off to the bedroom to respond to his texts and return a few of the phone calls. Once finished, he headed back to the living room. Once back seated comfortably on the couch again, Harry handed him a glass of wine. Then, with the grin of the Cheshire cat in Alice & Wonderland, Harry started handing him things. The first thing he gave Keaton was a set of keys. These keys were to Kensington Palace and his or rather, their private apartment. Also included on the ring were the keys to Clarence house and his rooms there. Next, Harry produced a new cell phone. It was the same as his current iPhone, but it had a new phone number for me in England. He, or someone, had taken the liberty of transferring Keaton’s contacts from his American iPhone to his new British one as well. For the first time in a long while, I was completely speechless. Once he clued into the fact that I was speechless, he spoke up, “Also, if you need to get out on your own from time to time, here is a credit card for your use. All bills used in the course of your official duties will be taken care of by the Crown. The bill will go directly to the Comptroller of the Household. Normally this wouldn’t happen, but since we’re together, I was able to pull some strings for you. Also, since you don’t have your own car, a car and driver will be provided for you as needed. The number is stored in your phone. Everyone knows you’re on board now so, if you’re in the apartment here or at Clarence House and you need the assistance of a member of Staff, just pick up the phone and you will be connected with the appropriate person.” I was still in shock, everything that had happened so far throughout the day was still buzzing in my head. It was a lot to digest. I suddenly felt the need to get some air. “Harry, I’m going to take a walk. I need to get some air. With all of the things that have happened today, my head is just swirling.” “Do you want me to go with you?” he asked out of concern “No thank you, Sir. I think I’d like to explore by myself. I will take my phone with me in case I do get lost.” “Don’t forget what I told you, KJ. When we are alone, you can lose the formality.” “Give me a little time, I’ll get used to it, I’m sure.” “If you’re interested in looking at some paintings, or going up to the Roof Garden, I’ll give you the directions. If you like paintings the King’s Gallery is the place to go. If you just want to sit and contemplate your naval, the Roof Garden that I played in as a child is great”, said Harry as he took a pad and wrote out the directions. Giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, I took my leave of my Prince and started walking the halls of this beautiful and magnificent historical palace some of which could trace its history back to the 17th century. I walked down a few hallways and tried to keep track of my steps so that I could remember how to get back to the apartment. I was admiring the decorations and artwork as I went. Then, as he entered the King’s Gallery, out of the corner of his eye he spotted an older man whose hands were comfortably tucked behind his back being followed by a man in uniform and a man in plain clothes. They were on their way to another door at the far end of the Gallery. Keaton didn’t feel as if he should interfere so he just continued walking. One of the trio must have spotted him and said something to the older man who turned to look but instead of turning back to continue on his, he started walking in my direction. In a few moments we caught up with each other. We stopped a few feet apart and he said in a very matter-of-fact tone, “I’m not sure the Gallery is open to the general public just yet. Are you lost?” Suddenly Keaton realized who it was. For the second time that day he began to sweat. “I’m technically not part of the general public anymore, Your Royal Highness”, he said. Prince Philip again put his hands behind his back, as is his custom, and appeared for a moment to be taken aback by the response of the younger man standing before him. “Have we met?” “No, Sir. My apologies, I hope I didn’t offend you.” “I accept your apology but you certainly didn’t offend me”, he said with a twinkle in his eye. But, now I am curious as to who you are and why you are wandering these halls.” “Well, Sir, I am Keaton Colton of the United States.” “Fancy that. But that only brings me back to my original question. What are you, Mr. Keaton Colton of the United States doing walking around inside Kensington Palace?” Keaton started to stutter but Prince Phillip looked at him more like a kindly grandfather than an inquisitor. He began to relax. “This morning, Sir, Her Majesty, the Queen appointed me to be the Aide de Camp to your grandson, Prince Harry.” Phillip’s facial expression changed. “But I thought that Harry’s new ADC was a Canadian?” he stated matter-of-factly. I couldn’t help but grin at his sudden confusion. “I am now, Sir”. “Someday, you will have to explain that to me. In the meantime, you can enlighten me as to why you are walking around the corridors of Kensington Palace?” “Without any fear at all, Keaton went on to explain how the events of today had his brain going a million directions at once and how he had decided to take a walk around and clear his head.” “Yes, I can understand that. All new, isn’t it?” “Yes, Sir.” “Walk with me for a little bit, Keaton.” “Yes, Sir, as you wish." “First of all, young man, I’m sure you know that you have ruffled a few feathers by becoming Harry’s Aide de Camp over the heads of some of his mates serving in other regiments, especially that of his regiment, the Blues & Royals. “I can assume that, sir.” The Prince, not bothering to look at Keaton but staring straight ahead said, “That being said you better hope you are damn good at what you do because when you meet them they will give you a hard time about it.” “I would expect that, Sir. You have nothing to be concerned about. I have had plenty of training with the American Army and in the civilian arena with