Gay Erotic Stories

Doctor, Doctor 2

by Wildman
02 Nov 2000


(You might want to read Doctor, Doctor if you haven't already for a little background on this series!) Otherwise, Enjoy! I received a notice from one of my insurance companies to schedule a pre-applicant "health check" and after several calls to the company he worked for finally got a call back and set up an evening appointment at his home. George it seems is a construction foreman for one of our local construction companies. I had his address and was prompt as usual for his appointment. Georges wife answered the door and said, Oh yes George is expecting you, come in please. George was sitting on the couch and got to his feet as I came into the living room. I introduced myself as did he, we shook hands (usual stuff!) I couldn't believe the mayhem that was going on here in the living room. Rug rats (kids) running in and out, yelling, the TV blaring as well as a stereo somewhere else in the house! Horrors! I asked George: "All these kids yours?" "Most of them, I think" he said! Horrors again! Breed every day do you? - I was tempted to ask!!! George really didn't look old enough to have fathered all these kids! I don't know how he stood the noise!!! I was certainly terrified!! But George here was a fine studly fellow and since I definitely wanted to see more of him - I asked: Anywhere we might find a little privacy? (You know, besides the drive way maybe?) George said, "Ohhhh sure! We can use our bedroom!" By well, he might also imagine what we might need a little privacy for besides a lower sound level. George led the way back to a bedroom. I followed him in and closed the door. I as him if anyone was going to be running in and out and he said: "Not if they know what's good for them!" "The kids know when that doors shut - they don't come bustin in unless the house is on fire!" We both chuckled. George had sat down on the side of the bed and I opened my case and sat beside him. I began with the usual paperwork, verifying name, age, birth date, address, social security number etc. George was dressed in a tank top and jeans along with work boots, but seemed pretty clean. At least he didn't seem to stink! I hate it when these blue-collar types smell bad! I proceeded with the blood pressure, temperature routine and George seemed pretty comfortable with that so I asked if he would remove his clothes, including shoes and socks. While still sitting George began with the shoes and socks, then stood to lift his shirt then unfastened his jeans and slid out of them, tossing both shirt and pants onto the bed. He stuck his fingers into the waist band of his shorts and his facial expression said: "These too!" "Yes please", I said, trying not to drool having enjoyed his little strip show! George promptly lowered his short all the way to his ankles and stepped out of them, picking them up and tossed them onto the bed with his other clothes. Obviously George was pretty comfortable with nudity as he stood here before me totally naked now, facing me - and waiting for further instructions. I asked him to sit back down on the bed and proceeded with the upper body routine! Head, neck, eyes, ears, nose, and throat. George was very well muscled - mostly from physical labor it would seem. He had some chest hair, but it was pretty scattered and not very well defined except for a trail down the middle of his chest, continuing on to his pubic patch. We chatted as I checked over every square inch and George allowed as he and his wife had 6 kids ranging from age 15 down to crib size! Mercy! I thought! I did say: "Glad it is you and not me!" No kids yet? George inquired. Not even married yet I confessed like it was fate worse than death. George said he had been married since he was 16 and his wife was 14 when they tied the knot! Mercy AGAIN! I said! Like, children having children! Thinking to myself, when I was 16, I had only barely discovered that I had a dick and balls - much less what to do with them! No doubt George came from a more progressive part of the woods or had gotten to watch wolves do it or something! Again, I was just glad it wasn't me! Well time for the lower body and I felt like I was gazing upon the temple of manly fertility or beholding the rod or staff of life here! Geeeeze this dick probably sees more action in a week than I had nearly all my life! Can't believe he ain't wore it out by now!!! As I asked George to lie back on the bed now - he adjusted his manly-ness, for comfort, digging his nuts and ball sack from under his ass! Ohhhh yeah - he's comfortable enough with nudity! Besides being hung like a horse and balls so big I definitely had to check them out one at a time nearly using both hands - George just laid back and took it all in stride! Even when I checked out his man meat in great detail - a good ten inches without any firmness and a fine rather exceptional diameter - no doubt his wife really enjoyed this! I was constantly having to check my mind and make sure my mouth wasn't expressing my thoughts! The head on Georges dick could probably stop up a kitchen sink drain!!! Very nice! Bet that dangles in the toilet water when you take a shit!!! (Again checking to make sure my mouth wasn't saying everything I was thinking!) Whew! George would probably soil his shorts all the way across the bed if he had heard everything I was thinking!! Needless to say, none of my tricks seemed to have much if any effect on George - other than a little ticklishness on his sides and inside his thighs, no doubt his feet would be ticklish too! Yep! George nearly wiggled off the bed when I got the bottoms of his feet. Well time for a little glove time! George watched me as I carefully gloved my hand and commented: "Geeeeze, that's the worst part!!" Ohhhhh, I'll be gentle, I assured him. George stood up, turned and knelt on the bed, spreading his legs widely and totally exposing his fine ass hole. Very Nice! I thought! His muscular cheeks showed he didn't spend much time sitting on his ass! I put a little lube on my finger and inserted it all the way to my hand! George adjusted his stance on his knees, squatting just a bit as my finger lid into his hole. As I moved my finger in and out to lubricate his hole really well, George’s ass seemed to get into it a bit. I decided to spend some time here - as usual so he might learn to enjoy this phase of the exam. I felt the walls of his colon and circled his sphincter a number of times getting him tuned up really well for an approach to his prostate which no doubt had seen a lot of traditional sex action. I reached through George’s legs to give his balls and sack a little tug and detected a distinct firmness of his dick meat, so thought, we just might bring this horsey home! A little more finger action and the next little pull on George’s balls brought a little grunt and he kinda hunkered down a bit more