Gay Erotic Stories

Jim and I - Part 4

by Bikiniteen
07 Nov 2016

Friends Gay Erotic Stories Sexual Encounters Underwear Action

I'll admit, I didn't get much work done the rest of the day. Not only was I exhausted from the morning's activities, I was so distracted with what happened. Did I really just get a handjob from my, supposedly, straight friend and then shower with him?! Not only was I excited by what happened, I was scared by what this might do to our friendship, potentially making things extremely awkward between us. Everything seemed fine when he left, but I just had to over analyze every detail and worry about it. I didn’t too much sleep that night.

The next morning I awoke bright and early to get ready to go into the gym. I picked out my favorite pair of red sports briefs to wear under my shorts and headed out the door. When I arrived, I didn't see Jim nor did I see a lock on the locker he normally uses. I checked my phone, but there was no word from him so I just went about my normal workout, got showered and changed, and headed up to my desk. I didn’t see Jim on our IM system, though he's pretty well known for calling in sick to go hunting. I of course thought something was wrong – that he reflected on what we had done and couldn’t bring himself to show his face to me anymore. Or even worse, that his wife found cum-soaked underwear – underwear she's never seen before – in his bag. I tried to just ignore it, but I hated the feeling that I had done something wrong.

I got home from work and still wasn't feeling too great about everything. Still no word from Jim and I didn't want to seem like the desperate one and text him first. I got undressed and took a shower, hoping that the water would relax me, but all I thought about was the time Jim and I had spend in there just the day before. I could almost still feel his arms around me and smell him in the air, remembering the way his ass and balls felt in my hand and watching his cock grow with attention. I eventually snapped out of it and stepped out of the shower, dried off, and slipped on some new underwear. I was feeling so bad about everything that I just put on some boring cotton boxers; comfortable enough, but nothing to write home about.

I sat on the couch and just started aimlessly browsing the internet. I spent some time on Amazon seeing if there were any good deals on video games – that usually takes my mind off of things – when I saw an interesting recommendation on the side of the page. I guess Amazon could read my mind because it thought I would be interested in a new Under Armour jockstrap that was on sale that week. I had never owned a jock before, just worn the one that Jim left for me. I figured it was about time that I got a few of my own, so I picked out the white one the Amazon recommended to me along with some black and blue ones from other brands. None of them were the "fashionable" jocks that seem to be so popular today; just the good old ones like Jim wears. Seeing the models and thinking of having my own nuts in a fresh jockstrap in two days was enough to get my a little excited in my boxers. It was soon time for bed anyway so I jerked off into my dirty briefs from the morning and called it a night.

The next couple of days proceeded much like any other. Woke up early for the gym, worked out alone, and tried to focus on my work. I still hadn't heard anything from Jim and his supervisor just said that he was out on leave. I was getting a little concerned about Jim, beyond just questioning our relationship – I thought something bad might have happened to him. I care about the guy and just didn't want anything bad to happen to him, no matter if he now hates me or not. The one bright spot was at least I knew I could head home Thursday night to a package of fun new jockstraps from Amazon.

When I got home, I immediately stripped off my dress clothes and ripped into the package from Amazon. I'm always excited when I get new underwear, but this was even more exciting since I had never had my own jockstraps before – I was hard before I slipped though a single legband. The first I tried on was the white Under Armour one; I really liked the way it fit and the smoothness of the fabric that responded well to the pressure I was putting on it. Next was a blue Bike jockstrap which I particularly enjoyed for its pouch. Finally, a black McDavid jockstrap was number three with legbands that ended up fitting my ass extremely well. As I felt the precum leaking into the pouch I started stroking my cock with the intention of christening my new straps; That's when my phone went off. It was a text from Jim that said "No workout tomorrow, but let's meet for lunch. I need to talk to you." Dammit.

I wasn't really in the mood to finish jerking off, so just made dinner and watched tv until it was time for bed. The next morning I got dressed, went to the gym, and rushed through my workout to get back to my desk. Jim wasn't signed into IM yet, but I wouldn't know what to say to him anyway. A couple hours later he sent me a message that we should just meet at our normal table in the cafeteria for lunch. I responded in the affirmative and then he immediately signed off. Sometimes I hate living in an age where no sentiment is conveyed via digital means; that was just for me to interpret in whatever way I wanted, and always for the worst.

