Gay Erotic Stories

Snatched and Sold - Chapter Two

by Ssffww
06 Feb 2012


When Phoenix came to he was cradled in midair by a network of ropes that crisscrossed his naked body and held him aloft. He craned his neck over one shoulder to peer up at the ceiling and noted that the various strands braided into one long, thick rope that ran up through hooks in the ceiling and down again to wrap around a spindle mounted in the wall, which was operated by a hand crank. Something hard and bulbous was stuffed up his ass and it burned like holy hell. Everything flooded back--his being dragged into that van, stripped and tortured, and finally raped by the rubber stopper. His heart sank.

He fought with the ropes, but they were too tight, strained to lift himself up and out of the sling, but the weight of his own body made that impossible. He could do nothing but dangle there and dog paddle the air. It was an insidiously simplistic means of keeping him secured, defenseless and exposed, for whatever torment those two freaks had planned.

Phoenix racked his brain for any sign that he might have missed which could have tipped him off to the danger he had walked into. He could not shake the feeling that this was somehow his fault. He had no memory of seeing either of his captors before, so if they had been watching him, as they claimed, they must have been discreet. There had been nothing suspicious about their van, except for it being parked so close to his car, and that was certainly nothing that should have tipped him off. They had surprised him, certainly, but he had put up one hell of a fight once he recovered. Unfortunately, that had been too late. If only he had reacted immediately, he might have gotten away. Once the freaks had dragged him into their van, they quickly overpowered him. They were ruthless and they had a gun. There was nothing more he could have done. His arms and legs ached, his ass was an inferno, and Phoenix was trussed up like a pig for slaughter. It infuriated him. He pitched about and howled at the top of his lungs.

“You assholes better let me down! I’m warning you. I’m going to kill you when I get out of here. Come on, you sick freaks, you’ve had your fun, now let me go!”

His curses and threats echoed off the walls, but no one responded. That was when he started to panic. Perhaps those bastards had dumped him here and were not coming back. He could starve to death if he did not find a way down. He drew his arms up and fumbled with the ropes, searching for a means to loosen them. His arms were weak and rubbery and it took all his strength to will them in place. His fingers felt along strand after strand, but could not manage to loosen a single knot.

After several minutes without success, the muscles in his arms burned so badly that Phoenix was forced to let them drop. He wiggled and squirmed in hopes he could break free, but he was trapped like a fly in a spider’s web. In frustration, he threw a major tantrum, thrashed wildly about the sling and shrieked until his lungs ached, then collapsed and let himself swing about like a pendulum until he came to rest back at center. The muscles in his neck were so stiff and sore that he could no longer hold his head up. Phoenix had no idea what he was going to do, how he was going to get himself out of this mess, and that terrified him.

Phoenix heard a rattle and the scrape of metal on metal. A flight of stone steps ran up the wall in a far corner of the room and ended at a large, steel door. Two men in black burst through the door, bounded down the stairs, and sauntered over to where he swayed. The burly one seized Phoenix by the thigh and stretched Phoenix’s leg out to massage Phoenix’s calf and foot. He traced his fingers up and down Phoenix’s inner thigh, tickled the back of Phoenix’s knee, and slapped Phoenix’s still tender sole hard. Meanwhile, the lanky one cupped Phoenix’s pecs in tight fistfuls and mauled them roughly, then pulled and twisted Phoenix’s large nipples until Phoenix cried out.

The burly one slapped Phoenix hard on his left buttock and Phoenix squealed. The bastard slapped him on the right buttock, then the left, then right, then left, back and forth, until Phoenix shrieked for him to stop. His eyes welled with tears of frustration and rage, but he fought them back. He did not want to give these bastards the satisfaction of seeing him cry again.

The burly freak stepped in, seized hold of the plug stuffed up Phoenix, and twisted it this way and that, racking his tortured bowels. Phoenix lost it, sobbed and pleaded for the bastard to stop. The bastard tugged hard, forced Phoenix’s asshole to strain for all it was worth. Phoenix kicked and punched wildly, but the few glancing blows he landed did nothing to deter the fucker. All of a sudden, his asshole snapped, and the massive stopper shot out. Phoenix collapsed, racked by sobs.

