Gay Erotic Stories

Strong Arm of the Law

by Wildman
02 Nov 2000


I was heading up in the mountains to my sisters summer place where we would have a weekend family reunion and it seemed five o'clock would never come so I could hit the road. I was really looking forward to a change of pace since I had little time off from work here lately. At the last minute the boss's secretary showed up in the door of my office with another pile of reports that I had to sign off on before I could leave, so it was nearly 6 p.m. before I was headed down to the parking lot. With a three hour drive ahead of me - I was anxious to get on the road. Thankfully, I had thrown a few things into a bag this morning, so at least I wouldn't have to drive all the way back across town to my apartment first. I had even tossed a pair of light shorts, a sports tee-shirt, and sports shoes into a bag, so I could change into something comfortable before leaving the office. Man it sure was hot here in the city - so as soon as I got to the car - I doffed the tee- shirt and headed for the hills. I'd grab a bite to eat along the way! A couple of hours into my drive, the sun was set and the evening air was feeling really good across my skin. Heck - I was tempted to just pull over to the side of the road and doff the shorts too, letting it all hang out so to speak. A bud of mine back in college had introduced me to nude driving one summer when we were headed down to Florida! Of course having had a few beers had reduced my inhibitions - but once you discover driving naked, well, is there any other way? While I was looking for a wide spot on the shoulder - I noted a sign that indicated a roadside picnic table up ahead and thought that might be a good spot to pull over. Just as I was approaching the pull off - I noted I had a county mounty on my tail who also pulled off right behind me! Darn! - what could Bubba want? Admittedly, I had taken a few curves through the middle - no doubt crossing the center line but nothing much more than that. Anyway, Bubba gets out of his patrol car, comes up to my window and now wants to see my drivers license. I comply and Bubba asked me to step out of the car. Gee glad I still got my shorts on! I open the car door and deputy Bubba takes my arm and leads me around to the other side of my car, turns me towards my car and says spred'um! Ok, I can do that - while wishing I had on underwear since these thin shorts were pretty revealing. Of course without a shirt, there isn't going to be much of me that might warrant a pat down. I don't even have back pockets, but deputy Bubba checks my butt cheeks pretty thoroughly anyway, side pockets and Ohhhhh yes, slides his hands right down my belly to my crotch! Let's see, ball sack to the left, dick meat to the right - yep I think he has found everything I have got, giving everything a good squeeze! No weapons in there? Right? While I thought this was more than enough touchie-feelie - suddenly my shorts were down to my knees! I guess I kinda gasped and looked over my shoulder to see just what Bubba might have in mind here! Likewise, I'm now glad we're on the passenger side of my car - just so someone passing might not notice my nakedness here. Deputy Bubba releases my shorts and now they are around my ankles! " Step out of them", he said, so I did as he bent down and picked up my shorts and tossed them through the open window onto the seat, kinda like we won't be needing these for a while. I guess I am still so surprised, I still haven't said anything. With that, officer Bubba turned me around from facing my car so he might get a better look at me! Well this is only just slightly uncomfortable I thought, since I was planning to part with my shorts anyway - I just didn't plan on having help or a witness to my nakedness! Deputy Bubba is looking me over head to toe and even gets out his flashlight since it is also almost dark. The flashlight glare off of my naked body also allows me to get a little better look at him. He fills out that uniform nicely for a country boy, nice hairiness on his well muscled arms that fully bulge the short sleeves of his uniform shirt. While he is definitely enjoying my nakedness - I have to wonder just what he might look like under all that deputy gear. It is obvious that this is a strip-search beyond any necessity except for desire on his part. Apparently, he liked what he felt of through my shorts and just decided to use his authority to see me naked. He leans a little closer and cops another feel of my man parts, checking out both my balls, rolling them around within their sack and then begins to slide his hand down all 6 inches of my relaxed dick. Man, it wouldn't take too much of that to develop a little firmness here. Up until now I had been staring straight up at the stars, patiently waiting to see where this touchie feelie moment was going to lead, but as I looked down to see what deputy Bubba might be doing with my man meat, I noticed his gun by his side and also noticed that the holster strap was unfastened. Deputy Bubba was also checking out the stars as he gave me a