Gay Erotic Stories

Max's New Sidekick

by MaxBStories
06 Feb 2018

Discipline Fetish Gay Erotic Stories Men At Work On The Job

Park CEO Mr. Gregg decided that since Max's Captain Fantasy character was becoming a huge (like Max's butt cheeks) hit at Fantasy Point Amusement Park, it would only be appropriate to give him a super sidekick.

Jeff (or "Jeffie" as his friends called him) was a very cute 20-year-old guy who worked the gift shoppe at the Steel Mountain roller coaster ride towards the south end of the park.

Jeff was a skinny boy with black hair, pale skin, and big, brown eyes. He had a nice, thin body on him but was not a stacked stud like Max. Jeff had pert, little butt cheeks that Mr. Gregg thought would look adorable in a superhero costume but, by no means, did he have the humongous, basketball-like buns that Max possessed.

Together, in their costumes, Mr. Gregg figured that Max and Jeff would provide a nice and sexy visual contrast to each other. Max--sandy-blonde, blue-eyed, 6'1", all-American jock boy Adonis with his lucious, jumbo-sized ass in his white spandex outfit--alongside Jeff the skinny, 5'9" brunette, slighty nerdy cutie. Mr. Gregg imagined that Jeff would be the sidekick to Max's Captain Fantasy kind of like Robin to Batman.

Jeff was gay. He wasn't flamboyant about it--if anything, Jeff seemed like a smart-ass skater type of guy with his longish hair and direct sense of humor--but all the workers at the amusement park knew that he liked hot dudes. Jeff had seen Max walking around and he thought that Max was unbelievably sexy. Although Jeff was of a smaller stature, he considered himself a top man who appreciated another man's ass a lot. And nobody, nobody at all, could compare to big-butt Max. Jeff had only seen Max two or three times--there are hundreds of employees at Fantasy Point--and, although he didn't know Max's name, Max had made quite an impression on him.

Mr. Gregg called Jeff into the office and offered him the opportunity to play The Scout, Captain Fantasy's sidekick. Jeff didn't hesitate to take the job; it was a $5 pay increase and it would be more fun than being stuck behind the counter at Steel Mountain shoppe, selling overpriced water bottles to fat tourists. Jeff had a sense of humor about everything and playing a wise-cracking sidekick would be a neat chance to throw out some smart-ass, zingy one-liners and have fun on the job.

Mr. Gregg handed off the costume to Jeff and told him to wear it to work the next day. The Scout costume, Jeff thought, was gay as hell. A sky-blue spandex outfit with underoo briefs, an FP logo (as in "Fantasy Point") on the chest, tall gold boots, a black eye-mask like one of the Incredibles.....and a cape.

Although Jeff had an adorable little butt, Mr. Gregg didn't want the two superhero costumes to be identical. Max's costume was without a cape, showing all of his bodacious ass, while Jeff's costume covered up his back end. For that, actually, Jeff was grateful; he would rather have the crowds look at Max's massive behind than at his own teeny little bum. And so did Mr. Gregg who envisioned The Scout to be the brains while Captain Fantasy was the brawn (and the butt).

The next day, both boys reported to Mr. Gregg's office at 8am for a formal introduction to each other. When Jeff stepped into the office, Max was already there in his full superhero uniform--body and ass bulging out in white spandex. Jeff had his blue lycra outfit, mask, boots, and cape on, feeling silly and ridiculous but having fun with it nonetheless. It was as though every day at work would be like a trip to ComicCon. Jeff thoroughly enjoyed the ridiculousness of it all but it seemed that Max--although he'd been working in his tight outfit for over two weeks at this point--was still pretty self-conscious about how revealing his costume was.

"Don't stare at his ass, don't stare at his ass, don't stare at his ass....," Jeff thought to himself as he walked into the room and stood next to Max, trying not to look at those buns too much.

"Max this is Jeff, Jeff this is Max. You two will be working side by side as Captain Fantasy and The Scout, our dynamic duo here at Fantasy Point Amusement Park," said Mr. Gregg as the two boys shook hands with each other.