I grabbed some pizza from the cafeteria and headed to our normal spot. Jim was already seated in jeans and a tight t-shirt (casual Fridays!) and my heart beat a little faster at sight of him. I kept my eyes down and quickly took a seat, inhaling Jim's scent that I've missed over the past several days. I took a deep breath and looked up to see Jim's square, bearded jaw and deep blue else smiling back at me like he just won a million dollars.

"WHAT IS UP DUDE!? It has been forever since I've seen you!" Jim said while reaching over the table to place a hand on my shoulder.

"Ha ha. Yeah man, I was getting worried that something happened to you. You were MIA!" I responded, relieved that he didn't seem to hate me.

Jim was happy to hear I was thinking about him and launched into a recap of what the last few days have been like for him. Essentially, the problems with his plumbing were not an isolated incident and he had spent his time off fixing most of the pipes in his house, running back and forth to the hardware store, and finally bringing in a plumber when he got in over his head. I enjoyed listening to Jim's story, and didn't realize how much I had missed the sound of his voice and the way that he laughed. Yeah, I loved him.

"So that's my story. Not very fun but I'm just glad everything is over. What about yourself?" Jim said as he ended his explanation.

"Eh, nothing much, just the regular shit. Work, sleep, gym, eat; nothing too exciting. Just hanging out I guess." I replied.

"After this week, that sounds like exactly what I need. If you want, you're welcome to come over after work so I can show you what I did and we can have some beers or something? My wife is still up with her mom." Jim offered.

"Sure, that sounds great!" I replied, trying not to show my excitement. I leaned in and added in a quieter and distinctly more nervous tone "And... um... well, I just bought some new jockstraps. So... I could bring those over too? Only if you want, not a big deal."

"Hell yeah man, of course I'd like to check those out. I figured you would have known by now that I'm down for that. I figured we pick up where we left off on Monday. If everything is still cool between us?"

"Yes sir, very cool. I can be to your place around five or so, depending on traffic." I responded with a smile.

"Great, I'm really looking forward to it. But hey, I've got to run and meet the IT guy at my desk. My computer has been all sorts of messed up since I got back. I barely got it working enough to check my email and IM. See you tonight, bud!" Jim said as he got up, shook my hand, and headed upstairs.

The rest of the day seemed to drag by; I was just thinking of all the possibilities that the evening might bring. When it was finally time to leave, I quickly shut off my computer and almost ran out of the building to my car. The commute wasn't too bad, but I found myself playing with my hard dick through my jeans most of the way. I'm kinda glad I was wearing boxerbrefs and let my boner run down my right leg while I rubbed it through my jeans. I tried to relax myself as I got to the beer store and picked up a case for the evening - hopefully no one noticed my excitement – but I was instantly hard again when I walked into my house and headed straight for the underwear drawer. I picked out my new jocks and a few other briefs and boxerbriefs that I thought would be fun to trade with Jim and threw them into a backpack before quickly heading out the door.

I arrived at Jim's house and he answered the door shirtless and wearing a pair of very flattering jeans. I immediately noticed the Hanes waistband above his jeans as they sit a little low on his hips and the bulge that I had missed for the past several days. Jim wrapped his arms around me in a big bear hug that I tried awkwardly to return by the case of Coors in my hand made me just kinda stand there and enjoy my head on his chest. I walked in the house, put down the beer, and we both opened a can while chatting about the rest of our day and the drive home.

"Feel free to get comfortable man, I was just getting changed after work." Jim said to me while undoing his pants and walking to his bedroom. I watched as he let his pants fall down to reveal the well defined ass hidden behind the grey fabric of his boxer briefs. I took that as a clue and pulled off my shirt and dropped my jeans to show off my tight, bright red Jockey boxer briefs. Jim turned around from throwing his jeans in his bedroom and smiled at me while gently rubbing his now growing bulge in his underwear. I smiled and returned the gesture and then put my clothes in my backpack. Jim and I finished our first beers and grabbed another as he showed me the work he's been doing over the past week.

