Gay Erotic Stories

Max Gets Promoted (Maxiumum Buns, Story 2)

by MaxBStories
04 Apr 2013

Fetish Gay Erotic Stories Straight Men, Gay Sex Super Heroes

Max B., our white bubble-butted 20-year-old cutie (blue eyes, sandy hair, toned body) and the hero of our tales, has been called into Mr. Gregg's office at Fantasy Point Amusement park.

The office--stylish, modern, air-conditioned, and expensive--is located on the northern end of the park away from most of the crowd foot traffic.

Fantasy Point--an exceptional attraction on the southern tip of American's east coast--is open all year round and makes mucho bucks.

Mr. Gregg is a powerful, wealthy man in his 50's. He has big hands, a big nose, a handsome face, is wearing a great designer suit, and has a sharp haircut with specks of salt-and-pepper that compliment intense eyes.

Max knocks before entering.

"Come on in, Max!," bellows Mr. Gregg.

Max walks into the office wearing the typical Fantasy Point uniform (powder blue logo'd polo short-sleeved shirt with the Fantasy Point emblem along with khaki pants and white sneakers), his bulbous ass cheeks bouncing with each step in his strained-at-the-seat khakis. As a matter of fact, it seems that the fabric on the seat of his pants is wearing thin due to all the stress that it endures covering Max's hind end. Today he has chosen not to wear underpants so that a panty line doesn't cause extra attention. He gets enough looks back there as it is.

"Max," says Mr. Gregg with authority, "I think that you've done a half-way decent job so far here at Fantasy Point. You've proven to be a good part of our team and we've seen how effective you've been at working the funnel cake stand as a standard worker."

Mr. Gregg, a father of four daughters with a happy wife at the mansion, poured his eyes over Max's youthful, lucious body. He always wondered what it would be like to touch a guy like Max. Mr. Gregg enjoyed a secretly gay lifestyle sometimes (bath houses, the occasional masseur) but kept it quiet so that he could maintain the hetereosexual, all-American conservative personae that he had developed over the decades. He had never been with a boy like Max but he had become obsessed with the idea of seeing more of Max's beefy cakes. Mr. Gregg wondered what that ass would feel like, smell like, taste like....

"I would like to make the park more exciting for visitors", continued the boss, "and I would like to introduce more cartoon characters for people to visit with and take pictures with and that sort of thing, do you follow?"

"Yes sir, that sounds cool. Good idea." replied Max.

"The thing that people seem to be into a lot these days, Max, are superheroes. I thought that it would be appropriate for our park if we had our own version of Superman or Captain America. It would draw in the crowds."

"I could see that, Mr. Gregg. That makes sense."

"Max, I want you to play Captain Fantasy at our park. Do you ever act?"

"Yes, sir. I dip into acting and modeling when there's an opportunity out there. It's fun."

"Very good! So are you up for it?"

"Sure.....but who is Captain Fantasy? What is he like? It's not going to be too much difficult acting, would it sir?," asked Max.

"No, no, Max. Nothing too difficult. Scripted stage shows sometimes, commericals, pose with the kiddies for pictures, that sort of thing," replied Mr. Gregg.

"No problem, I can do that, sir."

"Fantastic! Captain Fantasy is heroic, friendly, gets into danger for the common good, all those typical superhero qualities. You can do that. Plus our park hero has to be very handsome and charismatic and has to have a sexy--I mean well- built--body.....that's why I need you to fulfill this job, Max. I think that you'd be perfect for it. Let me show you the costume."

Mr. Gregg picks up the phone, hits a button, and speaks to his secretary.

"Jenny," commands Mr. Gregg "please send in the tights for Max."

Jenny, Mr.Gregg's dowdy, 40-something secretary walks into the office holding up two hangers with some clothing that look to be made out of a thin, shiny, white lycra. On one hanger, there's a blue, shiny Robin-style half-mask. Jenny also brings in a pair of knee-high blue shiny leather superhero boots in a transparent plastic bag.

She hands the clothing to Mr. Gregg, "Here you are, sir", walks out of the office, and closes the door.

"Damn, that kid has an enormous ass! " thinks Jenny as she's in the exterior hallway heading towards her desk area. "He's sexy as hell, beautiful face and body, but there's no way his big butt can fit into those superhero pants. Now way at all! Gregg must be out of his mind. this maybe a great idea...?...."

In Mr. Gregg's office, the boss holds the tights up on the hanger in front of Max.

"Try these on, young man. Let's see how they fit."

"Can I go into the restroom and try them on?" asks Max.

"Yes, yes, of course. Go slip them on and come back so that I can see how the whole costume looks altogether," says the boss handing Max the spandex, the mask, and the boots.

