Gay Erotic Stories

Snatched and Sold

by Ssffww
06 Feb 2012


Phoenix rushed out of the mall, gym bag slung over one shoulder, and sprinted towards the far lot where employees parked. He was pissed at Joe, his manager, for making him stay late. It had not been that busy. Brendan could have handled the bar alone. Now he was late to meet Kitty, which might mean no pussy tonight.

Phoenix had worked at the Bull & Bear for almost three years now, so he had seniority, and felt Joe should respect that, and cut him some slack. Like all restaurants at the mall, Bull & Bear was largely staffed by university students, so turnover was high, and three years was a long time.

It was Phoenix’s senior year and he had no clue what he was going to do after graduation. He needed Kitty to ground him, to focus him, to keep him sane; or perhaps he just needed the sex. Either way, she was going to be pissed at him and he was going to have to kiss her ass all night if he was going to get some. Oh well, if that's what he had to do, then that's what he had to do. There was no way he was going to go home alone and jack off tonight.

By the time Phoenix reached his Mustang, he was a bit winded. He dug his keys out of his bag. Some asshole had parked their van so close to his car that he could barely squeeze in to reach the door. It was so cramped that he fumbled his keys, and almost dropped them, before he got them into the lock.

Before he could turn the key, the van's door slid open, and a sweaty palm clamped hard over his mouth. A wiry arm wrapped about his chest and pinned his left arm to his side. Phoenix dropped his gym bag.

A second dude, larger and rougher than the first, joined the fray. He seized Phoenix’s right arm and twisted it up tight between Phoenix’s shoulder blades, then burrowed his free hand down the seat of Phoenix’s sweatpants, snatched Phoenix by the nuts, and squeezed so hard that for a second Phoenix thought he might pass out. Phoenix fought to break free and shouted at the bastards to get off him, but his cries were stifled by the hand over his mouth.

It all happened in a flash. Before he could recover to defend himself, Phoenix was dragged into the van, and pinned on his belly. Frantic to escape, he bucked hard, kicked and thrashed, and strained to free his arms, all the while cursing his attackers. The sadistic bastard on his nuts would not let up. Phoenix’s ears started to ring. Something cold and hard, a gun he suspected, was pressed into the back of his head. The gunman slid the van’s door shut with the toe of his boot and locked it.

“Don’t do anything stupid and you won’t get shot,” he said with a smirk.

With a gun to his head and his nuts in a vice, Phoenix could not think straight. Before he figured out his next move, his wrists were seized, and cinched tight behind his back with a pair of hard, plastic handcuffs. The gunman removed his hand from Phoenix’s mouth and shoved Phoenix’s face into his crotch. Phoenix caught a whiff of its stale musk and almost puked. The bastard pinned him and would not let him up, so he held his breath.

The burly bastard straddled Phoenix about the waist, grabbed Phoenix’s calf, and bent Phoenix's leg back so painfully far that Phoenix's heel touched his ass. Phoenix thrashed about, desperate not to be any further hobbled, and kicked at the bastard’s face. He got off a couple of glancing blows, but they just annoyed his attacker more. The bastard yanked off Phoenix’s sneaker and sock, drew Phoenix’s foot up to his mouth, and bit Phoenix hard on the heel. Phoenix shrieked into the faggot’s crotch.

“What the fuck!” The freak shoved Phoenix’s leg back to the floor, seized his other, and stripped its foot as well. Mercifully, he did not bite this time.

The bastards crammed Phoenix’s sweaty socks into his mouth and duct taped there, so Phoenix could not spit them back out. The burly freak who had bit him cuffed Phoenix’s right ankle, yanked it back tight to his back, ran the plastic cuff up under the cuff binding Phoenix’s wrists, wrested Phoenix’s left leg up, and cuffed its ankle too. Bound up like a human pretzel, Phoenix was starting to panic. He tugged frantically at the cuffs, but they would not give in the slightest. Still, he kept at it, because he no idea what else to do.

The gunman shoved his weapon into the waistband of his jeans, crawled up front, and drove them off into the night, while the biter freak remained in the back to paw him. Phoenix was not at all happy to be on the road with these two. He was rolled onto his side and the bastard brusquely groped his pecs through his t-shirt. The bastard called up front to his partner-in-crime.

