Gay Erotic Stories

Chinese POW, Part 7

by Sha
10 Jan 2000

Asian Delights

This is a work in progress, I hope you like it so far. Please feel free to contact the author at This story contains material depicting sexual activity between adult males. If that offends you, or if you are too young to read such material please stop now.

CHINESE P.O.W. (Part 7)


Standing at attention next to Ming I could smell the urine - my urine - as it dried on his body and in his hair in the hot afternoon sun. After what he had done for me on the running track, I felt awful that he was now covered in my piss. Was this any kind of reward for his bravery and selflessness? Furthermore, he still had to endure the punishment promised by Corporal Yang, which loomed all the more menacingly because we could not guess what it would be. I should have been standing in the awful shadow of that threat. How would I ever be able to express my gratitude for what Ming had done; and how could I make amends for pissing on him afterwards?

These thoughts were cut short by Corporal Yang ordering us to march over to, and behind, one of the huts at the northern perimeter of the Field. There we saw a large grassy area about 100 meters square. At one edge stood a wooden table on which was piled many wooden bowls and two large metal pots. This table, and another longer one which was flanked by two long benches, were covered by a pergola which offered a cool shade.

A uniformed soldier wearing a white apron, who appeared to be a cook, was supervising two naked boys. They were ladling food out of the pots into the bowls and spreading them out on top of the smaller table. A queue of about 40 naked boys was just beginning to collect the steaming bowls, before they carried their food away to find a spot on the grass.

Corporal Yang marched we four trainees to the front of the queue and ordered us each to take one bowl. He then directed us over to a corner of the grassy square and ordered us to place our bowls on the ground.

“As pigs”, he said, “you will not eat at the table. That privilege is reserved for horses only. Pigs and dogs must eat on the ground in the open. Dogs may squat or sit on the ground and use chopsticks, but pigs must eat straight out of the bowl with their mouths, while kneeling on all fours.” He pointed to a small knot of four or five other naked boys who had placed their bowls on the ground, and were eating out of them like animals. Their mouths were in their bowls and their bare arses pointed skywards.

Looking around, I saw that some other boys were squatting on their haunches while quickly attacking their food with chopsticks. These boys wore only a loose-fitting black strip of leather around their necks. Noticing that I was looking in their direction, Corporal Yang remarked, “Those boys are dogs. You can tell they have achieved the grade of dog by the collars they wear. You are not to eat like them until you have earned the privilege”.

After all the boys in the queue had collected their bowls, I observed that about ten boys were seated at the benches and long table under the shade of the pergola. All these boys were naked except for a wide brown belt around their waists. One of these boys was the red-haired gwei-lo who had helped throw water over us after the run. He was the only non-Chinese among all the boys. The two assistants of the cook were now serving these brown-belted boys wooden bowls of food that came out of the hut, and not from the pots on the smaller table which the ‘pigs’ and ‘dogs’ had used.

“Horses are permitted to sit at the table in the shade”, remarked Corporal Yang. “They eat the same food as us keepers, and are entitled to be served by the other livestock. You can see that, like horses, they wear a leather harness. Their harness is a reward for skilful and obedient service of the highest order and a badge of trust. It is the highest item of clothing to which you can aspire as a comfort boy, and you must obey any instructions a horse may give to you.”

As I scanned the grassy eating area, I noticed that all the other comfort boys had what appeared to be a small mark or tattoo of some kind on their upper left buttock.

Corporal Yang indicated that we trainees were to stand around a feeding ‘pig’ and observe him as he ate. “Watch how weng-pig eats”, Corporal Yang said. “You must learn the technique, as you will usually have no more than ten minutes to eat your mid-day meal.” The naked boy couldn’t have been any older than me. He had developed a skill with his lips and tongue that enabled him to quickly pick up all the bits of food in the bowl. Corporal Yang commented, “You will all develop these sorts of skills with your mouth, both in order to eat and to better please the patrons”.

I could also see that the boy gave his arse a wiggle as he ate, causing his cock and balls to bounce around between his legs. Corporal Yang explained, “Whenever a pig is feeding and a keeper or a horse approaches, it is customary for the pig to give a little display of his wares. This is because we find it amusing and because it reminds the pig of his position in the order of things. It is not compulsory, but you will observe this custom if you ever hope to advance to dog.” Corporal Yang gave the boy a gentle pat on his up-turned arse. “This is one of my favourites”, he said quietly as if to himself. This close to the boy I could see that the mark on his buttock appeared to be a small scar, about two inches across, crudely in the shape of a pig.