really good feel. With my left hand free - I figured what the heck - there can't be very much legal about this strip search, so let's just have a little fun! With that - I lifted Deputy Bubba's gun and turned it on him! Needless to say, he released my balls and dick and backed a step or two away - palms up! It felt interesting to be standing here buck naked, but with an upper hand now on Deputy Bubba. I stepped towards Deputy Bubba and also relieved him of his flashlight that had been returned to his belt. I had noticed that this roadside had one picnic table right here close and visible to the road, but a wide path led down to a couple of other tables that were not visible from the road. I motioned for Deputy Bubba to move towards the path. Amazing how little language had been necessary between us so far! Deputy Bubba seemed to know that we were going down this little slope to the other picnic tables and lead the way. No doubt he might appreciate a little more privacy for what I had in mind! I shined the flashlight ahead of us to illuminate the path and he followed the light. As soon as we reached the other picnic tables, Deputy Bubba turned to face me. I told him, now it is your turn to strip! He didn't waste anytime shedding all that deputy gear beginning with his equipment belt, laying each item on the picnic table. I had already noticed the handcuffs on his equipment belt and thought to myself, those might be handy once he has all of his clothes off. Deputy Bubba seemed to know just what to do, item for item, laying each piece of clothing in a nice tidy pile on the picnic table. Down to his shorts shoes and sox now - I had to remind him about his shoes and sox - even though I still had mine on - couldn't have Deputy Bubba trying to run off on me could we! He squatted down to untie his shoes, pulled them off including his sox. It was time to drop the shorts now and I illuminated them with the flashlight. Only here did Deputy Bubba pause, and he looked at me like is this really necessary. I looked at him like you betcha Bubba - you need to lose those shorts. So without a word between us he slid the shorts to his knees and let them drop to the ground. Just as he had told me - I said: "Step out of them!" He did and picked them up and put them on the table with the rest of his uniform. Man he was a sight of mortal manliness! Hung like a horse it would seem! Just like his arms, he had a nice hairiness about him. I reached over and got the handcuffs from his equipment belt and as I did Deputy Bubba gave me a look kinda like - Hey- No fair! But he didn't even have to be told to put his hands behind his back as I fitted the cuffs around each wrist and secured them with a snap. With that - I could finally put down this damn gun! I walked over to the far picnic table and placed it well away from both of us! Hell, I don't even know if it had a safety, whether it was off or on and I didn't really want to know anything else about that gun. Guns scare me! I was glad to be rid of it for the time being anyway since I know very little about them! Had Deputy Bubba not cooperated - I'd have just handed him back his gun and let him have what ever way with me he was going to! Well, I guess it was my turn to feel him up! I switched off the flashlight, put it on the table and stepped a little closer to Deputy Bubba! Reaching out, with my right hand, I too cop'ed a feel so to speak, checking out his ball sack very carefully. My, two very nice nuts he had! Rolling them around in my hand felt really good! This alone also seemed to give rise to the Deputy's man meat and it was firming up very nicely by the time I got a grip on it. You know still we haven't said a dozen words to each other! Now it seems it is Deputy Bubba's turn to look up at the stars while I thoroughly check him out! No doubt this is what he might have wanted from the get go and I have to wonder, had I not gotten his gun - just how things might have played out. At any rate, with both of us naked now - and him in hand cuffs - one need not wonder who is in charge now! Except that I don't have a plan and maybe he did? Duhhhhhhh? Perhaps I can think of something? Really, now that I've seen him naked - I would just assune be on my way! A few tugs on the Deputy's ball sack and a few strokes of the meat and the Deputy has a raging hard on! Probably a damn good 10 inches of raging man meat there! Before I could think of what we are going to do next - we both hear another car pulling off the road up above us. The engine stops and a voice yells: "Rick - are you alright?" Well now I know Deputy Bubba's name!! Rick, Rick, the voice calls again: Are you alright? I nod at the Deputy and he calls back: "Yeah! I'm down here!" "Everything is Ok!" With that, we can see another Deputy and his flash light heading down the path. I move to the other picnic table and pick up the gun. Within moments the other Deputy's flashlight is fully illuminating Deputy Rick and all his nakedness! "What the Hell?" says the other Deputy. I step into the light holding the gun and the other Deputy freezes! No doubt he might