“Why are you doing this to me? What do you want? Please. I’ll do anything. Just make it stop.”

“There something the matter with your hearing, boy? We already explained how it is. You’re a slave now. A whore. Deal with it.”

The burly bastard snatched Phoenix by the dick and yanked his limp pecker back up between his thighs, stretched it out as far as it would go. Pain rocked Phoenix and he stiffened.

“Ow! Oh, my God! Please! Let me go! I can’t take anymore. Please stop! You’re crazy!”

“Tell that to our bank accounts,” said the lanky freak.

The burly one must have thought that was riot, because he released Phoenix’s dick to double over with laughter. He gave Phoenix’s pecker several harsh slaps. Phoenix yelped and twisted about in a frenzied attempt to dodge the blows, but the relentless bastard would not let him escape. The lanky freak held forth a set of egg shaped rubber balls on a string. When Phoenix realized what he was looking at, and, more importantly, where the freak intended to shove them, he drew his ass back as far as he could and whined.

“No. Oh, no. Please. No more.”

“We’re just getting started here, boy. You got a long ways to go. Now, let’s have a little fun before we clean you up and fuck you.”

Phoenix thrashed about and shrieked for help at the top of his lungs, begged the freak not to do this to him, but the freak just chuckled and generously greased the string of balls. He held them up to examine them and, satisfied, stepped up and pressed the first of the balls against Phoenix’s shitter. Phoenix clenched his buttocks, but could not deter the fucker. He simply pried Phoenix’s buttocks apart and twisted the ball around until it popped inside Phoenix. Phoenix bit his lower lip to keep from screaming. A second ball was forced inside him and a third, until he was stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey.

“No, no. No more. Please. I can’t take anymore. It hurts so bad. Oh, my God, please no more!”

The fourth ball slowly inched inside him and Phoenix thought for certain his shitter was going to explode. He howled for the lanky bastard to stop, while the burly one egged his partner on.

“Come on. Shove it up there. That pretty little bitch can take it.”

Phoenix rained tears down onto the cement floor beneath him. The fourth ball popped inside and he literally saw stars. He gasped for breath. His insides felt like they were being ripped apart. The bastard took up the fifth and final ball and unceremoniously rammed it inside Phoenix in one fell swoop. Phoenix paddled the air with his arms and legs and screamed his lungs out, out of his mind with pain and fear. He could not believe this was happening to him, but it was, and he was helpless to defend himself.

“Hold on a second,” said the burly freak.

He stepped up, grabbed hold of Phoenix’s buttocks, and mashed them around, rubbed the balls together inside Phoenix and tenderized Phoenix’s guts. Phoenix prayed to pass out. The burly freak stepped back and traded places with his partner. The sadistic fucker seized hold of the string dangling from Phoenix’s ass, bent his knees to brace himself, drew back his arm, and with a fierce yank ripped one, two, three, four, five balls from Phoenix’s ass in rapid succession. Phoenix shrieked and howled and thrashed about for the longest time, twitched like he was being electrocuted, until the pain finally subsided enough for him to slump down in the sling and just sway there, thoroughly spent, and silent, but for the occasional hiccuped sob.

“Lower the little bitch so we can clean him up,” said the burly freak.

The lanky fucker sauntered over to the crank and gave it a whirled. Phoenix lurched downwards until his belly rested on the cold floor. Both freaks leapt into action, rolled Phoenix over onto his side, stretched his arms and legs out in front of him, and tied his wrists tight to his ankles, before Phoenix could resist. They wove the rope around his arms and legs, further hobbling them, and the lanky freak cranked Phoenix back up in the air with his arms and legs drawn up towards the ceiling and his ass slung down. The burly freak grabbed Phoenix by the thighs and guided him into place.