Jim's house isn't' very big, so it was close quarters for us as he showed me some of the damage in the bathroom. Neither of us seemed to mind as we walked around in just our boxer briefs, drinking beers, and generally acknowledging that we both have semi-erect dicks just inches from each other. As we looked towards some of the freshly repaired drywall on the ceiling, Jim placed his arm around me to draw me in and focus my attention at the damage. Having had my third beer, I was pretty relaxed enough to place my arm around his back and waist and gently play with the black Hanes waistband of his boxer briefs. Jim sighed deeply and I could see a twitch of his cock under the grey fabric.

"Well man, that's pretty much what I did this past week." Jim said as we headed back to the living room and sat down after grabbing some more beers. "I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to text you at all; just been so busy with everything. Here, I have a surprise for you."

Jim walked over to his bedroom (full tent in his underwear, of course) and grabbed something. He threw his black jockstrap to me and told me he had worn it all week while working around the house. I felt the pouch and could immediately smell Jim's balls in the fabric, bringing it up to my nose to inhale a little more of his scent. He said how freeing it was just to work in the house in just a jockstrap and how much fun he had throwing on some jeans and going to the hardware store knowing that he had a sexy secret on underneath. It wasn't until today that he actually put on some "real" underwear so that he could come into work.

"And don’t' think that I wasn't rocking a nice boner half the time in that jock, man. Some of it was about how fun it was just to be in a jock but most was thinking about what we did the other day." Jim added while getting up, walking over to me, and jerking his cock through his boxer briefs. I stood up and was doing the same until we reached out and grabbed each others packages, closing our eyes and enjoying the attention we've missed over the past few days. "Don’t' you have something to show to me?"

I reluctantly broke away from the fun that Jim and I were having to grab my backpack and reach inside. I pulled out my three new jockstraps and placed them on the coffee table next to Jim and I. We both reached down and picked up one of the jocks. Jim stripped off his boxer briefs and pulled on the tight, white Under Armour jockstrap – taking special attention to ensure the straps hugged his meaty glutes just right. I pulled on the blue Bike jockstrap and tried to adjust my boner so that it wasn't just going everywhere... I didn't have much luck with that. Jim and I reached out for each other's cocks against and explored the new homes they had both recently just obtained. I rested my head on Jim's chest and we stayed like that for about a minute, just enjoying our male companionship.

"Damn dude, I missed this shit so much; these jocks are hot. How's my ass look?" Jim turned around with a smile and rubbed his ass, snapping the straps of his (my) jockstrap as he rubbed the slightly hairy orbs. He walked over to the fridge and grabbed us another round of beers. Jim handed me a new, cold can, saying "So, we've got the whole night ahead of us and I know we're both obviously really excited. Do you just want to chill for a little and see where things go later this evening. Who knows what'll happen if you get me drunk enough" with his cute, bearded smile.

I readily agreed and Jim placed his arm around me and led us to the couch. We sat down with our arms around each other's back and me leaning slightly into Jim's left side; it was close to perfection. We spent the next hour or so drinking beers, watching tv, talking about whatever, and every now and then playing with each others cocks and jocks whenever the mood struck us. We took turns going to the fridge and grabbing beers, always taking the oppertunity to grab each others asses as we got up and sat back down. Eventually, we got hungry and ordered a pizza which Jim took as a good time to slip out of the Under Armour jock and put on a black McDavid one and throw on some shorts when the pizza guy came; which he immediately removed when the pizza guy left.

We stood in the kitchen to eat our pizza – there's no way we wanted to get sauce on the sofa, Jim's wife would be so mad. I was several beers in and caught myself a couple times just staring at Jim in all of his jockstrapped glory. Eventually, I couldn't resist and when Jim turned into the fridge to grab another round of beers, I was there waiting for him when he turned around and pulled his face in for a deep passionate kiss. He gladly returned the gesture and put the beers down so he could wrap his arms around me. The pouches of our jocks were touching and we were both back to being fully aroused.

"I was hoping you'd do that, so I didn’t' have to" Jim said while smiling and taking break from our makeout session. "Come here, I want to show you something."