my last job at the security firm I worked at before coming here.” “Not only am I concerned with you protecting him while is actively serving our country but I also mean privately. As I am sure you are aware his mother, the late Princess Diana, was hounded almost daily by the paparazzi. Luckily, my son, Prince Charles, has been able to keep some of them away from the boys. But, as I am sure you have seen, there have been some very unflattering pictures of my grandson that have got out through the tabloids and other media. It would be a blessing if no more of these happened.” “Not to worry, sir. I will make my best efforts to make sure that your grandson is kept safe.” “Thank you for that. I’m not sure what other things you have going on with my grandson, and frankly, so long as it never makes its way into the press that is none of my concern. So, let me ask you a question.” “Ask away, Sir.” “Have you ever heard of Diego Garcia, Keaton?” “No, Sir, I have not.” “Well, I will say this; I am very, VERY protective of my grandson and my family. You would do well to remember that at all times. If anything ever comes out in the press unfavourable of my grandson due to you fumbling, your next trip will be to Diego Garcia. You would be making it home for quite some time and, I would suspect, it will be a most unpleasant stay for you. I would liken it to a trip to where do you call it?” “Are you talking about Guantanamo Bay, Sir?" "Just so, Keaton. So, if you catch my drift, if you cock up or otherwise make me unhappy with you, you will be sent to Diego Garcia. And since I am sure that you are now in the employ of the Crown, there will be nothing that your American government will be able to do about your being sent there. Do I make myself clear, Keaton?” "Yes, Sir. You are completely clear, Sir. Absolutely no fuck ups, Sir.” The Prince let out a slight chuckle then, extending his hand, he said, “Well, I best be getting on. It has been a pleasure meeting you, Keaton. Just remember our little chat, and I am sure you will do just fine.” I take Prince Phillips hand and nod my head, “It has been a pleasure meeting you as well, Sir. I will keep our conversation in mind at all times. And again I assure you, I will do my best to look after him.” I watch Prince Phillip and those accompanying him retreat down the corridor. Once they pass through the doors and finds himself alone again, Keaton continued to slowly walk along the Gallery looking at some of the absolutely beautiful paintings a while longer before heading back to the apartment. Somehow, without a clue how, I remembered and with all of the things running through my head, I was able to make it back to Harry’s bachelor pad without any problems. He went to turn the handle on the door, but found it locked. Luckily, I’d taken my keys when I left. I unlocked the door and stepped in. Once in, I closed the door and relocked it. I walked over to the coffee table and see a note from Harry. It said, ‘Keaton, I went off to a quick meeting. I will be back shortly. While you were gone, the steward brought up your new clothes and a selection of shoes. There is a collection of things I thought you would need. Included are suits, dress shirts, casual clothing, workout clothing, dress shoes, socks, underwear, t-shirts, and a few other things that I can’t remember right now. Hanging clothes are in the closet, as are the shoes. All other clothing is in the chest of drawers. Also, your Canadian Army uniforms have been delivered to Clarence House together with whatever else Major Trimble thought you might need. Make yourself comfortable and I will be back soon.’ Keaton walked into the bedroom and took a look at his new wardrobe and was pleasantly surprised. Somehow, they knew his tastes. He checked out the dresser drawers and noticed even the details continued as his underwear drawer was filled with his favourite underwear brand, AussieBums. After he was done going through his new clothing, he grabbed a pair of basketball shorts he had been provided. He took off his suit jacket and pants and hung them up in the closet. Next, he took off his tie and put it in the closet. Then, he unbuttoned his shirt and put it in what he assumed was the dirty clothes basket. He removed his underwear and, using a basketball pose, he tossed them to join his shirt. When Keaton was at home, he liked to wear as little clothing as possible. He certainly didn’t think Harry would mind. He slipped on the basketball shorts and headed back into the living room and turned on the telly. The events of the day must have caught up with him because he must have nodded off shortly after sitting on the couch. He didn’t hear Harry return. He woke some time later to Harry resting his head on his chest while his hand was rubbing KJ’s rapidly rising cock through his shorts. Yup, KJ knew he could get used to waking up like this every single day. “Well”, says Harry taking hold of both cheeks, “It looks like someone is finally awake. Now we can take care of something that has been bothering me all day.” A smile crosses KJ’s face and he likes where the randy Prince’s thinking is going. “Well, then baby”, Keaton replies as he raises his head to kiss Harry, “I want you to strip for me.” Letting go of Keaton’s cheeks, Harry stands and walks over to the telly. He turns it off. Then, he walks over to the stereo and turns on some dance music. Satisfied with his choice of music, he walks back over stand in front of the couch and starts doing a strip tease routine. He slowly and seductively removes all of his clothing until he is completely naked. Then, he leans forward to take hold of Keaton’s shorts and pulls them off. The dance music is still playing in the background as Harry kneels between his lover’s legs. Leaning forward, he starts gently kissing and licking his way around KJ’s belly button. Keaton’s cock is rock hard and dripping torrents. Harry’s not in any big hurry to take the offered cock into his mouth. He does swirl his tongue