The lanky freak marched over to the wall and unrolled a large water hose. Phoenix’s head lolled back and for the first time he noticed a drain in the floor. The lanky freak twisted the faucet’s handle and blasted Phoenix with cold water. Phoenix shuddered and tried to dodge the stream, but it was no use. The freak drenched him from head to toe, soaked his hair until it clung to his face and covered his eyes, and spray down his sore nuts.

“Let me take over,” said the burly freak.

He snatched the hose from his partner and pressed its nozzle against Phoenix’s shitter. “Please, don’t do this to me,” was all Phoenix could manage to mumble in his defense. He was losing the fight and just wanted to get this over with. The nozzle slipped inside him and Phoenix felt his gut swell. After a bit, it pressed against his ladder, reminding him that he needed to piss real bad. Water coursed into him until his belly ballooned. Phoenix couldn’t see his dick, so, from above, he looked like a pregnant woman and it felt like he was going to burst at any moment.

Phoenix whimpered and squealed for mercy, begged the bastard to stop, but, of course, he didn’t. Just when Phoenix was certain he would explode, the sadistic freak yanked the nozzle out. Phoenix’s guts rumbled and his bowels spewed. A foul stench filled the air and Phoenix flushed from head to toe. He had just shit himself. He could feel slime ooze down his buttocks and onto his thighs. The freak hosed the shit off Phoenix and rammed the nozzle back up his butt. Phoenix was filled and flushed three more times before the freak was finally satisfied.

The burly fuck took up a towel, wrapped it around his middle finger, and twisted it around inside Phoenix. The harsh terry cloth scratched his innards and Phoenix whimpered. He couldn’t help himself. The bastard tossed the towel aside and grabbed Phoenix about the waist. As his lanky partner lowered Phoenix, the bastard guided him into place, until Phoenix’s ass dangled at right about waist height on the freak. What happened next rocked Phoenix’s world. The burly fucker loosened his fly and whipped out a thick, massive boner. He gave the monstrous thing a few brisk tugs and Phoenix freaked. He would never have imagined any prick could be so huge. It looked more like that of a horse than a man. The bastard greased up, seized Phoenix by his hips, and guided the nasty thing to the entrance of Phoenix’s now clean and shiny shitter. Phoenix felt it press hard against his asshole.

“Oh, my God! No! That thing is gigantic! You’ll kill me! Please!”

“You may not realize it now, but I’m doing you a favor. Whores like you have to be prepared. Once your ass has feasted on this butt buster, it won’t have any trouble taking whatever comes its way.”

The bulbous head of the nasty thing pressed hard against Phoenix. Phoenix stiffened and clenched his shitter. The bastard rammed Phoenix over and over, until Phoenix’s tiny asshole could stand no more, and peeled back to let it pop inside. Phoenix wheezed in short, sharp breaths, like a woman giving birth, and strained to take the thing. He almost blacked out, but no such luck. He would never have imagined anything could be worse than the string of balls that had been shoved up him earlier, but they paled in comparison to this monster. He felt as if he were being stabbed in the ass with a sword. Phoenix had screamed himself hoarse, so all he could do now was croak”no” and “take it out” over and over. It didn’t matter anyhow. These twisted freaks clearly didn’t give a shit about what he wanted. Still, he had to try, had to somehow convince them to back off and let him go.

The bastard’s massive dong burrowed into him and Phoenix felt like he was being sawed in half. The pain was blinding. There were no other words to describe it. Phoenix could focus on nothing else. Phoenix pitched about the air like a crazed puppet, flailed his limbs, and shrieked, with the freak’s prick his puppet master. The monstrous dong was in charge now and the deeper it sank into Phoenix’s bowels, the less control Phoenix had over his own body. The big freak had reduced him to little more than a hole to fuck.

Relief swept over Phoenix when he felt the sick freak’s balls slap against his ass. The pain was indescribable, but at least he knew the nasty thing was in as deep as it would go, and it would not get any worse. Phoenix flushed. He could not believe he had gotten himself into this fix. The bastard’s pecker rested inside him until Phoenix thought for certain he would die. After a few minutes, however, he was surprised to find his shitter relaxing just enough for him to catch his breath.