The eating boy was a very attractive lad, as were all the boys in their different ways. Smooth and fair-skinned, his dancing cock and balls provoked yet another full-scale erection from Sim who now seemed to be a bit less embarrassed by his semi-permanent exhibition. I also felt my own cock stirring, but I was too tired from my earlier orgasm and the run to manage any outward display of arousal.

“Now, eat!” Corporal Yang commanded us. We returned to our bowls and adopted the pig’s eating position. “Concentrate on getting the food, and don’t worry about the wiggle just for now.”

The bowl contained an ample quantity of cold rice with hot steamed vegetables. There was also a small piece of cold boiled chicken meat. The meal was better than most I had eaten in General Chiang’s army, though I had then eaten what was given with much more dignity.

As I knelt there on all fours, naked in the sun and eating my food like a farm animal with Corporal Yang supervising, I found it hard to believe that I had been a uniformed army officer only one day earlier. My cock twitched and hardened just a little.

Right next to me was Cha, struggling like me to manage his meal. At one point he used a hand to pick up a piece of food and pop it into his mouth. Corporal Yang instantly whacked him across his arse, causing him to yelp - more with surprise than pain - and fall forward onto his face in the bowl. “Only dogs and horses may touch their food with their hands. When you earn that privilege, you may do so. Until then, you must never handle your food.” Corporal Yang produced the leather strip which had earlier been wrapped around the base of my cock and, reaching between Cha’s legs, roughly applied it in the same way to him.

“Further infringements will be much more seriously punished”, Corporal Yang said.

Shortly before I finished eating my food, I heard the uniformed cook call out to Corporal Yang, “Any chance of a quick try-out with one of the new pigs?”

“Sure”, Corporal Yang called back. “Take your pick”.

The cook strolled over, wiping his hands on his apron as he approached. Most of the eating ‘horses’ and ‘dogs’ watched the cook’s progress with some interest, but did not look directly at him. Most of the ‘pigs’ remained focused on their bowls because of the position they were required to adopt. The cook was short - shorter than almost all the boys. He was about 45 years old, had the rough sunburnt features of a peasant and was smoking a cigarette. I pretended to focus on my food but watched the cook warily, and apprehensively, at the edge of my vision. He walked around us a few times, closely inspecting the four new ‘pigs’, while continuing to wipe his hands on his apron.

“A nice batch”, the cook said at last.

“Not bad”, Corporal Yang replied. “This one’s a reasonable fuck for a new-comer” he said pointing to me. “A tight sweet arse on him”. Pointing to Ming he said “This one is marked for tonight, so you can’t have him now”. They both walked behind Sim, and Corporal Yang said, “This one seems ready for something; the pig’s almost always got a stiff little cock, but his arse is untested. His name is sim-pig”.

“Wiggle it for me, sim-pig”, said the cook.

Sim paused eating for a moment and tried to look over his shoulder, but Corporal Yang shot back sharply, “No-one said to look at us, pig-boy! Just wiggle your arse like the keeper said!”

Sim looked back at his bowl and tried wiggling as instructed.

“He needs some practice”, Corporal Yang said apologetically to the cook.

“That’s OK”, replied the cook. “He’s got a nice clean-looking arse, perfect little balls and his cock’s almost hard already. Can I give him a spin?”

“He’s all yours”, replied Corporal Yang. “But their training recommences in about twenty minutes”.

“That’s be more than I’ll need”, said the cook, undoing his apron. “I’m horny enough to finish him in a couple of minutes”.

“Here or inside?”, inquired Corporal Yang.

“Right here, I think.” Calling out to the table where the ‘horses’ were just finishing their meals the cook said, “Angmor-horse, bring over some cooking oil”. ‘Angmor’ was a term I’d often heard in Hong Kong, meaning a foreigner with red hair.

The naked ‘harnessed’ angmor boy leapt up from the table, darted inside the hut, and re-emerged carrying a small metal pot. He trotted over to the cook, undid the fly of his trousers, took out his erect cock, and applied a handful of oil to it with several strokes. I can still smell the peanut oil. Then the angmor went down on one knee and applied some oil to Sim’s arse, using his fingers to line part of Sim’s insides. Sim hissed with surprise.

The cook, still smoking his cigarette, kneeled behind Sim. The angmor ‘horse’-boy, who seemed practised in this procedure, guided the cook’s glistening cock to the entrance of Sim’s arse.

“Just relax, it’ll be much easier” I heard the angmor boy whisper gently to Sim in a heavy foreign accent.