“Not much in the way of a chest on this one. Tits are flat as pancakes. Feels like there might be a pair of big, juicy nips under here though. You got big titty toppers, boy?”

Phoenix resented being manhandled and treated like a piece of meat. He flew into a rage, struggled mightily to wrest free of the bastard’s gropes, but the faggot had probably thirty, maybe even forty pounds on him, and several inches. On a good day, Phoenix weighed in at just under two hundred pounds and was a couple of inches shy of six feet, so although no small fry, he could not match this gorilla.

“Get your fucking hands off me, you freak! I’m no faggot. Leave me alone! Let me go! Get the fuck off me, freak! I’ll fucking kick your ass if you don’t let me go right now!”

The sick faggot wrested Phoenix’s t-shirt up over his head and hooked it behind his neck, exposing Phoenix’s hairless chest. He traced his fat, faggot fingers over it in a lazy ‘S’. Phoenix made a supreme effort to back the freak off, but the fucker had him overpowered.

Phoenix started. The sadistic fucker had his embarrassingly large left nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He stretched it out almost an inch off Phoenix’s chest and gave it a hard wrench. Darts of pain shot through Phoenix. He arched his back and howled into his gag. The bastard sneered.

“That hurt, boy? Well, you better get used to it. You’re ours now and we can do whatever we want with you, whenever we want.”

Phoenix had to figure something out and quick. This was bad. The sadistic bastard released Phoenix’s nipple and Phoenix struggled to catch his breath. Phoenix racked his brain for a way out of this fix, thrashed about the floor of the van, and tugged against his bonds for all he was worth, but no matter how hard he strained, they would not give. He hated being at the mercy of these freaks, clueless as to what they wanted with him or why. It freaked him out.

The bastard snaked his hand down in-between Phoenix’s legs and snatched Phoenix by the junk. This was not a simple robbery or ransom demand, that was certain. Phoenix stiffened and twisted back over onto his belly, but the freak stayed on him, stroked Phoenix’s pecker through his sweat pants, and taunted him. “You like that, faggot? I bet you do. Little closet case. You just need a real man to take charge of your horny ass. Isn’t that right, queer bait?”

This was not happening. It was insane. Phoenix shrieked into his gag.

“What do you want? Why are you doing this to me? I’m no faggot! Let me go!”

The socks and tape diluted Phoenix’s protests to a muddled mess that fell on deaf ears. He kicked at the freak, popped him a good one on the nose. The big fucker wobbled back on his knees and swiped a drop of blood from his left nostril. He was pissed.

“I’ll teach you to kick me, you little homo!”

The freak released him, and Phoenix wormed his way over to the wall to get as far away from his attacker as he could. He heard rummaging and the clink of metal on metal, and craned his neck to see what the bastard was up to now. He hugged the wall of the van and held on tight. His ankles were seized. The bastard played tug of war with the van for several seconds, using Phoenix as the rope, until he finally brought an end to their skirmish by rolling Phoenix onto his side and pinning Phoenix’s ankle over his lap.

Phoenix wondered what the fuck was going on. The bastard slapped his wide sole barehanded several times, and hard too. Phoenix twisted his foot this way and that, desperate to avoid another smack, bit his lip, and stoically counted off twenty whacks, before he was finally overcome by the sting and cried out.

That seemed to excite the freak, who traded his hand for a long wooden rod, and pelted Phoenix’s helpless sole. The burn was exponentially more intense than the sting from the freak’s hand had been. Phoenix yelped and pitched about, panicked, but no matter how hard he thrashed, he could not break free. The freak let loose, pelted Phoenix’s helpless foot in fierce, staccato whacks, seven in all, that left Phoenix gasping for breath. It felt like his foot were being electrocuted and every nerve ending in his body went on high alert. Phoenix had no clue what was going on, or why, and right now did not give a shit, just prayed for it to end.