The bastard slowly slipped out of him and Phoenix shuddered. His respite was short-lived. Almost as soon as the bastard popped out, he drove back in, buried his boner in a single, harsh thrust. Phoenix tossed his head back and yowled, flung himself wildly about the air, desperate to break free, but he was too weak to make any headway. The bastard settled into a slow, steady rhythm and pounded Phoenix raw. Phoenix squawked.

“No! Please! Take it out! It’s too big! I can’t take it! You’re ripping me apart! Stop! Please! It hurts so bad!”

“Shut this whiny whore’s cocksucker, please!”

The lanky fucker jumped into action, rummaged through a drawer, and pulled out a large, rubber ball gag. Despite Phoenix’s protests and attempts to pull his head away, the bastard stuffed the thing in his mouth, and strapped it around his head. Phoenix swallowed hard. The hard rubber forced his mouth open painfully wide and caused him to salivate copiously. Within seconds, the gag was so wet it glistened.

The brutal assault seemed to go on forever. The bastard drilled poor Phoenix’s shitter into mush. Phoenix drifted in and out of consciousness and dreamed of Kitty, but his dream quickly morphed into a nightmare in which Dream Kitty fucked him with a giant cock. Each time he thought he might pass out, the bastard’s massive boner slammed him back to reality. Sweat streamed from every pore of his body and he ached from head to toe. The freak’s monster dong stretched his virgin shitter to infinity and beyond. He felt like his bowels were going to rupture and started to freak that the fucker was going to rape him to death.

Suddenly, the burly freak buried his boner deep inside Phoenix and held it still. Phoenix tried to pull off it, but couldn’t. The fucker’s hips twitched against his ass and the bastard groaned.

“Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Take my load, you dirty whore! Oh, yeah!”

Phoenix’s stomach turned and he feared he might throw up at any moment and choke on his own bile. When it occurred to him that the bastard might be sick, might have given him AIDS or something, he panicked. His horror was not over. The lanky freak slicked his boner with lubricant and snaked it up poor Phoenix’s ravaged ass. Phoenix had been stretched so wide by the burly freak’s boner that the lanky freak’s slightly longer, but far thinner, prick slid right in. The freak’s extra inches reached new depths inside Phoenix and Phoenix shuddered at each steely thrust, but the lining of his shitter suffered far less than it did from the burly fucker. The lanky freak fucked harder and faster than his partner. Phoenix could not believe he was comparing pricks and how they felt inside him. He scrunched his eyes shut and chewed frantically on the rubber ball stuffed in his mouth, bucked and squealed, as the frenzied onslaught of thrusts pitched him about the air so violently they rattled his brains.

Finally, the bastard pulled out, sauntered around, grab a fistful of Phoenix’s thick hair, drew Phoenix’s face down, aimed his boner at it, and blew. Come shot up Phoenix’s left nostril and splashed his eyes and mouth. It was repulsive, but a relief too, because it signaled his rape was drawing to a close.

The bastards lowered Phoenix to the floor and untied him. They ordered him to lick their dicks clean, yanked him around by his hair, and slapped him hard a few times for encouragement, until Phoenix was too dazed and confused to resist. He closed his eyes, held his breath, stuck out his tongue, and quickly ran it up the burly freak’s shaft. When he pulled away in disgust, the bastard seized Phoenix by the hair, and forced Phoenix’s mouth down on his dick. Phoenix had no choice. He had to appease the freak. Half-heartedly, Phoenix lapped his tongue up and down the huge prick, but the freak was not satisfied. He grabbed Phoenix by the back of the head and rammed several inches down Phoenix’s throat until Phoenix gagged. When he pulled out, Phoenix barfed all over the freak’s boots. The lanky freak groaned.

“Oh, that is nasty! I don’t want that filthy cocksucker anywhere near my dick.”

Phoenix managed to choke out a feeble “fuck you.”