be shocked at my nakedness as much as he was to see Deputy Rick. At any rate, I ask for his gun and it is like he can't wait to give it to me! Now I have two guns that I don't want anything to do with! But with a new prisoner, I'm going to have to hold onto one of them a while. Deputy Rick and the other Deputy are now exchanging glances as if to fully explain just what is going on here! Really, until the arrival of the other Deputy - I had not a clue about what else we were going to do. But for now - it seems logical that we see what this other Deputy might look like out of uniform! I've put down one gun on the far picnic table and am still holding one! I move back towards the two Deputies and suggest to the one still holding a flashlight on his buddy (somewhat in disbelief) and tell him to turn off and put down his light. He complies immediately - sitting it on the picnic table beside Deputy Rick's flashlight. By now we have some moon light besides our own bare butts! (Mine and deputy Rick’s) I look at Deputy Rick and say, perhaps your buddy here might like to get more comfortable and get out of his uniform too. Deputy Rick shot a look at his buddy that said all of - you better cooperate! Still we have an incredible amount of activity here with very few words! It didn't look like the new Deputy was going to cooperate or didn't want to, so Deputy Rick spoke and said: "Jeff, you better get out of those clothes!" "He has both our guns now!" I had to think: "Yeah and I don't have any idea how to use them!" "Nor do I want to!" For the moment however, I kept this thought to myself and motioned the gun I was holding towards Deputy Jeff. That seemed to say all that was necessary, and Deputy Jeff began to strip! First with his equipment belt, which after that was on the picnic table - I got his handcuffs too! I could hardly wait to put down this damn gun! Anyway, item for item, it didn't take Deputy Jeff long to get down to the basics (his underwear) and I could already tell that this boy was nicely filled out too! He wasn't quite as tall as Deputy Rick, but no doubt quite well equipped. We would soon see! These boys must be dense, cause I had to remind him too about his shoes and socks! While he squatted to untie and remove both shoes and sox, I reached over and got one of the flashlights. As Deputy Jeff stood to remove his tee-shirt, I switched on the light so we could all get a better look beyond the illumination of the moon. With his shirt off, Jeff shifted around quite a bit, as if to delay the shedding of his shorts as long as possible. He and Rick shared more than a couple of glances with Rick's eyes saying "yes you do" "and get on with it" and Jeff's eyes saying -" I'm really dreading having to drop these shorts." Finally, I motioned with the light and Deputy Jeff did begin to slide his shorts down over his hips, reluctantly at first - then once his pubes were fully visible, he just bent down and took them all the way to his ankles, even stepping out of them and tossing them onto the picnic table with the rest of his uniform. He even fully turned towards Rick and I as if to say, well get yourselves a really good look. He was a fine specimen of naked manhood and while he was a bit shorter than either Rick or I, he was very well hung and probably a bit thicker than either one of us. I shined the light all over him, head to toe and while I could tell that Jeff was not at all comfortable at having his physical nakedness inspected, Rick seemed to enjoy every inch of Jeff's nudity. It was obvious that these boys had never seen each other naked, yet it was also obvious that Rick had no doubt, probably wanted to see Jeff naked for some time. How convenient might this be? For Rick anyway - who was still sporting a full blown bone! No doubt Jeff had noticed Ricks bone - which only seemed to add to his own discomfort with being made to strip naked while being watched and appreciated. I put down the light and shifted the gun to my other hand and moved in on Jeff. I guess seeing also the handcuffs in my other hand, he just assumed the position with his hands behind him so I could snap on the cuffs. This gave me an excellent chance to also notice Jeff's well formed butt that had also a nice covering of fine downy fur. Jeff really wasn't all that hairy, but his whole body was covered with light downy hairs accentuated only by a more pronounced trail running down his tight belly to his pubic patch. I let my hand brush Jeff's ass after I had fitted the cuffs and as I did - I thought he was going to jump right into Rick, who was little more than a couple of feet in front of him. Rick's eyes were still totally lost all over Jeff's body - just taking in every inch of Jeff's nakedness. Jeff on the other hand seemed like he was trying not to notice either our or his own nakedness if that was possible. Well, what now? I've got two fine naked Deputies here one with a bone beyond belief and the other who looks like he would give a years pay to be somewhere else right now. Hummmmmm, If I could really read minds which sometimes I can, and if nothing else