Gay Erotic Stories

Jim and I - Part 6

by Bikiniteen
19 Oct 2022

Best Friends Friends Gay Erotic Stories Straight Men, Gay Sex Underwear Action

The rest of my weekend went by much like any other – pretty boring. Did some work around my house and got acquainted with the latest release on Netflix, but didn’t hear from Jim since I left his house. This wasn’t too surprising since I’m sure he wanted to spend time with his wife, but I know I thought about what we did several times that weekend and imagined being in his arms again when I went to bed. I knew I would see him at the gym again Monday morning and excitedly laid out my gym clothes and black sports briefs before I went to bed Sunday night.

The next morning, I got up early and had my usual routine before getting to the gym. I was unpacking my things into my locker when Jim came in a greeted me with a pat on the back. We quickly caught up while getting ready to work out and chatted about our weekends. As I finished tying my shoes Jim cleared his throat to catch my attention and pulled down the side of his gym shorts a couple inches to reveal the blue sports briefs with the black Jockey waistband. I smiled and stood up to reveal my own matching pair of black sport briefs. We laughed a bit and got started on our workout.

Exercising went by fairly quick and Jim and I were back in the locker room undressing, taking extra time to hang out in our briefs and admire each other. I pulled off my briefs and threw them into my locker and Jim quickly threw his in my locker too, I suppose he was giving them back to me. We covered up with towels and went to our separate showers to clean up; this was at work so keeping things somewhat professional. We got back to our lockers where we dried off and changed into our work clothes. Jim threw on a pair of dark green Hanes boxer- briefs that matched his polo shirt and I decided on maroon Jockey boxer-briefs for myself. As I was tying my shoes, Jim sitting on the bench next to me, he looked around and quickly dug into my locker to pull out my black briefs and give them a deep sniff before throwing them back in my locker. We laughed and finished dressing before heading to our desks.

The rest of the week went by pretty normally. Staying busy with work seeing Jim in the gym, and chatting with him about random topics over IM and text. We always made sure to show off our choices of underwear to each other in the gym, but didn’t discuss it too much when we got together for lunch. When Friday rolled around Jim and I decided to go out for lunch and maybe grab a beer since both our bosses were not in that way. We hopped in my car and headed out of the parking garage.

“Hey, do you know what Snapchat is?” Jim asked. “I heard it’s like you can send disappearing messages so people use it for sexting or whatever.”

“Yeah, I’ve used it before to share stupid pictures with my friends, but yeah it can be used for that.” I responded, knowing that Jim didn’t really care about staying up- to-date on the latest smartphone apps.

“Cool, could you show me how to use it? I was thinking maybe we could share pics of our underwear with each other.” Jim added with some excitement in his voice. “I know we won’t see each other every day at work but would still like to keep our thing going.”

“Absolutely! Sounds like fun. I’ll show you at lunch.” I responded as we were a few minutes from the restaurant. We went inside, got seated, ordered our food and drinks and just hung out. I showed Jim how to download snapchat, add me as a friend, and sent a couple pictures of our beers back and forth to each other to test it out. I also warned him about making sure that his wife doesn’t see his incoming messages and we came up with a protocol to make sure we were alone when we swapped pics.

“Cool man, this seems pretty easy. Thank you.” Jim said after we got everything all set up.

“Sure, no problem.” I replied. “But I was hoping there’s something that you could do in return for me.” Jim got a big smile on his face and looked around the restaurant, lightly kicking me under the table since he thought I was suggesting something else. “No, not that!” I insisted “I want to know...” pausing and lowering my voice “ you got to be such a... good... cocksucker.”

“Oh, damn, I guess I did say that.” Jim said, somewhat embarrassedly. “Honestly, I thought it was something that would stay in my past, just dumb college shit, and hadn’t thought about it since then. Well, that is till... you...we... well, you know. But I can’t talk about it here, obviously. Maybe the next time we get together and chill like we did last weekend.” He added while somewhat nervously shifting in his seat. Sensing not to push the issue, I agreed and changed the topic to baseball before we paid our bill and went back to work.

Jim was out on a hunting trip that weekend, but early Saturday morning my phone (which I forgot to put on silent) woke me up with a snapchat notification from Jim. He knew I would be alone this early in the morning, so I was happy to a shot of him in his bathroom mirror wearing his hunting cammo, pants down to the knees and rocking the bright orange sports briefs I had given to him a couple weeks prior. While I was admiring his physical perfection, another pic came in from Jim’s point of view pointed down at his semi-erect cock. Jim was holding the green briefs I gave him in his hand with his package rested on top of the briefs and the caption “gonna fill these up this weekend. Miss you bud.” I knew he was going to use them as his hunting cum rag and got instantly hard. I asked if I could send him a pic and he instantly replied yes. I snapped a quick picture of my tenting white Jockey low rise briefs with the caption “have fun, miss you too”.