“Fuck me? Fuck you, you little bitch!”

The lanky fucker stepped up and promptly dropkicked Phoenix in the balls. Phoenix curled up and grabbed his crotch. He rolled around the floor for several moments before he could find his voice.

“Ow! Shit! That really hurt! Oh, fuck! It burns! Oh, my nuts burn! What the fuck did you do that before?”

“You’re a slave now, boy. You gotta learn respect.”

“Yeah!” said the burly fucker and he stepped up, kicked Phoenix’s knees apart, and stomped him in the nuts. Phoenix convulsed in spasms, lost control of his bladder, and pissed himself. He writhed about on the floor for several minutes, unable to speak or see, before the shock waves emanating from his crotch died down enough for his to breath.

When he finally settled down, the two hauled him onto his feet, and the burly fucker held Phoenix aloft, while the lanky one bound his wrists with the rope from the ceiling. Once he was secured, the lanky fucker cranked the spindle and hoisted Phoenix up until he was balanced on the tips of his stubby toes. The burly freak hosed the piss off him, and forced Phoenix to rinse his mouth and spit several times. Meanwhile, the lanky fucker dug up a leather strap and announced that Phoenix must be punished for puking and pissing without permission. He offered Phoenix a choice. Either take ten whacks on his nuts for each infraction or twenty a piece on his ass. His gag was removed so he could answer and Phoenix muttered, “ass.” He knew the bastards would not let him off the hook and feared they might deliver both punishments if he refused to choose. Besides, he could not imagine getting lashed on his balls. The lanky freak stepped up behind Phoenix and Phoenix braced for a sting.

“Count them off and give me a thank you sir after each one. You got that?”

Phoenix whimpered and nodded. The bastard reeled back his arm and pelted Phoenix on his left buttock. Phoenix shrieked. Nothing could have prepared him for that.

“One. Thank you sir.”

The second blow caught Phoenix on his right buttock and Phoenix winced.

“Two. Thank you sir.”

The third blow came in low and managed to wrap in-between his legs and clip Phoenix in the nuts.

“Ow! Ow! Ow! Oh, shit! My nuts! Three. Thank you sir!”

The lanky freak took the time to aim and deliver a solid blow each and every time. Phoenix danced about and called out numbers, followed by a ‘thank you, sir.’ Number seven landed so hard that Phoenix’s feet flew out from under him. The ninth blow scorched his buttocks worse than any before and left behind a deep red welt. Phoenix lost it.

“Ow! Oh, my God! Nine. Nine. Ow! Ow! Ow!”

Ten was even harsher.

“Oh! Ow! Ouch! Ouch! Ow! Ow! Ten. Ow! Ouch! Oh! Oh! Oh!”

“What happened to ‘thank you sir?’”

“Thank you sir,” Phoenix muttered.

“When you mess up you have to start over.”

“No! Oh, no! Please! Oh, shit!”

“From the beginning.”

The bastard whacked Phoenix and Phoenix sobbed.

“One. Thank you sir.”

The blows rained down and Phoenix obediently barked out each count followed by ‘thank you sir.’ He had learned his lesson. The leather strap was brutal and, as the numbers climbed, it became harder and harder for Phoenix to keep up, but he was determined not to start over again. All he could think about was surviving his next whack. The twenties were rough, but he stayed the course. From thirty on the blows rained down so hard and fast that his feet barely touched the ground for more than a second before he was off and flying again. At long last, he collapsed in sobs of relief.

“Forty. Thank you, sir.”

Phoenix dangled there, writhing and twitching in agony, his ass seared raw, and no longer questioned why he was here or what these freaks wanted. None of that matter. All he knew was pain. His arms throbbed, his legs ached, his mouth smarted, and his ass was a smoldering hell, both inside and out. He prayed the freaks were done with him, for he would not survive much more.