following his balls a bit. OK! Now to find his prostate and give it some good action! As soon as I hit home - George readjusted his stance on his knees again and I could tell by looking through his legs, he was getting a very nice bone! Another grunt as I stroked his prostate, circling and rubbing it a little! George rocked back and forth on his knees like he was about ready to hump the bed! George said: "Are you about through?" Like maybe he didn't think he was going to be able to stand much more of this and I said: "Little problem with your prostate here - seems a little swollen?" Have you had sex lately I inquired? "Ohhhhhhh yeah!" says George as he's really humping now! "Almost every night - sometimes night and morning too!" He's grunting now! So I apply a little more pressure and George draws up his nuts real hard and shoots his wad all over the bed! Ahhhhhhhh - that's better! I said. It is not quite so swollen now! George looked around a little embarrassed after he had totally relieved any sexual tension he might have had - and blowing his wad like that. I slid my finger out of his ass and said: yep, it is all better now! George did look relieved, but embarrassed. Perhaps he had never gotten it off with a guy before! Or enjoyed it with a finger up his ass. I rather imagine his wife might learn a new trick or two for the future! George had got a little ass juicy during his exam, so I borrowed a tissue from a box on the nightstand and tidied him up a bit so he wouldn't mess the bed when he turned and sat back down. George is breathing a little more deeply now as he stands and then sits back down! Almost panting since he got his rocks off! He still looks real embarrassed, looking down at his lap and said: "That's never happened before!" I assured him it was normal and OK. Not a problem really, except that you might want to tidy up or change the bed before bed time. George looked back over his shoulder and said: "NO doubt!!!" We both chuckled. I told him he could put back on his clothes now - and He looked up at me and said: "While you are here - can you check out my son? He's had a bellyache for a couple of days now and is also complaining about his legs being sore. (You know in the groin area he confided.) Sure I said, and with that George just hollers real loud: - "Steve - get your butt in here!" Steve walks in the door, notices his Dad's nakedness and closes the door and I swear he is nearly the size of his Dad, head to toe! George said: This here is my son Steve - the fifteen year old. Before I could even introduce myself, George said: "Steve, get out of them clothes and let the doc here check you over real good!" Man! This day just couldn't get any better! I was definitely looking forward to examine "Like father, like son!" here! Steve didn't waste a minute pulling off his clothes and within a minute stood buck naked before his Dad and I - waiting for further instructions. I said: "Your Dad tells me you have had a kind of belly ache and some groin pain. Can you show me where?" Steve motions all over his lower belly, then lifts his dick and balls! Steve is already quite well developed, sporting some nice light pubic hair and even a little trail of hair down his belly as well as some arm pit hair, but little chest or other belly hair yet like his Dad has! Hummmmmmmm - I think for a minute - then debating whether to go with a full physical or just examine this fine handful of boy meat. Hell, Steve has the equipment most men might envy - just not attained his full diameter yet maybe. I decided to just go with a mini-physical pretty much focusing on Steve's genitals. I asked him to lie down across the foot of the bed - since his Dad had pretty much contaminated the rest of the bed with his own load. Steve laid down and I began to examine his balls and dick meat. I had barely touched him when he sprang a bone! These young boys will do that - in a flash and have very little control over themselves. Again, I returned to his balls and examined each very carefully. Steve acted like he could hardly get his breath as his Dad looked on with a concerned look. I was about to ask Steve if he had experienced any leaking from his penis at night or so-called "wet dreams" when he arched his back and shot a load all over himself and me! Whoa! I said, as I quickly jumped back from the bed!!! "Feel better boy, I asked Steve and he said yeah, I'm not nearly as uncomfortable down here" - picking up his ball sack again! I turned to his Dad and said: Apparently he just needed to get his rocks off for his very first time! It can be real uncomfortable for some guys when they ripen up! George still hadn't put on a stitch of clothes, but said: "Yeah, I know what that's like. If I have to go on the road for more than a day or two - I'll start aching down there something awful." I said, well, I think your little boy just became a man - so you might want to talk to him about taking things in hand for a while unless you want to marry him off early like you did! George said: "Ohhhhh he don't need no woman just yet - we'll let him enjoy being a boy for a while just yet and yeah - I'll explain a few things to him so he can stay a little more comfortable until then. George looked at me, then down at his naked son and then speaking more confidentially now, he said, "what about that finger up the ass thing? Is it safe?" Ohhhh yeah, I assured him, but your son might not quite be ready for a prostate exam or that kind of stimulation just yet. George stood back and said: "Hell, not for him, but ME!" "That was something else!" I assured him that if he didn't use anything much bigger than a ball bat he probably wouldn't do too much damage! "Holy Shit - a Ball Bat he said: - I was just talking about a fuckin finger!!!" So was I, I said! And we both had a good laugh! Steve too, was still just laying there naked with a big satisfied grin on his face and fingering his balls! George said, "How much do I owe ya?" I told him: "since Steve there had pretty much solved his own problem, there would be no extra charge! But he could call me if Steve had any more discomforts or problems with his parts. George opened the bedroom door and said: "Thanks so much doc we will do that!" I indicated I could see my way out - just in case George didn't want to parade through the house naked, much less all the way to the front door. George said: "Well, yeah!" now noticing and remembering his own nakedness again! Thanks again doc! I really appreciate your help. Glad to be of service I said as I found my way to the front door. Some days ya get an extra treat I guess - (I thought) - as I made my way to my car! That was my first Dad and Son action so to speak! And how special to help a boy gets his rocks off for the first time - while his Dad looks on! Ohhhh, that was just too hot really


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