Jeff noticed that Max had a good, firm, friendly handshake with a nice masculine grip to it. Max had buttery, slightly tanned skin, a porn star's body, sandy blonde hair with a sharp haircut, and a print ad face that--when put all together--made him look like an Abercrombie dream boy. Whether it was natural or due to an aftershave, Max had a subtle, sexy, masculine aroma coming from his skin that Jeff found irresistable. Jeff felt that he had died and gone to heaven--he couldn't stop grinning. This would be his new work buddy. Jeff's eye's naturally glanced down to get a sneaky peek at Max's prize-winning bubble butt which was so big that it was practically the elephant in the room. Try not to look, try not to look.....

Oh no! Jeff noticed that he was getting a hard boner in his lycra pouch. He turned away from Max and tried to cover up his stiffy with his cape. Awkward. Jeff hoped that Max wouldn't notice how aroused he was just being next to him. But Mr. Gregg noticed.

"Now I hope that you boys will get to know each other well. Collaborate well, perform your skits and shows, and be good with the park guests. Performance practices will be every Wednesday and Friday evening at 6pm in the staff auditorium " spoke the boss with a sly smile on his face. "So, Max, what do you think of your new sidekick?"

"He seems cool, sir, but I thought that capes were not in the budget?" replied Max inquiring about Jeff's costume.

"Jeff's costume was not as expensive as your's, Max, so therefore there was more money in the budget for his costume that allowed for a cape. Plus, your outfit had to be specially made to accomodate those huge butt cheeks of yours which made your costume more pricey," Mr. Gregg answered back with a sneer.

It wasn't true at all but of course the CEO had to go there. Max blushed in embarrassment.

"No cape for you, Max. I have to keep things within budget," said Mr. Gregg coldly.

Jeff was enjoying watching this hot jock getting reamed out. Jeff's boner was getting harder and was extremely revealing through his costume. He slyly pulled the cape further in front of him.

"Max, don't be a fussy smart-ass," said Mr. Gregg. "Let's deal with your butt right now so that you're fully aware that I won't be tolerating your stinky attitude, especially in front of your co-workers." Mr. Gregg wheeled his chair over to the other side of his big, expensive desk. He sat down again in his chair and patted his lap with his hand.

"Over my knee, Mr. Max. Let's discuss your big issues here," said the boss.

Max, totally embarrassed, hesitated before following his boss's orders. But, after a moment, the boy layed over Mr. Gregg's knee, over his lap, and assumed the position.

It took Jeff a moment to fully comprehend what he was seeing--it was that wonderful. Max was a tall, beefy, 20-year-old guy laying over his boss's lap about to get spanked; his gigantic, bulbous, bubble-buns aiming up at the ceiling and towards Mr. Gregg's face. Jeff wondered why the boss even bothered to have Max wear a costume on his lower half. The white spandex tights were so extremely tight, and dug so deeply up between Max's luscious globes, that he looked almost naked. Max's costume makes him look pretty much naked from far away thought Jeff. It was clear that Max was not wearing underwear underneath the tight costume.

Max's buns were so pillowy big, so juicy, so round, so ripe for fucking, kissing, caressing, smelling, rimming, fingering, spanking.......buns so perfect to watch getting punished. Jeff did not allow himself to smile seeing his co-worker over his boss's lap but, on the inside, this was proving to be one of the best days of his life far. Jeff was a nice, cool guy but he was a pervert. Even the thought that he would spend most of the week being around Max's mega-ass, made Jeff's cock even harder. Would he ever get the opportunity know, maybe....maybe have his way with that butt too? The idea of this was too delicious to even indulge. Maybe Max's ass was only something that Jeff could look at but only the boss could touch.....just like right now.

Mr. Gregg had both hands running all over Max's rump. He was squeezing and fondling the enormous, doughy, and muscular cheeks.

"Look at this, Jeff. Max has two big issues with his costume. Big issue 1," said the boss, smacking one of Max's buns. "Big issue number 2," he followed up, smacking the other bun.

"Those certainly are some big issues, Mr. Gregg," said Jeff chiming in.

Mr. Gregg laughed. He appreciated Jeff's quick sense of humor. The boss could tell that his young gay employee enjoyed watching this spectacle.

"Jeff, Max feels embarrassed that his costume, as you can tell, reveals so much of his over-sized posterior. But he needs to accept it and not complain. I can understand why he's concerned. I mean, look at Max here-- have you ever seen such a fit young man with such an enormous, meaty pair of bubble buns? They're each almost the size of basketballs! I've never seen a worked-out young man with such a bulging behind! Have you?"