than the look on Rick’s face as he is literally devouring Jeff with his eyes and nearly drooling, I have an idea that will just totally make Rick's day! I ordered Rick to his knees! And I stepped behind Jeff and gave him a little shove forward so he is standing right in front of Rick. Jeff's manhood is now only inches from Rick’s face and Rick looked at me like: "Bless you!" Rick is literally sniffing in the smell of Jeff's manhood and indeed, Rick has begun to drool. I stepped behind Rick and touched each of his feet with mine - which he presumed correctly and separated his feet a bit further apart. By now I had put that damn gun back over on the picnic table and had only the flashlight in my hand. With my free hand, I reached between Jeff's legs and found his ball sack that was hanging nicely between his legs! Ahhhhhh - it too was nice and furry with a very soft down of hair. His pubic hair was soft too. And his man meat was soft and warm too. Jeff was obviously not comfortable with this attention to his man parts and I had to give both feet another little kick to get him to re-spread his legs some more since he had tensed up considerably with my grasp. Rick, particularly enjoyed seeing me handle Jeff's manhood right in front of his nose and even had his mouth open in hopeful anticipation. Jeff was literally gasping trying to keep from losing his breath and I could feel his guts trying to lift his nuts out of the way each time I fondled one then the other or switched my grasp to his cock. While Jeff was having trouble just standing still for this kind of attention, Rick almost had his tongue out of his mouth! I said to Rick, "I wonder what Jeff here taste like?" As I stood, I braced Jeff a little, placing my front against his back and told Rick, "Jeff has some fine manhood there - why don't you check him out!" Jeff shuddered and acted like he was going to pull back. I just leaned him a little closer to Rick and Rick seemed to know just what to do! Licking and slobbering – Rick’s face was all over Jeff's man meat and it seemed Rick couldn't hardly slurp up enough of Jeff fast enough. Yummmm! It was obvious Jeff might have never had any man on man attention before and now he was checking out the stars or just staring straight up into the darkness while Rick devoured his manhood with his mouth. I could feel Jeff shudder now and then as Rick found a sweet spot here there and yonder licking and slurping everything between Jeff's thighs, his ball sack, both balls, dick, pubes all the way up to Jeff's navel and back down again. I could easily tell when Rick had a hold on Jeff's balls and then his dick meat because Jeff would particularly get the shakes and trembles! I did particularly like Jeff's downy butt and began running my hand lightly over Jeff's butt cheeks and then began playing with his butt crack. Ohhhhh, more downy fur in here too! I slipped a finger in between Jeff's butt cheeks and found his nicely puckered hole! Jeff nearly jumped over Rick as I found and began to explore his hole with my finger and I had to get a better grip to steady him a bit. This also served to get him even closer to Rick, which at that, Rick just opened up his mouth and nearly swallowed Jeff whole! Jeff by now was really having a hard time catching his breath! Jeff was also sporting a full blown hard on though I'm sure if he could he would have drawn his whole dick and balls completely inside him! I continued to finger Jeff and while his hole was tight as a tick full of blood, I was getting pretty deeply inside him and had already found his prostate that was very firm and smooth. At some point, I even managed to slip in two fingers and I could feel Jeff's sphincter muscle trying hard to bite my fingers off so they might quit invading his hole like that! Damn between the hole action I was giving him and the total tongue and mouth action he was getting on his manhood, Jeff was only catching about every fifth breath he might have needed. At this point Jeff is bending over more and more, virtually standing over Rick's head and face, with his legs spreading further and further apart as I'm finger fucking his hole more and more. Suddenly Jeff just shakes all over and his knees seem to fail him and he falls to his knees and then rolls over on his back on the ground like he is going to convulse! Rick just dives on top of his manhood and finishes him off, licking and slurping up every bit of his cum that erupts all over both of them. Only now can Jeff seem to get his breath as his chest and belly are heaving - still under the kind attention of Rick’s tongue that is cleaning him up very efficiently now including Jeff's crotch, belly and chest. I step over Jeff and grab Rick by the hair of his head and pull him off of Jeff saying, "I think he's had enough! You've cleaned him up pretty good there boy!" With that Rick still on his knees, turns his head and gives me a big wet slurp right in the crotch! God he's like a damn dog now, between all fours trying to get back at Jeff and standing on his knees trying to get a lick or two at me! I grab him by the hair and