The freak released Phoenix’s right ankle, only to seize him by his left. Phoenix could not take any more of this shit. He kicked the freak in the shoulder with all his might. The freak pitched backwards and slammed into the wall, making the van rattle. For a moment, it seemed the freak might be dazed, but then his eyes flashed, and he shot back up onto his knees. Phoenix shuddered and wormed his way towards the front of the van. He had no plan, just knew he had to get out of the path of the bastard’s wrath.

His knees were seized and Phoenix was dragged backwards. He stiffened, bit his lower lip, and braced for the burn. The rod sliced across his helpless sole and he howled. The bastard let loose, whaled on Phoenix’s poor foot, and, after the first six blows, Phoenix’s howls had melded into one long wail of agony. He lost count after the first dozen and his beating was far from over. By the time the freak released him, his sole was a blazing inferno.

Phoenix was so pissed off. He hated being restrained, felt so defenseless and emasculated. If only he could figure out what these freaks wanted. He thrashed about and roared into his gag.

“I’m going to kick your ass, you motherfucker! That fucking hurt! Faggot!”

Phoenix tugged at his wrists with all his might and his mind raced. If he could only get these cuffs off, he would kick some ass. He glanced about the van, attempting to figure out what the burly freak was up to and where they were taking him, and worried the crazy freaks might have some queer shit planned. There was no fucking way he was down with that. The freak had said ‘you’re ours now.’ Phoenix fretted the bastards might be taking him somewhere to torture, or worse yet, kill him. He did not want to become a statistic, a thirty minute segment on some crime show that no one really remembers. He had to somehow figure his way out of this mess.

The freak seized the waistband of Phoenix’s sweats and wrested them down about his knees. Phoenix flushed from head to toe. He was not wearing any underwear. He had forgotten to bring a clean pair to change into after his shift, so he had just skipped them. His buttocks clenched.

The freak slapped Phoenix’s left cheek and Phoenix yelped. He rolled Phoenix onto his side and diddled Phoenix’s pecker. Phoenix bucked and squirmed, but could not escape the bastard’s taunts.

“Yep, just as I suspected,” said the freak, “We got us a micro-dick here. Bet little bit isn’t more than four inches fully boned.”

Phoenix flushed an even deeper crimson upon hearing his junk dissed. He had always assumed he was at least average. The driver chortled.

What happened next horrified him. The freak seized Phoenix by the pecker and slowly torqued it in firm, even strokes. Phoenix shuddered and struggled desperately to worm free. The freak popped him in the nuts several times, hard, and the bitter sting quickly convinced Phoenix to settle down and allow the freak to jack him off. Phoenix closed his eyes and tried to conjure up the most disgusting and unsexy thoughts he could muster, but it was no use. Despite his best efforts to resist, his pecker hardened in the freak’s fist. Phoenix struggled to inch away in an last ditch effort to break the freak’s hold, but the freak just yanked him back by the balls, and never missed a stroke.

The sick fucker accelerated to a frenzy, beat Phoenix’s meat raw. Phoenix bucked and thrashed for all he was worth, betrayed by his body’s urges. He had been so horny all day, but had not allowed himself to jerk off over his break, so tonight with Kitty would be that much more explosive. Now, his horny junk had a mind of its own. His nuts were so swollen they ached and, in spite of his best efforts to stave it off, he was going to blow any moment now.

The freak released Phoenix’s prick and Phoenix was left hanging. He humped air for several seconds afterwards in a pathetic and desperate attempt to bring himself off. He did not give a shit what these freaks thought, he simply had to come. No matter how hard he bucked, though, he could not thrust himself over the edge, and so he eventually collapsed in frustration.

The freak rummaged around a bit until he dug up a tape measure. He rolled it out alongside Phoenix’s boner, which was still stiff, but had calmed down enough by now that it could be touched without exploding.

“Yep, just shy of four inches.”

The freak wrapped the tape measure around Phoenix’s boner.

“And just a tad under two inches in girth. A genuine micro-dick.”

Phoenix could not believe this. The freak was measuring his junk. What kind of sick, twisted shit was going on here.

“We saw you at the mall last weekend, at that restaurant where you work. I immediately spotted your lack of a bulge, so I followed you into the men’s room to confirm my suspicions. I took the urinal next to you and stole a peek. Your shriveled pecker was so tiny and gross it made me sick. I told my buddy about you and he agreed an intervention was in order.”