"Nope, never have. Max has one hell of a righteously massive man-ass, sir," answered Jeff.

"Indeed he does, indeed he does.....," said Mr. Gregg as he continued looking down at and fondling Max's loaves like a wolf salivating over it's meal.

With his hand, Mr. Gregg began to moderately spank Max's bottom. One cheek at a time--that's all that one hand could ever try over such a large space, even big hands such as those belonging to Mr. Gregg. One cheek at a time, back and forth, spank, spank, spank!

Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap!

The cheeks bounced, jiggled, and bubbled in their tights--like big water balloons--as the spanking continued.

"Sir, please stop! You're embarrassing me!" said Max, practically crying.

"Hush up, Max!" snapped Mr. Gregg. "Of course this isn't really hurting you! Your gigantic cheeks are so well-padded that it's more of the embarrassment of the situation that is affecting you. And it's the fact that you're over my knee and being punished that's truly affecting you. You need to have that big bottom of yours whipped for giving me problems. If your big butt gives me trouble, than I'll give it trouble!"

Mr. Gregg slowed down the rapidness of each whack, watching each jiggling cheek settle before whacking the one beside it. He was taking his time enjoying this. As the spanking went on, Max rhythmically squeezed and relaxed his buns.

"Look, Jeff, at this!" announced Mr. Gregg. "After each spank, Max squeezes his cheeks, as though that would somehow protect him. See?" The boss followed that with 2 whaps on each jiggling cheek and, indeed, Max squeezed his buns and relaxed them almost as a reflex.

"I can't help it sir! They just do that! They're starting to sting a bit," said Max, defeated and over his boss's knee--his face looking at the carpet on the floor, his gargantuan ass bent over the lap and sticking obscenely up towards the ceiling.

Mr. Gregg continued looking down at Max's ass, feasting his eyes on those gelatinous, shaking buns. "Well, every time you do that, those tights just go further and further into that crevice of yours, Max. That wedgie is just getting deeper and deeper. That tight, little butt hole of yours must have a hungry appetite for spandex!" said the boss as he continued spanking the bouncing buns. The seam on the back of Max's tights, diving deeper between those cheeks, sticking more and more to his moist hole as though the sweat and funk was like a natural glue.

Whap! Whap! Whap! Whap!

On the front of Jeff's bulge, some cum was starting to leak out.

"Do you think that he's learned his lesson for today, Jeff?" asked Mr. Gregg.

Max turned his head and looked up a Jeff, pleadingly.

"I do, boss," said Jeff with a slight giggle, barely able to process how ridiculous--and ridiculously hot--this scene had been to witness.

Mr. Gregg patted each of Max's cheeks one last time for today. "You may get up, Max," said the boss.

Max raised himself up with his arms, got off of Mr. Gregg's lap, stood up, and walked over next to Jeff. Max soothingly rubbed his spanked rear as he stood there.

"Alright, gentlemen, head off to work. Max, no more complaints about your costume. Got it?" asked the boss.

"Yes, sir," replied Max.

"And, Jeff, if you need to use the bathroom to wipe off the front of your pouch, please do so," said Mr. Gregg with a knowing smirk.

"I will, sir."

Max and Jeff left the office, walked through the building in their tight outfits (Jeff with cape, Max without of course), Jeff visited the rest room to wet-wipe and blow dry the front of his very stimulated pouch (he made a mental note to go masturbate, in a bathroom stall, about the spanking as soon as lunch break hit), and the two guys headed into the park.

Max was pouty. "I don't understand why he has to make such a big show of my ass, man," said Max to Jeff.

"Maybe it's kind of a compliment. A lot of people would love to have a big butt like yours," said Jeff. "A lot of people would love to play with it, I'm sure...."

"Uh, thanks a lot," said the jock, not exactly feeling comforted by that statement.

"Let's just not take it all so seriously and try to have fun with it. You need to loosen up, bro," his sidekick mentioned wisely.

Jeff walked into the park with Max, visiting the guests. He looked down and noticed that those massive globes looked a bit pink from the spanking--Jeff could see the rosiness of Max's ass glaring ever-so-slightly through the white tights. It was cute.

As the work day wore on, Jeff began to cook up ideas of how he himself could get well-aquainted with Max......but more so with Max's luscious bubble butt. Plans were forming......


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