Max walks over to the adjacent bathroom (fancy, expensive, and modern--it is Mr. Gregg's personal rest room after all) and shuts the door. He slips on the lycra shirt over his worked-out torso. It's long-sleeved, white spandex, with a colorful starburst logo on the chest featuring an "FP" for Fantasy Point. It's well-designed but predictably corny. On the wrists are sewn-on gold cuffs. So far so good. He puts on the mask which, on his handsome face, looks perfectly superheroic. Nice! Max knew he looked good. Now for the pants......

This is more difficult for Max. Pulling the white spandex tights, thin and shiny, on his legs was fine but THE BUTT was becoming a challenge. He barely managed to pull the material over his thick, meaty globes but he managed to get there. Thank god the material was stretchy.... The pants were designed so that the spandex rode far up between the cheeks. Looking in the mirror, Max realized that he looked exactly like a ballet dancer.....a superhero ballet dancer. His ass looked.....too much. He looked obscene. His butt was too big for this job. The white spandex was so tight, and rode up his ass so far, that it looked like he wasn't wearing any pants at all. It practically looked like naked ass but whiter and shinier. As he (very carefully) bent down and zipped the blue boots onto his feet, Max was worried about what Mr. Gregg would think of this costume. There's no way that it wouldn't be controversial for a family amusement park. It was too sexy, too gay, too butt-y.

Max, in full costume, stepped out of the bathroom and into Mr. Gregg's office.

Mr. Gregg sat dumbfounded, staring at Max, for close to two minutes, completely silent. He had never seen anything like this, not even in the comic books.

"What do you think, boss?" asked Max nervously.

"I think that attendence will go up, Max. We can be sure of that," answered Mr. Gregg, wiping some sweat from his forehead.

Max just stood there in this skin-tight, resplendent glory.

"Come closer, Max, so that I can check everything out," said Mr. Gregg as he himself got up from behind the desk and moved over to Max in the middle of the room.

He touched the boy's torso, feeling the muscular body, the smoothness of the fabric clinging to it. "You look great, Max. You'll be a good hero for the guests," Mr. Gregg said as he continued rubbing his hands over Max'x shoulders, arms, chest, back, lower back......He took his time with it.

Finally Mr. Gregg bend down on one knee, looking at the boots, touching the leather and Max's feet.

"These boots look terrific on you, Max. I had them custom made to your shoe size, " said the CEO as he continued worshiping with his hands.

"I can tell, sir. They feel good. Right size," said Max.

Mr. Gregg, finally, allowed himself to be nose-to-crotch with Max's front middle area as he stayed on one knee. He gently brushed the tip of his finger across the tights on Max's penis. Max could tell that Mr. Gregg was getting aroused and Max could feel his own dick growing in the spandex. All that touching, caressing, feeling by his good-looking, dominant could he not get turned on?

"Max, my friend, you're not wearing any underwear are you?" asked Mr. Gregg.

"No sir.....I'm sorry sir. I didn't realize that....I didn't realize that I'd be doing a costume fitting today, sir, or I would have made sure that I was following company policy. I'm sorry," said Max nervously.

Mr. Gregg kept his eyes on Max's cock, growing through the white lycra.

"Shame on you, Max. Please be sure to always follow those rules. It's important to follow orders or else," flashed the boss with a glimmer of wickedness in his eyes....

"I'm not above punishing disobedient employees, Max. Even favored ones," said Mr. Gregg.

Max gulped. "Yes, sir."

"Okay, Max, even though you're not wearing underwear today, I still need you to turn around so that I can see how the behind area looks on the costume."

Max slowly turned around. As he did so, Mr. Gregg stayed kneeling on one knee and scooted backwards about a foot so that Max's humongous bubble butt wouldn't hit him on the side of the head. Max stood with his butt facing Mr. Gregg. The boss took in the glorious sight for a moment before he slowly moved forward again, keeping one knee on the carpet......and his face only four inches from Max's epic ass.

The white spandex, shiny and thin, did not just seem like a second skin on Max's cheeks--they practically WERE a second skin looking as though they were about to break open due to extreme pressure underneath. The material rode up the butt so far that they only thing that revealed that it was tights was the seam that barely peeked out over the top of Max's deep, deep crevice. The tights were held in place by a very hard-working drawstring that Max tied above his dick.

Mr. Gregg's face was so very close to Max's spandexed, mountainous rear. He leaned in closer. He put both hands lightly on the butt, one hand on each cheek. Taking his time, Mr. Gregg gently patted Max's big butt watching the buns jiggle and shake, amazed by the mass and heaviness of those fleshy globes. Max's was the perfect man-ass.....better than perfect. Encased in white lycra tights that dove deep into his forbidden crack, those buns looked practically supernatural. An ideal but exaggerated to cartoon proportions. How could his butt get this big? Was it even real?