around the head but then slides down one side and up the other of this magnificent emblem of manhood. He’s back at the tip again swiping off the bubble of precum that has formed and again slides his tongue down. Once he reaches the bottom of the stock he gently takes one of the beautiful egg shaped balls into his mouth and begins lovingly licking it with his tongue. Above him, Keaton is thrashing his head from side to side moaning from the work over first the one and then the other of his balls is getting from Harry. After a few minutes, Harry allows the second ball to gently drop out of his mouth and gently tongues the taint area working his way slowly towards Keaton’s ass. He tried to get at KJ’s hole without success. “Hmmmmmmm” he murmurs in desperation. “Let’s move things to the bedroom, K.J.” Harry pulls Keaton to his feet and head to the bedroom. Once in there, they resume the business at hand. “K.J., bend over the bed.” whispers Harry. KJ walks over to the bed and bends over putting his ass in the air for his lover to ravish. Harry walks over and bending down on one knee, he starts giving a tongue bath to his ass and crack. Harry’s in no great hurry. He’s enjoying the feast laid out before him. Harry’s begins concentrating on tongue fucking KJ can’t stop moaning as little by little the tip of Harry’s tongue eases into his rosebud. KJ loves nothing more than when someone eats his ass and Harry is certainly a connoisseur of great ass eating. After about five minutes or maybe more, who was bothering to keep track, Harry stops working over his hole with his tongue and Keaton begins protesting. “Harry, baby, please tongue my ass some more.” “K.J., I’d love to, but I can’t anymore. My tongue is starting to cramp.” “Okay,” I say with a bit of a pout in my voice. “I’m sure that you will like what I’m about to do next.” “We’ll see about that, Harry.” Harry gets up from his spot on the floor and walks over to the nightstand. Opening a drawer, he reaches in and grabs a couple things, closes it, and, walks back over to where I’m laying on the bed. Next, he opens the lid to something, KJ’s not sure what it is, but he can only assume it’s a bottle of lube. Harry, squeezes some onto KJ’s ass, closes the bottle and sets it on the floor. Then, taking his finger and passing it through the lube, he slowly and tantalizingly rubs his finger across KJ’s now winking hole. Resting the tip of his finger at the entrance, Harry starts a slow, almost exotic, circular motion with his finger that allows his finger to enter KJ’s waiting hole. The subject of this royal attention KJ begins moaning again. Harry definitely knows what he’s doing back there and is really working over poor KJ’s hole with his magical finger. Within a few moments, he adds a second finger that slides along the first into the hole. And then it happens, Harry hits KJ’s prostate and begins rubbing it back and forth. KJ begins purring like a kitten while Harry softly murmurs, “Nice pussy, sweet pussy. Soon going to be my pussy.” Without even touching himself, KJ’s is at full attention and leaking out copious amounts of precum. After about five minutes or so, Harry removes his fingers from his hole. KJ hears him grab something off the floor and stand up. Next, he hears the unmistakeable sound of a condom wrapper being ripped open. Harry pulls it out and rolls it down his cock. Then, KJ hears him as he lathers put more lube on his cock. Next, Harry bends forward over his prize and lines his cock up with KJ’s hole and slowly, in tantalizing slow motion, he pushes the head of his cock into the expectant pussy. Slowly, inch by magnificent inch, the royal cock slides forward, stopping for a few seconds, withdrawing a little, moving forward some more. We begin moaning together in unison. KJ moans from the pleasure his hole is receiving from being filled by his mate’s princely cock. Harry is moaning from the pure ecstasy of conquering KJ’s ass and from the pleasure KJ’s hole is giving to his cock as he slowly, with no sense of urgency, slides his cock back and then forward until KJ can feel the hair of Harry’s bushy but trimmed ginger pubic hair that surrounds his magnificent cock against the globes of his ass. They lay there with KJ totally covered by the body of his young and virile Prince for a few sweet minutes. But KJ is starting to get impatient. He wants to be fucked by his Prince and so after a few blissful minutes, he flips himself over onto his back without removing Harry’s cock from his ass or missing a beat. “That was fucking brilliant. How did you manage to do that without removing my cock from your ass?” “I’m very skilled like that and have had a little practice.” "Nice. I wonder how many other skills I’ll get to enjoy.” “Only time will tell, my Prince.” KJ whispers as he pulls Harry down to him so he can kiss him as he’s being right royally fucked. After a few minutes of slow fucking, KJ lets him break the kiss. Harry nestles his head in the crook of KJ’s head and begins some real thrusting in and out of his hungry hole. Its back to where just the head is inside that a power drive to hit bottom. Again and again KJ receives the power fucking of his young prince. With all of the stimulation that his body is receiving, it doesn’t take much before KJ starts spasming in orgasm shooting my loads between their bodies. Once, Harry feels KJ firing off under him, he slams home into that lovely warm pussy below him and KJ can feel him pump shot after glorious shot of cum deep into his bowels. They lay there in the afterglow of a good sex romp for quite a while. Neither seemed to want nor in a hurry to make the first move. Slowly, the embedded cock shrinks and slides out of KJ’s well fucked ass. But, neither takes notice because both the young lovers have slipped into a restful sleep. To be continued…

***Thank you all for reading. As always, please feel free to make suggestions or comments. My e-mail address is***


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