Gay Erotic Stories

Chinese POW, Part 6

by Sha
22 Dec 1999

Asian Delights

This is a work in progress, I hope you like it so far. Please feel free to contact the author at This story contains material depicting sexual activity between adult males. If that offends you, or if you are too young to read such material please stop now. CHINESE P.O.W. (Part 6) X As Corporal Yang withdrew his cock from me and let go his grip, I overbalanced and stumbled forward onto my knees. Sergeant Bo directed my three co-prisoners to line up at attention. “Whenever you have been fucked by a patron”, Sergeant Bo said in a shoolmasterly tone, “you must clean up any mess. In his case [pointing to me] this means the patron’s body and the cum which has landed on the floor. Firstly he will attend to his keeper.” Addressing me directly he said “Clean up Corporal Yang. You must do it with your mouth unless the patron gives a different direction. Your master tells me that you already have practice at this with his friend, Lieutenant Solokov”. I walked on my knees over to Corporal Yang and proceeded to suck and lick his genital area clean. Limp, his cock was about four inches long, and I had some trouble sucking clean the thick mass of black hairs on his balls. A few of them remained inside my mouth after I had finished. The taste was awful, but I tried not to show any reaction. “Now the floor”, Sergeant Bo said. I crawled over to the small puddle of my cum that had landed a few inches from where my three naked comrades were now standing to attention and observing me. I leaned forward and with two or three licks, lapped up the now-cool cum. I can still remember its sour taste and my intense humiliation in front of Sim, Cha and Ming. I also noticed that, once again, Sim was sporting an erection and was watching me intently. “How was that?” Sergeant Bo asked Corporal Yang. “He didn’t clean me properly”, replied Corporal Yang. “Get back over here!” he barked at me. I crawled back over to Corporal Yang and, rising to my knees, looked up at him waiting for an instruction. This clearly annoyed Corporal Yang: “You already know that you are not to look directly at a keeper without permission! That was your last warning.” “Sorry, sir”, I stammered out. “Now clean me properly”. “How do you mean, sir” I replied, looking at his bare feet. “Under my foreskin, pig-boy.” I reached out to his limp cock with my hand in order to roll back his foreskin, but he angrily slapped it aside. “Never clean a patron’s cock or balls with your hand unless invited to”, he said. “Use your mouth only”. I took his limp cock into my mouth, forcing back his foreskin with my lips, and then proceeded to lick his cockhead clean. The taste and smell were instantly overpowering, and I retched involuntarily. At this, Corporal Yang placed a foot on my chest and slowly pushed until I toppled over backwards, landing flat on my back. As I lay there naked and coughing on the floor Sergeant Bo said: “A comfort boy must never do or say anything that might displease a patron. You must learn to control yourselves. Even if you find a particular service distasteful or repulsive you must not show it, unless the patron wishes you to. Some patrons’ tastes will require you to show, or pretend to show, reluctance or resistance. You will be briefed whenever possible about those patrons before you are sent to their service. But most will require you to be eager for all kinds of sex and other services. Failure to please a patron will result in punishment. Deliberate or wilful failures will be most severely punished.” Sergeant Bo walked over and knelt beside me, producing a thin strip of leather, about six inches long from his trouser pocket. He continued: “A failure to exercise appropriate self-control will attract a somewhat lesser punishment, but will still teach you a lesson. In the case of this pig-boy, he failed to control himself. It is a first offence and you have only just started your training, so the penalty is small. He will be punished by wearing this until a keeper instructs otherwise.” In a deft movement, Sergeant Bo looped and tied the leather strip tightly around the base of my cock. It felt uncomfortable, but not painful. Addressing me directly, Sergeant Bo said: “You will not touch, that strap until Corporal Yang or I tell you to. Before the day is out, you’ll be begging for its removal. Now get up and finish the job, pig-boy”. I scrambled back onto my knees and took Corporal Yang’s cock once more into my mouth. Though I felt like retching again, I somehow managed to control myself, and cleaned the Corporal’s cockhead with my tongue. When I had done, Corporal Yang stepped back, withdrew his cock from my mouth and proceeded to dress. His acrid taste clung stubbornly to my palate and tongue. “Now, on your feet boy and get in line with the other pigs”, Sergeant Bo ordered. I fell in next to my three comrades, and noticed how the leather strap caused my cock to protrude directly outwards, as though pointing like a