say: "You want some of this boy?" Moving his face towards my crotch! Ohhhh he does, he does as Rick makes a lunge for my manhood. "Well you can have some of this, just calm down a bit and don't bite!" I said. Rick is one aggressive dick licker! Jeff is up on one elbow now - watching Rick trying to devour me! I admit, I got a little hot watching Rick slurp and slobber Jeff. Jeff only looks away occasionally as Rick finishes me off! Well this certainly got all hot and sweaty pretty quickly! If I was a smoker, I'd definitely be ready for a cigarette! Jeff looked like he might be ready for one too and Rick just looked like he was ready for another mouthful of more man meat, drool, slobber, slurp!!! While I really needed to get on up the mountain, let's see, Rick still hasn't gotten his rocks off that I can tell yet. At least he still has this raging bone and no doubt his nuts are about to ache off! I told Rick to just lay back and we'd just let Jeff boy here learn to eat some meat. Jeff looked like he could just die! Jeff finally spoke and said: "I've never had that done to me before and I sure as hell have never done it to anyone else!" The tone of Jeff's voice sounded like he wasn't too keen on learning to eat Rick’s meat. I leaned down in Jeff's face and said: "Do I need to go get that fucking gun?" "Or should I just shove this here flashlight up your furry little ass until it comes out your fuckin ears?" Jeff just shook his head no as he moved a little closer to Rick. Remember, both these boys have their hands cuffed behind their backs. Rick is looking really hopeful that Jeff might indeed eat him up. Jeff is staring at Ricks raging manhood and quivering ball sack like he is trying to decide where to start - but not really looking forward to it much at all. I reach over and get the flashlight and ease it up between Jeff's legs towards he sweet hole. Jeff looks at me like - alright - I'll taste it if I can. Rick encourages Jeff to give it a trying saying - I'd never done this before either, but it's not all that bad once you get into it really! We both look at Rick like he's the biggest liar ever cause if there was ever a dick eater, Rick was King of all the dick eaters ever! Rick looks back at us and says? "Seriously Guys - I've never done this before! Never! Ever? Really!!! I looked a Rick and said: "If you're not a dick eater - why did you stop me up there on the road?" Rick hung his head and said: "hell, I just saw you go by without your shirt and thought I might just check you out - never dreaming that it might all lead to this!" Seriously! Guys! "I've been straight until today!" With that Jeff busted out laughing - even drooling spit all over Rick’s manhood saying: "Well - you ain't straight no more! You God Damn Cock sucking dick eater!" Looking up at me Jeff asked: "Are you sure I gotta get his rocks off?" "I mean God Damn, if this sucker just had a longer tongue he could get his own self off!" While Jeff's eyes were pleading for me to let him off - I told Jeff: "Ohhh you're probably going to like the taste of dick and balls - unless you might like to try a little ass!" I turned and bent over showing him my hole! "Ohhhh shit NO!" Jeff said, as he turned his head, bent and began to tongue Rick's manhood for all he might be worth! Rick looked up at me gratefully as Jeff slurped and and slobbered away and Rick said: "I think this boy might make a pretty good cock sucker too!" With that Jeff sunk his teeth into Rick’s dick meat causing Rick to scream loud enough to be heard probably three counties away! Jeff said to Rick - "So help me God, you EVER tell anybody about this and I'll bite your fucking dick and balls all the way off!" Moments later Rick arched his back and blew his load all over him and Jeff. Jeff struggled to his feet and told Rick: "I'm not cleaning up that mess - you can lick it up yourself!" Rick did lick it up and off what he could reach on himself and even offered to lick Jeff off some - but Jeff declined saying if he never saw Rick’s tongue or felt it on his body again it would be too God Damn soon! With that I decided to hit the road and leave these boys right here - just as they were - naked and with their hands cuffed behind their backs. They would either find and figure out how to use the cuff keys or wait until someone from the department found them like that. I told the boys, I was heading out - unless they had any charges on me - though I doubt either one of them wants any record of this event. They said there would be no charges! I looked at Rick and he said he had never phoned my tag number in nor even reported the stop. Both begged me to free them and not leave them there naked like that - but I told them: "You've got the cuff keys, not me! Now you figure it out!" "At least one of you can probably use your tongue and mouth to find and use those keys!" We all chucked as I headed up the hill to get in my car and leave!! Since I already had my shorts off like I originally planned - I just got in the car and enjoyed the rest of my trip au'naturale.


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