The freak settled on the floor and drew Phoenix across his lap. Phoenix was so exhausted by this point, and his mind so blown, that he settled back and let the freak grope him. No matter how hard he tried, he made no headway in loosening his cuffs, and his struggles only served to piss the freak off.The freak’s rough, fat fingers played air guitar on Phoenix’s nuts and inner thighs.

“It’s for the good of the human race. Micro-Dicks like you must not be allowed to breed and pass your affliction on to a son. That wouldn’t be right, now would it?”

Phoenix swallowed hard. He could not believe what he was hearing. It was insane to think these freaks had stalked and kidnapped him because they thought his pecker was too small. Phoenix wondered how big a pecker should be. He had never really thought about it before. He had absolutely no interest in making it with a dude, in fact, the thought disgusted him, so he had never caught more than a passing glimpse of another’s junk in the locker room. Some were larger and some smaller, that he knew, but he had always assumed his fell somewhere in the middle. None of his girlfriends, and there had been several, had ever complained, but, come to think of it, none ever stuck around for more than a few screws either. The freak rolled Phoenix onto his belly and knelt beside him. Phoenix felt something wet trickle down in-between his buttocks. The freak swiped several fingers roughly up and down Phoenix’s butt-crack, slicked it with baby oil, Phoenix recognized its rancid scent. Phoenix writhed and squealed and tried to worm away on his belly, but the burly freak just seized him by the ankles and hauled him back, then slipped a leg over the small of Phoenix’s back, and pinned him. Phoenix thrashed and howled, desperate to save his ass. “Get your hands off me! I’ll fucking kill you! Let me go, you freak! Back off! Let me go! I’m not kidding, I’ll fucking kill you!”

The freak just laughed and raked a steely finger over Phoenix’s asshole. Phoenix jolted at the sudden shock of being touched down there and fought harder than ever to break free. The hard plastic cuffs about his wrists and ankles would not yield, though, and the harder he tugged on them, the more they pinched.

The freak drew Phoenix over his lap and pinned Phoenix beneath his thick, trunk- like leg. Phoenix squirmed, shifted his weight this way and that in a frantic attempt to slip free, but it was no use. He was pinned and at the mercy of the bastard. Phoenix did not want to get his ass raped. The very thought sent him into a panic. He had no clue how he was going to get out of this fix, but somehow he had to find a way.

The freak twisted a long, thick, furry finger up Phoenix’s butt and Phoenix lost it. Pinned on his belly, the only move he could think of to try was to pitch himself backwards and attempt to butt the freak with the crown of his head. Unfortunately, the freak was just out of reach and his efforts fell short. He switched tactics and aimed his heels at the bastard. He kicked hard, hoping to break the fucker’s nose, but the freak merely bobbed and wove just out of reach.

The freak ordered Phoenix to settle down, but Phoenix refused, so he snatched Phoenix by his shaggy, blondish mop, and slammed his face into the floor so hard that Phoenix tasted blood. Discombobulated, Phoenix lost all fight. The freak rammed his finger back inside Phoenix, pumped it in and out, deep and hard, and Phoenix just laid there and let the bastard.

“Just because you can’t be allowed to breed don’t mean a hot piece of ass like you has to go to waste.”

Phoenix could not figure out what he had done to deserve this hell. It was totally insane. These freaks were crazy and he was terrified of their next move.

“We got clients all around the world. Most run very exclusive resorts that cater to wealthy men with discriminating, if somewhat twisted, appetites for healthy, young studs to amuse themselves with. We are suppliers. We deal exclusively in micro- dicks such as yourself. You could say it’s our calling.”

The freak drove a second finger in alongside the first and the added stress on Phoenix’s sphincter sent darts of pain stinging outwards from his ass to tingle the very tips of his fingers and toes. Phoenix batted the air with his feet in frustration and wiggled his fat, stubby toes. He truly thought he was going to lose it. The pain and shame of having his ass mauled, coupled with the absurdity of the tale the freak spun, was just too much. Salty tears stung the corners of his eyes.