finger. I desperately hoped no-one else outside the hut would see me like that. I also remember feeling more naked than at any time during my life. Of course, I could not then know that this would prove to be a tiny humiliation compared to that of which the SRU was capable. Sergeant Bo continued: “You have all chosen to become comfort boys. This is the beginning of a new life. You have freely surrendered your freedom, and now your keepers have the task of re-making you in a way fit to serve the people’s cause. We will start by renaming you. There are grades among the comfort boys, and the lowest grade is ‘pig’. At the moment, you are all pigs. From now on, you have no military ranks and no family names. To us, to our patrons, and to each other you are to be known as ...”, he paused to consult a piece of paper he produced from his shirt pocket, “... sha-pig, ming-pig, cha-pig and sim-pig”. Stuffing the paper back into his pocket he continued, “The next grade up is ‘dog’, and then finally ‘horse’. Your material conditions will improve with each upgrade. Downgrades, for disobedience or repeated failure to please patrons, are also possible. Typically pigs such as yourselves will be made available only to relatively junior leaders and to other personnel as a reward for outstanding service. Horses are usually reserved for our most senior cadres. Of course, a senior comrade can always request a dog or pig if he wants one. But usually, they will prefer a very highly trained and obedient comfort boy - a horse.” Sergeant Bo walked over to Ming and began masturbating his cock before continuing: “As pigs there is no possibility of downgrading. If you prove to be unsuitable even as a pig, you’ll be shipped out to one of our regular labour camps. So, you’d better learn to be comfort boys fast. A lot depends on it.” Ming’s cock seemed not to be responding to the attentions being given to it. Sergeant Bo let go of it saying; “You will not always be expected to get an erection when you are with a patron. But it will be difficult to upgrade to dog if you can’t erect at least most of the time, and it will also be difficult to upgrade to horse unless you can erect almost every time. Of course, a few comfort boys find it very hard to have an erection with a male patron. These comfort boys usually lack any natural inclination. They cannot be used by the small number of our patrons who wish the comfort boy to fuck them, and so their usefulness to us is slightly more limited. It is sometimes possible to compensate for this by becoming especially creative and skilful in other facets of servicing the patron’s needs. One of our best horses almost never achieves an erection with a male patron, and yet he is frequently sought after by a few of our senior male cadres. In his case, what he lacks in his cock he more than makes up for in other ways. He is a master craftsman with his arse, mouth and hands. He can also provide the patrons with a highly professional massage.” I recall thinking that I might be able to prosper as a comfort boy. I had already discovered that part of me - a large part of me - responded enthusiastically to the role. Sim also seemed comfortable with the prospect of life as a comfort boy, at least so far. He had been conspicuously erect both times he was paraded naked, and he seemed drawn to me in a number of ways. About Cha, I was unsure as yet of his attitude. But I was certainly aware that Ming had consented to remain in the SRU simply in order to survive the war, and that he would tolerate the lot of a comfort boy in order to achieve that end. I had the impression that he would freely endure his training and duties, but that he was unlikely ever to take pleasure in them. Part of me took heart, on Ming’s behalf, at Sergeant Bo’s words. There was hope that even Ming could excel as a comfort boy, in his own way, and be returned alive and in good health to his parents and family in Fujian province at the war’s end. I quickly prayed this would be the case. Sergeant Bo continued: “You will all learn the many arts of being a comfort boy. I have already mentioned the three instruments you must learn to play well - arse, mouth and hands. But just as important as the instruments, there is presentation and attitude. Your instruction will also extend to these things. Finally, part of your training will consist of the principal ancillary services - cooking, laundry, dancing, serving tea, massage and reading aloud. These and other ancillary services are sometimes required by a patron before or after sex. Sometimes, but not often, a patron will want one or more ancillary services from you instead of sex. As a general rule, the older the patron the more likely he will be to want some ancillary services performed with the sex, while the youngest ones will often be content with a good fuck. Whatever the patron wants, you must give him. And you must do it eagerly and professionally.” Corporal Yang had by this time finished lacing up his boots, and Sergeant Bo instructed