"Max, you have a very big bottom for such a toned guy. What's that all about?," asked the boss.

"I know sir......People look at it a lot. Sometimes it's embarrassing but.....I know that some people like it so I guess it's not all bad," giggled Max. "And, yes sir, it's just the way I was born. I've always had an extremely big butt even when I was really skinny before I did a lot of sports. I don't know why, sir, but it is the way it is. Maybe one day, I may get surgery to have my butt cheeks reduced in size...."

"No! Don't do that!," snapped Mr. Gregg with both hands playfully swatting each jiggling mound. "You're wonderfully built the way you are. It's okay to be different. So you have a massive bubble butt? So what? No one is perfect, Max. I thought about having a cape on Captain Fantasy, in order to keep with superhero tradition, and to cover his ass area, just don't have the budget for the cape at this time. Gotta keep costs down."


As he said that, Mr. Gregg thought to himself that Max's ginormous rump made him more perfect, not less perfect. Maybe a huge booty on a young man wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea but for him, at least, Max's ass turned him on beyond words.

"Oh my, it really looks like the tights are riding up your butt a lot.......I'm not really sure if there's much that we can do about that. I think that that's just the way that the costume is designed. Oh well....hmmm...." said Mr. Gregg as he slowly, carefully parted Max's buttocks. It was as though the tights and the seam were getting sucked into oblivion within the deep, massive chasm between the huge cheeks. Mr. Gregg leaned his face in even further towards the butt to get a more exact look. Max, sensing what he was doing, subtly stuck his butt out towards Mr. Gregg's face so that the oversized buns would be easier to part and so that the boss could look in there deeper.

"Even with though your spandex tights are white, it's still very, very dark in there up that big butt of yours, Max," said Mr. Gregg with a chuckle. "Very dark and very deep. But I guess that's what I get for checking up there, right Max? The costume clearly has some provacative aspects to it but it's not a big deal, correct?

"It's fine, sir," answered Max.

sniff, sniff

Max could hear very soft sniffing sounds coming from Mr. Gregg. It dawned on him that his boss was now quietly, indulgently taking sniffs of his spread butt. Max didn't want to sabotage his chances of getting this promotion so he just pretended that he didn't realize what Mr. Gregg was doing. He just stayed in place--slightly bent over, legs standing apart, with his fat rump jutted at the boss's face. No big deal. Just a costume fitting. Nothing strange going on here.

Mr. Gregg felt entitled to go further. His pushed his nose deep into the boy's big, round butt, savoring the sweaty, stinky aroma that was deep between Max's thick cheeks and in his asshole.

Max could feel Mr. Gregg's breath within his crevice--moist and warm--and now it was getting to the point where it felt as though his boss's nose was practically penetrating his hole. The sniffing sounds got louder and Max could feel the nostrils opening and closing against his pucker. It now felt as though the nose may have pretty much entered his sphincter.

Mr. Gregg sniffed and sniffed while his face became increasingly enveloped by Max's deep, heavy, thick butt. The spandex felt smooth enclosing his nose and rubbing against his face. Mr. Gregg could smell the fibers of the spandex material as well as what could be described as boy sweat and the slight, pungent, sweet, cheesy aroma that was distinctive of Max's butt.

The only thing stopping the tip of Mr. Gregg's nose from literally entering Max's butt hole was the very thin layer of spandex tights buried in Max's ass. Max at least hoped he that his boss enjoyed that smell whether it was subtle or very ripe. This went on for four minutes and then Max finally decided that this was getting way too weird.

"Sir.....are you sniffing my butt?" asked Max (as if there were any real question here).

Mr. Gregg took his face out of Max's ass but was still knelt down just inches from it and seemed as though he was talking more to Max's butt than to Max's face.

Mr. Gregg massaged Max's bottom while he spoke: "Oh....haha.....Max, I just wanted to see if the costume looked right from behind. Thinking about it for a while, you know? I suppose it's fine, even if it's a bit too tight. I did notice that, when getting very close to your butt, I did catch a few whiffs. Even with your tights on, I could smell your butt a little bit while I was checking the costume. But that's okay, Max, it's understandable. It's a hot day, you got sweaty back there, you're a healthy young man, so--naturally--there may be some smell. Nothing to be embarrassed about." Mr. Gregg playfully, lightly spanked Max's cheeks to show that it was all in good fun. Simply two guys bonding.

"I understand, sir," replied Max. This means he got the job right?

The next day, Max clocked in at Fantasy Point at 7am, changed into his superhero tights in the locker room, and stepped out into the sunlit busy park. His bubble butt bouncing and jiggling, he was there to entertain and take pictures with the guests.

From a telescope in his office, Mr. Gregg watched Max working and plotted what his next move would be on (in?) that boy's basketball-like buns.


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