“But there are other suppliers, too. Some deal in young criminal elements, some runaways, some gym rats, some fags, some mere unfortunates who are in the wrong place at the wrong time, or right time, depending upon your perspective.” The freak scissored his fingers wide inside Phoenix, which instantly sent Phoenix into another fit, and then twisted a third finger into the mix. Phoenix thrashed and flailed, and erupted in sobs. He could not help himself. The pain was insufferable. “Ow! Cut it out! Ouch! Ow! Ow! That really hurts! Stop it! Leave my ass alone! Argh, God!” The bastard just shushed him and continued with his story.

“Hell, we know one supplier who deals mostly in wealthy young punks who are either taken as a vendetta against their family or, in the case of a rare few, sold by their parents for being slackers and embarrassments. Can you imagine being sold into slavery by your own parents? That’s real Old Testament shit.” That was the most absurd thing Phoenix had ever heard and he would have dismissed it outright as the ridiculous rant of a lunatic, if not for the fire in his ass. Listening to this twisted tale of men being sold into sexual slavery while his ass was getting raped somehow added an air of authenticity to the freak’s words. It was crazy, but Phoenix began to wonder if these bastards might actually think they could sell him. In less than an hour, his life had sure taken an absurd twist. “I heard this one couple sold their twenty-something twins and the brothers were forced to whore as a duo. Now that’s twisted.” The freak abruptly ripped his fingers from Phoenix’s ass. Phoenix shuddered and groaned. His tortured bowels were ablaze. The freak wafted his fingers under Phoenix’s nose and Phoenix thought he would hurl from the stench of his own shit. “You sure have one dirty cunt, boy. We need to give you a fill and flush later.” The freak crawled away and Phoenix heard him digging around. When he returned, he held a fat, bulbous rubber stopper looking thing that appeared to have some kind of lubricate rubbed all over it. The freak pressed the hard thing against Phoenix’s shitter and Phoenix’s eyes flew wide. It had not occurred to him until that moment what the bastard had planned. He flailed and shrieked for all he was worth, pitched his head frantically from side to side, and howled into his gag. “No! No! No! Please don’t! Don’t do this! Oh my God, no! It’ll kill me!” “But you’ll die happy.” The freak seized Phoenix by the pecker and Phoenix flushed at the realization that he had a boner. “You’re having the time of your life, you little faggot! Don’t lie.” Phoenix thought for certain this time he would lose his mind. He was so ashamed and confused and repulsed that he didn’t know what to feel. His ass was getting raped, for Christ’s sake, and it hurt like holy hell, yet, he had a boner. That was just twisted. Something must be the matter with him. The freak twisted the stopper about the entrance to Phoenix’s shitter and steadily increased his pressure, until Phoenix’s poor, battered sphincter snapped and took it in. Phoenix yowled. It felt like an ostrich egg or a kiddie-sized football was being rammed up his ass. His throat burned from screaming so hard. He could not take much more of this shit. His asshole was painfully and unnaturally stretched wider and wider with every inch that sank inside him, until Phoenix thought the repugnant thing was going to split him in two. Suddenly, his ass swallowed the thing whole and close tight around its base. Phoenix shrieked louder than ever. His ears rang and he was literally blinded by tears. He was so distraught that he failed to notice the freak had retrieved the rod until it suddenly sliced across his right buttock. Phoenix screeched. The freak demanded he count off ten whacks and Phoenix did so without pause, terrified of pissing the freak off. The blows seared his flesh. He flailed this way and that, frantic to avert the sting, but it was no use. Each time he struggled, the stopper wedged inside his bowels shifted and painfully rack his innards. Each blow landed harder than the one before, the tenth so fierce it sent Phoenix into spasms. Trapped in this vicious cycle of pain and humiliation, defenseless, exhausted, and so dazed and confused he couldn’t think, Phoenix collapsed in sobs. The freak spun him around on his belly and made Phoenix count off ten whacks to his left buttock. After the first three, Phoenix mercifully drifted off. It was like he was floating up by the ceiling and looking down on his beating. He was so overwhelmed that he just wanted to sleep.


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