Sim grunted an assent to the angmor’s advice, but looked over at me with pleading eyes. We both knew, however, there was nothing I could do. But I was at that moment deeply moved that Sim sought help, however hopelessly, from me. I knew then for sure that Sim was in love with me. All I could do was give him an expression which I hoped he would interpret as encouragement to bear with it and be brave.

With the assistance of the angmor boy’s guiding hand, the cook slid into Sim. From my position the cook’s penis looked small - less than 5 inches erect, which was a mercy for Sim. He gasped five or six times, and then began a soft keening moan as the cook quickly and roughly fucked him. The sun was hot, and the stress caused by losing his virginity in such a sudden and unpredicted way caused Sim to break out in a heavy sweat as the cook pumped him violently. After letting out a shout of pleasure, the cook quickly withdrew from Sim’s arse with a loud ‘plop’ caused by the cooking oil. The cook’s invasion of my poor Sim’s body lasted less than two minutes, but left Sim clearly shocked.

I remember feeling love and an intense sympathy for Sim at that very moment. I wanted to tell him, then and there, that I had wanted to be the first one to enter him and that I wanted it to be gentle and full of tenderness. My eyes told him these things, and I think he understood.

After the cook had stood up again, the angmor boy said softly in Sim’s ear “Now you must clean him”. The angmor was stroking Sim’s sweaty back in a gentle and reassuring manner.

Sim rose up onto his knees with obvious difficulty, and the cook came around to stand in front of him. Evidently remembering that morning’s lesson involving Corporal Yang and me, Sim took the cook’s softening penis into his mouth and began sucking and licking it clean. Sim’s own erection had completely subsided.

When Sim had finished to the cook’s satisfaction, the angmor boy did up the man’s trouser fly, stood with head bowed, and waited for any further instructions.

Sim remained kneeling in front of the cook who was putting his white apron back on.

“Finish your meal now, sim-pig”, Corporal Yang said firmly. Sim resumed eating on all fours.

“Thank you”, said the cook to Corporal Yang, making the last adjustments to his clothing. “Nice and tight, just the way I like them. I’ll notch up another virgin on my bunkroom wall - all thanks to you my understanding friend.”

“Just remember who lets you have them, alright cookie?”

The cook winked and leered at Corporal Yang before strolling back over to his pots, the angmor-horse following closely behind carrying the pot of cooking oil.

When it was clear that we four trainees had finished as much of our meals as we could scoop out of the bowls with our unpractised mouths, Corporal Yang ordered us to the front of a queue of boys at a large wooden barrel of water. We had to wash our bowls and leave them in a pile on the ground. Then we were shepherded to an adjacent water barrel and ordered to wash our faces and hands. At this barrel Corporal Yang ordered Sim, who was walking gingerly and had a little peanut oil running down the insides of his legs, to clean his arse, legs and groin. Finally, at a third barrel we were all ordered to drink water with the aid of wooden cups.

Corporal Yang then marched us back to the Field. Upon arriving we saw Sergeant Bo waiting for us, standing in the shade of a tree. He was accompanied by a huge, tough looking soldier.

“Sergeant Bo’s got you for the rest of the afternoon”, said Corporal Yang. Then, in a voice loaded with sarcasm, he said “He will teach you pig-boys some good manners. After that, we all get some entertainment out of you this evening”.



More Gay Erotic Stories from Sha

Chinese POW, Part 1

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Chinese POW, Part 2

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Chinese POW, Part 3

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Chinese POW, Part 6

This is a work in progress, I hope you like it so far. Please feel free to contact the author at This story contains material depicting sexual activity between adult males. If that offends you, or if you are too young to read such material please stop now. CHINESE P.O.W. (Part 6) X As Corporal Yang withdrew his cock from me and let go his grip, I

Chinese POW, Part 7

This is a work in progress, I hope you like it so far. Please feel free to contact the author at This story contains material depicting sexual activity between adult males. If that offends you, or if you are too young to read such material please stop now. CHINESE P.O.W. (Part 7) XII. Standing at attention next to Ming I could smell the urine

Chinese POW, Part 4

This is a work in progress, I hope you like it so far. Please feel free to contact the author at This story contains material depicting sexual activity between adult males. If that offends you, or if you are too young to read such material please stop now. CHINESE P.O.W. (Part 4) V. Sergeant Bo remained sitting behind the

Chinese POW, Part 5

This is a work in progress, I hope you like it so far. Please feel free to contact the author at This story contains material depicting sexual activity between adult males. If that offends you, or if you are too young to read such material please stop now. CHINESE P.O.W. (Part 5) VIII. A dream came. My


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