him to take us to “the Field”. XI. The four of us were marched out of the hut and into the brilliant, warm sunshine. I caught my first real glimpse of the camp. The Field was the grassy quadrangle, about the size of three soccer pitches, which I had glimpsed the previous night. It was surrounded by wooden huts of various sizes on all sides. Corporal Yang marched us four ‘pigs’ to the nearest edge of the Field and had us stand to attention facing him. Judging by the Sun’s position, it was the Field’s southern edge. I noticed a number of other young naked prisoners. I guessed them to be more-established comfort boys, looking at us from near the opposite northern perimeter of the field while they carried various items between huts; buckets, pots, stretchers and similar wares under the supervision of a uniformed PLA soldier. We were also being watched by three soldiers standing near the eastern end of the Field. “Right, pigs ... ” Corporal Yang barked, “now you will run for me. The last one to complete ten laps of the Field will be punished. Go!” He pointed indicating that we had to run clockwise around the Field on a dirt path bordering the edge where the grass had been worn away by many feet before us. We immediately took off. I did not want to be the one on the receiving end of the fearsome Corporal Yang’s punishment, and I knew my three comrades felt exactly the same way. The four of us started instinctively running as fast as we could. I realised that in my whole life I had never run anywhere naked before. The feeling of doing it with three other naked runners in an open place and with an audience felt alien, but exhilarating. As we passed the northern perimeter in a tight bunch, a group of ten or twelve other naked comfort boys briefly paused in their labours to watch us impassively. Then as we circled towards the eastern edge I could make out the three uniformed observers I had noticed earlier. There was Captain Bartek - our ‘master’ - his friend Lieutenant Solokov who had fucked me the previous evening, and a late middle aged Chinese PLA officer I did not recognise. They watched us with evident interest as we ran, still in a tight bunch, past them back towards our starting point. “The last one will regret!” Corporal Yang shouted as we flew by him. By the time we passed Captain Bartek and his two companions a second time, they were all seated in the shade of a hut on canvas chairs which had evidently been produced by a naked boy who was now serving them drinks. It seemed that they had settled in for the duration, and were enjoying the contest which Corporal Yang had thrust upon us. By the third lap, our bunch had broken up and we were strung out with a few yards between each runner. Ming, being the tallest and most athletic, was in the lead. He was followed by Cha, who also possessed a strong and mature physique. Sim was next, and I was running last. Ming and Cha presented really impressive figures from where I saw them. Ming had the darkest skin of the four of us. Tall and broad-shouldered, he shimmered with perspiration that caused his darkish smooth skin to shine like gold. His strong bare muscular buttocks gave the impression that they were driving his long legs like pistons. His back was richly muscled, no doubt from labouring in the fields of Fujian. He was beautiful. The hot sun was beginning to take its toll on all four of us, especially the smaller and younger pair. As we began the sixth lap, the gap between the lead pair and the tail pair had widened to about ten yards. I was covered in sweat, was gasping for breath, and desperately needed water. By the eighth lap Sim and Cha were a good fifteen yards in front of Sim and me. By this stage, I was also beginning to understand the purpose of the leather strap around the base of my cock. I realised that I would need to take a piss some time after the run, but the leather tourniquet would probably make that simple task impossible. As he entered the final lap, Ming took a long look backwards at the field behind him. He must have observed that he was still closely followed by Cha, but that Sim and I were in no position to overtake him. Suddenly, he slowed his pace right down. By the time he had reached the knot of working comfort boys on the northern perimeter, Cha had overtaken him and established an unbeatable lead. By the time Sim and I passed Captain Bartek and his party for the last time, we both overtook Ming. Just as I overtook him, Ming looked into my eyes and, panting raggedly, gasped “I’ll take this one Lieutenant - you go on”. I’m deeply ashamed to recall that I let Ming run last so that I could avoid Corporal Yang’s punishment. Looking back, it would have been more honourable for me to order him to run ahead, or perhaps to have faked a fall. But I was really afraid of Corporal Yang’s unspecified threat, and I did not want to find out what form it might take. I was also beginning to feel that I was no longer an officer, stripped as I was of rank, name and clothes. That Ming