Our conversation died down as Jim headed out on his hunting trip, but my boner hadn’t. Even though I’ve been seeing Jim each morning in the gym, I had been holding off of releasing my own load hoping that I could share it with him the next time we got together. I gently rubbed the bulge in my briefs but decided to sit down in front of the computer and work on some bills to get my mind off of Jim and maintain the ever-growing load in my balls. I moved on to my normal Saturday errands and chores hoping I would be back with my buddy again soon.

The sun had gone down and I was relaxing at home and watching some tv in just my briefs. My phone lit up with the signature Snapchat notification from Jim and I excitedly opened it. Jim had taken a selfie inside his tent by lantern light and while I admired his bearded, rugged features, I realized the caption on the pic said “got good signal. Call me?” I closed the picture and quickly hit Jim’s icon on my speed dial and was quickly connected to my buddy out in the woods.

“Hey man, just crawling into my tent for the night and realized I had good signal. Figured it might be nice to chat.” Jim said as he picked up the phone. We talked a little bit about how our days were, what Jim saw in the woods, and complained about work – just the normal stuff. After we got that out of the way Jim volunteered “So, I’ve got to let you know I’ve got the briefs you gave me wrapped around my dick. Originally, I was gonna jerk off but thought maybe I could talk to you first... or... while I do it. Maybe tell you about how I learned to suck dick?”

I happily agreed and began to rub my cock in my briefs as I listened to Jim’s story.

So, it all started back my freshman year of college. I had gotten a basketball scholarship and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to play and get a decent education. Everything started out pretty normal – I had a good coach, good teammates, and we had overall winning record for the season. I made a lot of friends from being on the team and got invited to a lot of good parties giving me opportunities to hook up with a bunch of chicks, even the woman who is now my wife. It was kinda like the perfect college experience.

Towards the end of my first season, we had a basketball banquet for all the teams in our small conference. This required the team to travel a couple towns away and stay over at a hotel – nothing we hadn’t been doing when we traveled for the season. I didn’t have a lot of money so ended up needing to share a hotel room with one of the juniors, Mike, who was probably going to be the captain next season. He’s a cool guy and we’ve always got along but didn’t hang out much outside of practices and games. We got to our room and had some time to change into our dress clothes for the banquet. I unpacked my stuff and must have pretty upset because I said “shit!” pretty loud and Mike asked me what was wrong.

I told him I packed my stuff really quickly because I had a girl over the night before and must have forgot to pack clean boxers for the banquet. I was pretty gross and didn’t like the idea of wearing stinky boxers under my clean suit. Mike said he might be able to help and said he always kept an extra jock in his bag in case of emergencies. I remember thinking that was weird but he assured me it was brand new and clean, and better than free balling in slacks. Mike reached into his bag to hand me over the jock –still in its packaging – so I could go into the bathroom and shower. I had always worn a jock for basketball and seen tons of them in the lockeroom, but for some reason this got me... well I guess looking back at it... kinda turned on. I shook the feeling, got dressed, and waited for Mike to get ready before hitting the banquet.

The banquet was in the hotel ballroom and a lot of fun. The coaches all knew we snuck booze in for the underage guys – like me- but didn’t say anything because they were sneaking sips out of flasks in their jackets. I hung out with a lot of my friends, guys from other teams, all that kind of stuff – just talking and eating and having a good time. I knew I was wearing a jock and I kinda think it made a nice bulge in my dress pants, but I don’t think anyone knew or cared. Whenever I went to take a piss, I just had to remember there wasn’t a fly like in my boxers, ha ha. There were some awards/presentations, but with a few drinks in me I didn’t really care much for speeches or slideshows. Mike had found me around that time and looked pretty over the festivities as well. He said he packed a bottle of Jack Daniels in his bag in the room if we wanted to go back and start knocking that down.

Mike unlocked the door and I followed him in our room. We started loosening our ties and kicking off our shoes until we were sitting on our beds with our shirts unbuttoned but pants still on. Mike grabbed the bottle of liquor and took the first sip before passing it over to me. We talked a bunch about school, basketball, post-college, just random stuff while sipping the bottle back and forth. Once it was about a third gone Mike got up and unbuttoned his pants pulling them down to reveal he was wearing a black jock just like the one I had on! I remember laughing and doing the same, so we were both just drinking in our jocks.