Jim grabbed the beers and led me back to the couch. He eased me down onto the sofa and, to my surprise, rather than joining me kneeled down in front of me. Gently running his big, strong hands down my chest, across my jockstrap, and down my thighs he spread my legs apart. Jim looked up and smiled at me before burying his face into the pouch of my jockstrap. Jim kissed and licked every square millimeter of skin and fabric between my legs, taking special attention to run his tongue ever so slightly under the sides of the pouch of my jock; somehow he knew that drove me crazy. I wasn't quite sure how to react at first, but I eventually relaxed and placed my hands on Jims shoulders and arms to massage him while he was at work. I continued to move my hands up and around each part of Jim I could reach and, after running my hands though Jim's hair, he reacted with nothing but increased furvor from his mouth. Jim did reach up back and hand me a beer which I took as the final cue to sit back, relax, and enjoy the love.

Jim quickly learned that not only did I love having his tounge on the sides of my pouch, but at the bottom as well. Not so close to being rimmed, but having his wet, warm tongue run along the sides and bottom of my scrotum was excruciatingly erotic. Jim took a brief break to crack open his beer, take a few sips, and tell me how much he's been looking forward to this. He reached for the waistband of my jock and slowly pulled it down and off of my body, throwing the now spit soaked garment behind him. Jim wrapped his hands around my cock and guided it eagerly into his mouth; I almost came right then and there, but was able to hold back. Jim went slowly – even though my cock isn't huge he clearly wanted to take his time and get it right – but soon was applying excellent suction while moving his tongue around my shaft and tip. I ran my hands through hims hair, down his neck and shoulders, and gently assured him of the work he was doing; not like he needed it, Jim knew exactly how much I loved this and the feeling of his beard on my balls as he sucked with increasing power and speed.

After only a couple minutes, I couldn't take it anymore. I felt that it was only courteous to let Jim know about to cum and he just responded by speeding up, placing one hand on my shaft while he sucked and reaching out to hold my hand. Within a couple of seconds I tensed up and let out shot after shot of cum into Jim's mouth, squeezing his hand and shoulder with the pleasure that was erupting all over my body. Jim took as much as he could but pulled his head away while still jerking me to let some more of my cum shoot on to my belly. After the seventh shot, I was empty but still holding onto Jim as I eased down from my orgasm. Jim took the opportunity to place my cock back in his mouth and gently suck on it as the last few drops of cum eased out of my slowly softening dick. I was a minute or so until I opened my eyes and loved seeing my big, strong man crush just tenderly enjoying my dick – even better that I could see him slowly jerking his dick into the pouch of his jock.

I let go of Jim's hand and shoulder and Jim looked up and smiled at me. I smiled back and he slowly got up to grab a sip from his beer – I could see he worked up quite a sweat from what just happened. With him now towering above me on the couch, dick hard and stiking out of the side of his jock, I couldn't resist reaching out and jerking Jim off. He didn't seem to mind while slugging his beer, so I pulled him in closer and placed most of his thick seven inches into my mouth. Jim was already leaking precum and with the combined jerking and sucking that I was giving him, it wasn't long until he tapped me on the head telling me he was ready to cum. I slowly pulled Jim's dick out of my mouth and pulled the pouch of his jockstrap back over his dick which, with a couple more tugs, soon erupted with several shots of thick, hot jizz, filling the pouch of (my) jockstrap. I reached back grab Jim's tightened ass and watch the look of ecstasy on his face and his knees start to buckle under the orgasm.

After about another thirty seconds, I slid Jim's jockstrap off and grabbed his now semi-erect dick to pull out the last few drops of jiz onto the jock. I took another sip of my beer and stood up to find Jim's lips and embrace as we thanked each other for the attention we both just received. After several minutes of kissing, hugging, and feeling all over each other's bodies, we broke our embrace and walked into the kitchen. Jim grabbed the last two beers from the fridge and some now lukewarm pizza from the box. I grabbed a couple pairs of briefs from the backpack I had brought over – a blue and a black pair of synthetic Jockey sports briefs. I joined Jim for the final beer and some pizza while just smiling at him and talking about what we missed on TV while blowing each other.

"Haha, yeah man. Good times." Jim said while taking the final bite of his pizza. "So, I guess I never told you how I got so good a sucking cock, eh?"


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