The burly freak stepped up behind Phoenix, wrapped his left arm around Phoenix’s waist, and drew Phoenix close. Fearful of another rape, Phoenix pleaded for the bastard to back off. The burly freak grabbed Phoenix’s prick with his free hand and jacked it. Phoenix could not believe this shit. He had been beaten, tortured, raped, and now they expected him to come. He steeled himself to stave back an orgasm, but, despite his best efforts to resist, his pecker boned in the bastard’s fist, and it wasn’t much longer before he felt his nuts stir. The freak must have sensed this.

“A whore never comes without permission. To do so earns a beating.”

The sick demands of his rapists no longer surprised Phoenix. He just wanted his ordeal to be over, so he resolved to do whatever he had to in order to appease them.

“Please may I come.”

The freak corrected Phoenix with a harsh slap to his ass.

“Please may I come, SIR.”

“Please may I come. Sir.”

“Not yet, boy.”

The freak increased his pressure and pumped away. Phoenix bucked his hips and strained for release. He was so sore that it was difficult to relax, but he knew he had to produce a load, and hopefully before this freak yanked his dick off.

“Oh! Slow down. Please. Not so hard.”

To his surprise, the freak listened and eased off a bit. His fingers tickled up and down Phoenix’s shaft, coaxing it to blow. Phoenix swayed his back and squealed.

“Please can I come, sir!”

“Not yet, you horny little whore.”

“Oh, my God. I can’t hold it much longer. Please.”

“The punishment for disobeying is thirty lashes.”

“Oh, please. Please. Stop then. I can’t hold it off. Please.”

The freak torqued away until he drove Phoenix insane. Phoenix fought the urge to blow with all his might, because he could not take another beating, but he was so aroused he could hardly stand it. Just when he thought he would burst, the bastard relented.

“Come whore!”

Phoenix spewed several wide arcs out across the floor, one so powerful it splashed the wall. The freak twisted and tugged until he drained Phoenix dry and still did not let up. Phoenix’s prick was so sensitized that even the slightest brush was electric. He howled and tried feverishly to wrest free of the freak’s grasp, but the freak held firm, demonstrating once again who was in charge. Phoenix danced about in his rapist’s clutches, twitching like a moth caught in a bug zapper, until the freak finally released him.

The lanky bastard lowered Phoenix to the ground and held him aloft, while the burly one untied his arms. Together, they dragged him over to one corner and clamped thick iron cuffs that were bolted to the wall about his wrists. The burly freak rolled Phoenix onto his side and pinned him, while the lanky fucker retrieved the rubber plug, and rammed it back up Phoenix’s butt until it was lodged tight and impossible for him to shit it back out. Even so, Phoenix gave it one helluva try, squeezed like he was taking the most ginormous shit imaginable, which in a way he was.

“Can’t have your new cunt tightening back up on us, now can we.”

Phoenix convulsed in sobs, defiled and humiliated, and utterly forlorn. He was in more pain than he had ever have imagined possible, shackled helpless, and with no hope of escape. These sick freaks would, no doubt, continue to torture him until they were satisfied, and he had no idea when that might be, because he had no idea what they wanted. Phoenix was pretty sure they could not really sell him. That was just crazy, yet nothing else made sense either. They didn’t know him, so it wasn’t any sort of revenge, and they weren’t after ransom. Phoenix fretted they might kill him if he failed to appease them. They might anyhow. The freaks chuckled and the burly one spoke.

“I think Little Bit here has had enough school for today.”

“Little Bit. I like it. And I agree. He needs to practice what he’s already learn.”

Both freaks knelt and forced Phoenix to kiss them before they left. Phoenix found it repugnant, but he had not fight left, so he opened his mouth, and let them shove their tongues down his throat. Horrified when his dick stirred, Phoenix flushed from head to toe, but, if the freaks noticed, they did not let on.

Once they had their fill of sucking face, they shoved Phoenix aside, and bounded up the stairs and out the door without a word. Just before he closed the door, the burly fucker flipped off the light switch, plunging the room into total darkness. Phoenix was so exhausted and out of him mind with grief and despair that he sagged back against the wall and drifted off almost instantly. Even nightmares were preferable to this hell.


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