We kept drinking and talking for a little while longer and Mike started to become quieter. Eventually he said that he knew he was going to be captain next year and wanted me on his starting lineup, but there was something I needed to do for him first. I was drunk and just agreed and before I knew it Mike had grabbed my hand and put it on the pouch of his jock, simply saying “suck it.” I remember laughing and being hesitant but Mike just glared at me so I guess I just went along with it. I had gotten plenty of blowjobs in my time and I guess I could figure out the basics as I went along.

I just kinda rubbed his cock a bit and then slid it out of the side of the jock and put it in my mouth. Mike rested his hands on my head and gave me gentle but firm instructions on what to do. Before I knew it, he was hard in my mouth and groaning as I worked on his cock. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be and it didn’t take long until he came, which I ended up swallowing. Mike patted me on the head and passed the bottle of Jack to me while putting his jock back on. I swallowed the liquor while standing up and composing myself. Mike told me that I was on my way to being a starter and I better keep this between the two of us. We took a few more sips from the bottle before cleaning up and going to bed. The next morning, we were both hungover but didn’t say much about the night before other than Mike telling me to keep the jock.

Mike I and kept in touch over the summer, but mostly just talking about basketball. Once we were back at school together, he was indeed captain of the team and made sure I was one of the starters. Whenever we traveled for games, we always roomed together and I always found Mike’s cock in my mouth at least once per trip. Outside of that, we both had girlfriends and didn’t do anything more than me blowing him – always while wearing our matching jocks - but I was happy to keep my starting position on the team. I never fooled around with any other guys and after Mike graduated, I put it behind me and got into a serious relationship with my now wife. I didn’t think I’d ever explore it again until we became friends and well... you see what happened.

“Holy shit dude, that was wild!” I exclaimed when Jim finished his story “I mean, it was hot to hear but sort of weird you had to do that to keep your spot as a starter.”

“Yeah, I guess, but I’m pretty sure my skills spoke for themselves as we got into the season.” Jim retorted. “After a while, I think we did it because, honestly, it was fun. I can see what you mean though and probably why I tried to put it behind me. Though... I’ve got to admit I’m rock hard and leaking pre-cum talking about it with you.”

“Haha, same here man” I happily explained “I’ve been keeping my briefs on and jerking while you’ve been talking and I’ve got quite the wet spot going on. Here, let me show you.”

I set Jim a Snapchat of my tenting briefs and he quickly replied with a pic of his cock wrapped in my green briefs. We complimented each other and said how much we miss being together. I told Jim I was saving my load for him but would jerk off with him on the phone if he wanted. I think this got him a little more excited since he quickly shut that idea down and said he would be by the next day to drain my load. We talked a little bit more before wishing each other a goodnight.

The next morning, I woke to a Snapchat from Jim. He was in the woods with a hot cup of coffee and his hunting pants pulled down to show off the Under Armour he changed into and bulge with the caption “see you soon.” I happily went along with my day and a few hours later I heard Jim’s diesel truck pulling into my driveway. I knew he was coming at some point and luckily left the door unlocked. Jim quickly came inside and picked me up in his arms for a huge hug and kiss even before taking off his jacket or anything. Jim gently pushed me down on the sofa and pulled down my pants to reveal a tight pair of green synthetic boxer briefs. With nothing more than a grunt a smile, Jim buried his face in my crotch and fervently licked, sucked, sniffed, and rubbed anything and everything covered by the technical fabric.

After a few minutes, Jim came back up to my mouth for several passionate kisses while trying to remove his boots and clothes. Eventually he was down to his black Under Armour which I reached out to feel. Jim was briefly happy for the attention in his tented boxer briefs, but pushed my hand away to get back on his knees and resume his oral servicing of my crotch. It wasn’t long until my boxer briefs were pulled off and I found my cock deep in Jim’s mouth. He sucked me with an intense passion, moving from deep throating me, licking my balls, and rimming me – something that was new to our encounters. I tried to hold off as long as I could but eventually tapped Jim on the head to let him know my load was coming. He grabbed both my hands and pushed them back, deep throating me as I thrusted load after load from my full balls down his throat. Jim eagerly took it all and kept sucking to make sure it all got out. After a few minutes he slowly removed my cock from his mouth and licked my taint and balls a few more time before standing up.

“You weren't kidding bud, how many days have you been saving that load for me?” Jim said finally breaking his silence.

“It’s been about a week I guess, thank you for taking it all.” I replied by reaching out for his body and bulge.

“My pleasure” Jim smiled while enjoying the attention I gave to his cock. “But look, I’m gonna head out and get home. I just wanted to make sure you were taken care of. I’m actually gonna go home and fuck my wife since she was asking to come straight home from hunting. Figure what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. Have any mouthwash?”

Jim pulled his clothes back on and went to the bathroom to clean the cum smell off his breath and beard. I got dressed and Jim stopped to give me another big hug before running out the door.


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