obviously did not see me that way makes me now even more ashamed. Cha finished the race first, followed some way back by Sim, then me, closely followed by Ming. Sim and I collapsed onto the ground pouring with sweat and gasping, while Cha was doubled over also struggling for breath in painful gasps. Ming squatted on the ground trying to recover some strength and his breath. Corporal Yang’s face looked like a volcano on the brink of eruption. “Stand up ming-pig!” he screamed. Ming struggled to his feet, still gasping. Corporal Yang delivered Ming a loud slap across his face, causing Ming to stagger backwards a couple of paces. “Do you think I am an idiot?!” Breathless, Ming could only shake his head. “You will be punished not only for coming last, but also for deliberately frustrating a keeper’s intentions. You will not forget your punishment, that I can promise you”. Corporal Yang made a beckoning gesture towards one of the huts, and three naked boys, each bearing two heavy buckets, came trotting over to our group. Two of the boys were obviously Chinese, but one of them was a very fair-skinned gwei-lo with red hair on his head and pubic area, and a longish cock without foreskin. This boy wore a broad brown leather belt around his waist, but was otherwise completely naked like his two Chinese companions. They immediately threw a bucket of water over each of us four runners. One bucket of water was placed on the ground with four metal mugs floating in it, and the three boys trotted back behind the hut from which they had emerged. “Drink!”, Corporal Yang commanded. We all staggered over to the bucket and began greedily swallowing water in large gulps from the mugs. “More slowly, or you’ll be sick”, he said. Once we had drunk our fill Corporal Yang said, “You may piss into the bucket if you need to”. Cha and Ming went first, each simultaneously letting out a long heavy stream of piss that splashed into the bucket’s remaining water. Sim and I followed. Although Sim copied the example set by the older boys with a relieved sigh, the leather strap around my cock made it impossible for me to pass any water. Suddenly, standing at the bucket, a terrible pain attacked my bladder and cock and I let out a load grunt and moan. “What’s the matter sha-pig, you embarrassed to piss in front of the other pig-boys?” Corporal Yang’s tone was thick with sarcasm. “No sir, it’s Sergeant Bo’s strap .... permission to remove it sir - the pain’s really terrible and I’ve really got to piss badly, sir”. “Permission denied” was Corporal Yang’s emphatic reply. Then after a few seconds’ pause while I stood at the bucket hoping pathetically for a miracle, Corporal Yang said “You can’t remove it, but ming-pig can do it for you.” Corporal Yang grabbed the back of my neck and steered me over to where Ming had resumed squatting and catching his breath. He made me stand so that my leather-bound cock was level with Ming’s face. “Untie his little pig-cock!” Corporal Yang barked at Ming. Still squatting, Ming untied the leather strap, taking deliberate care not to touch my cock or balls any more than he had to. I felt a huge urge to piss right there, and began to turn back to the bucket. But Corporal Yang held me facing Ming by placing a firm guiding hand on my arse. “Now, sha-pig ...” Corporal Yang said, “you may piss”. For a second or two I resisted, but biology over-ruled my will. I let out a long yellow stream of piss which started by hitting Ming on the chest as he remained squatting on the ground. Corporal Yang then took hold of my cock and directed my powerful stream onto Ming, drenching his face and hair. Ming remained squatting, but closed his eyes and held his breath. When I had given up all my piss, Corporal Yang gave my cock a shake and ordered the four of us to stand to attention in line facing him. “You will all go for a little run every day around the Field. Ten laps, just like today. How many extra laps you might have to run will depend on the standard of your service. The daily run will help to keep you fit for our patrons’ pleasure and serve as a means of punishing very minor infractions.” “You will eat now, after which Sergeant Bo will give you further instructions in your duties.” Looking directly at Ming he said, “Your punishment will occur tonight after the evening meal. It will require a little organisation, but it will serve to improve both your discipline and the efficiency of the SRU.” Through his teeth he said, “You will long remember the experience. You will never again try to make a fool out of me or any other keeper”. TO BE CONTINUED


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Chinese POW, Part 5

This is a work in progress, I hope you like it so far. Please feel free to contact the author at This story contains material depicting sexual activity between adult males. If that offends you, or if you are too young to read such material please stop now. CHINESE P.O.W. (Part 5) VIII. A dream came. My

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